Startup Ecosystems Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Recognizing the need of articulating the startup ecosystem's initiatives, the study was based on qualitative interviews to different members of the startup community, including entrepreneurs, mentors, investors, incubators, event... more

Recognizing the need of articulating the startup ecosystem's initiatives, the study was based on qualitative interviews to different members of the startup community, including entrepreneurs, mentors, investors, incubators, event organizers and government officials.
The resulting report provided a comprehensive view of the state of entrepreneurship in Costa Rica including determinants such as culture, the startup community, the entrepreneur, the startup and funding.
The mapping provided local entrepreneurs with a consolidated guide of all supporting organizations in the startup ecosystem, their programs, target audience and contact information, as well as a series of best practices reported by more experienced members of the community.

O objetivo central deste livro é abordar, de forma sistematizada e simplificada, os principais aspectos referentes à regulação jurídica de modelos de negócios que, tanto pela particularidade de sua organização,q uanto por seu imenso... more

O objetivo central deste livro é abordar, de forma sistematizada e simplificada, os principais aspectos referentes à regulação jurídica de modelos de negócios que, tanto pela particularidade de sua organização,q uanto por seu imenso potencial econômico, tem gradativamente conquistado a atenção de diferentes setores. São empreendedores que, a partir de ideias inovadoras e de impacto, mas que encerram muitas incertezas, desenvolvem modelos de negócios que possam gerar produtos ou serviços escaláveis e repetíveis, nos mais diversos tipos de mercados. Identificadas sob o termo de startup - hoje de quase unânime aceitação e utilização - tais atividades empresariais têm seu regime legal cercado por normas que muitas vezes são desconhecidas - ou, pior, involuntariamente negligenciadas - pelos empreendedores, acarretando em sérios e muitas vezes desnecessários riscos para estas nascentes e promissoras empresas. Tornou-se, desta forma, essencial a elaboração de material que permita aos empreendedores, investidores e demais interessados no ecossistema das startups o conhecimento dos diferentes e indispensáveis aspectos legais inerentes à adequada estruturação de seus empreendimentos. Neste sentido, este livro cobre relevantes assuntos que vão desde a regular constituição do empreendimento até questões como ecossistema empreendedor, a relação entre os sócios, captação de recursos financeiros próprios e de terceiros, proteção jurídica e forma de exploração econômica da tecnologia, além das obrigações de natureza trabalhista e tributária decorrentes destas atividades.

Startups are gaining attention from the policy makers across the globe in the recent years. A paradigm shift has occurred in the concept of entrepreneurship as they are seen as the spring board for germinating innovation, triggering... more

Startups are gaining attention from the policy makers across the globe in the recent years. A
paradigm shift has occurred in the concept of entrepreneurship as they are seen as the spring board for germinating innovation, triggering development and generating employment. The startup wave hit India in the last decade. Each state has started growing an ecosystem understanding the potential of entrepreneurship in the development of the state. The present study compares the startup ecosystem of Karnataka with that of Kerala. Karnataka occupies a unique position in the startup landscape of India. The study was undertaken with the help of secondary data. It was observed that each ecosystem has its own unique features. The increasing number of startups and supporting organizations in Karnataka shows the favorable micro and macro environment supporting startups.
Kerala is an emerging startup hub which is on its maturity stage where as Karnataka has moderately matured when compared with the rest of India.

Chandigarh is a city and a union territory in India that serves as the capital of the two neighbouring states of Punjab and Haryana. The city is unique as it is not a part of either of the two states but is governed directly by the... more

Összefoglalás: A technológiai szektor kulcsszerepet játszhat a Covid-válságot követő gazdasági talpra állásban. Korábbi tapasztalatok alapján a krízis várhatóan új startup-ökoszisztémák felemelkedését is elő fogja mozdítani. A lehetőségek... more

Összefoglalás: A technológiai szektor kulcsszerepet játszhat a Covid-válságot követő gazdasági talpra állásban. Korábbi tapasztalatok alapján a krízis várhatóan új startup-ökoszisztémák felemelkedését is elő fogja mozdítani. A lehetőségek és kihívások értékelésekor Magyarországot és azon belül Budapestet olyan helyszínekkel érdemes összehasonlítani, amelyeket az ország vagy a főváros mérete, a helyi gazdaság fejlettségi szintje, illetve egy globálisan jegyzett ökoszisztéma építésének potenciálja hasonlóvá tesz hazánkhoz. Az elemzés Portugáliával, Észtországgal és Lengyelországgal hasonlítja össze Magyarországot különböző nemzetközi versenyképességi és innovációs rangsorokban elért helyezések alapján. Az összevetés tükrében hazánk mellett szól az általános innovációs teljesítmény, az angol nyelvtudás szintje, a hálózati infrastruktúra kiépítettsége, valamint a javuló finanszírozási lehetőségek. A számos megoldandó feladat közül kiemelkedik a humánerőforrás mennyiségi problémája. A kihívások kezelésében segíthet a Portugáliához hasonló, gyors ütemben fejlődő ökoszisztémák jó gyakorlatainak tanulmányozása.

