Migrant Children's Education Research Papers (original) (raw)
In 2015, Europe experienced a migrant crisis-The European Union has faced an unprecedented influx of refugees and migrants. More than one million people arrived in the European Union, most fleeing war and terror in Syria and other... more
In 2015, Europe experienced a migrant crisis-The European Union has faced an unprecedented influx of refugees and migrants. More than one million people arrived in the European Union, most fleeing war and terror in Syria and other countries, for example, the number of immigrants crossing the sea from Turkey to Greece per day (October 20, 2015) was 1,0006 people, as shown by the data of European Commission (European Commission, 2017). The migrant crisis in Europe and its consequences are our collective responsibility as Europeans and the ability to show solidarity by providing immigrants with much needed support, based on generally accepted human rights and moral responsibility issues. Along with the challenges posed by the migrant crisis the issue came up of better integration of immigrants into society, providing the necessary information regarding the assistance offered, providing the necessary information regarding the assistance offered social guarantees, protection, and knowledge of local culture, traditions, history and educational opportunities. The aim of the article is to share good practices in the field of lifelong learning by implementing an international pilot project aimed at training migrants in the context of lifelong learning, based on theoretical research methods on the consequences and challenges of the migrant crisis, as well as based on empirical research (statistical analysis, analysis of survey results, development of interactive learning environment). The main findings of the authors of the study are reflected in the interactive learning platform created within the framework of the international project, as well as the authors' recommendations for non-formal education of migrants in the context of lifelong learning.
The attached book is the introductory guide to a set of teaching resources intended for migrant education in the UK. The pack includes lesson starters, lesson plans, followup ideas and photographic and map resources all related to the... more
The attached book is the introductory guide to a set of teaching resources intended for migrant education in the UK. The pack includes lesson starters, lesson plans, followup ideas and photographic and map resources all related to the wider issue of migrants and migration. This introductory book offers short summaries related to the education and curriculum implications, the law, the history, the processes and the terminologies applied to refugees and asylum seekers in the UK . The aim of the book is to support teachers in developing a curriculum and school atmosphere that is caring, compassionate, relevant and welcoming to migrants of all kinds including asylum seekers, trafficked young people and refugees. I is relevant however to all schools seeking to reflect and creatively develop the wonderfully rich and diverse society of the UK in the 21st century.
This article analyses the underpinnings and implementation of Special Educational Needs (SEN) policies in Italy, within the internationally celebrated policy arena of Integrazione Scolastica (i.e. school integration), through an equity... more
This article analyses the underpinnings and implementation of
Special Educational Needs (SEN) policies in Italy, within the
internationally celebrated policy arena of Integrazione Scolastica
(i.e. school integration), through an equity prism. The aim is to
explore the extent to which SEN policies in Italy foster inclusion
and equity in education, particularly when targeting migrant
children. In doing so, the paper intends to advance critical
thinking about the recent phenomenon of over-representation, or
‘SENitization’, of students from migrant backgrounds within the
SEN macro-category in Italy, by examining policy narratives both
nationally and locally. Analysing the policies through the
intersectional lens of Disability Critical Race Theory in education
framework, this article suggest that Italian SEN policies legitimates
forms of micro-exclusions of migrant students in mainstream
classrooms, despite discursive promises of equality for all students.
This article aims to analyze foreign and Russian studies on the academic resilience of migrant children. It provides the main definitions of the concept and discusses the existing methods of measuring academic resilience, their... more
This article aims to analyze foreign and Russian studies on the academic resilience of migrant children. It provides the main definitions of the concept and discusses the existing methods of measuring academic resilience, their possibilities and limitations, and prospects for further research. Subjective and objective criteria for identifying "academically resilient" students are analyzed. Various factors influencing the manifestation of resilience by migrant children are considered. It is shown that the presence of external support, combined with the ability to ask for it and to accept it, has a positive effect on academic achievements. At the same time, such internal factors as self-efficacy, assertiveness, internal locus of control, high motivation and ambitious goals make a significant contribution to ensuring high academic performance even under unfavorable living conditions of a migrant child.
Dynamic migrations seem to be one of the most overt demographic phenomena in Poland nowadays. By the end of year 2014 over 2 mln Polish citizens lived outside Poland including around 400 000 school-age children and teenagers. Although the... more
Dynamic migrations seem to be one of the most overt demographic phenomena in Poland nowadays. By the end of year 2014 over 2 mln Polish citizens lived outside Poland including around 400 000 school-age children and teenagers. Although the numbers are pretty high, most of the emigrants perceive their emigration as a temporary and declare intentions to return to Poland within next few years.
According to the research results, one of important reasons for their return is a wish that their children attend school in Poland. Indeed, the data collected by Central Statistical Office of Poland shows that the number of return migrants has been growing since 2010. This means that more and more children and teenagers who were born or have lived abroad for a few years are starting or continuing their education
in Poland. However, neither an exact number of these students nor reliable data concerning their adaptation to the new environment have been collected so far. The present research was intended to fill this gap. Investigating the return migrations of children and teenagers seems important not only socially – since migration and its consequences are a considerable challenges of the contemporary world – but also
academically, as the topic has been so far quite overlooked by migration researchers who focused mostly on adult migrants.
The current project had three aims: to collect basic information about everyday functioning of children and teenagers who returned (or emigrated, if they were born abroad) to Poland; to identify the most frequent challenges experienced by the migrating students, their parents and teachers; and to build set of recommendations which should be introduced in the educational system in order to meet demands
created by the new group of students in Polish schools.
