Nature of Science Research Papers (original) (raw)

“Parece darse a entender que la construcción del conocimiento escolar supone siempre la transformación del conocimiento cotidiano en científico. No importa con ello que el hombre de la calle se quede sin teorías implícitas, (…) o que se... more

“Parece darse a entender que la construcción del conocimiento escolar supone siempre la transformación del conocimiento cotidiano en científico. No importa con ello que el hombre de la calle se quede sin teorías implícitas, (…) o que se asuma peligrosamente que el conocimiento escolar es un conocimiento científico sin más”. (Rodrigo, 1994 p.8) Con esta cita de Rodrigo (1994) quiero destacar que una primera noción de transposición didáctica que utilizaré para establecer un puente común con el lector es la que refiere a ella como una “bajada” en la que se “implanta” un conocimiento científico en la escuela. Si bien esta idea peca de errónea, es muy común que pensemos que enseñar implica solamente recortar contenidos producidos en el ámbito científico (e incluso aquellos ya “recortados” y presentes en los distintos materiales curriculares) para presentárselos a los estudiantes a través de alguna actividad o libro de texto. Desde esta postura, transponer consistiría simplemente en poner algo (en este caso, el conocimiento) en un lugar diferente del original, sin que medien adaptaciones, por medio del reemplazo de lo previamente existente. Por ello, Rodrigo (1994) nos alerta que desde la epistemología del conocimiento, esta visión de transposición llevaría a que el hombre de la calle se quede sin teorías implícitas (concepciones alternativas, etc.). A lo largo de este capítulo daremos otros sentidos al proceso de transposición didáctica. El objetivo principal es que el lector (a) comprenda el fenómeno de la transposición didáctica, sus niveles de concreción y alcances educativos, e (b) identifique y analice algunos de los cambios que experimenta un conocimiento biológico particular desde que se produce (en este caso, en la comunidad científica) hasta que llega al aula. La idea fuerza que guía esta presentación es que la transposición didáctica es un fenómeno de adaptación que ocurre cuando un determinado conocimiento (u “objeto de saber”) es seleccionado por un grupo de personas constituyentes de la “noosfera”, para formar parte de los diseños curriculares (“objeto a enseñar”). Luego, el docente transforma este saber en “objeto de enseñanza” en sus planificaciones, el que en la enseñanza e interacción con los alumnos, se transforma finalmente en conocimientos “enseñado” y “aprendido” por los alumnos. En las próximas páginas también estudiaremos de qué forma el proceso de transposición puede avejentar y despersonalizar los saberes. Los apartados de este capítulo se titulan: ¿De qué se trata la transposición? Las características del proceso: una historia de síntesis y recortes Algunos casos de transposiciones avejentadas y despersonalizadas La vigilancia epistemológica y los tipos de transposición didáctica La transposición didáctica y el currículum: una relación intricada La historia se escribe en los libros de texto: la transposición didáctica en sus páginas La transposición didáctica hoy: avances desde la creación de la teoría ¿Qué sucede en Córdoba con la transposición y la Biología?

The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between pre-service teachers' scientific epistemological beliefs and their science teaching efficacy beliefs. A correlational research design was used. The sample consisted of 115... more

The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between pre-service teachers' scientific epistemological beliefs and their science teaching efficacy beliefs. A correlational research design was used. The sample consisted of 115 level 100 pre-service teachers (73 males and 42 females). The Students Scientific Epistemological Views questionnaire (SSEV) and the Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Inventory (STEBI-B) were used to collect the data. It was found that scientific epistemological views of pre-service teachers were availing as indicated by the overall mean above 3 (M = 3.58, SD = .49). The dimensions of methodological approach and scientific attitude (M =3.90, SD = .62) and nature of scientific knowledge (M = 3.54, SD = .58 were availing. However, the dimension of authority and accuracy of scientific knowledge (M = 3.23, SD = .68) was less availing. It was also found that pre-service teachers' science teaching efficacy beliefs were low (M = 3.3, SD = .38).

