Databases Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This paper aims at investigating what happens on technology-driven markets when it is necessary to assess and evaluate information about the technology solutions before purchase. One of the major difficulties transaction participants face... more

This paper aims at investigating what happens on technology-driven markets when it is necessary to assess and evaluate information about the technology solutions before purchase. One of the major difficulties transaction participants face is that they are assessing not just technical properties but also intangible issues regarding the difference between technologies, the future performance of the technology, and other factors. Another major difficulty in the transactions on technology markets is managing the information flow. Here we can find a number of problems: how information about technical solutions is formed, gathered, processed, exchanged and understood from both parties in the transaction. This is where the theory of information asymmetry comes in place. Information asymmetry is the problem preventing communication processes to be effective. A possible mechanism to address the problems information asymmetry created on the technology markets is the intellectual property system in general and patent rights in particular. In this paper we will analyse the hypothesis of using a well developed, well organized in terms of institutions classical market-regulating mechanism such as the patent system. We propose a model for understanding and addressing information asymmetry on the technology markets, using one already existing legislative mechanism, namely patent rights. Our analyses are conducted using the technology markets in general and the software market in particular. These analyses are examined using theories of communication processes and theories of development of the patent system and its functions. The study resulted in the identification of information exchange pattern on the technology market and of the model of information asymmetry on that market. The paper ends by challenging the efficiency of patent rights, which though having the potential to address and solve the problem of information asymmetry on the technology markets, remains problematic and difficult to achieve.
Keywords: information asymmetry, technology markets, intellectual property rights, patents, software market

Although prisoners are considered a vulnerable population, no data repository currently exists to monitor the COVID-19 incidence in Nigerian prisons. To better understand the impact of COVID-19 within the Nigerian prison system, prisons... more

Although prisoners are considered a vulnerable population, no data repository currently exists to monitor the COVID-19 incidence in Nigerian prisons. To better understand the impact of COVID-19 within the Nigerian prison system, prisons should develop detailed COVID-19 response protocols, implement enhanced point-of-care testing, and initiate contact tracing with meticulous data collection.

"Red Estatal eJalisco: The Network is Ours" by IJALTI, gathering in its pages the rationale, origins and motivation to perform this first strategy mainly emanating from the citizens of Jalisco, to enhance the development and inclusion of... more

"Red Estatal eJalisco: The Network is Ours" by IJALTI, gathering in its pages the rationale, origins and motivation to perform this first strategy mainly emanating from the citizens of Jalisco, to enhance the development and inclusion of society in the digital age (IJALTI, 2013).

Infrastructural practices, made by the manipulations of pumps, pipes and hydraulic expertise, play a critical role in managing urban populations. Drawing on two years of ethnographic research in Mumbai, in this article I show how Muslim... more

Infrastructural practices, made by the manipulations of pumps, pipes and hydraulic expertise, play a critical role in managing urban populations. Drawing on two years of ethnographic research in Mumbai, in this article I show how Muslim settlers in a northern suburb are being rendered abject residents of the city. Abjection isn’t not a lack of social and political entitlements, but a denial of them. As Muslim settlers are being pushed down to claim less desirable water through the deliberate inaction of city engineers and technocrats, this article shows the iterative process through which abjection is made through tenuous and contentious infrastructural connections between the government and the governed.

In Industrial environments, huge amount of data is being generated which in turn collected indatabase anddata warehouses from all involved areas such as planning, process design, materials, assembly, production, quality, process control,... more

In Industrial environments, huge amount of data is being generated which in turn collected indatabase anddata warehouses from all involved areas such as planning, process design, materials, assembly, production, quality, process control, scheduling, fault detection,shutdown, customer relation management, and so on. Data Mining has become auseful tool for knowledge acquisition for industrial process of Iron and steel making. Due to the rapid growth in Data Mining, various industries started using data mining technology to search the hidden patterns, which might further be used to the system with the new knowledge which might design new models to enhance the production quality, productivity optimum cost and maintenance etc. The continuous improvement of all steel production process regarding the avoidance of quality deficiencies and the related improvement of production yield is an essential task of steel producer. Therefore, zero defect strategy is popular today and to maintain it several quality assurance techniques areused. The present report explains the methods of data mining and describes its application in the industrial environment and especially, in the steel industry.

