Sociology of Work Research Papers (original) (raw)

This article concerns the forms of involvement of « not scientific » actors in research, and the emergence of new expertises, through the case of linguistic researches on sign languages. We show that the main registers of participation of... more

This article concerns the forms of involvement of « not scientific » actors in research, and the emergence of new expertises, through the case of linguistic researches on sign languages. We show that the main registers of participation of deaf locutors can be described as activities of cultural and lin- guistic mediations. We then analyze what are the tasks and the responsibilities endorsed by these people within a laboratory of linguistics specialized in the analysis of the Quebecois Sign Language. This article, which relies on an ethnographic analy- sis of these scientific activities, shows how the locutors invol- ved in these researches are becoming experts. It suggests articulating the studies on science, on forms of collective actions and on emergence of new expertises, and evokes the central character of an analysis of practices – even routine – of scientific inscription and communication.

En zengin 62 kişinin, dünyanın %50’sine tekabül eden 3,6 milyar insan ile eşit mal varlığına sahip olduğu bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. En zengin 20 ülkenin geliri, en fakir 20 ülke gelirinin tam 46 katı daha fazla. Küresel adaletsizliğin bu... more

En zengin 62 kişinin, dünyanın
%50’sine tekabül eden 3,6 milyar
insan ile eşit mal varlığına sahip olduğu
bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. En zengin
20 ülkenin geliri, en fakir 20 ülke
gelirinin tam 46 katı daha fazla. Küresel
adaletsizliğin bu kadar rahatsız
edici boyutlarda olması ve servetin
bu kadar adaletsiz paylaşımı, yoksulluk
gibi ciddi sosyal problemlerin
ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır.
Bu durumun daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi
adına bu çalışmada, eşitsizliğin
hangi sebeplerden kaynaklandığı, sonuçlarının
ne olduğu ve önümüzdeki
yıllarda daha vahim bir tablonun ortaya
çıkmaması için neler yapılması
gerektiği ele alınacaktır.
Bu bağlamda, raporun ilk kısmında
yoksulluk ve eşitsizlik kavramlarına
değinilecektir. İkinci kısmında Dünya
Bankası, Birleşmiş Milletler (BM)
gibi uluslararası resmî kurumların
yayınladıkları veriler incelenecektir.
Sonrasında yoksulluk ve eşitsizliğin
ortaya çıkmasının nedenleri ele alınacak
olup, son kısımda uluslararası
literatürde bu sorunların aşılması
için önerilen uygulamalar dikkatlere

Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more

Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives transformed due to the success of their verse (Stephen Duck most famously), but most faded into literary obscurity. However, a substantial body of “work” poems was produced by a diverse group of poets throughout the century, each manifesting divergent concerns and attitudes about the experience of work. This chapter assesses the formal connections uniting this poetic genre, particularly the frequent use of such literary devices as ironic distancing, litotes, and mock-georgic description. Instead of solely classifying “work” poems on the basis of their subject matter, this chapter demonstrates that such poetry (indeed the genre itself) lends itself to sophisticated literary techniques often associated with other poetic genres. In this fashion the full measure of eighteenth-century working class poetry can be evaluated more fairly, particularly by analyzing the formation of a new genre designed expressly by the poets themselves. The chapter ultimately seeks to demonstrate the connectedness, rather than the alienation, of working class poetry to the eighteenth-century British poetic tradition.

The media are home to an eclectic bunch of people. This book is about who they are, what they do, and what their work means to them. Based on interviews with media professionals in the United States, New Zealand, South Africa, and The... more

The media are home to an eclectic bunch of people. This book is about who they are, what they do, and what their work means to them. Based on interviews with media professionals in the United States, New Zealand, South Africa, and The Netherlands, and drawing from both scholarly and professional literatures in a wide variety of disciplines, it offers an account of what it is like to work in the media today.
Media professionals face tough choices. Boundaries are drawn and erased: between commerce and creativity, between individualism and teamwork, between security and independence. Digital media supercharge these dilemmas, as industries merge and media converge, as audiences become co-creators of content online.
The media industries are the pioneers of the digital age. This book is a critical primer on how media workers manage to survive, and is essential reading for anyone considering a career in the media, or who wishes to understand how the media are made.

