Peter F. Drucker Research Papers (original) (raw)
This article examines a case study about Polly Louis, The Procurement Officer in Barry Corporation and her team whom should achieve difficult sales targets for the coming year. This difficulty is due to the low level of productivity and... more
This article examines a case study about Polly Louis, The Procurement Officer in Barry Corporation and her team whom should achieve difficult sales targets for the coming year. This difficulty is due to the low level of productivity and decreasing morale in her 24-member team.
Then, the article will define, discuss, and explain the process of Management by Objective (MBO) that Louis followed while setting goals for team members. Thus, lastly resulted in achieving the sales targets of the year and helped her team to achieve their short-term goals that are also helped in the achievement of the organizational objectives.
Finally, the article will discuss a modern approach “One Minute Manager” based on Management by Objective, I may follow if I was in place of Polly Louis.
This is a practical book, but it is not a “how-to” book. Instead, it deals with the what, when, and why; with such tangibles as policies and decisions; opportunities and risks; structures and strategies; staffing, compensation, and... more
This is a practical book, but it is not a “how-to” book. Instead, it deals with the what, when, and why; with such tangibles as policies and decisions; opportunities and risks; structures and strategies; staffing, compensation, and rewards. Innovation and entrepreneurship are discussed under three main headings: The Practice of Innovation; The Practice of Entrepreneurship; and Entrepreneurial Strategies. Each of these is an
“aspect” of innovation and entrepreneurship rather than a stage.
Rozdział został poświęcony tematyce relacji międzyorganizacyjnych i ich znaczeniu dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa na rynku. Przedstawiono podstawowe formy współdziałania gospodarczego, począwszy od aliansów, poprzez spółki joint ventures do... more
Rozdział został poświęcony tematyce relacji międzyorganizacyjnych i ich znaczeniu dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa na rynku. Przedstawiono podstawowe formy współdziałania gospodarczego, począwszy od aliansów, poprzez spółki joint ventures do organizacji wirtualnych. Ukazano specyfikę relacji współpracy w wymiarze geograficznym, w tym w formie dystryktów przemysłowych oraz klastrów gospodarczych. W rozdziale zwrócono również uwagę na specyfikę koordynacji sieciowej działalności podmiotów oraz na znaczenie dostępu do zasobów będących w posiadaniu innych organizacji, co prowadzi do takich sytuacji jak wyścig partnerów w uczeniu się.
The chapter is an overview of the inter-organizational relationships and their importance for the development of the company on the market. The basic forms of economic cooperation, ranging from alliances through joint ventures and virtual organisations. It shows the specificity of relations of cooperation in the geographical dimension, including in the form of industrial districts and economic clusters. The chapter also highlights the specific characteristics of network coordination activities of the entities and the importance of access to resources held by other organisations, which leads to situations such as learning race.
This paper analyzes the impact of effect size or the coefficient correlation of psychological ownership and job satisfaction. Twenty-three studies were selected based on the characteristics of the knowledge worker and six psychological... more
This paper analyzes the impact of effect size or the coefficient correlation of psychological ownership and job satisfaction. Twenty-three studies were selected based on the characteristics of the knowledge worker and six psychological ownership dimensions of distinctiveness. Average organizational tenure and education level were used to assess the significant dispersion between the studies that existed. Average organizational tenure accounted for none of the dispersion between studies variance. Studies that used degree holders for sampling accounted for 77% of real heterogeneity representing 13 out of the 23 studies. 15 out of the 23 studies that conducted regressions, and reported the coefficient determination or R2 results explained 58% of the 95% proportion of real observed dispersion between the 15 studies with a p-value of .000. These results indicate significant gaps in the existing literature pertaining to the relationship between psychological ownership and job satisfaction. The gaps in the existing literature show the need to reset the study of the relationship between psychological ownership and job satisfaction towards the area of organizational effectiveness as oppose to the psychology of possession from the perspective of the human mind.
