Master Degree Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The logic of signalling theory is emphasised in Gambetta’s Codes of the Underworld (2009) and Hamill’s The Hoods (2010), which empirically study violent acts as examples of signalling theory in action. In the contexts of jails and of the... more

The logic of signalling theory is emphasised in Gambetta’s Codes of the Underworld (2009) and Hamill’s The Hoods (2010), which empirically study violent acts as examples of signalling theory in action. In the contexts of jails and of the hoods in Belfast, as respectively depicted in Gambetta and Hamill’s works, anti-social behaviours and tough attitudes are adopted as well as displayed by individuals for their own self-interest to establish their position in a hierarchical structure, making themselves less vulnerable to the troubled realities they inhabit. Sustaining the thesis of these researchers, signalling theory is thus a valid social mechanism which explains violence by instrumental rationality; given the numerous disruptive consequences that its use might entail, the adoption of violence is often seen as irrational. Nonetheless, according to cost-benefit analysis, in low trust environments such as the underworld’s streets and behind prisons’ bars, individuals’ inability to engage in violence or credible threats of its use would be taken as licence for abuse, tarnishing their reputation and worsening their status among others (Gambetta, 2009). However, in his works Collins exposes counter-arguments to the rational action approach used by Gambetta and Hamill, as he focuses on situations rather than individual motives and highlights the significance of emotions in the explanation of violence.

This article aims to analyse variances between some emerging projections for the master degree at high policy level and the diverse interpretations and forms observed in its implementation in the aftermath of the Bologna Process reforms.... more

This article aims to analyse variances between some emerging projections for the master degree at high policy level and the diverse interpretations and forms observed in its implementation in the aftermath of the Bologna Process reforms. It thus examines European and national-level discourses regarding the master's place and purpose and, simultaneously, discusses the variation noted across Europe in the degree's implementation and its conceptualisation, facilitated by generic European guidelines and largely influenced by national traditions of higher education degree organisation. The article highlights some tensions between a growing emphasis on the lifelong learning dimension of the master in top policy-level discourses and some functions the degree currently fulfils. It also suggests that the master does not enjoy the distinctiveness of qualifications like the bachelor or the PhD. These factors raise questions around the master's comparability across Europe and approaches to facilitate mutual recognition, presenting an argument for a revisited conceptualisation of Bologna around transparency rather than convergence.

Whether you are designing a game or software designed to increase business productivity, attending a computer application course has many benefits. Especially with the rapid changes in technology, more and more companies are more willing... more

Whether you are designing a game or software designed to increase business productivity, attending a computer application course has many benefits. Especially with the rapid changes in technology, more and more companies are more willing to hire well-trained IT professionals in all aspects of IT. Not only in India but also all over the world, computer application courses are very valuable. With the right training and knowledge, any computer major can achieve an outstanding career through this specific course. Every year, nearly thousands of students plan to enroll in MCA.

I. ABSTRACT This study attempted to develop and evaluate a Radio Frequency (RF) Anti-Theft Vehicle Immobilizer for the students and instructors of Marikina Polytechnic College and light vehicle owners of Marikina City during the school... more

I. ABSTRACT This study attempted to develop and evaluate a Radio Frequency (RF) Anti-Theft Vehicle Immobilizer for the students and instructors of Marikina Polytechnic College and light vehicle owners of Marikina City during the school year 2016-2017. The researcher used descriptive method of research to develop the device. It involves ninety five (95) respondents grouped into three and selected using purposive random sampling. The device is evaluated using the researcher's made questionnaire and evaluated using five point likert's scale. The data were personally gathered and statistically treated using weighted mean and one-factor ANOVA tested at 0.01 level of significance. The device cost is three thousand four hundred eighty-four pesos (Php. 3,832). It is rated with an overall weighted mean of 4.68, 4.84 and 4.58, with verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree. There are no significant differences in the evaluations as perceived by the three groups of respondents in terms of Usefulness, Functionality, Safety and Maintenance. They differ in their perceptions in terms of durability, design and economy. In general, the device is life saver and very useful to the owner of the vehicle; promotes safety and security; wiring was properly installed and constructed; adopts to the trend of modern technology; has a cheap price; and can be used by car companies because of its functionality. The suggestions however were the creation of a manual for those who will use the device; make the device smaller; doors should automatically be

MBA student, chichester University Addressing the individual's relationship to change and motivation can allow us to significantly reduce the impact of structural organisation-wide change on the individual worker, through this their... more

MBA student, chichester University Addressing the individual's relationship to change and motivation can allow us to significantly reduce the impact of structural organisation-wide change on the individual worker, through this their associated teams, departments and the organisation as a whole. Applying this to real workforce situations within Nokia, where poignant situations have arisen resulting in increased change resistance due to not addressing awareness and desire creation, change fatigue and failure to address the people side of change.