3 rd International Conference on Data Mining & Machine Learning (DMML 2022) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of Data Mining and Machine... more

rd International Conference on Data Mining & Machine Learning (DMML 2022) will act as
a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research
projects in the areas of Data Mining and Machine Learning. It will also serve to facilitate the
exchange of information between researchers and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues
and advancement in the area of Big Data and Machine Learning.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research
results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in
Data Mining and Machine Learning.

A construção de uma base de dados de teses, dissertações e monografias sobre Estudos Fronteiriços envolve defnir a comunidade dos Estudos Fronteiriços brasileiros (com base nos diretórios e plataformas das agências de fomento); investigar... more

A construção de uma base de dados de teses, dissertações e monografias sobre Estudos Fronteiriços envolve defnir a comunidade dos Estudos Fronteiriços brasileiros (com base nos diretórios e plataformas das agências de fomento); investigar os limites teóricos do termo fronteira (centralmente, a fronteira territorial interestatal, emergindo estudos ligados à migração e às fraturas urbanas); estabelecer o recorte temporal da pesquisa (entre 2000 e 2014, com atualizações anuais); elencar universidades prioritárias (UFRGS, UFGD, UFRJ, UFMS e UNIPAMPA), entre outras decisões. Em suma, trata-se de defnir como representar teses, dissertações e monografas: como localizá-los nos repositórios, quais dados selecionar, como registrar esses metadados etc. Os propósitos da base de dados organizada pelo projeto Unbral Fronteira (oferecer referências de estudos sobre as fronteiras brasileiras para ciências espacializadas) demandam esforços para a inserção de informações georreferenciáveis, levando à organizaçãode um vocabulário consensuado, referido nos códigos do IBGE para países, municípios e estados e considerando a regionalização proposta no Programa de Desenvolvimento da Faixa de Fronteira. A complexidade do projeto requer trabalho colaborativo no apoio ao desenvolvimento da base de dados, empregando-se para isso a MediaWiki, que permite comunicar, coordenar e cooperar. O projeto potencializa recursos quantitativos e qualitativos, permitindo estabelecer práticas claras para a construção do Portal Unbral Fronteiras.

In recent years, media has become ubiquitous and important for networking and content sharing. Interest in the impact of media on the “real world” is as old as media itself. At the dawn of a new era, vast expansion in the advancement of... more

In recent years, media has become ubiquitous
and important for networking and content
sharing. Interest in the impact of media on the
“real world” is as old as media itself. At the
dawn of a new era, vast expansion in the
advancement of technology have placed
media on an important platform The
conventional mass media has been replaced
by up-to-date most complicated and most
sophisticated means. The technological
revolution has made the information process
expedient. The importance of media
technology is widely recognized as a body of
work which has focused almost exclusively
on technology as a driving force of social
change. Then we go further and examine how
the development and application of
technology have advanced the media means.
This discussion takes into account, the
technologies that form the basis of our media
and how it can be a revolution to whole of the
world. In recent years, the explosion of new
media has caused new anxieties. In this
respect a research is needed to enhance the
use of media+ technology in detection of
crimes, corruption live telecasting etc.,
making the work much more easier for the
society to face and handle everyday life in a
secured and peaceful manner.
So, finally we focus some researches
to be made in the field of media + technology
that how it can be used for crime detection,
medical and live telecast and also how it can
be made easier for the blind ,the deaf and the
illiterate to get cognizant of everyday
happenings all over the world and get

A citation index is a bibliographic database that provides citation links between documents. The first modern citation index was suggested by information scientist Eugene Garfield in 1955 and created by him in 1964, and it represents an... more

