Sociology of Development Research Papers (original) (raw)
The purpose of this special issue is to advance heterodox reconstructions of agrarian Marxism on the occasion of Marx’s 200th birth anniversary. Scholarship on the origins of agrarian capitalism and the contrasts between agrarian and... more
The purpose of this special issue is to advance heterodox
reconstructions of agrarian Marxism on the occasion of Marx’s
200th birth anniversary. Scholarship on the origins of agrarian
capitalism and the contrasts between agrarian and industrial
capitalism have been a vital part of debates over and within
Marxism for more than a century and have been central to the
social scientific and historical understandings of the modern world
system. At the same time, since the seminal debates associated
with the ‘classical agrarian question,’ agrarian studies is marked by
durable tensions and polarities in theoretical approach. While
Marxists have long criticized ‘populists’ for ignoring capitalism and
class, populists have charged Marxists with historical determinism.
It is the premise of this special issue that much of this debate has
reached something of an impasse. This is in part because new
empirical work addressing the complex contemporary patterns
and conjunctures of global agrarian capitalism, and because new
and generative theoretical reconstructions of Marxism itself, offer
exciting new horizons. Contributions to this special issue help
point the way beyond this impasse, and illustrate that agrarian
Marxism remains a dynamic theoretical program that offers
powerful insights into agrarian change and politics in the twentyfirst
Este libro es testimonio del oficio de los hombres de mar de la Región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena; una pincelada dentro de las miles de historias que componen el pasado, el presente y el devenir de la pesca artesanal en la región... more
Este libro es testimonio del oficio de los hombres de mar de la Región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena; una pincelada dentro de las miles de historias que componen el pasado, el presente y el devenir de la pesca artesanal en la región más austral del mundo. Busca contribuir al conocimiento de las personas y experiencias que dan vida a la actividad pesquera, tanto en el mar como en el borde costero. Son historias que arrojan luces sobre dimensiones poco tratadas en los estudios marítimo-costeros de la región magallánica.
ملخص لمرجع شامل عن تطوير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي
China's prolonged economic boom has long depended on the extraction of cheap migrant labor from the countryside and increasingly relies on the expropriation of cheap rural land for urbanization. Julia Chuang's Beneath the China Boom is a... more
China's prolonged economic boom has long depended on the extraction of cheap migrant labor from the countryside and increasingly relies on the expropriation of cheap rural land for urbanization. Julia Chuang's Beneath the China Boom is a superb ethnographic account of these processes, their intersections, and their contradictions. Based on a comparative study of two villages pulled into the vortex of China's boom in distinct ways, Chuang provides an ethnographically detailed and analytically sharp look into the underbelly of the China boom from the perspective of rural people.
This book chapter examines Black Brazilian efforts to establish a municipal education project that revalues forms of knowledge and learning emerging from and through Afro-descendant communities. By revaluing Afro-Brazilian cultures as... more
This book chapter examines Black Brazilian efforts to establish a municipal education project that revalues forms of knowledge and learning emerging from and through Afro-descendant communities. By revaluing Afro-Brazilian cultures as sites of knowledge production, the Centro Cultural Orùnmilá in the state of São Paulo's work goes beyond addressing inequality by claiming inclusion into an already defined system—educational, economic, political, and cultural. Rather, they challenge racial inequality by shaping other ways of understanding history, progress, value, and collectivity. As such, their politics contest unequal histories of power underlying the very meanings of knowledge that count in understanding the making of modernity, race, and development.
Since the mid-2000s, India has been beset by widespread farmer protests against land dispossession. Dispossession Without Development demonstrates that beneath these conflicts lay a profound shift in regimes of dispossession. While the... more
Since the mid-2000s, India has been beset by widespread farmer protests against land dispossession. Dispossession Without Development demonstrates that beneath these conflicts lay a profound shift in regimes of dispossession. While the postcolonial Indian state dispossessed land mostly for public-sector industry and infrastructure, since the 1990s state governments have become land brokers for private real estate capital. Using the case of a village in Rajasthan that was dispossessed for a private Special Economic Zone, the book ethnographically illustrates the exclusionary trajectory of capitalism driving dispossession in contemporary India. Taking us into the lives of diverse villagers in "Rajpura," the book meticulously documents the destruction of agricultural livelihoods, the marginalization of rural labor, the spatial uneveness of infrastructure provision, and the dramatic consequences of real estate speculation for social inequality and village politics. Illuminating the structural underpinnings of land struggles in contemporary India, this book will resonate in any place where "land grabs" have fueled conflict in recent years.
Para poder analizar el rumbo hacia el cual debería orientarse la estructura productiva argentina para alcanzar el desarrollo, los autores estudian los caminos recorridos por otros países. Dado que el desarrollo es un proceso... more
Para poder analizar el rumbo hacia el
cual debería orientarse la estructura
productiva argentina para alcanzar
el desarrollo, los autores estudian los
caminos recorridos por otros países.
