Adler (locomotive) (original) (raw)

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The Adler (German for "Eagle") was the first locomotive that was successfully used commercially for the rail transport of passengers and goods in Germany. The railway vehicle was designed and built in 1835 by the British railway pioneers George and Robert Stephenson in the English city of Newcastle. It was delivered to the Bavarian Ludwig Railway (Bayerische Ludwigsbahn) for service between Nuremberg and Fürth. It ran officially for the first time there on 7 December 1835. The Adler was a steam locomotive of the Patentee type with a wheel arrangement of 2-2-2 (Whyte notation) or 1A1 (UIC classification). The Adler was equipped with a tender of type 2 T 2. It had a sister locomotive, the Pfeil.


Property Value
dbo:MeanOfTransportation/length 7620.0
dbo:abstract The Adler (German for "Eagle") was the first locomotive that was successfully used commercially for the rail transport of passengers and goods in Germany. The railway vehicle was designed and built in 1835 by the British railway pioneers George and Robert Stephenson in the English city of Newcastle. It was delivered to the Bavarian Ludwig Railway (Bayerische Ludwigsbahn) for service between Nuremberg and Fürth. It ran officially for the first time there on 7 December 1835. The Adler was a steam locomotive of the Patentee type with a wheel arrangement of 2-2-2 (Whyte notation) or 1A1 (UIC classification). The Adler was equipped with a tender of type 2 T 2. It had a sister locomotive, the Pfeil. (en) Der Adler war die erste Lokomotive, die kommerziell erfolgreich im Personenverkehr und später auch im Güterverkehr in Deutschland fuhr. Er und seine Schwestermaschine Pfeil wurden als Dampfwagen geführt. Das Eisenbahnfahrzeug wurde 1835 von der 1823 gegründeten Firma Robert Stephenson and Company im englischen Newcastle konstruiert und gebaut und an die Königlich privilegierte Ludwigs-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft in Nürnberg (LEG) für den Betrieb auf ihrer Strecke zwischen Nürnberg und Fürth geliefert. Die offizielle Eröffnungsfahrt der Bahn fand, nach mehrmaliger Terminverschiebung (als erster Termin war der Geburtstag Ludwigs I. am 25. August geplant, ein weiterer am 24. November), schließlich am 7. Dezember 1835 statt. Der reguläre Betrieb wurde am 8. Dezember 1835 aufgenommen. Der Adler war eine Dampflokomotive der Bauart Patentee mit der Achsfolge 1A1 (Whyte-Notation: 2-2-2) und war mit einem Schlepptender der Bauart 2 T 2 ausgestattet. (de) L'Adler (en français : l'aigle) est une série de locomotives à vapeur allemandes construites entre 1835 et 1836 au Royaume-Uni. (fr) アドラー(独:Adler)は2-2-2(ホワイト表記)あるいは 1A1(UIC 分類)の車軸配置を持った蒸気機関車で、ドイツで走行に成功した最初の機関車である。 イギリスの鉄道のパイオニア、ジョージ・スチーブンソンとロバート・スチーブンソンにより1835年に製造され、ニュルンベルクとフュルトの間のバイエルン・ルートヴィヒ鉄道に納入、1835年12月7日に初めて走った。アドラーにはタイプ2 T 2のテンダーが付属した。 (ja) La locomotiva Adler fu una locomotiva a vapore a 2 cilindri interni e a semplice espansione, con rodiggio 1-A-1, progettata e costruita in Inghilterra per conto della ferrovia tedesca Bayerische Ludwigsbahn dopo che questa aveva invano cercata una locomotiva di costruzione nazionale. Venne consegnata nel 1835 dai pionieri della ferrovia George Stephenson e dal figlio Robert per l'inaugurazione della ferrovia tra Norimberga e Fürth fece il suo esordio il 26 ottobre 1835. Era una locomotiva Patentee della seconda generazione Stephenson con tender a 2 assi. Il rodiggio adottato con carrello portante anteriore e posteriore rendeva più stabile la marcia oltre a diminuire il peso per asse. La locomotiva venne montata in Germania. Venne utilizzata alla trazione dei treni fino al 1857. Per la celebrazione del centenario delle ferrovie in Germania, nel 1935 venne costruita una replica della Adler a cura della Deutsche Reichsbahn. Il 19 ottobre 2005 la locomotiva ed il suo treno Der Adler sono stati distrutti, assieme ad un gran numero di rotabili storici, nel corso di un gravissimo incendio avvenuto nel padiglione museale del deposito locomotive di Norimberga. (it) Adler (niem. Orzeł) – parowóz zaprojektowany i zbudowany przez George'a i Roberta Stephensonów w 1835 roku dla niemieckich linii kolejowych, do obsługiwania linii Norymberga – Furth. Był to 118. parowóz zakładów Stephensonów. Miał nowatorski wówczas układ osi 1A1 (1-1-1), nazwany Patentee – Stephenson eksperymentował wcześniej z układem 1-1-0 (tzw. Planet), jednak ze względu na zbyt duże obciążenie osi napędowej i wynikającą z tego niespokojną jazdę, dodał drugie koło toczne za kołem napędnym i stojakiem kotła. Bliźniaczy silnik parowy, dwucylindrowy, na parą nasyconą, umieszczony był wewnątrz ostoi, pod dymnicą i napędzał wykorbioną oś silnikową. Wodę w kotle uzupełniano pompą, która pracowała tylko podczas ruchu lokomotywy. Parowóz eksploatowano do 1857, został on następnie rozebrany na części i sprzedany. Na konstrukcji Adlera wzorowała się niemiecka fabryka Maffei konstruując swój pierwszy parowóz Münchner w 1841 roku. W 1935 roku zbudowano w Niemczech czynną replikę parowozu Adler. Replika została uszkodzona w wyniku pożaru jaki wybuchł w Norymberskim Muzeum Transportu, 17 października 2005 r., a następnie odbudowana do czynnego stanu w 2007 roku. (pl) A Adler (águia em alemão) foi a primeira locomotiva a circular na Alemanha, para o caminho-de-ferro bávara, na linha Nuremberga - Fürth. Após 20 anos de serviço foi retirada do serviço e enviada para a sucata. (pt)
dbo:activeYearsEndYear 1835-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
dbo:activeYearsStartYear 1835-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
dbo:builder dbr:Robert_Stephenson dbr:Newcastle_upon_Tyne
dbo:length 7.620000 (xsd:double)
dbo:numberBuilt 1 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
dbo:thumbnail wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Adler_(14.09.1985).jpg?width=300
dbo:wikiPageID 18059897 (xsd:integer)
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dbo:wikiPageRevisionID 1117406313 (xsd:integer)
dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Cab_(locomotive) dbr:Carpenter dbr:Potsdam dbr:Pound_(mass) dbr:Prussia dbr:Robert_Stephenson dbr:Rolling_stock dbr:Rotterdam dbr:Meiningen_Steam_Locomotive_Works dbr:Scientific_modelling dbr:Barge dbr:Belgium dbr:Berlin dbr:Bogie dbr:Brake dbr:De_Arend_(locomotive) dbr:Deutsche_Bundesbahn dbr:Deutsche_Bundespost dbr:Deutsche_Post dbr:Deutsche_Reichsbahn dbr:Deutsche_Reichsbahn_(East_Germany) dbr:Horsepower dbr:Hundredweight dbr:Julius_Dorpmüller dbr:Julius_Streicher dbr:Patentee_(locomotive) dbr:Rhine dbr:Rim_(wheel) dbr:Charcoal dbr:Cylinder_(engine) dbr:United_Kingdom dbr:University_of_Würzburg dbr:Captain_(nautical) dbr:Deutsche_Post_of_the_GDR dbr:Propaganda