Magma Chambers Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The formation of shallow, caldera-sized reservoirs of crystal-poor silicic magma requires the generation of large volumes of silicic melt, followed by the segregation of that melt and its accumulation in the upper crust. The 21.8 ± 0.4-ka... more

The formation of shallow, caldera-sized reservoirs of crystal-poor silicic magma requires the generation of large volumes of silicic melt, followed by the segregation of that melt and its accumulation in the upper crust. The 21.8 ± 0.4-ka Cape Riva eruption of Santorini discharged >10 km3 of crystal-poor dacitic magma, along with <<1 km3 of hybrid andesite, and collapsed a pre-existing lava shield. We have carried out a field, petrological, chemical, and high-resolution 40Ar/39Ar chronological study of a sequence of lavas discharged prior to the Cape Riva eruption to constrain the crustal residence time of the Cape Riva magma reservoir. The lavas were erupted between 39 and 25 ka, forming a ∼2-km3 complex of dacitic flows, coulées and domes up to 200 m thick (Therasia dome complex). The Therasia dacites show little chemical variation with time, suggesting derivation from one or more thermally buffered reservoirs. Minor pyroclastic layers occur intercalated within the lava succession, particularly near the top. A prominent pumice fall deposit correlates with the 26-ka Y-4 ash layer found in deep-sea sediments SE of Santorini. One of the last Therasia lavas to be discharged was a hybrid andesite formed by the mixing of dacite and basalt. The Cape Riva eruption occurred no more than 2,800 ± 1,400 years after the final Therasia activity. The Cape Riva dacite is similar in major element composition to the Therasia dacites, but is poorer in K and most incompatible trace elements (e.g. Rb, Zr and LREE). The same chemical differences are observed between the Cape Riva and Therasia hybrid andesites, and between the calculated basaltic mixing end-members of each series. The Therasia and Cape Riva dacites are distinct silicic magma batches and are not related by shallow processes of crystal fractionation or assimilation. The Therasia lavas were therefore not simply precursory leaks from the growing Cape Riva magma reservoir. The change 21.8 ky ago from a magma series richer in incompatible elements to one poorer in those elements is one step in the well documented decrease with time of incompatibles in Santorini magmas over the last 530 ky. The two dacitic magma batches are interpreted to have been emplaced sequentially into the upper crust beneath the summit of the volcano, the first (Therasia) then being partially, or wholly, flushed out by the arrival of the second (Cape Riva). This constrains the upper-crustal residence time of the Cape Riva reservoir to less than 2,800 ± 1,400 years, and the associated time-averaged magma accumulation rate to >0.004 km3 year-1. Rapid ascent and accumulation of the Cape Riva dacite may have been caused by an increased flux of mantle-derived basalt into the crust, explaining the occurrence of hybrid andesites (formed by the mixing of olivine basalt and dacite in approximately equal proportions) in the Cape Riva and late Therasia products. Pressurisation of the upper crustal plumbing system by sustained, high-flux injection of dacite and basalt may have triggered the transition from prolonged, largely effusive activity to explosive eruption and caldera collapse.

Few places on Earth are as tectonically active as the Karlıova region of eastern Turkey. In this region, complex interactions between the Arabian, Eurasian and Anatolian plates occur at the Karlıova Triple Junction (KTJ). The relationship... more

Few places on Earth are as tectonically active as the Karlıova region of eastern Turkey. In this region, complex interactions between the Arabian, Eurasian and Anatolian plates occur at the Karlıova Triple Junction (KTJ). The relationship between tectonics and magma propagation in triple-junction tectonic settings is poorly understood. Here we present new field and numerical results on the mechanism of magma propagation at the KTJ. We explore the effects of crustal heterogeneity and anisotropy, in particular the geometry and mechanical properties of many faults and layers, on magma propagation paths under a variety of tectonic loads. We propose that two major volcanic centres in the area, the Turnadağ volcano and the Varto caldera, are both fed by comparatively shallow magma chambers at depths of about 8 km, which, in turn, are fed by a single, much larger and deeper reservoir at about 15-18 km depth. By contrast, the nearby Özenç volcanic area is fed directly by the deeper reservoir. We present a series of two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical models showing that the present tectonic stresses encourage magma-chamber rupture and dyke injection. The results show that inversion tectonics encourages the formation of magma paths as potential feeder dykes. Our three-dimensional models allow us to explore the local stresses induced by complex loading conditions at the Karlıova triple junction, using an approach that can in future be applied to other similar tectonic regions. The numerical results indicate a great complexity in the potential magma (dyke) paths, resulting from local stresses generated by interaction between mechanical layers, major faults, and magma chambers. In particular, the results suggest three main controls on magma path formation and, eventual eruptions, at KTJ: (1) the geometry and attitude of the associated faults; (2) the heterogeneity and anisotropic of the crust; and (3) mechanical (stress) interactions between deep and shallow magma chambers.

