Success Rate Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Objectives. To investigate the effectiveness and morbidity of percutaneous laser endoureterotomy in the management of ureterointestinal anastomotic strictures after radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. Methods. Between May 1997 and... more

Objectives. To investigate the effectiveness and morbidity of percutaneous laser endoureterotomy in the management of ureterointestinal anastomotic strictures after radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. Methods. Between May 1997 and August 2000, 19 percutaneous endoureterotomy incisions, including 3 repeated incisions, were performed on 15 patients with a mean age of 61 years (range 41 to 80) to treat ureterointestinal strictures. A total of 16 renal units were treated (9 left, 7 right), including one bilateral procedure. All procedures were performed using a 200-m holmium laser fiber in antegrade fashion with a 7.5F flexible ureteroscope. A nephroureteral stent was left in place for 4 to 6 weeks postoperatively. Success was defined as radiologic improvement and/or the ability to return to full activity in the absence of flank pain, infection, or the need for ureteral stents or nephrostomy tubes. Results. With a median follow-up of 20.5 months (range 9 to 41), the overall success rate was 57% (8 of 14 renal units). Two patients were lost to follow-up. The mean operative time was 91 minutes, and no perioperative complications occurred. Three patients required repeated endoureterotomies, with two requiring open reimplantation. Overall, the endoureterotomy failed in 6 patients in the series, with five of the six failures involving left-sided strictures. Conclusions. Percutaneous endoureterotomy is an effective, minimally invasive treatment option for patients with ureterointestinal strictures after urinary diversion. Better visualization and a more precise incision may make the holmium laser a safer cutting modality than alternative methods in patients with ureteroenteric strictures. Patients with left-sided ureterointestinal strictures should be cautioned that endourologic management might have a lower success rate. UROLOGY 58: 924-929, 2001.

The goal of this user centered design (UCD) study was to to identify usability issues on the Boğaziçi University Industrial Engineering (BUIE) department website user interface (UI) and also to provide a re-design guideline for the... more

The goal of this user centered design (UCD) study was to to identify usability issues on the Boğaziçi University Industrial Engineering (BUIE) department website user interface (UI) and also to provide a re-design guideline for the website. In this context, the website was evalauted via using heuristic evaluation, remote usability testing, and post-test questionnaire methods. Every single screen of the BUIE website was evaluated, and design problems along with associated severity rankings were determined. Based on the heuristic evaluation findings, various task scenarios were created for the remote usability testing study. Four diffferent user groups were identified for the study: high school students, BUIE undergraduate students, BUIE Graduate students/academic staff, and other university students. The users were asked to perform tasks relavant to the group characteristics and expectations related to the website. Their performance were evaluated in terms of task completion success rate, number of clicks, and time spent till either accomplishment, failure, or quittance by a remote usability testing tool, Loop11. A post user testing questionnaire was also administered online where the user subjective rating data were collected for each task in terms of ease of use. The results indicated numerous UI design issues, as confirmed by both heuristic and usability testing methods. Further redesign study is required to implement the results of this sudy in order to enhance the ease of use of the BUIE department website.

In the present study, we examined the outcome of assisted reproductive technology cycles in patients with or without baseline ovarian cysts following gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogs administration. Materials and Methods:... more

In the present study, we examined the outcome of assisted reproductive technology cycles in patients with or without baseline ovarian cysts following gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogs administration. Materials and Methods: Three-hundred and fifty-six patients who had undergone assisted reproductive technology treatment were enrolled in the study. The patients, all of who had undergone cyst aspiration prior to ovarian stimulation, were grouped into two groups according to the absence or presence of ovarian cysts. These two groups were compared on the basis of the clinical pregnancy rates, the baseline E2 levels, the total follicle stimulating hormone ampules used, the total number of days of induction, the maximum E2 levels, the number of oocytes retrieved, the fertilization rates and the number of embryos available for transfer per controlled ovarian hyperstimulation cycle. Results: The number of ampules used for induction was significantly higher in the cyst group 37.2 ± 13.0, 32.1 ± 11.7, respectively, ( P = 0.001). The number of total induction days was also longer in the cyst group 9.7 ± 2.2, 8.9 ± 1.6, respectively, ( P = 0.001). There was no difference between the mean E2 levels measured on the human chorionic gonadotropin administration days ( P = 0.339). There was also no difference in terms of the number of oocyte retrieved ( P = 0.846). The number of embryos transferred did not differ statistically between the groups ( P = 0.233). Finally, there was no significant difference between the groups according to the clinical pregnancy rates 25.3%, 30.7%, respectively, ( P = 0.218). Conclusion: Baseline ovarian cysts have a negative impact on the quality of ovarian hyperstimulation procedure; however, they have no negative effect on the pregnancy rates in IVF cycles.

B Ba ac ck kg gr ro ou un nd d. . Intraosseous (IO) infusion provides an alternative route for the administration of fluids and medications when difficulty with peripheral or central lines is encountered during resuscitation of critically... more

B Ba ac ck kg gr ro ou un nd d. . Intraosseous (IO) infusion provides an alternative route for the administration of fluids and medications when difficulty with peripheral or central lines is encountered during resuscitation of critically ill and injured patients. O Ob bj je ec ct ti iv ve e. . To report the first 50 uses of a new system for emergency IO infusion into the sternum in adults, the Pyng F.A.S.T.1 IO infusion system. M Me et th ho od ds s. . Six emergency departments and five prehospital emergency medical services (EMS) sites in Canada and the United States provided clinical and/or research data on their use of the IO system in a pilot study of success rates, insertion times, and complications. Indications for use included adult patient, urgent need for fluids or medications, and unacceptable delay or inability to achieve standard vascular access. A basic data set was standardized for all sites, and some sites collected additional data. R Re es su ul lt ts s. . The overall success rate for achieving vascular access with the system was 84%. Success rates were 74% for first-time users, and 95% for experienced users. Failure to achieve vascular access occurred most frequently in patients (5 of 9) described subjectively by the user as "very obese," in whom there was a thick layer of tissue overlying the sternum. Mean time to achieve vascular access was 77 seconds. Flow rates of up to 80 mL/min were reported for gravity drip, and more than 150 mL/min by syringe bolus. Pressure cuffs were also used successfully, although fluid rate was controlled by clamping the line. Further research on flow rates is needed. No complications or complaints were reported at two-month follow-up. C Co on nc cl lu us si io on n. . These early data indicate that sternal IO infusion using the new F.A.S.T.1 IO system may provide rapid, safe vascular access and may be a useful technique for reducing unacceptable delays in the provision of emergency treatment. K Ke ey y w wo or rd ds s: : intraosseous infusion; sternum; adult; vascular access; intravenous; central line.

