Richard Rorty Research Papers - (original) (raw)

“Anti-white,” “anti-Catholic,” obscene and blasphemous, “centered around negative activity,” “defamatory to minorities, God, women, and the disabled,” or simply a “filthy, filthy book” and “trash”: This is only a brief list of reasons... more

"Baruchello’s Philosophy of Cruelty, the second collection of his essays, turns a difficult and emotionally charged topic into a surprisingly informative and enlightening read. Covering the history of Western philosophy’s treatment of... more

Enclosed is the syllabus and course notes from the upper division course I teach in PostModernism and Post-Marxist Critical Theory. It occurs to me that some of these essays--ranging from Horkheimer and Adorno, Baudrillard, Foucault, and... more

Enclosed is the syllabus and course notes from the upper division course I teach in PostModernism and Post-Marxist Critical Theory. It occurs to me that some of these essays--ranging from Horkheimer and Adorno, Baudrillard, Foucault, and the feminist post-modern theorist Donna Haraway may offer some insight and some tools for comprehending the dark times in which we live. While these essays may not be directly aimed at understanding the rise of phenomena like the Alt-Right, toxic masculinity, and particularly violent forms of patriarchy, I think they can show us something about the ideological trends that set us on out current morally troubling path.

This paper serves both to summarize Haack's arguments against the various forms of postmodernist cynicism in MANIFESTO OF A PASSIONATE MODERATE (1998) and to introduce ideas on philosophy of science she will develop in detail in DEFENDING... more

This paper serves both to summarize Haack's arguments against the various forms of postmodernist cynicism in MANIFESTO OF A PASSIONATE MODERATE (1998) and to introduce ideas on philosophy of science she will develop in detail in DEFENDING SCIENCE---WITHIN REASON (2003).

Resumo: Este artigo é uma breve apresentação de "O desenvolvimento do pragmatismo americano", de John Dewey, cuja tradução é publicada neste presente número de COGNITIO-ESTUDOS. Trata-se de mostrar como Dewey interpreta a história do... more

Resumo: Este artigo é uma breve apresentação de "O desenvolvimento do pragmatismo americano", de John Dewey, cuja tradução é publicada neste presente número de COGNITIO-ESTUDOS. Trata-se de mostrar como Dewey interpreta a história do pragmatismo como corrente filosófica nascida nos EUA, com as idéias de Peirce sobre o método científico e a significação conceitual, passando pela reinterpretação das idéias de Peirce feita por James, que transformou o pragmatismo numa teoria da ação e da verdade. Dewey afirma se filiar a essa corrente numa linha de continuidade, embora não sem algumas diferenças, ao defender que seu instrumentalismo é uma conseqüência da ampliação do pragmatismo operada por James. Palavras-chave: John Dewey. Charles S. Peirce. William James. Pragmatismo. Crença. Instrumentalismo.

This paper serves both as a kind of summary of Haack's arguments against the various styles of postmodernism cynicism about inquiry, evidence. truth, and reality, and as an anticipate=ion of the ideas developed in detail in her DEFENDING... more

This paper serves both as a kind of summary of Haack's arguments against the various styles of postmodernism cynicism about inquiry, evidence. truth, and reality, and as an anticipate=ion of the ideas developed in detail in her DEFENDING SCIENCE---WITHIN REASON (2003).

I dette paperet vil jeg ta for meg Hans-Georg Gadamers filosofiske hermeneutikk, og se den i forhold til Richard Rortys utlegning av hermeneutikken som "edification". Dette gjør jeg ved å først ta for meg noen trekk ved Gadamers prosjekt... more

I dette paperet vil jeg ta for meg Hans-Georg Gadamers filosofiske hermeneutikk, og se den i forhold til Richard Rortys utlegning av hermeneutikken som "edification". Dette gjør jeg ved å først ta for meg noen trekk ved Gadamers prosjekt slik det framstår i Warheit und Metode, og deretter vil jeg se på den bruk som Rorty gjør av Gadamers hermeneutikk slik det kommer til uttrykk i Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. 2 Gadamers forsøk på å grunnlegge forståelsen som menneskets måte å vaere i verden på vil dermed settes i sammenheng med Rortys forsøk på å overskride forståelse som representasjon eller speilbilde av virkeligheten.

