Late Bronze Age archaeology Research Papers (original) (raw)

Publikace byla vydána v Praze roku 2006 / The publication was published in Prague in 2006.

In this paper the settlement of the Záhorie region in western Slovakia during the Urnfield period is described and analyzed. Our main interest lies in the Final Bronze Age, for this is the period in which finds of Lusatian culture have... more

In this paper the settlement of the Záhorie region in western Slovakia during the Urnfield period is described and analyzed. Our main interest lies in the Final Bronze Age, for this is the period in which finds of Lusatian culture have been discovered in the studied area. We present the known locations of Lusatian culture in the region and try to set them into a broader context of supraregional relations. A link between the Lusatian settlement of Záhorie region, possible trade routes and Mezőcsát group burials is proposed.

More than 30 years ago the American anthropologist-archaeologist William Adams wrote a seminal article on the interpretation of material culture change in ancient Nubia entitled ‘Invasion, Diffusion, Evolution?’ (1968). In it the author... more

More than 30 years ago the American anthropologist-archaeologist William Adams wrote a seminal article on the interpretation of material culture change in ancient Nubia entitled ‘Invasion, Diffusion, Evolution?’ (1968). In it the author laid bare the inadequacies of invoking population movement to explain changes that could just as easily be attributed to cultural diffusion or evolution. A decade later Adams co-authored another article that took an even dimmer view of ‘migrationism’ (Adams, van Gerven and Levy 1978). In this latter article the authors offered up the Philistines as an example of a ‘historical migration’ – that is, a migration known from texts or through philology, but largely indiscernible through excavation. Although many of their points are well taken, the case of the Philistines should have been exempted from this sweeping criticism of the migrationist tendencies of culture-history. In addition to the textual evidence that attests to the movement and settlement of Philistines and other Sea Peoples along the Levantine coast, there is a burgeoning corpus of supportive archaeological data. Indeed, the Philistines, based on extensive excavations at three of their capital cities (i.e., Ashdod, Ashkelon and Tel Miqne-Ekron), provide a superb case study of migration from an archaeological perspective.
The main purpose of this paper, however, is not to address Adams’ passing dismissal of the Philistine migration as an archaeologically observable event; but, rather, to counter the more focused and sustained revisionist thinking of the past decade regarding the Sea Peoples phenomenon. First, though, it is necessary to present a brief history of how the Philistines and their fellow Sea Peoples have been regarded over the past 150 years.

E x p l o r i n g C e l t i c O r i g i n s is the fruit of collaborative work by researchers in archaeology, historical linguistics, and archaeogenetics over the past ten years. T his team works towards the goal of a better understanding... more

E x p l o r i n g C e l t i c O r i g i n s is the fruit of collaborative work by
researchers in archaeology, historical linguistics, and archaeogenetics
over the past ten years. T his team works towards the goal of a better
understanding of the background in the Bronze Age and Beaker P eriod
of the people who emerge as Celts and speakers of Celtic languages
documented in the I ron Age and later times. L ed by S ir Barry Cunliffe
and John Koch, the contributors present multidisciplinary chapters
in a lively user-friendly style, aimed at accessibility for workers in
the other fields, as well as general readers. T he collection stands as
a pause to reflect on ways forward at the moment of intellectual
history when the genome-wide sequencing of ancient DNA (a.k.a.
‘the archaeogenetic revolution’) has suddenly changed everything in
the study of later European prehistory. How do we deal with what
appears to be an irreversible breach in the barrier between science
and the humanities? Exploring Celtic O rigins includes colour maps
and illustrations and annotated Further R eading for all chapters.

This article explores how the practice of including rock art in burials from the Bronze Age in Scandinavia was influenced by and incorporated into the new ideas and practices brought about by the introduction of cremation. Three portable... more

This article explores how the practice of including rock art in burials from the Bronze Age in Scandinavia was influenced by and incorporated into the new ideas and practices brought about by the introduction of cremation. Three portable stones with rock art found on the exterior of a cairn at the Late Bronze Age site of Sandbrauta in Central Norway are the point of departure for the discussion. Clay from a Late Bronze Age landslide that occurred soon after the ritual activity had sealed off the site, thus revealing the stones with the petroglyphs to be part of the ritual context. It is argued that the stones with rock art displaying different stages of decoration reflect stages in the stones` biography as well as stages in the process of bodily transformation, thus rendering the cairn to be a place for integrated rites involving both the transformation of bodies and rock art.