We describe an automated reproof generator for upbraiding effectiveness (ARGUE) 1 2. When reproving infractions, effectiveness is improved by comprehensive, well-organised coverage of the arguments. The search for a forceful... more

We describe an automated reproof generator for upbraiding effectiveness (ARGUE) 1 2. When reproving infractions, effectiveness is improved by comprehensive, well-organised coverage of the arguments. The search for a forceful well-expressed reproof is controlled by reproof plans, which are descriptions of the high level structure of reproofs. We have extended the concept of proof plans to the structure of reproof plans. Search control is provided by a fault lattice.

Rate making and risk-based pricing give users a definite competitive advantage in the general insurance business. This advantage is all the more compelling if the company is an industry leader. This paper attempts to tie the theory of... more

Rate making and risk-based pricing give users a definite competitive advantage in the general insurance business. This advantage is all the more compelling if the company is an industry leader. This paper attempts to tie the theory of rate making to technology ...

Objectif.-Mise à jour des connaissances sur les différentes méthodes de prise en charge de l'hémorragie du post-partum réfractaire au traitement médical et obstétrical. Patientes et méthode.-Les sources de données qui sont informatiques... more

Objectif.-Mise à jour des connaissances sur les différentes méthodes de prise en charge de l'hémorragie du post-partum réfractaire au traitement médical et obstétrical. Patientes et méthode.-Les sources de données qui sont informatiques sont celles de PubMed, Medline ® limitées aux publications en langues anglaise et française. L'atonie utérine et les anomalies d'insertion placentaire (placenta praevia ou accreta) sont les causes les plus couramment impliquées dans cette situation. Pour préserver l'utérus, nous disposons soit de la radiologie interventionnelle avec l'embolisation soit de la chirurgie avec les ligatures vasculaires. L'embolisation est une méthode peu invasive réalisable par simple cathétérisme sous anesthésie locale. Les ligatures vasculaires nécessitent le plus souvent une laparotomie. Elles intéressent les pédicules utérins ou les artères iliaques internes. Les plicatures et les cloisonnements utérins sont des méthodes chirurgicales récentes, faciles à réaliser mais pour lesquelles nous manquons de recul. Résultats.-Sur l'atonie, la réussite de l'embolisation et des ligatures des pédicules utérins est proche de 100 %. La ligature des artères iliaques internes est sans doute un peu moins efficace et plus difficile, sur le plan technique, à réaliser. Elle demeure intéressante dans les lésions traumatiques obstétricales qui ne concernent pas l'utérus. Sur les hémorragies provenant du segment inférieur lors d'une césarienne, la ligature basse des artères utérines s'impose. Toutes ces méthodes sont d'autant plus efficaces qu'elles sont réalisées précocement avant la survenue de troubles majeurs de la coagulation. Auquel cas, la dévascularisation utérine doit également s'appliquer aux pédicules lomboovariens. En présence d'un placenta accreta, la portion adhérente du placenta peut être laissée en place et l'embolisation ou les ligatures vasculaires effectuées. Néanmoins, quelle que soit la technique, la principale cause d'échec du traitement conservateur est liée au placenta accreta. Conclusion.-Les méthodes les plus simples et les moins morbides doivent être retenues. Après un accouchement par voie naturelle, il s'agira de l'embolisation, sous réserve que l'état hémodynamique de la patiente soit stable et que le centre de radiologie interventionnelle soit proche. En cours de césarienne, il s'agira de la ligature progressive des pédicules utérins adaptée à l'étiologie de l'hémorragie. En cas d'échec d'un traitement conservateur, il serait dangereux de multiplier les techniques. L'hystérectomie d'hémostase doit alors garder sa place.

The product development literature focuses largely on improving the efficiency and success rates of the development process, while largely neglecting the activities that comprise the predevelopment stages. The result is that little is... more

The product development literature focuses largely on improving the efficiency and success rates of the development process, while largely neglecting the activities that comprise the predevelopment stages. The result is that little is known about how or why predevelopment practices differ among firms. Our study of fifteen firms in Ontario's integrated circuit board industry revealed interesting differences in predevelopment practices that directly affected the likelihood of new product success. It was revealed that firm size, age, and R&D intensity were significant predictors of predevelopment practices. In addition, activities were identified that serve as a prescriptive guide for the successful development and market launch of new products.

The standard 2 -4 -6 task requires discovery of a single rule and produces success rates of about 20%, whereas the dual-goal (DG) version requests discovery of two complementary rules and elevates success to over 60%. The experiment... more

The standard 2 -4 -6 task requires discovery of a single rule and produces success rates of about 20%, whereas the dual-goal (DG) version requests discovery of two complementary rules and elevates success to over 60%. The experiment examined two explanations of DG superiority: Evans' (1989) positivity-bias account, and Wharton, Cheng, and Wickens' (1993) goal-complementarity theory. Two DG conditions were employed that varied the linguistic labelling of rules (either positively labelled Dax vs. Med, or mixed-valence "fits" vs. "does not fit"). Solution-success results supported the goal-complementarity theory since facilitation arose in both DG conditions relative to singlegoal tasks, irrespective of the linguistic labelling of hypotheses. DG instructions also altered quantitative and qualitative aspects of hypothesis-testing behaviour, and analyses revealed the novel result that the production of at least a single descending triple mediates between DG instructions and task success. We propose that the identification of an appropriate contrast class that delimits the scope of complementary rules may be facilitated through the generation of a descending instance. Overall, our findings can best be accommodated by iterative counterfactual model of hypotheses testing, which can readily subsume key elements of the goalcomplementarity theory.