Figure 1. (a) Las Canadas caldera and the stratovolcano Teide in Tenerife, Spain (Photo: NASA). How do collapse calderas form and why do some collapses result in very large eruptions? (b) Part of the Thingvellir Graben (and the... more

Figure 1. (a) Las Canadas caldera and the stratovolcano Teide in Tenerife, Spain (Photo: NASA). How do collapse calderas form and why do some collapses result in very large eruptions? (b) Part of the Thingvellir Graben (and the stratovolcano Hengill) in Southwest Iceland. How can graben subsidence suppress or, alternatively, trigger eruptions? (c) Why did most of the feeder-dike of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption in Iceland (seen here; Photo; T. Thordarson) become arrested, while a tiny 'finger' made it to the surface to erupt? (d) Why do polygenetic volcanoes commonly stand 1-2 km above their surroundings (here: Augustine in Alaska, USA, during its 2005-2006 eruption; Photo: USGS/Cyrus Read).

Mt. Merapi, Indonesia, is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the Torrid Zone. This volcano has erupted frequently and has produced pyroclastic flows following the collapse of the summit lava dome. We used Synthetic Aperture... more

Mt. Merapi, Indonesia, is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the Torrid Zone. This volcano has erupted frequently and has produced pyroclastic flows following the collapse of the summit lava dome. We used Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data acquired by JERS-1 and RADARSAT-1 satellites from April 1996 to July 2006 to clarify the distribution patterns of the pyroclastic flow deposits. The extent of the deposits, termed P-zones, was accurately extracted by ratio operation and low-level feature extraction from SAR intensity images. These images highlighted temporal changes of the distribution area, perimeter, flow distance, included angle, and collapse direction. To validate the image-processing results, reflectance spectra of the rock samples collected after the eruption in June 2006 were measured in a laboratory. The reflectance spectra of all samples showed similar characteristics to the reference spectra, which were derived from atmospheric correction of Hyperion sensor image data covering the lava dome at the summit. Therefore, P-zones were confirmed to be the pyroclastic flow deposits originating from destruction of the lava dome at the summit. The image-processing results clarified that the extent of the distribution areas, perimeter, flow distances, and included angle of the P-zones were variable among the eruptions, while the collapse direction had a constant pattern. The collapse pattern followed a clockwise change from the south toward the west. By comparing the ratio maps of Bouguer gravity anomaly data in two periods, the change was interpreted to originate from the inclination of the conduit and the formation of shallow and deep magma reservoirs.

Concordant U–Pb zircon dates have been interpreted traditionally to date the crystallization ages of plutons because until recently analytical uncertainties have generally been large enough to encompass the anticipated duration of pluton... more

Concordant U–Pb zircon dates have been interpreted traditionally to date the crystallization ages of plutons because until recently analytical uncertainties have generally been large enough to encompass the anticipated duration of pluton growth. Advances in zircon TIMS analysis and geochronological studies by SIMS on zircon from young volcanic rocks, along with evolving views of the evolution of magmatic systems, makes it necessary to revaluate this interpretation. Assignment of unique pluton crystallization ages based on zircon dating is complicated by the propensity of zircon to survive multiple intrusive events that culminate in a large pluton. Distinctions must be made between true inherited zircon, xenocrystic zircon derived from host rocks during magma ascent and/or emplacement, and multi-stage growth of zircon during waxing and waning of magma reservoirs that solidify to form large plutons. These complications are exemplified by recent high-precision U–Pb zircon age dating from the Cretaceous Tuolumne and Mt. Stuart batholiths, which clearly show that the timeframe of pluton assembly was long (> 5 Ma for Mt. Stuart and > 8 Ma for Tuolumne). Zircon crystals from samples from both batholiths exhibit appreciable concordant age dispersion for zircon (several 105 yr up to 2 × 106 yr), and assignment of statistically valid rock solidification ages is not possible from these data. Low Zr in the rocks of each batholith indicates that magmas were initially strongly undersaturated in zircon when emplaced and inherited zircon is rare or absent. Recycling of zircon antecrysts during successive magmatic injections is the primary cause of the modest age dispersion of concordant zircon ages, and is compatible with progressive growth of a large, long-lived, crystal mush body. Because eruption of magma requires low to moderate crystal fraction and high temperatures (relative to stored crystal mushes), zircon crystals are more likely to be eradicated during thermal rejuvenation preceding major eruptions.