The chronology of the Late Bronze Age (second half of the 2nd millennium BC), a key period characterised by a flourishing development of urban civilisation, is well known in western Syria, especially on the coast at Ugarit. However, the... more

The chronology of the Late Bronze Age (second half of the 2nd millennium BC), a key period characterised by a flourishing development of urban civilisation, is well known in western Syria, especially on the coast at Ugarit. However, the Late Bronze Age chronology in inner Syria and in particular in the middle Orontes valley still needs to be clarified. Recent excavations and archaeological surveys conducted at the site of Qatna and its surroundings have revealed new challenging data inducing a review of the Late Bronze Age chronology. This paper presents preliminary results of my PhD research on new ceramic findings from the Late Bronze Age excavations carried out in different operations by the Syrian team at Qatna from 2005 to 2010. An innovative approach is suggested that will allow the revision of chronological issues by establishing a new baseline reference for the stratigraphic sequences from Qatna through the examination of ceramic material. This examination based on traditional pottery studies is enhanced by petrographic analyses of ceramic sherds from Qatna and is accompanied by a comparative study of other Late Bronze Age sites in the Orontes valley region.

Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy: Route Brittany-Senegal. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave,... more

Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy: Route Brittany-Senegal. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. Identification of his first stop as North of Spain (Ulla, A Coruña), Kuthera as El Araich (Maroc) and Lotophagia as Senegambia.

Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. Identification of Ismaros... more

Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. Identification of Ismaros as Brittany, Bay of Douarnenez.

An anthropological approach to a culture extrapolates social structures, traditions, and general organizing principles of that culture from the careful observation of patterns of behaviour as described in case studies. In the absence of... more

An anthropological approach to a culture extrapolates social structures, traditions, and general organizing principles of that culture from the careful observation of patterns of behaviour as described in case studies. In the absence of a living culture to record, archaeologists extrapolate this information from behaviour reconstructed from spatially determined patterns in the deposition of material remains and from patterns found in the general organizing principles of historically documented cultures, using arguments based on analogy. This contribution builds on our previous research on the “Sea Peoples” as a piratical culture in order to apply an anthropological approach to understanding the cultural identities of the various tribal groups involved in maritime activities at the end of the Bronze Age who are popularly known as the “Sea Peoples”, and place this within the broader context of the current discussions on the transition between the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in the Mediterranean.

In the Gubbio basin, thanks to new discoveries, it is possible to analize very clearly the development of the human occupation of the territory, during the latest bronze-age phases. We can recognize two major sites, located on the... more

In the Gubbio basin, thanks to new discoveries, it is possible to analize very clearly the development of the human occupation of the territory, during the latest bronze-age phases. We can recognize two major sites, located on the mountains top and characterized by cultual and ritual elements, and some others, less important, located lower, on the slopes of Mount Ingino. At the edge of the settlement system in 2007 was found an incineration necropolis, dated to the Final Bronze Age, probably a common burial site for the entire community.

Batı Anadolu'da Orta ve Geç Bronz Çağı’na tarihlendirilen yerleşim merkezleri ile ilgili bir katalog oluşturmak amacıyla Zürih Üniversitesi tarafından desteklenen bir proje hazırlanmıştır. Bu en az 340 yerleşim merkezi ile ilgili... more

Batı Anadolu'da Orta ve Geç Bronz Çağı’na tarihlendirilen yerleşim merkezleri ile ilgili bir katalog oluşturmak amacıyla Zürih Üniversitesi tarafından desteklenen bir proje hazırlanmıştır. Bu en az 340 yerleşim merkezi ile ilgili bilgilere herkesin ulaşabileceği bir websitesi 2016 yılı sonu itibariyle hazır olacaktır. Batı Anadolu’da Orta ve Geç Bronz Çağı’na tarihlendirilen yerleşim merkezleri ilk defa olarak sistematik bir şekilde kaydedilirken, bunların akarsular, göller, ekilebilir alanlar, maden yatakları ve ticaret yolları ile bağlantılarıda ortaya konulacaktır. İnsan ve çevre ilişkilerini en iyi şekilde analiz etmek amacıyla yerleşim merkezlerinin koordinatları ile ilgili bir Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi oluşturulacaktır. Bu yerleşim merkezleri Batı Anadolu’da MÖ. 2. binyıl boyunca yoğun olarak yaşanıldığı konusunda en önemli kanıtdırlar. Bunlar aynı zamanda Yunanistan anakarasında kurulu Miken Uygarlığı ile Orta Anadolu'da bulunan Hitit Uygarlığı arasında kalan bölgede, bölgesel küçük devletler ve şehirlerden oluşan siyasi bir ağın varlığınada işaret etmektedirler.

INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: Egypto-Levantine relations have varied from the Neolithic through Persian periods, ranging from overland and maritime commerce, diplomatic missions, emigrants, imperial expansion, and alliances, while at other... more

INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: Egypto-Levantine relations have varied from the Neolithic through Persian periods, ranging from overland and maritime commerce, diplomatic missions, emigrants, imperial expansion, and alliances, while at other times Asiatics have traded, raided, pastured their flocks, infiltrated, taken refuge in, served as mercenaries, and sometimes controlled parts of Egypt. Although fluctuations occur in the intensity of contact, in general interactions have increased over time, with local adoptions and emulations of different aspects of each culture: language, literature, religion, art, and artifacts.

GeoarchaeologIcal perspective to the reconstruction of coastal landscapes and settlement strategies of the Bronze Age Salento - Investigations of coastal landscape archaeology conducted over the last 10 years on the Adriatic and Ionian... more

GeoarchaeologIcal perspective to the reconstruction of coastal landscapes and settlement strategies of the Bronze Age Salento - Investigations of coastal landscape archaeology conducted over the last 10 years on the Adriatic and Ionian coastlines of the Salento allowed us to map many geoarchaeological markers of relative sea level changes; these data can give us accurate information on late Holocene phenomena of marine transgression offering a good opportunity to submit some fresh proposals of paleogeographic reconstructions of these territories. A particular attention was paid to the analysis of spatial, chronological and functional data of a group of archaeological markers (sunken and not) connected with forti ed and open settlements dated to the rst half of the II millennium BC. Torre Santa Sabina, Torre Guaceto-Scogli di Apani and Scalo di Furno-Porto Cesareo stand out among long-lived settlements for the relevance of the research outcomes. Many archaeological evidences (forti cation walls, moats, pavements, occupation layers, dwelling structures, etc.) mark the ancient position and height of the relative sea level, but postholes have a leading role. The mapping and recording of these structural elements allow us to reconstruct the real extension of Bronze Age inhabited areas.

Depuis une cinquantaine d'années, les plaines alluviales de la Seine et de l'Yonne, sont l'objet d'une extraction systématique des sables et des graviers. Sur les 16 000 ha que comptent ces fonds de vallée, dans leur partie... more

Depuis une cinquantaine d'années, les plaines alluviales de la Seine et de l'Yonne, sont l'objet d'une extraction systématique des sables et des graviers. Sur les 16 000 ha que comptent ces fonds de vallée, dans leur partie seine-et-marnaise, près de 3 500 ha ont déjà été exploités et forment une multitude de plans d'eau. Si tout un chacun peut aisément voir cette modification rapide et permanente du paysage, la disparition des traces qui permettent d'établir sa genèse et son évolution, est beaucoup moins perceptible. Le potentiel archéologique de ces deux plaines a très tôt été pris en compte grâce aux prospections aériennes et au suivi archéologique des carrières. Ce dernier s'est progressivement développé à partir de 1959, grâce à la disponibilité de bénévoles, puis de façon systématique et professionnelle dès 1978, à l'initiative de la Direction des Antiquités préhistoriques d'Ile-de-France et du Conseil Général de Seine-et-Marne. Le contrôle régulier des terrassements sur environ 2 700 ha pendant près de 40 ans, a mis en évidence de très nombreux témoins d'occupations humaines s'échelonnant du Paléolithique supérieur (il y a 15 000 ans) à l'époque moderne (XVIIIe siècle). L'âge du Bronze et notamment sa phase finale (du XIVe au VIIIe siècle avant notre ère) est une période particulièrement bien documentée, tant dans le domaine domestique que dans celui des pratiques rituelles et funéraires, comme le montrent les nombreux sites repérés ou fouillés sur le territoire de Marolles-sur-Seine.

Previous research has revealed that Sirius and Hephaistos myths and legends were strongly present in Bronze Age Mediterranean communities via an interrelated cultural network amongst various cultures and societies (Laoupi, 2006a & b;... more

Previous research has revealed that Sirius and Hephaistos myths and legends were strongly present in Bronze Age Mediterranean communities via an interrelated cultural network amongst various cultures and societies (Laoupi, 2006a & b; Laoupi, 2011). The aim of the present monograph is to deepen this research, enrich it with the latest evidence and cover broader geographical and chronological boundaries. The Sirius, Moon and Venus cults came from the Paleolithic Times amazingly enriched by their “journey” into the human psyche starring at the Cosmos. Especially, Sirius cult was a pivotal cult of the Pelasgian substratum coming from Neolithic and late Paleolithic Times.

