Labor Migration Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Eine explorative Untersuchung zu Erscheinungsformen, Ursachen und Umfang in ausgewählten Branchen in Berlin und Brandenburgim Auftrag des Berliner Bündnisses gegen Menschenhandel zum Zweck der Arbeitsausbeutung EUROPÄISCHE UNION 2... more
Eine explorative Untersuchung zu Erscheinungsformen, Ursachen und Umfang in ausgewählten Branchen in Berlin und Brandenburgim Auftrag des Berliner Bündnisses gegen Menschenhandel zum Zweck der Arbeitsausbeutung EUROPÄISCHE UNION 2 Menschenhandel zum Zweck der Arbeitsausbeutung Eine explorative Untersuchung zu Erscheinungsformen, Ursachen und Umfang in ausgewählten Branchen in Berlin und Brandenburgim Auftrag des Berliner Bündnisses gegen Menschenhandel zum Zweck der Arbeitsausbeutung
Panelist and Co-Editor) is an intern with the Stockholm Environment Institute Asia Centre. Her research interests include labor migration between South Asia and Southeast Asia, and how gender, climate change, race, financial investments... more
Panelist and Co-Editor) is an intern with the Stockholm Environment Institute Asia Centre. Her research interests include labor migration between South Asia and Southeast Asia, and how gender, climate change, race, financial investments and policy impact this. She holds a LLM in International law and LLB from SOAS, University of London. She has previously worked as a paralegal on criminal, civil, employment and family matters in Singapore. She currently serves as the Co-Lead of the Global Research Network's 'Gender and Migration Research Group' at the Global Research Institute's War, Conflict and Global Migration Think Tank. Shaddin Almasri (Panelist) is a PhD candidate based in Krems, Austria. Her research interests are in aid policy, development, and refugee labor integration with a regional focus on the Middle East. Previously, she held research and advocacy roles at Oxfam in Jordan and at the WANA Institute, a local Jordanian think tank. She holds an MSc Migration, Mobility and Development from SOAS, University of London and a BA Economics from the American University of Sharjah. She has held a variety of roles in short term research projects spanning topics such as climate migration, refugee discrimination, stratification in labor migration policy and refugee access to self-reliance mechanisms. She is currently a PhD Migration Studies candidate at Danube University
This is a collection of self-selected papers presented at The Migration Conference 2021 London. COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing restrictions and difficulties in international travel forced us to run the TMC online for a second time. It is a... more
This is a collection of self-selected papers presented at The Migration Conference 2021 London. COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing restrictions and difficulties in international travel forced us to run the TMC online for a second time. It is a new and improving experience for most of us and there is strong hints that the conference will continue in hybrid form in the near future. As usual we have invited participants to submit 2000 words papers for the proceedings book and this volume brings you these papers. Topics covered in the volume includes gender, education, mass movements, refugees, religion, identity, migration policy, culture, diplomacy, remittances, climate, water, environment and pretty much everything about migration. Most of the papers are in English, but there are some in French, Spanish and Turkish too. This is a great book for those who want short accounts on all aspects of migration and refugees.
Pragmatizem in anacionalno pojmovanje domovine pri mlajših generacijah slovenskih izseljencev Članek raziskuje subjektivno percepcijo lastnega migrantstva, razloge za odselitev in pogoje za vrnitev ter pojmovanje domovine pri nedavnih... more
Pragmatizem in anacionalno pojmovanje domovine pri mlajših generacijah slovenskih izseljencev Članek raziskuje subjektivno percepcijo lastnega migrantstva, razloge za odselitev in pogoje za vrnitev ter pojmovanje domovine pri nedavnih izseljencih iz Slovenije. Zlasti od gospodarske krize 2008-2015 beležimo močan neto izselitveni tok in beg možganov. S polstrukturiranimi intervjuji z nedavnimi izseljenci smo ugotovili, da pri njih prevladujejo ekonomski razlogi za migriranje in pragmatično stališče do lokacije bivanja ter da je v njihovi subjektivni konstrukciji domovina večinoma skrčena na najožji socialni krog in svet vsakdanjega življenja, le manjši del pa se jih identificira s Slovenijo kot organiziranim kulturnim in političnim prostorom. V razmerah prostega pretoka delovne sile v EU in polperifernosti slovenskega gospodarstva lahko zato pričakujemo nadaljnje valove neto izseljevanja, ki bodo intenzivnejši v obdobjih gospodarskih kriz.