Dado que el desarrollo es un proceso
idiosincrático y con características
específicas es necesario considerar la
variable geopolítica así como el contexto
global. El trabajo analiza la relación entre
estructura productiva y desarrollo,
compara las trayectorias nacionales de
desarrollo de diferentes países, describe
los vasos comunicantes entre estructura
productiva y desarrollo y finalmente
analiza y formula recomendaciones de
política para el caso argentino.
En el escenario actual de emergencia de discursos y prácticas de transición civilizatoria en América Latina ante la expansión de la crisis socio-ecológica, el presente artículo analiza los hallazgos de un estudio de caso realizado en el... more
En el escenario actual de emergencia de discursos y prácticas de transición civilizatoria en América Latina ante la expansión de la crisis socio-ecológica, el presente artículo analiza los hallazgos de un estudio de caso realizado en el territorio de Norte del Cauca, Colombia, sobre la experiencia del Centro Universitario de Bienestar Rural (CUBR) de FUNDAEC, basada en la combinación entre contenidos espirituales y materiales en una variedad de ámbitos de los procesos de vida rural, entre ellos los económicos. El estudio releva la semántica emergente de esta iniciativa, basada en una noción de transformación centrada en la interacción entre sistemas de conocimiento y la participación de las poblaciones en el aprendizaje sobre senderos de bienestar desde su propia realidad, identificando algunos aprendizajes relevantes a través de un estudio fenomenológico en una comunidad.
This paper deals with the role of Indigenous Agricultural System (IKS) as a system of locally evolved practices that are used by the villagers in a Punjabi village. The intent of the paper is to highlight that despite attacks on... more
This paper deals with the role of Indigenous Agricultural System (IKS) as a system of locally evolved practices that are used by the villagers in a Punjabi village. The intent of the paper is to highlight that despite attacks on traditional practices and technologies, there are still people who use the centuries old heritage and are in favor of putting it again into the practice after effective revitalization at national level. Authors have tried to discuss the practical aspects of traditional farming practices with a purpose to record them in order to understand the socio-economic utility of them. Authors during interacted with people who compare their traditional agricultural practices with modern farming that was attempted to impose on farming community under the promise of economic prosperity and thus development. The paper is an attempt to discuss the effectiveness of traditional farming in order to generate a debate among the development school in Pakistan to further evaluate the utilities of the same. The study under reference was conducted in village Sacha Soda of Sheikhupura district in the Punjab.
La relación entre la especialización productiva de los países y el desarrollo económico ha sido intensamente estudiada en las ciencias sociales desde por lo menos la década de 1940. En particular, algunas de las preguntas de investigación... more
La relación entre la especialización productiva de los países y el desarrollo económico ha sido intensamente estudiada en las ciencias sociales desde por lo menos la década de 1940. En particular, algunas de las preguntas de investigación más recurrentes y discutidas han sido: ¿es la estructura productiva neutral en términos de crecimiento de largo plazo y, por ende, de desarrollo? ¿Son los recursos naturales una “maldición” para el desarrollo económico? ¿Es la industria manufacturera el sector más estratégico de la estructura productiva? ¿Son los servicios la clave del despegue en el siglo XXI? ¿Qué rol juegan las capacidades tecnológicas en los procesos de desarrollo? ¿Existen denominadores comunes en las experiencias exitosas de desarrollo? ¿Qué papel juega la relación del Estado con los actores sociales a la hora de edificar procesos de transformación productiva sólidos?
Retomando aportes de diversas teorías del desarrollo económico (incluyendo la sociología del desarrollo), la presente tesis se inscribe dentro de tales debates. En este contexto, el objetivo general de la presente investigación será analizar la relación entre especialización productiva, capacidades tecnológicas y desarrollo económico en diferentes regiones del planeta desde mediados del siglo XX. Para ello, nos proponemos tres objetivos específicos: a) Analizar la relación entre especialización productiva, capacidades tecnológicas y el desarrollo económico de un país, a partir de un enfoque sincrónico (2000-2010), para una muestra amplia de países (63 en total, que en 2010 dieron cuenta del 95% del PIB mundial); b) Establecer la relación entre especialización productiva, capacidades tecnológicas, y el desarrollo económico, pero a partir de una visión de largo plazo (1960-2010), para 46 países de diferentes regiones y niveles de desarrollo, con vistas a identificar si existen o no distintas trayectorias nacionales de desarrollo, y c) Analizar factores sociales y político-institucionales que permitan explicar las razones de las trayectorias exitosas en materia de especialización productiva, capacidades tecnológicas y desarrollo. Para ello, se tomará el caso noruego desde la segunda posguerra en adelante, poniendo especial foco en: i) la articulación entre las políticas industriales y las científico-tecnológicas aplicadas por los sucesivos gobiernos, y ii) el rol de diversos actores -trabajo y capital- e instituciones -dependencias del sector público- en la construcción de dichas políticas.