Total polyphenol contents, estimated by Folin–Ciocalteu method, and CIELab chromatic parameters were determined in Basque and French ciders with the aim of developing a classification system to confirm the authenticity of ciders. A... more

Total polyphenol contents, estimated by Folin–Ciocalteu method, and CIELab chromatic parameters were determined in Basque and French ciders with the aim of developing a classification system to confirm the authenticity of ciders. A preliminary study of data structure was performed by a multivariate data analysis using chemometric techniques such as cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Supervised pattern recognition methods,

We have built a reliable and robust system that takes as input an astronomical image, and returns as output the pointing, scale, and orientation of that image (the astrometric calibration or WCS information). The system requires no first... more

We have built a reliable and robust system that takes as input an astronomical image, and returns as output the pointing, scale, and orientation of that image (the astrometric calibration or WCS information). The system requires no first guess, and works with the information in the image pixels alone; that is, the problem is a generalization of the "lost in space" problem in which nothing-not even the image scale-is known. After robust source detection is performed in the input image, asterisms (sets of four or five stars) are geometrically hashed and compared to pre-indexed hashes to generate hypotheses about the astrometric calibration. A hypothesis is only accepted as true if it passes a Bayesian decision theory test against a null hypothesis. With indices built from the USNO-B Catalog and designed for uniformity of coverage and redundancy, the success rate is > 99.9 % for contemporary near-ultraviolet and visual imaging survey data, with no false positives. The failure rate is consistent with the incompleteness of the USNO-B Catalog; augmentation with indices built from the 2MASS Catalog brings the completeness to 100 % with no false positives. We are using this system to generate consistent and standards-compliant meta-data for digital and digitized imaging from plate repositories, automated observatories, individual scientific investigators, and hobbyists. This is the first step in a program of making it possible to trust calibration meta-data for astronomical data of arbitrary provenance.

falls, standing balance and obstacle avoidance performance, and balance confi dence scores. Results: The number of falls in the exercise group decreased by 46% (incidence rate ratio (IRR) 0.54, 95% confi dence interval (CI) 0.36-0.79)... more

falls, standing balance and obstacle avoidance performance, and balance confi dence scores. Results: The number of falls in the exercise group decreased by 46% (incidence rate ratio (IRR) 0.54, 95% confi dence interval (CI) 0.36-0.79) compared to the number of falls during the baseline period and by 46% (IRR 0.54, 95% CI 0.34-0.86) compared to the control group. Obstacle avoidance success rates improved signifi cantly more in the exercise group (on average 12%) compared to the control group (on average 6%). Quiet stance and weight-shifting measures did not show signifi cant effects of exercise. The exercise group also had a 6% increase of balance confi dence scores. Conclusion: The Nijmegen Falls Prevention Program was effective in reducing the incidence of falls in otherwise healthy elderly. There was no evidence of improved control of posture as a mechanism underlying this result. In contrast, an obstacle avoidance task indicated that subjects improved their performance. Laboratory obstacle avoidance tests may therefore be better instruments to evaluate future fall prevention studies than posturographic balance assessments.

Aits-To determine if neural networks can detect diabetic features in fundus images and compare the network against an ophthalmologist screening a set of fundus images. Methods-147 diabetic and 32 normal images were captured from a fundus... more

Aits-To determine if neural networks can detect diabetic features in fundus images and compare the network against an ophthalmologist screening a set of fundus images. Methods-147 diabetic and 32 normal images were captured from a fundus camera, stored on computer, and analysed using a back propagation neural network. The network was trained to recognise features in the retinal image. The effects of digital filtering techniques and different network variables were assessed. 200 diabetic and 101 normal images were then randomised and used to evaluate the network's performance for the detection of diabetic retinopathy against an ophthalmologist. Results-Detection rates for the recognition of vessels, exudates, and haemorrhages were 91.7%, 93.1%, and 73.8% respectively. When compared with the results of the ophthalmologist, the network achieved a sensitivity of 88.4% and a specificity of 83.5% for the detection of diabetic retinopathy. Conclusions-Detection of vessels, exudates, and haemorrhages was possible, with success rates dependent upon preprocessing and the number ofimages used in training. When compared with the ophthalmologist, the network achieved good accuracy for the detection of diabetic retinopathy. The system could be used as an aid to the screening of diabetic patients for retinopathy.

We describe a new method to search for metal-poor candidates from the Hamburg/ESO objectiveprism survey (HES) based on identifying stars with apparently strong CH G-band strengths for their colors. The hypothesis we exploit is that large... more

We describe a new method to search for metal-poor candidates from the Hamburg/ESO objectiveprism survey (HES) based on identifying stars with apparently strong CH G-band strengths for their colors. The hypothesis we exploit is that large over-abundances of carbon are common among metalpoor stars, as has been found by numerous studies over the past two decades. The selection was made by considering two line indices in the 4300Å region, applied directly to the low-resolution prism spectra. This work also extends a previously published method by adding bright sources to the sample. The spectra of these stars suffer from saturation effects, compromising the index calculations and leading to an undersampling of the brighter candidates. A simple numerical procedure, based on available photometry, was developed to correct the line indices and overcome this limitation. Visual inspection and classification of the spectra from the HES plates yielded a list of 5,288 new metal-poor (and by selection, carbon-rich) candidates, which are presently being used as targets for mediumresolution spectroscopic follow-up. Estimates of the stellar atmospheric parameters, as well as carbon abundances, are now available for 117 of the first candidates, based on follow-up medium-resolution spectra obtained with the SOAR 4.1m and Gemini 8m telescopes. We demonstrate that our new method improves the metal-poor star fractions found by our pilot study by up to a factor of three in the same magnitude range, as compared with our pilot study based on only one CH G-band index. Our selection scheme obtained roughly a 40% success rate for identification of stars with [Fe/H] < −1.0; the primary contaminant is late-type stars with near solar abundances and, often, emission line cores that filled in the Ca ii K line on the prism spectrum. Because the selection is based on carbon, we greatly increase the numbers of known CEMP stars from the HES with intermediate metallicities −2.0 < [Fe/H] < −1.0, which previous survey efforts undersampled. There are eight newly discovered stars with [Fe/H] < −3.0 in our sample, including two with [Fe/H] < −3.5. report that the peak of the inner-halo metallicity distribution function occurs at [Fe/H] = −1.6, while that of the outer halo falls at [Fe/H] = −2.2.

