Visual propaganda Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Dünyada ve ülkemizde terör yeni medya ilişkilerini inceleyen araştırmalarda nicel ve nitel yöntemler kullanılarak, belirlediği konular hakkında derinlikli bilgiler sunmuştur. Ancak örgütün bazı propaganda araçlarını dışarıda bırakmaları... more

Dünyada ve ülkemizde terör yeni medya ilişkilerini inceleyen araştırmalarda nicel ve nitel yöntemler kullanılarak, belirlediği konular hakkında derinlikli bilgiler sunmuştur. Ancak örgütün bazı propaganda araçlarını dışarıda bırakmaları nedeniyle büyük resme ilişkin bilgi verme konusunda yetersiz kalmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada ile örgütün kullandığı tüm yeni medya araçlarını inceleyerek örgütün yeni medya kullanımı, iletişim stratejisi dijital yayınlar, videolar ve sosyal medya paylaşımları üzerinden bütünlüklü bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Böylelikle mecralar arasındaki ilişkiler ve benzerlikler ortaya konulabilmiştir.

На архивных материалах рассказывается о подготовке в Челябинском областном краеведческом музее выставки, посвящённой столетней годовщине битвы на Чудском озере. Подготовка проводилась в 1942 году в условиях полного отсутствия... more

На архивных материалах рассказывается о подготовке в Челябинском областном краеведческом музее выставки, посвящённой столетней годовщине битвы на Чудском озере. Подготовка проводилась в 1942 году в условиях полного отсутствия средневековых артефактов в музейных запасниках.

Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas per vizualias medijas perduodamos informacijos poveikis auditorijai. Apžvelgiama propagandos termino kilmė ir reikšmė XX a. politiniame gyvenime, taip pat analizuojamas propagandos ir masių medijos santykis... more

Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas per vizualias medijas perduodamos informacijos poveikis
auditorijai. Apžvelgiama propagandos termino kilmė ir reikšmė XX a. politiniame gyvenime,
taip pat analizuojamas propagandos ir masių medijos santykis demokratinėse
ir autoritarinėse valstybėse. Straipsnyje aptariama kultūrinių simbolių, stereotipų bei
reprezentacijų reikšmė animacijoje ir jais kuriama metafizinė tikrovė. Konkrečių animacijos
pavyzdžių analize atskleidžiama propaganda net vaikams skirtoje trumpojoje

En cualquier caso, nuestro interés se centra en la apertura del sentido, e igual que Monaco, adelantamos que la clasifcación que proponemos es una mera construcción teórica, y que sus fronteras son imprecisas. Partimos de todas formas... more

En cualquier caso, nuestro interés se centra en la apertura del sentido, e
igual que Monaco, adelantamos que la clasifcación que proponemos es una
mera construcción teórica, y que sus fronteras son imprecisas. Partimos de
todas formas con cierta ventaja con respecto a Monaco, ya que intentamos
defnir niveles de sentido y no elementos individuales dotados de sentido
icónico, simbólico o indicial. En este sentido nuestra investigación corre
paralela a perspectiva del análisis fílmico multimodal (Multimodal Film
Analysis) propuesta por Bateman y Schmidt: “Our Approach, to be refned
as we proceed, is the essentially to divide the process of interpretation into
several related layers of description” (2012), y desarrollada más recientemente por Wildfeuer (2016).
Para describir los niveles de sentido partiremos de Jean Mitry y su texto,
Esthétique el Psychologie du Cinéma. Tomo I (Les structures) (1963), que es
también el punto de partida utilizado por Christian Metz en su artículo,
“Une étape dans la réfexion sur le cinema” (1964).

The issue of audience targeting is crucial in studies of contemporary propaganda. Meanwhile, it is usually ignored in analysis of Roman propaganda despite the fact that studies of ancient rhetoric clearly shows that speakers were well... more

The issue of audience targeting is crucial in studies of contemporary propaganda. Meanwhile, it is usually ignored in analysis of Roman propaganda despite the fact that studies of ancient rhetoric clearly shows that speakers were well aware that they must use a different language when performing in front of different audiences. The primary aim of this paper is to consider the possibility of targeting propaganda messages encoded on coins struck by the Pompeians (RRC 444, RRC 445/1-3) during the war with Caesar. The analysis of the imagery placed on these coins may indicate that different types were in the first instance intended for the inhabitants of Epirus and Greece (RRC 444, RRC 445/2), Sicily (RRC 445/1) and West Asia Minor (RRC 445/3). Considering the fact that those were the most important areas of recruitment for the Pompeians, it is possible that by placing images that referred to them they tried to influence locals also in this way.