We conducted semi-structured and group interviews with five different groups
of respondents: students who returned to Poland within last two years, their parents,
teachers who work with them at schools, experts who meet return migrants in their
practice: (psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists and teachers of Polish as
a second language employed at schools and counselling centers and services) as well
as persons involved in NGO’s activities directed to migrants. Although our results
revealed a complex picture of experiences reported by individual participants, some
general patterns may also be noticed. For most of the children and teenagers moving
between countries, changing school and group of friends was a challenging and
stressful experience. The most important challenges they faced were: differences
between former and new school programs, insufficient Polish language competence
(especially concerning specific vocabulary related to such school subjects as maths,
biology or physic) and lack of support and understanding for their difficulties offered
by schools and other respective institutions. Additionally, they rarely received
sufficient professional support from psychologists or language therapists. Some of
students experienced difficulties in achieving a satisfactory position in the peer group
and in some cases they were even exposed to discrimination-type of treatment. Based on the results of our study, we formulated a list of recommendations addressed
to all actors involved in the migration process: children and parents who
plan to migrate to Poland, as well as for the schools which receive those students and
the Ministry of National Education. Such changes should on one hand help to adjust
the educational system to the special needs of migrating students, and on the other
hand they could eliminate at least part of difficulties faced by all the parties involved
in the educational process.
This thesis examines the educational inequities and policies of migrant workers’ children in urban China. It inquires into the perspectives of migrant parents and migrant children themselves regarding their lived experiences, as well as... more
This thesis examines the educational inequities and policies of migrant workers’ children in urban China. It inquires into the perspectives of migrant parents and migrant children themselves regarding their lived experiences, as well as the schooling processes from policies to practices. A qualitative case study is adopted for fieldwork in Guangzhou
city and Shenzhen city, which involves semi-structured interviews with eighteen migrant worker families – parents and children included, and observations in the migrant communities. A critical review is also conducted on relevant legal and regulatory documents. The study demonstrates that under systemic labour exploitation, the persisting Hukou system and the resistance from urban residents, migrant children are positioned as low-end consumers in the educational market for a meagre schooling, as disadvantaged competitors for further academic achievement, as underprivileged countrymen learning to adapt into urban lives, and as citizens deprived of legal rights for an equitable and quality education.
L'obiettivo del volume è quello di delineare un quadro delle tendenze prevalenti nel mondo dei giovani cinesi figli dei nuovi migranti e di capire le ragioni che stanno alla base dello scarso successo scolastico e del modesto livello di... more
L'obiettivo del volume è quello di delineare un quadro delle tendenze prevalenti nel mondo dei giovani cinesi figli dei nuovi migranti e di capire le ragioni che stanno alla base dello scarso successo scolastico e del modesto livello di integrazione nel tessuto locale che caratterizza questo gruppo nazionali. La ricerca è basata su un ampio lavoro sul campo: Sono state condotte interviste in profondità e semistrutturate a 27 ragazzi cinesi e a 17 genitori cinesi; sono stati organizzati cinque incontri con testimoni privilegiati scelti in particolare tra persone che operano nelle scuole medie, ma non solo; è stata organizzata una tavola rotonda tra esperti di migrazione con particolari esperienze con i migranti cinesi. Il volume, giocato sul continuo rimando tra situazione nazionale e situazione locale, evidenzia le specificità dei giovani migranti cinesi nel loro percorso di crescita, di socializzazione e di acculturazione.
El intenso flujo migratorio entre México y Estados Unidos trae consigo cambios en la dinámica familiar de los hogares en donde alguno(s) de sus integrantes o la familia completa migran o retornan a casa después de haber estado ausentes,... more
El intenso flujo migratorio entre México y Estados Unidos trae consigo cambios en la dinámica familiar de los hogares en donde alguno(s) de sus integrantes o la familia completa migran o retornan a casa después de haber estado ausentes, ya sea de manera voluntaria o forzada por procesos de deportación o repatriación. Los niños y niñas en los hogares de migrantes viven de manera estresante los procesos de separación y reunificación familiar. Ello trae consigo la imperante necesidad de brindar atención psicológica que promueva el bienestar integral de las personas migrantes, específicamente de los infantes y sus familias. Este artículo propone diversas técnicas y estrategias para el trabajo con niños y niñas con experiencia migratoria, así como con sus familias.
Este libro reúne las ponencias presentadas en las Jornadas Familias, niños, niñas y jóvenes migrantes: rompiendo estereotipos, celebradas en La Casa Encendida de Obra Social Caja Madrid los días 19, 20 y 21 de noviembre... more
Este libro reúne las ponencias presentadas en las Jornadas Familias, niños, niñas y jóvenes migrantes: rompiendo estereotipos, celebradas en La Casa Encendida de Obra Social Caja Madrid los días 19, 20 y 21 de noviembre de 2008. Tanto esta obra como aquellas jornadas fueron concebidas y coordinadas por el Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigador@s Migrantes.