Folia Forestalia Polonica 2015, Vol. 57 (3): Title: Plant bio-stimulator fertilizers can be applied in integrated plant management (IPM) in forest nurseries, Author(s): Miłosz Tkaczyk, Justyna A. Nowakowska, Tomasz Oszako, DOI:... more

Folia Forestalia Polonica 2015, Vol. 57 (3): Title: Plant bio-stimulator fertilizers can be applied in integrated plant management (IPM) in forest nurseries, Author(s): Miłosz Tkaczyk, Justyna A. Nowakowska, Tomasz Oszako, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2015-0020; Title: Beauveria brongniartii Sacc. (Petch) against Melolontha spp. white grubs in forest nurseries with different soil pH, Author(s): Alicja Sierpińska, Elżbieta Popowska-Nowak, Andrzej Bednarek, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2015-0021; Title: Structure of the organic matter pool in Pinus sibirica dominated forests of Central Siberia, Author(s): Nataly N. Koshurnikova, Sergey V. Verkhovets, Olga A. Antamoshkina, Nataly V. Trofimova, Lyudmila.V. Zlenko, Andrey V. Zhuikov, Anastasia A. Garmash, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2015-0022; Title: The impact of the health condition of oaks from the Krotoszyn Plateau on the mechanical properties of timber structures, Author(s): Jarosław Siwiński, Katarzyna Kubiak, Miłosz Tkaczyk, Anna Mazur, Ryszard Rekucki, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2015-0023; Title: The amount of carbon in the undergrowth biomass of main types of forests stands in Poland, Author(s): Sławomir Janyszek, Paweł Strzeliński, Magdalena Janyszek, Dorota Wrońska-Pilarek, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2015-0024;
Title: Accuracy of smartphone applications in the field measurements of tree height, Author(s): Szymon Bijak, Jakub Sarzyński, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2015-0025; Title: Plant ecological groups and soil properties of common hazel (Corylus avellana L.) stand in Safagashteh forest, north of Iran, Author(s): Hassan Pourbabaei, Mohammad Naghi Adel, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2015-0026

International journal with impact factor.

Argumentamos que o estudo de diferentes episódios históricos pode contextualizar discussões sobre diversos aspectos da natureza das ciência (NDC), problematizando visões essencialistas e promovendo visões melhor informadas na formação de... more

Argumentamos que o estudo de diferentes episódios históricos pode contextualizar discussões sobre diversos aspectos da natureza das ciência (NDC), problematizando visões essencialistas e promovendo visões melhor informadas na formação de professores. Para isso, apresentamos narrativas históricas escritas e didatizadas sob a perspectiva da historiografia contemporânea, que exemplificam a contextualização de diferentes fatores epistêmicos e não epistêmicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento das ciências.

If you have ever gone off the track riding over rough terrain, then you can relate with the feeling one gets, after a long ride with life’s best mountain bike when sweat is dripping and muscles are tired but we still laugh and enjoy the... more

If you have ever gone off the track riding over rough terrain, then you can relate with the feeling one gets, after a long ride with life’s best mountain bike when sweat is dripping and muscles are tired but we still laugh and enjoy the landscape. This conqueror feeling does tremendous healing to our mental stress, anxiety, and insecurities. As health concerns including obesity, heart disease, mental health, and diabetes are on the rise, physical exercise, especially in the outdoors while inhaling fresh air without the requirement of best air purifiers, is becoming more critical to our health as individuals and as a society.

Diferentes aspectos da natureza das ciências podem ser debatidos em episódios históricos sobre a radioatividade. Com o intuito de levantar possibilidades para professores de física de diferentes níveis de ensino, apresentamos diferentes... more

