Interface Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Discute-se como as estratégias retóricas são construídas na controvérsia sobre o aborto no Brasil. A análise focaliza dois documentos: a liminar do Ministro Marco Aurélio que, em 2004, autorizou a interrupção da gestação de anencefálicos,... more

Discute-se como as estratégias retóricas são construídas na controvérsia sobre o aborto no Brasil. A análise focaliza dois documentos: a liminar do Ministro Marco Aurélio que, em 2004, autorizou a interrupção da gestação de anencefálicos, e o parecer do Procurador-Geral da República, que se manifestou contrário a essa decisão. A metodologia consistiu na interpretação dos recursos estratégicos da argumentação favorável e da contrária à legalização do aborto. Os argumentos favoráveis sustentaram-se na retórica de valorização da vida da gestante, que teria mais interesses a serem protegidos do que o feto, por ser esta investida biograficamente, enquanto o investimento na vida do feto seria apenas de caráter biológico. Os argumentos contrários construíram uma retórica de defesa da vida do feto por este pertencer à espécie humana. A análise indica que a sobreposição de valores religiosos na avaliação dos direitos reprodutivos atravanca a efetivação da assistência à saúde da mulher.

Metal matrix composites with high interface density are produced via severe plastic co-deformation of multiphase alloys. 1–15 Corresponding compounds are first prepared by liquid or powder metallurgy3–12 or through restacking solids of... more

Metal matrix composites with high interface density are produced via severe plastic co-deformation of multiphase alloys. 1–15 Corresponding compounds are first prepared by liquid or powder metallurgy3–12 or through restacking solids of different composition. 2 Subsequent extreme straining, to promote intense microstructure refinement, proceeds by wire drawing, ball milling, accumulative roll bonding, damascene forging, equal channel angular extrusion, friction, or highpressure torsion. 7

The stability of an immiscible layer of fluid bounded by two other fluids of different viscosities and migrating through a porous medium is analysed, both theoretically and experimentally. Linear stability analyses for both... more

The stability of an immiscible layer of fluid bounded by two other fluids of different viscosities and migrating through a porous medium is analysed, both theoretically and experimentally. Linear stability analyses for both one-dimensional and radial flows are presented, with particular emphasis upon the behaviour when one of the interfaces is highly stable and the other is unstable. For one-dimensional motion, it is found that owing to the unstable interface, the intermediate layer of fluid eventually breaks up into drops.However, in the case of radial flow, both surface tension and the continuous thinning of the intermediate layer as it moves outward may stabilize the system. We investigate both of these stabilization mechanisms and quantify their effects in the relevant parameter space. When the outer interface is strongly unstable, there is a window of instability for an intermediate range of radial positions of the annulus. In this region, as the basic state evolves to larger r...

Der Begriff des Interface kategorisiert die Ausprägungsstufen einer kommunikationsstabilisierenden Schnittstelle als Interaktionsmechanismus, wobei die Interaktion von maschinellen Komponenten (Hardware, Software) sowie die vielfältigen... more

Der Begriff des Interface kategorisiert die Ausprägungsstufen einer kommunikationsstabilisierenden Schnittstelle als Interaktionsmechanismus, wobei die Interaktion von maschinellen Komponenten (Hardware, Software) sowie die vielfältigen Interaktionen zwischen UserIn und Maschine zur Geltung gebracht werden.

In recent years, the mechanics of materials group at ETSECCPB-UPC has developed an approach for meso-mechanical analysis of concrete using zero-thickness interface elements in 2D and more recently in 3D. In this methodology, the... more

In recent years, the mechanics of materials group at ETSECCPB-UPC has developed an approach for meso-mechanical analysis of concrete using zero-thickness interface elements in 2D and more recently in 3D. In this methodology, the meso-structure is generated with in-house developed computer programs based on Voronoï/Delaunay theory. In the analysis, continuum elements are assumed linear elastic. Non-linearity and fracture phenomena are made possible by the systematic use of zero-thickness interface elements inserted on a priori determined potential fracture planes. In this paper, the results obtained for a 3D specimen under biaxial loading are presented. The results turn out to be very satisfactory and, in particular, it is observed that even the specimens which contain a reduced number of aggregates (14 in the present calculations) lead to a realistic failure envelope under biaxial loading, and they also capture the tendencies of cracking and fracture orientations observed in experiments for different rates of biaxial loading. The special limit case of biaxial loading under restrained out-of-plane deformations is also analysed, leading to practically elastic behaviour as shown by available experimental evidence.