The major aim of this article is to examine how migrations affect private governance, taking as a case study the Prud'homie de pêche, a private order that has governed the fishery of Marseille for the past six centuries. Scholarship... more
The major aim of this article is to examine how migrations affect private governance, taking as a case study the Prud'homie de pêche, a private order that has governed the fishery of Marseille for the past six centuries. Scholarship generally argues that social norms guarantee the efficiency of private orders and their ability to resist the arrival of newcomers. My data suggests that the Prud'homie has failed to accommodate social changes prompted by migratory flows, not despite but because of its social norms. This paper suggests that social norms are not only powerful tools of governance for private orders, but also forces of inertia that can prevent these orders from accommodating social changes.
On the Shoulders of Grandmothers can easily be enjoyed by academic as well as nonacademic audience as the life stories hold the core of the book. At the same time, the book is not a simple discussion of the struggles and aspirations of... more
On the Shoulders of Grandmothers can easily be enjoyed by academic as well as nonacademic audience as the life stories hold the core of the book. At the same time, the book is not a simple discussion of the struggles and aspirations of Ukrainian grandmothers but rather a valuable source of riveting insights into the everyday life, and the changing moral and gender order, in the post-Soviet period. The clarity of Solari’s writing and the reflexive account of her dilemmas as a researcher makes the transnational, comparative data engaging and fluent. This work should be included in the shelves of various disciplines such as Gender and Women Studies, Global/ization Studies, and Transnational migration studies as well as Area Studies.
O Brasil vive uma forte crise econômica e política após uma década de crescimento econômico, geração de empregos e distribuição de renda. A migração, como fenômeno social e em muitos casos estratégia de sobrevivência dos grupos sociais... more
Structural Vulnerability and HealtH among SeaSonal agricultural Workers in Canada. This article explains how migrant Mexican agricultural workers experience situations of risk that make them structurally vulnerable in the area of health.... more
Structural Vulnerability and HealtH among SeaSonal agricultural Workers in Canada. This article explains how migrant Mexican agricultural workers experience situations of risk that make them structurally vulnerable in the area of health. Although managed systems of migration, such as the canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (Programa de Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales) have diverse advantages – legality, benefits, formal wages and safer travel conditions – it is argued that the controlling nature of these pro- grams also generates vulnerabilities.
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country... more
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country and it was perfectly comparable. With our indicator it is possible to understand what are the drivers of migration flows, there is the possibility to prevent phenomena related to brain drain or to incentivate phenomena related to brain gain or brain return simply connecting the relative differences between the indicators calculated in various countries of the world. We have empirically tested the validity of our indicator on a sample of 12 countries. We have opened new avenues for research because using our indicator it is possible to make forecasts or to understand how and when a skilled migration flow can occur. We are able to prevent damages of Brain Drain and cross border skill mismatching using our simple indicator. ___________________________________________________________________________
The demographic change in the EU will affect everybody and will lead to social and political tensions that can seriously threaten the foundations of liberal democracy if current politics continue. A combination of three main factors... more
The demographic change in the EU will affect everybody and will lead to social and political tensions that can seriously threaten the foundations of liberal democracy if current politics continue. A combination of three main factors creates the so-called “Emigration factory” in South-Eastern Europe: 1) The policy of extracting the youth labour force from the EU periphery to the EU centres as the key measure to recovering Western Europe population and economy, 2) the corruption as the most important push factor for contemporary emigration from Croatia and the Western Balkans, and 3) the understanding of capitalism by employers in SEE as a one-way process of profit without adequate rewarding of workers. Does Gastarbeiter’s history repeat itself? Are the EU migrations an interest-neutral and accidental social phenomenon? Is the EU going to become a neoliberal battlefield of a struggle for the human resource? What are the concrete solutions at the national and EU level? Why is the corruption index in Croatia and the Western Balkans growing with increased emigration, and what are the other consequences of emigration? Can the innovative approach to digital demography revolutionize our knowledge about migrations?
