Oil Spill Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Microbial concentrations of denitrifiers, pseudomonads, and monoaromatic petroleum hydrocarbon (BTX) degraders were significantly higher (p Ͻ 0.1) in soil samples from the rhizosphere of poplar trees than in adjacent agricultural soils,... more

Microbial concentrations of denitrifiers, pseudomonads, and monoaromatic petroleum hydrocarbon (BTX) degraders were significantly higher (p Ͻ 0.1) in soil samples from the rhizosphere of poplar trees than in adjacent agricultural soils, and atrazine degraders were found only in one rhizosphere sample. The relative abundance of these phenotypes (as a fraction of total heterotrophs) was not significantly different between rhizosphere and surrounding soils. Therefore, the poplar rhizosphere enhanced the growth of microbial populations that participate in natural bioremediation without exerting selective pressure for them.

Atmospheric mercury pollution was recognized after a large oil spill on the west coast of Korea on 7 December 2007. In this study, the concentrations of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM: Hg 0 ) in air were measured both shortly after the... more

Atmospheric mercury pollution was recognized after a large oil spill on the west coast of Korea on 7 December 2007. In this study, the concentrations of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM: Hg 0 ) in air were measured both shortly after the oil spill (∼100 h) and 1 month after the accident near the accident site. When the Hg concentration levels were compared between two seashore sites and two parallel sites offshore, the values tend to decrease further offshore. The unusual rise in Hg concentration levels observed on the seashore area shortly after the accident (mean of 16.4 ± 9.85 ng m −3 ) dropped dramatically after 1 month with active cleanup activities (2.99 ± 1.40 ng m −3 ). Because of the connection between crude oil and Hg (one of the major impurities), the unusual rise in the atmospheric Hg after the oil spill can be explained by the active evasion of Hg from the spilled crude oil. Although Hg levels determined a few days after the accident did not exceed the reference exposure limits (REL) proposed by several agencies, the early build-up of elemental mercury level due to the oil spill might have exerted certain impacts on the surrounding environments.

Traditionally, the toxic effects of petroleum have been investigated by conducting studies in the absence of ultraviolet radiation (UV). Photomediated toxicity is often not considered, and the toxic effects of an oil spill can be grossly... more

Traditionally, the toxic effects of petroleum have been investigated by conducting studies in the absence of ultraviolet radiation (UV). Photomediated toxicity is often not considered, and the toxic effects of an oil spill can be grossly underestimated. The toxicity of a weathered oil collected from a monitoring well at an abandoned oil field to Ceriodaphnia dubta was examined in the presence of UV. A solar simulator equipped with UVB, UVA, and cool white lamps was used to generate environmentally comparable solar radiation intensities. C. dubia were exposed to six concentrations of water accommodated fractions (WAF) of weathered oil in conjunction with three levels of laboratory simulated UV (Reference = < 0.002 ~tW/cm2 UVB; 3.0 gW/cm 2 UVA; Low = 0.30 ~tW/cm 2 UVB; 75.0 laW/cm 2 UVA; High = 2.0 ~tW/cm 2 UVB; 340.0 p.W/cm 2 UVA) and visible light. Seven day static renewal bioassays were used to characterize WAF/UV toxicity. WAF toxicity significantly (p < 0.05) increased when the organisms were exposed to WAF in the presence of UV. The photoenhanced toxicity of the WAF increased with WAF concentration within each UV regime. Relative to the reference light regime, the average number of neonates from adults exposed to 1.6 mg TPH/L decreased significantly by 20% within the low light regime, and by 60% within the high light regime. These results indicate that organisms exposed to dissolved-phase weathered oil in the presence of environmentally realistic solar radiation, exhibit 1.3-2.5 times greater sensitivity, relative to organisms exposed under traditional laboratory fluorescent lighting.

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This paper reports on oil classification with fluorescence spectroscopy. The investigations are part of the development of a laser-based remote sensor (laser fluorosensor) to be used for the detec- tion and classification of oil spills on... more

This paper reports on oil classification with fluorescence spectroscopy. The investigations are part of the development of a laser-based remote sensor (laser fluorosensor) to be used for the detec- tion and classification of oil spills on water surfaces. The polychromator of the fluorosensor has six channels for measuring signals that represent the spectral fluorescence signature of the detected oil in

Petroliferous activities in Brazil have an accelerated development in the last years. As a consequence, the incidence of environmental accidents such as oil spills and contamination of soils has increased significantly. Therefore, it is... more