La scuola italiana inizia a rapportarsi con i figli della migrazione a partire dai primi anni ’90 con l’incremento costante dell’immigrazione fino alla crisi economica del 2008 per poi riprendere con altre modalità di ingresso dopo la... more
La scuola italiana inizia a rapportarsi con i figli della migrazione a partire dai primi anni ’90 con l’incremento costante dell’immigrazione fino alla crisi economica del 2008 per poi riprendere con altre modalità di ingresso dopo la cosiddetta ‘crisi migratoria’ del 2015. Se nella prima fase la scuola alle prese con i nuovi alunni stranieri adotta prevalentemente un approccio differenzialista che tende a leggere le diversità linguistiche e culturali come ostacoli da affrontare per inserire i corpi estranei nella communitas scolastica, con il passare degli anni le direttive politiche e i processi di governance scolastica scivolano verso altre modalità che in teoria dovrebbero aprire “la via italiana verso la scuola interculturale” (MPI 2007), ma in pratica la rendono ulteriormente meno accogliente e inclusiva. In questo articolo sostengo che la situazione dei migranti nelle scuole sia frutto di due azioni sinergiche e parallele: da un lato il confinamento che enfatizza la visibilità e la separazione degli stranieri a scuola, dall’altro la dispersione scolastica, che espelle i ‘corpi’ estranei nel percorso scolastico, facendone perdere le tracce. L’approccio adottato è quello antropologico, con riflessioni e dati che provengono dall’osservazione sul campo come responsabile scientifica del Centro Interdipartimentale sulle Migrazioni e Cooperazione allo Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’Università di Trieste incaricato nell’ultimo biennio di condurre una ricerca nei contesti scolastici per progettare azioni di contrasto alla dispersione scolastica di alunni/e con background migratorio all’interno di un progetto FAMI-Impact (2018-20) coordinato dalla Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.
This dissertation identifies the necessary determinants of achievement for Hispanic students while systematically illustrating a number of public policy challenges that constraint educators in Pennsylvania, a state experiencing a recent... more
This dissertation identifies the necessary determinants of achievement for Hispanic students while systematically illustrating a number of public policy challenges that constraint educators in Pennsylvania, a state experiencing a recent and a rapid surge of Hispanic immigrants. It specifically asks: What are the effects of student background characteristics and school attributes on individual performance of
Hispanic students? What are the main challenges that schools encounter when serving this population? And, what policy recommendations could contribute to enhance the achievement of
Hispanic students? To answer these questions satisfactorily, it draws on literatures and methods from three scholarships: Education, Applied Linguistics, and Sociology of Immigration. It utilizes case studies and applies Hierarchical Linear Modeling to a state representative sample of
students who took the Pennsylvania System of School Achievement test during 2009, 2010, and 2011.
Findings suggest that student background characteristics significantly predict achievement among Hispanic students and their effect is larger than those of school attributes.
El incremento del movimiento de personas a través de las fronteras dentro de la región, ha convocado el interés de diversos académicos y analistas por comprender las múltiples dimensiones de transformación social que ello implica. Chile... more
El incremento del movimiento de personas a través de las
fronteras dentro de la región, ha convocado el interés de
diversos académicos y analistas por comprender las múltiples
dimensiones de transformación social que ello implica. Chile no
ha estado ajeno a la configuración de este incipiente campo de
estudio. En el presente artículo hemos querido profundizar en
una dimensión clave para comprender los procesos de inserción
que se configuran en la sociedad: el desafío de la educación
intercultural en el sistema escolar.
Sostenemos que la ausencia de una política pública que oriente,
capacite y entregue las herramientas necesarias al sistema escolar,
dificulta la construcción de una escuela intercultural capaz de dar respuesta a la creciente diversidad que se manifiesta en
las aulas. Por otra parte, analizaremos de qué modo la invisibilización
de la discriminación de la que son objeto niños y niñas
migrantes, termina reproduciendo nociones hegemónicas de la
cultura dominante, imposibilitando la condición de igualdad
necesaria para sustentar un proyecto intercultural.
- by Carolina Stefoni and +2
- •
- Multiculturalism, Education, Race and Racism, Migration
I Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati (MSNA) affrontano la migrazio-ne senza famiglia o adulti di riferimento, sfuggendo a povertà, guerre e persecuzioni. L'Italia ha recentemente implementato un sistema che cerca di dare risposta ai loro... more
I Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati (MSNA) affrontano la migrazio-ne senza famiglia o adulti di riferimento, sfuggendo a povertà, guerre e persecuzioni. L'Italia ha recentemente implementato un sistema che cerca di dare risposta ai loro bisogni e ai loro progetti di vita, ma lo scenario dell'accoglienza sta mutando sotto la spinta di politiche avverse, mettendo a repentaglio quanto costruito e togliendo certezze ai per-corsi di inclusione. Da ciò l'urgenza di documentare le prassi virtuose di formazione dei MSNA nei Centri per l'Istruzione degli Adulti, rico-struite attraverso una ricerca ad ampio raggio sui minori frequentanti i CPIA e inseriti nel sistema di accoglienza in Sicilia, la regione che ospita il più alto numero di minori stranieri. I risultati si offrono alla ri-flessione sui temi dei bisogni formativi di questo tipo di discenti che, nonostante una scarsa scolarizzazione, dispongono di un notevole ba-gaglio linguistico e di una significativa competenza all'apprendimento. Concentrare l'attenzione e l'azione sull'istruzione e sull'apprendimen-to dell'italiano, nonché sul ruolo dei CPIA all'interno del sistema di ac-coglienza, si rivela strategico nella direzione del rafforzamento dell'ef-ficacia dei processi di inclusione sociale. Si occupa di questioni di identità, genere ed appartenenza in migrazione; di acco-glienza e integrazione per minori non accompagnati e seconde generazioni; di sperimentazione didattica transculturale per operatori sociali. Gaetano Gucciardo è ricercatore e professore aggregato di Sociologia nell'U-niversità di Palermo. I suoi interessi di ricerca sono relativi al capitale sociale, di-suguaglianza, violenza contro le donne, immigrazione. Negli ultimi anni si è oc-cupato di immigrazione in relazione al capitale sociale e al welfare state e di disu-guaglianze e delle loro conseguenze sulla fiducia e il capitale sociale. Gabriella Argento è assistente sociale specializzata e dottoranda di ricerca in Studi Migratori presso l'Università di Jaen (Andalusia). È cultore della materia per la disciplina Servizio sociale internazionale nel corso di laurea in Servizio sociale dell'Università di Palermo. Silvana Leonforte è assistente sociale specializzata, ha conseguito un master di II livello in Valutazione di interventi di sviluppo territoriale. Ha lavorato soprat-tutto nei settori dell'immigrazione e della giustizia e svolto attività di ricerca per le Università di Catania, Trento e Palermo. Ha collaborato alla redazione di un handbook sull'accoglienza dei MSNA per il Consiglio di Europa.