Over the past few years, the concept of smart cities as a tangible template for sustainable urban development has gained increasing attention. The concept is characterized by a greater use of modern information and communication... more

Over the past few years, the concept of smart cities as a tangible template for sustainable urban development has gained increasing attention. The concept is characterized by a greater use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT), the inclusion of city stakeholders in urban development, and new forms of urban governance. Also of major importance in smart cities is local entrepreneurial innovation, as it contributes to economic growth and provides solutions to urban challenges. Past research has identified the smart city as a city with a higher entrepreneurial activity and shows that key attributes of a smart city favour the activity of startups and SMEs. Yet, it remains unexplored whether all the developmental requirements of startups are, in fact, addressed and answered by the attributes of a smart city.
In this thesis, the author investigates this research gap by focusing on digital startups and using the elements of a local innovation ecosystem as a proxy for startup requirements. Based on an analysis of the quantitative data of 28 European cities from two city indices – the Smart Cities 4.0 Ranking and the European Digital City Index – the author first confirms the theory that smarter cities provide a beneficial environment for the innovation ecosystems of digital startups. Further analysis of this relationship reveals that smart cities fulfil most of the requirements of digital startups. Elements that stand out in particular are the higher living standard and the greater market demand for digital products and services that smart cities provide. However, the two most relevant elements to startups, meaning the access to capital and to mentoring and managerial assistance, remain mostly unaddressed by the smart city. It appears that, the more specific these elements are to an entrepreneurial environment, the less likely it is that the smart city ensures the presence of these elements.
Based on the results, it appears digital startups successfully identify beneficial locations and markets, and policy makers equally successfully target gaps in their support of the innovation ecosystem. Further research is needed to deepen the understanding of the relationship to single elements of the ecosystem and the impact of smart city strategies on them over an extended period of time.

Bu kitap, girişimci olarak yeni bir işe başlayan ya da girişimci olup işlerini sistemli ve stratejik olarak büyütmek isteyen kişilere girişimciliğin tüm yönlerini kapsayan pratik bir rehberdir. Özellikle 21. yüzyılda girişimciliğin... more

Bu kitap, girişimci olarak yeni bir işe başlayan ya da girişimci olup işlerini sistemli ve stratejik olarak büyütmek isteyen kişilere girişimciliğin tüm yönlerini kapsayan pratik bir rehberdir. Özellikle 21. yüzyılda girişimciliğin kaçınılmaz gerekliliği olan fırsatların hızlı olarak geliştirilip, karlı şirketlere dönüşmesinde gerekli olan stratejiyi sistemli olarak okuyucuları adım adım yönlendirmektedir. Başarılı bir işletme oluşturmak için gerekli tüm prosedürler bu kitapta mevcutdur:
Düzgün yasal altyapıyı,
İş modelleri ve planları,
Organizasyon modelleri,
Pazarlama stratejileri,
Güçlü finansal alt yapı,
Fikri Sınai Mülki Haklar
Patentleme ve Lisanslama
Müşteri ihtiyaç analizleri ve müşteri memnuniyeti.
Günümüzde piyasaları büyüten küçük işletme ve girişimcilerin haberleriyle dolu. Girişimcilik özellikle de küçük işletmelerin girişimcilik hareketi küresel ekonomide büyük bir güç haline geldi. Dünya çapında politika yapıcılar artık küçük ama dinamik girişimcilerin, ekonomik gelişme ve refahın artmasında oynadıkları önemli rolden haberdarlar. Yaratıcı, müşteri odaklı, yeni ürün ve hizmetler sunan,kendilerini başarılı olmaya adamış, dinamik, kararlı kadın ve erkek girişimcilerin ellerinde yeni bir girişimcilikten söz edilmekte. İste bu kitap, bu yeni girişimcilik için okuyuculara yol haritası vermekte. Girişimciliğin öğretilebilecek önemli sırlarını vererek, empati yoluyla küçük değerlerden nasıl fark yaratabileceğine vurgu yapmaktadır. Ayrıca kitap sosyal inovasyon ve sosyal girişimcilik ile ekonomik refah sağlamanın ötesinde dünyayı daha yaşanılası bir yer haline getirmedeki sistemi de sunmaktadır. Kitabın en önemli vurgusu ise bu yeni girişimcilik ruhuna sahip olanların daha kolay bir şekilde pek çok insanın yaşam standartlarını artırma becerisini kanıtlayan sosyo-ekonomik-kültürel-çevresel devrime liderlik etme üzerine kurgulanmıştır. Küçük işletmelerin yönetiminde ve/ya girişimcilik derslerinde bu kitabı kullanarak yaşadığımız toplumda ya da dünya çapında kısa-orta-uzun süreli olumlu değişiklikler meydana getirmek mümkün olacaktır. Sosyo-ekonomik-kültürel-çevresel değişim ve dönüşüme katkı sağlayan bu kitap ile iş başarısı ve finansal zenginlik elde etmek ve yeni girişimcilerden olmak için düşünme şeklini değiştiren ve stratejik hedefleri koyarak gerçekleştirmeyi sağlamak kolay olacaktır.

