UMTS 3G SYSTEMS Research Papers (original) (raw)

Mobile operators currently prefer optimizing their radio networks via re-homing or cutting over the cell sites in 2G or 3G networks. The core network, as the parental part of radio network, is inevitably impacted by the re-homing in radio... more

Mobile operators currently prefer optimizing their radio networks via re-homing or cutting over the cell sites in 2G
or 3G networks. The core network, as the parental part of radio network, is inevitably impacted by the re-homing in radio domain. This paper introduces the cell site re-homing in radio network and analyzes its impact on the performance of GSM/UMTS core network. The possible re-homing models are created and analyzed for core networks. The paper concludes that appropriate re-homing in radio domain, using correct algorithms, not only optimizes the radio network but also helps improve the QoS of the core network and saves the carriers’ OPEX and CAPEX on their core networks

El nuevo servicio de HDMI contempla realizar en sitio cascadas de Sync hasta los nodos de 2G, como se ve en los siguientes escenarios, por favor tener en cuenta que el cable HDMI tiene una longitud de 15 m y el delay (1PPS=1 paquete por... more

El nuevo servicio de HDMI contempla realizar en sitio cascadas de Sync hasta los nodos de 2G, como se ve en los siguientes escenarios, por favor tener en cuenta que el cable HDMI tiene una longitud de 15 m y el delay (1PPS=1 paquete por segundo) debe quedar configurado en cada salto como muestra la siguiente tabla en caso de que la longitud del cable sea diferente realizar el ajuste y comisionar el delay como debe ser. Delay puerto out Master 8ns Delay HDMI (Longitud * 5.4ns/m) 81ns Delay puerto in slave 12ns Delay total 101ns SyncHubMaster/LTE_2600 Slave#1 Slave#2 Slave#3 Slave#4 Slave#5 101 202 303 404 505 Comisionamiento AIRSCALE-UMTS hasta GSM Se debe comisionar en Fase umts como muestra la imagen habilitando los features de salida de sincronismo (Forward synchronization in co-siting) (PPS synchronization output in use in HO mode) para GSM habilitar los siguientes features (BTS sync Source Peer 1PPS+ToD TSip format) (Cable propagation delay)(Sync hub direct forwrd) (slave) luego deshabilitar el E1 de sincronismo y por ultimo seleccionar como fuente en este orden (1=Sync In)(2=Internal Timming) tal como muestran las imágenes a continuación: NOTA En caso de tener GSM dedicado es decir FSMF para cada banda se debe habilitar el output

ABSTRAKSI Kebutuhan akan informasi data yang semakin tinggi maka diperlukan mekanisme agar data informasi dapat sampai ke tujuan dengan cepat. Penggunaan ethernet merupakan salah satu cara untuk peningkatan kapasitas jaringan data.... more

Kebutuhan akan informasi data yang semakin tinggi maka diperlukan mekanisme agar data informasi dapat sampai ke tujuan dengan cepat. Penggunaan ethernet merupakan salah satu cara untuk peningkatan kapasitas jaringan data. Carrier Ethernet dapat didukung untuk berbagai macam jaringan transport fisik yang berbeda. Selain itu Carrier Ethernet juga mendukung untuk jaringan backhaul untuk semua jenis teknologi generasi bergerak karena dengan Carrier Ethernet dapat diperoleh bandwidth yang fleksible, terukur, efektif dan murah. Carrier Ethernet dapat digunakan untuk backhaul di jaringan teknologi bergerak dengan meletakkan Carrier Ethernet di RAN (Random Access Network) untuk WCDMA .
Metodologi penelitian ini meliputi studi literatur, pengukuran dan observasi di lapangan. Hasil ukur jaringan backhaul 3G (WCDMA) menggunakan metro ethernet di layer 2 akan dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan industri telekomunikasi.
Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa analisis hasil ukur kinerja layer 2 metro ethernet yang diterapkan dalam jaringan backhaul 3G. Parameter ukur meliputi throughput, frame loss dan latency diperoleh bahwa sistem dapat bekerja dengan baik.
Kata Kunci : metro ethernet,jaringan backhaul 3G, frame loss, throughpt, dan latency
The need of data information is growing fast, so networks needs to deliver data with good quality. Implement Ethernetin the network is one of way to improve the network quality. Carrier ethernet can support transport network on different network. Carrier ethernet can be used on mobile network backhaul. It can gives better bandwidth with flexible, efective and cheap. Carrier Ethernet can be implemented on RAN (Random Access Network) for WCDMA/3G backhaul network.
Research methodology for this network included literature study, industry measurement and observation. This resuls would be used for telecom industry.
The results of this research was analyze of measurement which gives backhaul 3G network in good condition. The parameter were throughput, frame loss and latency. Those parameter showed that the network was in good condition.
Key words: metro ethernet 3Gbackhaul network , frame loss, throughput , and latency

The environmental performance of presently operated GSM and UMTS networks was analysed concentrating on the environmental effects of the End-of-Life (EOL) phase using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. The study was performed based... more

