Web Service Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Basic similarities among the several service-registry standards that exist today suggest the potential for interoperability. Given that service registries are key components inWeb services architectures, interoperability will play an... more

Basic similarities among the several service-registry standards that exist today suggest the potential for interoperability. Given that service registries are key components inWeb services architectures, interoperability will play an increasingly important role in facilitating dynamic ...

As more and more students get access to computers to aid them in their studies, they also gain access to machines that can play games, which can negatively affect a student's academic performance. However, it is also debated that playing... more

As more and more students get access to computers to aid them in their studies, they also gain access to machines that can play games, which can negatively affect a student's academic performance. However, it is also debated that playing video games could also positively affect a student's academic performance. In order to address both sides of the argument, we can create an app that limits the amount of time a student has to play games while not completely removing the ability for students to play games.

One of the most serious challenges that web service enabled e-marketplaces face is the lack of formal support for expressing service requests against UDDI-resident web services in order to solve a complex business problem. We present a... more

One of the most serious challenges that web service enabled e-marketplaces face is the lack of formal support for expressing service requests against UDDI-resident web services in order to solve a complex business problem. We present a framework in which such a formalization is possible by integrating AI planning and constraint satisfaction techniques with web service technology. This framework is designed to handle and execute requests performing planning under uncertainty on the basis of refinement and revision as ...

In this paper model for managing the Job Rotation of personnel attached to specific military units is proposed. This model aims to maintain the level of the overall preparedness of the units against known risks, by maintaining the... more

In this paper model for managing the Job Rotation of personnel attached to specific military units is proposed. This model aims to maintain the level of the overall preparedness of the units against known risks, by maintaining the presence of skilled personnel present in the unit at any time. The model is used for the development of a software tool that manages the systematic training of army officers in risk prevention and crisis management. The aim of this tool is to globally optimize the movements of army officers between units and training centers so that no units are ever left without skilled staff trained for a particular type of contingency. While officers are in training, they prepare for new hazards and prepare emergency plans for dealing with these particular hazards with the support of more experienced trainers or mentors. When this rotation ends, officers return to their units and assume responsibilities in both implementing the plans they have helped create, as well as ...

This paper addresses the state of the art in service composition as driven by the current interest in web services. This paper examines this state of the art form the viewpoint of the application of state of the art to ubiquitous... more

This paper addresses the state of the art in service composition as driven by the current interest in web services. This paper examines this state of the art form the viewpoint of the application of state of the art to ubiquitous computing. It addresses the various ...

NetBeans es un entorno de desarrollo integrado libre, hecho principalmente para el lenguaje de programación Java. Existe además un número importante de módulos para extenderlo GlassFish es un servidor de aplicaciones de software libre... more

NetBeans es un entorno de desarrollo integrado libre, hecho principalmente para el lenguaje de programación Java. Existe además un número importante de módulos para extenderlo GlassFish es un servidor de aplicaciones de software libre desarrollado por Sun Microsystems, compañía adquirida por Oracle Corporation, que implementa las tecnologías definidas en la plataforma Java EE y permite ejecutar aplicaciones que siguen esta especificación Web services. Es un conjunto de protocolos y estandares que sirven para intercambiar datos entre aplicaciones.

The essential services such as banking, transportation, medicine, education and defense are being progressively replaced by cheaper and more efficient Internet-based web applications. Therefore, the availability of Web services is very... more

The essential services such as banking, transportation, medicine, education and defense are being progressively replaced by cheaper and more efficient Internet-based web applications. Therefore, the availability of Web services is very critical for the socio-economic growth of the society. Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks pose an immense threat to the availability of these services. The services are severely degraded and hence lot of business loses are incurred due to these attacks. To objectively evaluate DDoS attack's impact, its severity and the effectiveness of a potential defense, we need precise, quantitative and comprehensive DDoS impact metrics that are applicable to web services. In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze impact of DDoS attacks on the Web services. The experiments are conducted in NS-2. The attack traffic is mixed with legitimate traffic at different strengths and impact of DDoS attacks are measured in terms of throughput, response time, ratio of average serve to request rate, percentage link utilization, and normal packet survival ratio (NPSR). electronic document is a "live" template. The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document.