“Big Bertha” sends large-caliber greetings from Berlin. A Socialist worker raises the red flag. Adoring crowds greet Hitler and Mussolini. Uncle Sam orders Americans to enlist. In the first half of the twentieth century, these images and... more

“Big Bertha” sends large-caliber greetings from Berlin. A Socialist worker raises the red flag. Adoring crowds greet Hitler and Mussolini. Uncle Sam orders Americans to enlist. In the first half of the twentieth century, these images and many more circulated by the millions on postcards intended to change minds and inspire actions. Whether produced by government propaganda bureaus, opportunistic publishers, aid organizations, or resistance movements, postcards conveyed their messages with striking graphics, pithy slogans, and biting caricatures—all in a uniquely personal form. The more than 350 cards reproduced in full color in this book advocate for political causes and celebrate war efforts on all sides of the major conflicts of their time.

Every war is not only the fight of the armies but also a war of the ideologies. One of the forms of the ideological war is propaganda posters. Over forty posters presented and analyzed in this article come from the Polish-Soviet war in... more

Every war is not only the fight of the armies but also a war of the ideologies. One of the forms of the ideological war is propaganda posters. Over forty posters presented and analyzed in this article come from the Polish-Soviet war in 1919-1921. The research work is based on grounded theory procedures adopted for visual data analyses. Particularly useful was a method of coding families worked out by Barney Glaser and modified to the visual data analysis by Krzysztof Konecki. The author reconstructed several basic motifs, formal solutions, and Communications strategies (i.e., continuity and continuation versus avant-garde and revolution, image of the enemy and “one’s own” imagination, strategic conversion) used by artists-ideologists from both sides of the conflict.

This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more

This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different
movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa,
Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article, during the period from June
2011 to June 2012, a total of 165 graffiti have been photographed, of which 83 painted by
neo-fascist groups, 72 by extreme left groups and 10 by anarchist groups. These three
macro communities, made of different subgroups, emerged as the most active in expressing
their antagonism towards the parliamentary parties with their graffiti that combine semantic
(words) and semiotic (images) elements. An analysis of the collected graffiti’s language
form, meaning and context allows for the identification of the variety of styles of
communication adopted by the different political antagonisms and the different contents of
their communication through graffiti as well as the key elements of their political identities.
Key words: political radicalism, graffiti, linguistics

Recognizing that opium was posing a threat to public health and moral wellbeing, anti-opium visual propaganda from 1895 to 1937 ‘deglamorized’ opium use and successfully drove people away from it. This paper will argue that specific... more

Recognizing that opium was posing a threat to public health and moral wellbeing, anti-opium visual propaganda from 1895 to 1937 ‘deglamorized’ opium use and successfully drove people away from it. This paper will argue that specific aspects of such visual propaganda – the reversal of perceptions of opium smoking, presenting a common enemy threatening the common people, the incorporation of distinctly Chinese elements – contributed to its effectiveness and success in its particular sociocultural and historical context, and consequently impacted later public health initiatives.

The processions, banners, posters, postcards, cartoons and arguments of the pro and anti-suffrage campaigns, 1907-1914

Coinciding with the centennial of the U.S. entry into World War I, this exhibition catalog examines the lives of four individuals from Montana or closely tied to the western state who served their country proudly and whose lives were... more

Coinciding with the centennial of the U.S. entry into World War I, this exhibition catalog examines the lives of four individuals from Montana or closely tied to the western state who served their country proudly and whose lives were significantly shaped by the Great War. They are: Glasgow-born William Belzer, celebrated aviator and among America’s first flying aces; Great Falls widow Josephine Hale who served as a Red Cross nurse and became a notable painter in France; doughboy Sidney F. Smith, survivor and hero of the infamous “Lost Battalion;” and James Watson Gerard, U.S. ambassador to Berlin until the U.S. declaration of war and husband to Mary Daly of the famous mining family. The catalog essay by UM Professor of Art History and Criticism H. Rafael Chacón addresses the abstract concept of the enemy, both abroad and within.