This document presents the collated results of a three-year programme of excavation and post-excavation assessment at Ham Hill, Stoke-sub-Hamdon, Somerset by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit of the University of Cambridge and the... more

This document presents the collated results of a three-year programme of excavation and post-excavation assessment at Ham Hill, Stoke-sub-Hamdon, Somerset by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit of the University of Cambridge and the Department of Archaeology at Cardiff University. An Update Project Design (UPD), issued in conjunction with this Post Excavation Assessment (PXA), provides an in-depth statement of potential and research programme.

Second report on excavations at Britain's largest hillfort. Excavations revealed a complex sequence of Iron Age rampart construction overlying features dated to the Neolithic, along with the interior and entrance to a large rectangular... more

Second report on excavations at Britain's largest hillfort. Excavations revealed a complex sequence of Iron Age rampart construction overlying features dated to the Neolithic, along with the interior and entrance to a large rectangular enclosure. Extensive middle and late Bronze Age field systems and structures were also examined.

Haber iş birliği ile düzenlenen ve 3 bölüm şeklinde organize edilen "Türkiye Yüzey Araştırmaları Webinarı"nda Bakanlığımız izinleriyle gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar, bilim insanları ve ilgilerle paylaşılmıştır. Dünyayı etkisi altına alan... more

Haber iş birliği ile düzenlenen ve 3 bölüm şeklinde organize edilen "Türkiye Yüzey Araştırmaları Webinarı"nda Bakanlığımız izinleriyle gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar, bilim insanları ve ilgilerle paylaşılmıştır. Dünyayı etkisi altına alan çağın salgını, ülkemizde de etkisini göstermiş, olağan şekilde yapılan birçok etkinlik, internet ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anadolu'da tespit edilen; Paleolitik Çağlardan günümüze kadar iskân görmüş birçok arkeolojik yerleşim yerinde, Bakanlığımız izinleriyle gerçekleştirilen kazı ve yüzey araştırmalarından ele geçen buluntular, müzelerimizde ziyaretçilerin beğenisine sunulmuş, elde edilen bilimsel bulgular ise düzenlenen webinarlar ile hem bilim insanlarına hem de konuyla ilgili birçok izleyiciye ulaşmış ve bu çevrim içi konferanslar, büyük ilgi görmüştür. Bu ve benzeri etkinlikler, Bakanlığımızca önemsenmekte ve desteklenmektedir. Bu etkinlikler vesilesiyle hem uzmanlar hem de ilgililer, birbirlerinden ve çalışmalardan haberdar olmuş, görüş ve öneriler de birinci elden muhataplarına ulaştırılmıştır. Nitekim arkeolojinin bilinmesi, toplumsal hale getirilmesi, farkındalığının arttırılması, yaptığımız işlerin görünür olması, en önemli hedefimizdir. 2020 yılında, salgının devam etmesine rağmen alınan önlemler ve ekiplerin özverili çalışmalarıyla 118 Kararnameli Türk Kazısı, 21 Bakanlar Kurulu Kararlı Yabancı Kazı, 44 Müze Kazısı, 5 sualtı kazısı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra 65 Türk Yüzey Araştırması, 3 yabancı yüzey araştırması, 3 sualtı araştırması gerçekleştirilmiş, ayrıca müze müdürlüklerince 138 kurtarma kazısı, 38 temizlik çalışması, 50 sondaj kazısı, 12 kamu yatırım alanları kazısı, 11 tescilsiz alanlardaki sondaj ve jeofizik çalışması ve 6 jeofizikjeoradar çalışmasıyla yıl boyu toplamda 502 adet faaliyet gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmalarla geçmişin izini taşıyan 6 binden fazla eser, gün ışığına çıkartılmış ve bu faaliyetlere 40 milyon liradan fazla ödenek aktarılmıştır. 2021 yılı itibariyle 12 aylık kazı sayımız 127'ye yükseltilmiştir. Ülkemizdeki arkeolojik kazı ve yüzey araştırması çalışmalarının sayısı artırılarak birçok alanda yapılacak çalışmalarla bilim dünyasına yeni bulgu ve bilgiler ışığında katkı sağlanacağı şüphesizdir. Mezkûr kazı ve yüzey araştırmalarına ilişkin sonuçların Bakanlığımızca ulusal ve uluslararası mecralarda tanıtılması son derece önemsemektedir. Bu tür etkinliklerin gerçekleştirilmesinde her zaman işbirliği içinde olacağımız taahhüdüyle üniversitelerimiz ve Arkeolojihaber iş birliğiyle düzenlenen webinarlarda emeği geçenlere teşekkür ederiz.