Bu kitapla ilk seanstan son seansa kadar, yardım ilşikisini yapılandırmanın yollarını gösteren bir haritaya sahip olacaksınız. Kitap boyunca ilişki kurma konusunda ilişkinin yapısını ve danışmanlık sürecini; anlama konusunda problemi... more

Bu kitapla ilk seanstan son seansa kadar, yardım ilşikisini yapılandırmanın yollarını gösteren bir haritaya sahip olacaksınız. Kitap boyunca ilişki kurma konusunda ilişkinin yapısını ve danışmanlık sürecini; anlama konusunda problemi analiz etmeyi, duyguları, düşünceleri iletişim ve eylemleri değerlendirmeyi; değişim konusunda ise tüm bu alanlarda yapılan müdahaleleri ve belirli teknikleri öğreneceksiniz. Her bir bölümdeki etkinlikler ile ilgili becerileri uygulama yoluyla edinme ve kitap sonunda kazanımlarınızı yeniden değerlendirme imkânı bulacaksınız.

This academic thesis takes into consideration the startup ecosystems of Silicon Valley (United States) and Bangalore (India). Bangalore is a city where considerable efforts have been dedicated to the promotion of the innovation since more... more

This academic thesis takes into consideration the startup ecosystems of Silicon Valley (United States) and Bangalore (India). Bangalore is a city where considerable efforts have been dedicated to the promotion of the innovation since more than one decade. Today, in India, the city of Bangalore exemplifies a successful and world famous ecosystem of innovation which was comparatively set up decades ago in Silion Valley. Therefore, I took the opportunity of doing an internship at swissnex India in Bangalore to explore this startup ecosystem and depict its features in comparison with Silicon Valley’s. Even though there are differences between United States and India based on culture, society and economy, as to the structure of their respective startup ecosystem we can for sure draw points of analysis to identify and understand the levers by which innovation and entrepreneurship can be fostered to make a startup ecosystem successful and drive economic development in a region: high-impact entrepreneurs, community and culture, government and regulation, universities and education, incubators and accelerators, and capital sources.

Despite the ubiquity of small towns, the forces shaping entrepreneurship in cities of limited size, reach, and scope are unexamined. To address the lack of attention to small town entrepreneurship, a comparative-case study of two small... more

Despite the ubiquity of small towns, the forces shaping entrepreneurship in cities of limited size, reach, and scope are unexamined. To address the lack of attention to small town entrepreneurship, a comparative-case study of two small towns (Newton Falls, Ohio and Geneva, Ohio) was conducted. The study examines how and to what extent entrepreneurial activity manifests in small towns and identifies the strategies and contextual forces that promote and hinder small town entrepreneurship. Findings reveal (a) a variety of entrepreneurial activities occur in small towns, (b) community members engage in market and community-based strategies to encourage entrepreneurship, and (c) there is an ecosystem of economic and community dynamics that spur and discourage entrepreneurial activity. The findings contribute to research on entrepreneurship and economic development in small towns and generate practical implications for policymakers and entrepreneurs.

India is the second biggest crowded nation on the planet with 1.2 billion populaces. To conceal this huge populace there exist enormous potentiality of job market India. In any case, according to the most recent Asia Pacific Human... more

India is the second biggest crowded nation on the planet with 1.2 billion populaces. To conceal this huge populace there exist enormous potentiality of job market India. In any case, according to the most recent Asia Pacific Human Development Report, India is confronting serious scarcity of job among young graduates. To tackle this, Government of India in 2016 came up with a new action plan called start-up India. The objective is to encourage the young population of India to take up entrepreneurial role and be job creator rather job seekers. It also hopes to accelerate of the start-ups movement from IT sector to a wide range of sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, etc. By providing various Financial assistance and Incentives, Industry-Academic collaboration.

The rapid development of various institutions supporting company creation in India has the potential to generate economic growth, innovation, and economic development. However, this article shows that the start-up ecosystem has unevenly... more

The rapid development of various institutions supporting company creation in India has the potential to generate economic growth, innovation, and economic development. However, this article shows that the start-up ecosystem has unevenly developed across cities and economic sectors, and has failed to empower the overall population, so far. Using a comprehensive database on start-ups retrieved from Tracxn, a business data and analytics company, the authors find that venture capital concentrates amongst graduates stemming from a handful of prestigious education institutes in India and abroad. The article analyses the role of entrepreneurship policies and argues for a shift of focus and resources towards the building of a more inclusive start-up ecosystem.

This study aims to articulate the students' perception about cyber bullying, particularly on social media. Even though ICT technology provides a large number of benefits, particularly those who are young, as Campbell (2005) has pointed... more