This book discusses whether labor migration can affect democratization processes and what impact the political order of the host country can have on this potential effect. In migration research, studies on the influence of return migrants... more
This book discusses whether labor migration can affect democratization processes and what impact the political order of the host country can have on this potential effect. In migration research, studies on the influence of return migrants on the societies in their home countries are still few and predominantly concentrate on the economic dimension of migration. The literature on democratization has likewise paid only scant attention to the external factors that play a role in the transition of states in the process of becoming more democratic. Cognizant of these lacunae in research on migration and democratization, this book sets out to argue that return migrants can play an important role in the consolidation process of young democracies. The goal is to explore the nature of this influence and to discuss its stabilizing as well as destabilizing aspects with regards to democratization. As a case study this book analyzes a “labor exporter par excellence,” the Philippines. Research is...
Resumen: El Bajo Imperio romano es uno de los períodos más apasionantes de la historia, siendo importante su conocimiento como vía para poder comprender mejor algunos de los problemas que todavía se plantean actualmente. Es igualmente... more
Resumen: El Bajo Imperio romano es uno de los períodos más apasionantes de la historia, siendo importante su conocimiento como vía para poder comprender mejor algunos de los problemas que todavía se plantean actualmente. Es igualmente evidente que a la hora de analizar las distintas instituciones jurídicas, aun cuando las fuentes jurídicas han de ocupar un lugar destacado, su carácter fragmentario y la sospecha de interpolación existente en numerosos textos, hace necesario y útil el recurso a las fuentes literarias. A este respecto, la amplia obra de Agustín de Hipona puede ser de gran ayuda para conocer cómo eran percibidas en la realidad cotidiana muchas de las cuestiones que fueron objeto de regulación a finales del siglo IV d.C., entre los cuales se encuentran los problemas migratorios en el África tardoimperial. Palabras claves: Agustín de Hipona; Bajo Imperio; Migraciones; Epistolario. Abstract: The Late Roman Empire is one of the most exciting periods in History, so it's important its study and knowledge as a way to understand better some of the problems that still arise nowadays. On the other hand, it's also evident that when we try to analyze the different legal institutions, even though legal sources must occupy a prominent place, its fragmentary nature and the possibility of interpolations in some texts, makes recourse to literary sources necessary and useful. In this regard, the extensive work of Augustin of Hippo can be important to know how many of the issues that were subject to legal regulation at the end of the 4th century AD were perceived in everyday reality, among which are the migration problems in late roman Africa.
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles: * 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson * 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel... more
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles:
* 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson
* 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel Boubekeur and Samir Amghar
* 'The Southern Gate to Fortress Europe' by Rutvica Andrijasevic
The cruise industry enjoys arguably the most flexible and globalized of all labor markets. Yet, in an apparent paradox, cruise lines face a potential labor shortage, despite the fact that the bulk of their labor is sourced from the Global... more
The cruise industry enjoys arguably the most flexible and globalized of all labor markets. Yet, in an apparent paradox, cruise lines face a potential labor shortage, despite the fact that the bulk of their labor is sourced from the Global South where a large labor surplus would seemingly make recruitment a simple process. This paper examines this paradox in greater detail with a focus on the tension that exists between the industry’s demand for a flexible labor force, and the need for workers who maintain the skills required of a cruise ship job. It is argued that the contemporary geography of global labor recruitment is constrained by the particular political, economic and cultural circumstances of individual source countries that make certain cohorts less attractive or available as a workforce. In practice the need for skill and flexibility are not always reconcilable and cruise lines have found that there is a geographic limit to labor market flexibility. The article is based on interviews with various stakeholders involved in either working on cruise ships or in recruiting workers. Special emphasis is placed on Filipino cruise ship workers and labor recruiters as a means to discuss labor recruitment for the entire industry.