The purpose of this article is to review spirituality at work literature and to explore how spirituality improves employees’ performances and organizational effectiveness. The article reviews about 140 articles on workplace spirituality... more

The purpose of this article is to review spirituality at work literature and to explore how spirituality improves employees’ performances and organizational effectiveness. The article reviews about 140 articles on workplace spirituality to review their findings on how spirituality supports organizational performance. Three different perspectives are introduced on how spirituality benefits employees and supports organizational performance based on the extant literature: (a) Spirituality enhances employee well-being and quality of life; (b) Spirituality provides employees a sense of purpose and meaning at work; (c) Spirituality provides employees a sense of interconnectedness and community. The article introduces potential benefits and caveats of bringing spirituality into the workplace; providing recommendations and suggestions for practitioners to incorporate spirituality positively in organizations.

Theorizing a sociology of emotion that links micro-level resources to macro-level forces, this article extends previous work on emotional capital in relation to emotional experiences and management. Emerging from Bourdieu's theory of... more

Theorizing a sociology of emotion that links micro-level resources to macro-level forces, this article extends previous work on emotional capital in relation to emotional experiences and management. Emerging from Bourdieu's theory of social practice, emotional capital is a form of cultural capital that includes the emotion-specific, trans-situational resources that individuals activate and embody in distinct fields. Contrary to prior conceptualizations, I argue that emotional capital is neither wholly gender-neutral nor exclusively feminine. Men may lay claim to emotional capital as a valued resource within particular fields. The concept of emotional capital should be seen as distinct from emotion management and felt emotional experience and distinctions between primary and secondary sources of capital clarify the simultaneously durable and evolving nature of capital and the habitus. To illustrate these conceptual refinements, I use interview and diary data from male nurses. Men bring primary emotional capital, developed during primary socialization, to the nursing profession while also developing secondary capital through occupational socialization centered on empathy and compassion. The construct of emotional capital is refined as a structured yet dynamic resource developed through primary and secondary socialization and activated and embodied in everyday emotion practice.

Feito para a disciplina de Sociologia do Trabalho

Cet article analyse l’impact des politiques du "vieillissement actif" sur l’(in)égalité des sexes en deuxième partie de carrière. Introduisant une échelle intermédiaire d’analyse, il identifie un décalage potentiel entre les normes de... more

Cet article analyse l’impact des politiques du "vieillissement actif" sur l’(in)égalité des sexes en deuxième partie de carrière. Introduisant une échelle intermédiaire d’analyse, il identifie un décalage potentiel entre les normes de genre promues au niveau des politiques publiques et celles qui régissent l’action des services de Ressources Humaines au sein de grandes entreprises. Basé sur une enquête empirique, il met à jour les tensions et dissonances qui caractérisent le "doing gender" dans différents espaces institutionnels helvétiques, plaçant les femmes seniors devant de multiples injonctions contradictoires.

In this article we intend to show as well as query the immaterial labor category, considering that such category has shown itself as historically central for the production process of capitalist wealth and capital accumulation in the... more

In this article we intend to show as well as query the immaterial labor category, considering that such category has shown itself as historically central for the production process of capitalist wealth and capital accumulation in the last thirty years, approximately. The hypothesis of immaterial labor as central for the present historical context is, at the same time, linked with the subjectivity transformations, principally in the form of consumer role. In this sense we have investigated some issues that postulated for Antonio Negri, André Gorz and others. In our hypothesis of work, the concepts of cognitive capitalism and immaterial labor are entwinement, reflecting a new stage of capitalism history.