A citation index is a bibliographic database that provides citation links between documents. The first modern citation index was suggested by information scientist Eugene Garfield in 1955 and created by him in 1964, and it represents an important innovation to knowledge organization and information retrieval. This article describes citation indexes in general, considering the modern citation indexes, including Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Crossref, Dimensions and some special citation indexes and predecessors to the modern citation index like Shepard’s Citations. We present comparative studies of the major ones and survey theoretical problems related to the role of citation indexes as subject access points, recognizing the implications to knowledge organization and information retrieval. Finally, studies on citation behavior are presented and the influence of citation indexes on knowledge organization, information retrieval and the scientific information ecosystem is recognized.

It is nowadays a common place to say that the sharing economy is not really about sharing but about making profits and benefiting a few much more than others. A movement that takes the best of the technologies of sharing economy platforms... more

It is nowadays a common place to say that the sharing economy is not really about sharing but about making profits and benefiting a few much more than others. A movement that takes the best of the technologies of sharing economy platforms but orients it to benefiting all, platform cooperativism, is on the rise. Nonetheless, it is far from being popular and nothing indicates that it will. This paper investigates the reasons why dominant platforms remain dominant and proposes a policy that aims at curtailing their dominance, fostering platform cooperativism and maximizing the beneficial societal effects that can be derived from exploiting the data generated in platforms. The paper is structured as follows. Section 1 reviews current definitions of the sharing economy, points out their contributions and limitations and offers a novel and more accurate definition. Section 2 briefly introduces platform cooperativism to show why it can be a tool to fix many of the problems of the sharing economy. Section 3 explains and discusses market power mechanisms specific to the sharing economy that help dominant platforms to remain dominant. Some already existing and proposed solutions to counter these market power mechanisms such as reputation passports, a market for personal data and antitrust remedies are evaluated. Section 4 presents a general policy proposal based on making data a common in the sharing economy using reciprocity licenses. Section 5 offers some clarifications regarding the proposal and sketches some of its shortcomings and open questions that arise from it.

SQL dilinin yeteneklerinin sınırlı olması sebebiyle, SQL üzerine çeşitli iyileştirmeler ve eklemeler yapılmıştır. Microsoft kendi platformu için SQL üzerine yaptığı iyileştirmeleri standart haline getirmiş ve T-SQL ismini vermiştir.... more

SQL dilinin yeteneklerinin sınırlı olması sebebiyle, SQL üzerine çeşitli iyileştirmeler ve eklemeler yapılmıştır. Microsoft kendi platformu için SQL üzerine yaptığı iyileştirmeleri standart haline getirmiş ve T-SQL ismini vermiştir. Transact-SQL‘in kısaltması olan T-SQL günümüz veritabanı yönetim ihtiyaçlarının tamamını karşılayabilecek yeterliliğe sahiptir. Bu makalede ayrıca temel T-SQL komutları açıklanmış ve örneklere yer verilmiştir.

TheInternationalJournalofDatabaseManagementSystems(IJDMS)isabimonthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contributenew resultsin all areas of the database management systems& its... more

TheInternationalJournalofDatabaseManagementSystems(IJDMS)isabimonthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contributenew resultsin all areas of the database management systems& its applications.The goal of this journal is to bring togetherresearchers and practitioners fromacademia andindustry tofocuson understanding Modern developments in thisfiled and establishing newcollaborationsintheseareas

Distinct software metrics have been proposed for programs. By contrast, metrics for databases have been neglected on the grounds that databases were mere plain files that do not affect considerably information systems maintainability.... more

Distinct software metrics have been proposed for programs. By contrast, metrics for databases have been neglected on the grounds that databases were mere plain files that do not affect considerably information systems maintainability. However, later enhancements on database systems ...