We present the results of the first systematic study of melt compositions at Pantelleria, based on both melt inclusions and matrix glasses in pantellerites from 10 eruptions during the last eruptive cycle (<45 kyr). We present major and... more

We present the results of the first systematic study of melt compositions at Pantelleria, based on both melt inclusions and matrix glasses in pantellerites from 10 eruptions during the last eruptive cycle (<45 kyr). We present major and trace element compositions, as well as data on the volatiles sulphur (S), fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and lithium (Li) Rare earth element (REE) compositions were inverted using the program INVMEL to establish the melt fraction vs depth relationship in the Pantellerian mantle source region. Inversion indicates that melts are generated by ∼1·7% melting of a light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched mantle source. The source lies principally within the spinel–garnet transition zone, which, on the basis of trace element ratios, shows some affinity to the source of North African magmatism. Major and trace element data indicate a gap in melt compositions at intermediate compositions, consistent with previously published whole-rock data. This gap rules out the possibility of explaining chemical variability in the Pantelleria lavas merely by changes in the crystal content of the magmas. Principal component analysis of major element glass compositions shows that the liquid line of descent for mafic melt compositions is controlled by clinopyroxene, plagioclase, magnetite and olivine crystallization. Alkali feldspar, clinopyroxene, ilmenite and olivine or aenigmatite crystallization controls the liquid line of descent for the silicic melt compositions, with aenigmatite broadly replacing olivine in the most evolved magmas. Trace element modelling indicates that 96% fractional crystallization is required to generate pantellerites from alkali basalts at Pantelleria (through trachytes, generated after 76% fractional crystallization). We have measured pantellerite volatile concentrations in melt inclusions and in matrix glasses from a variety of eruptions. Melt inclusions, on average, contain 350 ppm S, 3500 ppm F and 9000 ppm Cl. We have measured up to 4·9 wt % H2O and 150 ppm CO2 in melt inclusions. Li–H2O systematics and Cl abundances in melt inclusions are consistent with partitioning of Li and Cl into a subcritical hydrosaline fluid at low pressures. The volatiles H2O and CO2 are used to estimate melt equilibration pressures, which reach a maximum of 1·5 kbar. Temperatures of 800°C are calculated for the most evolved pantellerites, using published feldspar–melt geothermometers, and up to 870°C for the least evolved samples. Low melt viscosities are calculated for the range of pantellerite compositions observed and may account for rapid differentiation by crystal settling. Stable density stratification of the magma chamber is reflected in the eruption of generally progressively more fractionated compositions after the Green Tuff eruption during the last eruptive cycle. Some anomalies in this trend may be explained by variation in the relative rates of eruption vs fractionation. The density stratification is expected to be enhanced and further stabilized by the efficient migration of a fluid phase to the roof of the magma chamber. The sulphur data are used in combination with published experimental partitioning data for peralkaline rhyolites to estimate the sulphur yield to the atmosphere for a large pantelleritic eruption similar to the Green Tuff. This is expected to be markedly higher than for a similar-sized metaluminous rhyolitic or dacitic eruption, mainly owing to the higher bulk sulphur content, lower fluid–melt partition coefficients, and rapid differentiation and vapour phase segregation in the magma chamber.