12th Annual Green Economics Institute Conference 10-12th June 2017 3 Days St Hugh's College, University of Oxford, Keeping Social and Environmental Justice Alive in an age of Tyranny.. Reforming Economics. Green Finance, Green... more

12th Annual Green Economics Institute Conference 10-12th June 2017
3 Days St Hugh's College, University of Oxford, Keeping Social and Environmental Justice Alive in an age of Tyranny..
Reforming Economics.
Green Finance, Green Investment & Green Economics
Reclaiming The Economy from Privatisers, Fossil Fuellers, Xenophobes and Divide and Rulers.
Keeping social and environmental justice alive in this new age of Barbarism- Post Truth and Post Science

A partir del análisis de la Encuesta sobre percepciones de la desigualdad de género en la Justicia de la CABA, el artículo analiza información poco abordada en el país, sobre la organización familiar y el uso del tiempo de los y las... more

A partir del análisis de la Encuesta sobre percepciones de la desigualdad de género en la Justicia de la CABA, el artículo analiza información poco abordada en el país, sobre la organización familiar y el uso del tiempo de los y las trabajadoras de este sector, y nos permite conocer las condiciones de una población particular que, en el muy diverso universo laboral de la Argentina, goza de protecciones muy ventajosas con respecto a otros sectores. Al colocar la lupa sobre las imágenes y prácticas de género en la vida personal y familiar de las y los operadores de la Justicia, no solo nos ofrece información sobre un sector particular, contextualizándolo y " humanizándolo " , sino que además, permite inferir la complejidad de la interacción de los/as trabajadores/as del Poder Judicial en los ámbitos de la familia y el trabajo como un objeto en sí mismo relevante. Las tensiones persistentes en las formas de conciliación entre vida familiar y vida laboral de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras judiciales dejan entrever zonas de discriminación, que aunque no siempre se perciban como tales, perduran. doméstica de los y las trabajadoras judiciales.

Neste artigo, resultado de um estudo realizado na Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (ECT), objetivou-se compreender como a ECT utiliza-se de técnicas e princípios industriais para a organização de seu processo de trabalho e como... more

Neste artigo, resultado de um estudo realizado na Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (ECT), objetivou-se compreender como a ECT utiliza-se de técnicas e princípios industriais para a organização de seu processo de trabalho e como esses métodos de gestão oriundos de um modelo industrial influenciam a configuração das relações de trabalho. Para chegar a esse objetivou, buscou-se responder as seguintes questões: Como as práticas de gestão do processo de trabalho de uma empresa de serviço foram organizadas a partir de uma lógica industrial e quais as características da mesma? Como as relações sociais entre os funcionários de uma unidade operacional têm suas relações influenciadas por essas práticas de gestão? Como essas relações sociais articulam-se à gestão das relações de trabalho? A pesquisa foi realizada em um Centro de Distribuição Domiciliária e incluiu entrevistas com carteiros e com gestores, análise documental e observação direta das atividades de trabalho. Verifica-se um hibridismo das práticas de gestão, o controle sobre os trabalhadores e um autoritarismo nas relações de trabalho, além de constante pressão, intensificação do trabalho, fragmentação e individualização das atividades e uma noção de “tempo escasso” muito acentuada. Aspectos da gestão que propiciam um caráter conflitivo às relações sociais entre trabalhadores.

The carpet industry of Kashmir occupies an important place in handicrafts. The carpet Industry plays a significant role in the economic development of the rural areas. Carpet weaving in Kashmir is largely practiced in the informal sector.... more

The carpet industry of Kashmir occupies an important place in handicrafts. The carpet Industry plays a significant role in the economic development of the rural areas. Carpet weaving in Kashmir is largely practiced in the informal sector. It contributes significantly by providing employment opportunities to the rural people in Kashmir. The present paper attempts to make an in depth study of socio-economic conditions, problems and challenges of carpet weavers in Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir. The study is based on both, primary and secondary data sources. The primary data is gathered through interview schedule. The study revealed that the situation of carpet weavers is not satisfactory due to low education level, health issues, low wages, lack of government support and exploitation by the middleman/master weaver.

