Wissensmanagement Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Aus- und Weiterbildungen müssen die Entwicklungen aufgreifen und den Bedürfnissen unterschiedlichster Personengruppen in einer digitalen Gesellschaft konsequent entgegenkommen. Am Berlin Career College der Universität der Künste Berlin... more

Aus- und Weiterbildungen müssen die Entwicklungen aufgreifen und den Bedürfnissen unterschiedlichster Personengruppen in einer digitalen Gesellschaft konsequent entgegenkommen. Am Berlin Career College der Universität der Künste Berlin befassen wir uns seit 2007 intensiv mit der Integration digitaler Technologien in Weiterbildungsangebote für Kunstschaffende. Hier hinein reiht sich auch die Entwicklung und Erprobung des Zertifikatskurses tAPP. Dabei sind Smartphones und Tablets nicht nur als Musikinstrument und als didaktischer Gegenstand in der Weiterbildung präsent. Sie werden in alle Formate der Weiterbildung als Lern-Werkzeug der Teilnehmenden integriert, wodurch die Technologien eine Verbindungslinie zwischen formalem und informellem Lernen schlagen.

Die Trend-Studie der Pumacy Technologies AG liefert eine Antwort darauf, welche Wissensmanagement-Ansätze im Praxiseinsatz Aussicht auf Erfolg haben. Die Autoren haben sämtliche Praktiken auf ihre Verbreitung hin untersucht. Dafür nutzten... more

Die Trend-Studie der Pumacy Technologies AG liefert eine Antwort darauf, welche Wissensmanagement-Ansätze im Praxiseinsatz Aussicht auf Erfolg haben. Die Autoren haben sämtliche Praktiken auf ihre Verbreitung hin untersucht. Dafür nutzten Sie den so genannten Hype-Cycle-Ansatz. Dieser stellt die verschiedenen Phasen der öffentlichen Aufmerksam­keit dar, die eine Innovation bei ihrer Markteinführung durchläuft. Im Diagramm lässt sich so für jede Methode und Technologie ablesen, ob sie bereits produktiv eingesetzt wird oder ob sie sich noch in einem Entwicklungsstadium befindet. Neben diesen Daten zeigt die Studie, wann sich die verschiedenen Wissensmanagement-Trends durchsetzen werden. Die Befragten sind ausschließlich Wissensmanagement-Anwender und -Visionäre, davon ein überwiegender Anteil Führungs- oder Leitungs­positionen in großen Unternehmen.

Literaturauszug aus: Internationales Institut für Lernende Organisation und Innovation: Knowledge Management, Ein empirisch gestützter Leitfaden zum Management des Produktionsfaktors Wissen in: Studienbericht, Internationales Institut... more

Abstract. E-learning deals with knowledge management, for sure, and knowl-edge management very frequently results in learning. So far, there is an obvi-ously close relationship between the two disciplines. However, deeper insights do not... more

Abstract. E-learning deals with knowledge management, for sure, and knowl-edge management very frequently results in learning. So far, there is an obvi-ously close relationship between the two disciplines. However, deeper insights do not arise easily. Here we investigate how ...

The knowledge-intensive processes of professional services firms (PSF) demand instruments with which to store, review, and exchange knowledge. Knowledge centers (KCs) are centralized units that meet this demand. They concentrate knowledge... more

The knowledge-intensive processes of professional services firms (PSF) demand instruments with which to store, review, and exchange knowledge. Knowledge centers (KCs) are centralized units that meet this demand. They concentrate knowledge on certain business-relevant topics and share it through integrated knowledge management structures. This paper illustrates the concept as well as the different strategies of KCs in an exploratory study on PSF and aims at providing the first characteristics of a reference model for KC.

Knowledge is increasingly thought of as a common good. This is exhibited in the fact that many central economies are moving towards economic paradigms where knowledge plays a fundamental role. This paper explores the confluence between... more

Knowledge is increasingly thought of as a common good. This is exhibited in the fact that
many central economies are moving towards economic paradigms where knowledge plays a
fundamental role. This paper explores the confluence between both processes, asking in what
ways an economic model based on the knowledge commons can open up new socioeconomic
scenarios in the face of overwhelming neoliberal financialization.

Abstract: What is an adequate philosophy for knowledge management for an ontologist working in information science? I will contend that the relevant part of knowledge management, namely the theory of knowledge representation, lacks proper... more

Abstract: What is an adequate philosophy for knowledge management for an ontologist working in information science? I will contend that the relevant part of knowledge management, namely the theory of knowledge representation, lacks proper foundations. In particular, I will ...