What can remain unchanged while the Ru tradition (Confucianism) is continually passed down generationally and passed on geographically to non-Chinese Asian countries and beyond? Does the answer to this question hinted by the tradition... more
What can remain unchanged while the Ru tradition (Confucianism) is continually passed down generationally and passed on geographically to non-Chinese Asian countries and beyond? Does the answer to this question hinted by the tradition itself, viz., the ethic of Three Guides and Five Constant Virtues, still work in contemporary society? As intrigued by these fundamental questions on Ruism, scholars have debated on the nature of the ethic and its adaptability to the contemporary world. One side of scholars condemned it as an outdated, premodern ethic of power which urges unconditional obedience to hierarchy, while another side championed it as a modern ethic which aims to strengthen the autonomy of each individual in reciprocal relationships. While presenting two cases of Ru business practice, viz., Shibusawa Eiichi in Meiji Japan and Peter Drucker in the contemporary U.S., the article treats the controversial ethic as a hypothesis, and assesses it using an empirical method to reinforce views of scholars who have furnished a favorable interpretation of the ethic.
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Síntesis del libro para estudiar
Drucker es muy conocido por sus libros de análisis sobre la economía, la sociedad y la política, y ha sido calificado en Harvard Business Review como "el más destacado pensador sobre administración de nuestro tiempo". En la obra que... more
Pe piața produselor de îmbrăcăminte, regăsim două firme aflate în competiția pentru primul loc mondial ce aplică modele de business diferite și cu toate acestea obțin rezultate remarcabile. Este vorba de Zara și H&M: prima se bazează pe... more
Pe piața produselor de îmbrăcăminte, regăsim două firme aflate în competiția pentru primul loc mondial ce aplică modele de business diferite și cu toate acestea obțin rezultate remarcabile.
Este vorba de Zara și H&M: prima se bazează pe internalizarea operațiunilor, ducând o politică de zero publicitate, în timp ce H&M își externalizează producția și implică chiar și vedete în acțiunile sale de promovare (Beyonce, Vanessa Paradis și Lana del Ray).
Lucrarea de față își propune să încerce să explice de ce două firme care acționează în același mediu, sub aceleași condiții, au ales un model de business diferit. Setul de capabilități specifice ale celor două companii a fost realizat în baza studiilor teoretice existente, a industriei de îmbrăcăminte și a rapoartelor de activitate publicate de ambele firme. Acest set explică parțial alegerea direcției de business a firmelor.
Mundialmente conhecido como “pai da gestão”, existe uma outra faceta muito menos analisada de Peter Drucker: a de criador de uma filosofia prática que o demarcou desde os anos 30 daqueles que esperavam do totalitarismo – conceito que... more
Mundialmente conhecido como “pai da gestão”, existe uma outra faceta muito menos analisada de Peter Drucker: a de criador de uma filosofia prática que o demarcou desde os anos 30 daqueles que esperavam do totalitarismo – conceito que criou - a salvação da sociedade e dos que apenas admitiam a superioridade material do Ocidente. Foi o empenhamento de Drucker pelas questões de religião, sociedade e instituições que o levou posteriormente a interessar-se pela gestão de empresas.
W rozdziale podjęto problematykę zarządzania operacyjnego, szczegółowo opisując jego założenia i historię, osadzoną w dorobku nauk o zarządzaniu. Zaprezentowano przegląd najważniejszych koncepcji, modeli i narzędzi wywodzących się z... more
W rozdziale podjęto problematykę zarządzania operacyjnego, szczegółowo opisując jego założenia i historię, osadzoną w dorobku nauk o zarządzaniu. Zaprezentowano przegląd najważniejszych koncepcji, modeli i narzędzi wywodzących się z zarządzania operacyjnego. Wśród nich znalazły się między innymi takie zagadnienia jak: zarządzanie procesami, zarządzanie projektami, zarządzanie środowiskowe, kompleksowe zarządzanie jakością (ang. Total Quality Management, TQM), sposoby organizacji produkcji just-in-time i lean management, cykl doskonalenia procesów (DMAIC), koło Deminga, spirala Jurana, outsourcing, benchmarking oraz reinżynieringu.
