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De acuerdo con (SistemasUMMA, 2011) a diferencia de CRM, al hablar de ERP (Planeación de Recursos Empresariales) no estamos hablando de una tendencia administrativa sino de un software que abarcara todos los aspectos de administración de... more

De acuerdo con (SistemasUMMA, 2011) a diferencia de CRM, al hablar de ERP (Planeación de Recursos Empresariales) no estamos hablando de una tendencia administrativa sino de un software que abarcara todos los aspectos de administración de la empresa, como tal es una evolución del clásico software de gestión empresarial, pero vamos a analizarlo más a detalle.
El software de ERP está conformado por:
• Administración de la relación con el cliente (CRM)
• Planeación de recursos de manufactura (MRP)
• Administración de recursos financieros (FRM)
• Administración de la cadena de suministros (SCM)
• Administración de los recursos Humanos (HRM)
Hasta este punto pareciera tratarse de un software de gestión empresarial, pero lo que lo hace diferente es la integración de técnicas de minería de datos y de inteligencia de negocios para hacerlos más eficientes y permitan la detección de oportunidades y riesgos en cada uno de los aspectos de la administración.

y sus filiales. Todos los derechos reservados. Oracle y Java son marcas comerciales registradas de Oracle y sus filiales. Todos los demás nombres pueden ser marcas comerciales de sus respectivos propietarios. Descripción del curso sobre... more

y sus filiales. Todos los derechos reservados. Oracle y Java son marcas comerciales registradas de Oracle y sus filiales. Todos los demás nombres pueden ser marcas comerciales de sus respectivos propietarios. Descripción del curso sobre fundamentos de bases de datos Visión general Este curso ofrece a los alumnos una introducción a los conceptos básicos de las bases de datos relacionales. El curso enseña a los alumnos terminología de las bases de datos relacionales, así como conceptos del modelado de datos, la creación de diagramas de relación de entidad (ERD) y la asignación de ERD. Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler se utiliza para crear ERD y el lenguaje de consulta estructurado (SQL) se utiliza para interactuar con una base de datos relacional y manipular datos de la base de datos. Oracle Application Express se utiliza para proporcionar actividades prácticas y participativas. Al aprovechar las técnicas de aprendizaje basadas en el proyecto, los alumnos crearán y trabajarán con proyectos que les retan a diseñar, implantar y demostrar una solución de base de datos para una empresa u organización. Idiomas del plan de estudios disponibles:  Árabe, chino simplificado, inglés, francés, japonés, portugués brasileño, español Duración  Duración total del curso recomendada: 90 horas*  Horas de créditos de formación profesional para los educadores que completan la formación de Oracle Academy: 30 * La duración del curso incluye fase de instrucción, autoestudio/deberes, prácticas, proyectos y evaluación. Asistentes Educadores  Técnicos, educadores de formación profesional y miembros del profesorado de universidades y escuelas superiores de titulaciones de 2 y 4 años que imparten clases de ciencias de la computación, tecnología de comunicaciones de la información (ICT), ciencia de datos, empresa o una asignatura relacionada.  Profesores de secundaria y formación profesional que imparten clases de ciencias de la computación, ICT o una asignatura relacionada. Alumnos  Alumnos que desean aprender las técnicas y herramientas para diseñar, crear y extraer información de una base de datos.  Alumnos que poseen habilidades básicas para las matemáticas, la lógica y la solución de problemas analíticos.  Programadores con poca experiencia, así como aquellos de niveles avanzados, que prefieren aprender la base del lenguaje de programación SQL a un nivel introductorio.  Este curso sobre conceptos fundamentales es adecuado tanto para los estudiantes de ciencias de la computación como para usuarios que no estudian esta disciplina. Requisitos previos Necesarios  Conocimientos generales del objetivo de una base de datos Recomendados  Experiencia previa con una aplicación de base de datos Próximos cursos sugeridos  Diseño y programación de bases de datos con SQL

Most prior designated confirmer signature schemes either prove security in the random oracle model (ROM) or use general zero-knowledge proofs for NP statements (making them impractical). By slightly modifying the definition of designated... more

Most prior designated confirmer signature schemes either prove security in the random oracle model (ROM) or use general zero-knowledge proofs for NP statements (making them impractical). By slightly modifying the definition of designated confirmer signatures, Goldwasser and Waisbard presented an approach in which the Confirm and ConfirmedSign protocols could be implemented without appealing to general zero-knowledge proofs for NP statements (their “Disavow” protocol still requires them). The Goldwasser-Waisbard approach could be instantiated using Cramer-Shoup, GMR, or Gennaro-Halevi-Rabin signatures. In this paper, we provide an alternate generic transformation to convert any signature scheme into a designated confirmer signature scheme, without adding random oracles. Our key technique involves the use of a signature on a commitment and a separate encryption of the random string used for commitment. By adding this “layer of indirection,” the underlying protocols in our schemes admit efficient instantiations (i.e., we can avoid appealing to general zero-knowledge proofs for NP statements) and furthermore the performance of these protocols is not tied to the choice of underlying signature scheme. We illustrate this using the Camenisch-Shoup variation on Paillier’s cryptosystem and Pedersen commitments. The confirm protocol in our resulting scheme requires 10 modular exponentiations (compared to 320 for Goldwasser-Waisbard) and our disavow protocol requires 41 modular exponentiations (compared to using a general zero-knowledge proof for Goldwasser-Waisbard). Previous schemes use the “encryption of a signature” paradigm, and thus run into problems when trying to implement the “confirm” and “disavow” protocols efficiently.