El afiche peruano entre 1968 y 1975 no puede ser analizado sin hacer referencia a los afiches que circularon en otros lugares del mundo durante todo el siglo XX, tanto durante las dos Guerras Mundiales, como durante el Gobierno soviético,... more

El afiche peruano entre 1968 y 1975 no puede ser analizado sin hacer referencia a los afiches que circularon en otros lugares del mundo durante todo el siglo XX, tanto durante las dos Guerras Mundiales, como durante el Gobierno soviético, maoísta, cubano o durante el periodo de la Guerra Civil en España. Las corrientes artísticas utilizadas en los afiches peruanos, los temas como el culto a la personalidad alrededor del líder, la elección de un héroe nacional, los afiches dirigidos de forma diferenciada a hombres y mujeres, la crítica a los enemigos, nos demuestra que los afiches peruanos se inscriben dentro de una corriente afichística mundial en la que se encuentran una y otra vez, las mismas estrategias visuales y retóricas para convencer al público de determinadas ideas políticas.

Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more

This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman writers from the Augustan Age to late antiquity in order to help illustrate the new and interconnected post-Carrhae world and its legacy. The rivalry of the Romans and Parthians became a primary focus of their foreign policies and drastically expanded their perceptions of the world in which they interacted. Even after the fall of the Parthians to the rebellious Sassanid Persians in the 220s CE, the Romans continued to find their three-century-long rivalry with the Parthians of interest and relevant to the changing world of late antiquity.

This article deals with anti-japanese visual propaganda in the years prior to IIWW.

ÖZET Propaganda en temel anlamda bir ikna etme sürecidir. İkna etmek, bir bildirim ve bilgi iletimi biçimidir. Ancak olgusal olarak propaganda kavramı; eksik, yanlış, kasti ve tasarlanmış bir bildirim ve bilgi verme sürecidir. Propaganda,... more

ÖZET Propaganda en temel anlamda bir ikna etme sürecidir. İkna etmek, bir bildirim ve bilgi iletimi biçimidir. Ancak olgusal olarak propaganda kavramı; eksik, yanlış, kasti ve tasarlanmış bir bildirim ve bilgi verme sürecidir. Propaganda, sistematik uygulamaları ile bir grubu, topluluğu ya da bir bireyi zihni olarak yeniden biçimlendirmedir. Bu biçimlendirme başta bilişsel olmak üzere toplumsal, kültürel ve siyasal anlamda propaganda yöntem ve tekniklerine uygun biçimde gerçekleşebilmektedir. Propagandanın uygulanması her zaman bir teknik ve yöntem bütünlüğüne dayanmaktadır. Propagandanın tarihi süreçte çeşitli topluluklarda, ülkelerde ve gruplarda pek çok uygulama biçimi ortaya çıkmasına rağmen en esaslı uygulamalarını küresel zamanlarla birlikte Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin propaganda faaliyetlerinde görmek mümkündür. Bu çalışmada, propagandanın olgusal manada geçirdiği değişim ve dönüşüm ile Amerikan propaganda faaliyetlerindeki görünümleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışma hem teorik nitelikli bir analizi hem de çeşitli kişisel gözlem ve görüşmelere dayalı uygulamalı bir metodolojik bakış açısını içerisinde barındırmaktadır. ABSTRACT Basicly, propaganda is the process of persuasion. Persuasion is a way of declaration and notification. However, propaganda as a phenomenon, is the process of deficient, wrong and deliberate declaration and notification. Propaganda is mentally reformation of a group, society or a person with the systematic applications. This reformation emerges in accordance with the method and technique of propaganda in the social, cultural and political and mostly cognitive ways. The application of propaganda is based on the unity of the method and technique. It is possible to see the most basic applications of propaganda on the activities of the United States of America even though propaganda appears on various societies, countries and groups in the historical process. In this work it is tried to reveal the change and transformaion of propaganda in a factual way and to reveal the American propaganda activities. This work contains both a theorotical analysis and a methodological perspective that is based on various personal observations and conservations. OLGUSALLAŞMAYA DOĞRU PROPAGANDA KAVRAMI Propaganda kavramı analiz edildiğinde çok farklı teknik, yöntem ve biçimde ortaya çıkabildiği görülmektedir. Her an yeni bir biçim ve uygulama alanı içerisinde kendisine yer bulabildiğinden ve bilgi vermenin her türlü (doğru, yanlış, tasarlanmış, kasıtlı üretilmiş gibi) biçimine ilişkin çok fazla içeriğe sahip olduğundan propaganda tanımı yapmak zordur. Propaganda; sonuçları önceden belirlenmiş referans ile grupları ya da diğer kişilerin eylemlerini ya da düşüncelerini etkilemek için gruplar ya da kişiler tarafından kasti olarak (kasten) tasarlanmış eylem ya da düşüncenin ifade edilmesidir (Cantril, 1938: 217). Propaganda, önemli fikirleri desteklemek ya da yaymak anlamın-da olup; Latince'de yaymak ve tohum ekmek anlamlarında kullanılmaktadır (Jowett ve O'Donnell, 2012: 2). Bir fikri yaymak, bir ideolojik söylemin bilerek ve isteyerek toplumsal zihne ekilmesidir. Zihin yapılandırılması, her zaman yeni bir fikri benimsetmek veya yaymak demek değildir. Var olan, hazır ve uygulanması istenen ideolojik kurguların da devam ettirilmesi manasında bir yapılandırmadır. Dolayısıyla propaganda sadece yeni bir fikir aşılaması değil aynı zamanda var olanı istenene evirme sürecidir. Propaganda, önceden belirlenmiş olan bir amaca yönelik olarak