Mt. Merapi, Indonesia, is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the Torrid Zone. This volcano has erupted frequently and has produced pyroclastic flows following the collapse of the summit lava dome. We used Synthetic Aperture... more

Mt. Merapi, Indonesia, is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the Torrid Zone. This volcano has erupted frequently and has produced pyroclastic flows following the collapse of the summit lava dome. We used Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data acquired by JERS-1 and RADARSAT-1 satellites from April 1996 to July 2006 to clarify the distribution patterns of the pyroclastic flow deposits. The extent of the deposits, termed P-zones, was accurately extracted by ratio operation and low-level feature extraction from SAR intensity images. These images highlighted temporal changes of the distribution area, perimeter, flow distance, included angle, and collapse direction. To validate the image-processing results, reflectance spectra of the rock samples collected after the eruption in June 2006 were measured in a laboratory. The reflectance spectra of all samples showed similar characteristics to the reference spectra, which were derived from atmospheric correction of Hyperion sensor image data covering the lava dome at the summit. Therefore, P-zones were confirmed to be the pyroclastic flow deposits originating from destruction of the lava dome at the summit. The image-processing results clarified that the extent of the distribution areas, perimeter, flow distances, and included angle of the P-zones were variable among the eruptions, while the collapse direction had a constant pattern. The collapse pattern followed a clockwise change from the south toward the west. By comparing the ratio maps of Bouguer gravity anomaly data in two periods, the change was interpreted to originate from the inclination of the conduit and the formation of shallow and deep magma reservoirs.

Using a compilation of melt compositions, meltwater contents, temperatures, and phenocryst contents, the preeruptive viscosities under magma reservoir conditions are calculated for 83 erupted magmas. The basaltic-to-rhyolitic magmas have... more

Using a compilation of melt compositions, meltwater contents, temperatures, and phenocryst contents, the preeruptive viscosities under magma reservoir conditions are calculated for 83 erupted magmas. The basaltic-to-rhyolitic magmas have preeruptive viscosities over the range 10^1 to 10^8 Pa s. Although bulk SiO2 content has often been used as a qualitative measure of preeruptive magma viscosity, the bulk SiO2 content shows a weak correlation with magma viscosity (correlation coefficient r = 0.5). Because of a wide range of phenocryst contents from 0 to ∼50 vol %, andesitic magmas have viscosities ranging from 10^2 to 10^7 Pa s, which are lower or higher than those of phenocryst-poor rhyolitic magmas with 10^5 to 10^6 Pa s. Focusing on andesitic to rhyolitic magmas, the r between bulk SiO2 contents and magma viscosities changes to −0.1. In contrast, the melt-only SiO2 content from a basaltic-to-rhyolitic melt shows a good linear correlation with melt-only viscosity (r = 0.9). Although most of the calculated viscosities of erupted magmas fall below ∼10^6 Pa s, as consistent with the previous compilation study, this paper describes 20 examples of highly viscous magmas with >10^6 Pa s, in most cases, composed of mixtures of high-silica rhyolitic melt (75–79 wt % SiO2) and abundant phenocrysts (30–55 vol %). In these highly viscous magmas, 9 examples have erupted following the precursory eruption of less viscous magma, suggesting that precursory dike propagation and conduit formation by the less viscous magma with <10^6 Pa s induced the following eruption of less eruptible, highly viscous magmas.

New mineral-melt thermobarometry and mineral chemistry data are presented for basaltic scoriae erupted from the Mbwelesu crater of Ambrym volcano, Vanuatu, during persistent lava lake activity in 2005 and 2007. These data reveal... more

New mineral-melt thermobarometry and mineral chemistry data are presented for basaltic scoriae erupted from the Mbwelesu crater of Ambrym volcano, Vanuatu, during persistent lava lake activity in 2005 and 2007. These data reveal crystallisation conditions and enable the first detailed attempt at reconstruction of the central magma plumbing system of Ambrym volcano. Pressures and temperatures of magma crystallisation at Ambrym are poorly constrained. This study focuses on characterising the magma conditions underlying the quasi-permanent lava lakes at the basaltic central vents, and examines petrological evidence for magma circulation. Mineral-melt equilibria for clinopyroxene, olivine and plagioclase allow estimation of pressures and temperatures of crystallisation, and reveal two major regions of crystallisation, at 24–29 km and 11–18 km depth, in agreement with indications from earthquake data of crustal storage levels at c. 25–29 km and 12–21 km depth. Temperature estimates are ~1150–1170 °C for the deeper region, and ~1110–1140 °C in the mid-crustal region, with lower temperatures of ~ 1090–1100 °C for late-stage crystallisation. More primitive plagioclase antecrysts are thought to sample a slightly more mafic melt at sub-Moho depths. Resorption textures combined with effectively constant mafic mineral compositions suggest phenocryst convec-tion in a storage region of consistent magma composition. In addition, basalt erupted at Ambrym has predominantly maintained a constant composition throughout the volcanic succession. This, coupled with recurrent periods of elevated central vent activity on the scale of months, suggest frequent magmatic recharge via steady-state melt generation at Ambrym.