This paper discusses the relationship between ontology, seen as the understanding of reality, and the management of technology. It introduces two ontological positions: realism and constructivism. This ontological debate is explored with... more

This paper discusses the relationship between ontology, seen as the understanding of reality, and the management of technology. It introduces two ontological positions: realism and constructivism. This ontological debate is explored with the example of the Irish attempt to introduce e-voting. In order to understand the mistakes made during the Irish e-voting project, it is helpful to consider the ontological position taken by the responsible decision makers. It is argued that only a realist conception of technology can give rise to the sort of mismanagement that was observed in the case study. In conclusion, the paper suggests that following a constructivist ontology would have helped avoid some of the serious mistakes that were made. In 2004 the Irish government attempted to introduce electronic voting for local and European elections. This was the first attempt to implement electronic voting holistically within the European Union. During the implementation time, there were many in...

Abstract: Within the paradigm of the “knowledge driven economy” the role of knowledge in fostering innovative products, services and processes has been increasingly realised by academics and practitioners in recent years. Although... more

Abstract: Within the paradigm of the “knowledge driven economy” the role of knowledge in fostering innovative products, services and processes has been increasingly realised by academics and practitioners in recent years. Although considerable effort has been undertaken to point ...

Der Begriff Wissenstransfer wird sowohl in der Scientific Community als auch in unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Sphären außerhalb des Wissenschafts- und Forschungsbereiches verwendet. Dennoch gibt es keine einheitliche Definition,... more

Der Begriff Wissenstransfer wird sowohl in der Scientific Community als auch in unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Sphären außerhalb des Wissenschafts- und Forschungsbereiches verwendet. Dennoch gibt es keine einheitliche Definition, sodass verschiedene Gruppen innerhalb und auch außerhalb der Universitäten unterschiedliche Ansichten dazu haben, was genau unter Wissenstransfer zu verstehen ist. In den GSK-Wissenschaften scheint dieses Phänomen besonders ausgeprägt zu sein. So existieren auch andere Begrifflichkeiten die teilweise als Synonyme verwendet werden oder aber für bestimmte Teilaspekte stehen. Gängige Varianten inkludieren etwa Wissensvermittlung, (Wissens-) Dissemination oder Wissensmanagement. In der englischsprachigen Literatur finden sich neben der gängigen Variante knowledge transfer beispielsweise auch knowledge mobilization, knowledge dissemination oder research utilization.
Da Wissenstransfer ein umfangreiches Feld ist, gibt es ein großes Spektrum unterschiedlicher Komponenten und Subdisziplinen, die mit dem Thema assoziiert werden können. Trotz des wissenschaftlichen Interesses an der Thematik wurde bisher kaum Forschung durchgeführt, welche sich mit dem Verständnis des Wissenstransfer-Begriffs befasst. Um hier mehr Klarheit zu schaffen, wurde im Rahmen der österreichweiten WTZ-Studie eine qualitative Erhebung durchgeführt. Dabei befragten wir Wissenschaftler_innen unterschiedlicher Disziplinen, um zu klären, welche Teilaspekte und Themen mit dem Begriff Wissenstransfer verknüpft werden. Zudem explorierten wir, ob Unterschiede zwischen den GSK-Wissenschaften und anderen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen festzustellen sind.

Zu verschiedenen Zeiten gibt es in Kunst und Medien spezifische Heldenideale, die auf das Publikum interessant wirken. Fokus dieses Papers bildet der Film The Salton Sea. Betrachtet werden Identitäts- bzw. Selbstbildung sowie Wissens-... more

Zu verschiedenen Zeiten gibt es in Kunst und Medien spezifische Heldenideale, die auf das Publikum interessant wirken. Fokus dieses Papers bildet der Film The Salton Sea. Betrachtet werden Identitäts- bzw. Selbstbildung sowie Wissens- bzw. Biographiemanagement im Zusammenhang mit der (Anti-)Heldenfigur und Narrationsstruktur, sowie am Rande das Zusammenspiel dieser Faktoren. Das Prinzip der Täuschung erzeugt hierbei Spannung.

