Synonymy Research Papers - (original) (raw)

With the emergence of the World Wide Web, analyzing and improving Web communication has become essential to adapt the Web content to the visitors’ expectations. Web communication analysis is traditionally performed by Web analytics... more

With the emergence of the World Wide Web, analyzing and improving Web communication has become essential to adapt the Web content to the visitors’ expectations. Web communication analysis is traditionally performed by Web analytics software, which produce long lists of page-based audience metrics. These results suffer from page synonymy, page polysemy, page temporality, and page volatility. In addition, the metrics contain little semantics and are too detailed to be exploited by organization managers and chief editors, who need summarized and conceptual information to take high-level decisions. To obtain such metrics, we propose to classify the Web site pages into categories representing the Web site topics and to aggregate the page hits accordingly. In this paper, we show how to compute and visualize these metrics using OLAP tools. To solve the page-temporality issue, we propose to classify the versions of the pages using automatic classifiers.

Without exception everything is in vagueness. Would Socrates be the same we know today, when his wife Xanthippe didn´t tormented his life and not expelled him from home? Perhaps Aristotle would become a wrestler if he had no weak legs,... more

Without exception everything is in vagueness. Would Socrates be the same we know today,
when his wife Xanthippe didn´t tormented his life and not expelled him from home? Perhaps
Aristotle would become a wrestler if he had no weak legs, small eyes and would not lisp?
Epicurus would probably not have to puke by twice as much food on the day when he was two
months living in Africa? Thomas Aquinas who walked several times about 1400 km from Rome
to Paris would not have had that much time to think if he had hitchhiked? What would have
happened if the twelve-year-old Pascal would get a slap from his father, because he draws
triangles on the floor in the house? What would have happened if it had come out that a large
part of Voltaire's letters, whose number exceeds twenty thousand, are dedicated to God and to
the world, and one would therefore put him in the loony bin? When Kant was a burly man and
had beaten his servant who is waking him up every morning with toil, in a fit of rage, so that she
no longer could have done her tasks? Or if Kierkegaard had lived for ten years longer and
Nietzsche had not lost his mind? Or if Wittgenstein hadn´t played tennis and there wouldn´t
have been a playfield on his way? The answers / probabilities to these questions are "vague".
Why does the day have twenty-four hours? Who has determined that a week has seven days?
What is beautiful? Who can be called stupid? Is death bad? It is not possible to give an
"absolute" answer on this and thousands of similar questions. The answers are vague. To deal
with the vagueness, first the vagueness must be understood in the language. To understand one
of the first and most important steps to the vagueness in the language is to understand the
"Sorites paradox".

This paper addresses the high sonic demands of alliterative metres, and the consequences of these demands for sense: the semantic stretching of common words and the deployment of uncommon (archaic, ‘poetic’) words. The notion of... more

This paper addresses the high sonic demands of alliterative metres, and the consequences of these demands for sense: the semantic stretching of common words and the deployment of uncommon (archaic, ‘poetic’) words. The notion of alliterative rank is discussed as an indicator of such consequences (examples are given from English and Estonian verse) and the range of onsets found for synonyms of key notions in verse
traditions is remarked upon.

В статье анализируется введенное в лингвистику А. Крузом понятие когнитивной синонимии, которое учитывает функциональную природу явления и ориентировано на носителя языка. Когнитивные синонимы занимают центральное место в словарях и на... more

В статье анализируется введенное в лингвистику А. Крузом понятие когнитивной синонимии, которое учитывает функциональную природу явления и ориентировано на носителя языка. Когнитивные синонимы занимают центральное место в словарях и на шкале синонимичности между абсолютными синонимами и плесионимами. В отечественной лингвистике лексическая синонимия изучается со структурной точки зрения, в связи с чем термин «когнитивная синонимия» не используется.

One of the least understood semantic relations is synonymy. While perfect synonyms are rare, ‘‘near synonyms’’ are especially numerous. Near synonyms are words which are similar in meaning, which tend not to be contrastive, but which are... more

One of the least understood semantic relations is synonymy. While perfect synonyms are
rare, ‘‘near synonyms’’ are especially numerous. Near synonyms are words which are similar
in meaning, which tend not to be contrastive, but which are distributed differently. Following
up an earlier study of the adjective tall, this paper examines the near synonyms high and tall,
and argues that the words offer different construals of an entity’s verticality. Drawing on work
by MacLaury in the domain of colour—in particular, MacLaury’s discovery of what he calls
‘‘co-extensive’’ colour categories and his explanation of coextension in terms of a dominant
and a recessive vantage—it is proposed that the distribution of the English adjectives can be
insightfully analyzed in terms of the co-extension relation, with high designating the dominant
vantage, tall the recessive vantage.