Study design: Retrospective chart review. Objective: To identify factors in addition to level of injury (LOI) that may predict ejaculation by penile vibratory stimulation (PVS) in spinal cord injured males. Setting: Major urban medical... more

Study design: Retrospective chart review. Objective: To identify factors in addition to level of injury (LOI) that may predict ejaculation by penile vibratory stimulation (PVS) in spinal cord injured males. Setting: Major urban medical school and teaching hospital. Materials and methods: Presence of a bulbocavernosus response (BCR) and a hip¯exor response (HR) before PVS (n=123 patients), and somatic responses during PVS (n=204 trials performed on a subset of 44 patients) were evaluated for their frequency of occurrence on trials with and without ejaculation. Results: Overall ejaculation success rates for cervical, T1 ± T6, and T7 ± T12 LOI were 71%, 73%, and 35%, respectively. Eighty per cent of patients who were positive for both BCR and HR ejaculated with PVS, while only 8% of patients who were negative for both BCR and HR ejaculated with PVS. For cervical injuries, BCR and HR were no more predictive of ejaculation by PVS than LOI alone. T1 ± T6 patients were more likely to ejaculate when at least one re¯ex was present. T7 ± T12 patients with no BCR were unlikely to ejaculate by PVS. Except for abdominal contractions, somatic responses were not present in the majority of PVS trials. When they were present, however, they occurred in a high percentage of ejaculation trials: withdrawal response (hip¯exion, knee¯exion and thigh adduction) (90%), piloerection (84%), extremity spasms (83%), thigh abduction (80%), and thigh adduction (72%). Conclusion: We recommend that patients with cervical injuries initially undergo PVS. Patients with T1 ± T6 LOI with at least one re¯ex present, and patients with T7 ± T12 LOI with both re¯exes, or only BCR present, may undergo PVS. Certain somatic/autonomic responses, when seen, may help in deciding whether to continue with a given trial, or give a repeat trial, of PVS. Sponsorship: The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and the State of Florida Speci®c Appropriations. Spinal Cord (2001) 39, 514 ± 519

A new methodology for table-form extraction and recovery with little previous knowledge is presented. The first module performs the identification of line intersections in a table-form, the second module detects and corrects wrong... more

A new methodology for table-form extraction and recovery with little previous knowledge is presented. The first module performs the identification of line intersections in a table-form, the second module detects and corrects wrong intersections produced by fault intersection segments or by table artefacts (smudges, overlapping of handwritten data and fault segments). In this module, an artefact identification method for handwritten filled table-forms is proposed. The proposed method aims to detect, identify and remove table-form artefacts with little use of previous knowledge. The third module performs the table-form cell extraction. The evaluation of the efficiency is carried out from a total of 305 table-form images. Experiments showed significant and promising results. The artefact identification method improves table-form interpretation rates. The proposed approach reached a successful rate up to 85%. The main advantage of the presented methodology is requiring little knowledge from documents, being able to apply for most of the tableforms.

Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) of the elbow causes significant disability in the throwing athlete. The most significant symptom is medial elbow pain. It is occasionally accompanied by ulnar nerve paresthesias. Throwers... more

Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) of the elbow causes significant disability in the throwing athlete. The most significant symptom is medial elbow pain. It is occasionally accompanied by ulnar nerve paresthesias. Throwers usually notice a decrement in their velocity and/or control. 2,3 In high school baseball, most UCL injuries become apparent in a single throw, in which a popping or tearing sensation in the elbow is accompanied by immediate medial elbow pain. The microtrauma leading up to this injury, however, is usually accumulated over a season or more. Evidence of this microtrauma can often be seen on radiographs that show healed avulsion fractures of the sublime tubercle of the ulna or ossification within the UCL. We have seen, based on experience at our institution, a dramatic increase in baseball players who require UCL surgery. Most alarming is the fact that there has been a 50% increase in the proportion of surgeries performed on high school players. Between 1988 and 1994, the senior author (JRA) performed UCL reconstruction or repair on 85 baseball players. 3 Of this group, 8% (7/85) were high school players. Between 1995 and mid-2003, the senior author performed UCL reconstruction or repair on 609 baseball players, of whom 13% (77/609) were high school players.

There has been a growth in demand for surveillance equipment to monitor people in indoor as well as outdoor environments. Furthermore, using guards to watch surveillance screens all the time is highly inefficient and thus automation of... more

There has been a growth in demand for surveillance equipment to monitor people in indoor as well as outdoor environments. Furthermore, using guards to watch surveillance screens all the time is highly inefficient and thus automation of human monitoring can be more accurate and produce cost savings. The problem is challenging if we choose to use a passive non-invasive sensor such as vision. The specific problem we investigate is tracking people through a sliding glass door. This is challenging because of the transparent door and both the door and person are moving. The method we have chosen consists of tracking coherent motion field clusters. The video frames are preprocessed, corner features are extracted and matched over frames, and the background trajectories are learnt. Finally, the test sequences are processed to obtain the trajectories of the various image features and those are classified based on the background model into foreground and background trajectories. The proposed method was tested on a set of real data with varying scenarios, and illumination as well as noise changes with a success rate approaching 95% correct classification into either background or foreground even if the tracker lost track of the entering person.

Satisfactory analgesia cannot be achieved in every obturator nerve block. To attempt to improve the success rate of obturator nerve block, this study describes the detailed anatomy of the obturator region and canal. Eleven (5 female and 6... more

Satisfactory analgesia cannot be achieved in every obturator nerve block. To attempt to improve the success rate of obturator nerve block, this study describes the detailed anatomy of the obturator region and canal. Eleven (5 female and 6 male) cadavers, totally 22 sides were dissected. Anatomical positions of the structures entering and leaving the canal were defined. The position of the obturator nerve and its branches and their relation with the obturator artery, vein, and with the internal iliac and femoral veins were investigated. A mould of the canal and a model were created. Detailed measurements were performed on the cadavers and models. The obturator canal was in the shape of a funnel compressed from superior to inferior, with anterior and posterior openings. At the entrance of the canal, the nerve lay superiorly; the artery was in the middle, and the vein lay inferiorly. The obturator nerve ran close to the lateral wall of the obturator canal. The distance of lateral wall of obturator canal to the median plane was 41.4 ± 1.1 mm. After leaving the canal, the nerve lay laterally while the anterior branch of the artery was medial. A venous plexus lay between the two structures. The presence of the branches of the obturator artery and vein alongside the obturator nerve may increase the risk of injury to these structures during anaesthetic procedures. The anterior division of the obturator nerve has a close relationship with these vessels. To provide complete analgesia, the obturator nerve should be blocked in the obturator canal or at its external orifice.