This study aims to articulate the students' perception about cyber bullying, particularly on social media. Even though ICT technology provides a large number of benefits, particularly those who are young, as Campbell (2005) has pointed out that it has also a "dark side" (p. 68). Particularly after the intensive and extensive use of the social media, the impact of the cyberbullying has dramatically increased, but it is rarely discussed and prevented. Hence, in this study, the forty-five participants were selected from two different universities and by using phenomenological analysis (Moustakas, 1994), eight research questions were answered in the semi-structured interviews, which were approximately 45 minutes in length. By gathering theoriginal data were gathered from 'naive' descriptions the experiences related to cyber bullying were taken into account based on reflection and interpretation of the participant's different stories. The collected data were analyzed in Atlas.ti 6 in order to make depth study. Additionally, there were limitations in terms of selecting the participants since a few students wanted to share their personal experiences. As a result, the data showed that the students had inevitably affected by the cyber bullying in the social media in many ways. Among ali these students, the female students had been influenced to a greater degree comparing to male students. Most (96%) of the participants agreed that social relations had changed a lot and they had to have connections with their friends through the social media. The students— particularly females—viewed cyber bullying as a problem, but no one rarely discussed at the university. More importantly a large number (89%) felt loneliness and they did not know how to behave properly. Most (91%) students did not see any helpful resources when dealing with cyber bullying. Students (82%) were currently experiencing the majority of cyber bullying instances outside of the school day, but they had direct relationship with the events at the university. Students (84%) were not able to suggest some basic strategies in order to deal with cyber bullying. They (79%) agreed that they did not know how to respond to cyberbullying. Additionally, a large number of the (94%) participants agreed that the effects would be different on the elite environments comparing to the socially disadvantaged environments. They (96%) pointed out that the future of social media had been changing in terms of education and learning so that they did not have any chance to ignore the social media. Most (85%) of the participants clarified that the university social environment, centres and counselling offices would develop a better network and understanding in order to decrease cyber bullying. Most (88%) participants articulated that cyber bullying on the socail media would develop particuiar problems and would change the culture of social life. Most (81%) claim that social media are important not only for their social life but also for their Professional life so that they did not want to see their private photographs on the walls of their friends. These (61%) participants strongly pointed out that
privacy was remarkably important for the individuals but it was not controlled. Furthermore, most (92%) participants mentioned that the autonomy in the social media would make the individulas aggressive due to the fact that there was not any law and regulations to.

Entrepreneurial ecosystems, the set of forces that generate and sustain regional entrepreneurial activity, are a growing focus of scholars and practitioners. Studies are beginning to draw attention to the role of cultural artifacts,... more

Entrepreneurial ecosystems, the set of forces that generate and sustain regional entrepreneurial activity, are a growing focus of scholars and practitioners. Studies are beginning to draw attention to the role of cultural artifacts, including narratives, in the functioning of entrepreneurial ecosystems. However, the mechanisms driving narratives’ effects on ecosystem participants are unexamined. The purpose of this paper is to develop theory that explains the influence of entrepreneurial ecosystem narratives on how audiences process information. It is theorized that differences among ecosystems can, in part, be explained by differences in the properties of the narratives that take hold in them. Specifically, propositions are developed about four properties that represent sources of variation among ecosystem narratives: their ability to capture attention, influence the cognitive and emotional encoding of information, and be memorable. Further, it is argued that the maturity of the entrepreneurial ecosystem influences the novelty and potency of narrative effects. By integrating theories of cognitive and social psychology, narrative theory, and entrepreneurship, this paper advances our understanding of how narratives about entrepreneurial ecosystems influence audiences.

Mitler, bazı gizemli olayların neden gerçekleştiğini açıklamak veya nasıl davranmamız ve düşünmemiz gerektiğini doğrulamak amacıyla ortaya çıkan ve nesilden nesile aktarılan hikâyelerdir. Kültürler, etraflarındaki dünyayı açıklamak için... more

Mitler, bazı gizemli olayların neden gerçekleştiğini açıklamak veya nasıl davranmamız ve düşünmemiz gerektiğini doğrulamak amacıyla ortaya çıkan ve nesilden nesile aktarılan hikâyelerdir. Kültürler, etraflarındaki dünyayı açıklamak için mevcut bilgilerden faydalanamadıklarında mitler üretirler. Pek çok insanın yaratıcı olmakla ilgili yanlış inançları vardır. Bu yanlış inanç nedeniyle de yaratıcılıklarını tam olarak kullanamazlar. Yaratıcı bireylerin ve firmaların başarıları üzerindeki en son araştırmalardan biri bu kitabın yazarı David Burks'e aittir.
Elinizdeki bu kitap, yaratıcılık ile ilgili sahip olabileceğimiz yanlış fikirler ve gerçekler ile bizleri yüzleştirip, en iyi fikir ve projeleri, araştırma ve programları bulmak için bizlere pratik bir yöntem sunmaktadır. Özellikle, birçok kişinin ya da organizasyonun yaygın olarak kullandığı 10 yanlış yaratıcılık efsanesinin üzerinde durarak yeni bir sistem önermektedir. Kitapta, tamamıyla yenilikçi stratejileri tasarlayabilmek için yaratıcılık hakkındaki yanlış efsaneleri dolayısıyla da ön yargıları nasıl ortadan kaldırabileceğimiz konusunda cesur fikirler sunulmaktadır. Ayrıca kitap, yaratıcılığın ilham alınarak, bazen tesadüfi gerçekleştiğine ve biraz da şansa bağlı kalındığına dair fikirlerimizi değiştirecek bir kitaptır. Bunun için, özellikle pek çok gence yön veren kişilerin okuması gereken bir kitap konumundadır; gerek büyük gerekse küçük şirketlerde fark oluşturmak isteyen bireyler ve yöneticiler için el kitabı niteliğindedir.
Günümüzde rekabetçi küresel pazarlarda ve ortamlarda kaliteli, hızlı, ihtiyaçlara yönelik yenilikçi ürünler, hizmetler veya süreçler sunmak kaçınılmazdır. Bir diğer anlamda, yenilikçiliğe odaklı yüksek değer oluşturan işler için bizlerden yaratıcı olmamız, yeni ve kullanışlı fikirler geliştirmemiz beklenmektedir. Yenilikçi fikirlerin ortaya çıkması şansa bırakılamaz.
Yaratıcılık ile ilgili ilk dar boğaz, toplumların oluşturduğu mitler ile karşı karşıya kalınmasıdır. Mitlerin ortadan kaldırılacağı yenilikçi fikirler üretmek için kullanılabilecek, bilimsel açıdan kanıtlanmış bir yaratıcılık modeline ihtiyaç vardır. Müthiş fikirler üretmek için bir dış güç inancına bel bağlamak zorunda değiliz. İhtiyacımız olan her şeye zaten kendi içimizde sahibiz. Akıcı bir üslupla ve örneklerle anlatılan bu kitapta, yaratıcılığın efsaneleri, yenilikçiliğe götüren süreçlerin üzerindeki sır perdelerini aralamaktadır.
David Burks, Yaratıcılık Mitleri adlı bu kitabında yenilikçiliği tetikleyen inanışların, engellerin ve güçlerin gizemini çözmeye yardımcı oluyor. Kitap boyunca, her bölümde bilimsel açıdan konuyu destekleyecek farklı örnekler bulabilirsiniz. Yenilik çalışmalarını geliştirmek isteyen herkes için Yaratıcılık Mitleri yeni fikirler bulmak açısından mutlaka okunması gereken önemli bir kitap.