dbr:Wrought_iron dbr:Nuremberg_Rally dbr:Cologne dbr:Mechelen dbr:Meiningen dbr:Narrow_gauge_railway dbr:Patentee_locomotive dbr:Railway_company dbr:Railway_track dbr:England dbr:Engraving dbr:Franconia dbr:Fürth dbr:Fürth_Hauptbahnhof dbr:Georg_Zacharias_Platner dbr:George_Stephenson dbr:Germany dbr:Gradients dbr:Great_Western_Railway dbr:Mint_(coin) dbr:Munich dbr:Continental_Europe dbr:1936_Summer_Olympics dbr:Bavarian_Ludwig_Railway dbr:Letter_of_intent dbr:Liverpool_and_Manchester_Railway dbr:Liège dbr:Locomotive dbr:Lohr_am_Main dbr:London dbr:Low-loader dbr:Ludwig_I_of_Bavaria dbr:Main_(river) dbr:Boiler dbr:Silk dbr:Stagecoach dbr:Steam_engine dbr:Steam_locomotive dbr:Steamboat dbr:Stockton_and_Darlington_Railway dbr:Stuttgart dbr:Commemorative_stamp dbr:Commerce dbr:Federal_Railway_Authority dbr:Fraxinus dbr:Horse dbr:Horsecar dbr:Kreuzer dbr:Parade dbr:Passenger dbr:Public_relations dbr:Postage_stamp dbr:Spoke dbr:Strike_action dbr:Brussels dbr:Adhesion dbr:Administrative_divisions_of_Nazi_Germany dbc:1A1_n2_locomotives dbc:Early_steam_locomotives dbc:Individual_locomotives_of_Germany dbc:Private_locomotives_of_Germany dbc:Standard_gauge_locomotives_of_Germany dbc:Steam_locomotives_of_Germany dbr:Cent_(currency) dbr:Tonne dbr:UIC_classification dbr:Dolphin dbr:Glass dbr:Coupé dbr:Leather dbr:Aachen dbr:Aalen dbc:Locomotives_of_Bavaria dbr:DRG_Class_05 dbr:East_Germany dbr:Eschweiler dbr:Euro dbr:Europe dbr:Firebox_(steam_engine) dbr:Flanders dbr:Flange dbr:Foot_(unit) dbr:Barrel dbr:Brass dbr:Northumberland dbr:Nuremberg dbr:Nuremberg_Transport_Museum dbr:Nuremberg_Zoo dbr:Passenger_car_(rail) dbr:Cattle dbr:Foulard dbr:Goods_wagon dbr:History_of_rail_transport_in_Germany dbr:Dorling_Kindersley dbr:Track_gauge dbr:South_German_gulden dbr:Good_(economics) dbr:2-2-2 dbc:2-2-2_locomotives dbr:Hamburg dbr:Iron dbr:Aschaffenburg dbr:Augsburg dbr:John_Braithwaite_(engineer) dbr:John_Ericsson dbr:Kaiserslautern dbr:Kilometres_per_hour dbr:Bituminous_coal dbr:Cockerill-Sambre dbr:Coke_(fuel) dbr:Tender_(rail) dbr:Thesis dbr:Track_(rail_transport) dbr:Train dbr:Tram dbr:Wheel dbr:Wheelset_(rail_transport) dbr:Wheelwright dbr:Whyte_notation dbr:William_Wilson_(engineer) dbr:Working_animal dbr:Reichspost dbr:Diesel_locomotive dbr:Ausbesserungswerk dbr:Buffer_(rail_transport) dbr:Bus dbr:Classification_yard dbr:Freight_forwarder dbr:Great_Depression dbr:Konstanz dbr:Nazism dbr:Neuwied dbr:Newcastle_upon_Tyne dbr:Nürnberg_Hauptbahnhof dbr:Oak dbr:Offenbach_am_Main dbr:Offenburg dbr:Cannstatter_Wasen dbr:Canvas dbr:Carpentry dbr:Cast_iron dbr:Rail_transport dbr:Railway_roundhouse dbr:Wood dbr:Railway_brake dbr:Sheet_metal dbr:Units_of_measurement dbr:Vehicle dbr:Weight dbr:Fireman_(steam_engine) dbr:Gilding dbr:Deutsche_Bahn_AG dbr:Paul_Camille_von_Denis dbr:Halle,_Saxony-Anhalt dbr:List_of_commemorative_coins_of_the_Federal_Republic_of_Germany dbr:Railway_tires dbr:Railway_wagon dbr:Verlagsgruppe_Weltbild dbr:Bahnbetriebswerk_(steam_locomotive) dbr:Horse-drawn_carriage dbr:Preßnitz_Valley_Railway dbr:File:Adler_1935_4.jpg dbr:File:Adler_Eiserner_Steg_Verbindungsbahn_051985.jpg dbr:File:Adler_Koblenz_Luetzel_03042010.JPG dbr:File:Adler_Originalfoto.jpg dbr:File:Adler_Rechnung_Stephenson_27081835.jpg dbr:File:Adler_nuernberg_991016.jpg dbr:File:Personenwagen_Bayerische_Ludwigsbahn_1835_11092010_02.JPG dbr:Johann_Wilhelm_Spaeth dbr:Johannes_Scharrer