The bulk of contributions on digital business so far provide mainly descriptive analyses when it comes to the study of power-related phenomena within the gig economy. We particularly lack systematic, integrative studies which focus on... more

The bulk of contributions on digital business so far provide mainly descriptive analyses when it comes to the study of power-related phenomena within the gig economy. We particularly lack systematic, integrative studies which focus on interdependencies of power relations, labour conditions and business model efficiency, based on robust theoretical approaches which capture meso-level structures and micro-level dynamics of power simultaneously. Our conceptual paper addresses this gap by investigating power relations in platform arrangements, based on the framework of "circuits of power". We use the case of the ridesharing platform Uber, which has caused debates in and beyond academia to illustrate how this framework, combined with concepts from labour process theory, behavioural economics and micro-politics, can be applied for a systematic analysis of the diversified portfolio of power-related control and influence mechanisms that are embedded in platforms' software infrastructures. Departing from this, we examine how our approach can inform future research focused on assessing specific forms of management, organisation and work in the wider gig economy. Our discussion concentrates on a) the classification and comparison of heterogeneous forms of gig work; b) the assessment of labour-related problems; and c) power-related organisational dynamics or inertia in such settings. The latter point is related to the central question of why employee voice and resistance are rare in certain gig-work arrangements.

This paper presents an overview of Robert Castel's discussion on the status of the individual and its «problematic character» by focusing on the notions of social supports of individuality and social property. In exploring these notions... more

This paper presents an overview of Robert Castel's discussion on the status of the individual and its «problematic character» by focusing on the notions of social supports of individuality and social property. In exploring these notions and the history of the wage-earning society, the French sociologist sheds light on the genealogy of the crucial link between work, social (dis)affiliation and individual identity. Far from adopting a workist approach, he argues in favor of the reshaping of social welfare and labour law in contemporary, neoliberal, societies.

The Covid-19 pandemic came at a time when South Africa was already experiencing chronic and unacceptably high unemployment, especially among the youth. What statistics and analysis have neglected to reveal in any real way, however, is the... more

The Covid-19 pandemic came at a time when South Africa was already experiencing chronic and unacceptably high unemployment, especially among the youth. What statistics and analysis have neglected to reveal in any real way, however, is the personal affect of unemployment on those who find themselves permanently excluded from the labour force, and driven to abandon conventional means of seeking any, usually part-time, work, drawing instead on desperate measures to find jobs. The author spoke to a number of these young people and recounts their personal stories as part of a wider project on the area on responses to the youth unemployment crisis.

Questo volume appartiene di diritto a una vasta corrente - che non può essere classificabile e definibile solo con il termine neoliberismo, ma che lo presuppone come necessità - che crede che l’individuo abbia il dovere di scrivere il... more

Questo volume appartiene di diritto a una vasta corrente - che non può essere classificabile e definibile solo con il termine neoliberismo, ma che lo presuppone come necessità - che crede che l’individuo abbia il dovere di scrivere il proprio destino e di modellare il proprio futuro in base alle proprie e scelte e libere decisioni.
Questi libri fanno appello al potere decisionale dell’individuo e lo investono di tutta la responsabilità di appartenere o no, al gruppo dei vincenti.

Le titre du film, Liebe Arbeit, pourrait être l'amorce d'une lettre écrite à distance à un personnage familier : « cher travail, j'ai grandi au rythme des saisons et des envies en pensant à Heidi » ; « cher travail, j'ai maintenant 30 ans... more

Le titre du film, Liebe Arbeit, pourrait être l'amorce d'une lettre écrite à distance à un personnage familier : « cher travail, j'ai grandi au rythme des saisons et des envies en pensant à Heidi » ; « cher travail, j'ai maintenant 30 ans et je ne veux pas faire de toi le centre de ma vie car le temps m'appartient » ; « cher travail, je ne comprends pas comment les autres font et je souhaiterais te rencontrer ». La rencontre a lieu par l'intermédiaire de quatre femmes d'âges et de professions différentes, toutes quatre liées par le temps et l'argent, le plaisir parfois, l'habitude dans tous les cas, à ce « monde du travail » que la réalisatrice tient à distance tout en désirant l'explorer de près. La parole est recueillie chaque fois en situation, sur le lieu de travail : une fleuriste dans une grande surface, une ouvrière en usine de montage, une architecte dans un cabinet moderne, une informaticienne derrière son écran d'ordinateur.

