Lombardy (Late Middle Ages) Research Papers (original) (raw)

The frescoes in the Cavalcabò Chapel, S. Agostino, Cremona, are noteworthy in the context of fifteenth-century pictorial cycles in Lombardy for their particular iconographic richness. The research into the cultural matrix of the frescoes... more

The frescoes in the Cavalcabò Chapel, S. Agostino, Cremona, are noteworthy in the context of fifteenth-century pictorial cycles in Lombardy for their particular iconographic richness.
The research into the cultural matrix of the frescoes leads us to reconsider the role of the monastery itself. Previously, only Giovanna Cavalcabò ’s part in the creation of the family chapel and been taken into consideration.
There are at least two literary sources which may be identified: Jacob of Voragine’s Golden Legend and Mariale, both works reflecting St. Augustine’s thought and included in the monastery library. Follow ing these texts, the fresco cycle is centered on the Assumption of the Virgin, a doctrine much discussed at the time.
An unpublished seventeenth-century description of the chapel helps to complete our reconstruction of the programme. Sections of the frescoes were lost in 1738 during repairs made then.

Grâce à l’exploitation d’une documentation très riche et largement inédite, ce livre propose une étude approfondie de l’histoire de la famille Dal Verme et entend ainsi contribuer à une réflexion relevant de l’histoire socio-politique des... more

Grâce à l’exploitation d’une documentation très riche et largement inédite, ce livre propose une étude approfondie de l’histoire de la famille Dal Verme et entend ainsi contribuer à une réflexion relevant de l’histoire socio-politique des élites et des processus de constructions des États dans l’Italie de la Renaissance : au long des XIVe et XVe siècles, ce lignage d’origine véronaise accomplit une ascension remarquable qui lui permet d’atteindre aux plus hautes franges de la société aristocratique de l’Italie septentrionale. La spécialisation des Dal Verme dans le métier des armes (ce sont des condottières, au service de Venise et de Milan) entraîne un processus de « territorialisation » qui fait d’eux des seigneurs féodaux jouant un rôle important dans l’ensemble territorial du duché de Milan. Les Dal Verme parviennent ainsi à demeurer des feudataires indépendants et même à construire un État propre au sein de l’espace politique dominé par les Visconti puis par les Sforza. Mais ils demeurent des « créatures du duc » dont, en dernière analyse, l’identité sociale paraît définie par leur situation politico-institutionnelle.

This paper focuses on some important features of the economy of Brescia in the Late Middle Ages. Particular attention will be paid to agricultural trades and to some important local productions, but also to the active role played by... more

This paper focuses on some important features of the economy of Brescia in the Late Middle Ages. Particular attention will be paid to agricultural trades and to some important local productions, but also to the active role played by Tuscans, local merchants and aristocracies in shaping the economic activity of the city and its contado.

The reconstruction of the duchy achieved by Filippo Maria between 1412 and 1421 is a vantage point to observe some of the deep structures on which the Milanese State relied. The analysis of the oaths of allegiance to the prince shows that... more

The reconstruction of the duchy achieved by Filippo Maria between 1412 and 1421 is a vantage point to observe some of the deep structures on which the Milanese State relied. The analysis of the oaths of allegiance to the prince shows that the Lombard political society of the early fifteenth century did not fully coincide with the urban élites, and reveals a plurality of subjects (rural lords, lineages, communities, factions) capable to undertake political initiative at different levels.

Il tema dell'aristocrazia territoriale e del suo ruolo nella costituzione del ducato visconteo-sforzesco è stato marginalizzato dalla storiografia politico-istituzionale in favore di un paradigma interpretativo centrato su un modello di... more

Il tema dell'aristocrazia territoriale e del suo ruolo nella costituzione del ducato visconteo-sforzesco è stato marginalizzato dalla storiografia politico-istituzionale in favore di un paradigma interpretativo centrato su un modello di stato territoriale a base urbana. Diverse ricerche recenti, tuttavia, hanno mostrato la necessità di complicare tale modello e di sottoporlo verifiche puntuali nelle sue articolazioni locali, rimarcando la pluralità di attori e di linguaggi politici che anima una dialettica non costringibile nell'alveo del rapporto preferenziale principe-città. Questo contributo si propone di sottolineare alcuni aspetti della complessa interazione fra i grandi casati signorili e un potere ducale non sempre in grado di preseguire un coerente sforzo di disciplinamento dell'aristocrazia, che mantiene almeno fino alla metà del XVI secolo un forte ascendente sulla società lombarda.

This essay provides an analysis of the troubled period that followed the death of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, by particularly focusing on the dominion of Pandolfo Malatesta in Eastern Lombardy, one of the condottieri that had served the duchy... more

This essay provides an analysis of the troubled period that followed the death of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, by particularly focusing on the dominion of Pandolfo Malatesta in Eastern Lombardy, one of the condottieri that had served the duchy in the previous decades. Special attention has been paid to the relationship between the new government and local factions, on order to verity to what extent Pandolfo was able to maintain the super partes role towards the factions that Gian Galeazzo had already promoted in the duchy. Another topic concerns the re-emergence of the Popolo within the local political society at that time, and particularly the weakness of this phenomenon in Brescia, at least until the first decade of the 15th century.