Petroliferous activities in Brazil have an accelerated development in the last years. As a consequence, the incidence of environmental accidents such as oil spills and contamination of soils has increased significantly. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to develop remediation techniques with lower costs, decontamination efficiency and impact minimisation. The aim of this work was to evaluate Sebastiania commersoniana phytoremediation potential in soil contaminated by petroleum. This species, which is a native tree, was selected due to its proven capacity for surviving in areas contaminated by petroleum. Experiments were carried out with soils that were vegetated but noncontaminated, soils that were freshly contaminated (25, 50 and 75 g kg −1 ) but non-vegetated, and soils that were vegetated and contaminated, samples were collected 60 and 424 days after contamination with the purpose of evaluating the percentage of petroleum degradation in relation to the time. The results obtained in the present study allow us to state that S. commersoniana proves to be tolerant to petroleum contamination with respect to plant's growth. The degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons was evaluated by gas chromatography with a flame ionisation detector (GC-FID) equipped with a capillary column HP-5 (5% phenylmethylpolysiloxane, 30 m; 0.25 mm; 0.25 μm). According to chromatographic analysis, samples in contact with S. commersoniana showed a significant area reduction of the hydrocarbon peaks. Analysis of the 60-day samples showed a reduction of petroleum hydrocarbons area higher than 60% and the 424-day samples showed a reduction higher than 94%, which demonstrates that a petroleum degradation process is occurring.

The Straits of Malacca, along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, is one of the busiest waterways in the world with about 2000 vessels passing through it per month, of which about 25 percent are oil tankers of varying sizes . In the... more

The Straits of Malacca, along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, is one of the busiest waterways in the world with about 2000 vessels passing through it per month, of which about 25 percent are oil tankers of varying sizes . In the course of their passage, the practices of tanker ballasting and pumping of bilges by non-tanker vessels result in considerable pollution in these waters. Collisions and groundings also cause oil spills in Malaysian waters. Oil contaminants not only pollute the high seas but also affects the near-coastal waters. Marine oil pollution, in particular that of near-coastal waters, may also be attributed to land-based activities such as the utilisation of petroleum related products, the direct discharge of untreated municipal and industrial wastes containing refined and partly weathered oils to sewers and rivers, and the discharge of effluents from refineries and other similar sources.

On November 13 th 2002 the tanker Prestige was off the coast of Galicia, Spain, when it suffered severe structural failure of the starboard cargo tanks. The ship was tugged away from the coast. On November 19 th , the vessel broke into... more

On November 13 th 2002 the tanker Prestige was off the coast of Galicia, Spain, when it suffered severe structural failure of the starboard cargo tanks. The ship was tugged away from the coast. On November 19 th , the vessel broke into two sections at about one hundred and thirty miles from the Galicia coast. The two parts of the wreck sank at a 3500 meters depth. More than 60,000 tons of heavy fuel were released into the marine environment. At sea containment and recovery, and aerial surveillance of the oil, were hampered by the weather and the oil remained at sea for a considerable period of time. Diffuse pollution was still reaching the coastline more than six months after the break.

The long-term fate of petroleum hydrocarbons in marsh sediments (West Falmouth, MA) contaminated in 1969 by the spill of the barge Florida was investigated. A 36-cmlong sediment core was collected in August 2000, and sediment extracts... more

The long-term fate of petroleum hydrocarbons in marsh sediments (West Falmouth, MA) contaminated in 1969 by the spill of the barge Florida was investigated. A 36-cmlong sediment core was collected in August 2000, and sediment extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC). The latter technique is capable of separating 1 order of magnitude more compounds than the former and was used to observe whether any compositional changes in the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) occurred. No evidence of petroleum residues was detected in the top 6 cm (0-6 cm) and the lower 8 cm (28-36 cm) of the core. However, the central sections (6-28 cm) were dominated by a UCM in the boiling range of n-C 13 -n-C 25 alkanes, consistent with a No. 2 fuel oil source. The 12-14-and 14-16-cm sections had the highest concentrations of UCM (∼8 mg g -1 ). These values are similar to concentrations observed shortly after the spill. Initial GC×GC analysis revealed that only the n-alkanes were completely degraded, and contrary to previous studies, pristane and phytane as well as numerous other branched alkanes are still present in the sediments. These results suggest that at this site hydrocarbon contamination will persist indefinitely in the sedimentary record.

In order to mimic the biological effects of an oil spill in Arctic waters, we examined several types of biomarkers (genes, enzymes, metabolites, and DNA damage) in polar cod Boreogadus saida experimentally exposed to the water soluble... more

In order to mimic the biological effects of an oil spill in Arctic waters, we examined several types of biomarkers (genes, enzymes, metabolites, and DNA damage) in polar cod Boreogadus saida experimentally exposed to the water soluble fractions of crude oil. During 4 weeks of exposure, induction of the studied biomarkers exceeded baseline levels. The mRNA expression of the cytochrome P4501A1 (cyp1a1) gene was the most promising biomarker, with glutathione S-transferase (gst) as a suitable complement. The delayed ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and GST activities and their persistence following 2 weeks of depuration may allow detection of previous exposures in field samples. The composition of PAH metabolites in the bile indicated the bioavailability of different PAH size-classes. Although mRNA expressions of antioxidant defense genes were induced at start of the exposure, with the strongest responses from catalase and cytosolic superoxide dismutase, they were poor for oil monitoring purposes due to their very short response times. Significant DNA damage demonstrated genotoxicity even at low PAH concentrations (<15 g L −1 ) and was correlated with benzo(a)pyrene and pyrene metabolites in the bile.

