Mediaeval Archaeology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In 1929, a collection of finds was discovered in the sand quarry near Honnersdorf (Jindřichov near Tršnice), which included a ceramic vessel, a sword of the long seax type and related ironwork of the sheath. The find immediately became... more

In 1929, a collection of finds was discovered in the sand quarry near Honnersdorf (Jindřichov near Tršnice), which included a ceramic vessel, a sword of the long seax type and related ironwork of the sheath. The find immediately became the subject of polemic between German and after 1945 Czech nationalist authors, but was later forgotten and was never evaluated systematically. The present contribution now does this.
Alongside the material analyses, the text concentrates on rooting the Jindřichov finds in the context of the geographically, culturally and historically closest region, the Upper Palatinate. The reference group of eleven long seaxes from ten localities is compared in terms of landscape placement, the combination of grave goods and the morphological, decorative and technological features. The analysis reveals the substantial homogeneity of this group, indicating the chronological, cultural and symbolic proximity of the components. The Jindřichov find can thus be seen as part of the South German (Danube) group of long seaxes, placing its creation around the year 700.

Comacchio (FE), Italy, archaeological excavations

The belt with its purely practical as well as semantically apothropeic function is present in the Bulgarian national costume from the Middle Ages till the days of present. The origin, occurrence and semantics of the male belts from the... more

The belt with its purely practical as well as semantically apothropeic function is present in the Bulgarian national costume from the Middle Ages till the days of present. The origin, occurrence and semantics of the male belts from the Middle Ages have long been the subject of scientific research opposite to the female belt steadily remaining in the outskirts of scholarly investigation. In the research of mediaeval necropolises and settlements are usually found small-sized buckles, defined as an element of the female costume. In the fund of the Historical Museum at the town of Karnobat are kept three such buckles uncovered after treasure-hunting intervention in the region between the villages of Sokollovo and Klickach. Unfortunately these finds cannot be used as dating but rather as comparative material raising numberless issues related to their evolution and application in the life of the Middle Ages. There exists no unanimous point of view neither about the time of their appearance, the social distinction and layer of people who used to wear this kind of adornment, nor about their semantic significance. The lack of published monuments belonging to this type, as well as the absence of secure archaeological environment impede the finding of positive answers to all these questions. In the future investigations referring to these problems we’ll have to take into consideration that similar to all adornments the belt buckles developed in conformity with the general laws peculiar for the evolution of the costume, representing a reflection of the vogue and fashionable trends in the lifestyle and expression of the artistic and aesthetic affiliations of the Bulgarian people in the period of the Middle Ages.

This paper examines historical concentrations of certain animals between the fifth and the fourteenth centuries, subdivided into time periods. Differences and similarities found in the archaeozoological material contribute to debates... more

This paper examines historical concentrations of certain animals between the fifth and the fourteenth centuries, subdivided into time periods. Differences and similarities found in the archaeozoological material contribute to debates concerning the collapse of the Roman world and the establishment of new medieval structures.

This edition brings 20 conference presentations, which were adapted into papers by their authors. The intention of the conference was to acquaint scientists and the general public with new research and interpretations, and to encourage... more

This edition brings 20 conference presentations, which were adapted into papers by their authors. The intention of the conference was to acquaint scientists and the general public with new research and interpretations, and to encourage quality scientific discussion on everyday life and attitudes towards the death of mediaeval and early modern populations. As this is a topic that cannot be fully covered by archaeological methods alone, our goal was to bring together scientists of different profiles (archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, molecular biologists) in a multidisciplinary attempt to interpret the life and death of our ancestors.

Evaluation of a set of medieval swords from the Czech Republic in the context of contemporary European swords. This volume deals in detail with the typological and technological development of swords from the Czech territory, also in... more

Evaluation of a set of medieval swords from the Czech Republic in the context of contemporary European swords. This volume deals in detail with the typological and technological development of swords from the Czech territory, also in relation to finds from other European regions. The analysis of the development of the symbolic perception of the sword by the society of the time, which underwent a rather complex development.

Księga jubileuszowa oferowana Profesorowi Stanisławowi Medekszy

4th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology is going to be held in Zagreb from 7th till 9th June 2017. Book of abstracts give all the informations on the conference program and the... more

4th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology is going to be held in Zagreb from 7th till 9th June 2017.
Book of abstracts give all the informations on the conference program and the abstracts of 74 lectures and 14 posters.
There are 123 participants from 16 countries at the conference.
The conference is organised by Institute of Archaeology (Zagreb) in co-organisation with the Croatian Institute of History.
The place of the Conference is in the Croatian Institute of History (Opatička 10, Zagreb).
Partners of the Conference are Archaeological museum in Zagreb and Zagreb City Museum.