Cultural policy often focuses on the formation of identity through arts and heritage activities. Typically the identity targeted by governments is that of the general public or, sometimes more specifically, the marginalised citizen whom... more

Cultural policy often focuses on the formation of identity through arts and heritage activities. Typically the identity targeted by governments is that of the general public or, sometimes more specifically, the marginalised citizen whom is thought to better understand herself and others in society through creative expression and symbolic representation. The contributions in this edited collection suggest that one of the more significant transformations of cultural policy takes place on the identity of those who work within the arts, media and heritage sectors and who are effectively charged with implementing the abstract goals of state or municipal policy. The book's attention to municipal policy, so often overlooked within cultural policy literature, should be of particular interest to readers.

... a typical naive set of assumptions about "group oriented" cultures it that the participants within them are basically altruistic, self-effacing, self-sacrificing and sociable. A society of such individuals should exhibit the very best... more

... a typical naive set of assumptions about "group oriented" cultures it that the participants within them are basically altruistic, self-effacing, self-sacrificing and sociable. A society of such individuals should exhibit the very best of human civilization working in equitable, democratic communities. By contrast, those from individualistic cultures should be cold, grasping, selfish, egotistical and almost incapable of the cooperation demanded by a civil society. Indeed, a society of individualists, by this stereotype would be a dog eat dog affair, dedicated to conflict, riven with disloyalty and betrayal, forever failing to build a stable and humanistic community.

The under-representation of women in promoted posts is one particular pattern of occupational segregation by gender across post-industrial societies. This phenomenon also characterizes those professions which have been described as... more

The under-representation of women in promoted posts is one particular pattern of occupational segregation by gender across post-industrial societies. This phenomenon also characterizes those professions which have been described as ‘women-friendly’, such as teaching. The development of national and European legislation and recommendations on equal opportunities reflects this concern to address the gender imbalance among the workforce. But do schools identify women's under-representation in promoted posts as an issue? To what extent do school's policies recognize and remedy the gender imbalance at managerial level? To answer these questions this article draws on a study of women teachers' careers in nursery, primary and secondary education in England. It shows that school equal opportunities policy statements widely ignore the under-representation of women in school managerial positions. It suggests that the constructions of gender issues in schools by those in charge of designing and implementing school policies, that is, head-teachers and governors, represent a key hindering factor for equal opportunities policies to contribute to greater gender equality. A major argument in the article is that because head-teachers' and governors' discourses do not always fundamentally challenge the position of women in society, school policies and practices can offer only a limited contribution to gender equality.

Constant connectivity allows work in the 21st century to be performed at any time and from almost anywhere. This article discusses the conceptual basis of remote work, which is made possible through the continuous development of ICT. The... more

Constant connectivity allows work in the 21st century to be performed at any time and from almost anywhere. This article discusses the conceptual basis of remote work, which is made possible through the continuous development of ICT. The aim of this study is to identify the attitudes of IT employees in the Polish ITC sector towards remote work. Based on surveys carried out among people employed in the Polish ICT sector, this article depicts the benefits and challenges of remote work, as well as incentives and possible contraindications in managing remote work. Research studies on the advantages and disadvantages of remote work are still a subject of a vivid discussion, and the results obtained by different scholars are ambiguous. This article highlights the results of the survey that employees working in the ICT sector have more remote worker opportunities than in other sectors, and also proves that in different companies there are various arrangements for remote work for different departments or occupations. As effective and efficient cooperation of dispersed employees performing remote work becomes necessary for the success of projects, it is important to study the consequences of remote work.

This article examines workers' experiences with a union characterized by a social unionist framing and repertoire in the political realm and bureaucratic servicing of problems in the workplace realm. It analyzes interviews with members... more

This article examines workers' experiences with a union characterized by a social unionist framing and repertoire in the political realm and bureaucratic servicing of problems in the workplace realm. It analyzes interviews with members and officials about union strategies within privatized homecare predominately provided by immigrant women in Toronto. Workers report both consensual and tense relations with clients prompting them to praise their union's political strategies yet criticize its limited workplace support. Findings indicate the importance of framing and repertoire that connect quality work with quality care, yet indicate a complex labor process that requires more conceptual and strategic attention.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider existing debates within the sociology of work, particularly the re-emergence of Labour Process Theory (LPT) and the 'collective worker', in relation to resistance at work. Through... more