Petrologic monitoring of Kīlauea Volcano from January 1983 to October 2013 has yielded an extensive record of glass, phenocryst, melt inclusion, and bulk‐lava chemistry from well‐quenched lava. When correlated with 30+ years of... more

Petrologic monitoring of Kīlauea Volcano from January 1983 to October 2013 has yielded an extensive record of glass, phenocryst, melt inclusion, and bulk‐lava chemistry from well‐quenched lava. When correlated with 30+ years of geophysical and geologic monitoring, petrologic details testify to physical maturation of summit‐ to‐rift magma plumbing associated with sporadic intrusion and prolonged magmatic overpressurization. Changes through time in bulk‐lava major‐ and trace‐element compositions, along with glass thermometry, record shifts in the dynamic balance of fractionation, mixing, and assimilation processes inherent to magma storage and transport during near‐continuous recharge and eruption. Phenocryst composition, morphology, and texture, along with the sulfur content of melt inclusions, constrain coupled changes in eruption behavior and geochemistry to processes occurring in the shallow magmatic system. For the first 17 years of eruption, magma was steadily tapped from a summit reservoir at 1–4 km depth and circulating between 1180 and 1200°C. Furthermore, magma cooled another 30°C while flowing through the 18 km long rift conduit, before erupting olivine‐spinel‐phyric lava at temperatures of 1150–1170°C in a pattern linked with edifice deformation, vent formation, eruptive vigor, and presumably the flux of magma into and out of the summit reservoir. During 2000–2001, a fundamental change in steady state eruption petrology to that of relatively low‐temperature, low‐MgO, olivine(‐spinel)‐clinopyroxene‐plagioclase‐phryic lava points to a physical transformation of the shallow volcano plumbing uprift of the vent. Preeruptive comagmatic mixing between hotter and cooler magma is documented by resorption, overgrowth, and compositional zonation in a mixed population of phenocrysts grown at higher and lower temperatures. Large variations of sulfur (50 to >1000 ppm) in melt inclusions within individual phenocrysts and among phenocrysts in most samples provide an unequivocal glimpse of rapid crystal growth amid sulfur degassing at <30 MPa in a turbulent preeruptive environment. We speculate that, during the last decade, one or more shallow open‐system reservoirs developed along the conduit between the summit and Pu'u 'Ō'ō and now serve to buffer the magmatic throughput associated with ongoing recharge and eruption. Lava with identical trace‐element signatures erupted simultaneously at the summit and at Pu'u 'Ō'ō from 2008 to 2013 confirms magmatic continuity between the vents. Complementary changes in compositions of matrix glasses, phenocrysts, and melt inclusions of summit tephra are mirrored by similar changes in contempo-raneous rift lava at eruption temperatures 20–35°C lower than those at the summit. Petrologic parameters measured at opposite ends of the shallow magmatic plumbing system are both correlated with summit deformation, demonstrating that effects of summit magma chamber pressurization are translated throughout interconnected magma pathways in the shallow edifice.

Merapi Volcano (Central Java, Indonesia) has been frequently active during Middle to Late Holocene time producing basalts and basaltic andesites of medium-K composition in earlier stages of activity and high-K magmas from ∼1900 14C yr BP... more