At the heart of teachers’ professionalism is their competence in reflecting about their own pedagogical practices and the discourses these practices are embedded in. Teachers’ understanding of the complexities of their pupils’ migration... more
At the heart of teachers’ professionalism is their competence in reflecting about their own pedagogical practices and the discourses these practices are embedded in. Teachers’ understanding of the complexities of their pupils’ migration experience and its impact on their educational participation is an important theme for reflective processes. This chapter presents results of my study on pupils involved in multiple and multidirectional migration during their schooling years. Their xperiences are discussed with regard to their potential to challenge
current pedagogical practices and discourses related to migrant pupils.
This article examines the reverse movements of second- generation migrant youth to their registered places of origin in rural China for educational purposes. China requires students to take their standardized enrollment tests for senior... more
This article examines the reverse movements of second- generation migrant youth to their registered places of origin in rural China for educational purposes. China requires students to take their standardized enrollment tests for senior high school and university at the same location where their household is registered. Therefore, migrant youth who have grown up in their parents’ adopted cities and aspire for higher education have to return to their registered hometowns to prepare for the tests. This article rejects the binary origin and destination model of migration, and criticizes the naturalizing discourse that assumes an unproblematic linkage between home and return. It offers a critical rethinking of migrant youth’s remigration as a process of both emplacement and displacement under structural rural–urban inequalities in late-socialism. By analyzing the experiences and subjectivities of these migrant students adapting to the rural schooling system, the article demonstrates how institutional discrimination, regional disparities, and sociocultural differences cause these often taken-for-granted “home” journeys to be fraught with contradictions and frustrations. The experiences of migrant students reveal the politics of mobility in everyday practice, in which educational remigration perpetuates rather than breaks down structural inequalities.
Multicultural student population in Greece has now become the norm as opposed to the exception, following the country’s rapid transformation from an emigration point to an immigrant receptacle since the beginning of the 1990s. So far,... more
Multicultural student population in Greece has now become the norm as opposed to the exception, following the country’s rapid transformation from an emigration point to an immigrant receptacle since the beginning of the 1990s. So far, intercultural education has been chosen as the most relevant diversity management approach to address the needs of
Greece’s multicultural classrooms and promote integration. Based on this fact, the present chapter aims to critically examine the main intercultural educational policy initiatives introduced within the Greek educational context, focusing specifically on the establishment
of intercultural schools, reception/tutorial classes as well as the introduction of new educational curricula and textbooks. The main argument of this chapter is that, while intercultural educational policy initiatives in Greece may seem pluralistic on paper, in practice they are rather more assimilatory, (re)producing dominant, monocultural
understandings of national identity and belonging. Highlighting how the aforementioned institutions, policies and practices lead to the (re)production of a monocultural nationalism, instead of challenging it and promoting new multicultural understandings of belonging and
equitable integration of culturally diverse and other minority students, this chapter concludes by suggesting the need for a systemic change, based on the premises of multicultural education with a social justice orientation.
Im Rahmen einer kultur- und religionssensiblen Bildung wird versucht, mit Hilfe des Filmes "Anatevka" Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund bei ihrer Integration zu unterstützen. Schüler werden angeregt, über kulturelle Unterschiede... more
Im Rahmen einer kultur- und religionssensiblen Bildung wird versucht, mit Hilfe des Filmes "Anatevka" Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund bei ihrer Integration zu unterstützen. Schüler werden angeregt, über kulturelle Unterschiede nachzudenken und mögliche Lösungen für potentielle Konflikte, wie im Film ersichtlich, vorzuschlagen.
Los entornos educativos sirven como lugares, no únicos, pero sí importantes, para la socialización en identidades colectivas (e.g. religiosas, étnicas), identidades cívicas y actitudes y comportamientos democráticos. Los entornos... more
Los entornos educativos sirven como lugares, no únicos, pero sí
importantes, para la socialización en identidades colectivas (e.g. religiosas,
étnicas), identidades cívicas y actitudes y comportamientos democráticos.
Los entornos educativos influyen en la negociación y formación de las
personalidades, valores, actitudes y patrones de comportamiento de los
individuos participantes como futuros ciudadanos. Esto es cierto para
todos aquellos que participan en tales entornos. En el caso de grupos
minoritarios, migratorios, y/o diaspóricos esto es aún de más relevancia
especialmente en un mundo europeo occidental, que se ve desbordado
por corrientes migratorias que perturban la asumida homogeneidad de
sus poblaciones. En este contexto, la negociación de identidades étnicas,
religiosas, y/o culturales en entornos educativos es de gran relevancia y
subraya la discusión actual sobre los derechos humanos, el antirracismo
y la marginación en la esfera pública, añadiendo a estos la preocupación
por el desarrollo de identidades cívicas entre grupos inmigrantes y
minoritarios. Al mismo tiempo, estos fenómenos suponen un desafío para
el desarrollo de una sociedad inclusiva, y plantean la responsabilidad
que deben asumir los entornos educativos en la promoción de valores
compartidos y sentido de comunidad.