In Turkey, most university administrators and academic staff members are not yet fully aware of intellectual property rights (IPRs). Researchers often have difficulty in licensing opportunities that can provide additional revenue streams... more

In Turkey, most university administrators and academic staff members are not yet fully aware of intellectual property rights (IPRs). Researchers often have difficulty in licensing opportunities that can provide additional revenue streams due to the lack of either strategic policies set by the administration or a dedicated technology transfer (or licensing) office (TTO). This paper attempts to shed some light
on the relationship between intellectual property rights and licensing awareness in Turkish universities as well as how this is affected by the lack of TTOs. Semi-structured exploratory interviews were conducted with 45 researchers in two different faculties (Medicine and Engineering). Results show that most of the participants, including a higher-than-expected percentage from the Faculty of Engineering,
were not aware of the importance of the technology that they had developed in terms of licensing and royalties that they could earn. In conclusion, it can be said that universities in Turkey have to undergo a policy change regarding managerial issues, especially with regards to Technology Transfer Offices. Increasing the visibility of technology transfer options and agreements, as well as further research on this topic, is recommended.

The notion of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) has garnered considerable attention in the academic discourse. However, quite often this notion is treated as just a biological metaphor that should not be taken too seriously. I challenge... more

The notion of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) has garnered considerable attention in the academic discourse. However, quite often this notion is treated as just a biological metaphor that should not be taken too seriously. I challenge this view and ask in a thought experiment what could be learned from the management of natural ecosystems to assist the development of EEs. The outcome is a novel, service-based definition of EEs and five suggested principles for the management of EEs that might advance theorizing on them and future empirical analysis.

The publication of the first report on Polish startups marks the beginning of cyclical studies on enterprises belonging to the digital economy in Poland. The research aims to provide information which will make it possible to determine... more

The publication of the first report on Polish startups marks the beginning of cyclical studies on enterprises belonging to the digital economy in Poland. The research aims to provide information which will make it possible to determine the significance of the digital industry in the economy and the direction and pace of its growth in Poland. Until now no research has been conducted which would make it possible to describe the industry’s most important features and support them with detailed figures. This Report deals with the problem of determining the significance of the digital industry in the economy of Poland and the region.

Global lessons and research for donors and governments on how you Strengthen an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.

Thousands of Calgary jobs have been lost due to the prolonged slump in oil. In fact, economic models demonstrate the impact will not be just in the Calgary region but will impact the broader Canadian economy. The provincial and municipal... more

The aim of this book is to understand the effects of neo-liberal economies and globalization on education policies where they create inequalities and conflicts. However, the main goal of education is defined as a radical democratization... more

The aim of this book is to understand the effects of neo-liberal economies and globalization on education policies where they create inequalities and conflicts. However, the main goal of education is defined as a radical democratization in the schools through the transformation of knowledge. Curriculum plays important role in the transformation of knowledge and it is crucial to build a radical transformation of the societies. From this perspective, three alternative curricula, namely, Peace Education and Conflict Resolution Education, and Peace Education and Conflict Resolution Education combined are implemented and evaluated to investigate the effects on pre-service tecahers' Emotional Intelligence, Self-concept, and Conflict Resolution Skills. The findings indicated that the Peace Education, Conflict Resolution Education, and the Peace Education and the Conflict Resolution Education combined curricula has significant effects on Emotional Intelligence, Self Concept and Conflict Resolution Skills. Among these three curricula, the Peace Education and Conflict Resolution Education combined has the highest effects on Emotional Intelligence, Self Concept and Conflict Resolution Skills.