This paper provides an analysis of the Lombard episcopate in the mid-14th century. Via a comparative approach, I will try to understand how both political events (i.e. the appeasement between the Apostolic See and the Visconti or the... more

This paper provides an analysis of the Lombard episcopate in the mid-14th century. Via a comparative approach, I will try to understand how both political events (i.e. the appeasement between the Apostolic See and the Visconti or the appointment of Giovanni Visconti as Archbishop of Milan) and institutional changes (i.e. the the extension of the apostolic reservation on episcopal appointments) influenced the main features of Lombard episcopate.
Secondly, this paper focuses on the specific cultures of government expressed by the prelates at that time, by concentrating on different topics, such as: the massive use of writings, the attempts to to restore episcopal properties, rights, and jurisdictions, the promotion of the episcopal authority by means of a number of interventions (such as the restoration of urban palaces and castles).
Finally, particular attention has been paid to the relationship between the political power of Visconti (at that time embodied by the Archbishop Giovanni) and Lombard episcopate, in order to identify spaces of cooperation and conflict

Le origini della Brianza vanno ricercate nei secoli del tardo medioevo. È in questo periodo che un territorio ben delineato e in gran parte autonomo rispetto ai vicini centri – specie Monza e Milano – venne a crearsi. I tre saggi qui... more

Le origini della Brianza vanno ricercate nei secoli del tardo medioevo. È in questo periodo che un territorio ben delineato e in gran parte autonomo rispetto ai vicini centri – specie Monza e Milano – venne a crearsi. I tre saggi qui raccolti, frutto di ricerche d’archivio e degli anni di formazione accademica presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, utilizzano i trascorsi medievali della Brianza e dei suoi abitanti per indagare vari aspetti della società del tempo: la creazione di nuovi corpi territoriali durante il consolidamento del ducato visconteo-sforzesco (Parte I), la partecipazione delle popolazioni locali alla difesa dei confini dello stato (Parte II), e la mobilità geografica e sociale di migranti ed esiliati politici (Parte III). Nonostante siano centrati su fenomeni diversi, tutti e tre i saggi evidenziano dinamiche comuni, motivo per cui sono particolarmente grato di poterli raccogliere in una sola sede. La speranza è che la ristampa di questi studi in una pubblicazione unitaria possa gettare ulteriore luce sulle fondamentali caratteristiche del territorio brianteo, nonché informare un pubblico più vasto circa le loro origini.

The celebratory words of courtly humanists on Visconti’s solar emblem are the starting point for a reflection about the origins, the possible cultural roots and the political consequences, connected to the use of christological Sol... more

The celebratory words of courtly humanists on Visconti’s solar emblem are the starting point for a reflection about the origins, the possible cultural roots and the political consequences, connected to the use of christological Sol iustitiae et pacis as heraldic device

La historiografía tradicional cuenta ocho cruzadas (siete según los alemanes, pues no consideran la quinta como tal), si bien hubo algunas otras expediciones más. Entre ellas destaca la de miles de aventureros lombardos -alemanes del sur... more

La historiografía tradicional cuenta ocho cruzadas (siete
según los alemanes, pues no consideran la quinta como tal), si bien hubo algunas otras expediciones más. Entre ellas destaca la de miles de aventureros lombardos -alemanes del sur y franceses meridionales-, que se lanzaron a una gigantesca peregrinación armada que fracasó rotundamente

Il contributo si propone di arricchire con alcuni inediti il catalogo delle opere riconducibili al cosiddetto "Maestro di Solarolo", l’anonima maestranza cui vanno ricondotti più di una trentina di dipinti murali, databili fra il 1487 e... more

Il contributo si propone di arricchire con alcuni inediti il catalogo delle opere riconducibili al cosiddetto "Maestro di Solarolo", l’anonima maestranza cui vanno ricondotti più di una trentina di dipinti murali, databili fra il 1487 e il 1520, distribuiti nell’entroterra della sponda bresciana del Lago di Garda. Tale lasso temporale si può far corrispondere alla carriera di maestro che muove i primi passi nella Salò dell’ultimo quarto del XV secolo, probabilmente sotto gli influssi della bottega di Giovanni da Ulma. Proprio una messa a fuoco della figura dell’ineffabile artista teutonico permette di evidenziare la dipendenza della maestranza attiva a Solarolo rispetto all’ipotetico maestro tedesco, ravvisabile attraverso alcuni confronti iconografici.

The contribution aims to explain how the foundation or the control of a monastic institution destined for great success, such as San Pietro in Cerreto, can be configured both as an instrument for affirming the city’s expansionist... more

The contribution aims to explain how the foundation or the control of a
monastic institution destined for great success, such as San Pietro in Cerreto, can be configured both as an instrument for affirming the city’s expansionist intentions and as a subject of organization of the territory in order to its wider and safer control.
In short words, the contribution reconstructs the events and factors that favored the development and affirmation of San Pietro in Cerreto and that contributed to assign the monastery a function of reference for the nearby territories and villages.

Here are published the proceedings of the conference Gli spazi economici della signoria rurale nel basso medioevo. Casi lombardi e confronti (Milan, oct. 29-30, 2018), part of the 2015 PRIN La signoria rurale nel XIV-XV secolo: per... more

Here are published the proceedings of the conference Gli spazi economici della signoria rurale nel basso medioevo. Casi lombardi e confronti (Milan, oct. 29-30, 2018), part of the 2015 PRIN La signoria rurale nel XIV-XV secolo: per ripensare l’Italia tardomedievale (national coordinator prof. Sandro Carocci). As part of this project, the Milanese research unit investigated the economic dimension of the rural lordship. The essays collected here focus mainly on Lombardy at the time of the Visconti and Sforza dominion, but also include important research on the surroundings region.
The full issue is available here https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/SSMD/index

The aim of this paper is to revisit the social and institutional features of the Riviera di Salò in the Late Middle Ages, according to the recent historiographical debate on Italian rural communities. Specifically, the connection between... more

The aim of this paper is to revisit the social and institutional features of the Riviera di Salò in the Late Middle Ages, according to the recent historiographical debate on Italian rural communities. Specifically, the connection between the episcopal see of Brescia and the Riviera during the age of Visconti is highlighted, so as to emphasize centrifugal and centripetal forces acting within the federation.