dbp:builddate 1835 (xsd:integer)
dbp:builder dbr:Robert_Stephenson dbr:Newcastle_upon_Tyne
dbp:caption Replica of Adler (en)
dbp:cylindercount Two (en)
dbp:disposition Original scrapped in 1858, replica built in 1935 and rebuilt in 2007 after fire at the Nuremberg Transport Museum in 2005 and is operational. (en)
dbp:firstrundate 1835-12-07 (xsd:date)
dbp:fueltype coke, later bituminous coal (en)
dbp:name Adler (en)
dbp:notes Two replicas in existence, one of them serviceable (en)
dbp:operator dbr:Bavarian_Ludwig_Railway
dbp:powertype Steam (en)
dbp:scrapdate 1858 (xsd:integer)
dbp:serialnumber 118 (xsd:integer)
dbp:totalproduction 1 (xsd:integer)
dbp:uicclass 1 (xsd:integer)
dbp:whytetype 2 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:withdrawndate 1857 (xsd:integer)
dcterms:subject dbc:1A1_n2_locomotives dbc:Early_steam_locomotives dbc:Individual_locomotives_of_Germany dbc:Private_locomotives_of_Germany dbc:Standard_gauge_locomotives_of_Germany dbc:Steam_locomotives_of_Germany dbc:Locomotives_of_Bavaria dbc:2-2-2_locomotives
gold:hypernym dbr:Locomotive
rdf:type owl:Thing schema:Product dbo:MeanOfTransportation wikidata:Q93301 yago:WikicatLocomotives yago:WikicatLocomotivesOfBavaria yago:WikicatSteamLocomotives yago:WikicatSteamLocomotivesOfGermany yago:Artifact100021939 yago:Container103094503 yago:Conveyance103100490 yago:Instrumentality103575240 yago:Locomotive103684823 yago:Object100002684 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:WikicatIndividualLocomotivesOfGermany dbo:Locomotive yago:Self-propelledVehicle104170037 yago:SteamLocomotive104310018 yago:Tramway104469813 yago:Vehicle104524313 yago:WheeledVehicle104576211 yago:Whole100003553 yago:Wikicat2-2-2Locomotives yago:WikicatEarlySteamLocomotives yago:WikicatPrivateLocomotivesOfGermany
rdfs:comment The Adler (German for "Eagle") was the first locomotive that was successfully used commercially for the rail transport of passengers and goods in Germany. The railway vehicle was designed and built in 1835 by the British railway pioneers George and Robert Stephenson in the English city of Newcastle. It was delivered to the Bavarian Ludwig Railway (Bayerische Ludwigsbahn) for service between Nuremberg and Fürth. It ran officially for the first time there on 7 December 1835. The Adler was a steam locomotive of the Patentee type with a wheel arrangement of 2-2-2 (Whyte notation) or 1A1 (UIC classification). The Adler was equipped with a tender of type 2 T 2. It had a sister locomotive, the Pfeil. (en) L'Adler (en français : l'aigle) est une série de locomotives à vapeur allemandes construites entre 1835 et 1836 au Royaume-Uni. (fr) アドラー(独:Adler)は2-2-2(ホワイト表記)あるいは 1A1(UIC 分類)の車軸配置を持った蒸気機関車で、ドイツで走行に成功した最初の機関車である。 イギリスの鉄道のパイオニア、ジョージ・スチーブンソンとロバート・スチーブンソンにより1835年に製造され、ニュルンベルクとフュルトの間のバイエルン・ルートヴィヒ鉄道に納入、1835年12月7日に初めて走った。アドラーにはタイプ2 T 2のテンダーが付属した。 (ja) A Adler (águia em alemão) foi a primeira locomotiva a circular na Alemanha, para o caminho-de-ferro bávara, na linha Nuremberga - Fürth. Após 20 anos de serviço foi retirada do serviço e enviada para a sucata. (pt) Der Adler war die erste Lokomotive, die kommerziell erfolgreich im Personenverkehr und später auch im Güterverkehr in Deutschland fuhr. Er und seine Schwestermaschine Pfeil wurden als Dampfwagen geführt. Das Eisenbahnfahrzeug wurde 1835 von der 1823 gegründeten Firma Robert Stephenson