Consecuentemente, se plantea la cuestión de cómo los múltiples
agentes involucrados en procesos educativos ponen (o no) en práctica
discursos y pedagogías educativas que definen quién tiene la capacidad de
gobernar-se (o no), y cómo esas capacidades se convierten en elementos
efectivos en la formación de ciudadanos activos y sujetos políticos.
Un hecho que preocupa, pues, a las sociedades occidentales es el
fracaso de la integración y la necesidad de favorecer la cohesión social
12 Revista de Educación, 387. Enero-Marzo 2020, pp. 11-14
Shuali, T, Jover, G. y Bekerman, Z. Los entornos educativos y la construcción de un sentido compartido de comunidad en países democráticos:
El debate epistemológico y pedagógico. Introducción
entre los grupos mayoritarios y minoritarios (indígenas, migrantes y
diásporicos). Preocupación que crea ansiedades y fobias, así como una
fuerte inclinación de las sociedades occidentales y de sus gobernantes a
centrarse en las recientes olas de inmigrantes como una gran amenaza
para los tradicionales valores occidentales, sin tener en cuenta las
complejidades interactivas y contextuales sobre las cuales estas tensiones
evolucionan. Este fracaso se interpreta principalmente como resultado
de diferencias culturales, lingüísticas, religiosas y étnicas entre los
grupos, una interpretación que ignora descaradamente los factores
históricos y contextuales, estructurales e institucionales, que condicionan
dicha integración. En este sentido, la noción del fracaso se debe a una
construcción social que culmina con el desarrollo de la noción de la
otredad. Frente a esta fenómeno solamente cabe el desarrollo de apego
y sentido de pertenencia entorno al principio de reconocimiento en
la diversidad cultural como un hecho enriquecedor, entendiéndola
desde su acepción de proceso inclusivo que hace hincapié en aquello
que compartimos (cultura global) al mismo tiempo que visibiliza la
diversificación (culturas nacionales y locales) Además de la comprensión
que las personas poseen múltiple identidades, son miembros de múltiples
grupos y tienen múltiples afiliaciones culturales, en su mayoría producto
de una afiliación voluntaria y no prescrita.
En esta sección monográfica presentamos una serie de artículos que,
desde un enfoque crítico, problematizan las presentes interpretaciones,
con el objetivo de revitalizar los esfuerzos de investigación en entornos
educativos dedicados a aliviar los conflictos creados por el desplazamiento
masivo de poblaciones en el mundo contemporáneo.
From my childhood in a family of Algerian origin in Istres (Marseilles, France) to my present academic life in Berlin, an overview of the different stages of my career, with a focus on themes like migration, immigration, integration,... more
Longtemps premier pays d’immigration en Europe, le second au monde après les États-Unis, la France a été tôt confrontée à l’organisation de la scolarisation des enfants étrangers présents sur son territoire. Fondée principalement sur... more
Longtemps premier pays d’immigration en Europe, le second au monde après les États-Unis, la France a été tôt confrontée à l’organisation de la scolarisation des enfants étrangers présents sur son territoire. Fondée principalement sur l’acquisition de la langue, cette scolarisation a souvent laissé de côté l’acquisition des compétences extra-langagières. L’analyse de la littérature de recherche sur les besoins de scolarisations des élèves primo-migrants, et des statistiques relatives aux résultats scolaires de ces élèves aux besoins éducatifs particuliers, font apparaître un travail paradoxal de l’institution scolaire, qui produit à la fois de la sélection voire de la discrimination et de la démocratisation. Le système de catégorisation des modes d’intervention auprès des personnes concernées se caractérise
par une faible consistance, dont la faible cohérence des principes de l’action publique témoigne. En particulier, la centralité du prisme linguistique est mise en évidence, et critiquée au regard de ses effets. De même, l’absence de prise en compte de l’expérience migratoire est soulignée. L’article conclut sur la nécessité de se décentrer de l’objectif de maîtrise de la langue française, au profit de la prise en compte de plusieurs autres facteurs, notamment sociologiques et économiques, qui contribuent au bon déroulement des parcours d’inclusion.
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las experiencias de violencia sexual que han sufrido las niñas y las adolescentes migrantes en Santiago de Chile, desde el enfoque de derechos, polivictimización infantil y violencia de género. Los... more
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las experiencias de violencia sexual que han sufrido las niñas y las adolescentes migrantes en Santiago de Chile, desde el enfoque de derechos, polivictimización infantil y violencia de género. Los resultados forman parte de un estudio FONDECYT, desarrollado mediante una metodología cualitativa (entrevistas). Se concluye que las niñas migrantes al estar situadas en múltiples jerarquías de poder y subordinación quedan expuestas a ser víctimas de violencia sexual en espacios sociales como el barrio y en sus familias.
The Italian school system is overall inclusive, according to the article 34 of the Italian constitution “the school is open to all” and separate educational tracks or institutions for children with special needs do not exist in Italy.... more
The Italian school system is overall inclusive, according to the article 34 of the Italian constitution “the school is open to all” and separate educational tracks or institutions for children with special needs do not exist in Italy. Chapters:
-National laws and regulations
-Conformity with EU directives and objective
-Overall institutional arrangements
-Enabling and disabling factors for migrant students’ integration
-Existing educational and training programmes
-Some initiatives of inclusive education in Palermo (Sicily)
-Challenges identified that impede the integration of migrants in education at a national/regional and local level
-Policy reforms/improvements needed to be put in place
The rural-to-urban migrant children's education predicament in China's major cities is well known. While the hukou system has been widely criticized for depriving many migrant children of quality education in recent years, we suggest that... more
The rural-to-urban migrant children's education predicament in China's major cities is well known. While the hukou system has been widely criticized for depriving many migrant children of quality education in recent years, we suggest that this is only the tip of the iceberg. The principal obstacle faced by the migrant children is China's rural-urban dual system, which is the foundation of contemporary Chinese development. This article intends to shed light on the plight of these migrant children by elaborating on the relationship between the Chi-nese rural-urban dual system and the practice of development in China. The article concludes that these migrant children, stranded between the two systems, are the de facto victims of Chinese development, which has been based on a long-maintained "one country, two societies" strategy since the 1950s
Uyum faaliyetlerinin planlanmasında faydalanmak üzere yerel yönetim- lerden sadece “öneri ve katkılar” beklenilmektedir.