Die weltweiten Migrationsströme haben die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Diskussionen zum Thema „Heimat“ intensiviert. Heimat – verstanden als Zugehörigkeit zu einem geographischen Ort, einer Sprache, einem Volk, einer Gruppe, einer... more

Die weltweiten Migrationsströme haben die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Diskussionen zum Thema „Heimat“ intensiviert. Heimat – verstanden als Zugehörigkeit zu einem geographischen Ort, einer Sprache, einem Volk, einer Gruppe, einer Familie, einer sozialen Schicht – führt in den Debatten im Kontext der Migration zur Frage nach Identität, Integration und Verortung der Heimat. Diese Verbindung von Heimat mit Migration, Identität und sozialer Integration bzw. Inklusion hat sie im Zeitalter von Globalisierung und Kosmopolitismus nicht nur zu einem allgegenwärtigen Thema gemacht, sondern ihr auch ein breites Forschungsfeld eröffnet.
Heimat neu zu denken, ist schon ein Schritt im Kampf gegen die Xenophobie und andere Diskriminierungen. So kann der Fremde in der Fremde Heimat finden. Diese gesellschaftliche Toleranz beziehungsweise Akzeptanz von Fremde und Fremdheit soll zur gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung beitragen.

Renewable energy has a noticeable and increasing impact on daily life, as they are an important means of renewing energy resources. Therefore, their practical applications are increasing every day, and solar energy is the most important... more

Renewable energy has a noticeable and increasing impact on daily life, as they are an important means of renewing energy resources. Therefore, their practical applications are increasing every day, and solar energy is the most important source of renewable energy. Modern technologies offer clean ways to collect energy from solar radiation. To optimize the investment of PV systems, research is being conducted into the possibility of improving the efficiency of these systems, starting from manufacturing processes and improving the quality of raw materials, as this requires expensive technologies and equipment, and efficiency can be improved during investment. Solar tracking is the most important technology for increasing the efficiency of solar systems during their investment, and it is classified into two categories. The first category is mechanical solar tracking, i.e. moving the photovoltaic panels to track the position of the sun so that the incoming solar rays are organized on the surface of the solar panels, as solar radiation is the most important factor in the processes of solar energy conversion and improving the solar system's return. The second category is electronic tracking, that is, chasing the output point of the maximum PV system and making use of all the energy available in the PV.
The objective of this research was to study the photovoltaic devices, mechanically tracking solar radiation and performing practical measurements on the performing system, as well as modelling and simulation of the maximum power point tracking system and comparing the results.
The best results appeared in the research in the case of merging the two systems of mechanical tracking and the maximum power point-tracking, followed by the results of the photovoltaic system equipped with mechanical tracking, then the results of the photovoltaic system with the tracking of the maximum power point.

O primeiro esclarecimento a ser feito aqui é de que, de nenhuma forma, essa listagem se propõe a ser algo “definitivo”, capaz de enumerar todos os periódicos de História, com “Qualis Preliminar” de, no mínimo, B2 e que aceitam submissões... more

O primeiro esclarecimento a ser feito aqui é de que, de nenhuma forma, essa listagem se propõe a ser algo “definitivo”, capaz de enumerar todos os periódicos de História, com “Qualis Preliminar” de, no mínimo, B2 e que aceitam submissões de mestrandos. Listei apenas aqueles que consegui encontrar. Além disso, posso também ter cometido erros. Reforço que a única base oficial para os dados Qualis de periódicos acadêmicos brasileiros é a Plataforma Sucupira. Atente-se de que o fato de uma dada revista estar associada a um PPG e/ou ser parcialmente (ou totalmente) administrada por discentes não fez parte dos critérios da seleção que usei, embora a maioria dos periódicos que listarei se enquadrem nessa condição. A única revista A1 dessa lista, História e Historiografia, por exemplo, não é um periódico exclusivamente discente e aceita submissões independentemente do título do pesquisador. A lista a seguir teve a ordenação baseada em dois critérios: 1º) Ordem decrescente do “Qualis Preliminar”, ou seja, do maior para o menor; 2º) Em caso de mesmo Qualis, seguiu-se a ordem alfabética. Além disso, para facilitar a percepção das transições, estabeleceu-se um padrão de cores.