In this paper, we introduce the concept of a transactional pattern for specifying flexible and reliable composite Web services. A transactional pattern is a convergence concept between workflow patterns and advanced transactional models;... more

In this paper, we introduce the concept of a transactional pattern for specifying flexible and reliable composite Web services. A transactional pattern is a convergence concept between workflow patterns and advanced transactional models; thus it combines workflow flexibility and transaction reliability. Designers can simply connect together transactional patterns to define a composite Web service. In relation, we provide techniques to ensure control and transactional consistency of such services.

SLA monitoring is difficult to automate as it would need precise and unambiguous specification and a customizable engine that collects the right measurement, models the data and evaluates the SLA at certain times or when certain events... more

SLA monitoring is difficult to automate as it would need precise and unambiguous specification and a customizable engine that collects the right measurement, models the data and evaluates the SLA at certain times or when certain events happen. Also most of the SLA neglect client side measurement or restrict SLAs to measurements based only on server side. In a cross-enterprise

Powerful computers and affordable digital media appliances result in a rapid growth of possibilities in the field of multimedia applications. There has been a significant increase in creation and use of multimedia content. Nowadays... more

Powerful computers and affordable digital media appliances result in a rapid growth of possibilities in the field of multimedia applications. There has been a significant increase in creation and use of multimedia content. Nowadays everybody can be treated as a potential creator and user of multimedia content. In order to deliver multimedia services to end-users, many parties are integrated and a series of Web services is accessed. A Web service in the composition can become unreachable by a number of circumstances, which requires run-time actions to replace it by another compatible Web service. A Web service can also perform less well than guaranteed, which also requires action in order to fulfill QoS requirements. To answer these requirements, we designed a broker middleware offering dynamic selection and composition of Multimedia Content Delivery services and automatic load balancing of these services over the available application servers. Since users want fast and reliable conn...

In this short paper we examine the integration of three emerging trends in Information Technology (Utility Computing, Grid Computing, and Web Services) into a new Computing paradigm (Grid-based Application Service Provision) that is... more

In this short paper we examine the integration of three emerging trends in Information Technology (Utility Computing, Grid Computing, and Web Services) into a new Computing paradigm (Grid-based Application Service Provision) that is taking place in the context of the European research project GRASP. In the first part of the paper, we explain how the integration of emerging trends can support enterprises in creating competitive advantage. In the second part, we summarise an architecture blueprint of Grid-based Application Service Provision (GRASP), which enables a new technology-driven business paradigm on top of such integration.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is a research hotspot in recent years and has yielded many fruitful results. However, the biomedical applications of WSN haven’t received significant development due to its many unique challenges for the... more

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is a research hotspot in recent years and has yielded many fruitful results. However, the biomedical applications of WSN haven’t received significant development due to its many unique challenges for the engineers and physicians. In this paper, a system architecture solution of body area network (BAN), our so called project “MediMesh”, is presented. A biomedical dedicated BAN node hardware platform is devised to fit the medical monitoring application. The sensor node is built up especially for healthcare monitoring while the biocompatibility and portability are considered. A light weight network protocol is designed considering the radiation effect and communication overhead. After data acquisition from sink stations, a data publishing system based on web service technology is implemented for typical hospital environment. The publishing of biomedical data is realized through 3 phases: first storing the data automatically in a database, then creating information sharing service by using Web Service technology, and finally allowing data access by the physicians and end users.

The concept of a digital ecosystem (DE) has been used to explore scenarios in which multiple online services and resources can be accessed by users without there being a single point of control. In previous work we have described how the... more

The concept of a digital ecosystem (DE) has been used to explore scenarios in which multiple online services and resources can be accessed by users without there being a single point of control. In previous work we have described how the so-called transaction languages can express concurrent and distributed interactions between online services in a transactional environment. In this paper we outline how transaction languages capture the history of a long-running transaction and highlight the benefits of our true-concurrent approach in the context of DEs. This includes support for the recovery of a long-running transaction whenever some failure is encountered. We introduce an animation tool that has been developed to explore the behaviours of long-running transactions within our modelling environment. Further, we discuss how this work supports the declarative approach to the development of open distributed applications.