Very little, practically nothing has been written about the Submycenaean period in Western Achaea, a fact reflecting the belief that this stage was not particularly developed or that it had nothing significant to offer. 1 Moreover, in the... more

Very little, practically nothing has been written about the Submycenaean period in Western Achaea, a fact reflecting the belief that this stage was not particularly developed or that it had nothing significant to offer. 1 Moreover, in the few reports the word "Submycenaean" defines objects that do not fall stylistically into the Mycenaean period and, at the same time, cannot be classified as EPG, without taking into consideration their cultural environment, as usually happens elsewhere. 2 The simple definition "probably Submycenaean" is the most common in these cases and it refers exclusively to objects, so that the phase is merely being insinuated, without the slightest effort to place these objects in a general cultural frame, if there should be one. It seems that the existence of this hypothesis does not leave room for further analysis and for thorough examination so that the subject is finally overlooked and not discussed. This situation is due to objective difficulties related to the region, but also to the numerous and often different and contradictive views which are still pertinent to the use of the term Submycenaean. 3 This fact gives the impression that there are only few and isolated objects, mostly pottery, in Achaea that probably belong to the Submycenaean Style, which is either rare or confused with the local LH III C Late/Mature Achaean pottery Style. 4 As a result this particular phase, stage, period or whatever it is, is practically considered to be non-existent. However, this perspective is not exclusively related to pottery but it partly includes bronze items as well. If the classification of bronze or other objects in the Submycenaean period is correct, and given that the Submycenaean is not exclusively associated with a certain pottery style only, then the presence of other features, which so far have been overlooked or regarded as insignificant, must be expected. Below we are going to propose that in Achaea there is not only a particular or local Submycenaean style but features which define a Submycenaean Period. These features are beyond changes in the settlement but also beyond fashion in dressing, like the appearance of new bronze accessories, as we shall see below.

Bu çalışma, "Ardahan Kale ve Kuleleri" adlı kitabın bölümlerinden biridir. Bu kitap içi bölümde, Ardahan'ın Eskiçağ'dan Türk fetihlerine kadar tarihçesi üzerinde durulmuş ve şehrin isminin kökenine ilişkin bir başlığa yer verilmiştir.... more

Bu çalışma, "Ardahan Kale ve Kuleleri" adlı kitabın bölümlerinden biridir. Bu kitap içi bölümde, Ardahan'ın Eskiçağ'dan Türk fetihlerine kadar tarihçesi üzerinde durulmuş ve şehrin isminin kökenine ilişkin bir başlığa yer verilmiştir.
Son yıllarda yapılan bilimsel araştırmalarla birlikte Eskiçağ ve Ortaçağ arkeolojik vaziyetinin Transkafkasya (Güney Kafkasya) arkeolojisiyle
oldukça örtüştüğü anlaşılan Ardahan, Doğu Karadeniz ve Kuzeydoğu Anadolu Bölgeleri ile Transkafkasya’yı birleştiren stratejik bir coğrafi konuma sahiptir. Batıda Karadeniz sahil şeridinin son ili Artvin ile
komşu olan Ardahan’ın güneyinde Erzurum ve Kars illeri, kuzeydoğusunda Gürcistan ve doğusunda Ermenistan yer alır. Transkafkasya ülkelerinde, özellikle Tunç ve Demir Çağları kültürlerine ilişkin hatırı sayılır araştırma ve arkeolojik kazı yapılmışsa da bu bölgenin komşusu olan Kuzeydoğu Anadolu için aynı değerlendirmeyi ne yazık ki yapamamaktayız. Özellikle Ardahan ili, Anadolu coğrafyasında arkeolojik araştırmaların en az yürütüldüğü yerlerden biri olmuştur. Bu nedenle şehrin tarihi ve arkeolojik geçmişi üzerine toplanan veriler, akademik anlamda tatmin edici bir düzeye erişememiştir. Yine de inanıyoruz ki, 2008 yılında kurulan Ardahan Üniversitesinin bünyesinde gerçekleştirilmekte olan ve yakın gelecekte daha da kapsamlı bir şekilde sürdürülecek bilimsel çalışmalar, şehrin tarihi, sanat tarihi ve arkeolojik
dokusunu çok daha detaylı bir şekilde yansıtacaktır.