This paper examines the trajectory of internal migration and its impact on growth leading to convergence in India. The analysis is based on secondary data sourced from the Reserve Bank of India, Census and Economic and Political Weekly... more
This paper examines the trajectory of internal migration and its impact on growth leading to convergence in India. The analysis is based on secondary data sourced from the Reserve Bank of India, Census and Economic and Political Weekly Research Foundation. It captures the data for a period of 20 years (1991-2011). An initial review indicates internal migration in the form of intra-state migration is very high compare to interstate migration. The analysis of convergence/divergence suggests dispersion among states has increased in the concerned period. Similarly, absolute βconvergence indicate that rich states are growing faster than poor states. However, when conditional convergence is tested by various variables, conditional convergence among states is evident. However, migration and literacy rate as important indicator not producing the expected results, as migration which is expected to be negatively correlated to economic growth, is positive. The coefficient of the initial level of per capita income is found to be statistically significant, implying conditional convergence across Indian states during 1991-2011. Further, policy makers need to consider migration, literacy rate, investment, and population growth as means to reduce economic disparities among states. Moreover, migration should be encouraged for economic growth and broader convergence.
Review of a German volume on Mozambican labor migration to the GDR
The aim of this policy brief is to provide some understanding of the health constraints faced by single male laborers (SMLs), the policy efforts underway to enhance their access to healthcare, and further actions that ought to be... more
The aim of this policy brief is to provide some understanding of the health constraints faced by single male laborers (SMLs), the policy efforts underway to enhance their access to healthcare, and further actions that ought to be undertaken to strengthen and improve healthcare for this group of migrant workers in Qatar.
In this article, we explore the wraparound approach of service delivery as a model for transnational social work. The wraparound model, used primarily within community-based children's mental health services and child protection... more
In this article, we explore the wraparound approach of service delivery as a model for transnational social work. The wraparound model, used primarily within community-based children's mental health services and child protection initiatives, has been effective when planning services for clients and their families with complicated needs, whose care has to be provided within a multiple provider context. Most social work is delivered nationally or internationally rather than transnationally. In the article we outline how the model could be structured to meet the particular needs of transmigrants, including the involvement of NGOs and INGOs, and identify key obstacles and limitations.
Migration and mobility are central features of the Pacific Islands landscape. The diverse island States dispersed throughout the world’s largest ocean are connected by thousands of years of migration, history and culture. Mobility... more
The challenges that official migration statistics face in the 21st century are manifold. In line with intensifying globalisation processes, and new patterns and types of migration, new routes and new migrant identities... more
The challenges that official migration statistics face in the 21st century are manifold. In line with intensifying globalisation processes, and new patterns and types of migration, new routes and new migrant identities have been emerging. However, the new trends also offer new, potentially usable data sources, tools, and methods for
the measurement of this changing phenomenon. Attempting to provide an overview of the Hungarian migration statistical system, the aim of this paper is to promote interdisciplinary scientific dialogue on
migration and share some of the most important figures and trends of international migration in Hungary, highlighting its remarkable geographical aspects in the European context, and the peculiarities, challenges, and opportunities of its measurement.
Migration and issues of migrant workers are becoming a very crucial issue in the nation in general and the state of Kerala in particular. The movement of people from other states to Kerala is significantly increased. The major cities like... more
Migration and issues of migrant workers are becoming a very crucial issue in the nation in general and the state of Kerala in particular. The movement of people from other states to Kerala is significantly increased. The major cities like Cochin, Trivandrum, Calicut in Kerala are the major targeted areas of migration of people from different parts of the nation. The two dimension like the problems created by migrant workers and the problems faced by migrant workers are serious topic of discussion. Even though there are several programmes and policies created for the protection of the rights of migrant workers, many time those efforts are not much successful. The women migrant workers are considered as the most vulnerable session among the migrant population. The present study aimed for viewing the problems faced by the unorganized migrant women workers in the Kochi Corporation of Kerala. Their socioeconomic conditions were analysed from the background of various welfare policies available for the migrant workers.