The purpose of this investigation was to provide a detailed description of the angiographic results after stenting of high-grade intracranial stenosis using balloonexpandable stents. Forty consecutive patients with symptomatic... more

The purpose of this investigation was to provide a detailed description of the angiographic results after stenting of high-grade intracranial stenosis using balloonexpandable stents. Forty consecutive patients with symptomatic atherosclerotic intracranial stenosis[50% received endovascular treatment by placement of balloon-expandable stents using the concept of slight underdilation and strict avoidance of overdilation. Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography images before and after stenting in the same projection were reviewed for pre-and post-therapeutic measurement of the degree of stenosis and evaluation of morphologic criteria like plaque coverage, stent apposition, patency of side branches, and signs of dissection or vasospasm. Stenting decreased the mean percentage stenosis from 76.2 (WASID criteria) to 20.8%. Residual stenosis ranged from 0 to 55% with residual stenosis[50% in two of 40 cases. Technical success rate was 95%. There were no major vessel complications, but minor abnormalities like incomplete stent apposition (8/40) or plaque coverage (7/40), incomplete filling of side branches (13/40), and minor dissections after stenting (2/40) were seen. One case with incomplete stent apposition and two cases with side branch compromise were associated with clinical symptoms. In conclusion, intracranial stenting with slight underdilation avoided major vessel complication and created reliable luminal gain. Suboptimal recanalization results were frequently detected and may be the source of neurological complications in individual cases.

Predators can play important roles in structuring their communities through topdown effects on the distribution and abundance of their prey. Sharks are top predators in many marine communities, yet few studies have quantified those... more

Predators can play important roles in structuring their communities through topdown effects on the distribution and abundance of their prey. Sharks are top predators in many marine communities, yet few studies have quantified those factors influencing their distribution and hunting behaviour. Here, we use location data from 340 predatory interactions between white sharks Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus), and Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Schreber), data on associated environmental factors, and spatial analysis, including a novel application of geographic profiling -a tool originally developed to analyse serial crime -to investigate spatial patterns of shark attack and search behaviour at Seal Island in False Bay, South Africa. We found that spatial patterns of shark predation at this site are nonrandom. Sharks appear to possess a well-defined search base or anchor point, located 100 m seaward of the seal's primary island entry-exit point. This location is not where chances of intercepting seals are greatest and we propose it may represent a balance among prey detection, capture rates, and competition. Smaller sharks exhibit more dispersed prey search patterns and have lower predatory success rates than larger conspecifics, suggesting possible refinement of hunting strategy with experience or competitive exclusion of smaller sharks from the most profitable hunting locations. As many of the features of this system will be common to other instances of foraging, our conclusions and approach employed may have implications and applications for understanding how large predators hunt and for studying other predator-prey systems.

Course resolution earth observation satellites offer large data sets with daily observations at global scales. These data sets represent a rich resource that, because of the high acquisition rate, allows the application of time-series... more

Course resolution earth observation satellites offer large data sets with daily observations at global scales. These data sets represent a rich resource that, because of the high acquisition rate, allows the application of time-series analysis methods. To research the application of these time-series analysis methods to large data sets, it is necessary to turn to highperformance computing (HPC) resources and software designs. This article presents an overview of the development of the HiTempo platform, which was designed to facilitate research into time-series analysis of hyper-temporal sequences of satellite image data. The platform is designed to facilitate the exhaustive evaluation and comparison of algorithms, while ensuring that experiments are reproducible. Early results obtained using applications built within the platform are presented. A sample model-based change detection algorithm based on the extended Kalman filter has been shown to achieve a 97% detection success rate on simulated data sets constructed fromMODIS time series. This algorithm has also been parallelized to illustrate that an entire sequence of MODIS tiles (415 tiles over 9 years) can be processed in under 19 minutes using 32 processors.

Purpose To validate a table of amounts of three horizontal muscle surgery in patients with large-angle infantile esotropia (Z60 prism dioptres, PD). Methods A prospective interventional case series reporting the postoperative alignment of... more

Purpose To validate a table of amounts of three horizontal muscle surgery in patients with large-angle infantile esotropia (Z60 prism dioptres, PD). Methods A prospective interventional case series reporting the postoperative alignment of 51 patients (27 male, 24 female) over a 15-year period was conducted. Surgery amounts were according to a published table developed on a previous patient cohort (n ¼ 49), using bilateral medial rectus recession with graded unilateral lateral rectus resection. Kaplan-Meier lifetable survival curves were formulated for success to orthotropia (± 10 PD) after one and subsequent horizontal muscle surgeries for up to 8 years follow-up. Results The median preoperative deviation was 65 PD (range 60-80 PD) and median age at surgery was 11.8 months (range 5.1 months-3.6 years). Surgical success to orthotropia (± 10 PD) after one surgery was 100% at 2 months, 95.7% at 6 months, 91.3% at 12 months, 77.8% at 4 years, and 73.6% at 8 years. Postoperative failure requiring further horizontal surgery occurred in 17.6% (residual esotropia 4, consecutive exotropia 5). Conclusions Our second cohort has reproduced the success rate of the previous cohort (77.8% vs 77.1% at 4 years). If the published table of surgical amounts is used, three horizontal muscle surgery in large-angle infantile esotropia (Z60 PD) appears to have a good long-term success rate, and does not lead to the high rates of either residual esotropia or consecutive exotropia reported by others in the literature.

T exture analysis plays an important role in the automated visual inspection of textured images to detect their defects. For this purpose, model-based and feature-based methods are implemented and tested for textile images in a laboratory... more

T exture analysis plays an important role in the automated visual inspection of textured images to detect their defects. For this purpose, model-based and feature-based methods are implemented and tested for textile images in a laboratory environment. The methods are compared in terms of their success rates in determining the defects. The Markov Random Field model is applied on dierent DSP systems for real-time inspection.