Page 1. A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Rule Discovery in Large Databases Dieferson Luis Alves de Araujo' , Heitor S. Lopes', Alex A. Freitas2 CEFET-PR - Centro... more

Page 1. A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Rule Discovery in Large Databases Dieferson Luis Alves de Araujo' , Heitor S. Lopes', Alex A. Freitas2 CEFET-PR - Centro Federal de EducaGBo Tecnol6gica do Paranh CPGEI - Curso ...

This work presents a methodology for discovering structure in design repository databases, toward the ultimate goal of stimulating designers through design-by-analogy. Using a Bayesian model combined with latent semantic analysis (LSA)... more

This work presents a methodology for discovering structure in design repository databases, toward the ultimate goal of stimulating designers through design-by-analogy. Using a Bayesian model combined with latent semantic analysis (LSA) for discovering structural form in data, an exploration of inherent structural forms, based on the content and similarity of design data, is undertaken to gain useful insights into the nature of the design space. In this work, the approach is applied to uncover structure in the U.S. patent database. More specifically, the functional content and surface content of the patents are processed and mapped separately, yielding structures that have the potential to develop a better understanding of the functional and surface similarity of patents. Structures created with this methodology yield spaces of patents that are meaningfully arranged into labeled clusters, and labeled regions, based on their functional similarity or surface content similarity. Example...

Variation in time between two successive heart beats occurring due to internal and external stimulation causes Heart Rate Variability (HRV). HRV is a tool for indirect investigation of both cardiac and autonomic system function in both... more

Variation in time between two successive heart beats occurring due to internal and external stimulation causes Heart Rate Variability (HRV). HRV is a tool for indirect investigation of both cardiac and autonomic system function in both healthy and diseased condition. It has been speculated that HRV analysis by nonlinear method might bring potentially useful prognosis information into light which will be helpful for assessment of cardiac condition. In this study, HRV from two types of data sets (normal sinus rhythm and sinus arrhythmia) are analyzed which are stored in MIT-BIH (Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Beth Israel hospital) database, an extended collection of recorded physiological signals. Then two nonlinear methods, approximate entropy (ApEn) and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), have been applied to analyze HRV of both Arrhythmia patients and people having normal sinus rhythm. It has been clearly shown that nonlinear parameters obtained from these two methods reflect the opposite heart condition of the two types of subjects under study, healthy and diseased, by HRV measures. Thus, value of the nonlinear parameters found in this work can be used as standard when treating suspected patients for diagnosis of Arrhythmia. Also, by measuring these nonlinear parameter values, heart condition can be understood.

ABSRACT: Diseases have been increased tremendously. Eight person from ten have diabeties, so the data in the hospital is increasing day by day. A huge amount of data has to be handled and for that we are using classification and... more

ABSRACT: Diseases have been increased tremendously. Eight person from ten have diabeties, so the data in the hospital is increasing day by day. A huge amount of data has to be handled and for that we are using classification and clustering techniques which classifies the data and forms the clusters as well as we developed a tool for Apriori which predicts the strong rules. The tool is developed using .NET framework. For Clustering and Classification WEKA tool is used for extracting the results.

NoSQL databases have become more popular and preferable in modern data architecture. It has become a powerful way to store data in a specialized format that yields fast performance for a large amount of data. NoSQL databases are designed... more

NoSQL databases have become more popular and preferable in modern data architecture. It has become a powerful way to store data in a specialized format that yields fast performance for a large amount of data. NoSQL databases are designed for modern web-scale databases. Although, nowadays, it is used to handle big data and many real-time web applications. They can handle enormous amount of unstructured data and structured data. As a result, developers will be able to be more nimble. NoSQL database developers, for example, may deploy code updates more quickly than relational database developers. However, security remains a very difficult issue even with NoSQL databases, as the security concerns inherent in previous databases have not been resolved in NoSQL. The most common example is that their password storage mechanism is weak, meaning it can be decrypted easily. This means that NoSQL databases have weaknesses and one of them is authentication weakness. This paper evaluates how strong the authentication aspect towards different kinds of attacks on a NoSQL database.