Teacher mobility has become a common feature of the cross-border flows and transnational networks that constitute globalisation. International and intraregional migration of teachers is an important factor in education provision and... more
Teacher mobility has become a common feature of the cross-border flows and transnational networks that constitute globalisation. International and intraregional migration of teachers is an important factor in education provision and management in countries in the Southern Africa region, for example Botswana and South Africa. In an increasingly global context of teacher migration, education practitioners continue to strive for quality education. But has the mobility of teachers mediated the quality of education, and what are the implication of this for teacher education and training in higher education? This article explores teacher migration trends and dimensions of quality education, and assesses the impact that such teacher mobility has on education quality dimensions.
Long-running debates over military privatization overlook one important fact: The U.S. military’s post-2001 contractor workforce is composed largely of migrants imported from impoverished countries. This Article argues that these Third... more
Long-running debates over military privatization overlook one important fact: The U.S. military’s post-2001 contractor workforce is composed largely of migrants imported from impoverished countries. This Article argues that these Third Country National (TCN) workers—so called because they are neither American nor local—are bereft of the effective protections of American law, local regimes, or their home governments; moreover, their vulnerability is a feature, not a flaw, in how the U.S. projects global power today. TCN workers are an offshore captive labor force whose use allows the government to keep politically sensitive troop numbers and casualty figures artificially low while reducing dependence on local populations with suspect loyalties. Legislation to combat human trafficking has done little to remedy exploitation and abuse of TCN workers because of jurisdictional hurdles and the lack of robust labor rights protections. Substantive reform efforts should address the deeper issue at stake, namely that the government uses TCN workers to carry out a core state function—namely, the use of force—without a clear relationship of responsibility to them. Unlike with soldiers, the labor of TCN workers is not valorized as sacrifice and unlike mercenaries selling their services to the highest bidder, they are frequently indebted to the point of indenture.
Sociologiska institutionen. Foto: Lunds universitet Nyhetsarkiv 1978-2023: fack, arbetsgivare, kollektivavtal, parts-relationer, svenska modellen, a-kassa, arbetsvillkor mm News Archive 1978-2023: Trade unions, employers' associations,... more
Sociologiska institutionen. Foto: Lunds universitet Nyhetsarkiv 1978-2023: fack, arbetsgivare, kollektivavtal, parts-relationer, svenska modellen, a-kassa, arbetsvillkor mm News Archive 1978-2023: Trade unions, employers' associations, collective agreements, industrial relations, the Swedish model, unemployment funds etc Anders Kjellberg Med länkar till nedladdningsbara artiklar, bokkapitel, forskningsrapporter mm samt utdrag ur en del av artiklarna. Länk till denna fil:
This article examines the legal framework regulating unskilled and low-skilled migrant workers in Singapore. It argues that the current legal framework discriminates against these migrant workers and conceptualizes them as undesirable for... more
This article examines the legal framework regulating unskilled and low-skilled migrant workers
in Singapore. It argues that the current legal framework discriminates against these migrant
workers and conceptualizes them as undesirable for inclusion in the wider society. This, it is
contended, is premised on the assumption that migrant workers could be sequestered from the
local population to some extent. This article provides some challenges to this assumption,
highlighting instead some of the broader social and political consequences of this exclusionary
legal framework. Consequently, it is argued that a more inclusive and integrationist approach
is needed, and some positive developments are highlighted.
BACKGROUND Migration in South Africa has always been an eyebrow raising issue in South Africa since it became a democratic country. The Country has seen a great influx of migrants from different country in Africa and in other continents.... more
BACKGROUND Migration in South Africa has always been an eyebrow raising issue in South Africa since it became a democratic country. The Country has seen a great influx of migrants from different country in Africa and in other continents. OBJECTIVE The general research objective was to understand why Zimbabwean migrants prefer Mahikeng as their destination and to also explore the challenges that these migrants encounter in Mahikeng. METHODS Qualitative data was obtained from 28 research participants who were Zimbabwean citizens. An interviewed guide was designed as a tool of collecting the qualitative data. The study furthermore used snowball sampling to select the 28 research participants RESULTS The study found that most Zimbabwean migrants felt that Mafikeng was a better city to migrate to as compared to other cities within the country and they felt that xenophobia within the city was minimal as of that of cities like Cape Town and Johannesburg. CONCLUSIONS Zimbabwean migrants who participated in the study from the results showed that migrants had encountered some sort of problem in Mahikeng, but stated that they were safe in the city. CONTRIBUTIONS This study will contribute to the current body of knowledge on migrants in South Africa. Most of the studies that have been conducted have been placing great emphasis on migration at the national or provincial levels. A few studies have been conducted at local or city levels hence this study will contribute greatly to the current body of language.