AUXIETTE G., MUGNE C., PEAKE R. et TOULEMONDE F. (dir.) – Autour de la table : l’alimentation à l’âge du Bronze et au premier âge du Fer, Actes de la journée d’Etude de l’APRAB (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, mars 2017), Bulletin de l’Association... more

AUXIETTE G., MUGNE C., PEAKE R. et TOULEMONDE F. (dir.) – Autour de la table : l’alimentation à l’âge du Bronze et au premier âge du Fer, Actes de la journée d’Etude de l’APRAB (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, mars 2017), Bulletin de l’Association pour la Promotion de la Recherche sur l’Age du Bronze, supplément 6, 2020.

"The district of Cugno Case Vecchie is located about 3 km in the north-west of the modern town of Canicattini Bagni, in the province of Siracusa. This territory has been occupied from Prehistory to the present day because of the abundant... more

"The district of Cugno Case Vecchie is located about 3 km in the north-west of the modern town of Canicattini Bagni, in the province of Siracusa. This territory has been occupied from Prehistory to the present day because of the abundant presence of raw materials and water courses and its strategic location along the ancient Via Acrense. In Cugno Case Vecchie, in fact, is located a small necropolis of the Early Bronze Age, a second cemetery dating to the Late Bronze Age and a rocky settlement of Late antiquity and Medieval Age, populated in later times by shepherds and farmers.
The purpose of this article is to present the first results of a survey conducted in September 2008 during which two tombs with pseudo-pillars and one tomb with pilasters dating XVIII century A.D. were found."

The Terracotta Army that protected the tomb of the Chinese emperor Qin Shihuang offers an evocative image of the power and organisation of the Qin armies who unified China through conquest in the third century BC. It also provides... more

The Terracotta Army that protected the tomb of the Chinese emperor Qin Shihuang offers an evocative image of the power and organisation of the Qin armies who unified China through conquest in the third century BC. It also provides evidence for the craft production and administrative control that underpinned the Qin state. Bronze trigger mechanisms are all that remain of crossbows that once equipped certain kinds of warrior in the Terracotta Army. A metrical and spatial analysis of these triggers reveals that they were produced in batches and that these separate batches were thereafter possibly stored in an arsenal, but eventually were transported to the mausoleum to equip groups of terracotta crossbowmen in individual sectors of Pit 1. The trigger evidence for large-scale and highly organised production parallels that also documented for the manufacture of the bronze-tipped arrows and proposed for the terracotta figures themselves.

В работе рассматриваются памятники северной «периферии» срубной культурно-исторической общности в границах современных республик Чувашия и Татарстан. Привлечены данные о более чем 700 памятниках. На основании изученных поселений и... more

В работе рассматриваются памятники северной «периферии» срубной культурно-исторической общности в границах современных республик Чувашия и Татарстан. Привлечены данные о более чем 700 памятниках. На
основании изученных поселений и могильников, автором делается вывод о своеобразии северной территории распространения срубной культурно-исторической общности.

Arolo è una frazione ubicata nella parte meridionale del comune di Leggiuno (VA) . La località Le Rupi si trova lungo la sponda orientale del centro-lago, poco a nord di Arolo, ai piedi di un'alta parete rocciosa a strapiom bo. Qui nel 1... more

Arolo è una frazione ubicata nella parte meridionale del comune di Leggiuno (VA) . La località Le Rupi si trova lungo la sponda orientale del centro-lago, poco a nord di Arolo, ai piedi di un'alta parete rocciosa a strapiom bo. Qui nel 1 969 operando lo scasso del terreno per la costruzione di una villa, fu intaccato e distrutto un de posito archeologico, che certamente avrebbe potuto dare un signif icativo contributo alla conoscenza dei riti fune rari dell 'età del Rame e dell' antica età Bronzo. Tutto ciò

"This is only a reference to this new book.
I can´t publish the pdf of the paper before 2014."

Reseña: El último libro publicado por Marisa Ruíz-Gálvez, profesora titular de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid desde 1989, trata en profundidad el contexto histórico que posibilitó el desarrollo y expansión de la denominada cultura... more

Reseña: El último libro publicado por Marisa Ruíz-Gálvez, profesora titular de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid desde 1989, trata en profundidad el contexto histórico que posibilitó el desarrollo y expansión de la denominada cultura fenicia. Un interesante ejercicio motivado por la necesidad de mantener actualizada su asignatura de “Protohistoria del Mediterráneo”. Este libro nace, en palabras de la autora, de las inquietudes de sus alumnos y con el objetivo de sistematizar una bibliografía que cambia de año en año.