In seiner Kritik der Moralphilosophie der westlichen Tradition gab sich Richard Rorty als humaner, engagierter Aufklärer. Gleichgültig, ob ontologisch, mentalistisch oder linguistisch argumentiert worden sei: Platon, Kant und Habermas... more

In seiner Kritik der Moralphilosophie der westlichen Tradition gab sich Richard Rorty als humaner, engagierter Aufklärer. Gleichgültig, ob ontologisch, mentalistisch oder linguistisch argumentiert worden sei: Platon, Kant und Habermas hätten auf je verschiedenem Wege behauptet, sie könnten aus der Vernunftbegabung, einem zureichendem Differenzkriterium, Fundamente für moralische Prinzipien ableiten. Das habe Varianten des sittlichen Universalismus hervorgebracht, die heute ein für allemal passé seien. Aus der Perspektive der kritischen Theorie wird im vorliegenden Paper gezeigt, was dabei verloren geht.

Na pozadí Rortyho úvah o metafyzice a ironii, normálním a abnormálním diskursu či o revolučních výkonech v politickém uspořádání nebo ve vědě, jež je důsledkem proměn slovníku (chápaném v holistickém a instrumentálním pojetí), studie... more

Na pozadí Rortyho úvah o metafyzice a ironii, normálním a abnormálním diskursu či o revolučních výkonech v politickém uspořádání nebo ve vědě, jež je důsledkem proměn slovníku (chápaném v holistickém a instrumentálním pojetí), studie reflektuje Mukařovského poválečné myšlení nikoli z (tradiční) perspektivy zavržení jeho strukturalistického slovníku, ale z perspektivy budování slovníku nového, marxleninského. Soustředí se na Mukařovského revizi literárněvědné terminologie, která je nejprve nominalistickým úsilím o rozvržení nového smyslu pojmů v intencích dialektického marxismu, brzy však spíše metafyzickým bojem za poznanou Pravdu. V následující části se zabývá Mukařovského úsilím o budování slovníku nového, osnovaného kolem nových pojmů, jako je světový názor, stranickost, lidovost ad. V závěrečné části si pak všímá Mukařovkého pozdějšího konceptu individuálního slohu, které interpretuje jako ironické, subverzivní gesto, jež mohlo přispět k diskreditaci marx-leninské estetiky a úsilí jeho žáků o rehabilitaci strukturalismu.

There are numerous existing political atheologies that can be characterised by three movements – negative, positive, and critical atheological projects. By focusing on the critical atheologies of two political theorists, Richard Rorty and... more

There are numerous existing political atheologies that can be characterised by three movements – negative, positive, and critical atheological projects. By focusing on the critical atheologies of two political theorists, Richard Rorty and William Connolly, this article presents an insider's view of the influence that atheism has on political thought. After drawing out just what makes Rorty and Connolly's philosophies atheological, this article sets itself the task of drawing the consequences of a critical atheology for two fundamental concepts of contemporary political theory: secularism and toleration. These Enlightenment ideals can be rescued and re-framed following a pluralist critique. By refining our understanding of secularism beyond a strict church-state separation, an agonistic secularism which promotes an ethos of engagement is defended therein. Secondly, toleration is then defended in its agonistic form to include the practice of critique against conceptions of indifference or respect. Finally, the hard case of the French ban on veils in public schools is discussed to highlight the contribution of this political atheology to an important social issue.