Abstract Thailand government is now focusing to review the issues of Migrant policy after Myanmar transition into democracy. Education policy for migrant children is one of the important issues that Thai government needs to provide rights... more
Thailand government is now focusing to review the issues of Migrant policy after Myanmar transition into democracy. Education policy for migrant children is one of the important issues that Thai government needs to provide rights of migrant children. Recent temporary work permit and deportation to the undocumented migrant workers is a crucial concern for education of migrant children. However, this is not only the problem to solve but other issues also winded up with policy implantation of government to discuss.
Those policies are controversial issues for controlling migration and national security. However, without changing policy, migrant children shall be out of classes. In the long term they might impact on Thailand economy and society. In order to avoid, discrimination against rights of child and identity of child, Thai government needs to consider special support for migrant children to access education.
This paper mainly discusses to understand the needs for education of migrant children in Thailand with human right approach for especially Myanmar minority. This paper will advocate the government policy upon migrant and education policy in the future considering the need of migrant registration policy, financial aids for the migrant children and encouraging effective policy for implantation schools in the remote areas, and Migrant learning centers.
This Discussion Document on Learning to Live Together-Thailand highlights the importance of how a nation needs to make holistic strategy decisions regarding education. The document shows how education interfaces with social, cultural,... more
This Discussion Document on Learning to Live Together-Thailand highlights the importance of how a nation needs to make holistic strategy decisions regarding education. The document shows how education interfaces with social, cultural, economic, and political spheres of a nation as an integrated system, and how the lack in one sphere, disrupts the coherence of another sphere. It is critical that Thailand is included in this discussion series, as it has been in the Asian vanguard for the past three decades in terms of economic and social development, humanitarian efforts, and policy development.
Thailand is a natural choice to study education and Learning to Live Together since it has undergone an on-going educational reform process, has participated and cooperated with UNESCO and other major educational organizations in conducting international education initiatives and evaluations, and embraces the concepts embedded in the LTLT philosophy. The nation understands the essential value of education as indicated by its national budget for education - perhaps the highest percentage of its GDP in the world. It has developed a sophisticated educational plan with well-reasoned policies. Its cultural emphasis on King, culture, and Buddhism are naturally inclined to learning, diversity, inclusiveness and peaceful living. With the coming ASEAN integration, it is only natural that Thailand would demonstrate leadership and initiative since Thailand was an original ASEAN member and has been a leader amongst the ASEAN community in its development. It has not only influenced the region, but has made its mark in the larger world.
Included in this discussion document are short summaries of Thailand’s socio-economic and political contexts, the issues that have recently arise or have been long-standing concerns – most of them intertwined with education and the associated objectives linked to LTLT - and they certainly all figure heavily in current economic, political, and educational policies and debates. Issues most pressing are the disparities and inequalities found in the social and economic spheres, but also crossing into the educational sphere.
The past success of family planning has led to a greying society with labor shortages, rural to urban migration, and a glut of college graduates. The large number of refugees and migrant workers, their high fertility, lack of social nets, basic education, and recognition by the state are also assimilating into unintended factors that beg for attention. The sometimes wide chasm between education policy and classroom practice is great and hindered by economic disparity, teacher shortages, preferences for bureaucratic management styles, cultural narrowness, social stratification, urban draw, and political self interest. Overcoming these obstacles does not yet make bridging the idealistic intentions of educational reform with the traditional ways of teaching and learning a particularly graceful process. Yet, with the resilient and tenacious qualities inherent in Thai people, the chances of a better, brighter future are within reach if the nation can extend its philosophical goodness beyond the inconsistent urge to aggrandize the superficial that now handcuffs it.
This article, based on qualitative research in Greater Manchester, examines the experience of migrants in navigating the education system, and in particular in choosing secondary schools for their children. There has been extensive... more
This article, based on qualitative research in Greater Manchester, examines the experience of migrants in navigating the education system, and in particular in choosing secondary schools for their children. There has been extensive research on the process of choosing schools since the policy reforms of the 1980s, but none has examined how the process of choosing a secondary school is impacted by the material and affective impact of migration. The article argues that migrants’ experience is embedded in gendered, classed and racialised processes and that, despite the heterogeneity of the category, migrants often face particular barriers in negotiating the school system. Nonetheless it also explores the importance put on education by the migrants who were interviewed and the active labour they engage in to try and achieve the best results for their children.
Il volume raccoglie alcuni dei contributi presentati al convegno Alfabetizzazione come pratica di cittadinanza: teorie, modelli e didattica inclusiva ed è stato co-finanziato dall’Università degli studi del Molise nell’ambito del Progetto... more
Il volume raccoglie alcuni dei contributi presentati al convegno Alfabetizzazione come pratica di cittadinanza: teorie, modelli e didattica inclusiva ed è stato co-finanziato dall’Università degli studi del Molise nell’ambito del Progetto d’Ateneo “Migranti e comunità inclusive: diritti, pratiche di cittadinanza e prevenzione dei rischi”-MeCI1.