Книга посвящена проблеме когнитивных истоков языковой катего-ризации; в ней рассматривается комплекс вопросов, связанных с общей проблемой представления знаний в языке. На конкретном материале показывается феноменологический характер... more

Книга посвящена проблеме когнитивных истоков языковой катего-ризации; в ней рассматривается комплекс вопросов, связанных с общей проблемой представления знаний в языке. На конкретном материале показывается феноменологический характер базовых когнитивных структур пространства и времени, участвующих в формировании языковой картины мира. Предлагается когнитивная модель категории вида в русском языке, анализируется эпистемическое соотношение именной и местоименной систем.

In this paper, I have studied the associations that exist between the meanings of words, between the meanings of phrases, or between the meanings of sentences. Semantic relations constitute of synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, polysemy, and... more

In this paper, I have studied the associations that exist between the meanings of words, between the meanings of phrases, or between the meanings of sentences. Semantic relations constitute of synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, polysemy, and metonymy. It is the amalgamation of examining the semantic relationships between words.

In this paper, I develop a composite methodology for handling and visualizing measures of significant attraction between lexical items in a set of near-synonyms. I aim to uncover revealing aspects of the conceptual structure of four... more

In this paper, I develop a composite methodology for handling and visualizing measures of significant attraction between lexical items in a set of near-synonyms. I aim to uncover revealing aspects of the conceptual structure of four English moderators (rather, quite, fairly, and pretty) and shed new light on previous studies on degree modifiers. This methodology combines univariate and multivariate statistics. Collexemes are used as input for hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis, and multiple distinctive collexemes are used as input for correspondence analysis.

L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les relations sémantiques de synonymie, polysémie, homonymie et paronymie dans le cadre de la langue du droit qui insiste sur la monoréférence du texte du départ et sur sa traduction précise.... more

L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les relations sémantiques de synonymie, polysémie, homonymie et paronymie dans le cadre de la langue du droit qui insiste sur la monoréférence du texte du départ et sur sa traduction précise. L’analyse porte d’abord sur la manière dont les termes sont représentés dans les ressources terminologiques car ces ressources représentent les outils principaux des traducteurs juridiques, obligés de surmonter de nombreux obstacles dus à ces phénomènes.
Mots-clés:langue du droit, synonymie, polysémie, homonymie, terminologie, traduction

Опубликовано: Шиян Т.А. Скобки в математике: логико-семиотический анализ // Философия. Язык. Культура. Вып. 2 / Отв. ред. Ю.В. Горбатова. СПб.: Алетейя, 2011. С. 90–104. ===== Статья посвящена логико-семиотическому анализу скобок как... more

Опубликовано: Шиян Т.А. Скобки в математике: логико-семиотический анализ // Философия. Язык. Культура. Вып. 2 / Отв. ред. Ю.В. Горбатова. СПб.: Алетейя, 2011. С. 90–104.
Статья посвящена логико-семиотическому анализу скобок как одному из классов математических символов. В статье вводится ряд семиотических различений, необходимых для анализа и описания разных случаев употребления скобочных знаков, систематизируются основные способы употребления скобок в математике, рассматриваются такие семиотические отношения между скобочными знаками и свойства, как синонимия, омонимия, полисемия.
The article deals with logical-semiotic analysis of brackets as one of the classes of mathematical symbols. It is introduced in the paper a number of semiotic distinctions requiring for analysis and descriptions of different cases of usage of bracket symbols, it is systematized the basic means of bracket usage in mathematic, it is considered such predicated as synonymy, homonymy, polysemy of bracket symbols.