Keeping an exact calendar was important to schedule Delphic festivals. The proper day for a prophecy involved a meticulous calculation, which was carried out by learned priests and ancient philosophers. The month of Bysios on average is... more

Keeping an exact calendar was important to schedule Delphic festivals. The proper day for a prophecy involved a meticulous calculation, which was carried out by learned priests and ancient philosophers. The month of Bysios on average is February, but in reality it could be any 30-day interval between January and March. Bysios starts with a New Moon, but the beginning of the month is not easily pinpointed and thus Bysios and the 7 th day for giving an oracle cannot be identified according to the Gregorian calendar. The celestial motions of Lyra and Cygnus with regards to sunrise and sunset are related to the Delphi temple‘s orientation and the high altitude of steep cliffs of the Faidriades in front of it. Light from the rising Sun shines at the back of the temple where the statue of the god is located, while the appearance and disappearance of Lyra and Cygnus, two of Apollo‘s favorite constellations in the Delphic sky, mark the period of absence of the god to the Hyperboreans. This ...

Büyük tablolar ve indekslerin bakımı uzun sürebilir ve kaynak tüketimine yol açabilir. Aynı zamanda, veriye erişim performansı bu objeler için hızlıca düşebilir. Tablo ve indeks parçalama işlemi performansa ve bakımına çeşitli yollarla... more

Büyük tablolar ve indekslerin bakımı uzun sürebilir ve kaynak tüketimine yol açabilir. Aynı zamanda, veriye erişim performansı bu objeler için hızlıca düşebilir. Tablo ve indeks parçalama işlemi performansa ve bakımına çeşitli yollarla katkıda bulunur.  Partiton bağımsızlığ, kullanılabilir diğer partitonlardan ayrılır iken backup ve recovery operatorlerinin mümkün partitionlar üzerinde etkinlik gösterebilmesidir.  Query performansı erişim yalnızca konuyla ilgili olan parçalarla sınırlandırılabildiği için geliştirilebilir.  Daha fazla partition ile daha iyi bir sonuç alınır. Burada gösterilen tüm örnekler kullanıcı tablespace lerini tüm partitionlar için kullanır. Gerçek bir durumda bu partitionlar makine çakışmalarını iyileştirmek için farklı tablespace'lere atanmış gibi olurdu.

Today's world is all about technology .Our life is contingent upon technology. Little change in technology makes huge differences on today's business. Cloud computing is a virtualized compute power and storage delivered via... more

Today's world is all about technology .Our life is contingent upon technology. Little change in technology makes huge differences on today's business. Cloud computing is a virtualized compute power and storage delivered via platform-agnostic infrastructure of abstracted hardware and software accessed over the internet. In this paper you will acquire details about cloud computing. We have provided brief about oracle database, Oracle RAC and oracle cloud computing. This paper focused on advantages of cloud computing and how do we can setup Oracle RAC on cloud. Index Terms-Oracle RAC, Oracle Cloud, Database as a service.

We present the SQL Performance Analyzer, a novel approach in Oracle Database 11g to testing database changes, such as upgrades, parameter changes, schema changes, and gathering optimizer statistics. The SQL Performance Analyzer offers a... more

We present the SQL Performance Analyzer, a novel approach in Oracle Database 11g to testing database changes, such as upgrades, parameter changes, schema changes, and gathering optimizer statistics. The SQL Performance Analyzer offers a comprehensive ...

O presente trabalho visa entender as propriedades ACID e como o SGBD Oracle consegue atende-las por meio de suas estruturas (memória, processos e armazenamentos). Será abordado de forma que possamos entender estes processos de maneira não... more

O presente trabalho visa entender as propriedades ACID e como o SGBD Oracle consegue atende-las por meio de suas estruturas (memória, processos e armazenamentos). Será abordado de forma que possamos entender estes processos de maneira não profunda. As informações das características do ACID no banco de dados Oracle foi levantado através de pesquisa bibliográfica com embasamento teórico.