El presente artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el papel de la formación posgradual en el desarrollo de habilidades blandas, al considerarse fundamentales para la transformación de los contextos organízacionales. Al inicio del documento... more

El presente artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el papel de la formación posgradual en el desarrollo de habilidades blandas, al considerarse fundamentales para la transformación de los contextos organízacionales. Al inicio del documento se presentan las diversas clasificaciones y denominaciones que se han realizado para describir las habilidades blandas y posteriormente se presenta la relación entre el
desarrollo de estas con la formación posgradual específicamente en el área de administración. Se concluye sobre la importancia de los posgrados en el desarrollo de dichas habilidad y se sugiere la necesidad
de incorporar en los planes de estudios cursos de tipo transversal que las promuevan.

Se presenta la propuesta del proyecto de investigación para fundamentar, evaluar, definir y proponer un programa de maestría pertinente en el área de publicidad con énfasis o especialidad en responsabilidad empresarial (social y... more

Se presenta la propuesta del proyecto de investigación para fundamentar, evaluar, definir y proponer un programa de maestría pertinente en el área de publicidad con énfasis o especialidad en responsabilidad empresarial (social y ambiental), a partir de las necesidades y experiencias del programa de Publicidad de la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó, Funlam. Se espera que como productos del proyecto de investigación resulten: el programa de maestría, estrategias de movilidad internacional con la Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial de Ecuador, y otros derivados de las mismas. Como parte del proceso de la investigación se realizará, además, el debido documento maestro y anexos necesarios para la obtención del registro calificado y posterior oferta del programa.

The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more

The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates greatly simplified high-resolution socio-economic profiles of populated geographical areas from complex large census data sets.

Masterul Psihopedagogia Școlii Incluzive este unul dintre cele mai vechi programe de master din Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației, Universitatea din București. Acest program de master a fost gândit, încă de la mijlocul... more

Masterul Psihopedagogia Școlii Incluzive este unul dintre cele mai vechi programe de master din Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației, Universitatea din București. Acest program de master a fost gândit, încă de la mijlocul anilor "90, un rol substanțial în dezvoltarea sa avându-l proiectele TEMPUS. Multiplele schimbări din domeniul academic, dar și social au impus reformarea programului de master Psihopedagogia Școlii Incluzive si trecerea la un nou program de master bazat pe clustere, acesta conducând la economie de personal și o flexibilitate mult mai mare. Masterul Psihopedagogia Școlii Incluzive concretizează experiența internațională a departamentului Psihopedagogie Specială dobândită prin proiecte de parteneriat cu universități prestigioase din străinătate iar prin pregătirea asigurată conduce la formarea unor competențe conforme standardelor calitative românești și europene, în perspectiva exercitării profesiei în condițiile competitivității, într-o societate în continuă schimbare.
The Inclusive School Psychopedagogy Master's Degree is one of the oldest master's programs in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest. This master's program has been designed since the mid-90s, the TEMPUS projects having a substantial role in its development. The multiple changes in the academic and social fields have required the reform of the Inclusive School Psychopedagogy master's program and the transition to a new master's program based on clusters, which led to staff savings and more flexibility. The Inclusive School Psychopedagogy Master's Degree concretizes the international experience of the Special Psychopedagogy department acquired through partnership projects with prestigious universities abroad and through the ensured training leads to the formation of competencies according to Romanian and European quality standards, in the perspective of practicing the profession in a competitive continuous change of the society.