A new approach to numerically measure the semantic distances between lexical units (words and collocations) based on the geometric analogies and analytical calculations, is put forward. Having considered the cases of equal and different... more

A new approach to numerically measure the semantic distances between lexical units (words and collocations) based on the geometric analogies and analytical calculations, is put forward. Having considered the cases of equal and different weights of semes, we obtained exact algebraic formulas describing different levels of the meanings proximity, ranging from absolute synonymy to full antonymy. It was emphasized that absolute synonymy arises when the compared units contain equal numbers of semes that fully coincide and have equal weights in the corresponding pairs. Calculation of the semes weights helps to locate the unit more precisely on the semantic sphere. It was shown that the level of synonymy and antonymy decreases if different semes are accentuated, while the semantic distance between the units without identical semes cannot be influenced by seme boosting. It was observed that depending on the context, a word may wander over this sphere, thus modifying its lexical semantic relations with other units. As the proposed approach contributes to formalization of the units comparison procedure, it is advisable for relevant automatic tools, particularly for WordNets and FrameNet. The obtained results may be useful for various linguistic and associated studies including automatic text analysis and processing, computer lexicography, information search and retrieval, machine translation and other NLP applications that are related to the artificial intelligence problem.

This nomenclator provides details on all published names in the family-, genus-, and species-group, as well as for a few infrasubspecific names introduced for, or attributed to, the family Melanopsidae. It includes nomenclaturally valid... more

This nomenclator provides details on all published names in the family-, genus-, and species-group, as well as for a few infrasubspecific names introduced for, or attributed to, the family Melanopsidae. It includes nomenclaturally valid names, as well as junior homonyms, junior objective synonyms, nomina nuda, common incorrect subsequent spellings, and as far as possible discussion on the current status in taxonomy. The catalogue encompasses three family-group names, 79 genus-group names, and 1381 species-group names. All of them are given in their original combination and spelling (except mandatory corrections requested by the Code), along with their original source. For each family- and genus-group name, the original classification and the type genus and type species, respectively, are given. Data provided for species-group taxa are type locality, type horizon (for fossil taxa), and type specimens, as far as available.

Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Baumgartens Versuch, rhetorische Figuren außerhalb der redenden Kunst anzuwenden. Dadurch soll Baumgarten als Wegbereiter einer Theorie der „visuellen Figur“ dargestellt werden, obwohl man bisher... more

Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Baumgartens Versuch, rhetorische Figuren außerhalb der redenden Kunst anzuwenden. Dadurch soll Baumgarten als Wegbereiter einer Theorie der „visuellen Figur“ dargestellt werden, obwohl man bisher annahm, dass eine solche erst in der gegenwärtigen Rhetorik entwickelt worden ist.
Baumgartens Begriff der „Figur in der Bezeichnung“ wird nicht auf Sprache eingeschränkt, sondern ist in Bezug auf Bild und Ton erweitert. In der Nachschrift zu seinem Kollegium über die Ästhetik macht er fragmentarische Bemerkungen zur Figur in der Malerei. Durch die Analyse dieses Textes wurde Folgendes expliziert: „Synonymie“ deutet Baumgarten in der Malerei als die Ausdrucksmethode, einen Gegenstand mit ähnlichen Farben zu malen. Er hat, inspiriert von A. v. Hallers Gedicht Morgen-Gedanken, dabei ein Gemälde mit der Darstellung des Morgenrots vor Augen. „Ellipse“ deutet er dagegen als die Ausdrucksmethode, eines von ähnlichen Bildern auszulassen. Als Beispiel greift er einen Topos aus Timanthes‘ Gemälde Die Opferung der Iphigenie auf. Als Ergebnis der Analyse steht die Einsicht, dass Baumgarten durch eine solche Modifikation der rhetorischen Figur eine konkrete Methode entwickelt, die Rhetorik auf andere Gattungen zu übertragen.

La thèse d'indétermination de Quine est essentiellement une critique du mythe de la signification. Mais en quoi consiste exactement ce mythe ? Qu'est ce qui est critiqué par W.V. Quine (né en 1908) ? Ce n'est pas seulement la... more

La thèse d'indétermination de Quine est essentiellement une critique du mythe de la
signification. Mais en quoi consiste exactement ce mythe ? Qu'est ce qui est critiqué par W.V. Quine (né en 1908) ? Ce n'est pas seulement la signification en tant qu'entité mentale qui est rejetée, mais très précisément l'idée d'un noyau d'invariance commun aux langues et aux cultures, dont elles ne seraient que l'habillage. L'enjeu de la thèse de W.V. Quine est donc, en un sens qu'il faudra préciser, anthropologique — mais une anthropologie qui a ses enjeux aussi bien dans l'épistémologie et dans l'histoire, et qui objecte de manière radicale à certaines formes de relativisme (l'idée de prélogicité) comme à certaines formes « pasteurisées » de rationalisme (le principe de charité), comme nous tentons de le montrer en défendant pour finir une position qui, sans être relativiste ni irrationaliste, n'en est pas moins « anti antirelativiste ».