Diferentes aspectos da natureza das ciências podem ser debatidos em episódios históricos sobre a radioatividade. Com o intuito de levantar possibilidades para professores de física de diferentes níveis de ensino, apresentamos diferentes fatos históricos do final do século XIX e início do século XX, que podem gerar debates em sala de aula. Questões epistemológicas, da prática científica, de gênero e socioeconômicas foram apresentadas junto ao desenvolvimento dos estudos sobre a radioatividade. Chamamos a atenção para diferentes produtos adicionados de materiais radioativos que foram lançados nesse período com a promessa de cura e prevenção de diversas doenças, inclusive de impotência sexual. Relacionamos esses acontecimentos à importância de uma educação científica baseada do desenvolvimento crítico dos estudantes, para que sejam capazes de identificar possíveis riscos à saúde, danos ao meio ambiente e prepara-los para questionar a eficácia de produtos que se propõem milagrosos, quando associados à determinadas concepções sobre a ciência. As reflexões mobilizadas por tais episódios históricos envolvendo a aspectos da natureza das ciências e o ensino de conceitos de física pode aproximar a construção desses saberes ao objetivo de assegurar os direitos humanos para todos, quanto ao acesso democrático ao conhecimento físico, que permite uma atuação mais crítica na sociedade. Palavras-chave: Radioatividade, história da ciência, natureza da ciência, ensino de física. Introdução As interpretações de fatos históricos, ou mesmo contemporâneos, comumente apresentam algumas divergências, dependendo do olhar e dos valores aplicados nesse exercício de analisar um acontecimento. Segundo Martins (2010, p. 7) "A partir do caos histórico, o historiador cria uma ordem compreensível, através de um processo de seleção daquilo que é descrito pelas conexões que ele próprio inventa.". Para esse historiador da ciência, mesmo que essa seleção seja criteriosa e siga uma metodologia historiográfica atual, é impossível não haver a omissão de muitos aspectos, ocasionando uma grande simplificação da complexidade histórica. Os resultados apresentados pela ciência também podem ter diferentes interpretações, apropriações ou vieses. Ao mesmo tempo em que uma descoberta ou elaboração de uma teoria podem levar a um grande passo tecnológico, suas nuances permitem o desenrolar de grandes tragédias. Alguns episódios das histórias das ciências são capazes de evidenciar esses quase paradoxos. Um exemplo pode ser o desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos sobre a radioatividade, que ocorreram na última década do século XIX e no início do século passado. Com as pesquisas sobre a luminescência de determinados materiais, impulsionadas pelas descobertas dos raios x, as conclusões encontradas após anos

There is a considerable interest in knowing how the public, as consumers, voters and citizens relate to science and technology. There seems to be a broad agreement that science (or scientific) literacy is a good thing (at least as a... more

There is a considerable interest in knowing how the public, as consumers, voters and citizens relate
to science and technology. There seems to be a broad agreement that science (or scientific) literacy is
a good thing (at least as a contrast to science illiteracy). In the last decades there has been
a proliferation of national and international studies of science literacy, but the concept is foggy
and many different dimensions are suggested. There are also many stakeholders who may have
competing views about what dimensions such a concept might include. This entry will raise some of
the underlying concerns and point to further reading on this very broad topic.

It is widely agreed that engaging students in authentic science practices is important for science education. Theory building is a central practice of science. Today, many scientists build theory through computational modeling. This paper... more

It is widely agreed that engaging students in authentic science practices is important for science education. Theory building is a central practice of science. Today, many scientists build theory through computational modeling. This paper characterizes the nature of student theory building in the context of computational modeling activities. Using a fine-grained grounded analysis, we identified theory-building moves in one student's goal-directed modeling in a block-based microworld. We present moves enacted during phases of model building, testing, debugging, and sense-making using a segment of transcript from the student's theory-building activity, which was focused on modeling a flu epidemic.

This study is a four-week section of ongoing attempts that aim to improve 6th grade students' understandings of the nature of science. The study was carried out in a sixth grade science and technology class at a rural middle school with... more

This study is a four-week section of ongoing attempts that aim to improve 6th grade students' understandings of the nature of science. The study was carried out in a sixth grade science and technology class at a rural middle school with 15 students on the basis of action research methodology. During the study, four different stories based on the history of science were read and narrated in the class, along with regular class activities, for eight class hours. The teacher kept journals for every class and conducted semi-structured interviews with the students. The data collected from these sources were examined by employing descriptive analysis. It was found that both the breadth and depth of the students’ conceptions of the tentative nature of science were improved after four weeks of action research-based instruction.

In this monograph, Steffen Ducheyne provides a historically detailed and systematically rich explication of Newton’s methodology. Throughout the pages of this book, it will be shown that Newton developed a complex natural-philosophical... more

In this monograph, Steffen Ducheyne provides a historically detailed and systematically rich explication of Newton’s methodology. Throughout the pages of this book, it will be shown that Newton developed a complex natural-philosophical methodology which encompasses procedures to minimize inductive risk during the process of theory formation and which, thereby, surpasses a standard hypothetico-deductive methodological setting. Accordingly, it will be highlighted that the so-called ‘Newtonian Revolution’ was not restricted to the empirical and theoretical dimensions of science, but applied equally to the methodological dimension of science. Furthermore, it will be documented that Newton’s methodology was far from static and that it developed alongside with his scientific work. Attention will be paid not only to the successes of Newton’s innovative methodology, but equally to its tensions and limitations. Based on a thorough study of Newton’s extant manuscripts, this monograph will address and contextualize, inter alia, Newton’s causal realism, his views on action at a distance and space and time, the status of efficient causation in the Principia, the different phases of his methodology, his treatment of force and the constituents of the physico-mathematical models in the context of Book I of the Principia, the analytic part of the argument for universal gravitation, the meaning and significance of his regulae philosophandi, the methodological differences between his mechanical and optical work, and, finally, the the interplay between Newton’s theology and his natural philosophy.