Oil and water fluorescence properties were studied under their excitation by 266 and 355 nm light, corresponding to the fourth and third harmonics of a Nd:YAG laser.

On August 11, 2006 more than 2 million liters of Bunker C oil spilled in southern Guimaras Island, central Philippines. Over 200 kilometers of coastline have been affected including the traditional livelihood in the island. The immediate... more

On August 11, 2006 more than 2 million liters of Bunker C oil spilled in southern Guimaras Island, central Philippines. Over 200 kilometers of coastline have been affected including the traditional livelihood in the island. The immediate effects involved death of marine fauna and massive mortality of mangroves which accounted to almost one hectare and two years after the incident some albino propagules of Rhizophora stylosa were observed. Additionally, some species of mangroves found in heavily impacted sites exhibited significant reduction of leaf sizes. Monitoring of the deforested mangrove areas three years after the incident showed a varying recruitment-to-mortality ratio. Recruitment and settlement of seedlings was impaired in areas where dead trees are extracted mainly for firewood purposes. The harvesting of dead trees created a forest gap, exposed the area to surging waves and thus increased the hydrodynamics. On the other hand, faster recovery dynamics was observed in area ...

Three sorbents were compared in order to determine their potential for oil spill cleanup. Polypropylene nonwoven web, rice hull, and bagasse with two different particle sizes were evaluated in terms of oil sorption capacities and oil... more

Three sorbents were compared in order to determine their potential for oil spill cleanup. Polypropylene nonwoven web, rice hull, and bagasse with two different particle sizes were evaluated in terms of oil sorption capacities and oil recovery efficiencies. Polypropylene can sorb almost 7 to 9 times its weight from different oils. Bagasse, 18 to 45 mesh size, follows polypropylene as the second sorbent in oil spill cleanup. Bagasse, 14 to 18 mesh size, and rice hull have comparable oil sorption capacities, which are lower than those of the two former sorbents. It was found that oil viscosity plays an important role in oil sorption by sorbents. All adsorbents used in this work could remove the oil from the surface of the water preferentially.

Les marées noires font partie des catastrophes industrielles les plus spectaculaires et aux conséquences environnementales et économiques les plus visibles et directes. Au travers de trois marées noires majeures qui ont touché la Bretagne... more

Les marées noires font partie des catastrophes industrielles les plus spectaculaires et aux conséquences environnementales et économiques les plus visibles et directes. Au travers de trois marées noires majeures qui ont touché la Bretagne – celles du Torrey Canyon (1967), de l’Amoco Cadiz (1978) et de l’Erika (1999) – est souligné ici que, outre la pollution qu’elles génèrent, elles provoquent aussi des traumatismes et des conséquences normatives importantes. Elles jouent dès lors un rôle crucial dans l’histoire de l’écologie.

Oil-contaminated soil (OCS) results from leaking underground storage tanks, oil spills on clean soils, or soils surrounding petroleum refineries and crude oil wells. In Oman, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) generates more than 50,000... more

Oil-contaminated soil (OCS) results from leaking underground storage tanks, oil spills on clean soils, or soils surrounding petroleum refineries and crude oil wells. In Oman, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) generates more than 50,000 ton/year of oil-contaminated soil. Recycling of OCS can be considered a viable solution to the disposal problem. This paper presents the results of investigating the permeability and leaching of asphalt concrete mixes containing OCS. Two types of soil were obtained from an asset area in northern Oman. Physical and chemical characterizations were performed on the OCS. The two soils were used as a replacement of fine aggregate in the asphalt concrete mix with percentages up to 40%, by total aggregate weight. Mixes were designed using the Marshall mix design method. Optimum asphalt contents were determined and samples were prepared at these asphalt contents and tested for permeability using a flexible-wall permeameter. Environmental assessment was performed by subjecting the mixes to the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and analyzing the extract for heavy metals. The permeability was found to decrease with the addition of OCS. A significant decrease resulted when the percentage of OCS was increased to 30%. The leaching tests from the mix indicated that TCLP concentrations of the selected heavy metals were well below the TCLP regulatory limits for all OCS mixes.