Psikoloji ve Yaşam'ın Bu 19. Basımı Richard Gerrig ve Philip Zimbardo arasındaki beşinci iş birliğidir. Psikolojiyi insan refahıyla ilgili bir bilim olarak gördüğümüz ve bu alanda ihtisaslaşmanın önemine inandığımız için birlikteliğimiz... more

Psikoloji ve Yaşam'ın Bu 19. Basımı Richard Gerrig ve Philip Zimbardo arasındaki beşinci iş birliğidir. Psikolojiyi insan refahıyla ilgili bir bilim olarak gördüğümüz ve bu alanda ihtisaslaşmanın önemine inandığımız için birlikteliğimiz güçlendi. Psikolojinin bilimsel kesinliğinin çağdaş yaşamın kaygılarına ışık tutması nedeniyle, öğretim deneyimlerimizi de bu metinde ilişkilendirerek, bu kitabı ortaya çıkardık. Dahası , Richard'ın bilimsel psikolojideki uzmanlığı bu kitapta önemli bir tamamlayıcılık sağlamıştır. Baş yazar olarak Richard Psikoloji ve Yaşam kitabında, psikolojideki, özellikle bilişsel ve sinir bilim alanlarındaki hızlı değişimlerden en kapsamlı şekilde haberdar etmektedir. Böylece, Psikoloji ve Yaşam, öğrencilerinizin yaşamlarına önemli psikolojik iç görüleri kazandıran yaklaşımı ile önemli bir geleneği sürdürüyor.19. basım bu güzel iş birliğinin bir ürünüdür.

Entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) are receiving intense attention. However, the revitalization of inactive EEs in unmunificent contexts is understudied. To investigate this phenomenon, an inductive study was conducted of a once-vibrant EE... more

Entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) are receiving intense attention. However, the revitalization of inactive EEs in unmunificent contexts is understudied. To investigate this phenomenon, an inductive study was conducted of a once-vibrant EE that became dormant because of an undiversified industrial base and a precipitous decline in its regional economy. The study revealed that the community members working to revitalize the city's EE ("EE champions") used a holistic collection of economic, socio-cultural, community, and discursive strategies. The findings have implications for scholars focused on entrepreneurship in atypical contexts, the micro-foundations of EEs, and EE leadership. The study also generates concrete insights for practitioners seeking to reinvigorate EEs.

This article revises the effects of the metacognition development on project-based learning by giving different cases for the graduate level students (n=86) at the innovation and entrepreneurship courses. The objective of the article is... more

This article revises the effects of the metacognition development on project-based learning by giving different cases for the graduate level students (n=86) at the innovation and entrepreneurship courses. The objective of the article is to understand clearly and deeply how metacognitive learning methodologies affect the learning process and outcome. As a result, cases in which everyday challenges, such as social, economic, cultural, and environmental are solved develop better environments for the development of metacognition due to the fact that the highest ‘meta-level’ of cognition is implicated. In the project-based learning, by solving different problems it is possible to develop creative ideas while improving highly developed skills.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the ERPA Congress 2014.
Keywords: metacognition; development; project based learning; metacognitive skills; learning process

The study reported in this paper compared the effects of two approaches of blended learning on students’ learning outcomes in courses on intellectual property rights and patents. One group of students followed three weeks of online... more

The study reported in this paper compared the effects of two approaches of blended learning on students’ learning outcomes in courses on intellectual property rights and patents. One group of students followed three weeks of online graduate courses and underwent peer assessment. In a second group of students, the online work and peer assessment were combined with active face-to-face experience-based learning. Pre and post-tests were used to measure the students’ knowledge about intellectual property rights and patents. In addition, a questionnaire was used to gather data on the students’ opinions regarding course arrangement and implementation, digital learning, the learning environment, and their knowledge, understanding, and implementation of intellectual property rights and patents. The data were quantitatively analyzed to determine whether the two blended learning approaches differed in terms of the effects measured. The findings show that the students approved of the online courses and also the face-to-face learning. These findings may reflect approval of the decrease in costs and time. The implication is that active face-to-face experience-based learning should supplement online courses with peer assessment, as this combination led to more successful learning outcomes among students taking courses on intellectual property rights and patents.

The purpose of the SLAP project is developing ecosystem for processes aimed at improving the efficiency of qualitative pre-assessment of the research and innovation projects in the field of ICT. The SLAP project displays 3 major... more

The purpose of the SLAP project is developing ecosystem for processes aimed at improving the efficiency of qualitative pre-assessment of the research and innovation projects in the field of ICT. The SLAP project displays 3 major benefits:
 Speed to help companies innovate faster, value faster.
 Qualitative evaluation and validation of the science-intensive projects, and reduced uncertainty for value proposition by implementing based on fuzzy inference prediction model.
 Trustable, Transparent, and Secure intellectual property management solution based on BlockChain technology and Smart contracts.

