River Basin Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
- by and +1
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- Water, Methodology, Case Studies, Conflict Resolution
- by Langhorne Smith
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- Geology, River Basin, AAPG
Efforts are underway to rehabilitate the irrigation districts of the Rio Grande River Basin in Texas. Distribution network models are needed to help prioritize and analyze various rehabilitation options, as well as to scientifically... more
Efforts are underway to rehabilitate the irrigation districts of the Rio Grande River Basin in Texas. Distribution network models are needed to help prioritize and analyze various rehabilitation options, as well as to scientifically quantify irrigation water demands, usages, and losses, and to help manage gate automation. This paper reports on the methodology of a simulation model prototype for water
The Water Framework Directive is the overarching driver for water quality in Europe and its implementation in the UK is critical to how we view minewater pollution. Its basic tenet is that we achieve good chemical or ecological status in... more
The Water Framework Directive is the overarching driver for water quality in Europe and its implementation in the UK is critical to how we view minewater pollution. Its basic tenet is that we achieve good chemical or ecological status in all of our water bodies. The Environment Agency, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, and the Coal Authority work together to
- by Andreas Schlenkhoff and +1
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- River Basin, Indexation
Research Reports IWMI's mission is to contribute to food security and poverty eradication by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water through better management of irrigation and other water uses in river basins.... more
Research Reports IWMI's mission is to contribute to food security and poverty eradication by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water through better management of irrigation and other water uses in river basins. In serving this mission, IWMI concentrates on the ...
È ben conosciuto il Rio delle Amazzoni, imponente fiume che la attraversa la grande foresta pluviale del continente sudamericano e che ad essa dà il nome. Ma di grande interesse risulta anche il suo bacino imbrifero, formato da oltre... more
È ben conosciuto il Rio delle Amazzoni, imponente fiume che la attraversa la grande foresta pluviale del continente sudamericano e che ad essa dà il nome. Ma di grande interesse risulta anche il suo bacino imbrifero, formato da oltre mille affluenti, che costituiscono un vero punto di forza strategica e commerciale per i vari Paesi che si affacciano sul loro corso (Brasile, Bolivia, Perù, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Guyana Francese). L’esigenza di trasportare le materie prime di cui l’ampia regione è ricchissima - in un primo momento caucciù e legname, successivamente idrocarburi e minerali - ha potuto sfruttare l’ampia rete di fiumi del bacino, su alcuni dei quali sono sorte importanti agglomerazioni urbane, tra cui le note Manaus e Belèm. La vasta deforestazione a fini agricoli e di pascolo, unita agli scarichi (soprattutto chimici) delle città, non hanno mancato di generare complessi problemi ecologici, ferendo un’area caratterizzata dalla più ampia biodiversità del mondo. Inoltre, la transnazionalità dei corsi d’acqua amazzonici ha generato articolate questioni giuridiche; queste, a seguito di prolungate negoziazioni diplomatiche, hanno condotto gli Stati rivieraschi alla conclusione di un accordo di libera navigazione sul bacino dei fiumi amazzonici.
Watershed management and early warning flood forecasting system is becoming more and more important especially in relation to anticipated climate change. The characteristics and the validation of the Cetemps HYdrological Model (CHYM)... more
Watershed management and early warning flood forecasting system is becoming more and more important especially in relation to anticipated climate change. The characteristics and the validation of the Cetemps HYdrological Model (CHYM) developed by the hydrological group of the Cetemps Center of Excellence are described. CHYM is a grid based model and the main physical processes concerning the hydrological cycle are implemented in the model (Todini and Ciarrapica, 2002; Sorooshian et al., 1995). In the preprocessing phase different data sources are assimilated by the model in order to reconstruct precipitation field on the area of interest. At the moment the available data are the observed rain gauge values, the forecasted MM5 precipitation fields and the satellite rainfall estimation (Grimes et al., 2003). This multisources data acquisition system using observed and forecasted data makes it possible to simulate a time window that span from few days before the event to few days after....