Հոդվածում հիմնավորվում է ՀՀ բարձրագույն կրթության ոլորտի իրավական հիմքերի շուտափույթ փոփոխության անհրաժեշտությունը։ Առաջարկվում են բարձրագույն կրթության համակարգը կանոնակարգող իրավական ակտերի բարեփոխումների հիմնական ուղղություններն ու... more

Հոդվածում հիմնավորվում է ՀՀ բարձրագույն կրթության ոլորտի
իրավական հիմքերի շուտափույթ փոփոխության անհրաժեշտությունը։
Առաջարկվում են բարձրագույն կրթության համակարգը կանոնակարգող իրավական ակտերի բարեփոխումների հիմնական ուղղություններն ու նպատակները։ Դրանք կնպաստեն ոլորտի կառավարման արդյունավետության բարձրացմանը, բարձրագույն կրթության զարգացման արդի վիճակին և միջազգային չափանիշներին համապատասխանեցմանը, դինամիկ զարգացմանը:

Master of Inspiration Economy
International Advisory Board

Malaysia where I studied Mass Communication and Media Studies as well. As it has always been my age-long motivation to become a cultural agent in the Indonesian film industry. Therefore, to attain that goal, an advanced ability to... more

Malaysia where I studied Mass Communication and Media Studies as well. As it has always been my age-long motivation to become a cultural agent in the Indonesian film industry. Therefore, to attain that goal, an advanced ability to integrate both critical thinking and practical skills is required to comprehend the complexity of Film and Television Studies by multidisciplinary approaches respectively.

Amid the covid-19 epidemic, figures indicating no increase in suicide rates (John et al., 2020), might result puzzling; as a consequence of self-isolation measures, widespread predictions have been made on the number of individuals... more

Amid the covid-19 epidemic, figures indicating no increase in suicide rates (John et al., 2020), might result puzzling; as a consequence of self-isolation measures, widespread predictions have been made on the number of individuals intentionally causing their own death. From the early months of 2020, numerous countries have adopted severe lockdown restrictions, to which vast amounts of people are still subject to nowadays; these health guidances which serve to contrast the pandemic, are associated with a deterioration in population mental health, in addition to a higher prevalence of reported self-harming behaviours and feelings of loneliness. Nonetheless, possible explanations to this absence of alteration in suicide rates are an increment in social cohesion and a social change in values.

Una de las dificultades o inconvenientes que generalmente se presentan durante el desarrollo del proyecto de investigación del Trabajo de Grado en la Maestría en Geografía Física del Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, tiene que ver con la... more

Una de las dificultades o inconvenientes que generalmente se presentan durante el desarrollo del proyecto de investigación del Trabajo de Grado en la Maestría en Geografía Física del Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, tiene que ver con la elaboración de la caracterización ambiental (física, biológica y socio-económica) del área de estudio. En esta se percibe la ausencia de un carácter sistemático y estructurado, así como lógico, técnico, detallado, amplio y organizado. En atención a esta realidad, el propósito de este trabajo es ofrecer una serie de lineamientos y recomendaciones metodológicas, que permitan orientar el trabajo de los estudiantes en su proyecto de investigación. Este conjunto de lineamientos y recomendaciones surge de la revisión exhaustiva del aspecto en consideración de los Trabajos de Grado elaborados en la Maestría en Geografía Física. A tal efecto se diseñó una matriz comparativa y se consultó una muestra de sus egresados mediante una entrevista estandarizada programada. Finalmente, se exponen los lineamientos, recomendaciones, sugerencias y especificaciones para la descripción de cada uno de los aspectos que debe considerar la caracterización ambiental; algunos de orden técnico y de interés para la búsqueda de información y construcción de dicha caracterización.

The classical literature assumes that individuals form preferences and vote for political parties and proposals that are most likely to bring about individual economic gain. However, individuals may hold views that appear to be against... more

The classical literature assumes that individuals form preferences and vote for political parties and proposals that are most likely to bring about individual economic gain. However, individuals may hold views that appear to be against their self-interest on the basis of internal values and feelings of belongingness, as it is evinced from studies by Fowler and Kam ‘Beyond the self: Social identity, altruism, and political participation’ (2007) and by Rueda ‘Food comes first, then morals’ (2018). Despite voting behaviours being seemingly senseless, other-regarding preferences are conveyed by rational choice theory, as methodological individualism does not necessarily assume individuals to be selfish, but only self-interested, which rests on individual values including altruism. The ballot box success of Brexit and Trump in the 2016 US presidential elections, constitute sociological puzzles whereby high percentages of individuals from lower economic classes have voted for political right ideas in spite of the left-wing, whose principles generally promote redistribution and thus would be expected to better align with the working-class’ interests. Integrating values and social identity theory with rationality, arguably, allows us to provide explanations to these types of sociological phenomena which rational action theory seems limited at, such as themes related to the paradox of voting—the idea according to which, for a self-interested individual, the costs of voting usually exceed the expected benefits (Downs, 1957).