In this work the development and the application of an operational management tool for the Greek Seas is described. This tool consists of a three-dimensional¯oating pollutant prediction model coupled with a weather, a hydrodynamic and a... more

In this work the development and the application of an operational management tool for the Greek Seas is described. This tool consists of a three-dimensional¯oating pollutant prediction model coupled with a weather, a hydrodynamic and a wave model in order to track the movements and the spreading of the pollutants and indicate those coastal areas which might be aected. The tool is part of the Poseidon system which has been designed to provide real time data and forecasts for marine environmental conditions in the Greek Seas. In this paper, we present four case studies based on realistic scenarios that show the value of the application for long-term strategic planning and short-term decision making in oil spill accidents. Ó

Approximately 1 year after the Gulf War oil spill we examined the distribution, species composition, abundance and productivity of seagrasses in several oil contaminated bays along the northeastern coastline of Saudi Arabia. The most... more

Approximately 1 year after the Gulf War oil spill we examined the distribution, species composition, abundance and productivity of seagrasses in several oil contaminated bays along the northeastern coastline of Saudi Arabia. The most abundant seagrass, Halodule uninervis, grew from the intertidal down to depths of 10 m with a standing crop ranging from 2 to 32 gdw m-2. Specific leaf productivity in a heavily oiled shallow site (1.5 m depth) was 2.2% d-1 and areal production was 0.172 gdw m-2 d-1. Specific productivity was similar to other reported rates for healthy populations of Halodule species but the low areal productivity reflected late winter water temperatures which were between 16 and 19"C. Halophila twalis was intermediate in abundance followed by Halophila stipulacea. Leaf morphology and

This study investigates the probabilities of vessel safety and pollution inspections by type of vessel by the U.S. Coast Guard based upon individual vessel inspections for the years 1992-2001. Probit estimates of vessel safety (versus... more

This study investigates the probabilities of vessel safety and pollution inspections by type of vessel by the U.S. Coast Guard based upon individual vessel inspections for the years 1992-2001. Probit estimates of vessel safety (versus pollution) inspection equations suggest that fishing, passenger, recreation and tug boats are less (more) likely to be inspected for safety (pollution), whereas tank barges and U.S. flag vessels are more (less) likely to be inspected for safety (pollution). Also, vessel safety and pollution inspection probabilities by vessel type vary by Coast Guard district and time. The probability of a U.S. flag vessel being inspected for safety has increased over the time period of the study. The results bring into question the effectiveness of the Coast Guard in reducing the oil-spill pollution of tank barges and improving the safety of fishing boats.

Although science widely recognizes the importance of the Western edge of the Amazon Basin for Earth’s ecological systems, it remains a region of oil extraction, with drilling sites dating back to the mid-twentieth century. The oil economy... more

Although science widely recognizes the importance of the Western edge of the Amazon Basin for Earth’s ecological systems, it remains a region of oil extraction, with drilling sites dating back to the mid-twentieth century. The oil economy has a long-standing social and economic prominence, even in its most remote regions. It has created a deep dependency on cash flow in several local communities and has diminished, by its devastating environmental impacts, other sources of livelihood. As prices of oil entered a lower cycle in the global market during the 2010s, tensions emerged in extraction sites. Sabotage and lack of maintenance of oil pipelines, due to budget cuts, caused several disastrous spills that ruined water sources on which communities depended. Spills caused pollution, affecting directly local people’s health and well-being, but people have also perceived changes in the form of infrastructure and cash investment in remediation. Those might be regarded as a form of ephemeral, and toxic, “development.” This chapter aims to explore the kind of toxic development the region is now experiencing grounded in fieldwork in the Peruvian Marañon Basin.

After the conclusion of emergency response efforts for the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill in fall of 2010, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) initiated the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process. The... more

After the conclusion of emergency response efforts for the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill in fall of 2010, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) initiated the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process. The NRDA guidance under the Oil Pollution Act requires trustees of natural resources, including NOAA, to assess the fate and transport of oil and the potential exposure of natural resources to the oil. For a spill with the unprecedented spatial and temporal magnitude of DWH, the only data that could provide a complete picture of the daily spatial coverage of oil slicks were satellite data. NOAA convened a group of remote sensing specialists (the Oil on Water Group) that compiled, analyzed, and reported on results from a diverse and copious array of remote sensing data, including thousands of aerial photographs, multispectral and hyperspectral (AVIRIS) swaths, and hundreds of satellite images from optical (moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer an...

