Time Complexity Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In this paper we present a new data structure for representing Boolean functions and an associated set of manipulation algorithms. Functions are represented by directed, acyclic graphs in a manner similar to the representations introduced... more

In this paper we present a new data structure for representing Boolean functions and an associated set of manipulation algorithms. Functions are represented by directed, acyclic graphs in a manner similar to the representations introduced by Lee [1] and Akers [2], but with further restrictions on the ordering of decision variables in the graph. Although a function requires, in the worst case, a graph of size exponential in the number of arguments, many of the functions encountered in typical applications have a more reasonable representation. Our algorithms have time complexity proportional to the sizes of the graphs being operated on, and hence are quite efficient as long as the graphs do not grow too large. We present experimental results from applying these algorithms to problems in logic design verification that demonstrate the practicality of our approach.

Large repositories of data contain sensitive information that must be protected against unauthorized access. The protection of the confidentiality of this information has been a long-term goal for the database security research community... more

Large repositories of data contain sensitive information that must be protected against unauthorized access. The protection of the confidentiality of this information has been a long-term goal for the database security research community and for the government statistical agencies. Recent advances in data mining and machine learning algorithms have increased the disclosure risks that one may encounter when releasing data to outside parties. A key problem, and still not sufficiently investigated, is the need to balance the ...

AbstractÐEfficient and effective buffering of disk blocks in main memory is critical for better file system performance due to a wide speed gap between main memory and hard disks. In such a buffering system, one of the most important... more

AbstractÐEfficient and effective buffering of disk blocks in main memory is critical for better file system performance due to a wide speed gap between main memory and hard disks. In such a buffering system, one of the most important design decisions is the block replacement ...

The time-complexity of deterministic and randomized protocols for achieving broadcast (distributing a message from a source to all other nodes) in arbitrary multi-hop radio networks is investigated. In many such networks, communication... more

The time-complexity of deterministic and randomized protocols for achieving broadcast (distributing a message from a source to all other nodes) in arbitrary multi-hop radio networks is investigated. In many such networks, communication takes place in synchronous time-slots. A processor receives a message at a certain time-slot if exactly one of its neighbors transmits at that time-slot. We assume no collision-detection mechanism; i.e., it is not always possible to distinguish the case where no neighbor transmits from the case where several neighbors transmit simultaneously. We present a randomized protocol that achieves broadcast in time which is optimal up to a logarithmic factor. In particular, with probability 1 - ε, the protocol achieves broadcast within time-slots, where n is the number of processors in the network and D its diameter. On the other hand, we prove a linear lower bound on the deterministic time-complexity of broadcast in this model. Namely, we show that any deterministic broadcast protocol requires Θ(n) time-slots, even if the network has diameter 3, and n is known to all processors. These two results demonstrate an exponential gap in complexity between randomization and determinism.

The complexity of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is studied with respect to a new model of computation appropriale to VLSI technology. This model focuses on two key parameters, the amount of silicon area and time required to... more

The complexity of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is studied with respect to a new model of computation appropriale to VLSI technology. This model focuses on two key parameters, the amount of silicon area and time required to implement a DFTon a single chip. Lower ...

We introduce a memory-based approach to part of speech tagging. Memory-based learning is a form of supervised learning based on similarity-based reasoning. The part of speech tag of a word in a particular context is extrapolated from the... more

We introduce a memory-based approach to part of speech tagging. Memory-based learning is a form of supervised learning based on similarity-based reasoning. The part of speech tag of a word in a particular context is extrapolated from the most similar cases held in ...

The computational time complexity is an important topic in the theory of evolutionary algorithms (EAs). This paper reports some new results on the average time complexity of EAs. Based on drift analysis, some useful drift conditions for... more

The computational time complexity is an important topic in the theory of evolutionary algorithms (EAs). This paper reports some new results on the average time complexity of EAs. Based on drift analysis, some useful drift conditions for deriving the time complexity of EAs are studied, including conditions under which an EA will take no more than polynomial time (in problem size) to solve a problem and conditions under which an EA will take at least exponential time (in problem size) to solve a problem. The paper first presents the general results, and then uses several problems as examples to illustrate how these general results can be applied to concrete problems in analyzing the average time complexity of EAs. While previous work only considered (1+1) EAs without any crossover, the EAs considered in this paper are fairly general, which use a finite population, crossover, mutation, and selection.

In this paper, we consider a large class of vertex partitioning problems and apply to them the theory of algorithm design for problems restricted to partial k-trees. We carefully describe the details of algorithms and analyze their... more

In this paper, we consider a large class of vertex partitioning problems and apply to them the theory of algorithm design for problems restricted to partial k-trees. We carefully describe the details of algorithms and analyze their complexity in an attempt to make the algorithms feasible as solutions for practical applications. We give a precise characterization of vertex partitioning problems,

We present an efficient Hough transform for automatic detection of cylinders in point clouds. As cylinders are one of the most frequently used primitives for industrial design, automatic and robust methods for their detection and fitting... more

We present an efficient Hough transform for automatic detection of cylinders in point clouds. As cylinders are one of the most frequently used primitives for industrial design, automatic and robust methods for their detection and fitting are essential for reverse engineering from point clouds. The current methods employ automatic segmentation followed by geometric fitting, which requires a lot of manual interaction during modelling. Although Hough transform can be used for automatic detection of cylinders, the required 5D Hough space has a prohibitively high time and space complexity for most practical applications. We address this problem in this paper and present a sequential Hough transform for automatic detection of cylinders in point clouds. Our algorithm consists of two sequential steps of low dimensional Hough trans- forms. The first step, called Orientation Estimation, uses the Gaussian sphere of the input data and performs a 2D Hough Transform for finding strong hypotheses ...

This paper describes a method for translating a satisfaction problem of the modal -calculus into a problem of finding a certain marking of a boolean graph. By giving algorithms to solve the graph problem, we present a global model... more

This paper describes a method for translating a satisfaction problem of the modal -calculus into a problem of finding a certain marking of a boolean graph. By giving algorithms to solve the graph problem, we present a global model checking algorithm for the modal -calculus of alternation depth one, which has time-complexity ¦A¦¦T¦, where ¦A¦ is the size of the