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider existing debates within the sociology of work, particularly the re-emergence of Labour Process Theory (LPT) and the 'collective worker', in relation to resistance at work. Through presentation of primary data and a dialectical discussion about the nature of ideology, the paper offers alternative interpretations on long-standing debates and raises questions about the efficacy of workplace resistance.
Design – The design of this methodology is an ethnographic study of a call centre in the North-East of England, a covert participant observation at ‘Call Direct’ supplemented by semi-structured interviews with call centre employees.
Findings – The findings in this paper suggest that resistance in the call centre mirrors forms of resistance outlined elsewhere in both the call centre literature and classical workplace studies from the industrial era. However, in presenting an alternative interpretation of ideology, as working at the level of action rather than thought, the paper reinterprets the data and characterises workplace resistance as lacking the political potential for change often emphasised in LPT and other workplace studies.
Originality – The original contribution of this paper is in applying an alternative interpretation of ideology to a long-standing debate. In asking sociology of work scholars to consider the ‘reversal of ideology’, it presents an alternative perspective on resistance in the workplace and raises questions about the efficacy of workplace disobedience.

To gain occupational legitimacy, workers depend on claims of accuracy. How are these claims assessed? Organizations judge competence and effectiveness using metrics, which can be massaged. Using a case study of operational meteorology,... more

To gain occupational legitimacy, workers depend on claims of accuracy. How
are these claims assessed? Organizations judge competence and effectiveness
using metrics, which can be massaged. Using a case study of operational meteorology,
the author examines the organizational and self-presentational politics
whereby meteorologists verify their predictions. Forecasts of future events
are central to occupational work in operational meteorology. However, assessing
what really happened “on the ground” is not unproblematic. So, meteorologists
and their employers construct measures for assessments, even though
these assessments are social and organizational routines.Verification statistics
are signals whereby local offices are judged on effectiveness, and as a result,
workers develop strategies to increase their verification scores. The author
examines the production of verification at three local offices of the National
Weather Service using ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews.
Similar strategies operate when workers are judged in accountability systems,
leading to forms of organizational impression management to demonstrate

This paper examines the degree to which work is becoming de-ethnicised in the Malaysian tourism industry sector. This so-called de-ethnicisation of work is formulated in the Malaysian Government’s 10th Malaysia Plan (2011–2015) as an... more

This paper examines the degree to which work is becoming de-ethnicised in the Malaysian tourism industry sector. This so-called de-ethnicisation of work is formulated in the Malaysian Government’s 10th Malaysia Plan (2011–2015) as an indicator of Malaysian society’s entry into modernity, the overall yardstick being Malaysia’s progression to a high-income nation by 2020. Empirical research was conducted among employees of 10 ‘Western’ luxury five-star hotels in the greater Kuala Lumpur. The degree of association of occupation with ethnicity was tested through a quantitative survey of 786 respondents from a representative sample of the parent population in 2010. Contrary to the Government’s de-ethnicisation agenda, findings show a continuing strong correlation between ethnicity and occupation, reinforced by qualitative research conducted between 2010 and 2011, which reveals specific ethno-marketing practices and an ‘ethnic groupism’ phenomenon as plausible explanations, among other causal factors.

Automation is replacing white-collar office work and nondexterous manual work, causing major structural change in the job market. As advanced economies shift from a post-industrial to an autoindustrial model, all kinds of routine work is... more

Automation is replacing white-collar office work and nondexterous manual work, causing major structural change in the job market. As advanced economies shift from a post-industrial to an autoindustrial model, all kinds of routine work is being replaced by machines. Mid-range job opportunities are shrinking, and labor markets are polarizing. Demand for dexterous service work nevertheless remains strong, as does demand for abstract labor working with patterns rather than with rules or procedures. Design is a mid-tier occupation that is growing rather than declining. "Design" is also a metaphor for abstract labor of all kinds; it exemplifies work that is creative, innovative, problem-solving, and reliant on judgment rather than rules. Heightened demand for abstract labor reflects the evolving nature of capitalist economies. The contribution of invention, ingenuity and imagination to the creation of economic value continues to expand. The auto-industrial era is coeval with design capitalism; together they represent a key dimension of future economics.