We studied the effects of the Prestige oil spill on Ría de Vigo bacterial abundance, production and community structure by using mesocosms (ca. 3500 l) filled with water from the center of the Ría, to which we added a realistic... more

We studied the effects of the Prestige oil spill on Ría de Vigo bacterial abundance, production and community structure by using mesocosms (ca. 3500 l) filled with water from the center of the Ría, to which we added a realistic concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; initial concentrations of approximately 20 to 30 µg l-1 chrysene equivalents) at each of the 4 periods of the seasonal cycle: spring bloom, summer stratification, autumn upwelling and winter. We followed the changes in bacterial activity by leucine and thymidine incorporation, and the changes in bacterial assemblage structure by 16S rDNA DGGE. In addition, simultaneously with the winter mesocosm experiment, we ran microcosms with fuel additions equivalent to 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 × the treatment imposed on the mesocosms in the seasonal experiments. Bacterial community structure was also analyzed by CARD-FISH. We detected significant effects of the PAHs on bacterial community structure (increased number of bands) and production only in the summer experiment. In the microcosm experiments, we found similar effects to those in the mesocosms at PAH concentrations of ca. 20 to 40 µg l-1 , and clear detrimental effects on phytoplankton at concentrations of ca. 80 µg l-1 , with large development of Gammaproteobacteria. Our results indicate that an oil spill of the Prestige's magnitude will have effects on the microbial resident community only at certain times of the year, while at higher PAH concentrations the effects might be more evident. For most of the year, the resident Ría de Vigo microbial communities appear to be accustomed to PAH concentrations such as those used in these experiments.

The ecotoxicological effects of oil spill from the grounded vessel MV River Princess on the intertidal benthic organisms of Sinquerim -Candolim beach at Goa were investigated. An intertidal expanse of 1km on either side of the grounded... more

The ecotoxicological effects of oil spill from the grounded vessel MV River Princess on the intertidal benthic organisms of Sinquerim -Candolim beach at Goa were investigated. An intertidal expanse of 1km on either side of the grounded vessel was selected to evaluate the concentration of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) in the sediment and its effects on the composition, abundance and diversity of micro-, meio-and macrobenthos. TPH in the intertidal sediment ranged from 7.8 to 89 µg g -1 (mean35.44 ± 26.35 SD). Microbenthos comprised of microalgae, protozoans and juvenile forms of meiobenthos. Apart from juvenile nematodes, which were abundant, Coscinodiscus spp, Navicula spp, and Nitzschia spp. representing microalgae were also observed in microbenthic samples. Meiobenthos was represented by 13 taxa and their total density ranged between 92-1057 no. 10cm -2 . Maximum meiobenthic abundance of 1057 no.10cm -2 was observed at Sinquerim. Nematodes were the dominant meiobenthic taxa followed by turbellarians and harpacticoid copepods. The macrobenthoc was numerically dominated by polychaetes, followed by crustaceans whereas bivalve molluscs were less represented. There was substantial increase in the petroleum concentration in the beach sediment compared to the previously reported values and highest TPH (89µg.g -1 sediment) values were in the vicinity of the grounded vessel. The polychaete/amphipod ratio and cumulative and partial dominance abundance-biomass curves showed significant negative impact of TPH on macrofauna. The benthic community structure also showed measurable changes, as there was significant decrease (60%) in the number of species. Given that the microalgal counts were low in sediment, it is assumed that the intertidal meiofauna was possibly using oildegrading bacteria as alternate food source. In conclusion, the results reported here suggest that the grounded ore carrier is not only detrimental to the beach community, that may take longer time for recovery, but also affect the beach morphology which may have long-term impact on local fishery.

Aim: This chapter explains hydrocarbon extraction and discusses its effects on inland water resources. Main concepts covered: Section 1 provides an overview of the history of hydrocarbon extraction, the occurrence, and formation of... more

Aim: This chapter explains hydrocarbon extraction and discusses its effects on inland water resources. Main concepts covered: Section 1 provides an overview of the history of hydrocarbon extraction, the occurrence, and formation of hydrocarbon resources, and explains the conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon extraction techniques. Section 2 discusses the main impacts associated with conventional and unconventional oil and gas extraction on freshwaters. This discussion covers distinct water resource impacts associated with hydrocarbon extraction, acute, ecological, and legacy impacts on surface water and groundwater resources, and water-related socioeconomic impacts. Section 3 covers management tools to minimize negative impacts. Throughout, case studies that mostly stem from Africa and South America are used to illustrate impacts and related management options. A detailed glossary explains technical concepts. Conclusion: The discussion of impacts clearly illustrates that oil and gas extraction imperils water resources next to fuelling climate change. Considering the Paris agreement of limiting global temperature increases to 1.5 °C, governments should therefore limit fossil fuel extraction and pursue sustainable development to ensure a liveable planet for current and future generations.