This paper gives a brief overview over the labour market for Norwegian philosophy candidates that emphasises the main problems these candidates face at the labour market (in academia and elsewhere). The problems at the job market are then... more

This paper gives a brief overview over the labour market for Norwegian philosophy candidates that emphasises the main problems these candidates face at the labour market (in academia and elsewhere). The problems at the job market are then related to weaknesses in the Norwegian university system and to problems associated with academic publishing. I close by suggesting a prioritizing of philosophy in the school system and that the Norwegian Ph.D. courses need to be strengthened.

Al hacer referencia al quehacer investigativo en el Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas (IPC), y en particular en el área del conocimiento de la Geografía Física, ineludiblemente debemos hacer mención especial de la Maestría en Geografía,... more

Al hacer referencia al quehacer investigativo en el Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas (IPC), y en particular en el área del conocimiento de la Geografía Física, ineludiblemente debemos hacer mención especial de la Maestría en Geografía, Mención Geografía Física, o simplemente la Maestría en Geografía Física; y no menos importante, por la plataforma o el soporte investigativo que brinda a este subprograma de postgrado, al Centro de Investigación ‘Estudios del Medio Físico Venezolano’ (Ciemefive).

Özet Küreselleşme ve bilişimin gelişmesiyle birlikte, farklı ülkelerden gelen daha fazla insanın birbirleriyle fikirlerini tek bir dil ile iletişim kurdukları ve paylaştıkları yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. İster ingilizceyi ister sevmeyin,... more

Özet Küreselleşme ve bilişimin gelişmesiyle birlikte, farklı ülkelerden gelen daha fazla insanın birbirleriyle fikirlerini tek bir dil ile iletişim kurdukları ve paylaştıkları yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. İster ingilizceyi ister sevmeyin, ister küreselleşme ve bilişim dalgasına girmek istiyorsanız ve etkili uluslararası iletişimler istiyorsanız ya da etkili bir politikacı tüccar ve bilim adamı olmak istiyorsanız, iletişim kurmak için İngilizceyi kullanabilmeniz gerekir. İngilizce, 21. yüzyılın egemen uluslararası dilidir. Dünya nüfusunun dörtte biri olan 1,75 milyar insan tarafından yeterli bir düzeyde konuşulan İngilizce , İletişim, bilim, bilgi teknolojisi, iş dünyası, eğlence ve diplomasi dili olarak küresel konuşma için işletim aracı haline gelmiştir. İngilizcenin küresel bir dil olduğu yönündeki yaygın algıya rağmen, dünyadaki eğitim sistemlerinde eğitim politikaları ve uygulamaları üzerindeki etkisi hakkında nispeten az sistematik bilgi toplanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yabancı dil olarak İngilizcenin lisans üstü eğitimindeki etkisini ve İngilizceyi yeterli derecede bilmekle eğitim ve kalkınma seviyeleri arasında bir paralellik olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler : İngilizce , Lisans Ustu , İngilizce Yeterlilik GİRİŞ Şu anda dünya çapında İngilizceyi ana dil olarak kullanan 380 milyon insan ve ikinci dil olarak İngilizce kullanan 250 milyon insan var. İngilizceyi öğrenen kişi sayısı gün geçtikçe daha da artmaktadır. İngiliz kültür konseyinin tahminine göre, dünyanın dört bir yanında İngilizce öğrenenlerin sayısı 1 milyara ulaşırken, yaklaşık 1,5 ila 2 milyar insan İngilizce ile temas halindedir ve bu konseyin tahminlerine göre 2050 yılına gelindiğinde, dünya nüfusunun yarısı İngilizceyi kullanacak. Şu anda dünya çapında istatistiklere göre, resmi dil olarak İngilizce'yi kullanan 60'tan fazla ülke bulunurken, ortak dil olarak İngilizce'yi kullanan uluslararası kuruluşların yüzdeliği % 85'i geçmiş ve ayrıca dünya ki internet yazışmalarının % 80'i İngilizce olarak yazılmıştır. Uluslararası iletişimde İngilizcenin egemenliği özellikle bilimsel araştırma alanında belirgindir. II.