Fuzzy Logic has been proposed for information representation and manipulation in databases, being the current tendency to study mechanisms of flexible querying to traditional databases. SQLf has been one of the efforts in this tendency.... more

Fuzzy Logic has been proposed for information representation and manipulation in databases, being the current tendency to study mechanisms of flexible querying to traditional databases. SQLf has been one of the efforts in this tendency. On the other hand, there are many different dialects of SQL. There are two major standards: ANSI (American National Standards Institute) SQL and an updated

Rainy image restoration is considered as one of the most important image restorations aspects to improve the outdoor vision. Many fields have used this kind of restorations such as driving assistant, environment monitoring, animals... more

Rainy image restoration is considered as one of the most important image restorations aspects to improve the outdoor vision. Many fields have used this kind of restorations such as driving assistant, environment monitoring, animals monitoring, computer vision, face recognition, object recognition and personal photos. Image restoration simply means how to remove the noise from the images. Most of the images have some noises from the environment. Moreover, image quality assessment plays an important role in the valuation of image enhancement algorithms. In this research, we will use a total variation to remove rain streaks from a single image. It shows a good performance compared to other methods, using some measurements MSE, PSNR, and VIF for an image with references and BRISQUE for an image without references.

Recent progress in genomics and experimental biology has brought exponential growth of the biological information available for computational analysis in public genomics databases. However, applying the potentially enormous scientific... more

Recent progress in genomics and experimental biology has brought exponential growth of the biological information available for computational analysis in public genomics databases. However, applying the potentially enormous scientific value of this information to the understanding of biological systems requires computing and data storage technology of an unprecedented scale. The grid, with its aggregated and distributed computational and storage infrastructure, offers an ideal platform for high-throughput bioinformatics analysis. ...

The Data Warehouse techniques for powered strategic decision-making information are dominating the companies attention since the 1990s. The healthcare organizations, including the public healthcare organizations, are adopting this... more

The Data Warehouse techniques for powered strategic decision-making information are dominating the companies attention since the 1990s. The healthcare organizations, including the public healthcare organizations, are adopting this technology to achieve the better efficiency in the health management. The objective of this work is to present a Data Warehouse project for the management of the public health. The Data Warehouse will supply the Health Secretary of São Paulo with strategic information through the integration from several isolated data sources. This Paper details the methodology and strategy adopted for the project, the used tools, the challenges and the solutions. The conclusion show the success in the implementation of the first part of project and stimulate the continuity of the project. The experience obtained with the implementation of the data warehouse showed by this work, can be used to similar projects in the health care organizations.

We study two simple yet general complexity classes, which provide a unifying framework for efficient query evaluation in areas like graph databases and information extraction, among others. We investigate the complexity of three... more

We study two simple yet general complexity classes, which provide a unifying framework for efficient query evaluation in areas like graph databases and information extraction, among others. We investigate the complexity of three fundamental algorithmic problems for these classes: enumeration, counting and uniform generation of solutions, and show that they have several desirable properties in this respect. Both complexity classes are defined in terms of non deterministic logarithmic-space transducers (NL transducers). For the first class, we consider the case of unambiguous NL transducers, and we prove constant delay enumeration, and both counting and uniform generation of solutions in polynomial time. For the second class, we consider unrestricted NL transducers, and we obtain polynomial delay enumeration, approximate counting in polynomial time, and polynomial-time randomized algorithms for uniform generation. More specifically, we show that each problem in this second class admits a fully polynomial-time randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS) and a polynomial-time Las Vegas algorithm (with preprocessing) for uniform generation. Remarkably , the key idea to prove these results is to show that the fundamental problem #NFA admits an FPRAS, where #NFA is the problem of counting the number of strings of length n (given in unary) accepted by a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA). While this problem is known to be #P-complete and, more precisely, SpanL-complete, it was open whether this problem admits an FPRAS. In this work, we solve this open problem, and obtain as a welcome corollary that every function in SpanL admits an FPRAS.