En este documento nos proponemos dar a conocer las actividades en curso de la Red Interuniversitaria sobre Democratización, Políticas Sociales, Género y Trabajo, financiada por el Programa de Promoción de la Universidad Argentina, en el... more

En este documento nos proponemos dar a conocer las actividades en curso de
la Red Interuniversitaria sobre Democratización, Políticas Sociales, Género y
Trabajo, financiada por el Programa de Promoción de la Universidad
Argentina, en el marco de la V Convocatoria de Redes Interuniversitarias.
Esta Red está conformada por instituciones brasileñas como GENPOSS (Grupo
de Estudio sobre Género, Políticas Sociales y Servicios Sociales), GESST
(Grupo de Estudio sobre la Seguridad Social y Trabajo, del Postgrado en
Política Social) y TEDis (Grupo de Investigación Trabajo, Educación y
Discriminación, del Programa de Posgrado en Política Social ); y argentinas: el
Centro de Estudios sobre Democratización y Derechos Humanos (CEDEHU),
de la Universidad Nacional General San Martín y el Instituto Interdisciplinario

The social history of the fight against sweatshops casts light on the current movement in favor of corporate social responsibility. But making the head of a chain of subcontractors responsible for seeing to the wellbeing of those at the... more

The social history of the fight against sweatshops casts light on the current movement in favor of corporate social responsibility. But making the head of a chain of subcontractors responsible for seeing to the wellbeing of those at the end of the chain is not contemporaneous with present-day globalization and North/South relations. Since the 19th century, when the sweatshop system appeared, those who champion the workers have pointed a finger at those who, though they only exercise indirect control, profit from their exploitation. As our historical analysis emphasizes, though in other contexts the issue of poor working conditions sometimes found solutions that (partially) avoided holding the principal liable, what characterizes the anti-sweatshop movement in the context of globalization is its nearly exclusive focus on bringing pressure to bear on the contractor at the head of the chain.

Previous studies have shown that direct involvement in workplace conflicts may have a significant impact on individual well-being. We used survey and interview data from a large nongovernmental organization (NGO) to analyze both the... more

Previous studies have shown that direct involvement in workplace conflicts may have a significant impact on individual well-being. We used survey and interview data from a large nongovernmental organization (NGO) to analyze both the relationships between direct and indirect involvement in workplace conflicts and individual and organizational well-being. Results show that unaddressed conflicts and nonresponsive or conflict-involved managers are problematic because they fuel already existing conflicts, and also pave the way for new ones. If conflicts are not handled at an early enough stage, they seem to “paralyze” the organization and serve as an interlocking mechanism that contributes to hindering the necessary action from management. In our case, one-fifth of the employees were directly involved in the conflicts, and two-thirds felt that their local working environment had been influenced negatively by the conflicts. The prevalence of mental health problems in the NGO was almost tw...

Work organizations have long employed various management techniques in order to maximize workers’ engagement, which in itself implies that ‘alienation’ at work is common. One of the central descriptions of alienation in classic writings... more

Work organizations have long employed various management techniques in order to maximize workers’ engagement, which in itself implies that ‘alienation’ at work is common. One of the central descriptions of alienation in classic writings is the idea of not being ‘at home’ while at work. In this article, however, we explore its obverse, which we term ‘disalienation’ – a relationship to work based on assumptions concerning control and agency, aided by collective participatory mechanisms for identity construction and dialogical building of social relationships. We suggest that the concept and experience can be productively explored in the context of organizations which are owned and controlled by workers. Using ethnographic case studies from two Polish co-operatives, we discuss the potential characteristics of a disalienating relation to a work organization and suggest that co-operatives can provide a way for workers to be ‘at home’ while they are at work.