This chapter presents the problem of operational management, detailing its aims and history embedded in the output management sciences. It provides an overview of the key concepts, models and tools derived from operational management. These include such issues as process management, project management, environmental management, total quality management (TQM), just-in-time and lean management, DMAIC improvement cycle, Deming cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), Juran’s spiral of progress in quality, outsourcing, benchmarking and business process reengineering.
Alvin Toffler and Peter Drucker describe a social scenario in the future which is characterized by rapid changes that will affect human lives. These changes undermine the foundations of the present industrial society especially in such... more
Alvin Toffler and Peter Drucker describe a social scenario in the future which is characterized by rapid changes that will affect human lives. These changes undermine the foundations of the present industrial society especially in such areas as family, values, job opportunities, organization, and the like. The present paper will try to situate Lasallian education within the third millennium and explore the ways by which such education can appropriately respond to these changes as the individual adjusts himself to them.
This article develops how wider understandings of time can inform managerial communication decisions. Using Peter F. Drucker as an initial touchstone—but going much deeper—the article employs an applied liberal arts methodology to... more
This article develops how wider understandings of time can inform managerial communication decisions. Using Peter F. Drucker as an initial touchstone—but going much deeper—the article employs an applied liberal arts methodology to establish a time-minded attitude toward communication. Applying perspectives from both classical philosophy (specifically Plato and Aristotle) as well as 20th century rhetoricians (specifically Richard Weaver, James Kinneavy, and Walter Beale), this article celebrates both physical and metaphysical structures of reality. To this end, it proposes a theoretical equation to help calibrate communication management under a more holistic banner. The equation acknowledges the typical appropriateness of occasion-directed communication (kairos); however, it also distinctively acknowledges the grand fabric of temporal reality (chronos). The output of this equation can be understood as the “chronos principle.” The article concludes that a more complete understanding of time-mindedness can elevate empathy, foster respect, and assist social relationality within any given organization’s communication culture.
This thesis analyses and discusses HRM practices within small consultancy firms.
Peter Ferdinand Drucker fue un autor, profesor y consultor austriaco cuya obra representa una gran influencia tanto filosófica como pragmática en el campo de la administración moderna. Fue un pionero en el desarrollo de la esfera... more
Peter Ferdinand Drucker fue un autor, profesor y consultor austriaco cuya obra representa una gran influencia tanto filosófica como pragmática en el campo de la administración moderna. Fue un pionero en el desarrollo de la esfera educativa de la administración, e inventó los conceptos de “Manejo por Objetivos” y “Trabajadores del Conocimiento”. Inspirado por una insaciable curiosidad acerca del mundo que lo rodeaba y un gran deseo de hacer de este un lugar mejor, Drucker continuó escribiendo hasta una edad en la cual muchos ya habrían puesto sus plumas a un costado. El resultado fue una producción académica de primordial importancia que abarca 39 libros e innumerables artículos, tanto académicos como de divulgación.
- by Gad Yair and +1
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- Organizational Behavior, Peter F. Drucker
Ce travail est une articulation entre trois concepts de la stratégie abordés jusque-là séparément: la gouvernance, l'innovation et la connaissance. Dans le prolongement des travaux précurseurs de J. Schumpeter, E. Penrose et P. Drucker... more
Ce travail est une articulation entre trois concepts de la stratégie abordés jusque-là séparément: la gouvernance, l'innovation et la connaissance. Dans le prolongement des travaux précurseurs de J. Schumpeter, E. Penrose et P. Drucker autour de la question de l'entrepreneuriat et l'innovation, et des récents apports de la knowledge-based view (KBV), le courant de l'innovation basée sur la connaissance (KBI) tente d'expliquer le processus d'innovation à travers l'analyse des caractéristiques et des processus de transformation de la connaissance. Dans cette perspective, la théorie de la gouvernance, s'inspirant principalement des approches contractuelles de la firme, demeure muette sur nombre d'éléments stratégiques (propriétés et processus de la connaissance notamment) qui sont pourtant indispensables pour résoudre l'équation de l'innovation. L'objet ce de papier est d'étendre le champ de la gouvernance au-delà du cadre (purement) transactionnel. Il s'est agi pour nous d'investir des pistes de recherche jusque-là peu (ou pas) explorées en partant du postulat suivant : l'approche de l'innovation basée sur la connaissance (KBI) appelle une approche de la gouvernance basée sur la connaissance (KGA). A travers le prisme de la connaissance, nous avons pu saisir les points de jonction du triptyque gouvernance-innovation-connaissance et déterminer quelques implications stratégiques pour les entreprises innovantes (notamment en termes de choix des modes de gouvernance). Des perspectives de recherche et d'opérationnalisation sont proposées en conclusion.