This article concerns medico-botanical synonym lists compiled by Jews in the period from the 13th to the 15th centuries. More particularly, the article presents, for the first time, an overview of such lists containing... more

This article concerns medico-botanical synonym lists compiled by Jews in the period from the 13th to the 15th centuries. More particularly, the article presents, for the first time, an overview of such lists containing lexical material in Catalan written in Hebrew letters. After a summary of Jewish medicine and the translation activities of Jews in Catalonia and Aragon, the article first deals with the state of research in the field of medical glossaries and synonym lists in Hebrew script, mentioning all glossaries and lists known to date that contain lexical items in Catalan. These appear in the context of Arabic medico- botanical terms, which provide the lemmas or appear as equivalents to the Catalan or other Romance or Latin terms. The reason for the existence of this kind of list is that the Jews continued to study and practice Arabic medicine even after having left Al-Andalus. The main part of the article is dedicated to the Arabic-Catalan glossary of Ms. Parma, Biblioteca Palatina 2279 (ff. 280v–286r), of which the first 20 entries are edited and commented upon with respect to the lexical items contained therein. The article finishes with a summary and some perspectives.

Öz Eş anlamlılık kavramı ve eş anlamlılığın mümkün olup olmadığı uzun süredir tartışılmaktadır. Araştırmacılar farklı yaklaşımlar sonucunda farklı eş anlamlılık tanımları yapmış ve konuyla ilgili hemen her yeni çalışma, yeni bir eş... more

Öz Eş anlamlılık kavramı ve eş anlamlılığın mümkün olup olmadığı uzun süredir tartışılmaktadır. Araştırmacılar farklı yaklaşımlar sonucunda farklı eş anlamlılık tanımları yapmış ve konuyla ilgili hemen her yeni çalışma, yeni bir eş anlamlılık yaklaşımını beraberinde getirmiştir. Buna bağlı olarak, farklı yaklaşımların eş anlamlı olarak belirttiği sözcüklerin benzerlik seviyelerini belirlemek adına eş anlamlılık sınıflandırmaları hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışma, dil ve söz düzlemleri üzerinde yapılacak anlambirimcik çözümlemesi, anlam alanı ve anlam ezgisi incelemeleri ile Cruse ve Murphy"nin sınıflandırma yöntemlerinden yararlanarak bütüncül bir eş anlamlılık yaklaşımını ortaya koyma amacındadır. Çalışma, eş anlamlı olduğu varsayılan durum sıfatları üzerine temellenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, "muhtemel" ve "olası" sıfatları incelenmiştir. Giriş bölümünde anlam ve anlambilimle ilgili giriş bilgilerine yer verilmiştir. Birinci bölümde, temel konular ve kavramlar hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde uygulanacak eş anlamlılık değerlendirme yöntemi belirtilmiş ve yöntem doğrultusunda "muhtemel" ve "olası" sıfatları incelenmiştir. Son bölümde, elde edilen bulgular eşliğinde değerlendirmelere ve sonuca yer verilmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Anlam alanı, anlam ezgisi, derlem dilbilim, durum sıfatı, eş anlamlılık. SYNONYM SITUATION ADJECTIVES IN TERMS OF SEMANTIC FIELD AND SEMANTIC PROSODY: "MUHTEMEL" AND "OLASI" EXAMPLE Abstract The concept of synonymy and whether synonymy is possible or not are have been discussing for a long time. Researchers have made different synonymy definitions as a result of different approaches, and almost every new study on the subject has brought a new synonym approach. Accordingly, have developed a classification of synonymy in order to determine similarity levels of words that different approaches indicate synonyms. This study aims to present a holistic synonymy approach by using Cruse and Murphy's classification methods with semic analysis, semantic field analysis and semantic prosody analysis on langue and parole plane.  Bu makale yazarın, Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Boz danışmanlığında hazırlanan "Anlam Alanı ve Anlam Ezgisi Açısından Eş Anlamlı Durum Sıfatları (Derlem Tabanlı Bir İnceleme)" başlıklı doktora tezinden üretilmiştir.  Dr.; Öğretmen, Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı,

Min Woo Lee (2017), An Analysis of Meaning Usage of Synonymous Words. Studies in Linguistics 44, 135-154. The purpose of this study is to examine multiple segmentation patterns of synonyms and to identify the aspect of their usage. To do... more