The main factors that determine the cost of high-level waste (HLW) vitrification are the waste loading (which determines the volume of glass) and the melting rate. Product quality should be the only factor determining the waste loading... more

The main factors that determine the cost of high-level waste (HLW) vitrification are the waste loading (which determines the volume of glass) and the melting rate. Product quality should be the only factor determining the waste loading while melter design should provide a rapid melting technology. In reality, the current HLW melters are slow in glass-production rate and are subjected to operational risks that require waste loading to be kept far below its intrinsic level. One of the constraints that decrease waste loading is the liquidus-temperature limit. close inspection reveals that this constraint is probably too severe, even for the current technology. The purpose of the liquidus-temperature constraint is to prevent solids from settling on the melter bottom. It appears that some limited settling would niether interfere with melter operation nor shorten its lifetime and that the rate of settling can be greatly reduced if only small crystals are allowed to form.

Informatics and AI claim that the word is made of objects orga- nized into classes (taxonomies, ontologies,…). In this paper, we explore an other idea: we structure our material relationships by collecting objects within collections,... more

Informatics and AI claim that the word is made of objects orga- nized into classes (taxonomies, ontologies,…). In this paper, we explore an other idea: we structure our material relationships by collecting objects within collections, which are never as static as classes. At the beginning of La Symphonie Pastorale by André Gide, the good pastor, having taken in Gertrude, tried

Unique challenges exist for the handling, transport, and disposal of debris resulting from homeland security incidents, disasters or other national emergencies. Access to guidance to facilitate decision making to ensure the safe and... more

Unique challenges exist for the handling, transport, and disposal of debris resulting from homeland security incidents, disasters or other national emergencies. Access to guidance to facilitate decision making to ensure the safe and timely disposal of debris is critical to helping restore a community or region and prevent further contamination or spread of disease. For a radiological dispersal device (RDD),

Sharing knowledge is one of the most challenging tasks modern companies have to deal with. A vast amount of knowledge exists within organizations; however it is often difficult to find and to judge its value. As a consequence, learning... more

Sharing knowledge is one of the most challenging tasks modern companies have to deal with. A vast amount of knowledge exists within organizations; however it is often difficult to find and to judge its value. As a consequence, learning and knowledge building seem to be a lonely activity, separated from everyday work. In contrast, the way younger employees are communicating and learning is strongly peer oriented and collective. The generation that cannot imagine a world without the Internet learns through externalization instead of internalization, using colleagues and experts surrounding them. Sharing knowledge is a heavily familiar thing to them. The following article shows an approach of Networked Learning to link the professional learning experience to the workplace and to knowledge co-creation in a company. Through a tool that was developed for facilitating knowledge sharing and peer-learning the Networked Learning Model shows how this approach can work in practice.

Abstract. Innovation and thus the production of knowledge becomes a factor of competitiveness. The research activities aim, in particular, the production of new knowledge. Researchers could profit from approaches and methods such as... more

Abstract. Innovation and thus the production of knowledge becomes a factor of competitiveness. The research activities aim, in particular, the production of new knowledge. Researchers could profit from approaches and methods such as quality management and ...

The Semantic Web implies the comprehensive use of the main semiotic postulates on the Web. One of the most important facts about human understanding comes from the area of linguistics and semiotics. The semiotic techniques, such as... more

The Semantic Web implies the comprehensive use of the main semiotic postulates on the Web. One of the most important facts about human understanding comes from the area of linguistics and semiotics. The semiotic techniques, such as syntagm and paradigm are explained through the examples in learning environment, in the context of logical understanding and knowledge representation on the Web.

We present an implementation of a multi-agent system whose goal is to solve theproblem of tacit knowledge transfer by means of sharing of experiences. In particular, we consider experiences of use of pieces of information. Each agent... more

We present an implementation of a multi-agent system whose goal is to solve theproblem of tacit knowledge transfer by means of sharing of experiences. In particular, we consider experiences of use of pieces of information. Each agent incorporates asystems for implicit culture support (SICS) whose goal is to realize the acceptance ofthe information suggested. The SICS permits a transparent, namely implicit, sharing ofthe information about the use, eg requesting and accepting, of pieces of information.

The goal of this paper is to address the currently serious problem of antibiotic resistance applying knowledge discovery techniques to real hospital data. In this paper we introduce our approach to that problem and the first re- sults of... more

The goal of this paper is to address the currently serious problem of antibiotic resistance applying knowledge discovery techniques to real hospital data. In this paper we introduce our approach to that problem and the first re- sults of our project aimed to perform exploratory analysis of microbiology data. While discussing preliminary findings we consider possible directions of fur- ther