Лапчатые привески, один из наиболее ярких и интересных элементов карасукской культуры, не слишком часто встречаются в материалах погребений или поселенческих комплексах. Существующие на сегодняшний день работы, посвящённые их... more

Лапчатые привески, один из наиболее ярких и интересных элементов карасукской культуры, не слишком часто встречаются в материалах погребений или поселенческих комплексах. Существующие на сегодняшний день работы, посвящённые их проблематике, базируются в основном на случайных находках широко представленных в музеях Южной Сибири и за её пределами. Между тем произошли закономерные изменения в объёме и структуре накопленного материала, а также в степени изученности карасукской культуры, что позволяет снова обратиться к этой теме, рассчитывая на новые результаты.
На сегодняшний день известно уже 79 случаев обнаружения лапчатых привесок в карасукских погребениях, что составляет в общей сложности 198 экземпляров. Это позволяет при анализе сделать упор не на случайные находки, как это делалось ранее, а на полноценные комплексы, несущие множество дополнительных данных. Введение информации об этих комплексах в научный оборот и её первичная обработка являются главной задачей данного исследования.
На основании статистического анализа всех известных случаев обнаружения лапчатых привесок в карасукских могилах, подтвердилась их принадлежность исключительно женскому погребальному костюму. Анализ возрастных данных позволил установить, что они сопровождали в погребениях женщин всех возрастов, в том числе и детей. В тоже время, изучение погребений, где лапчатые привески сохранились в положении “in situ”, подтвердило существование трёх способов их использования: вплетение в волосы (чаще всего в косы), ношение на обуви и в составе ожерелий или нагрудников. Вероятно, подобное разделение может отражать некоторые этнические различия в среде карасукского населения.
Лапчатые привески просуществовали довольно продолжительный промежуток времени, охватывающий позднюю часть “классического” и весь каменноложский этап карасукской культуры (эпоха поздней бронзы), а также раннюю часть баиновского этапа тагарской культуры (скифское время).
При этом в течение “классического” этапа карасукской культуры они были не равномерно распределены по её ареалу. Наибольшая концентрация фиксируется в погребениях у места впадения реки Абакан в Енисей (“Минусинский очаг”). По мере удаления от него число погребений и количество в них привесок постепенно падает. В северных районах они известны только в исключительных случаях. В дальнейшем, на каменноложском этапе культуры, эта диспропорция исчезает.
При изучении географии распространения привесок выявлена локализация экземпляров с четырьмя лапками в юго-западном районе Минусинских котловин (Аскизский район Республики Хакасия). За пределами этой зоны в карасукских погребениях они не встречаются. Ещё две привески с четырьмя лапками известны с территории Тувы, что позволяет предполагать в эпоху бронзы довольно тесные контакты этих двух регионов.
Анализ широкого круга материалов, позволил подтвердить предположение Э.Б. Вадецкой о схожей роли лапчатых привесок и треугольных бляшек с пуансонным орнаментом. Своеобразные комбинированные привески занимает промежуточное положение, связывая эти два типа женских украшений в единую линию развития.
Критическое рассмотрение существующих на сегодняшний день теорий роли лапчатых привесок позволило высказать предположение об отсутствии у карасукского населения глубоко укоренившихся в их отношении семантических представлений. Наиболее вероятно, что они воспринимались просто, как украшение женского костюма.
На основании современных датировок подтвердилось мнение С.А. Теплоухова и М.П. Грязнова о происхождение карасукских лапчатых привесок от наиболее древних андроновских образцов с территории Казахстана.

A cross the river from Luxor, on the west bank of the Nile near King Tut's tomb, is Medinet Habu, site of the mortuary temple of Ramses III. On one wall of the temple, chiseled into the blocks, is a huge picture with an accompanying... more

A cross the river from Luxor, on the west bank of the Nile near King Tut's tomb, is Medinet Habu, site of the mortuary temple of Ramses III. On one wall of the temple, chiseled into the blocks, is a huge picture with an accompanying inscription. The text records that in the eighth year of Ramses' reign, 1177 bc, the Egyptian pharaoh faced a coalition of invaders in a double battle-one by land and one by sea. M Depictions of the battles are so detailed that scholars have published analyses of individual people and even their boats. One panorama shows foreigners and Egyptians engaged in a chaotic naval battle; some casualties are floating upside down and clearly dead, while others are still fighting fiercely from their boats. The invaders wear no uniforms, no polished outfits. The ancient images portray one group with feathered headdresses and others sporting skullcaps, horned helmets, or bare heads. Some have short pointed beards and are dressed in kilts, either bare-chested or with a tunic; others have no facial hair and wear skirt-like garments. Armed with sharp bronze swords, wooden spears with gleaming metal tips, and bows and arrows, they came on boats but also on wagons Ramses III towers above captive Philistines (on right) in this relief from his mortuary temple at Medinet Habu. The three tiers of prisoners are awkwardly bound, with arms above their heads. Other reliefs here record more victories over Sea Peoples.