This book is the first part of a two-volume monograph, which is focused on documentation, analysis and interpretation of swords from the turn of the 9th century to the mid-16th century in what is now the Czech Republic, and on their... more

This book is the first part of a two-volume monograph, which is focused on documentation, analysis and interpretation of swords from the turn of the 9th century to the mid-16th century in what is now the Czech Republic, and on their assessment in the context of contemporary European swords. This volume aims to provide both a systematic inventory of these medieval and Early Renaissance swords and information connected with them. The most essential part is a comprehensive catalogue of 430 swords or sword fragments, which are historically linked to the territory of the Czech Republic (the swords were found there, they come from Czech and Moravian collections, items of which are most likely to be of a local origin, or they are nowadays deposited abroad although they are certainly of Czech or Moravian origin).

The paper concerns the discovery of a new falchion found in the old riverbed of the San river near Nozdrzec in SouthEastern Poland. The artefact, which was preserved along with the remains of wooden and leather elements, can be dated to... more

The paper concerns the discovery of a new falchion found in the old riverbed of the San river near Nozdrzec in SouthEastern Poland. The artefact, which was preserved along with the remains of wooden and leather elements, can be dated to the th th second half of the 15 and the beginning of the 16 centuries. It is one of a very few falchions known from former Red Rutheniathe eastern part of the Kingdom of Poland. However, written sources and iconography indicate that this kind of side-arm was just as popular here as in other Central European regions.

В главе 1 монографии "Новое в археологии Старой Ладоги: материалы и исследования" (СПб., 2018) освещены подробности первых лет раскопок Земляного городища экспедицией под руководством В. И. Равдоникаса (1938-1940 гг.), описана методика... more

В главе 1 монографии "Новое в археологии Старой Ладоги: материалы и исследования" (СПб., 2018) освещены подробности первых лет раскопок Земляного городища экспедицией под руководством В. И. Равдоникаса (1938-1940 гг.), описана методика
этих исследований и их основные результаты.

This article summarizes the results of co-author Heike Hansen's highly detailed stone-by-stone survey and archaeological analysis of the façade of the late romanesque abbey church of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard in Southern France in the context... more

This article summarizes the results of co-author Heike Hansen's highly detailed stone-by-stone survey and archaeological analysis of the façade of the late romanesque abbey church of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard in Southern France in the context of a global archaeological approach and thorough understanding of the building process of the church in its relationship with the earlier monastic buildings.

The name of the fortress was mentioned for the first time in 1153 by the Arab geographer al-Idrissi who described it as a town situated on the road leading from the sea coast to Veliki Preslav. Later, during the 13th and 14th centuries... more

The name of the fortress was mentioned for the first time in 1153 by the Arab geographer al-Idrissi who described it as a town situated on the road leading from the sea coast to Veliki Preslav. Later, during the 13th and 14th centuries the name of “Petrich” appeared in some Byzantine chronicles and ecclesiastic documents. In the fall of 1444, the fortress founded itself on the way of the Last Crusade and fell into the focus of the Western European and Ottoman authors, who purposefully or casually described the fortification and location of the “Petrich Kale”.
The fortress is located in the north-western part of the Avren plateau, on a high sheer cliff above the village of Razdelna, Varna Region. The place is naturally fortified and probably for that reason had been estimated as suitable for settlement since the Thracian and Hellenistic epochs.
During the Late Roman period the location of the already existed Tracian settlement above the Devnya Valley with a direct visibility to Marcianopolis and to the plains to the north, made it a strategic point directly related to the defence of the capital of Lower Moesia. Perhaps this was the main reason for the construction of a solid fortification at the 3rd century. Until the end of the 6th century the fortress retained its role of a safe outpost of Byzantium in the region. Since the beginning of the next century, it shared the fate of all the cities and fortresses north of the Hemus Mountains, and was deserted. In the middle of the 9th and in the 10th centuries a new Bulgarian population settled here. The discovery of a lead seal of King Boris-Michael gives reason to assume that officials connected to the capital administration resided here.
Particularly important for the further history of Petrich Kale were the 11th and 12th centuries. During this period the settlement grew and turned from a military strategic point into a town, as was described in 1153 by the Arab geographer al-Idrissi. The Western European authors describing the campaign of Vladislav III Jagello in November 1444 also depicted it as a town comparable to Ovech and Shumen. It is these events that put the end to the history of Petrich Kale. After the battle on November the 7th 1444, the fortress was destroyed and its inhabitants gradually withdrew to the more comfortable and fertile lands of the Devnya valley or to the interior of the Avren plateau.

In the collections of Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen, number of artefacts closely related to Medieval and Early Modern warfare are deposited. Among them are many exceptional relics from the former Pilsen armoury as well as... more

In the collections of Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen, number of artefacts closely related to Medieval and Early Modern warfare are deposited. Among them are many exceptional relics from the former Pilsen armoury as well as archaeological finds, collected at the end of the 19th century by local researcher F. X. Franc. He found them during the excavations of Lopata castle near Milínov (Pilsen region). However, there are some artefacts in this, without the doubt and important collection, which are in terms of their localization rather disputable. There is a reasonable doubt, that the unique of helmet of basinet type was found in the castle area. Same goes for the well preserved dussack, which is the subject of this paper. This weapon could be described as single-handed short dussack with broad blade, dated to a rather long chronological window between the end of 14th and the beginning of 16th century. Thanks to its pristine condition, this weapon provided us with new information regarding the manufacturing techniques, used for the manufacture of medieval weapon, including the common manufacturing defects.