The present study investigated the relationship between pre-service science teachers’ epistemological beliefs and beliefs about nature of science. For this aim, Schommer’s Epistemological Belief Questionnaire (SEQ) and Beliefs about... more

The present study investigated the relationship between pre-service science teachers’ epistemological beliefs and beliefs about nature of science. For this aim, Schommer’s Epistemological Belief Questionnaire (SEQ) and Beliefs about Nature of Science Scale (BNOS) were conducted to 219 pre-service science teachers attending four public university in Turkey. For data analysis, SPSS program was used and correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between epistemological beliefs and beliefs about nature of science. Results showed that the more sophisticated epistemological beliefs preservice science teachers have, the more informed beliefs about nature of science they have. Also it was found that positive/negative significant correlations among the four subscales of Schommer’s Epistemological
Belief Questionnaire and seven subscales of Beliefs about Nature of Science Scale. The implications were discussed.
Key words: beliefs about nature of science; epistemological beliefs; preservice science teachers; science education

The current study compared the effectiveness of two methods in biology teaching that are based on the science-as-inquiry approach: visits to authentic university laboratories (AULs) and analyzing adapted primary literature (APL). The... more

The current study compared the effectiveness of two methods in biology teaching that are based on the science-as-inquiry approach: visits to authentic university laboratories (AULs) and analyzing adapted primary literature (APL). The methods’ effectiveness was measured in terms of high-school students’ increased understanding following a 6-week intervention that emphasized five major aspects of the nature of science (NOS): the tentativeness of scientific understanding, the cooperative nature of the scientific process, methodological diversity, the sociocultural embeddedness of scientific knowledge, and the aims of scientific inquiry. A quasi-experimental, pre-post control design was applied, utilizing quantitative evaluation methods. Findings indicate that teaching NOS in biology high-school classes using science-as-inquiry methods is an effective approach for enhancing NOS understanding. Both of the proposed methods appear to be promising; however, the AUL method was found to be more effective for enabling advanced-level high-school biology students’ understanding of these NOS aspects. In conclusion, both AUL and APL are potentially effective methods that can be adapted for teaching various biology subjects in different cultural contexts.

En el presente libro se exponen algunos resultados de la investigación titulada «La argumentación en las clases de ciencias y su contribución a la construcción de civilidad», financiada con recursos del patrimonio autónomo Fondo Nacional... more

En el presente libro se exponen algunos resultados de la investigación titulada «La argumentación en las clases de ciencias y su contribución a la construcción de civilidad», financiada con recursos del patrimonio autónomo Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento para la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación, Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia) y desarrollada entre los años 2010 y 2013 con el apoyo de la Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia) y la Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia (Envigado, Colombia). El libro consta de dos partes. En la primera se presenta el referencial teórico y la perspectiva epistemológica que fundamentan la investigación y dan sentido a las propuestas pedagógicas diseñadas e implementadas. En la segunda parte se detallan los aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos de las diferentes propuestas pedagógicas diseñadas e implementadas a lo largo de la investigación, así como las potencialidades. Esperamos que este libro constituya un referente de propuestas que, a modo de caja de herramientas, permita vislumbrar posibles caminos para la problematización de la enseñanza de las ciencias, es decir, para la construcción de nuevos proyectos pedagógicos que, alejados del cientificismo, el dogmatismo y la instrumentación de la enseñanza, posibiliten el tránsito hacia una formación científica civilista.

This paper mentions the extent to which contemporary science curricula include knowledge of the nature of science as a goal of science instruction; it outlines the crucial role played by the pendulum in the achievements of the scientific... more

This paper mentions the extent to which contemporary science curricula include knowledge of the nature of science as a goal of science instruction; it outlines the crucial role played by the pendulum in the achievements of the scientific revolution and documents how little these achievements are included in standard textbooks; it describes a number of classroom pendular experiments and activities that reproduce some of the main 17th centuary experiments and indicates how students can relive the original scientific, procedural and methodological debates; finally the paper suggests ways in which the pendulum can be used in cross-disciplinary teaching thus giving students a more authentic understanding of the way that science has developed in conjunction with mathematics, music, religion and commerce.