La hipótesis general de la tesis adquiere mayor claridad si se la desagrega en tres partes, cada una de las cuales corresponde a los tres objetivos específicos mencionados. La primera hipótesis es que las capacidades tecnológicas (más que el perfil de especialización en determinado tipo de bienes) son el común denominador del desarrollo económico. En segundo lugar, se postulará como hipótesis adicional que no existe un único sendero de especialización productiva/capacidades tecnológicas exitoso. En tercer lugar, y en sintonía con el tercer objetivo específico, se defenderá la hipótesis de que la creación de capacidades tecnológicas es a su vez una variable dependiente de los factores político-institucionales y de las dinámicas de articulación entre actores sociales y Estado. Tomando la estrategia del estudio de caso, sostendremos que en Noruega la articulación virtuosa entre la política industrial y la política científico-tecnológica fue una de las claves de su desarrollo de largo plazo, y que tal articulación fue posible por el tipo de relación y de acuerdos que se establecieron entre el Estado y los actores sociales relevantes a lo largo de todo el período.
Por último, la estrategia metodológica de la tesis tiene tres niveles, a tono con cada objetivo específico: para el primero, el análisis será eminentemente cuantitativo; para el segundo, la información cuantitativa seguirá siendo esencial, pero se incorporará bibliografía especializada para dar cuenta de las tendencias generales de los senderos nacionales de desarrollo analizados; por último, para el tercer objetivo específico se utilizará la estrategia del estudio de caso, recolectando datos mayormente a partir de la bibliografía especializada, pero también de series estadísticas históricas.
south Asia, home to nearly 2 billion people, has a rich history of political fragmentation. scholars have debated in various ways how south Asia's apparently common culture and geographical proximity can promote socioeconomic gains, but... more
south Asia, home to nearly 2 billion people, has a rich history of political fragmentation. scholars have debated in various ways how south Asia's apparently common culture and geographical proximity can promote socioeconomic gains, but there is no certainty about how to achieve this. Built on a journey of learning and sharing about the Pakistan Movement for 40 years, sikandar Hayat, a Distinguished Professor of History and Public Policy, provides a platform for close introspection of the past to learn lessons for the future. Historiographies of south Asia must be used to build consciousness for future solidarity and to develop pathways for stability, as the study of history and sociology of development are inseparable. it is both a strength and limitation of this book that it focuses on six Muslim separatist leaders who were 'prominent, influential, and decisive' (p. 18) forerunners in creating Pakistan. Few past works have focused specifically on the function, impact and individual and collective role of leadership in this regard. The book mainly traces events and developments from 1857 to 1947, but also provides some background context on Muslims in the subcontinent from 711 to 1857. Hayat especially highlights the sacrifices and devotion of these eminent leaders, showing how they struggled for unity, but in the end believed that separatism would lead to more sustained progress in the region. indirectly, this book strongly asks south Asians to consider which aspects bind them or not, irrespective of boundaries and differences. Chapter 1 highlights the 'conscious and careful efforts of the Muslim rulers' (p. 24) to maintain solidarity in the indian subcontinent prior to British rule. examples discussed include the early coexistence of sultanates with Hindu rulers (p. 25), allocation of civil, military and government responsibilities to Hindus during the rule of Muhammad bin Qasim, Mahmud of Ghazni and islam shah (p. 26), the absorption of Persian and Arabic in northern indian languages (p. 26) and the inclusion of Hindus as top officials and the abolition of jizya (poll) tax during Mughal emperor Akbar's rule (p. 27). However, peaceful coexistence did not last. Revolt and uprising against the Mughal rule, across south india by Marathas and in North india by Jats, Rajputs and sikhs, led to the battles of Panipat and Balakot, and also extremist demands that Muslims must either leave india or convert to Aryanism (p. 39). opportunities for reassembling common ground were weakened by the advent of the soUTH AsiA ReseARCH
This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the... more
This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the development and spread of religious liberty, mass education, mass printing, newspapers, voluntary organizations, and colonial reforms, thereby creating the conditions that made stable democracy more likely. Statistically, the historic prevalence of Protestant missionaries explains about half the variation in democracy in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania and removes the impact of most variables that dominate current statistical research about democracy. The association between Protestant missions and democracy is consistent in different continents and subsamples, and it is robust to more than 50 controls and to instrumental variable analyses.
This Malayalam article attempts to make visible the phenomenon of housework, which has remained invisible in much of social life, social science discourse and policymaking. The secondary status accorded to housework and its implications... more
This Malayalam article attempts to make visible the phenomenon of housework, which has remained invisible in much of social life, social science discourse and policymaking. The secondary status accorded to housework and its implications for individuals, society and women as a group are analysed here. The significance of this at a national-international level, the necessity of including housework in national income accounting and the relevance of further studies in this area are touched upon.
This is a book review, titled- Social Change and Development- Modernization, Dependency and World-System Theories in which Alvin Y. So tries to sum up three dominant schools of thoughts by providing different theoretical and empirical... more
This is a book review, titled- Social Change and Development- Modernization, Dependency and World-System Theories in which Alvin Y. So tries to sum up three dominant schools of thoughts by providing different theoretical and empirical evident-based developmental theories.