Oil spill dispersants are used to enhance the rate of natural dispersion of an oil spill at sea. Dispersants remove the oil slick from the sea surface and dilute the oil as small droplets in the water column. The large increase in the... more

Oil spill dispersants are used to enhance the rate of natural dispersion of an oil spill at sea. Dispersants remove the oil slick from the sea surface and dilute the oil as small droplets in the water column. The large increase in the oil-water interface due to oil droplet formation increases the biodegradation of the oil by natural occurring microorganisms. Mixture de-Ž. w sign simplex-centroid and response surface methods have in an earlier simulation study P.J. Brandvik, Statistical simulation as an effective tool to evaluate and illustrate the advantage of experimental designs and response surface methods, Ž. x Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems submitted for publication. proved to be an effective tool to enhance optimisation of oil spill dispersant and to reduce the number of experiments needed for development of new products. This proposed multivariate method is representing a new approach within the development of oil spill dispersants. The main objective for the work presented in this paper was to verify the performance of this new approach within this area on real laboratory data. This combined technique using mixture design and response surface methods has been verified to be a powerful and cost reducing approach in dispersant optimisation. New dispersant formulations for both crude oils and bunker fuels have been formulated and verified by measurements to have high effectiveness.

Jacobi, C.M. and Schaeffer-Novelli, Y., 1990. Oil spills in mangroves: a conceptual model based on long-term field observations. Ecol. Modelling, 52:53-59 A conceptual model is proposed for evaluating residence time of oil in mangrove... more

Jacobi, C.M. and Schaeffer-Novelli, Y., 1990. Oil spills in mangroves: a conceptual model based on long-term field observations. Ecol. Modelling, 52:53-59 A conceptual model is proposed for evaluating residence time of oil in mangrove environments. It assumes that, after oil has spread over a mangrove coastline, it remains in the environment by retention in the sediment. Removal is mainly in association with seaward particle export. Since detritus export depends on tidal flush, the area affected by an oil spill can be divided into sections parallel to the coastline having different removal rates increasing seaward (under little river flush and regular topography).

The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas by simulating trajectory of ship based oil spill in Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about fate, this study makes the best possible use one trajectory model. PISCES 2 (Potential... more

The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas by simulating trajectory of ship based oil spill in Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about fate, this study makes the best possible use one trajectory model. PISCES 2 (Potential Incident Simulation, Control and. Evaluation System), has been conducted for simulation of main weathering processes of oil spill. Hence in order to identify the risky areas, two scenarios have been developed depending on the type and amount of pollutants. In this study it is concluded that Yenikale, Inciralti and Guzelbahce will be at risk of contamination in case of accidental oil spill at Yenikale Entrance. Finally, the PISCES 2 software provided highly reliable solutions in evaporation rate and dispersion rate calculations when compared to approaches accepted in the literature. However in the surface area calculations, there is a serious difference between the size of the area calculated by the software and the size of the area proposed by oil spill science.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the oil spill and predict the future accidents likely to be encountered around the Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about this fate this study makes the best possible use of trajectory model.... more

The purpose of this study is to investigate the oil spill and predict the future accidents likely to be encountered around the Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about this fate this study makes the best possible use of trajectory model. PISCES II (Potential Incident Simulation, Control and Evaluation System) has been conducted to calculate weathering processes. Hence, in order to identify the risky areas, two scenarios have been developed. The results gained through these efforts are hoped to be useful for many organizations dealing with oil spill response operations and contribute to an effective and efficient coordination among the relevant institutions.

This study presents a stepwise concept to assess the in situ microbial mineralization of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) in aquifers. A new graphical method based on stable carbon isotope ratios (δ 13 C) was developed to verify the origin of... more

This study presents a stepwise concept to assess the in situ microbial mineralization of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) in aquifers. A new graphical method based on stable carbon isotope ratios (δ 13 C) was developed to verify the origin of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The concept and the isotope method were applied to an aquifer in Studen, Switzerland, in which more than 34,000 liters of heating oil were accidentally released. Chemical analyses of ground water revealed that in this aquifer locally, anaerobic conditions prevailed, and that PHC mineralization was linked to the consumption of oxidants such as O 2 , NO − 3 , and SO 2− 4 and the production of reduced species such as Fe 2+ , Mn 2+ , H 2 S and CH 4 . However, alkalinity and DIC balances showed a quantitative disagreement in the link between oxidant consumption and DIC production, indicating that chemical data alone may not be a reliable assessment tool. δ 13 C ratios in DIC have been used before for bioremediation assessment, but results were reported to be negatively influenced by methanogenesis. Using the new graphical method to display δ 13 C data, it was possible to identify anomalies found in methanogenic monitoring wells. It could be shown that 88% of the DIC produced in the contaminated aquifer originated from microbial PHC mineralization. Thus, the new graphical method to display δ 13 C ratios appears to be a useful tool for the assessment of microbial hydrocarbon mineralization in a complex environment.

Cleaning methods employed in last oil spills usually require direct contact or the intervention of external agents that can lead to additional contamination and damage of treated surfaces. As an alternative, a laser-based methodology is... more

Cleaning methods employed in last oil spills usually require direct contact or the intervention of external agents that can lead to additional contamination and damage of treated surfaces. As an alternative, a laser-based methodology is proposed in this work for controlled removal of fuel residues caused by the accident of Prestige tanker from rocks, as well as tools and equipment employed in fuel retaining and elimination procedures.