AI planning constitutes a field of interest as its techniques can be applied to many areas. Contemporary systems that are being developed deal with certain aspects of planning and focus mainly on dealing with advanced features such as... more

AI planning constitutes a field of interest as its techniques can be applied to many areas. Contemporary systems that are being developed deal with certain aspects of planning and focus mainly on dealing with advanced features such as resources, time and numerical expressions. This paper presents VLEPpO, a Visual Language for Enhanced Planning problem Orchestration. VLEPpO is a visual programming environment that allows the user to easily define planning domains and problems, acquire their PDDL ...

We introduce a logical verification methodology for checking behavioral properties of service-oriented computing systems. Service properties are described by means of SocL, a branching-time temporal logic that we have specifically... more

We introduce a logical verification methodology for checking behavioral properties of service-oriented computing systems. Service properties are described by means of SocL, a branching-time temporal logic that we have specifically designed for expressing in an effective way distinctive aspects of services, such as, acceptance of a request, provision of a response, correlation among service requests and responses, etc. Our approach allows service properties to be expressed in such a way that they can be independent of service domains and specifications. We show an instantiation of our general methodology that uses the formal language COWS to conveniently specify services and the expressly developed software tool CMC to assist the user in the task of verifying SocL formulas over service specifications. We demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our methodology by means of the specification and analysis of a case study in the automotive domain.

Service Oriented Computing and its most famous implementation technology Web Services (WS) are becoming an important enabler of networked business models. Discovery mechanisms are a critical factor to the overall utility of Web Services.... more

Service Oriented Computing and its most famous implementation technology Web Services (WS) are becoming an important enabler of networked business models. Discovery mechanisms are a critical factor to the overall utility of Web Services. So far, discovery mechanisms based on the UDDI standard rely on many centralized and area-specific directories, which poses information stress problems such as performance bottlenecks and fault tolerance. In this context, decentralized approaches based on Peer to Peer overlay networks have been proposed by many researchers as a solution. In this paper, we propose a new structured P2P overlay network infrastructure designed for Web Services Discovery. We present theoretical analysis backed up by experimental results, showing that the proposed solution outperforms popular decentralized infrastructures for web discovery, Chord (and some of its successors), BATON (and it’s successor) and Skip-Graphs.

IGN Spain, as the body responsible for the coordination of the Spanish SDI, opened in 2004 the IDEE geoportal, a standard application enabling to access nine different types of OGC services. IGN France opened the viewer part of the... more

IGN Spain, as the body responsible for the coordination of the Spanish SDI, opened in 2004 the IDEE geoportal, a standard application enabling to access nine different types of OGC services. IGN France opened the viewer part of the geoportail. fr in June 2006. At the ...

BPEL4WS is one of the most utilized business process development languages. It can be used to develop executable business processes as a combination of Web Services interactions in a specific sequence called process flow. But still... more

BPEL4WS is one of the most utilized business process development languages. It can be used to develop executable business processes as a combination of Web Services interactions in a specific sequence called process flow. But still BPEL4WS lacks sufficient representation of business process semantics required for business processes automation. On the other hand OWL-S (OWL for Web Services) is designed to present such kind of semantic information. There exists similarity in the conceptual model of OWL-S and ...

In this paper we introduce a model as a foundation for het-erogeneous services, therefore unifying web services tech-nologies in SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), specif-ically, SOAP/WS * and RESTful models. This model ab-stracts away... more

In this paper we introduce a model as a foundation for het-erogeneous services, therefore unifying web services tech-nologies in SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), specif-ically, SOAP/WS * and RESTful models. This model ab-stracts away from service implementations, in order to verify and to enforce some important security properties.