Tulisan ini hendak membahas tentang pekerjaan fotografi yang tadinya hanya sebuah hobi berubah menjadi pekerjaan sampingan yang menjanjikan. Di sini penulis melihat sistem jaringan sangat berperan dalam perkembangan usaha yang digeluti... more
Tulisan ini hendak membahas tentang pekerjaan fotografi yang tadinya hanya sebuah hobi berubah menjadi pekerjaan sampingan yang menjanjikan. Di sini penulis melihat sistem jaringan sangat berperan dalam perkembangan usaha yang digeluti oleh seorang fotografer (narasumber). Dari yang awalnya hanya bergelut hobi di bidang fotografi, ia bisa membuka pekerjaan untuk dirinya sendiri. Di dalam tulisan ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana narasumber bisa menghasilkan nilai lebih dari hobi fotografinya itu. Selain itu juga akan terlihat, betapa pentingnya peran jaringan (net) ketika narasumber mendapatkan profesi bidang fotografi ini.
This conceptual article advances a theory of Social-Enterprise Systems-Engineering (SESE) as an applied discipline and as an addition to the development intervention field. It will elaborate the SESE construct, examine the relationships... more
This conceptual article advances a theory of Social-Enterprise Systems-Engineering (SESE) as an applied discipline and as an addition to the development intervention field. It will elaborate the SESE construct, examine the relationships between its constituent components, present evidence of its potential benefits and then provide suggestions for future research.
The theory of “embedded autonomy” suggests that a developmental state needs to maintain a balance between autonomy and embeddedness to succeed. This paper argues that such a balance is not stable but contingent on an alignment of local,... more
The theory of “embedded autonomy” suggests that a developmental state needs to maintain a balance between autonomy and embeddedness to succeed. This paper argues that such a balance is not stable but contingent on an alignment of local, national, and global factors. With the local developmental state of Dongguan, China, as an example, we see how the global economy's search of low-cost labor and the national government's encouragement of decentralized local growth since the 1980s created a successful, autonomous local state that was benignly embedded in a network of foreign investors and local residents. This balance brought about more than two decades of phenomenal economic growth. However, starting in 2006 both the central and provincial governments shifted their priority from economic growth to industrial upgrading. The central government also adopted a new bureaucratic rotation rule to prevent long tenure of local officials at the same locality. In these new circumstances, Dongguan found itself trapped in the short-sighted vested interests of traditional foreign investors and rentier local residents. The result was stagnation in both economic growth and industrial upgrading. The paper suggests that the reproduction of embedded autonomy cannot be taken for granted, and that embeddedness of the state at one stage of development can become a hindrance to its autonomy at another stage.
In this lecture I have discussed Liberal and Neo Liberal theories of development. Neo-Liberalism now shapes government policies throughout the world. Hence the study of Neo-Liberalism is important.
Sustainable development (SD) is one of the leading issues in the contemporary development discourse. It is an approach to development that takes the environmental dimension and which owes its origin to various debates and environmental... more
Sustainable development (SD) is one of the leading issues in the contemporary development discourse. It is an approach to development that takes the environmental dimension and which owes its origin to various debates and environmental movements in 1970s and 1980s regarding the connection between environment and economic development. The approach seeks to reconcile human needs and the capacity of the environment to cope with the consequences of the economic system so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for future generations. It holds that wealth of nations does not rest solely on its economic wealth but also on the smooth development and protection of environmental resources. The major principle of the concept is that the natural resources should be used in a manner which does not eliminate or degrade them, or otherwise diminish their usefulness for future generations. However, the concept has been criticized as being vague, oxymoron, unattainable which is introduced by developed countries to protect capitalism and impede development of other countries. Others believed that the implementation of sustainable development would mean a reversion to pre-modern life styles. This paper, therefore, attempts to examine the concept of sustainable development, its principles, and efforts made by the international community to ensure its realisation and also presents some of the arguments against the concept.
يتناول هذا المبحث الذي هو مستخلص من كتاب المؤلف: جامع، محمد نبيل، علم الاجتماع المعاصر ووصايا التنمية، الإسكندرية: دار الجامعة الجديدة، 2009 مفهوم المؤسسة الاجتماعية وهي الأسرة والاقتصاد والحكومة والتعليم والدين بالإضافة إلى العلاقة بين... more
يتناول هذا المبحث الذي هو مستخلص من كتاب المؤلف: جامع، محمد نبيل، علم الاجتماع المعاصر ووصايا التنمية، الإسكندرية: دار الجامعة الجديدة، 2009 مفهوم المؤسسة الاجتماعية وهي الأسرة والاقتصاد والحكومة والتعليم والدين بالإضافة إلى العلاقة بين هذه المؤسسات الخمس مع دراسة لظاهرة الإحلال الهدفي أو التحولات الهدفية لهذا المؤسسات.