It is obvious that more extensive work is needed in developing historical materials that address nature of science (NOS) concepts that will be implemented by teachers. Owing to the importance of meeting this need, research problem of this... more

It is obvious that more extensive work is needed in developing historical materials that address nature of science (NOS) concepts that will be implemented by teachers. Owing to the importance of meeting this need, research problem of this study is to design historical vignettes focused on the concept of chemical equilibrium which lies at the heart of high school and university chemistry topics by integrating NOS conceptions and to investigate whether the explicit-reflective teaching approach was effective in enhancing high school students' views of NOS. This study aims to examine the effects of nature of science instruction with interactive historical vignette on student conceptions of (NOS) and student development. Participants were a total of 17 eleventh grade students, 7 females (41%) and 10 males (59%), in public high school in Ankara, Turkey. Adopting qualitative research techniques, the study used open-ended questions to evaluate students' understandings of NOS and development, and reveal their accomplishments in the process. The results of this study indicate that the explicit-reflective approach to teaching of the chemical equilibrium unit to include NOS instruction as integrated within that content through interactive historical vignettes was effective in enhancing participant students' views of NOS.

This special issue of Science & Education deals with the theme of ‘Science, Worldviews and Education’. The theme is of particular importance at the present time as many national and provincial education authorities are requiring that... more

This special issue of Science & Education deals with the theme of ‘Science, Worldviews and Education’. The theme is of particular importance at the present time as many national and provincial education authorities are requiring that students learn about the Nature of Science (NOS) as well as learning science content knowledge and process skills. NOS topics are being written into national and provincial curricula. Such NOS matters give rise to questions about science and worldviews: What is a worldview? Does science have a worldview? Are there specific ontological, epistemological and ethical prerequisites for the conduct of science? Does science lack a worldview but nevertheless have implications for worldviews? How can scientific worldviews be reconciled with seemingly discordant religious and cultural worldviews? In addition to this major curricular impetus for refining understanding of science and worldviews, there are also pressing cultural and social forces that give prominence to questions about science, worldviews and education. There is something of an avalanche of popular literature on the subject that teachers and students are variously engaged by. Additionally the modernisation and science-based industrialisation of huge non-Western populations whose traditional religions and beliefs are different from those that have been associated with orthodox science, make very pressing the questions of whether, and how, science is committed to particular worldviews. Hugh Gauch Jr. provides a long and extensive lead essay in the volume, and 12 philosophers, educators, scientists and theologians having read his paper, then engage with the theme. Hopefully the special issue will contribute to a more informed understanding of the relationship between science, worldviews and education, and provide assistance to teachers who are routinely engaged with the subject.

Because teachers and students are to develop sound epistemological views of science (nature of science (NOS) and nature of scientific inquiry (NOS I)), assessments are needed to understand these views and how they develop. Much attention... more

Because teachers and students are to develop sound epistemological views of science (nature of science (NOS) and nature of scientific inquiry (NOS I)), assessments are needed to understand these views and how they develop. Much attention has focused on developing knowledge and pedagogical expertise in teaching NOS. The VNOS instrument has been paramount in advancing our understanding and needs of

En este libro nos referimos a la naturaleza de la ciencia como un conjunto de contenidos sobre la ciencia de interés escolar. Creemos que los contenidos sobre la ciencia contribuyen a la conformación, en diferentes audiencias, de lo que... more

En este libro nos referimos a la naturaleza de la ciencia como un conjunto de contenidos sobre la ciencia de interés escolar. Creemos que los contenidos sobre la ciencia contribuyen a la conformación, en diferentes audiencias, de lo que se conoce como una ‘imagen de ciencia y de científico’ valiosa. A lo largo de este libro, la expresión de ‘imágenes de ciencia y de científico’ se refiere a las creencias (conceptualizaciones) que los niños y niñas sostienen sobre los diversos aspectos de la ciencia y sobre quienes la practican (los científicos y científicas).