Völlig neue Bild- und Erfahrungswelten versprechen die jüngsten Produkte der Medienindustrie ihren Usern. Euphorisch investieren Google, Microsoft und Co. Unsummen in digitale Medientechnologien wie Virtual-Reality-Displays. Jeder... more

Völlig neue Bild- und Erfahrungswelten versprechen die jüngsten Produkte der Medienindustrie ihren Usern. Euphorisch investieren Google, Microsoft und Co. Unsummen in digitale Medientechnologien wie Virtual-Reality-Displays. Jeder Blockbuster muss in 3D gedreht werden. Entwicklungen wie diese verdeutlichen nicht nur den hohen Stellenwert, der sowohl der technologischen Seite als auch den ästhetischen Strategien visueller Medien zukommt. Sie werfen auch eine Reihe von Fragen auf: Wie adressieren multimodale Medienarrangements die Sinne der Rezipienten? Welche Rolle spielen Technologie und Wahrnehmung bei der Modellierung von Bildwirkungen? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, legt der vorliegende Band den Fokus auf die Analyse medialer Interfaces. Konzentrierte sich die Bewegtbilder-Reihe bislang auf den Film, widmet sich Bild und Interface auch interaktiven Digital- und Computerspielbildern. Dadurch sollen weitere Bausteine einer kritischen Bewegtbildwissenschaft herausgearbeitet werden.

The injection over-moulding of 30wt% short glass fibre reinforced PA6 (SGF from Solvay Engineering Plastics) onto consolidated unbalanced (87/13) 70wt% glass fabric reinforced PA6 (Continuous Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic (CFRT) from... more

The injection over-moulding of 30wt% short glass fibre reinforced PA6 (SGF from Solvay Engineering Plastics) onto consolidated unbalanced (87/13) 70wt% glass fabric reinforced PA6 (Continuous Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic (CFRT) from Solvay Engineering Plastics) was investigated with the objective to optimise the flexural and interlaminar shearing of the complex. Among the processing parameters, the temperature of the fabric before injection and the over-moulded melt temperature associated to the mould temperature (cooling rate of the complex) were revealed as the main parameters directing the mechanical properties of the complex. Moreover, the flexural modulus and the apparent interlaminar shear strength fall down critically in the main direction (chain direction of the fabric) under a CFRT temperature of 150°C. The effect of the SGF/CFRT interface was quantified in term of quadratic distance of diffusion through the interface. First, the 1D cooling of the complex was simulated ac...

ABSTRACT The Interactive Affect Design Diagram (IADD) transforms the Affect Grid into a tool for design. The process of designing an interactive affective sonic character begins by drawing a path in the IADD to specify the mapping from... more

ABSTRACT The Interactive Affect Design Diagram (IADD) transforms the Affect Grid into a tool for design. The process of designing an interactive affective sonic character begins by drawing a path in the IADD to specify the mapping from interaction to affect. The path for ZiZi is on the pleasure side of the diagram. A grumpy character would have a path in the other half, and a more complex character would both positive and negative Valences. The designer then selects a palette of sounds for the character and rates them on the Affect Grid. It takes less than an hour to rate the IADS corpus, so scaling another palette is practical. The next step is to shade regions that group sounds into interaction states. The final stage is to design the physical affordances of the object to guide the user in understanding how to interact (e.g. attract attention, suggest sitting, cue patting, etc.)