Theory of A G Frank " Development of Underdeveloped" speaks out in Dependency Perspective; Frank criticizing others and also agrees to disagree with them e.g Paul Baran, Talcott Parson, Rostow, Hoselitz, McClland and he formulate new... more
Theory of A G Frank " Development of Underdeveloped" speaks out in Dependency Perspective; Frank criticizing others and also agrees to disagree with them e.g Paul Baran, Talcott Parson, Rostow, Hoselitz, McClland and he formulate new set of theory based on Metropolis- satellite which means western developed nations and satellite the third world countries relationship
Using regional data for about 180 African provinces, we find that measures of Protestant missionary activity in the past are more correlated with schooling variables today than similar measures of Catholic missionary activity, as previous... more
Using regional data for about 180 African provinces, we find that measures of Protestant missionary activity in the past are more correlated with schooling variables today than similar measures of Catholic missionary activity, as previous papers have suggested. However, we find that this effect is mainly driven by differences in Catholic areas (i.e., areas in which Catholic missionaries were protected from competition from Protestant missionaries in the past). This is not surprising because most former Catholic colonies had a number of restrictions to the operation of Protestant missionaries that benefited Catholic missionaries. Therefore, our results are consistent with an economic rationale in which different rules created differences in competitive pressures faced by Catholic and Protestant missionaries.
Membincangkan tentang pembangunan di Malaysia dalam konteks sosiologi yang melihat dari aspek teori. Teori yang yang dibincangkan dalam makalah ini membawakan dua teori sahaja iaitu Teori Modenisasi dan Teori Kebergantungan. Di samping... more
Membincangkan tentang pembangunan di Malaysia dalam konteks sosiologi yang melihat dari aspek teori. Teori yang yang dibincangkan dalam makalah ini membawakan dua teori sahaja iaitu Teori Modenisasi dan Teori Kebergantungan. Di samping membincangkan pendekatan melalui dua teori ini, perbandingan melalui kedua-dua teori ini juga dibincangkan bagi memahami pendekatan teori yang berbeza dalam konteks pembangunan Malaysia.
This paper examined the nature and dynamics of cybercrime in Nigeria and its contribution to the socioeconomic development challenges in the country. The paper adopted the library research method as secondary data sourced fromarticles,... more
This paper examined the nature and dynamics of cybercrime in Nigeria and its contribution to the socioeconomic development challenges in the country. The paper adopted the library research method as secondary data sourced fromarticles, journals, periodicals and publications were utilized. Anchored on the risks society theory, the paper argues that the internet revolution and the advent of mobile telephone technology in the country has posed unintended risks to the society evident in increasing surge in cybercrime such as yahoo-yahoo-advanced fee fraud, hacking, cyber stalking, virus attacks, espionage, character defamation, pornography, online gambling and so on. The paper concludes that widespread cybercrime has negative impact on the socioeconomic development of Nigeria as it tarnishes the image of the country at the global scale, deters foreign investments, and reduces confidence in the digital economy; with huge financial loses to individuals, business organizations and the government. Following these submissions, the paper amongst others recommends that the Nigerian government should enact comprehensive laws to curb cybercrime, while building the capacity of security experts on contemporary cyber technology; also the government should provide jobs and entrepreneurial development opportunities to engage young people to keep them away from crime, while pursuing vigorous enlightenment campaigns for the citizens on basic preventive and protective measures against cybercrime.
Ethiopian pastoralists face many threats to their livelihoods both internal and external. The internal factors include loss of livestock and shrinking rangelands. Climate change and recurrent drought are among the most obvious external... more
Ethiopian pastoralists face many threats to their livelihoods both internal and
external. The internal factors include loss of livestock and shrinking rangelands.
Climate change and recurrent drought are among the most obvious external
factors but there are many others. A great many challenges arise from changing
patterns of land use and land tenure. This book seeks to explore these land
tenure, administration and use issues and share experiences from the country’s
pastoralist communities to offer solutions based on knowledge gained over a
two-year study and documentation period conducted in all the pastoralist regions
of Ethiopia. To start, we must have a full understanding of pastoralism.
Pastoralism is a production system made up of people, natural resources,
livestock and social relations. None can exist without land of some sort.
Practised all over the globe, pastoralism is best suited to dry environments
where it can be productive. Pastoralists support each other and work for their
common good by maintaining water points, resolving conflicts and managing
grazing of common land. Extremely adaptable, they use indigenous knowledge
which is passed on through traditional leaders to make the best use of humans,
the environment and livestock; all working together. Pastoralism has been a
good system of production for thousands of years for a significant part of
Ethiopia’s population and it is well suited to many parts of the country. The
experience of the past hundred years, however, shows that pastoralism is
becoming ever more threatened.
There are approximately 10 million pastoralists in Ethiopia who make up
almost 14 percent of the total population. Coming from at least 29 different
nations and nationalities, Ethiopian pastoralists live in more than 133 woredas
(districts) in seven National Regional States. Somali, Afar and Oromo
pastoralists are in the majority in their states and constitute 87 percent of
the total pastoralist population. Pastoral communities in SNNPR (South Omo
and Bench-Maji Zones), Benishangul-Gumuz, Dire Dewa and Gambella make
up the remainder.