Merapi Volcano (Central Java, Indonesia) has been frequently active during Middle to Late Holocene time producing basalts and basaltic andesites of medium-K composition in earlier stages of activity and high-K magmas from ∼1900 14C yr BP to the present. Radiocarbon dating of pyroclastic deposits indicates an almost continuous activity with periods of high eruption rates alternating with shorter time spans of distinctly reduced eruptive frequency since the first appearance of high-K volcanic rocks. Geochemical data of 28 well-dated, prehistoric pyroclastic flows of the Merapi high-K series indicate systematic cyclic variations. These medium-term compositional variations result from a complex interplay of several magmatic processes, which ultimately control the periodicity and frequency of eruptions at Merapi. Low eruption rates and the absence of new influxes of primitive magma from depth allow the generation of basaltic andesite magma (56–57 wt% SiO2) in a small-volume magma reservoir through fractional crystallisation from parental mafic magma (52–53 wt% SiO2) in periods of low eruptive frequency. Magmas of intermediate composition erupted during these stages provide evidence for periodic withdrawal of magma from a steadily fractionating magma chamber. Subsequent periods are characterised by high eruption rates that coincide with shifts of whole-rock compositions from basaltic andesite to basalt. This compositional variation is interpreted to originate from influxes of primitive magma into a continuously active magma chamber, triggering the eruption of evolved magma after periods of low eruptive frequency. Batches of primitive magma eventually mix with residual magma in the magmatic reservoir to decrease whole-rock SiO2 contents. Supply of primitive magma at Merapi appears to be sufficiently frequent that andesites or more differentiated rock types were not generated during the past ∼2000 years of activity. Cyclic variations also occurred during the recent eruptive period since AD 1883. The most recent eruptive episode of Merapi is characterised by essentially uniform magma compositions that may imply the existence of a continuously active magma reservoir, maintained in a quasi-steady state by magma recharge. The whole-rock compositions at the upper limit of the total SiO2 range of the Merapi suite could also indicate the beginning of another period of high eruption rates and shifts towards more mafic compositions.

A series of large caldera-forming eruptions (361– 38 ka) transformed Gorely volcano, southern Kamchatka Peninsula, from a shield-type system dominated by fractional crystallization processes to a composite volcanic center, exhibiting... more

A series of large caldera-forming eruptions (361– 38 ka) transformed Gorely volcano, southern Kamchatka Peninsula, from a shield-type system dominated by fractional crystallization processes to a composite volcanic center, exhibiting geochemical evidence of magma mixing. Old Gorely, an early shield volcano (700–361 ka), was followed by Young Gorely eruptions. Calc-alkaline high magnesium basalt to rhyolite lavas have been erupted from Gorely volcano since the Pleistocene. Fractional crystallization dominated evolution of the Old Gorely magmas, whereas magma mixing is more prominent in the Young Gorely eruptive products. The role of recharge-evacuation processes in Gorely magma evolution is negligible (a closed magmatic system); however, crustal rock assimilation plays a significant role for the evolved magmas. Most Gorely magmas differentiate in a shallow magmatic system at pressures up to 300 MPa, ∼3 wt% H 2 O, and oxygen fugacity of ∼QFM + 1.5 log units. Magma temperatures of 1123–1218 °C were measured using aluminum distribution between olivine and spinel in Old and Young Gorely basalts. The crystallization sequence of major minerals for Old Gorely was as follows: olivine and spinel (Ol + Sp) for mafic compositions (more than 5 wt% of MgO); clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized at ∼5 wt% of MgO (Ol + Cpx + Plag) and magnetite at ∼3.5 wt% of MgO (Ol + Cpx + Plag + Mt). We show that the shallow magma chamber evolution of Old Gorely occurs under conditions of decompression and degassing. We find that the caldera-forming eruption(s) modified the magma plumbing geometry. This led to a change in the dominant magma evolution process from fractional crystallization to magma mixing. We further suggest that disruption of the magma chamber and accompanying change in differentiation process have the potential to transform a shield volcanic system to that of composite cone on a global scale.

The mechanics of caldera collapse are subject of long-running debate. Particular uncertainties concern how stresses around a magma reservoir relate to fracturing as the reservoir roof collapses, and how roof collapse in turn impacts upon... more

The mechanics of caldera collapse are subject of long-running debate. Particular uncertainties concern how stresses around a magma reservoir relate to fracturing as the reservoir roof collapses, and how roof collapse in turn impacts upon the reservoir. We used two-dimensional Distinct Element Method models to characterise the evolution of stress around a depleting sub-surface magma body during gravity-driven collapse of its roof. These models illustrate how principal stress orientations rotate during progressive deformation so that roof fracturing transitions from initial reverse faulting to later normal faulting. They also reveal four end-member stress paths to fracture, each corresponding to a particular location within the roof. Analysis of these paths indicates that fractures associated with ultimate roof failure initiate in compression (i.e. as shear fractures). We also report on how mechanical and geometric conditions in the roof affect pre-failure unloading and post-failure reloading of the reservoir. In particular, the models show how residual friction within a failed roof could, without friction reduction mechanisms or fluid-derived counter-effects, inhibit a return to a lithostatically equilibrated pressure in the magma reservoir. Many of these findings should be transferable to other gravity-driven collapse processes, such as sinkhole formation, mine collapse and subsidence above hydrocarbon reservoirs.