Min Woo Lee (2017), An Analysis of Meaning Usage of Synonymous Words. Studies in Linguistics 44, 135-154. The purpose of this study is to examine multiple segmentation patterns of synonyms and to identify the aspect of their usage. To do this, we quantitatively investigate the use ratio of 62 synonyms according to their multiple meanings. Through this, we could confirm the degree of synonymic rate, directionality, and characteristics of use by objective values. Findings of this study are as follows. First, meaningful semantic correspondence shows one-sided directionality. Also, the semantic correspondence shows a relatively higher degree of similarity on the lower frequency side. The asymmetry of synonymic relation is not simply the asymmetry of quantitative use but the asymmetry in the direction of meaningful correspondence. In addition, it is found that the asymmetry of usage increases when the directional identity is greater. This study presented the similarity of synonyms as an objective measure. It is meaningful in that it provides a basis for objectively explaining the degree of similarity and the characteristics of the meaningful relationships, which were only intuitively grasped.
lexical meaning, synonymy, synonym, analysis of meaning usage, degree of synonymic rate, asymmetry of synonym

" Sfatul cel bun te va păzi şi socoteala cea curată te va cruţa " (BB, Parimii, 2, 11).

Pendant la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, la synonymie suscite plusieurs intérêts de connaissance. Cet article analyse le traitement de ce phénomène à la frontière de plusieurs domaines disciplinaires qui abordent la signification... more

Pendant la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, la synonymie suscite plusieurs intérêts de connaissance. Cet article analyse le traitement de ce phénomène à la frontière de plusieurs domaines disciplinaires qui abordent la signification lexicale : lexicographie, lexicologie, sémantique et linguistique générale. Tout en étant contigus et malgré la généralisation de l’approche distinctive de la synonymie, ces domaines présentent, néanmoins, des différences majeures dans l’appréhension de ce phénomène. Si pour la lexicographie, la synonymie est un problème à résoudre, les approches pédagogiques en font un dispositif pour stimuler l’intelligence lexicale des apprenants et pour les amener à la connaissance de la juste valeur des mots. Les approches théoriques, quant à elles, la considèrent comme une dynamique du système qui a son fondement dans la faculté cognitive d’opérer des répartirons des sujets parlants. À cette époque, l’instabilité de la notion – qui recouvre plusieurs types d’objets linguistiques – tient au double critère qui entre en ligne de compte pour déterminer l’identité de signification et l’écart qui sépare les séries synonymiques : le sens et la forme. La formalisation d’une nouvelle notion (la polysémie) détermine, néanmoins, une reconfiguration des faits de synonymie et un découpage différent dans la matière lexicale. Le critère formel, quant à lui, fait intervenir des considérations diachroniques fondées sur l’étymologie, qui sont en contradiction avec le point de vue synchronique que la différenciation des synonymes suppose et qui est à l’origine de la valorisation du savoir épilinguistique du locuteur.

Palaearctic species of the weevil genus Mecinus Germar, 1821 are revised. A total of 47 species are recognized, one of which, M. baridioides sp. n. is new to science. Mecinus dorsalis var. tavaresi Hoffmann, 1958 (stat. rev.) is... more

Palaearctic species of the weevil genus Mecinus Germar, 1821 are revised. A total of 47 species are recognized, one of which, M. baridioides sp. n. is new to science. Mecinus dorsalis var. tavaresi Hoffmann, 1958 (stat. rev.) is considered as a distinct species, whereas M. alboscutellatus var. atratulus (Solari, 1933) is maintained as a subspecies of M. alboscutellatus (Hustache, 1913). The following new synonymies are proposed: Mecinus barbarus Gyllenhal, 1838 (= M. longiusculus var. subcylindricus Pic, 1896 syn. n.); M. caucasicus (Reitter, 1907) (= Gymnetron caucasicum var. rubricum Reitter, 1907 syn. n.); M. comosus Boheman, 1845 (= M. setosus Kiesenwetter, 1864 syn. n.; = M. hesteticus Vitale, 1906 syn. n.; = M. pici Reitter, 1907 syn. n.; = M. pici var. theresae Reitter, 1907 syn. n.); M. elongatus (H. Brisout de Barneville, 1862) (= G. pyrenaeum H. Brisout de Barneville, 1862 syn. n.); M. haemorrhoidalis (H. Brisout de Barneville, 1862) (= M. fairmairei Tournier, 1873 syn. n....