The pastoral regions of Ethiopia, as elsewhere in Africa, have a fragile
environment and unpredictable weather. Pastoralist areas cover about 61
percent of Ethiopia. Usually found below 1,500 metres, these areas are known
as ‘arid and semi-arid’ land and are often described as marginal. Pastoralist areas
are sparsely populated; it takes much more land to sustain a population in the
Pastoralism and Land: Land Tenure, Administration and Use in Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia
arid lowlands than it does in the well-watered highlands. Overall, pastoralist
areas are noted for their highly variable and uncertain rainfall and are prone
to drought and food shortages.
From this land, the pastoral population of Ethiopia produces more than its
share of national livestock output. The areas in which they live are rich in
cultural and traditional heritage, flora and fauna diversity, valuable minerals,
water, energy resources (solar and wind) and tapped and untapped tourist
attractions. Many of the country’s national parks and reserves for instance are
in pastoralist areas. These areas contribute significantly to the national economy
but economic statistics are so uncertain and skewed that this is very hard to
show using existing data. Despite this contribution pastoralist communities
have been subjected to changes in land tenure, ranging from dispossession
to occupation, which combined with political, economic and socio-cultural
marginalization have made their livelihoods ever harder to sustain.
La relación entre la especialización productiva de los países y el desarrollo económico ha sido intensamente estudiada en las ciencias sociales desde por lo menos la década de 1940. En particular, algunas de las preguntas de investigación... more
La relación entre la especialización productiva de los países y el desarrollo económico ha sido intensamente estudiada en las ciencias sociales desde por lo menos la década de 1940. En particular, algunas de las preguntas de investigación más recurrentes y discutidas han sido: ¿es la estructura productiva neutral en términos de crecimiento de largo plazo y, por ende, de desarrollo? ¿Son los recursos naturales una “maldición” para el desarrollo económico? ¿Es la industria manufacturera el sector más estratégico de la estructura productiva? ¿Son los servicios la clave del despegue en el siglo XXI? ¿Qué rol juegan las capacidades tecnológicas en los procesos de desarrollo? ¿Existen denominadores comunes en las experiencias exitosas de desarrollo? ¿Qué papel juega la relación del Estado con los actores sociales a la hora de edificar procesos de transformación productiva sólidos?
Retomando aportes de diversas teorías del desarrollo económico (incluyendo la sociología del desarrollo), la presente tesis se inscribe dentro de tales debates. En este contexto, el objetivo general de la presente investigación será analizar la relación entre especialización productiva, capacidades tecnológicas y desarrollo económico en diferentes regiones del planeta desde mediados del siglo XX. Para ello, nos proponemos tres objetivos específicos: a) Analizar la relación entre especialización productiva, capacidades tecnológicas y el desarrollo económico de un país, a partir de un enfoque sincrónico (2000-2010), para una muestra amplia de países (63 en total, que en 2010 dieron cuenta del 95% del PIB mundial); b) Establecer la relación entre especialización productiva, capacidades tecnológicas, y el desarrollo económico, pero a partir de una visión de largo plazo (1960-2010), para 46 países de diferentes regiones y niveles de desarrollo, con vistas a identificar si existen o no distintas trayectorias nacionales de desarrollo, y c) Analizar factores sociales y político-institucionales que permitan explicar las razones de las trayectorias exitosas en materia de especialización productiva, capacidades tecnológicas y desarrollo. Para ello, se tomará el caso noruego desde la segunda posguerra en adelante, poniendo especial foco en: i) la articulación entre las políticas industriales y las científico-tecnológicas aplicadas por los sucesivos gobiernos, y ii) el rol de diversos actores -trabajo y capital- e instituciones -dependencias del sector público- en la construcción de dichas políticas.
La hipótesis general de la tesis adquiere mayor claridad si se la desagrega en tres partes, cada una de las cuales corresponde a los tres objetivos específicos mencionados. La primera hipótesis es que las capacidades tecnológicas (más que el perfil de especialización en determinado tipo de bienes) son el común denominador del desarrollo económico. En segundo lugar, se postulará como hipótesis adicional que no existe un único sendero de especialización productiva/capacidades tecnológicas exitoso. En tercer lugar, y en sintonía con el tercer objetivo específico, se defenderá la hipótesis de que la creación de capacidades tecnológicas es a su vez una variable dependiente de los factores político-institucionales y de las dinámicas de articulación entre actores sociales y Estado. Tomando la estrategia del estudio de caso, sostendremos que en Noruega la articulación virtuosa entre la política industrial y la política científico-tecnológica fue una de las claves de su desarrollo de largo plazo, y que tal articulación fue posible por el tipo de relación y de acuerdos que se establecieron entre el Estado y los actores sociales relevantes a lo largo de todo el período.
Por último, la estrategia metodológica de la tesis tiene tres niveles, a tono con cada objetivo específico: para el primero, el análisis será eminentemente cuantitativo; para el segundo, la información cuantitativa seguirá siendo esencial, pero se incorporará bibliografía especializada para dar cuenta de las tendencias generales de los senderos nacionales de desarrollo analizados; por último, para el tercer objetivo específico se utilizará la estrategia del estudio de caso, recolectando datos mayormente a partir de la bibliografía especializada, pero también de series estadísticas históricas.