The environmental performance of presently operated GSM and UMTS networks was analysed concentrating on the environmental effects of the End-of-Life (EOL) phase using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. The study was performed based on comprehensive life cycle inventory and life cycle modelling. The environmental effects were quantified using the IMPACT2002+ method. Based on technological forecasts, the environmental effects of forthcoming mobile telephone networks were approximated.
The results indicate that a parallel operation of GSM and UMTS networks is environmentally detrimental and the transition phase should be kept as short as possible. The use phase (i.e. the operation) of the radio network components account for a large fraction of the total environmental impact. In particular, there is a need to lower the energy consumption of those network components. Seen in relation to each other, UMTS networks provide an environmentally more efficient mobile communication technology than GSM networks. In assessing the EOL phase, recycling the electronic scrap of mobile phone networks was shown to have clear environmental benefits. Under the present conditions, material recycling could help lower the environmental impact of the production phase by up to 50%.

A network centric view of the evolution of digital cellular mobile communications systems; from 2G GSM, through 3G UMTS, 4G LTE to 5G.

Antenna systems are critical components of any radio system operating at any frequency. The antenna and associated system comprising coaxial transmission line (commonly known as feeder cable) and any power amplifiers, RF combiners, duplex... more

Antenna systems are critical components of any radio system operating at any frequency. The antenna and associated system comprising coaxial transmission line (commonly known as feeder cable) and any power amplifiers, RF combiners, duplex filters and so on significantly impacts on radio performance if not correctly specified, installed and operated. This paper explores the evolution of cellular antenna systems from GSM through UMTS and LTE to 5G.

Attached is NSN RU50 WCDMa17 Counters

This presentation explores the evolution of GSM, UMTS and LTE radio access network architectures before a detailed review of the RAN architecture options for 5G. The functional decomposition of the 5G radio access network presents the... more

This presentation explores the evolution of GSM, UMTS and LTE radio access network architectures before a detailed review of the RAN architecture options for 5G. The functional decomposition of the 5G radio access network presents the network designer with many challenges with regards placement of RU, DU and CU nodes, all of which are discussed. The presentation concludes with a review of BT UK plans for 5G launch with a fully distributed RAN in support of an EN-DC architecture.

The cellular networks have experienced a rocket change from the first generation to the fifth. Analog communications was quickly replaced by digital in the 80s, and nowadays we talk abot mobile broadband and high connectivity in 5G... more

The cellular networks have experienced a rocket change from the first generation to the fifth.
Analog communications was quickly replaced by digital in the 80s, and nowadays we talk abot
mobile broadband and high connectivity in 5G systems. This is a proof that mobile
communications has increased its needs from subscribers, such as high data rates and high
media sharing. A lot of applications are being done today, from SMS and voice to VoIP, vide o
streaming and IoT. However, it is crucial to understand the previous generations as they serve
as backbone to the latter ones, and also because some areas around the globe have not yet fully
deployed the 4G and 5G technologies.
This project work has for goal to be a mastery guide in understanding the 3G UMTS system
and to plan and optimize the network for a case study of the country of Morocco. Several factors
need to be taken into consideration for proper radio network planning and optimization.
Keywords : 3G, UMTS, WCDMA, RNP, Atoll, Optimization

It is a handbook of UMTS/WCDMA call flows for PS services. This document is originally edited by Justin MA and it is free to share to everyone who are interested. All reference/resource are from internet. If there is any... more

This paper first introduces the architecture of general 3G communication system in both parts; packet switched (PS) and circuit switched (CS) networks and then applies statistical analysis to Key Performance Indicators (KPI) monitored... more

This paper first introduces the architecture of general 3G communication system in both parts; packet switched (PS) and circuit switched (CS) networks and then applies statistical analysis to Key Performance Indicators (KPI) monitored from network entities in PS and CS network to guide the long term capacity planning and better coverage for the network by introducing a 3G network optimization cycle phases to analysis the problems from the KPIs and propose the suitable solution for these problems, our methodology is applied to a case study of a cellular communications service provider company report for UTRAN performance in a month. This UTRAN consist of two RNCs and 622 NodeBs. This report is proposed as an example of this case study and it's generated according to the proper UTRAN deployment company formulas; which is Huawei in this case.

This year (2015) the mobile phone celebrates its 30th birthday in the UK. But while the physical handset may take centre stage, where would it be without that all important supporting cast, the mobile network? Andy Sutton and Nigel Linge... more

This year (2015) the mobile phone celebrates its 30th birthday in the UK. But while the physical handset may take centre stage,
where would it be without that all important supporting cast, the mobile network? Andy Sutton and Nigel Linge explore the evolution of the mobile network architecture from 1G to 4G and onwards to 5G.

The term telecommunication access network refers to the technical infrastructure which provides connectivity between an end user or device and the services provided via a core network or service platforms. Access networks are typically... more

The term telecommunication access network refers to the technical infrastructure which provides connectivity between an end user or device and the services provided via a core network or service platforms. Access networks are typically split into two categories; fixed and mobile. This paper explores the range of access networks available in the UK, inclduing xDSL, FTTP, DOCSIS, TETRA, GSM, UMTS, LTE and 5G. This paper appeared in Volume 15 Part 1 of the ITP Journal.

