Quantum Communication Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

One formidable difficulty in quantum communication and computation is to protect information-carrying quantum states against undesired interactions with the environment. To address this difficulty, many good quantum error-correcting codes... more

One formidable difficulty in quantum communication and computation is to protect information-carrying quantum states against undesired interactions with the environment. To address this difficulty, many good quantum error-correcting codes have been derived as binary stabilizer codes. Fault-tolerant quantum computation prompted the study of nonbinary quantum codes, but the theory of such codes is not as advanced as that of binary quantum codes. This paper describes the basic theory of stabilizer codes over finite fields. The relation between stabilizer codes and general quantum codes is clarified by introducing a Galois theory for these objects. A characterization of nonbinary stabilizer codes over Fq in terms of classical codes over Fq2 is provided that generalizes the well-known notion of additive codes over F4 of the binary case. This paper also derives lower and upper bounds on the minimum distance of stabilizer codes, gives several code constructions, and derives numerous families of stabilizer codes, including quantum Hamming codes, quadratic residue codes, quantum Melas codes, quantum Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes, and quantum character codes. The puncturing theory by Rains is generalized to additive codes that are not necessarily pure. Bounds on the maximal length of maximum distance separable stabilizer codes are given. A discussion of open problems concludes this paper

Page 1. Quantum Communications: Present Status and Future Prospects Prem Kumar, Joseph B. Altepeter, and Matthew A. Hall ... 16 J. Chen, et al. “Demonstration of a Quantum Controlled-NOT Gate in the Telecom Band,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 100,... more

Page 1. Quantum Communications: Present Status and Future Prospects Prem Kumar, Joseph B. Altepeter, and Matthew A. Hall ... 16 J. Chen, et al. “Demonstration of a Quantum Controlled-NOT Gate in the Telecom Band,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 133603 (2008). 17 NI Nweke, et al. ...

Quantum key distribution algorithms use a quantum communication channel with quantum information and a classical communication channel for binary information. The classical channel, in all algorithms to date, was required to be... more

Quantum key distribution algorithms use a quantum communication channel with quantum information and a classical communication channel for binary information. The classical channel, in all algorithms to date, was required to be authenticated. Moreover, Lomo- naco [8] claimed that authentication is not possible using only quantum means. This paper reverses this claim. We design an algorithm for quantum key distribution

Attention to the very physical aspects of information characterizes the current research in quantum computation, quantum cryptography and quantum communication. In most of the cases quantum description of the system provides advantages... more

Attention to the very physical aspects of information characterizes the current research in quantum computation, quantum cryptography and quantum communication. In most of the cases quantum description of the system provides advantages over the classical approach. Game theory, the study of decision making in conflict situation has already been extended to the quantum domain. We would like to review the latest development in quantum game theory that is relevant to information processing. We will begin by illustrating the general idea of a quantum game and methods of gaining an advantage over "classical opponent". Then we review the most important game theoretical aspects of quantum information processing. On grounds of the discussed material, we reason about possible future development of quantum game theory and its impact on information processing and the emerging information society. The idea of quantum artificial intelligence is explained.

We propose a realizable architecture using one-dimensional transmission line resonators to reach the strong-coupling limit of cavity quantum electrodynamics in superconducting electrical circuits. The vacuum Rabi frequency for the... more

We propose a realizable architecture using one-dimensional transmission line resonators to reach the strong-coupling limit of cavity quantum electrodynamics in superconducting electrical circuits. The vacuum Rabi frequency for the coupling of cavity photons to quantized excitations of an adjacent electrical circuit (qubit) can easily exceed the damping rates of both the cavity and qubit. This architecture is attractive both as

In this paper, we generalize the secure quantum information exchange (SQIE) protocol, originally proposed by the authors [J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 (2011) 115504] for secure exchange of one qubit information with each of Alice... more

In this paper, we generalize the secure quantum information exchange (SQIE) protocol, originally proposed by the authors [J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 (2011) 115504] for secure exchange of one qubit information with each of Alice and Bob, to the case of secure exchange of quantum information of arbitrary qubits with Alice and Bob. We also discuss security of the original and generalized SQIE protocols with respect to the number of qubits with controller, Charlie.

We propose a realizable architecture using one-dimensional transmission line resonators to reach the strong-coupling limit of cavity quantum electrodynamics in superconducting electrical circuits. The vacuum Rabi frequency for the... more

We propose a realizable architecture using one-dimensional transmission line resonators to reach the strong-coupling limit of cavity quantum electrodynamics in superconducting electrical circuits. The vacuum Rabi frequency for the coupling of cavity photons to quantized ...

We analyze a novel method that uses fixed, minimal physical resources to achieve generation and nested purification of quantum entanglement for quantum communication over arbitrarily long distances, and discuss its implementation using... more

We analyze a novel method that uses fixed, minimal physical resources to achieve generation and nested purification of quantum entanglement for quantum communication over arbitrarily long distances, and discuss its implementation using realistic photon emitters and photonic channels. In this method, we use single photon emitters with two internal degrees of freedom formed by an electron spin and a nuclear spin to build intermediate nodes in a quantum channel. State-selective fluorescence is used for probabilistic entanglement generation between electron spins in adjacent nodes. We analyze in detail several approaches which are applicable to realistic, homogeneously broadened single photon emitters. Furthermore, the coupled electron and nuclear spins can be used to efficiently implement entanglement swapping and purification. We show that these techniques can be combined to generate high-fidelity entanglement over arbitrarily long distances. We present a specific protocol that functions in polynomial time and tolerates percent-level errors in entanglement fidelity and local operations. The scheme has the lowest requirements on physical resources of any current scheme for fully fault-tolerant quantum repeaters.

The performance of three types of InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes is investigated for photon counting at 1550 nm in the temperature range of thermoelectric cooling. The best one yields a dark count probability of % 2.8\cdot 10^{-5} per... more

The performance of three types of InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes is investigated for photon counting at 1550 nm in the temperature range of thermoelectric cooling. The best one yields a dark count probability of % 2.8\cdot 10^{-5} per gate (2.4 ns) at a detection efficiency of 10% and a temperature of -60C. The afterpulse probability and the timing jitter are also studied. The results obtained are compared with those of other papers and applied to the simulation of a quantum key distribution system. An error rate of 10% would be obtained after 54 kilometers.

Quantum information science has shown that harnessing quantum mechanical effects can dramatically improve performance for certain tasks in communication, computation and measurement. Already a number of photonic quantum circuits have been... more

Quantum information science has shown that harnessing quantum mechanical effects can dramatically improve performance for certain tasks in communication, computation and measurement. Already a number of photonic quantum circuits have been realized for quantum metrology, lithography and quantum logic gates. However, these demonstrations have relied on large-scale (bulk) optical elements bolted to large optical tables, thereby making them inherently unscalable and confining them to the research laboratory. This paper reports on the implementation of quantum optic integrated circuits, which not only dramatically reduces the footprint of quantum circuits, but allows unprecedented stability and control of the optical path length; this reveals the possibility for realizing previously unfeasible large scale quantum circuits. Results from femtosecond laser directly-written quantum circuits are also discussed. A large range of chip-scale "photonic building blocks" have been realized using this so-called direct-write technique and they include multimode optical interconnects, directional couplers and interferometers. The directly written quantum circuits exhibited high 2 and 3-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference visibilities of 95.8% plusmn 0.5 and 84% plusmn 3% respectively.