Objective: To compare vaginal versus oral misoprostol for induction of labor. Method: Induction of labor was carried out in 40 women near term in two equal and randomized groups (according to a computer generated table) using misoprostol.... more

Objective: To compare vaginal versus oral misoprostol for induction of labor. Method: Induction of labor was carried out in 40 women near term in two equal and randomized groups (according to a computer generated table) using misoprostol. Group I received vaginal misoprostol (100 pgl every 3 h while group II patients were given the same dose via the oral route. The dose was doubled if no response was detected under continuous cardiotocographic (GTG) tracings. Result: The vaginal route of administration induced a higher success rate in a shorter time interval using a lower dose but was associated with more abnormal FHR patterns and instances of uterine hyperstimulation. Conclusion: It is recommended to use the vaginal approach with cardiotocographic monitoring. 0 1997 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

The ability to adequately avoid obstacles while walking is an important skill that allows safe locomotion over uneven terrain. The high proportion of falls in the elderly that is associated to tripping over obstacles potentially... more

The ability to adequately avoid obstacles while walking is an important skill that allows safe locomotion over uneven terrain. The high proportion of falls in the elderly that is associated to tripping over obstacles potentially illustrates an age-related deterioration of this locomotor skill. Some studies have compared young and old adults, but very little is known about the changes occurring within different age groups of elderly. In the present study, obstacle avoidance performance was studied in 25 young (20-37 years) and 99 older adults (65-88 years). The participants walked on a treadmill at a speed of 3 km/h. An obstacle was dropped 30 times in front of the left foot at various phases in the step cycle. Success rates (successful avoidance) were calculated and related to the time available between obstacle appearance and the estimated instant of foot contact with the obstacle (available response times or ARTs ranging from 200 to more than 350 ms). In addition, latencies of avoidance reactions, the choice of avoidance strategies (long or short step strategy, LSS or SSS), and three spatial parameters related to obstacle avoidance (toe distance, foot clearance, and heel distance) were determined for each participant. Compared to the young, the older adults had lower success rates, especially at short ARTs. Furthermore, they had longer reaction times, more LSS reactions, smaller toe and heel distances, and larger foot clearances. Within the group of elderly, only the 65-69 year olds were not different from young adults with respect to success rate, despite marked changes in the other parameters measured. In particular, even this younger group of elderly showed a dramatic .nl (V. Weerdesteyn).

BACKGROUND: Artificial insemination by donor spermatozoa (AID) can prove a valuable treatment for a number of male factor disorders, although its success rate is variable. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of the results of 6139 cycles... more

BACKGROUND: Artificial insemination by donor spermatozoa (AID) can prove a valuable treatment for a number of male factor disorders, although its success rate is variable. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of the results of 6139 cycles performed in 1001 women during an 18 year period is presented. Pregnancy rates per cycle are presented as a function of: female fertility history, treatment modalities, medication used for induction of ovulation, female age, year of treatment, consecutive cycle effect and the use of fresh versus frozen-thawed spermatozoa. RESULTS: Overall pregnancy rate of 12.6% and cumulative pregnancy rate after 12 months of treatment of 75% were achieved. Age was found to be the most important determinant for success rate. CONCLUSIONS: Since the establishment of AID treatments, the mean age of the population of women receiving treatment has increased each year. Consequently, success rate did not improve, even with the use of more sophisticated medical modalities.

Fostering is a process used by sheep farmers for the rearing of abandoned lambs or in the incidence of triplets, providing the surplus lamb a surrogate ewe. Historically, research has assessed the varying success rates of different... more

Fostering is a process used by sheep farmers for the rearing of abandoned lambs or in the incidence of triplets, providing the surplus lamb a surrogate ewe. Historically, research has assessed the varying success rates of different fostering methods and evaluated them using the latency to accept the alien lamb. There are no current studies on the frequency of use of the different methods, nor the farmers' perception of the effects of the methods on ewe behaviour and welfare. The aim of the survey was to identify which fostering methods are currently in use in the UK and to gain an insight into farmers' attitudes towards them, in relation to the ewe's behaviour and welfare. Data were collected using paper and online questionnaires that were distributed with the help of stakeholders such as the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX) and at events such as the Royal Show and the NSA Sheep event. Seventy five farmers responded and results showed that they used birth fluids and restraint more often than other methods. Farmers believed that restraint methods can have negative welfare implications as determined by the ewe's behaviour and the lamb growth rate. There was also a significant relationship between the foster method and breed type. The farmers also suggested that the birth fluid method was preferred by the animals compared to all of the other methods as it was less disruptive and restricting to the ewes. Exploratory Factor Analysis identified two main factors influencing the farmers' choice of foster methods; these were the 'ewes health and welfare' and 'the farmers previous knowledge and success of the method'. The former had a significantly greater influence than the latter signifying that farmers are concerned for the animal's welfare during this process. Overall, farmers acknowledged that the selection of the appropriate foster method is a means to increase lamb productivity which can influence their return. They also recognised that the display of positive or negative ewe behaviours plays a vital role in the selection process of the fostering technique.

The authors have analyzed 80 skeletons (40 males and 40 females) from the collection at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the University of Bari belonging to a known contemporary Southern Italian population; time of death was around 1970... more

The authors have analyzed 80 skeletons (40 males and 40 females) from the collection at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the University of Bari belonging to a known contemporary Southern Italian population; time of death was around 1970 and ages ranged from 25 to 80 years. Seven measurements taken on 80 intact, undeformed right patellae (max height, max width, thickness, height and width of the external facies articularis, height and width of the internal facies articularis) were used to determine sex by multivariate discriminant analysis. One function associating two parameters (max width and thickness) obtained the highest value of correct sex determination with a rate of 83.8%; other functions showed a higher percentage of misclassification (up to 17.5%). This study tests the success rate of correct sex prediction based exclusively on patellar dimensions. The discriminant functions carried out by statistical analysis may aid the forensic anthropologist when no other human skeletal remains suitable for sex determination are available.

Pongamia pinnata is a leguminous tree known for its multipurpose benefits and as a potential source of biodiesel crop. Its added benefits to grow on marginal lands make it a suitable candidate in agro-forestry. These properties support... more

Pongamia pinnata is a leguminous tree known for its multipurpose benefits and as a potential source of biodiesel crop. Its added benefits to grow on marginal lands make it a suitable candidate in agro-forestry. These properties support the suitability of this plant for large-scale production required by a sustainable biodiesel industry. While utilizing these species as a source of biodiesel, there is a further need for research and extensive knowledge generation into various areas of production and utilization. The future success of P. pinnata as a sustainable source of biodiesel will heavily depend on an unlimited feed stock supply. This will call for large-scale plantations of clonal stocks of elite genotypes to encourage afforestation programs coordinated both at the central and state levels to cater to the needs of the biodiesel industry. The success rate will rely on the elite planting stock, propagation techniques, and plantation practices and models in making Pongamia cultivation an economically viable proposition.