It is a handbook of UMTS-WCDMA call flows for CS services. This document is originally edited by Justin MA and it is free to share to everyone who are interested. All reference/resource are from internet. If there is any copy-right... more

The research and communications for detecting mobile security threats with the best protection practices of applications have become essential goals nowadays due to the continuous discoveries of new vulnerabilities. The internet and... more

The research and communications for detecting mobile security threats with the best protection practices of applications have become essential goals nowadays due to the continuous discoveries of new vulnerabilities. The internet and web-based activities have been increased drastically in recent times by users of all categories. Users have extensively started involved in gaming, banking, frequent bill payment, entertainment, and other network and online activities that are requiring a large number of mobile phone protection and security mechanisms in response to advancements in full-stack applications and wireless networks. The goal of this paper is to uncover the best-applied practices in the domain of mobile security to protect smartphone devices. The main advantages of smartphones are small size with easiness in carrying anywhere and can be a replacement for computing devices in some ways for example emails. Unfortunately, the convenience of using smartphones to do the private task is the loophole cyber attackers need to gain access to personal data. Thus, this paper proposed eight best practices to protect and secure smart mobile phones.

Des recherches en Sciences de l’information et de la communication s’orientent de plus en plus souvent sur la convergence entre les télécommunications, l’informatique et l’audiovisuel. Or, il est impossible, à notre niveau, de traiter... more

Des recherches en Sciences de l’information et de la communication s’orientent de plus en
plus souvent sur la convergence entre les télécommunications, l’informatique et l’audiovisuel.
Or, il est impossible, à notre niveau, de traiter tous les types de convergence Ainsi, nous
choisissons d’emblée d’étudier celles liant les radiocommunications et l’Internet. En fait, nous
allons considérer les rapports existants (ou ayant existé) entre les systèmes mobiles de
communication et l’informatique en réseau et plus spécialement le Minitel et l’Internet.
Tout d’abord ces deux filières sont apparues à des périodes différentes et sont surtout régies
par des logiques socio-économiques diverses.
Ensuite, nous remarquons que la montée en charge ou le développement de ces deux filières,
si tentés sommes-nous de les appeler filières, ont amené une baisse de la progression continue
des télécommunications filaires et la démocratisation de l’Internet a stoppé radicalement celle
du minitel et surtout modifié le marché de l’informatique dit familial en France.
Enfin, ces deux filières irriguent inlassablement les secteurs dont elles sont issues et les
modifient considérablement et souvent de manière irréversible.
D’autres raisons nous poussent à nous intéresser à la convergence entre ces deux filières.
D’une part, elle entre dans un cadre réglementaire prédéfini par la commission européenne.
Ainsi, son importance dépasse largement les cadres d’un Etat voir même d’un continent. Par
exemple, la commission européenne a mis en place un quasi-cahier des charges appelé le livre
vert de la convergence (le 27 avril 1994)..
D’autre part, cette étude nous pousse aussi à un certain questionnement quant à son ampleur, à
ses acteurs et aux liens qu’ils tissent entre eux.
Quels sont ils ?
Quels nouveaux marchés et nouveaux produits mettent ils en place ?
Et surtout dans quelle mesure modifient ils de manière substantielle les secteurs des
télécommunications, de l’informatique et de l’audiovisuel ?
Telles sont les questions que nous sommes à même de nous poser d’emblée en introduisant ce

CS/PS Relocation UE Involved/UE Not-Involved

Abstrak-Teknologi jaringan 3G merupakan teknologi jaringan seluler nirkabel yang dikembangkan untuk menjawab tuntutan teknologi yang memerlukan pertukaran data yang besar, mempunyai kapasitas kanal yang besar dan andal. Teknologi ini... more

Abstrak-Teknologi jaringan 3G merupakan teknologi jaringan seluler nirkabel yang dikembangkan untuk menjawab tuntutan teknologi yang memerlukan pertukaran data yang besar, mempunyai kapasitas kanal yang besar dan andal. Teknologi ini merupakan pengembangan dari generasi-generasi teknologi sebelumnya yang telah dikembangkan dan menjadi obsolete karena tuntutan era. Tujuan jaringan nirkabel 3G adalah untuk menyediakan kemampuan komunikasi cepat dalam pertukaran data berupa data multimedia, data dan video. Teknologi utama yang digunakan pada jaringan 3G adalah CDMA 2000 dan WCDMA. Dengan adanya 3G pengguna dapat melakukan World Wide Web browsing, transfer file cepat, email, bahkan video converence dari telepon genggam, PDA atau laptop. Meskipun 3G relatif baru, teknologi 3G berkembang cepat, dengan semakin banyak perusahaan teknologi nirkabel mengembangkan perangkat dengan kemampuan 3G.

Spesifikasi Harga Modem Huawei E173 Bisa Semua Operator

Actividades y guias de pre-launch para sitios 3G