Wzór dla cytowań: Skala, A., Kruczkowska, E., & Olczak, M. (2015). Polskie Startupy. Raport 2015. Publikacja pierwszego Raportu o polskich startupach oznacza rozpoczęcie cyklicznych badań nad przedsiębiorstwami należącymi do sektora... more

Wzór dla cytowań: Skala, A., Kruczkowska, E., & Olczak, M. (2015). Polskie Startupy. Raport 2015.
Publikacja pierwszego Raportu o polskich startupach oznacza rozpoczęcie cyklicznych badań nad przedsiębiorstwami należącymi do sektora gospodarki cyfrowej w Polsce. Jest to pierwsze badanie, które ma na celu dostarczenie informacji, które pozwolą określić znaczenie branży cyfrowej w gospodarce oraz kierunki i tempo jej rozwoju w Polsce.
Raport dzieli się na sześć części:
• Metryka startupów – w której przedstawiono lokalizację, okres działalności i formę prawną startupów, które wzięły udział w ankiecie;
• Modele biznesowe i rozwój – wskazano główne kategorie klientów, najpopularniejsze rodzaje produktów, etap i tempo rozwoju działalności, plany na przyszłość oraz wycenę spółek;
• Zasoby – w dwóch podrozdziałach omówiono źródła finansowania kapitału w startupach oraz potrzeby względem zasobów niefinansowych;
• Zatrudnienie – gdzie przyjrzano się zespołom założycielskim oraz wielkości i perspektywom zatrudnienia w startupach;
• Eksport – omówiono obecność startupów na rynkach zagranicznych i scharakteryzowano ich działalność
• Innowacyjność – gdzie wskazano źródła inspiracji oraz nośniki i sposoby wdrażania innowacji w startupach.

Problem Statement: Transferring technology from university labs to startups at techno-parks is expensive and takes time.Therefore,blended learning has been using to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of technology transfer.... more

Problem Statement: Transferring technology from university labs to startups at techno-parks is expensive and takes time.Therefore,blended learning has been using to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of technology transfer.
Research Questions: in this study, how the blended learning can significantly affect the technology transfer from the university labs to the startups at the university technology parks is studied.
Purpose of Study: The purpose of this paper is to provide an alternative practice model called blended learning at the technology parks to enhance the effective and efficient technology transfer experiences. Hence,the design,methodology,and approach in technology transfer have changed by empowering the blended Iearning-online, mobile, and face to face learning.
Research Methods: in this study, 46 participants were randomly selected and randomly placed into a technology transfer group (n=23) and a control group (n=23). The data were collected through intensive interviews and analyzed by using Atlas.ti 7.The learning experiences and outcomes were articulated and compared through pre and post tests,including the control groups.
Findings: The results shovved blended learning had increased motivation of the participants.Most(89%)of the participants agreed they could not find time and money even though they needed the intensive know-how in terms of the technology transfer in their field that they could reach from the experts at the university .They learnt additional info to improve their products and services.
Conclusions: The experiences in blended learning could öpen new perspectives in empovvering the startups in technology transfer.The shareholders at the university labs and startups could not find enough time and even money to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the technology transfer.Hence,face to face learning on online and mobile can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the technology transfer. Key Words: Technology Transfers,Techno-parks, Higher Education,Blended Learning

Problem Statement: Today’s ever-changing educational environment has created a need for new leadership styles that encourage positive change and improvement. In Turkish universities, the most commonly used leadership models are the... more

Problem Statement: Today’s ever-changing educational environment has created a need for new leadership styles
that encourage positive change and improvement. In Turkish universities, the most commonly used leadership models are the classic and/or traditional ones, which lead to stagnation in innovation and entrepreneurship. Only a limited number of universities are actively engaged in innovative research activities and achieve success in terms of entrepreneurship and cooperative work with industry. Abroad effort is needed to improve cooperation and encourage leadership development.
Purpose of Study: This paper attempts to show and critically analyze the role of leadership models of university management in creating a learning environment for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 42 different faculty members and 12 graduate students over a period of three months at three different universities in
Istanbul. Interviews were centered on 6 core research questions. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to analyze the interview outcomes. The data were analyzed using the Atlas.ti 7 software kit.
Findings and Results: A large percent age of the participants,
78%, mentioned that participatory democracy is an important new leadership model that can empower innovation and entrepreneurship. Most respondents, 80%, also identified the important role of intensive collaboration with industry managers. In the transformation of the university, a significant percentage of the participants, 69%, agreed that
experts should be frequently consulted and their views taken into consideration. Slightly more than half of the participants, 54%, said that their university could do more to encourage innovation and innovative ideas from students and faculty members; out of the respondents who expressed this idea, the majority, 86 %, said that new leadership and
management styles would be critical in promoting this change.
Conclusions and Recommendations: As the current study shows, universities that apply new leadership styles create an
environment more conducive to fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. Consistent with previous research, the leadership model of university management plays a vital role
in universities’ readiness to accept innovative and entrepreneurial changes. Universities should adopt new leadership styles instead of using conservative and traditional leadership models that discourage innovation
and entrepreneurship. Generally speaking, democratic leadership models are more effective at fostering open innovation. In the new management framework, leaders can create new environments and spaces, such as technology transfer offices, to collaborate with industry.