Cross-national empirical research consistently suggests that, on average, former British colonies are both more democratic and have more stable democratic transitions. I argue that former British colonies are distinct not because Great... more
Cross-national empirical research consistently suggests that, on average, former British colonies are both more democratic and have more stable democratic transitions. I argue that former British colonies are distinct not because Great Britain was a democracy – so were France and Belgium during the late 19th and early 20th century. Nor were the British more altruistic. However, British colonial elites were more divided and thus more constrained. In particular, religious groups were more independent from state control in British colonies than in historically-Catholic colonies (i.e., colonies of France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy). Initially the British restricted missions in their colonies, but Evangelical Protestants forced the British to allow religious liberty in 1813. Protestants were not able to win religious liberty in most other European colonizers during the entire period of colonization.
Protestant missionaries were central to expanding formal education in the colonies because they wanted people to read the Bible in their own language. Governments wanted a small educated elite that they could control. Other religious groups invested in mass vernacular education primarily when competing with Protestants.
Missionaries also constrained colonial abuses when they were independent from state control (i.e., chose their own leaders and raised their own funds). If colonial exploitation was extreme, it angered indigenous people against the West and made mission work difficult. Thus missionaries had incentive to fight abuses. Other colonial elites had no incentive to expose their abuses, and indigenous people had little power in the colonizing state. This left missionaries in a unique bridging position. Non-state missionaries also fostered institutions outside state control, institutions that nationalist leaders later used to challenge British colonization and birth political parties.
Statistical analysis confirms the centrality of missions in expanding education and fostering democracy. Controlling for Protestant missions removes the association between democracy and British colonization, other “Protestant” colonization, percent European, percent Muslim, being an island nation, and being a landlocked nation. Other controls (such as current GDP, and current education enrollments) do not remove the strong positive association between Protestant missions and democracy.
The profound experience of Awe-Wonder so often an emotion beyond words is so pervasive in human consciousness that the Japanese even have a word for the profound feelings about life and nature beyond words-Yugen. Socrates observed that... more
The profound experience of Awe-Wonder so often an emotion beyond words is so pervasive in human consciousness that the Japanese even have a word for the profound feelings about life and nature beyond words-Yugen. Socrates observed that "Wonder is the beginning of wisdom!" St. Gregory of Nyssa, an early Christian mystic, observed that it is only through wonder that one can truly comprehend 'Truth!' One might ask hoe can wonder possibly think that wonder could be necessary to understand Truth-or wisdom. Even wilder, one might ask how I could possibly bring Karl Mannheim (1893-1947), a founding father of sociology to explain that situation. Mannheim is perhaps known for Mannheim's Law: "We must realize once and for all that the meanings which make up our world are simply an historically determined and continuously developing structure in which man develops, and are in no sense absolute."
This article reviews conventional theories about various aspects of labor migration: Its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, we provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived... more
This article reviews conventional theories about various aspects of labor migration: Its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, we provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived from the notions of increasing articulation of the international system and the social embeddedness of its various subprocesses, including labor flows. A typology of sources and outcomes of contemporary immigration is presented as an heuristic device to organize the diversity of such movements as described in the empirical literature.
Natural resources availability in any country contributes immensely to its wealth base and aids socio-economic development. This paper examined the natural resource potentials vis-à-vis challenges and prospects as well as the extent to... more
Natural resources availability in any country contributes immensely to its
wealth base and aids socio-economic development. This paper examined the natural resource potentials vis-à-vis challenges and prospects as well as the extent to which these resources have been harnessed to aid socioeconomic development in Nigeria. The study adopted the library research method. Secondary data were analysed statistically. Findings showed that aside crude oil and gas, the abundant natural resource potentials available in Nigeria, have been marginally exploited. The overdependence on crude oil becomes a major challenge to natural resourcedevelopment among other factors including poor technology and technical know-how, low investment in agriculture and the mining sub-sectors, environmental degradation and so on. It was recommended, among others, that the Nigerian government should diversify the economy by investing massively in the agricultural and mining sub-sectors to enhance sustainable natural resource development. value added sectorial complementarity and entrenchment of transparency and accountability in the public sector in relation to the management of wealth accruing from natural resources should be ensured for sustainable development and improved living standards of the citizenry.
Keywords: Natural Resources, Exploitation, Socio-Economic
Abstract: This study proposes to historically and socially embed the space of the economists in Brazil, addressing the ties between competing agents in order to establish boundaries and legitimacy principles of their knowledge and... more
Abstract: This study proposes to historically and socially embed the space of the economists in Brazil, addressing the ties between competing agents in order to establish boundaries and legitimacy principles of their knowledge and practice. The dissertation is dedicated to the study of economy experts who are in transit between the academy, the State, the private sector as well as between national and international spaces, emphasizing the convergence of two resources in accessing prestige and power positions: relationships with people and institutions and specialized credentials. Covering the period from the end of the 1930s to the beginning of 2000, the dissertation shows how the economists' space has become denser and which configurations and fragmentations prevailed at each point in time. Therefore, in order to emphasize the creation of ties over time, the analysis draws upon the interviews and secondary sources used to draw a network, which are presented at the end of each chapter. Data on social origins as well as professional careers was used to characterize each point of the system, revealing that bonds tend to be created between individuals who are socially similar, caused by structural proximity. The oxymoron "meritocracy of ties" features a study in which, despite the progressive appreciation of specialized qualification for the exercise of prestigious roles in economy, the importance of social capital as a route to access power is preserved as fundamental.