The discovery of oil in 2007 and its subsequent production in 2010 is expected to have a positive impact on the economy of Ghana. The living conditions of the ordinary Ghanaian is expected to relatively improve with the massive... more

The discovery of oil in 2007 and its subsequent production in 2010 is expected to have a positive impact on the economy of Ghana. The living conditions of the ordinary Ghanaian is expected to relatively improve with the massive development expected to take place over the years. Although the discovery of oil is a blessing, it comes with its own set of emergencies and disasters to the environment. Studies have shown over the years that where there is oil, there is bound to be a spill sometime. Recent examples of such include the Gulf of Mexico/ BP Oil Spill which saw about 205 million gallons of oil into the ocean and the Exxon-Valdez oil spill in 1989 which spilled around 10.8 million gallons and impacted 1,100 miles of coast in the united states (about, 2010).

A state-of-the-art review of numerical oil spill trajecwry and fate modeling is presented to include advection, spreading, evaporation, dissolution, dispersion, emulsification, biodegradation and sedimentation. This paper represents an... more

A state-of-the-art review of numerical oil spill trajecwry and fate modeling is presented to include advection, spreading, evaporation, dissolution, dispersion, emulsification, biodegradation and sedimentation. This paper represents an update of earlier reviews by , and hence concentrates on recent advances. Particular attention is focused on the dispersion of oil from the sea surface and its influence on spreading, the role of environmental data (currents, wind, temperature, ice conditions) used as input to the model, and the interaction of oil with a variety of shoreline types. Consideration is also given to oil behavior in Arctic environments where oil-ice interactions are important. Brief discussions of the linking of oil spill models with other models to assess environmental impact and the use of oil spill models as the core of an expert system are presented. The review concludes with a list of research needed to advance our ability to model the trajectory and fate o foil and trends in oil spill model development.

Oil spills are one of the most widespread problems in port areas (loading/unloading of bulk liquid, fuel supply). Specific environmental risk analysis procedures for diffuse oil sources that are based on the evolution of oil in the marine... more

Oil spills are one of the most widespread problems in port areas (loading/unloading of bulk liquid, fuel supply). Specific environmental risk analysis procedures for diffuse oil sources that are based on the evolution of oil in the marine environment are needed. Diffuse sources such as oil spills usually present a lack of information, which makes the use of numerical models an arduous and occasionally impossible task. For that reason, a tool that can assess the risk of oil spills in near-shore areas by using Geographical Information System (GIS) is presented. The SPILL Tool provides immediate results by automating the process without miscalculation errors. The tool was developed using the Python and ArcGIS scripting library to build a non-ambiguous geoprocessing workflow. The SPILL Tool was implemented for oil facilities at Tarragona Harbor (NE Spain) and validated showing a satisfactory correspondence (around 0.60 RSR error index) with the results obtained using a 2D calibrated oil transport numerical model.

Shanghai Oil Spill: China's Huangpu River of Democracy

The proximity of commercial harbours to residential areas and the growing environmental awareness of society have led most port authorities to include environmental management within their administration plan. Regarding water quality, it... more

The proximity of commercial harbours to residential areas and the growing environmental awareness of society have led most port authorities to include environmental management within their administration plan. Regarding water quality, it is necessary to have the capacity and tools to deal with contamination episodes that may damage marine ecosystems and human health, but also affect the normal functioning of harbours. This paper presents a description of the main pollutant sources in Tarragona Harbour (Spain), and a numerical analysis of several pollution episodes based on the Port Authority’s actual environmental concerns. The results show that pollution generated inside the harbour tends to remain confined within the port, whereas it is very likely that oil spills from a nearby monobuoy may affect the neighbouring beaches. The present combination of numerical models proves itself a useful tool to assess the environmental risk associated to harbour activities and potential pollution spills.

Although oil activities generate numerous forms of environmental impact on biological communities, studies of these impacts on Brazilian coastal ecosystems are rare. Results of tests for the content of oil in sediments and organisms... more

Although oil activities generate numerous forms of environmental impact on biological communities, studies of these impacts on Brazilian coastal ecosystems are rare. Results of tests for the content of oil in sediments and organisms indicate a substantially high rate of degradation. Results for uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in bivalves suggested the recent occurrence of oil spills and that these organisms differed in their capabilities to bioconcentrate oil. The mangrove community has suffered constant inputs of oil and has responded with increased numbers of aerial roots, generation of malformed leaves and fruits by plants, and a decrease in litter production. Studies of the impact of oil on rocky shore communities and the toxicity of oil and its by-products to marine organisms have confirmed the results reported in the literature. Presently most of the available studies deal with the macroscopic effects of oil on organisms and have indicated that the nature of oil, climate characteristics, the physical environment, and the structure of the community influence the symptoms of oil contamination in organisms of coastal waters. Longterm studies should be carried out to assess changes in community structure, sublethal effects in populations, and the resilience of contaminated ecosystems.