Da Pirrone a Rorty, passando per Socrate, Carneade, Cicerone, Giovanni di Salisbury, Guicciardini, Montaigne, Sorbière, Pascal, Bayle, Hume, Nietzsche, Russell, Rensi, Oakeshott e Popper: il volume offre per la prima volta un quadro... more

Da Pirrone a Rorty, passando per Socrate, Carneade, Cicerone, Giovanni di Salisbury, Guicciardini, Montaigne, Sorbière, Pascal, Bayle, Hume, Nietzsche, Russell, Rensi, Oakeshott e Popper: il volume offre per la prima volta un quadro completo della storia dello scetticismo politico, rappresentato da alcune delle figure intellettuali più influenti del pensiero occidentale ma ritenute politicamente “scomode” per la loro incessante critica alle ideologie, ai dogmatismi dei partiti, ai paradigmi normativi e ai mezzi di persuasione diversi da quelli improntati al buon senso, alla prudenza e alla moderazione. L’autore dimostra che a unire tutti gli scettici politici è uno “stile” che privilegia il saggio al trattato, l’ipotesi alla certezza infallibile, il pluralismo al monismo, la verità conversazionale alla soluzione finale. Benché quasi tutti siano stati additati dai loro contemporanei come infedeli, reprobi, esiliati e gretti, le loro posizioni si sono rivelate essenziali non solo per la teoria politica in senso proprio, ma anche per l’affermazione di idee “altre” di libertà, tolleranza e convivenza civile.

For historical memory, here is an article by Christopher Hayes, in his Chicago days, covering the Brennan Lecture I organized when I was at Loyola University in Chicago. On November 22, 2002, Habermas and Rorty held public dialogue on... more

For historical memory, here is an article by Christopher Hayes, in his Chicago days, covering the Brennan Lecture I organized when I was at Loyola University in Chicago. On November 22, 2002, Habermas and Rorty held public dialogue on "Rationality and Universalism."

The notion of post-truth politics has been insufficiently conceptualized, leaving its empirical viability questionable. As a response to this uncertainty, I seek to elaborate a concept of post-truth politics by comparing facts to public... more

The notion of post-truth politics has been insufficiently conceptualized, leaving its empirical viability questionable. As a response to this uncertainty, I seek to elaborate a concept of post-truth politics by comparing facts to public infrastructure, which I understand in an Arendtian fashion: as a condition that both limits and enables opinionated debate. I put forward an understanding of post-truth as a two-sided process brought about by mutually dependent structural factors contributing to the irrelevance of factual truths and a particular political style labelled careless speech. I place post-truth in a historical context and seek to distinguish it, particularly, from Harry Frankfurt’s ‘bullshit’. Bullshit works within the mindset of carefully crafted advertisement-speak. Careless speech seeks to create confusion and bring democratic debate to a halt. I also explicate some key economic, cultural, and media-related factors that contribute to the emergence of post-truth politics. The third section discusses effective practices of conveying truth in the public sphere. I critically analyze fact-checking, (Foucauldian) fearless speech (parrhesia) and storytelling, contrasting them to ‘careless speech’, and emphasize the need to address political structures in addition to more epistemologically-oriented solutions. I conclude with reflections on the economic-cultural background to factual infrastructure’s disrepair, and highlight some future lines of inquiry in IR and Political Science.

JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more

JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact

While an emerging group of scholars has made productive inroads investigating emotion’s role in politics, the way in which scholars face these emotions remains an issue in need of updated study. While no article can provide definitive... more

While an emerging group of scholars has made productive inroads investigating emotion’s role in politics, the way in which scholars face these emotions remains an issue in need of updated study. While no article can provide definitive conclusions on such a topic, the current effort posits one narrative device that IR scholars might utilise in order to cope with the realities of politics – irony. Irony is useful in that it allows us a ‘critical distance’ from our subject without requiring us to abandon our emotions. The article briefly reviews several scholarly positions or practices, from objectivism to verstehen, which confront, quarantine or accommodate scholarly emotionality in varied ways, before articulating the benefits of irony. It proposes two forms of ironical study drawn, respectively, from the work of Reinhold Niebuhr and Richard Rorty.