The electrochemical behavior of Cu–Ni alloys with different Ni contents (5–65mass%) in acidic sulfate solutions was investigated. The effects of working conditions e.g. concentration of sulfate ions, immersion time and temperature were... more

The electrochemical behavior of Cu–Ni alloys with different Ni contents (5–65mass%) in acidic sulfate solutions was investigated. The effects of working conditions e.g. concentration of sulfate ions, immersion time and temperature were studied and discussed. In this respect, open-circuit potential measurements, polarization techniques and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used. Potentiodynamic measurements revealed that the increase in the Ni content

Object A brain-machine interface (BMI) offers patients with severe motor disabilities greater independence by controlling external devices such as prosthetic arms. Among the available signal sources for the BMI, electrocorticography... more

Object A brain-machine interface (BMI) offers patients with severe motor disabilities greater independence by controlling external devices such as prosthetic arms. Among the available signal sources for the BMI, electrocorticography (ECoG) provides a clinically feasible signal with long-term stability and low clinical risk. Although ECoG signals have been used to infer arm movements, no study has examined its use to control a prosthetic arm in real time. The authors present an integrated BMI system for the control of a prosthetic hand using ECoG signals in a patient who had suffered a stroke. This system used the power modulations of the ECoG signal that are characteristic during movements of the patient's hand and enabled control of the prosthetic hand with movements that mimicked the patient's hand movements. Methods A poststroke patient with subdural electrodes placed over his sensorimotor cortex performed 3 types of simple hand movements following a sound cue (calibratio...

An increasing number of today's consumer devices such as mobile phones or tablet computers are equipped with various sensors. The extraction of useful information such as gestures from sensor-generated data based on mainstream imperative... more

An increasing number of today's consumer devices such as mobile phones or tablet computers are equipped with various sensors. The extraction of useful information such as gestures from sensor-generated data based on mainstream imperative languages is a notoriously difficult task. Over the last few years, a number of domain-specific programming languages have been proposed to ease the development of gesture detection. Most of these languages have adopted a declarative approach allowing programmers to describe their gestures rather than having to manually maintain a history of event data and intermediate gesture results. While these declarative languages represent a clear advancement in gesture detection, a number of issues are still unresolved. In this paper we present relevant criteria for gesture detection and provide an initial classification of existing solutions based on these criteria in order to foster a discussion and identify opportunities for future gesture programming languages.

CNC machines programming approach that takes place according to systematic of controlling software is essentially different from CAD/CAM programming approach. There is no similarity with CAD system. The geometric and technological data... more

CNC machines programming approach that takes place according to systematic of controlling software is essentially different from CAD/CAM programming approach. There is no similarity with CAD system. The geometric and technological data developed during projecting of work examples with assistance of computers in CAD system is not used. CAD/CAM programming appeared as the result of necessity for integration of processes for projecting of the work examples in CAD system and programming of processing as the subject of CAM system. This meant the omission of classical programming procedure because all geometric and technological data necessary for the programming process are interactively taken over from CAD systems. Process of CAD/CAM programming in WinCAM program package on the example of processing on the lathe of the chosen work example is presented in this paper.

Approche didactique de la question de concours du CAPES portant sur Mexique, Etats-Unis et Canada. Une réflexion épistémologique sur la frontière et sa déclinaison dans une exploitation didactique et pédagogique d'une carte de la... more

Approche didactique de la question de concours du CAPES portant sur Mexique, Etats-Unis et Canada. Une réflexion épistémologique sur la frontière et sa déclinaison dans une exploitation didactique et pédagogique d'une carte de la Mexamerica. Une réflexion sur la schématisation à travers l'exemple des Etats-Unis.

This article presents the category of emersion in videogames. The author of this article understands emersion as an experience of such elements of a game that weaken the impression of non-mediated participation in events presented in the... more

This article presents the category of emersion in videogames. The author of this article understands emersion as an experience of such elements of a game that weaken the impression of non-mediated participation in events presented in the game (some researchers call this impression "immersion"). Emersive elements of the game reveal the mediated character of the action the player takes part in. Emersion may have varied status: it may be incidental (e.g. when it is a result of an unforeseen glitch), repeatable (e.g. as a result of a mechanism typical for a specific genre) or designed.
The last case seems to be the most interesting one, because designed emerisve elements may provide meaningful or artistic results. Designed emersive factors bring new possibilities of creation, which are not achievable through the non-digital and non-interactive forms of expression.