Se spesso i convegni sono eterogenei per contenuti e forma, il convegno tenutosi a Campobasso nel settembre del 2019 (quarto Convegno Internazionale di Linguistica e Glottodidattica Italiana, CILGI 2019) ha espresso massimamente questa qualità: le studiose e gli studiosi che si sono confrontati in quella sede, infatti, hanno esplorato le diverse dimensioni e applicazioni del complesso e articolato concetto di alfabetizzazione, inteso come qualcosa che va molto aldilà della sola acquisizione delle competenze di lettura e scrittura e dell’uso pieno del codice grafico. Uno degli aspetti più esplorati nel convegno ha riguardato la riflessione sulle pratiche
di alfabetizzazione, intese come strategie educative mirate ad avviare l’alfabetizzazione o ad approfondirla in alcuni suoi aspetti. Mentre infatti l’accesso alle competenze linguistiche orali è universale, acquisito dalla nascita e in modo naturale, l’accesso alle competenze linguistiche scritte è sempre stato mediato, storicamente, da istituzioni a ciò preposte; nella società contemporanea tali istituzioni sono i sistemi scolastici, e infatti alfabetizzazione e scolarizzazione (literacy e schooling) formano un binomio quasi indissolubile. I saggi sono raggruppati sulla base di alcuni criteri (attenzione all’italiano come LS/L2 o come L1, attenzione ad adulti migranti, o a minori con background migratorio, focalizzazione sugli analfabeti funzionali, ecc.) anche se talvolta le tematiche affrontate si intrecciano, ma sono accomunati dall’obiettivo di presentare e discutere sperimentazioni didattiche e buone pratiche.
El siguiente texto hace parte de mi tesis doctoral y busca invitar a quienes estando interesados en temas particulares -como niñez migrante, racialización en América Latina y el Caribe, racialización en Chile, políticas migratorias, etc.-... more
El siguiente texto hace parte de mi tesis doctoral y busca invitar a quienes estando interesados en temas particulares -como niñez migrante, racialización en América Latina y el Caribe, racialización en Chile, políticas migratorias, etc.- profundicen posteriormente en el texto completo, es decir, la tesis doctoral expuesta aquí en Academia. En este sentido, encontrarán la tabla de contenido, la introducción y las conclusiones, donde se expone la investigación alrededor de tres objetivos específicos.
El primero sobre la niñez como sujeto situado en el contexto latinoamericano, cuestionando las concepciones euro norteamericanas de la infancia. Para ello, a nivel metodológico se implementaron los mapas parlantes para acceder a las narraciones de su experiencia migratoria, encontrándonos con un sujeto heterogéneo que tensiona la mirada estereotipada sobre la niñez migrante en Chile. Desde allí se abarcó, además de la peruana, sujetos de otros diez países (Argentina, Estados Unidos, Canadá, España, Haití, Colombia, etcétera) cobijando comunas tales como Ñuñoa, San Ramón, Santiago y La Cisterna, en Santiago de Chile.
En el segundo objetivo que hacía referencia a la configuración de la niñez como alteridad desde la construcción histórica/institucional del Estado chileno, se propuso un acercamiento historicista sobre la formación del Estado y las migraciones como procesos socio-políticos de larga duración que se dieron paralelamente. Lo anterior permitió rastrear la expansión del orden colonial e imperial de Europa que configuró sujetos racializados en el Chile republicano para su explotación laboral por los grupos hegemónicos, de manera similar a los otros países del continente americano.
Para el tercer objetivo sobre cómo operan los dispositivos psicopedagógicos en comunas céntricas de Santiago, se trabajó con ocho entrevistas que fueron abordadas bajo el Análisis Crítico del Discurso realizadas en cuatro escuelas del centro de Santiago que son emblemáticas por la presencia de niñez extranjera .
Desde esta investigación se puede concluir que la niñez ha sido configurada como una alteridad racializada, un objeto de intervención y control a partir de prácticas y discursos desde el Estado. La concepción psicopedagógica del niño y sus criterios de preservación, protección y escolarización en el escenario neoliberal de comienzos del siglo XXI se reactualiza en barrios y escuelas marginalizados de la capital de Chile desde la re-configuración de “lo andino” y “lo negro”, en un proceso de racialización espacial. Se cuestiona así el carácter euro-norteamericano de los abordajes de los fenómenos migratorios, ya que dificultan la comprensión de la jerarquización racial de las poblaciones latinoamericanas y caribeñas como un proceso de larga data que se reactualiza en los diferentes momentos históricos y con características particulares en cada país.