Lo studio dell’economia dello sviluppo come sistema complesso e caratterizzato da una grande varietà di fattori fa sì che questa disciplina si presti ad un’analisi di tipo poliedrico, che può portare ad indagini non convenzionali e di... more

Lo studio dell’economia dello sviluppo come sistema complesso e caratterizzato da una grande varietà di fattori fa sì che questa disciplina si presti ad un’analisi di tipo poliedrico, che può portare ad indagini non convenzionali e di fattispecie apparentemente non legate tra loro, ma che in realtà convivono in una situazione di reciproca influenza e dipendenza. Infatti, molti sono i fattori che compongono il concetto di sviluppo economico, e che concorrono alla sua consistenza e velocità. Nel primo capitolo di questo elaborato, indagheremo dapprima tutti quegli aspetti classici che concorrono alla sua configurazione, come la povertà, la disuguaglianza, la modernizzazione, le prassi culturali e demografiche, l’influenza della componente climatica e della conformazione geografica del territorio ed il grado di accesso alle risorse di cui la popolazione gode. Esploreremo dunque come la sicurezza umana assieme al capitale umano sia di fondamentale importanza all’interno del processo di sviluppo, ed in questo senso terremo come sfondo le teorie di Sen rispetto alle capacitazioni degli individui, che permettono loro di fare scelte consapevoli in base alle proprie inclinazioni. Quest’ultimo aspetto si lega fortemente al processo di innovazione tecnologica che, come si vedrà all’interno del secondo capitolo, nelle società più evolute sfocia in un virtuoso processo di innovazione sociale che mette al centro il territorio stesso ed i suoi cittadini, sfruttando le possibilità tecnologiche della presente era ed innescando processi di sviluppo territoriale sostenibile. Esempi validi di innovazione sociale territoriale si riscontrano all’interno delle Smart Cities, ed in particolare verrà presentato il caso dei FabLab di Barcellona, che rappresenta in Europa lo stato dell’arte dell’innovazione sociale, ospitando tra l’altro lo Smart City Expo. Come vedremo, all’interno di questi processi innovativi territoriali si collocano iniziative imprenditoriali ad alto impatto sociale, che quindi coniugano il fine sociale o umanitario al fine imprenditoriale e contribuiscono attivamente allo sviluppo economico del territorio e della comunità di riferimento. Nel terzo capitolo verranno presi in considerazione fattori non del tutto usuali, ma che possono essere determinanti all’interno del processo di sviluppo di un territorio: le emergenze umanitarie in generale, ed in particolare quelle di tipo naturale, possono avere un impatto fortemente negativo sull’andamento delle economie locali e nazionali. Il territorio nazionale italiano si caratterizza per essere fortemente a rischio disastri naturali, vedremo quindi il modo in cui la Protezione Civile Italiana è organizzata e come agisce e si coordina nei processi di pianificazione d’emergenza. All’interno dei processi di prevenzione e gestione delle emergenze e dei disastri naturali, le tecnologie apportano un considerevole contributo, per semplificare il processo decisionale e per rendere le operazioni più snelle, precise e veloci. In particolare, vedremo come l’utilizzo di tecnologie di analisi spaziale (GIS) possono venire in aiuto, come nel caso della comunità di persone e di professionisti in campo GIS si siano uniti nell’Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, un’iniziativa di innovazione sociale che crea un impatto sociale considerevole, agevolando le azioni degli enti sia nazionali che internazionali preposti ai soccorsi in caso di emergenze umanitarie. Il contesto sociale in cui si opera quindi, è determinante rispetto al grado di capacitazioni che un individuo detiene: in questo senso, il contesto milanese - sia a livello universitario che di ecosistema - è stato favorevole per la nascita e la crescita del progetto BRETmaps, il quale si propone tramite la propria azione di efficientare la macchina organizzativa sia nella prevenzione che nella gestione delle emergenze, in particolare rispetto al caso italiano. Analizzeremo il progetto all’interno del quarto capitolo del presente elaborato: trattandosi di un progetto di innovazione ed imprenditoria sociale, l’analisi verrà strutturata in maniera simile a quella di un business plan, per mettere in luce tutti gli aspetti del progetto e, attraverso l’analisi finanziaria, dimostrare come questo sia sostenibile. Lo scopo di questo elaborato è dunque condurre il lettore, dopo una prima introduzione circostanziata, attraverso la tematica dello sviluppo economico territoriale attraverso l’innovazione sociale proveniente dalla stessa popolazione, che beneficia delle capacitazioni derivanti dal contesto, e della tecnologia che - in contesti caratterizzati da elevato rischio emergenziale - può essere coniugata all’imprenditorialità per generare valore ed impatto sociale positivo.

This article provides an innovative interpretation of the rules of Italian limited responsibility companies (s.r.l.), which takes into account not only and not much the phenome-non of crowdfunding, but also and above all the financing via... more

This article provides an innovative interpretation of the rules of Italian limited responsibility companies (s.r.l.), which takes into account not only and not much the phenome-non of crowdfunding, but also and above all the financing via business angels and venture capital. We therefore advance a proposal for a complete re-reading of the subject as reformed in 2012-2015-2017, aimed wherever possible at making venture capital financing feasible. The proposed construction reflects the original intentions of the legislator, reduces the impact of mandatory rules and is consistent with the deeply felt need to modernise Italian company law.