A partir del análisis de la Encuesta sobre percepciones de la desigualdad de género en la Justicia de la CABA, el artículo analiza información poco abordada en el país, sobre la organización familiar y el uso del tiempo de los y las... more

A partir del análisis de la Encuesta sobre percepciones de la desigualdad de género en la Justicia de la CABA, el artículo analiza información poco abordada en el país, sobre la organización familiar y el uso del tiempo de los y las trabajadoras de este sector, y nos permite conocer las condiciones de una población particular que, en el muy diverso universo laboral de la Argentina, goza de protecciones muy ventajosas con respecto a otros sectores. Al colocar la lupa sobre las imágenes y prácticas de género en la vida personal y familiar de las y los operadores de la Justicia, no solo nos ofrece información sobre un sector particular, contextualizándolo y " humanizándolo " , sino que además, permite inferir la complejidad de la interacción de los/as trabajadores/as del Poder Judicial en los ámbitos de la familia y el trabajo como un objeto en sí mismo relevante. Las tensiones persistentes en las formas de conciliación entre vida familiar y vida laboral de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras judiciales dejan entrever zonas de discriminación, que aunque no siempre se perciban como tales, perduran. doméstica de los y las trabajadoras judiciales.

While many issues of diversity within organizations and corporations themselves are fairly well researched, less attention has been paid to how the business media creates narratives around diversity issues. As business practitioners... more

While many issues of diversity within organizations and corporations themselves are fairly well researched, less attention has been paid to how the business media creates narratives around diversity issues. As business practitioners consume business media, these narratives have a major influence on business practices such as hiring and management. In our chapter in a forthcoming book entitled Underneath the Thin Veneer: Critical Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Inclusion in the Workplace, we analyze the diversity narratives in 275 business media articles to understand how a relatively unidimensional perspective is perpetuated and legitimated given corporate diversity’s highly complex and intersecting nature with social issues. Here, we highlight some core findings of the study.

Organisationer eksisterer i dag i en art flygtighedens regime, hvor en bestemt forestilling om tid gør sig gaeldende og saetter afgørende praemisser for det at vaere organisation. Forestillingen er, alt forandrer sig -intet er stabilt.... more

Organisationer eksisterer i dag i en art flygtighedens regime, hvor en bestemt forestilling om tid gør sig gaeldende og saetter afgørende praemisser for det at vaere organisation. Forestillingen er, alt forandrer sig -intet er stabilt. Øjeblikket anses hele tiden for det afgørende øjeblik. Alligevel kan intet afgøres, for man er afhaengig af at bevare evnen til i naeste lige så afgørende øjeblik at traeffe et andet valg, at skifte retning og kaste sig over andre muligheder. Interessant nok kan man konstatere, at der parallelt med denne flygtighed er indtruffet en vaerdiramme omkring arbejdslivet, som i stigende grad traekker på forventninger, vi kender fra intimlivet: autenticitet, oprigtighed, spejling af hinandens saeregenhed og derigennem forløsning af personligt potentiale. Mens vi med den ene hånd opløser mere traditionelle, robuste forpligtelsesformer, introducerer vi altså med den anden hånd mere intense, men også mere skrøbelige og tvetydige bånd til hinanden på arbejdet.

Si le court-métrage est souvent présenté comme une voie d'entrée dans les carrières du cinéma, il est aussi un lieu au sein duquel s'éprouvent, comme dans un modèle réduit, les contraintes plus générales de la production... more

Si le court-métrage est souvent présenté comme une voie d'entrée dans les carrières du cinéma, il est aussi un lieu au sein duquel s'éprouvent, comme dans un modèle réduit, les contraintes plus générales de la production cinématographique. Après le documentaire, le court-métrage nous permet donc d'insister sur le lien entre les conditions de production des films et l'organisation du travail cinématographique * * * En 2010, 675 films de court-métrage1 ont reçu un visa d'exploitation du CNC (ils étaient seulement 380 en 2005), contre 203 films de long-métrage d'initiative 1. Comme le rappelle Alain Rocca dans un rapport de 2004 disponible en ligne sur le site du CNC (Perspectives d'évolution du système français de diffusion du court-métrage) « le court-métrage se définit en France comme une oeuvre audiovisuelle originale, d'une durée inférieure à 60 minutes et non commanditée » (ce qui