The research dimension of higher education programmes is usually discussed in association with doctoral studies. Against a background of scarce literature investigating research in a Master's degree, this article aims to analyse the place... more

The research dimension of higher education programmes is usually discussed in association with doctoral studies. Against a background of scarce literature investigating research in a Master's degree, this article aims to analyse the place of research in Master's qualifications, first, as envisaged by official European and national documents acting as reference frameworks for degree design (i.e. qualification frameworks) and, second, in its practical manifestations in Master of Science (MSc) degrees in Physics in three national contexts (England, Portugal and Denmark). It highlights different understandings of the importance and roles assigned to research in Master's degrees by national policy actors in the three countries. Simultaneously, it argues that research is an essential component of MSc degrees in Physics, perceived as a gateway to a Physics research profession on account of disciplinary specificity. Research translates into a number of concrete practices, of which the Master's thesis is the main manifestation, with, however, variation in the purpose of research (instrumental or an end in itself). The article discusses implications of these different understandings and expressions of research in Master's programmes for the comparability of higher education degrees and ensuing recognition and student mobility in the European Higher Education Area, as envisaged by the Bologna process reforms. It is suggested that similar studies could be performed in other disciplines to make up for the gap in evidence and scholarship on the research dimension of Master's programmes and their degree of convergence.

The first reflections of this article will focus on the history of Social Workers basic training from its origins to the present with special emphasis on Spain. The second part of this work will focus on research and training in social... more

The first reflections of this article will focus on the history of Social Workers basic training from its origins to the present with special emphasis on Spain. The second part of this work will focus on research and training in social work and how knowledge production by social workers. The article continues with a brief analysis of the new structure of Social Work Studies in light of the European Higher Education Area, stopping in the adaptation course to the Degree in Social Work. The article ends with a personal reflection on the opportunities that the new EHEA provides social work research.
RESUMEN: Las primeras reflexiones de este artículo se centrarán en la historia de la formación básica de los/as profesionales del Trabajo social desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad con especial énfasis en España. La segunda parte de este trabajo tratará sobre la investigación como formación especializada en Trabajo social y como producción de conocimiento por parte de los/as trabajadores/as sociales. El artículo continúa con un breve análisis de la nueva estructuración de los estudios de Trabajo social a la luz del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, deteniéndonos en el Curso de adaptación de la Diplomatura al Grado de Trabajo social. Finaliza el artículo con una reflexión personal sobre las oportunidades que el nuevo EEES ofrece a la investigación en Trabajo social.

... Réagissant pour une fois publiquement, la hiérarchie de l'armée a vivement dénoncé, au travers d'un "ordre du jour" du chef d'État-Major Mohamed Lamari, ce qu'elle considère comme une tentative de... more

... Réagissant pour une fois publiquement, la hiérarchie de l'armée a vivement dénoncé, au travers d'un "ordre du jour" du chef d'État-Major Mohamed Lamari, ce qu'elle considère comme une tentative de "saper la cohésion dans les rangs de l'armée". ...

Abstract: This paper intends to be a journey through the European structures who backup criminal investigation, starting in their origin and evolution and ending in trying to establish whether they are enough and respond effectively to... more

Abstract: This paper intends to be a journey through the European structures who backup criminal investigation, starting in their origin and evolution and ending in trying to establish whether they are enough and respond effectively to the needs of the Member States in the fight against transnational criminal organizations.
A succinct analysis of those structures was conducted, intending to verify their importance and framework in the national and European context, and also their contribution to the investigation of transnational organized crime and police and judicial cooperation in the European Union.

This article compares the national-level requirements for master degree provision in England, Denmark and Portugal following the implementation of the Bologna Process, and ponders upon the reconcilability of these requirements in... more

This article compares the national-level requirements for master degree provision in England, Denmark and Portugal following the implementation of the Bologna Process, and ponders upon the reconcilability of these requirements in cross-national initiatives (e.g. joint degrees). In all three countries, master degrees have to comply with the national qualification frameworks, which have been verified against the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. Other regulations apply, however. In Denmark and Portugal, higher education degrees are tightly regulated by legislation, while the Academic Infrastructure developed by the Quality Assurance Agency in the UK acts as a broad reference for degree design, giving English institutions a high degree of freedom. Findings reveal the existence of contradictory requirements which have arisen further to policy adaptations, made possible by the non-legally binding character of Bologna and its loose policy mechanisms.