Shape representation and recognition is an important topic in many applications of computer vision and artificial intelligence, including character recognition, pattern recognition, machine monitoring, robot manipulation and production... more

Shape representation and recognition is an important topic in many applications of computer vision and artificial intelligence, including character recognition, pattern recognition, machine monitoring, robot manipulation and production part recognition. In this paper, a structural model based on boundary information is proposed to describe the silhouette of planar objects (especially machined parts). The structural model describes objects by a set of primitives, each of which is represented by three geometric features: its length, curvature, and relative orientation. This representation scheme not only compresses the data, but also provides a compact and meaningful form to facilitate further recognition operations. Based on this model, the object recognition is accomplished by using a multilayered feedforward neural network. The proposed model is transformation invafiant, which offers the necessary flexibility for real-time implementation in automated manufacturing systems. In addition, the numerical results for a set of ten reference shapes indicate that the matching engine can achieve very high success rates using short recognition times.

Objective: To determine the effectiveness of 400µg misoprostol, administered vaginally as single-dose, compared to repeating the same drug, six hours later, for termination of missed abortion. Methodology: One hundred ninety eight women... more

Objective: To determine the effectiveness of 400µg misoprostol, administered vaginally as single-dose, compared to repeating the same drug, six hours later, for termination of missed abortion. Methodology: One hundred ninety eight women with missed abortion were enrolled in this study. They had presented to Prince Zeid, Prince Rashed and Queen Alia Military Hospitals from June 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006 for termination of pregnancy. The gestational ages ranged between 9-22 weeks. Ninety three women were assigned to the single-dose group (Group-I) while the rest were given two doses of 400µg misoprostol, six hours apart (Group-II). Results: The success rate for Group-I was approximately 88% compared to around 94% in Group-II. In Group-I, of all the women who aborted, about 50% had complete abortion compared to 66% in Group-II. The average time interval from the start of termination to expulsion of conception was around 13 hours in Group-I and 9 hours in Group-II (p <0.05). Only minimal adverse effects were noted. Conclusion: Two doses of 400µg misoprostol administered vaginally did not prove to be superior to a single dose for termination of missed abortion, however, more women who had a successful procedure in Group-I needed evacuation and curettage. The mean abortion time was shorter in Group-II.

OBJECTIVES: The most common technique used to achieve primary deep biliary cannulation is the standard contrast-assisted method. To increase the success rate and reduce the risk of complications, a wire-guided cannulation strategy has... more

OBJECTIVES: The most common technique used to achieve primary deep biliary cannulation is the standard contrast-assisted method. To increase the success rate and reduce the risk of complications, a wire-guided cannulation strategy has been proposed. Prospective studies provided conflicting results as to whether the wire-guided cannulation technique increases the cannulation rate and reduces post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (post-ERCP) pancreatitis risk compared with the standard method. The objective of this study was to carry out a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compares primary biliary cannulation and post-ERCP pancreatitis rates with the wire-guided method and the standard cannulation technique. METHODS: Literature searches of electronic databases and online clinical trial registers up to March 2009 were conducted to identify RCTs comparing primary cannulation and post-ERCP pancreatitis rates with the wire-guided method and the standa...

A prospective, randomized, pilot study comparing 500 cGy (group A) versus 1,000 cGy (group B) radiation treatment for the prevention of heterotopic bone in a consecutive group of high-risk patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty was... more

A prospective, randomized, pilot study comparing 500 cGy (group A) versus 1,000 cGy (group B) radiation treatment for the prevention of heterotopic bone in a consecutive group of high-risk patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty was performed. Treatment was initiated within ninety-six hours and given in equal, divided doses: 2 doses for group A and 5 doses for group B. No statistically significant difference was found in the demographics between the 2 groups. At follow-up evaluation, the distribution of heterotopic bone according to the Brooker classification was: group A, 9 class 0, 17 class 1, one class 2, and 2 class 3. Group B: 17 class 0, 10 class 1, 2 class 2, and one class 3. This difference was not statistically significant (Pϭ.086). Only 3 cases were considered treatment failures, for a success rate of 93% in group A and 97% in group B. As a result of this pilot study, 500 cGy radiation treatment appears to be effective in the prevention of clinically significant heterotopic ossification after total hip arthroplasty. Key words: heterotopic bone radiation, total hip arthroplasty.

Business process reengineering efforts suffer from low success rates, due in part to a lack of tools for managing the change process. The Matrix of Change can help managers identify critical interactions among processes. In particular,... more

Business process reengineering efforts suffer from low success rates, due in part to a lack of tools for managing the change process. The Matrix of Change can help managers identify critical interactions among processes. In particular, this tool helps managers deal with issues such as how quickly change should proceed, the order in which changes should take place, whether to start at a new site, and whether the proposed systems are stable and coherent. When applied at a medical products manufacturer, the Matrix of Change provided unique ...

The aim of this meta-analysis was to examine the clinical effectiveness of miniscrew implants (MI) used for anchorage reinforcement compared with that of conventional orthodontic means, as well as to assess the success rates of MIs and... more

The aim of this meta-analysis was to examine the clinical effectiveness of miniscrew implants (MI) used for anchorage reinforcement compared with that of conventional orthodontic means, as well as to assess the success rates of MIs and the possible risk factors affecting their clinical effectiveness. Literature searches were conducted, and, using specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, two independent investigators performed data extraction and analysis. Overall pooled estimates with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were obtained with the random-effects model. Eight out of 3183 original papers met the inclusion criteria. The mean difference of anchorage loss between the MI and conventional anchorage group was −2.4 mm (95% CI = −2.9 mm to −1.8 mm, p = 0). MIs significantly decreased or negated loss of anchorage. Anchorage loss seemed to be less in the mandible, when the MIs were inserted between the second premolar and the first molar, when 2 MIs were inserted per patient jaw, when they were directly connected, as well as when treatment lasted more than 12 months. MIs presented a success rate of 87.7%, with no significant differences between the various subgroups. However, the results of this meta-analysis should be interpreted with some caution because of the number, quality, and heterogeneity
of the included studies.