In this study, the article “Deadly Sins in Public Administration” is discussed, which is written by Peter Drucker in 1980 who known as the “father of modern administration” or “management guru”. Drucker, who has carried out researches and... more
In this study, the article “Deadly Sins in Public Administration” is discussed, which is written by Peter
Drucker in 1980 who known as the “father of modern administration” or “management guru”. Drucker, who has
carried out researches and studies in feature of the prescription on both private and public organizations, has
mentioned the six deadly sins through concrete examples, which are frequently committed in non-profit public
service organizations. This study, on the other hand, is the outcome of an effort to analyze and correctly
understand the six sins identified by Drucker in the context of public administration by his approach to public
administration. This study includes works that admitted to basic in the literature of management science and
various studies which belong Drucker in the field of public administration. As a result of the study, which was
created by analyzing the qualitative data obtained, six deadly sins committed in public administration and the
factors associated with these sins were put forward from Drucker's eyes. These determinations, which are still
valid in the field of public administration, are handled with a scientific concern as well as Drucker's inferences
and analyzes on public administration.
- by Borahan Günver and +1
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- Management, Public Administration, Peter F. Drucker
The Lisbon Agenda was meant to make the European Union " the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world " by 2010. As that date has now come and gone, it is apt to ask whether the Lisbon Agenda achieved its... more
The Lisbon Agenda was meant to make the European Union " the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world " by 2010. As that date has now come and gone, it is apt to ask whether the Lisbon Agenda achieved its objective. We engage with this very question by analysing new empirical material on the supposed transition to a knowledge-based economy (KBE). Theoretically, we problematize the very notion that EU policies promoted the emergence of a KBE by highlighting how the Lisbon Agenda was tied to the financialization of the European economy. Our findings illustrate the abject failure of the EU's decade-long strategy to foster a new economy and better employment opportunities. We show that the main winners of the EU's economic strategy have been the finance sector and those who work in it. In summary, we argue that, despite the earlier assurances of Daniel Bell and Peter Drucker, it is not the scientist or engineer but the banker who has been empowered to command a higher price in the new world of the knowledge-based economy.
- by Kean Birch and +1
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- Finance, Economic Sociology, European Studies, Economic Geography
Rozdział stanowi przegląd podstawowych koncepcji zarządzania sformułowanych przez Peter F. Druckera. Był on popularyzatorem nauki o zarządzaniu wśród szerokiego kręgu zainteresowanych menedżerów. Jako przedstawiciel nurtu neoklasycznego w... more
Rozdział stanowi przegląd podstawowych koncepcji zarządzania sformułowanych przez Peter F. Druckera. Był on popularyzatorem nauki o zarządzaniu wśród szerokiego kręgu zainteresowanych menedżerów. Jako przedstawiciel nurtu neoklasycznego w zarządzaniu skupiał się przede wszystkim na obserwacji praktyki gospodarczej. Na tej podstawie zdefiniował pojęcia celu, społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu, pracowników wiedzy oraz przedstawił koncepcję zarządzania przez cele, a także zwrócił uwagę na znaczenie antycypowania przyszłości poprzez obserwację zmian zachodzących zarówno wewnątrz, jak i na zewnątrz organizacji, które przedstawiono w rozdziale.