Studies on denudation rates can provide insight into the influence of climate change, tectonics, and human activities on landscape evolution. Research performed in Central Italy has shown considerable spatial variability of denudation... more
Studies on denudation rates can provide insight into the influence of climate change, tectonics, and human activities on landscape evolution. Research performed in Central Italy has shown considerable spatial variability of denudation rates in the major river basins. These studies have focused mainly on the Tyrrhenian side of the Italian peninsula, where Plio-Pleistocene marine deposits filling NW–SE elongated sedimentary basins have been uplifted during the Quaternary up to several hundreds of meters above present sea level. Small sub-catchments developed on clays are affected by sharp- and/or rounded-edged badlands (i.e. calanchi and biancane), representing denudation “hot spots” in the present-day morphoclimatic framework.In this paper, we analyze the relationships between indirectly estimated denudation rates at the catchment scale and field monitoring data at the hillslope scale. We attempt to better understand and quantify all hillslope processes that contribute to seasonal variability of denudation, to help with predicting the net input from “hot spots” to the overall estimated sediment yield at the basin outlets. At the hillslope scale, we discuss, in particular, the variability of denudation rates at calanchi and biancane badlands as a function of their different morphoevolution.
Specific part of wide complex of flood protection measures and one of possible ways of prevention against floods and extreme droughts could be procedures realized in river headstream areas. For water retention increase in catchment source... more
Specific part of wide complex of flood protection measures and one of possible ways of prevention against floods and extreme droughts could be procedures realized in river headstream areas. For water retention increase in catchment source areas the detailed analysis of peat bogs hydrological function based on comparison of hydrological regimes in catchments with different peat land proportion needs to be done. Very good conditions for realization of this research at present is related to an existence of several water level gauges and utilization of modern equipment and methods in selected model catchments of Otava River headstream area, representing the core zone of a number of extreme floods in Central Europe (flood August 2002). In this catchment it is also possible to use first outcomes of bog pools detailed research made in recent years. Besides state profiles several automatic ultrasound and pressure water level gauges and precipitation gauges are installed in the study area an...
Downloadable! Urban water utilities are a typical case of a public service with regulated prices. This paper examines the costs of the service, which must be understood if rates are to be set and controlled on an appropriate basis. We... more
Downloadable! Urban water utilities are a typical case of a public service with regulated prices. This paper examines the costs of the service, which must be understood if rates are to be set and controlled on an appropriate basis. We adopt a highly practical approach. In the first place ...
- by Siri Eriksen and +1
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- Human Geography, Risk, Vulnerability, Environmental Change
- by Zita Sebesvari and +1
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- Agriculture, Environmental Monitoring, Vietnam, Pesticide Residues
Abstract. Spatial distribution of pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), fluoride and total iron content of ground water samples collected from the muvattupuzha river basin, Kerala, India, has been studied for pre... more
Abstract. Spatial distribution of pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), fluoride and total iron content of ground water samples collected from the muvattupuzha river basin, Kerala, India, has been studied for pre monsoon and post monsoon periods of year 2001. ...
As contribution to the 'Second Ghana Dams Forum of the National Dialogue on Dams and Development' scientists of the GLOWA Volta Project (GVP) of the Center for Development Research (ZEF, University of Bonn) have undertaken a... more
As contribution to the 'Second Ghana Dams Forum of the National Dialogue on Dams and Development' scientists of the GLOWA Volta Project (GVP) of the Center for Development Research (ZEF, University of Bonn) have undertaken a hydrological assessment of the likely impact of climate change on Black Volta River and the Bui Dam. Two different studies that investigate the impact
Diffuse pollution of water resources from agricultural sources is a major environmental issue in the European Union, and has been dealt with by specific legislation: the Nitrate Directive of 1991 and the Water Framework Directive of 2000.... more
Diffuse pollution of water resources from agricultural sources is a major environmental issue in the European Union, and has been dealt with by specific legislation: the Nitrate Directive of 1991 and the Water Framework Directive of 2000. These attempts to provide a coordinated approach to solving environmental problems require methods and tools for spatial analysis and modelling on a continental scale, with river basins being used as spatial units. This paper presents a screening model (Ag-PIE), developed in a GIS environment, for the assessment of pressures from agricultural land use and the consequent impacts on surface and groundwater. Ag-PIE has been applied at the European scale (EU15), with focus on nitrogen pollution from chemical fertilisers and manure. The model adopts a multi-criteria evaluation procedure applied to spatial data layers which represent the variety of factors affecting the pollution process. The DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressures, State, Impact, Responses) approach is applied to provide the modelling approach with a conceptual framework and to further analyse and communicate results. Ag-PIE is ultimately aimed at providing a tool making use of state-of-the-art geographical databases to support policy-makers at the European level. The scale of reference adopted is the river basin, in particular those that extend across national boundaries. The quality of the results obtained has been assessed against existing related studies and monitoring reports and by means of sensitivity analysis. Conclusions are driven by considering the potential of Ag-PIE in devising policy support and its strengths and weaknesses in view of identifying future research needs.