ÖZET Türkiye dahil pek çok ülkenin fen müfredatlarının odaklandığı bilim okuryazarlığın ın temel ve kritik bir bileşeni bilimin doğası ile ilgili anlayışlardır. Özellikle son 50 yılda bilim ve bilimin doğası ile ilgili paradigma... more

Türkiye dahil pek çok ülkenin fen müfredatlarının odaklandığı bilim okuryazarlığın ın temel ve kritik bir bileşeni bilimin doğası ile ilgili anlayışlardır. Özellikle son 50 yılda bilim ve bilimin doğası ile ilgili paradigma değişimleri yaşanmış ve birçok çalışma öğrenci ve öğretmenlerin bilimin doğası hakkındaki yeni anlayışları kazanmasına odaklanmıştır. Bu makale yaşanan
paradigma değişimlerini yansıtan bilimin doğası anlayışlarını ve bu anlayışların öğretimi ile ilgili yaklaşımları yorumsal bir bakış açısıyla ortaya koyan bir derleme çalışmasıdır. Literatür
incelemesi ve yazarların deneyimlerine dayanarak bilimin doğası hakkındaki yeni anlayışların öğretimi için en uygun stratejilerin açık-düşündürücü bilimsel argümantasyon ve açık düşündürücü sorgulayıcı-araştırma stratejileri olabileceği önerilmiştir.
Understandings about nature of science (NOS) are essential and critical components of scientific literacy which is the focus of science curriculums of many countries including Turkey. Paradigm changes about science and NOS have been occurred especially in the last 50 years and many studies have focused on improving students’ and teachers’ understandings about NOS. This paper is an interpretive review ofNOS understandings that reflect paradigm changes and new teaching approaches. Based on literature review and authors’ experiences it is argued that explicitreflective scientific argumentation and explicit-reflective inquiry strategies are most favorable strategies for teaching new NOS understandings.

El principal referente de carácter metateórico para la didáctica de las ciencias naturales lo constituye la epistemología o filosofía de la ciencia. Las escuelas" fuente" a la hora de elegir contenidos epistemológicos para la enseñanza de... more

El principal referente de carácter metateórico para la didáctica de las ciencias naturales lo constituye la epistemología o filosofía de la ciencia. Las escuelas" fuente" a la hora de elegir contenidos epistemológicos para la enseñanza de las ciencias son generalmente aquellas del segundo y tercer cuarto del siglo pasado. Sin embargo, el vasto y complejo sistema teórico que constituye la epistemología hace que la selección, adecuación y vinculación de estos contenidos desde la didáctica sea una tarea dificultosa, produciéndose incluso la reducción de algunos campos estructurantes de la reflexión metateórica sobre la ciencia, la exclusión de una variedad de referencias fundamentales a cada período de la historia de la epistemología, y la invisibilización de las actuales perspectivas" semanticistas". En este trabajo discutimos acerca de cómo, al acudir a la epistemología desde nuestra disciplina, se incluyen unas corrientes y se excluyen otras, limitándose así fuertemente el referente a la hora de aproximar contenidos epistemológicos a la enseñanza de las ciencias. Inicialmente, revisamos el uso desmedido de la llamada" nueva filosofía de la ciencia" de corte historicista o externalista, la distancia a los principales trabajos de Quine, Putnam y otros autores no historicistas, y las escasas citas, por lo menos hasta principios del siglo XXI, a las actuales conceptualizaciones sobre el conocimiento y la actividad científicas. Luego nos proponemos argumentar en favor del surgimiento y asentamiento de una didáctica de las ciencias" modeloteórica", fundamentada en la llamada" concepción semántica de las teorías científicas

We report on an adapted version of the Physics and Everyday Thinking (PET) curriculum. A unique aspect of PET is its inclusion of special activities that focus on Learning about Learning (LAL) in which undergraduates analyze videos of... more

We report on an adapted version of the Physics and Everyday Thinking (PET) curriculum. A unique aspect of PET is its inclusion of special activities that focus on Learning about Learning (LAL) in which undergraduates analyze videos of children talking about science and explicitly consider the nature of science. To create a course that intentionally linked science content, children's ideas, and strategies for science instruction, we augmented the existing LAL activities with discussions about teaching, and added activities focused on LAL from companion curricula such as Physical Science and Everyday Thinking (PSET) and Learning Physical Science (LEPS). To compensate for the additional time on LAL, we reduced the content activities to only those that directly supported LAL activities. We found that students made significant gains on the CLASS and expressed beliefs about teaching consistent with the PET pedagogy.

The term inquiry has been difficult for many to understand. To sort out the ideas and terms as they are discussed in science education, Martin-Hansen conducted an extensive literature review sorting published descriptions of inquiry into... more

The term inquiry has been difficult for many to understand. To sort out the ideas and terms as they are discussed in science education, Martin-Hansen conducted an extensive literature review sorting published descriptions of inquiry into categories to help researchers and science teachers to consider the different gradations of inquiry pedagogy in their work. Other scholars (before and after 2002) have independently found similar descriptions.