This paper aims to explore the complex relationship between communism and Hollywood from 1947 to 1964. It looks at how the films produced during this period would reflect and often reinforce the changes in feelings and sentiments felt by... more

This paper aims to explore the complex relationship between communism and Hollywood from 1947 to 1964. It looks at how the films produced during this period would reflect and often reinforce the changes in feelings and sentiments felt by the American people throughout the Cold War.

Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial varias productoras de animación produjeron, por encargo del gobierno americano, insignias, manuales ilustrados, y sobre todo cortometrajes de propaganda de guerra, con un claro contenido anti- nazi.

Mexican film was aligned with the state since its origins, but this union only generated continuous cinematographic production beginning in the 1930s, when the government of President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río (1934-40) signed a contract... more

Mexican film was aligned with the state since its origins, but this union only generated continuous cinematographic production beginning in the 1930s, when the government of President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río (1934-40) signed a contract with the production company that would go to become one of the most important producers of Mexican cinema of the Golden Age: la Cinematográfica Latinoamericana S.A. (CLASA). This article analyses the changes of discourse and narrative style used in these newsreels during three consecutive presidential terms and outlines the working dynamics and the cinematic discourse of each government , as well as how newsreel formats reflected the agenda of each head of state. RESUMEN Desde sus orígenes el cine mexicano estableció una alianza con el Estado, pero fue hasta la década de los años 30 que dicha unión comenzó a generar una producción cinematográfica continua. Durante el periodo presidencial de Lázaro Cárdenas del Río (1934-40) se estableció un contrato con la productora que se PALABRAS CLAVE/ KEYWORDS noticiarios cine-matográficos/ newsreels productoras fílmicas/ film production companies relación cine-estado/ film-state relations propaganda presidencialismo/ presidentialism imagen pública/public image TANIA CELINA RUIZ OJEDA Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México C o p y r i g h t I n t e l l e c t L t d 2 0 2 0 N o t f o r d i s t r i b u t i o n .

Le attuali forme della relazione tra sistema politico, mezzi di comunicazione e cittadini derivano da trasformazioni sociali profonde che hanno le loro radici alla fine dell’Ottocento e che trovano il loro primo vero banco di prova... more

Le attuali forme della relazione tra sistema politico, mezzi di comunicazione e cittadini derivano da trasformazioni sociali profonde che hanno le loro radici alla fine dell’Ottocento e che trovano il loro primo vero banco di prova durante la Grande Guerra.
Guardare alle strutture e ai canali di trasmissione attraverso i quali in quegli anni si affermarono definitivamente nuove forme di comunicazione politica offre dunque un contributo alla comprensione del rapporto tra il cittadino e la politica nell’epoca contemporanea.

El presente artículo delinea las representaciones caricaturales desplegadas desde la prensa estadounidense sobre el pueblo venezolano y su presidente Cipriano Castro, en ocasión del bloqueo naval anglo-germano, efectuado sobre los... more

El presente artículo delinea las representaciones caricaturales desplegadas desde la prensa estadounidense sobre el pueblo venezolano y su presidente Cipriano Castro, en ocasión del bloqueo naval anglo-germano, efectuado sobre los principales puertos del país sudamericano en diciembre de 1902. Mediante la observación de un corpus de ciento cincuenta caricaturas, en compañía de artículos editoriales, se develan los aspectos criteriales de representación visual y textual más recurrentes en la opinión pública norteamericana en relación con los actores implicados en tal incidente.