In the month of February, as one drives down from Saputara in Dang towards Maharashtra-one observes grape farms stretching well into the horizon. As one proceeds to move through Kalvan towards Vani in Dindori-one can see that the bunch of... more
In the month of February, as one drives down from Saputara in Dang towards Maharashtra-one observes grape farms stretching well into the horizon. As one proceeds to move through Kalvan towards Vani in Dindori-one can see that the bunch of grapes are ready to be harvested and they await the arrival of workers from the neighbouring blocks within the district of Nashik as well as the Dangs from Gujarat. Grape (Vitis vinifera) is a subtropical fruit that is cultivated in India for its excellent productivity under tropical conditions. Grapes are cultivated in an area of 152 thousand ha with a total production 3,229 thousand tons and productivity of 21.24 metric tons/ha. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) estimate that grape farming covered an area of 123 thousand hectares occupying 2.01 % of the total area. The country had exported 1,93,690.55 MT of table grapes to the world for the worth of Rs.2,176.88 crores/ 298.05 USD Millions during the year 2020-21. The arbour system followed for grape cultivation in India has resulted in highest productivity among the grape growing countries of the world. Major grape-growing states in India are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and the northwestern region covering Punjab, Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. According to the sources cited by APEDA, Maharashtra ranks first in terms of production accounting for more than 81.22 % of total production and highest productivity of grapes in the country. Within Maharashtra, Nashik and Sangli districts are the largest producers. Apart from these, grapes are also grown in the districts of Ahmednagar, Pune, Satara, Solapur and Osmanabad districts. Nowadays, grapes are produced in Latur district of Marathwada as well. However, Nashik and Sangli districts are ahead in the production of grapes in a scientific manner. Located in the east of the
- by Ms Vijeta and +1
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- Labor Migration, Vineyard, Nashik
In Coconut Colonialism, Holger Droessler examines the Samoan response through the lives of its workers. Ordinary Samoans—some on large plantations, others on their own small holdings—picked and processed coconuts and cocoa, tapped rubber... more
In Coconut Colonialism, Holger Droessler examines the Samoan response through the lives of its workers. Ordinary Samoans—some on large plantations, others on their own small holdings—picked and processed coconuts and cocoa, tapped rubber trees, and built roads and ports that brought cash crops to Europe and North America. At the same time, Samoans redefined their own way of being in the world—what Droessler terms “Oceanian globality”—to challenge German and American visions of a global economy that in fact served only the needs of Western capitalism. Through cooperative farming, Samoans contested the exploitative wage-labor system introduced by colonial powers. The islanders also participated in ethnographic shows around the world, turning them into diplomatic missions and making friends with fellow colonized peoples. Samoans thereby found ways to press their own agendas and regain a degree of independence. Based on research in multiple languages and countries, Coconut Colonialism offers new insights into the global history of labor and empire at the dawn of the twentieth century.
- by Jasmin Lilian Diab and +1
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- Peace and Conflict Studies, Refugee Studies, Conflict, Migration
In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Sweden, to which degree they are integrated into the country they live in, their perception about their homeland, and whether there is a... more
In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Sweden, to which degree they are integrated into the country they live in, their perception about their homeland, and whether there is a difference between the generations about this subject were assessed in line with the data obtained in the research. The data obtained in the field study carried out in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö cities, the most densely inhabited cities by Turks, and the analysis of the data was made using SPSS 18 programme. When the data obtained are analysed, it is revealed that Turks in Sweden care for the identity formation representing their homeland and its continuation in socio-cultural terms, and they generally tend to be conservative in this sense. Nevertheless, it is also understood that the contact of Turks in Sweden with Turkish culture and Turkey is gradually decreasing (when it compared to the past). This also reveals the differences between the generations. When that 3rd generation young Turks born in Sweden came to Turkey, they generally do not feel like in their homeland, but in a foreign country or a country they visit as guests, and this also related to this kind of change. While negativities occur at the point of active participation of the Turks in Sweden in the political system in this country, that they are generally in a positive level at the point of corporate integration is another result arising out of the data obtained in the field study.