A project which integrates medical RESIDENCY with medical masters degree has been discussed and is expected to be set up at UFMG Medical School in the near future. Such project is optional for the entering residents and aims those who are... more

A project which integrates medical RESIDENCY with medical masters degree has been discussed and is expected to be set up at UFMG Medical School in the near future. Such project is optional for the entering residents and aims those who are interested in becoming researchers. This paper's objective is to raise the residents' opinion on the project as well as their interests in post graduation level. A 240 university hospital residents (HC-UFMG) and a 114 non-university hospital (IPSEMG) were studied through questionnaire application. From the total population of 354 residents we had a 50% questionnaire devolution, 120 (68%) from HC-UFMG and 57 (32%) from IPSEMG. Residents of different clinical and surgical areas were included, 55% male and 45% female. Most of them work exclusively in residency activities, 69% have interest in specialize after residency, 55% in taking medical masters degree, 52% in taking up academic life and 67% in applying for the integrated residency-master ...

The research dimension of higher education programmes is usually discussed in association with doctoral studies. Against a background of scarce literature investigating research in a Master's degree, this article aims to analyse the... more

The research dimension of higher education programmes is usually discussed in association with doctoral studies. Against a background of scarce literature investigating research in a Master's degree, this article aims to analyse the place of research in Master's qualifications, first, as envisaged by official European and national documents acting as reference frameworks for degree design (i.e. qualification frameworks) and, second, in its practical manifestations in Master of Science (MSc) degrees in Physics in three national contexts (England, Portugal and Denmark). It highlights different understandings of the importance and roles assigned to research in Master's degrees by national policy actors in the three countries. Simultaneously, it argues that research is an essential component of MSc degrees in Physics, perceived as a gateway to a Physics research profession on account of disciplinary specificity. Research translates into a number of concrete practices, of whi...

... Réagissant pour une fois publiquement, la hiérarchie de l'armée a vivement dénoncé, au travers d'un "ordre du jour" du chef d'État-Major Mohamed Lamari, ce qu'elle considère comme une tentative de... more

... Réagissant pour une fois publiquement, la hiérarchie de l'armée a vivement dénoncé, au travers d'un "ordre du jour" du chef d'État-Major Mohamed Lamari, ce qu'elle considère comme une tentative de "saper la cohésion dans les rangs de l'armée". ...

Аннотация. Автор раскрывает концептуальные основы и содержание учебного курса по преподаванию журналистики, который читается в магистратуре. В качестве мате-риала для анализа в статье использован опыт Санкт-Петербургского государственного... more

Аннотация. Автор раскрывает концептуальные основы и содержание учебного курса по преподаванию журналистики, который читается в магистратуре. В качестве мате-риала для анализа в статье использован опыт Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. Журналистское образование представлено как сложный комплекс, в ко-тором объединены многосторонняя социально-гуманитарная подготовка, трансляция прогрессивной профессиональной идеологии и практическое обучение. В учебном курсе показано воздействие на образование ряда взаимосвязанных факторов. Автор последо-вательно характеризует следующие факторы: нормативный (законы и официальные стандарты образования), кадровый (состав и квалификация преподавателей), професси-онально-практический (запросы индустрии), аудиторный (характеристики учащихся) и организационно-методический. Ни один из них не может считаться доминирующим, в то время как каждый из них диктует определенные параметры обучения, которые должны быть приняты во внимание. Ключевые слова: журналистское образование, преподаватель журналистики, учебная дисциплина, магистратура, воздействующие факторы.
Abstract. The author reveals the conceptual foundations and content of the training course on teaching journalism, which is taught in the master's program. The article uses the experience of Saint Petersburg State University as a material for analysis. Journalism education is presented as an integrated complex that combines multi-sided social and humanitarian enlightenment, translation of progressive professional ideology and practical training. The course shows the impact of a number of interrelated factors on education. The author characterizes one after another the following factors: normative (laws and official standards of education), personnel (body and qualifications of teachers), professional and practical (industry requests), audience (characteristics of students), and organizational and methodological. None of them can be considered dominant, while each of them dictates some educational parameters that should be taken into account.