The article describes the use of aromatherapy for achieving excellence in sports and fitness. Aromatherapy is the science of holistic approach for taking care of the body and mind using pleasant smelling of botanical oils. It has been... more

The article describes the use of aromatherapy for achieving excellence in sports and fitness. Aromatherapy is the science of holistic approach for taking care of the body and mind using pleasant smelling of botanical oils. It has been extensively studied and found to be one of the fastest growing areas of alternative medicine. There have

The aim of the study was to define a simple system for the identification of unknown bodies by using CT images of frontal sinus and to discuss whether it was worth to add measurements to the system or not. The system was including simple... more

The aim of the study was to define a simple system for the identification of unknown bodies by using CT images of frontal sinus and to discuss whether it was worth to add measurements to the system or not. The system was including simple features as F (presence or absence of frontal sinus), S (intersinus and intrasinus septum) and S (scalloping), and named as FSS system. Measurements selected for the study were width, height, anteroposterior length, total width of two sinuses, the distance between the highest points of the two sinuses and the distance of each sinus to its maximum lateral limit.
The study was conducted retrospectively on the paranasal CT scans of 100 cases (38 male and 62 female) who had no apparent sinonasal pathology. All the features and measurements were coded according to the system defined by the authors for each case and coded formulas were compared. At least 93 % of the formulas could be eliminated for a case by using FSS system. The rate of success was increased to 98 % by adding measurements. Contrary to objective criteria of FSS system, measurements were prone to bias. Therefore, in practice success rate would be expected to be lower than calculated.
In the study population, instead of making 100 measurements, eliminating the most of the cases with FSS system and later discriminating the rest by pattern matching was seen logical.

Over a four-year time span, several departments at North Carolina State University offered experimental sections of courses taken by freshman engineering students. The acronym IMPEC ͑Integrated Math, Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry... more

Over a four-year time span, several departments at North Carolina State University offered experimental sections of courses taken by freshman engineering students. The acronym IMPEC ͑Integrated Math, Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry curriculum͒ describes which classes were involved. This paper discusses the physics component of the curriculum and describes the impact of the highly collaborative, technology-rich, activity-based learning environment on a variety of conceptual and problem-solving assessments and attitude measures. Qualitative and quantitative research results indicate that students in the experimental courses outperformed their cohorts in demographically matched traditional classes, often by a wide margin. Student satisfaction and confidence rates were remarkably high. We also noted substantial increases in retention and success rates for groups underrepresented in science, math, and engineering. Placing students in the same teams across multiple courses appears to have been the most beneficial aspect of the learning environment.

Currently, a major difficulty for the widespread use of robots in assembly and material handling comes from the necessity of feeding accurately positioned workpieces to robots. ``Bin picking'' techniques help reduce this constraint. This... more

Currently, a major difficulty for the widespread use of robots in assembly and material handling comes from the necessity of feeding accurately positioned workpieces to robots. ``Bin picking'' techniques help reduce this constraint. This paper presents the application of matched filters for enabling robots with vision to acquire workpieces randomly stored in bins. This approach complements heuristic methods already reported. The concept of matched filter is an old one. Here, however, it is redefined to take into account robot end-effector features, in terms of geometry and mechanics. In particular, the proposed filters match local workpiece structures where the robot end-effector is likely to grasp successfully and hold workpieces. The local nature of the holdsites is very important as computation costs are shown to vary with the fifth power of structure size. In addition, the proposed filters tend to have a narrow angular bandwidth. An example, which features a parallel-jaw hand is developed in detail, using both statistical and Fourier models. Both approaches concur in requiring a very small number of filters (typically four), even if a good orientation accuracy is expected (two degrees). Success rates of about 90 percent in three or fewer attempts have been experimentally obtained on a system which includes a small minicomputer, a 128 × 128 pixel solidstate camera, a prototype Cartesian robot, and a ``universal'' parallel-jaw hand.

The devastation of wars is most often measured in terms of the number of dead and missing people, but other conflict effects are long-lasting and far-reaching. The 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina resulted in almost 100,000 killed and... more

The devastation of wars is most often measured in terms of the number of dead and missing people, but other conflict effects are long-lasting and far-reaching. The 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina resulted in almost 100,000 killed and almost half of the population displaced. This paper analyzes the war's effects by evaluating impacts on the post-war agriculture environment from which most Bosnians derive their livelihoods. The war's impacts showed significant geographic variability with localities near the frontlines and in eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina particularly affected.

This study analysed 21 translocations of the vulnerable black-faced impala (Aepyceros melampus petersi) to 20 Namibian game farms that occurred between 1970 and 2001, seeking characteristics of the translocated populations and the release... more

This study analysed 21 translocations of the vulnerable black-faced impala (Aepyceros melampus petersi) to 20 Namibian game farms that occurred between 1970 and 2001, seeking characteristics of the translocated populations and the release sites that significantly correlated with the success of the translocations. Characteristics considered were: initial population size; presence of cheetah and leopard; area; habitat type; occurrence within the historical range of the subspecies and occurrence of trophy hunting. Success of translocations was described by whether the population had a positive growth rate. The success rate of translocations of black-faced impala (62%) was higher than shown in other studies of vertebrate translocations. Initial population size was paramount to the success of translocations. Releases of larger populations were more likely to lead to positive population growth rates than were releases of small populations. The presence of cheetah also influenced the success of translocated populations. In the presence of cheetah, small populations translocated to game farms were significantly less likely to be viable than larger populations. Recommendations for the management of this vulnerable antelope include introducing large initial populations, ideally more than 15 animals, rather than attempting to eliminate cheetah following translocations of impala. #

Reintroduction programs are widespread but have low success rates, particularly when captive-bred animals are used. There are high financial costs, and important ethical concerns about animal welfare. We have explored the concept of... more

Reintroduction programs are widespread but have low success rates, particularly when captive-bred animals are used. There are high financial costs, and important ethical concerns about animal welfare. We have explored the concept of utilizing a behavioural approach to assess the suitability of captive-bred animals for release. We compared the behaviours of wild-bred and captive-bred animals in identical novel environments, using bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus, as a model. The wild animals provided an adaptive baseline against which the behaviour of captive-bred individuals was compared. Although captive-bred voles displayed some wild-type behaviours – nest building and burrowing – despite lacking previous opportunities to do so, they were unable to utilize a key food resource and were less dominant. We suggest that a similar approach could be applied to species of conservation concern in order to rank available animals in terms of likely suitability for release. It could also help to identify characteristics that appear deficient in captive-bred animals, or to evaluate the impact of interventions such as environmental enrichment.