- by Mehmet Anık and +1
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- Sociology, Sociology of Culture, European integration, Social Identity
Immigrant female and also male workers are increasingly involved in the supply of care services in the countries of the Global North, and they are especially so in elderly care. In the countries of southern Europe, but to an increasing... more
Immigrant female and also male workers are increasingly involved in the supply of care services in the countries of the Global North, and they are especially so in elderly care. In the countries of southern Europe, but to an increasing extent also in countries like Germany and Austria, the care work of immigrants is embedded in a specific care regime. It is undertaken mainly in the recipients' households, often around the clock, and on a live-in basis, so that it supports a system in which the family remains the central locus of care delivery to frail people. Secondly, it employs a large number of workers irregular in regard to the employment relationship, and often also to their legal status. The paper will present the results of various research studies on the topic carried out in Italy within the time-span of a decade (2002–2012). It will discuss how irregular migration is in fact tolerated, when inserted in care work at the service of the growing needs of native families; how the system that I call “invisible welfare” works; and how immigrant care workers find possibilities of agency, despite the constraints of the legal order and the exploitation they often experience at work.
Key words
irregular immigration
immigration policies
care regime
care work
The paper focuses on the (re)emergence in the late twentieth century of a specific form of cross-border labour migration--viz. guest-work or circular/managed migration--that is designed to keep migrants from settling in receiving... more
The paper focuses on the (re)emergence in the late twentieth century of a specific form of cross-border labour migration--viz. guest-work or circular/managed migration--that is designed to keep migrants from settling in receiving countries. The paper is part of a larger project that situates this form of transnational work-mobility regimes within the larger historical debates over the slippery line between free labour and forced labour. Specifically, it traces the genealogy of guest-work, and makes some preliminary observations about the specificity of contemporary circular / managed migration as it becomes incrementally normalized as a desirable policy tool across the world.
International labor migration in the Philippines started to gain its popularity during Marcos’ regime due to severe economic depression and lack of opportunities brought about by Martial Law. Over the years, there have been a drastic... more
International labor migration in the Philippines started to gain its popularity during Marcos’ regime due to severe economic depression and lack of opportunities brought about by Martial Law. Over the years, there have been a drastic increase in the number of Filipinos who work abroad. The enduring feature of Philippine development of sending Filipinos abroad led the Department of Education to develop a new curriculum that would equip graduates with an increase in the productivity of human capital in the global market. This study explored how the Philippine educational system shaped students’ orientation towards international labor migration and how it could be used to lessen the number of Filipinos who would want to become part of the diaspora community. An autoethnographic qualitative design was employed to gain an extensive and deeper cultural understanding of the phenomenon. Overall, results in this study indicated that people considered education as an investment and a rational thing to have to make oneself more employable. Participants believed that their education contributed to their current situation, but did not necessarily shape them towards labor migration. Instead, their propensity to migrate influenced their educational decisions. Interestingly, the core theme that resonated on how education can respond to the phenomenon is to develop and enhance a curriculum that focuses on civic education reorienting them of their duties and responsibilities as Filipinos. A new ideal citizen is also defined.
This paper explores the challenges facing Syrian women before and after the war. Since Syrian women have a low labor force participation rate, refugee women have had a difficult time finding income generating opportunities. The paper... more
This paper explores the challenges facing Syrian women before and after the war. Since Syrian women have a low labor force participation rate, refugee women have had a difficult time finding income generating opportunities. The paper explores the social dimensions and barriers to women's employment that are affecting their protection and empowerment.
Italy, differently from other EU countries, does not have a specific “residency by investment program”. The only visa available for an individual who is seeking permanent residency in the country without need to work is the “elective... more
Italy, differently from other EU countries, does not have a specific “residency by investment program”. The only visa available for an individual who is seeking permanent residency in the country without need to work is the “elective residence visa”