In diesem Buch wird Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes als ein literarischer Text gedeutet, der seine Überzeugungskraft aus der Lektüre anderer Texte schöpft. Untersucht werden die politischen und ästhetischen Konsequenzen dieser... more

In diesem Buch wird Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes als ein literarischer Text gedeutet, der seine Überzeugungskraft aus der Lektüre anderer Texte schöpft. Untersucht werden die politischen und ästhetischen Konsequenzen dieser Interpretation. Das dialektische Philosophieren ist ein Bedürfnis, die vergangenen Gedankensysteme – die Texte – in ihrer eigenen Logik als mangelhafte aufzuweisen und zu überwinden, um dadurch die letzte spekulative Synthese zu etablieren. Aber dieselbe Operation macht – so die Hauptthese des Buches – das Spekulative selbst verwundbar, das damit in seiner unselbständigen Verfassung und in seinem Scheitern aufgewiesen wird. Die im Buch dargestellten Gesten des Anleihens und der Affinität sind nicht nur für Hegels Stil prägend. Sie können auch das Dialektische selber neu bestimmen – als eine verschwindende, fast unmögliche Stimme, eine Bemühung, aus der Verschränkung unvereinbarer, konfligierender Diskurse einen Sinn zu gewinnen.

I volumi di questa collana sono sottoposti a un sistema di double blind referee LA FORMAZIONE E IL "CARATTERE PRATICO DELLA REALTÀ" Scenari e contesti di una pedagogia in situazione a cura di Enricomaria Corbi, Pascal Perillo Indice... more

I volumi di questa collana sono sottoposti a un sistema di double blind referee LA FORMAZIONE E IL "CARATTERE PRATICO DELLA REALTÀ" Scenari e contesti di una pedagogia in situazione a cura di Enricomaria Corbi, Pascal Perillo Indice Presentazione Mai smettere di farsi domende: muoversi nella realtà Patrizia de Mennato 7 Introduzione Per una pedagogia in situazione: prospettive di indagine Enricomaria Corbi, Pascal Perillo 13 PARTE I L'eredità pedagogica del pragmatismo e il superamento della logica dicotomica in educazione. Il dialogo possibile tra realismo e costruttivismo Enricomaria Corbi Dal "Dewey ipotetico" al "Dewey reale" 23 Pascal Perillo L'approccio educativo transazionale 33 Vincenzo Sarracino Realtà Democrazia Partecipazione. Termini a confronto per la costruzione di un modello deweyano di comunità educativa 47 Giuseppe Spadafora La filosofia come teoria generale dell'educazione per costruire la democrazia 67 Ramón del Castillo L'illusione dell'educazione. Richard Rorty e la crudeltà, di nuovo 85 Stefano Oliverio L'esperienza del reale. L'educazione e il problema della verità 125 PARTE II Le pratiche educative professionali. Prospettive e dispositivi di ricerca e formazione Luigi Pati La mediazione educativa per la composizione pedagogica tra realismo e costruttivismo 155 Loretta Fabbri La formazione situata. Dispositivi per conoscere e coltivare gli apprendimenti informali 169 Bruno Rossi Costruzione e sviluppo della professionalità. Il potere formativo della pratica 185 Domenico Simeone La supervisione nelle professioni educative: uno spazio per apprendere dall'esperienza 203 Claudio Melacarne, Valentina Mucciarelli La progettazione educativa tra significati e materialità 219 Monica Amadini Tra mondo reale e mondi possibili: la progettazione partecipata come dispositivo formativo 239 Pascal Perillo La pratica educativa professionale. Azione e ricerca nella formazione degli educatori 253 85

In this book, I argue that black atheists reject belief in God more for political than epistemological reasons. The God-concept was frequently used as an ideological instrument for subjugating and violating blacks. Therefore, to make a... more

In this book, I argue that black atheists reject belief in God more for political than epistemological reasons. The God-concept was frequently used as an ideological instrument for subjugating and violating blacks. Therefore, to make a more just polity possible, atheism is a political must. Included here is the introduction to the book.