Wisdom is at once one of the most elusive and most valued kinds of knowledge. Empirical research shows that, indeed, across cultures, people hope that life experience will eventually make them wiser. The problem is that, to date, the... more
Wisdom is at once one of the most elusive and most valued kinds of knowledge. Empirical research shows that, indeed, across cultures, people hope that life experience will eventually make them wiser. The problem is that, to date, the academic study of wisdom and of the processes by which it can be learned has been dominated by psychologists. The first part of the article reviews the state-of-the-art psychological scholarship on wisdom to show how that conceptualization lacks geographical sensitivity and therefore misses some of the crucial geographical mechanisms by which people become wiser. The second part of the article singles out and focuses on one such mechanism, namely, the learning of wisdom through geographical dislocations. By drawing on insights from the study of international migration, exile, and transculturation in postcolonial contexts, the final part of the article suggests specific learning processes that might strengthen the hypothesis that geographical dislocations and the attendant cross-cultural experiences they generate are often conducive to wisdom. La sabiduría es a la vez uno de los tipos de conocimiento más esquivos y más valorados. La investigací on empírica en verdad muestra que en todas las culturas la gente espera que la experiencia de la vida eventualmente los haga más sabios. El problema es que hasta ahora el estudio académico sobre la sabiduría y sobre los procesos por medio de los cualesésta puede alcanzarse ha estado dominado por los psicólogos. La primera parte del artículo revisa el estado del arte de la erudicí on psicoí ogica sobre este particular, para mostrar c ´ omo esa conceptualizací on carece de sensibilidad geográfica y en consecuencia deja de considerar algunos de los mecanismos geográficos cruciales mediante los cuales la gente se hace más sabia. La segunda parte del artículo escoge y se concentra en uno de tales mecanismos, o sea, el aprendizaje de la sabiduría por medio de las dislocaciones geográficas. A partir de la perspicacia del estudio de la migrací on internacional, el exilio y la transculturací on en contextos poscoloniales, la parte final del artículo sugiere procesos de aprendizaje específicos, que podrían fortalecer la hipótesis de que las dislocaciones geográficas y las experiencias culturales de vasto espectro generadas por aquellas a menudo llevan a la sabiduría. Palabras clave: distancia, dislocaciones geográficas, migrací on internacional, aprendizaje visceral, sabiduría.
En este artículo se analizan las tensiones y las oportunidades que experimentan las niñas, los niños y adolescentes migrantes en los procesos de inclusión sociocultural que viven en la ciudad de Antofagasta, Chile. El... more
En este artículo se analizan las tensiones y las oportunidades que experimentan las niñas, los niños y adolescentes migrantes en los procesos de inclusión sociocultural que viven en la ciudad de Antofagasta, Chile. El estudio profundizó sobre las experiencias de múltiples violencias que ha vivido la infancia migrante, desde el enfoque de la polivictimización, la perspectiva interseccional y una visión crítica de la infancia. A partir de la aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas a niñas, niños y adolescentes migrantes, sus familias y profesionales e interventores/as, se concluye que existen prácticas de discriminación y racismo en el grupo de pares; se viven situaciones de violencia directa e indirecta en los barrios y comunidades donde habitan; también se constatan casos de maltrato intrafamiliar y de abuso sexual. Las múltiples jerarquías de poder y desigualdad que tiene especificaciones respecto del territorio operan en un nivel discursivo y en las prácticas de los agentes sociales, por lo tanto, se recomienda que la intervención y políticas públicas tomen en cuenta la realidad migratoria regional.
Recent research on family migration and transnationalism has indicated that living family life across borders has become a regular feature of migrant family life which can result in children encountering changes, often multiple, in their... more
Recent research on family migration and transnationalism has indicated that living family life across borders has become a regular feature of migrant family life which can result in children encountering changes, often multiple, in their circumstances and environments. Much of this research has supported the inclusion of children’s voices and emphasized the significance of migration in children’s lives. A children-inclusive approach to studies of transnational family migration allows children’s varying roles in migratory processes to be revealed;
it also enables examination of these processes from children’s points of view. This chapter presents a review of the ways in which children have been and can be included or overlooked in studies of transnational family migration and explores what difference migration can make to the ways in which children experience transnationalism. The focus of the chapter is on the perspectives and experiences of children who migrate themselves. The findings of three separate studies with transnational migrant children and their families are used to highlight
and discuss the differing ways in which children are ascribed, transact, and perform differing roles in processes of transnational family migration. The empirical data was collected by one of the authors (Tyrrell) from studies focused on families who migrated from Central and Eastern Europe to the Republic of Ireland, families who migrated from Spanish-speaking countries to the United Kingdom, and families of “highly skilled” migrants who migrated to and within European countries.
Based on a study of Polish migrants living in England and Scotland, this paper explores how Polish families who have decided to bring up their children in the UK make initial school choices. The Polish parents taking part in our study... more
Based on a study of Polish migrants living in England and Scotland, this paper explores how Polish families who have decided to bring up their children in the UK make initial school choices. The Polish parents taking part in our study generally had low levels of social and cultural capital (Bourdieu 1986) upon arrival in the UK: they had limited networks (predominantly bonding capital) (Putnam 2000) and a poor command of English, and lacked basic knowledge of the British education system. Meanwhile, this is a highly complex system, very much different from the Polish one; moreover, school choice plays a much more important role within the UK system, especially at the level of secondary education. We found that while some parents acted as 'disconnected choosers' (Gewirtz, Ball, Bowe 1995) following the strategy they would use in Poland and simply enrolling their children in the nearest available school, others attempted to make an informed choice. In looking for schools, parents first and foremost turned to co-ethnic networks for advice and support; nevertheless, parents who attempted to make an informed choice typically lacked 'insider knowledge' and often held misconceptions about the British education system. The one feature of the system Polish parents were very much aware of, however, was the existence of Catholic schools; therefore, religious beliefs played a key role in school choice among Polish parents (with some seeking and others avoiding Catholic schools). The 'active choosers' also made choices based on first impressions and personal beliefs about what was best for their child (e.g. in terms of ethnic composition of the school) or allowed their children to make the choice. Parents of disabled children were most restricted in exercising school choice, as only certain schools cater for complex needs. All in all, the Polish parents in our sample faced similar barriers to BME (Black Minority Ethnic) parents in exercising school choice in the UK and, regardless of their own levels of education, their school selection strategies resembled those of the British working class rather than of the middle class. However, the risk of 'bad' initial school choice may be largely offset by a generally strong preference for Catholic schools and parents' high educational ambitions for their children.