Book Name: Oracle DBA Interview Questions & Answers Book Author: Gitesh Trivedi Latest Edition: 5th ISBN-13: 978-0-615-94784-6 ISBN-10: 0615947840 Total dba interview questions: 450+ Oracle versions Covered: Oracle 12c, Oracle 11g, Oracle... more

Book Name: Oracle DBA Interview Questions & Answers
Book Author: Gitesh Trivedi
Latest Edition: 5th
ISBN-13: 978-0-615-94784-6
ISBN-10: 0615947840
Total dba interview questions: 450+
Oracle versions Covered: Oracle 12c, Oracle 11g, Oracle 10g, Oracle 9i
Topics Cover:
Oracle Database Administration
Oracle Backup and Recovery
Oracle Performance Tuning
Oracle SQL and PL/SQL for DBAs
New Features
Oracle Troubleshooting
This is best seller book of Kendba Services US edition. Author is Gitesh Trivedi. This is best book for every Oracle DBAs. Book contains almost 400+ questions, answers, and explanations. You can use it as quick guide learning reference or for clearing Oracle DBA technical interviews. Real time scenario based questions answers are including about performance tuning and disaster backup recovery. Book covers all Oracle versions and useful for I.T. managers, higher level managers, project managers, senior level IT staff, HR managers who are interesting to recruiting Oracle DBA and want to take exclusive technical interview. Book is also useful to every Oracle DBAs who are searching job and appearing in technical interview in near future.
About Author:
Gitesh Trivedi is having 16+ years experience and working as freelancer consultant and providing remote dba support to various clients. He is Oracle certified DBA in Oracle 11g,10g,9i,8i,8 and Oracle certified RAC expert. He is assisting in Oracle DBA recruitment to number of companies. This his first book published by Kendba.
More details at:
Exclusive technical interview cracker and handy guide with all Oracle latest versions and database administration features are including in this book.

In the Confessions, after telling the audience about his internal struggle with desires, Augustine relates the famous tolle lege incident in a garden in Milan where Augustine happened to read a codex of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. With... more

In the Confessions, after telling the audience about his internal struggle with desires, Augustine relates the famous tolle lege incident in a garden in Milan where Augustine happened to read a codex of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. With regard to the act of consulting a sacred book, Augustine appears to follow a venerable tradition in late antiquity, in which these words tolle lege chanted by children indicate a procedure of the oracle. Augustine also recorded the conversation he had with a knowledgeable physician, Vindicianus, earlier in the Confessions (4.3.5-6) where they discussed how astrological predictions often turned out to be correct. Vindicianus pointed out the prediction drawn from the consultation of a book of poetry. Yet, remarkably, although he concluded that the true predictions by astrologers were produced not by skill but by chance (‘non arte sed sorte’), Augustine’s attitude was not simply negative. Not only in the Confessions, but in some works (e.g. De diversis quaestionibus octoginta tribus 45.2: Epistula 55.37), he was concerned about a source of inspiration for the oratorical process that had played such a crucial role in his conversion. Why did Augustine think about this kind of oracle? How did he follow the custom in late antiquity? In this paper I shall argue the significance and impact of this phenomenon in the thought of Augustine.

The Oracle Primavera® P6™ Project Management (PM) module is comprehensive, scalable, multiproject planning and control software, built on Oracle or Microsoft® SQL databases for organization-wide project management. The PM module can stand... more

The Oracle Primavera® P6™ Project Management (PM) module is comprehensive, scalable, multiproject planning and control software, built on Oracle or Microsoft® SQL databases for organization-wide project management. The PM module can stand alone for project and resource management, or it can be used with Oracle Primavera companion products to manage your project portfolios.

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Oracle 11g- SQL Fundamental Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-051)

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If you invest your precious time in getting knowledge about technological innovation of your organization, you will get top agreements like no other. Along with that, you will also have a benefit adjacent to your colleagues. Your... more

If you invest your precious time in getting knowledge about technological innovation of your organization, you will get top agreements like no other. Along with that, you will also have a benefit adjacent to your colleagues. Your promotion will improve considerably as knowing regarding technological innovation and develop capabilities. Customers will want to do projects with you and people will look up to you as the only person who can do the job accurately. If you want that, the doors of different opportunities will begin for you as Oracle Certified Professional - Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Forms Developer Certification is recognized worldwide.

Il s'agit dans cet article de remonter l’histoire radiophonique des « montreurs d’avenir » - c’est-à-dire l’histoire de la médiatisation des « montreurs d’avenir » (médiums, taratologues, géomanciens, chiromanciens, astrologues, voyants,... more

Il s'agit dans cet article de remonter l’histoire radiophonique des « montreurs d’avenir » - c’est-à-dire l’histoire de la médiatisation des « montreurs d’avenir » (médiums, taratologues, géomanciens, chiromanciens, astrologues, voyants, devins, futurologues, prophètes, prospectivistes, augures, oracles, diseurs de bonne aventure, shamans…) - pour montrer que l’« avenir » n’appartient ni au passé – les soi-disant temps obscurs moyenâgeux - ni à l’ailleurs - les soi-disant peuples non occidentalisés – mais qu’il cohabite bien, sans conflit majeur, avec la « modernité » ou « postmodernité » médiatique.
« Retour vers le futur ou l'ascendance radiophonique de Madame Soleil », Radiography, 21 juin 2014,« Retour vers le futur ou l'ascendance radiophonique de Madame Soleil », Radiography, 21 juin 2014,