of Thinking in terms of fields requires a conversion of one's entire usual vision of the social world, a vision interested only in those things which are visible ... In fact, just as the Newtonian theory of gravitation could be developed... more
of Thinking in terms of fields requires a conversion of one's entire usual vision of the social world, a vision interested only in those things which are visible ... In fact, just as the Newtonian theory of gravitation could be developed only by breakin g away from Cartesian realism, which refused to reco gnize any mode of physical action other than impact, direct contact, in the same wày, the notion of the field presupposes that one break away from the realist representation which leads one to reduce the effect of the milieu to the effect of the direct action that takes place in any interaction. It is the structure of the relations constitutive of the space of the field which determines the forms that can be assumed by the visible relations of interaction and the very content of the experience that agents may have of them. (Bourdieu, 1982:-4l; Bourdieu 1990c: 192) This work aims to introduce the reader to Pierre Bourdieu's theory of fields, to evaluate it critically and, through case studies, to test its implementation in the analysis of new objects. While the use of Bourdieu's concept of the habitus has given rise to countless discussions, the literature strangely remains more silent on the theory of fields, although it lies at the heart of his work. A series published by Editions du Seuil, started and initially edited by Bourdieu, includes a number of monographs that apply the theory of fields;r some journals have devoted whole issues to explicitly mobilizing the theory in order to study specific areas, and a growing number of works make use of it.
This dissertation examines the logic of exchange and power in agrarian Nepal. The society in Jajarkot District is researched through an examination of labor exchange. Researchers have examined the jajmãni system, known throughout South... more
This dissertation examines the logic of exchange and power in agrarian Nepal. The society in Jajarkot District is researched through an examination of labor exchange. Researchers have examined the jajmãni system, known throughout South Asia as a ritualized system of reciprocal rights and duties among castes. Yet many other labor exchange practices exist in Jãjarkoë District, western Nepal. Therefore, this dissertation asks, “Is jajmãni a self-contained system of productive social relations?” I conclude that jajmãni is one small part in a larger system of productive social relations. This dissertation explicates rules of practice for the range of management strategies used in Nepali farming and livestock herding.
This dissertation focuses on work strategies known as khalo, jajmãni, hali, ãdhiyå, baure, parimã, and sahayog. These translate as "artisanship," "Brãhman priestly services," "plowing services," "sharecropping," "daily labor," "reciprocal exchange," and "labor gifting." Together, these practices constitute a system of ethnomanagement essential for small-scale production in Nepal.
The method of ethnography used involved both qualitative and quantitative data collection. Conversational interviews were used to understand the cultural construction of labor relations. Socio-economic surveys were administered in Jãjarkoë District and two hundred and sixty households were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment correlations. The data support the hypothesis that combinations of named labor practices enhance elites’ social control over non-elites. Thus, using all of the labor practices, and not simply jajmãni, elites engage in negotiated labor exchanges which are often structurally unequal.
Structurally unequal exchange is part of an economic system labeled “paternalism.” Paternalism is marked by unequal exchange; patron-clientism (e.g., jajmãni); land ownership as a primary marker of social status; prominent barter and labor exchange systems; and workers continuing to control their own means of production.
In summary, Nepalese indigenous labor relations solidify Nepali social caste and class hierarchies; employ paternalism as a mechanism of unequal exchange; continue as viable strategies despite intrusions of capitalism; and form a network of labor strategies rather than one monolithic jajmãni system.
Se presenta la letra e indicaciones de cuándo se debe tocar un toque histórica de la caballería militar de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. En Asamblea General de Ejidatarios del 25 de noviembre del 2014, del Ejido Ursulo Galván, Quintana... more
Se presenta la letra e indicaciones de cuándo se debe tocar un toque histórica de la caballería militar de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. En Asamblea General de Ejidatarios del 25 de noviembre del 2014, del Ejido Ursulo Galván, Quintana Roo, se tomó la decisión de formar el pelotón de defensa rural, asi como letra y música de su himno.
Egyre többen érzik a bőrükön is, hogy a globalizált újkapitalizmus nem a megvalósult Kánaán, szaporodó és súlyosbodó válságokkal jár, szégyenletes egyenlőtlenségeket okoz, és ökológiai kizsákmányoláshoz vezet. Válogatásunk nem titkolt... more
Egyre többen érzik a bőrükön is, hogy a globalizált újkapitalizmus nem a megvalósult Kánaán, szaporodó és súlyosbodó válságokkal jár, szégyenletes egyenlőtlenségeket okoz, és ökológiai kizsákmányoláshoz vezet. Válogatásunk nem titkolt célja, hogy a magyar és kelet-európai gazdaságok fejlődéséről folyó diskurzust megnyissuk, elősegítsük.