The chapter is an overview of the basic concepts of management presented by Peter F. Drucker. He was a popularizer of management science in a wide range of interested managers. As a representative of the neoclassical approaches of management that focused primarily on the observation of economic practice. On these basis he defined, e.g., purpose of business, corporate social responsibility, knowledge workers, and introduced the idea of management by objectives, and also drew attention to the importance of anticipating the future by observing the changes taking place both inside and outside the organization. All these concepts are is presented in the chapter.
A monograph on the work of John A. Zachman, that positions his framework within two perspectives, which are connected by the theory of semiotics: 1. Conceiving the semantics of the modern enterprise, driven by the concept of... more
A monograph on the work of John A. Zachman, that positions his framework within two perspectives, which are connected by the theory of semiotics:
1. Conceiving the semantics of the modern enterprise, driven by the concept of information, as described by Peter Drucker;
2. Conceiving the semantics of the modern enterprise, excluded by the concept of information, as described by Claude E. Shannon.
* * * * *
For more than nine centuries, Venice was ruled by a doge. The doge's powers and responsibilities changed over time, but throughout Venetian history, he was seen as the main leader of the city-state. The position of doge was an interesting... more
For more than nine centuries, Venice was ruled by a doge. The doge's powers and responsibilities changed over time, but throughout Venetian history, he was seen as the main leader of the city-state. The position of doge was an interesting creation and the many men who held this title throughout the centuries were often strong and able rulers, and were not royal monarchs like most other European rulers. Many doges could be classified as knowledge workers, particularly during the Renaissance era.
La inundación de recursos de liderazgo y de iglesiacrecimiento en las últimas dos décadas ha satisfecho definitivamente una necesidad. El enfoque en el liderazgo llenó un hueco inmenso, y todos hemos sido los beneficiados. El liderazgo es... more
La inundación de recursos de liderazgo y de iglesiacrecimiento en las últimas dos décadas ha satisfecho definitivamente una necesidad. El enfoque en el liderazgo llenó un hueco inmenso, y todos hemos sido los beneficiados. El liderazgo es maravilloso… hasta que se transforma en un ídolo.
El coach en liderazgo, Juan Carlos Flores Zúñiga, puntualiza en este BLOG LiderInnova los riesgos que asumimos en el liderazgo con un enfoque negligente con nuestro ritmo de vida y salud emocional y espiritual.
The reality behind the teachers situation
Peter Drucker (1909–2005) is celebrated as perhaps the greatest management guru, and one of the greatest futurists, of the twentieth century, but he has rarely been taken seriously as an intellectual. Raised in Vienna among a cohort of... more
Peter Drucker (1909–2005) is celebrated as perhaps the greatest management guru, and one of the greatest futurists, of the twentieth century, but he has rarely been taken seriously as an intellectual. Raised in Vienna among a cohort of émigré academics that included Schumpeter, Hayek, and von Mises, among others, Drucker was both deeply learned and incredibly prolific. This essay seeks to rehabilitate Drucker as a humanistic social thinker, reinterpreting his earliest writings in German, his two major treatises on totalitarianism and the crisis of capitalism published after he emigrated to the US, his debate with Polanyi and engagement with Kierkegaard, and his early postwar writings on management theory and the knowledge society. It identifies in Drucker's Protestant faith a deep and abiding set of intellectual, ethical, and spiritual commitments helping him to navigate a path out of Nazi Germany and assume a position of enormous influence in American business life.
While organizational management was originally theorized from a scientific point of view, Peter F. Drucker’s thoughts and ideas have recently generated liberal reviews and critical debates among practitioners, experts and consultants.... more
While organizational management was originally theorized from a scientific point of view, Peter F. Drucker’s thoughts and ideas have recently generated liberal reviews and critical debates among practitioners, experts and consultants. This essay is a contribution to the later. Its designed to offer a radical and philosophical reconceptualization of management by asking a series of perennial questions while at the same time laying out the intellectual and pragmatic framework for Drucker’s idea of ‘management as a liberal art’ within the wider context. The aim is to deliver on an entirely new way of thinking about art, and its role in contemporary management.