A 45-km-long regional dike was emplaced over a period of 2 weeks in August 2014 at the boundary between the East and North Volcanic Zones in Iceland. This is the first regional dike emplacement in Iceland monitored with modern geophysical... more

A 45-km-long regional dike was emplaced over a period of 2 weeks in August 2014 at the boundary between the East and North Volcanic Zones in Iceland. This is the first regional dike emplacement in Iceland monitored with modern geophysical networks, the importance of which relates to regional dikes feeding most of the large fissure (e.g., Eldgja 934 and Laki 1783) and lava shield (e.g. early Holocene Skjaldbreidur and Trölladyngja) eruptions. During this time, the dike generated some 17,000 earthquakes, more than produced in Iceland as a whole over a normal year. The dike initiated close to the Bardarbunga Volcano but gradually extended to the northeast until it crossed the boundary between the East Volcanic Zone (EVZ) and the North Volcanic Zone (NVZ). We infer that the strike of the dike changes abruptly at a point, from about N45ºE (coinciding with the trend of the EVZ) to N15ºE (coinciding with the trend of the NVZ). This change in strike occurs at latitude 64.7º, exactly the same latitude at which about 10 Ma dikes in East Iceland change strike in a similar way. This suggests that the change in the regional stress field from the southern to the northern part of Iceland has been maintained at this latitude for 10 million years. Analytical and numerical models indicate that the dike-induced stress field results in stress concentration around faults and particularly shallow magma chambers and calderas in its vicinity, such as Tungnafellsjökull, Kverkfjöll, and Askja. In particular, the dike has induced high compressive, shear, and tensile stresses at the location of the Bardarbunga shallow chamber and (caldera) ring-fault where numerous earthquakes occurred during the dike emplacement, many of which have exceeded M5 (the largest M5.7). The first segment of the dike induced high tensile stresses in the nearby part of the Bardarbunga magma chamber/ring-fault resulting in radially outward injection of a dike from the chamber at a high angle to the strike of the regional dike. The location of maximum stress at Bardarbunga fluctuates along the chamber/ring-fault boundary in harmony with dike size and/or pressure changes and encourages ring-dike formation and associated magma flow within the chamber. Caldera collapse and/or eruption in some of these volcanoes is possible, most likely in Bardarbunga, but depends largely on the future development of the regional dike.
Keywords: Crustal stresses, dike propagation, feeder dike, volcano deformation, volcano

The Tissint Martian meteorite is an unusual depleted olivine-phyric shergottite, reportedly sourced from a mantle-derived melt within a deep magma chamber. Here, we report major and trace element data for Tissint olivine and pyroxene, and... more

The Tissint Martian meteorite is an unusual depleted olivine-phyric shergottite, reportedly sourced from a mantle-derived melt within a deep magma chamber. Here, we report major and trace element data for Tissint olivine and pyroxene, and use these data to provide new insights into the dynamics of the Tissint magma chamber. The presence of irregularly spaced oscillatory phosphorous (P)-rich bands in olivine, along with geochemical evidence indicative of a closed magmatic system, implies that the olivine grains were subject to solute trapping caused by vigorous crystal convection within the Tissint magma chamber. Calculated equilibration temperatures for the earliest crystallizing (antecrystic) olivine cores suggest a Tissint magma source temperature of 1680°C, and a local Martian mantle temperature of 1560°C during the late Amazonian-the latter being consistent with the ambient mantle temperature of Archean Earth.

We present the results of the first systematic study of melt compositions at Pantelleria, based on both melt inclusions and matrix glasses in pantellerites from 10 eruptions during the last eruptive cycle (<45 kyr). We present major... more

We present the results of the first systematic study of melt compositions at Pantelleria, based on both melt inclusions and matrix glasses in pantellerites from 10 eruptions during the last eruptive cycle (<45 kyr). We present major and trace element compositions, as well as data on the volatiles sulphur (S), fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and lithium (Li) Rare earth element (REE) compositions were inverted using the program INVMEL to establish the melt fraction vs depth relationship in the Pantellerian mantle source region. Inversion indicates that melts are generated by ∼1·7% melting of a light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched mantle source. The source lies principally within the spinel–garnet transition zone, which, on the basis of trace element ratios, shows some affinity to the source of North African magmatism. Major and trace element data indicate a gap in melt compositions at intermediate compositions, consistent with previously published...