and Company im englischen Newcastle konstruiert und gebaut und an die Königlich privilegierte Ludwigs-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft in Nürnberg (LEG) für den Betrieb auf ihrer Strecke zwischen Nürnberg und Fürth geliefert. Die offizielle Eröffnungsfahrt der Bahn fand, nach mehrmaliger Terminverschiebung (als erster Termin war der Geburtstag Ludwigs I. am 25. August geplant, ein weiterer am 24. November), schließlich am 7. Dezember 1835 statt. Der reguläre Betrieb wurde am 8. Dezember 1835 aufgenommen. Der Adler war (de) La locomotiva Adler fu una locomotiva a vapore a 2 cilindri interni e a semplice espansione, con rodiggio 1-A-1, progettata e costruita in Inghilterra per conto della ferrovia tedesca Bayerische Ludwigsbahn dopo che questa aveva invano cercata una locomotiva di costruzione nazionale. Venne consegnata nel 1835 dai pionieri della ferrovia George Stephenson e dal figlio Robert per l'inaugurazione della ferrovia tra Norimberga e Fürth fece il suo esordio il 26 ottobre 1835. (it) Adler (niem. Orzeł) – parowóz zaprojektowany i zbudowany przez George'a i Roberta Stephensonów w 1835 roku dla niemieckich linii kolejowych, do obsługiwania linii Norymberga – Furth. Był to 118. parowóz zakładów Stephensonów. Miał nowatorski wówczas układ osi 1A1 (1-1-1), nazwany Patentee – Stephenson eksperymentował wcześniej z układem 1-1-0 (tzw. Planet), jednak ze względu na zbyt duże obciążenie osi napędowej i wynikającą z tego niespokojną jazdę, dodał drugie koło toczne za kołem napędnym i stojakiem kotła. (pl)
rdfs:label LEG – Adler und Pfeil (de) Adler (locomotive) (en) Adler (locomotive) (fr) Locomotiva Adler (it) アドラー (機関車) (ja) Adler (lokomotywa) (pl) Adler (locomotiva) (pt)
owl:sameAs freebase:Adler (locomotive) yago-res:Adler (locomotive) wikidata:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-de:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-fa:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-fr:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-hu:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-it:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-ja:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-lb:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-pl:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-pt:Adler (locomotive) dbpedia-ro:Adler (locomotive)
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is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates of dbr:Adler
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of dbr:Adler_2-2-2
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of dbr:Saxonia_(locomotive) dbr:Meiningen_Steam_Locomotive_Works dbr:Bensheim_station dbr:Beuth_(locomotive) dbr:De_Arend_(locomotive) dbr:Patentee_(locomotive) dbr:List_of_preserved_steam_locomotives_in_Germany dbr:1835 dbr:1835_in_Germany dbr:1835_in_rail_transport dbr:Friedrich_List dbr:Georg_Zacharias_Platner dbr:Bavarian_Ludwig_Railway dbr:Steam_locomotive dbr:Stephenson's_Rocket dbr:Center_for_Transportation_and_Logistics_Neuer_Adler dbr:U1_(Nuremberg_U-Bahn) dbr:Nuremberg_Transport_Museum dbr:German_locomotive_classification dbr:History_of_rail_transport_in_Germany dbr:2-2-2 dbr:Adler dbr:Bahnbetriebswerk dbr:Le_Belge_(locomotive) dbr:William_Wilson_(engineer) dbr:Buffer_(rail_transport) dbr:Adler_2-2-2
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