Praca podejmuje temat antyklerykalizmu Richarda Rorty’ego. Swój postulat prywatyzacji religii filozof ten uzasadnia interesem politycznym wspólnoty. W jego przekonaniu religia stanowi zagrożenie dla demokracji, ponieważ opiera się na... more

The paper discusses the relation between Luigi Pirandello's L'umorismo and Umberto Eco's and Richard Rorty's diverging versions of irony. The article highlights genealogical, as well as rhizomatic relations between modernist humour and... more

The paper discusses the relation between Luigi Pirandello's L'umorismo and Umberto Eco's and Richard Rorty's diverging versions of irony. The article highlights genealogical, as well as rhizomatic relations between modernist humour and postmodernist irony. By tracing one of its roots in Pirandello's text, the paper aims to problematise the often over-simplified notion of postmodernist irony as meaningless playfulness and detachment.

Este ensayo de Richard Rorty se erige sobre la base de una tesis fundamental: que Spinoza inauguró una tradición filosófica que eventualmente culminaría en el pragmatismo. La superación del dualismo cartesiano por medio de una noción del... more

Este ensayo de Richard Rorty se erige sobre la base de una tesis fundamental: que Spinoza inauguró una tradición filosófica que eventualmente culminaría en el pragmatismo. La superación del dualismo cartesiano por medio de una noción del cuerpo y la mente como partes de una misma unidad permite un cierto entendimiento del mundo que finalmente nos permite preguntarnos ¿cuál es la naturaleza de la verdad?

This class, introducing students to the pragmatist tradition and to neo-pragmatism, turned out unexpectedly: students knew so little of the history of modern philosophy that it was necessary to include summaries of. e.g., Descartes'... more

This class, introducing students to the pragmatist tradition and to neo-pragmatism, turned out unexpectedly: students knew so little of the history of modern philosophy that it was necessary to include summaries of. e.g., Descartes' approach. One of the term papers in this class, by the way, was subsequently published in the Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society.

RESUMEN: La deconstrucción irrumpe en el pensamiento de la escritura, como una escritura de la escritura, que por lo pronto obliga a otra lectura: no ya imantada a la comprensión hermenéutica del sentido que quiere-decir un discurso, a... more

La deconstrucción irrumpe en el pensamiento de la escritura, como una escritura de la escritura, que por lo pronto obliga a otra lectura: no ya imantada a la comprensión hermenéutica del sentido que quiere-decir un discurso, a su fondo de ilegibilidad y de deseo de idioma–, a las fuerzas no intencionales inscritas en los sistemas significantes de un discurso que hacen de éste propiamente un “texto”, es decir, algo que por su propia naturaleza o por su propia ley se resiste a ser comprendido como expresión de un sentido, o más bien “expone” éste como efecto –y con su legalidad y necesidad específica– de una ilusión para la conciencia.
Dr. Adolfo Vásquez Rocca
VERSIONES [Ediciones]

Middle-class progressives in the early 20th Century wanted to transform a corrupt and chaotic industrial America into an "authentic" democracy. But they were led astray by their privilege. Focused on enhancing the voices of individuals,... more

Middle-class progressives in the early 20th Century wanted to transform a corrupt and chaotic industrial America into an "authentic" democracy. But they were led astray by their privilege. Focused on enhancing the voices of individuals, generations of progressives remained blind to the rich culture of "democratic solidarity" infusing labor unions and organizing in poor communities. This book traces the problematic evolution of progressive democracy in America, focusing on schools as a key site of progressive practice. At the same time, it examines alternative strategies for developing more empowering approaches to democratic education and collective action.