ABSTRACT The present study examines the absorption capacity of five different types of materials for oil spills clean up. The absorbents were a commercial cellulosic material from processed wood, a commercial synthetic organic fiber from... more

ABSTRACT The present study examines the absorption capacity of five different types of materials for oil spills clean up. The absorbents were a commercial cellulosic material from processed wood, a commercial synthetic organic fiber from polypropylene and three commercial types of local expanded perlite from the island of Milos. The absorption capacities of the above materials were evaluated in a wet as well as a dry environment with different types of petroleum products. The results showed that commercial types of perlite, in some cases, have absorption capacities comparable to natural and synthetic organic materials used for clean-up applications. The enhancement of the hydrophobic properties of perlite can result in better performance in a water bath. The nature of the spilled oil proved to play an important role in the selection of the proper absorbing material. Overall, the results suggested that partial substitution of commercial synthetic sorbents by mineral materials widely produced in Greece for oil spill clean-up operations is possible, given their friendliness to the environment and their local abundancy.

Compositional alterations of oil (MF380) spilled in mangrove sediments was studied over 4 years with an emphasis on weathering of PAH. Sediment cores were sampled yearly in three mangrove forests in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, two of... more

Compositional alterations of oil (MF380) spilled in mangrove sediments was studied over 4 years with an emphasis on weathering of PAH. Sediment cores were sampled yearly in three mangrove forests in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, two of which were contaminated by the spill in January 2000 and one was used as a reference area. Hopanes and steranes (46 compounds) were successfully applied to identify the presence of the oil in the most contaminated mangrove (Suruí). However extensive alterations under these tropical climate conditions hampered, in some cases, relating high concentrations of petrogenic PAH to the spill. Accentuated weathering of C 34 -17a,21b(H)-tetrakishomohopane 22S, C 34 -17a,21b(H)-tetrakishomohopane 22R, C 35 -17a,21b(H)-pentakishomohopane 22S and C 35 -17a,21b(H)-pentakishomohopane 22R was observed while the ratio 17a,21b(H)-30-norhopane/C 30 -17a,21b(H)-hopane in the samples varied from 0.42 in 2000 to 0.32 in 2004 (compared to 0.43 in the original oil) demonstrating the intensity of biodegradation processes. Fluoranthene/pyrene and P 3-6 rings PAH/R5-alkylated PAH series were identified as the most robust PAH diagnostic ratios to distinguish samples with petrogenic contamination. Vertical migration of the oil in the sediment column and a decrease by 70% in total PAH were observed during the study period. Relative decay constants were obtained for total and individual PAH after normalization to the C 30 -17a,21b(H)-hopane and by adjusting the data to first order kinetics. PAH decay rates decreased with increasing degree of alkylation. The highly eutrophic conditions in the bay and the sandy character of sediments contributed to the observed degradation in surface sediments as well as in deeper sediment layers.

The term "Oils and Grease" (OG) encompasses a broad family of chemical compounds such as fatty material of biogenic origin, or petroleum hydrocarbon constituents. These compounds can cause environmental degradation and induce related... more

The term "Oils and Grease" (OG) encompasses a broad family of chemical compounds such as fatty material of biogenic origin, or petroleum hydrocarbon constituents. These compounds can cause environmental degradation and induce related public health risks when discharged in surface or ground waters. Consequently, OG is regulated by both European and National legislation for drinking water and wastewater. The development of methods for OG determination presents several difficulties and challenges for the analytical laboratory, since this parameter is methoddefined, i.e. the method establishes the measurand. Among several alternative methods that have been proposed in the literature, FT-IR determination after liquid-liquid extraction is known to be an easy, low-cost alternative for monitoring of OG at the ppm level. However, established FT-IR methods are based on Freon 113 extraction, a solvent which has been banned as an ozone depleting agent. This paper presents the development and validation of an in-house FT-IR method for the determination of OG in water that uses tetrachloroethylene as a Freon 113 substitute. The method was developed in EYDAP's laboratories for the monitoring and control of OG in surface and drinking waters. Results regarding the calibration, linearity, OG recovery, precision, detection -quantitation limits and robustness are presented and discussed. Tetrachloroethylene proved to be a suitable alternative to Freon 113 and the method was deemed appropriate for monitoring oil spills or discharges in surface waters or in the drinking water network, at levels > 0.1 ppm.

Examples are presented of different techniques which are in use, or could be used, to monitor the fate and effects of oil pollution in Dutch marine waters by oil spills and chronic contamination by rivers, processing water from the oil... more

Examples are presented of different techniques which are in use, or could be used, to monitor the fate and effects of oil pollution in Dutch marine waters by oil spills and chronic contamination by rivers, processing water from the oil industry, etc.