The study provides a brief summary and comparison of the knowledge on settlements existing during the time of the so-called Avar Khaganate, with the focus being the territory of Slovakia and the eighth century, but to a great extent... more

The study provides a brief summary and comparison of the knowledge on settlements existing during the time of the so-called Avar Khaganate, with the focus being the territory of Slovakia and the eighth century, but to a great extent including also the research of settlements in Hungary and in the areas of the extended khaganate. The study does not intend to be a complete and exhaustive list of the proved phenomena but attempts to define the framework in which Central European national archaeologies have interpreted some selected questions of settlement archaeology. It compares the residential buildings and the material culture, predominantly ceramics, along with the location of the settlements in the landscape, microregional and macroregional settlement research. Archaeological knowledge is to a great extent confronted with the written sources and historical research. The final part of the study is devoted to the ethnic interpretation of the archaeological findings in terms of the settlements in the areas of the interpretation of residential buildings, ceramics and the hypothesis of the Slavic language of the khaganate. The study includes the reasons why the Avar Khaganate should be considered as one of the inspirational sources for the formation, emergence and existence of (Great) Moravia in the ninth century.

The paper publishes the results of the rescue excavations held in 2013 on a site, situated in a close proximity to the Royal Center and Royal Church of Veliki Preslav. It aims at defining some specific features of everyday culture of... more

The paper publishes the results of the rescue excavations held in 2013 on a site, situated in a close proximity to the Royal Center and Royal Church of Veliki Preslav. It aims at defining some specific features of everyday culture of Preslav during the Post-capital period throughout a detailed description of the stratigraphic layers, archaeological contexts and finds. The site is located in an area which is considered to be a part of a crafts quarter, generally dated in the period after the end of the 10th and beginning of the 11th until the end of the 13th c.

Technological examinations of two replicas of Medieval swords

From 2011 to 2013 nearby the town of Suvorovo during the study of prehistoric settlement a medieval dwelling was fully revealed. It was semi-dug in the ancient terrain at a depth of 0.20-0.30 m. The dwelling has been destroyed by a fire.... more

From 2011 to 2013 nearby the town of Suvorovo during the study of prehistoric
settlement a medieval dwelling was fully revealed. It was semi-dug in the ancient terrain
at a depth of 0.20-0.30 m. The dwelling has been destroyed by a fire. Its floor was covered
with rammed grey clay. The length of the walls in a north-south line is 3.40 m, in a eastwest
line – 3.20 m. The deviation from the north-south line of the dwelling’s orientation is
37°. The entrance was on the west side, where a step descending from the ancient surface
was cleared. At the front of the western facade the remains of drainage ditches with a
length of about 1.40 m width of 20–25 cm were found.
The plinth of the north wall, of which two rows have survived, was made of
large stones without mortar. Northern, eastern and southern walls were lined at least at
the surface of the floor with horizontal boards. The carrier horizontal of the roof has
been worn by three supporting pillars with a diameter of about 15 cm, arranged in a line
northeast-southwest through the middle of the dwelling. The coating was made of organic
In the middle of the dwelling a pit with a diameter of 0.80 m and a depth of
0.23 m from the floor was excavated. It was filled with loose soil of tan color, and not
any archaeological materials were found in the filler. In the southeastern corner of the
dwelling a rectangular oven was excavated. Its mouth was from the south-west side. The
size of the oven was 0.95 (NE-SW) x 0.65 m (NW-SE). It was fully preserved, built of
limestone. The total height of the oven was 0.45 m. There was 18 cm thick layer of white
ash on its floor.
On the floor of the dwelling were found fragments of five pots, part of glass
bracelet of dark blue color with oval cross-section, two fragments of iron knives and a
piece of iron object. In the filling the fragments of at least four vessels were found. In
compliance with the parallels of the found pottery, the dwelling refers to the second half
of the 10th century. But in the fallow many fragments of earlier and later medieval vessels
were found. Probably the settlement here existed at least from the second half of the 9th
century by the early 11th century AD.

In 2019, a metal-detector find of an exceptionally well-preserved weapon was made in the complex of Ždánice Forest. We can classify it as a long-sword of Type XVIa, H1, 1b (according to Oakeshott 1964; Głosek 1984, 39-40, Fig. 4) and date... more

In 2019, a metal-detector find of an exceptionally well-preserved weapon was made in the complex of Ždánice Forest. We can classify it as a long-sword of Type XVIa, H1, 1b (according to Oakeshott 1964; Głosek 1984, 39-40, Fig. 4) and date it to the turn of the 15th century. Its blade was marked on both sides with three marks taking the form of a forked cross, a diagonal consisting of three equilateral crosses and, finally, a bishop's crosier. The weapon was assembled from a blade of Passau provenance and hilt-components characteristic of the wider Central European region. These and other facts concerning the sword were obtained through detailed analysis, which this study introduces.