This paper will consider the West House at Akrotiri in its context of a model Theran house and “typical urban house of the Minoan era in general,” combining old interpretations with new spatial studies including space syntax and 3D... more

This paper will consider the West House at Akrotiri in its context of a model Theran house and “typical urban house of the Minoan era in general,” combining old interpretations with new spatial studies including space syntax and 3D visibility analysis. This will allow for a better understanding of not only any architectural intentions behind the construction of the building, but some analysis of the mural rooms in the house, which still spur discussions surrounding their use and accessibility.

В работе представлены результаты обследования Аслаевского медного рудника (граница Челябинской области и Башкортостана). Особенности выработки, материалы шурфовки отвала рудника, исторические свидетельства указывают на функционирование... more

В работе представлены результаты обследования Аслаевского медного рудника (граница Челябинской области и Башкортостана). Особенности выработки, материалы шурфовки отвала рудника, исторические свидетельства указывают на функционирование объекта в Новое время, в период XVIII-XIX вв. С поверхности отвала рудника происходит коллекция каменных орудий горного дела. Характеристики орудий с Аслаевского рудника находят удивительное сходство с орудиями горного дела бронзового века. Последнее может свидетельствовать о неизменности некоторых элементов технологии разработки медных рудников на протяжении тысячелетий и о возможной экстраполяции некоторых данных Нового времени к интерпретации материалов бронзового века.

Het oostelijk deel van West-Friesland was in de midden- en late bronstijd (ca. 1600-800 v. Chr.) een dichtbevolkt gebied met vele boerendorpjes. Door de uitzonderlijk goede conserveringsomstandigheden in dit voormalig kwelderlandschap is... more

Het oostelijk deel van West-Friesland was in de midden- en late bronstijd (ca. 1600-800 v. Chr.) een dichtbevolkt gebied met vele boerendorpjes. Door de uitzonderlijk goede conserveringsomstandigheden in dit voormalig kwelderlandschap is de regio een unieke schatkamer van de overblijfselen uit die tijd. Vanaf de jaren 60 van de vorige eeuw zijn omvangrijke delen van het cultuurlandschap uit de bronstijd opgegraven. In deze studie zijn oude opgravingsgegevens uitgewerkt en vertaald naar nieuwe inzichten in de inrichting en ontwikkeling van dit indrukwekkende prehistorische cultuurlandschap. Een van de opvallende resultaten van dit onderzoek is dat de nederzettingsterreinen vaak vele generaties bewoond zijn, maar tegelijkertijd een dynamisch karakter hebben. Continuïteit was er op locaties waar een huisplaats is ingericht: nieuwe boerderijen werden vaak generaties lang op dezelfde plaats als de voorgangers gebouwd. Ook bij andere structuren, zoals nederzettingsgreppels en clusters kringgreppels, zien we dat terreinen lange tijd dezelfde functie behielden. Maar we zien ook dat huisplaatsen die generaties lang bewoond zijn geweest, op een zeker moment werden opgegeven en bijvoorbeeld als akker in gebruik werden genomen. Door de lange bewoningsduur van terreinen en goede conservering en herkenbaarheid van grondsporen, zijn de Westfriese vindplaatsen bij uitstek geschikt om deze dynamiek in beeld te brengen. De vele greppels die door de bronstijdboeren zijn gegraven, vormen bij de analyses een handig hulpmiddel bij het ontrafelen van de stratigrafie en de layout van de nederzettingen. Veel beter dan elders in Nederland is het daarom mogelijk inzicht te krijgen in de keuzes die men in de bronstijd heeft gemaakt bij de inrichting van het landschap. Dat maakt deze studie een ijkpunt voor bronstijdonderzoek in Nederland, maar ook in Noordwest-Europa. Vrijwel nergens zijn dergelijke bronstijdlandschappen zo goed bewaard gebleven en zo intensief onderzocht.