dbo:PopulatedPlace/areaTotal |
16.9 |
dbo:abstract |
Wieluń ([ˈvʲɛluɲ]IPA, ve starší češtině Věluň, hebrejsky ויילון, latinsky Velun) je okresní město v Lodžském vojvodství v Polsku. Nachází se asi 100 km jižně od Lodže na řece Pyszna. Město má 24 122 obyvatel. Rozloha města činí 16,9 km². Bylo založeno v roce 1283. Centrum města Wieluń zničené po německém bombardování dne 1. 9. 1939 Město bylo na samém počátku 2. světové války těžce bombardováno letectvem německé armády. (cs) Wieluń és una ciutat al centre de Polònia al Voivodat de Łódź. El 2006 tenia una població de 26.628 habitants. L'1 de setembre de 1939, la ciutat va ser bombardejada per la Luftwaffe alemanya en la primera acció de la Segona Guerra Mundial (a part de l'incident del 25/26 d'agost). Els bombarders alemanys van destruir la major part del centre de la ciutat, incloent-hi un hospital, clarament marcat, i la històrica església gòtica, i van matar gairebé 1.300 civils. Tres quartes parts de la ciutat van ser destruïdes. La taxa de baixes va dues vegades més alta que la de Guernica. No hi havia unitats militars poloneses a la ciutat en aquell moment. (ca) Wieluń [ˈvʲɛluɲ] (deutsch Welun, älter auch Vielin) ist eine Stadt in Polen. Sie ist Sitz des Powiat Wieluń und der gleichnamigen Stadt-und-Land-Gemeinde in der Woiwodschaft Łódź. Sie liegt am Rande des Karstgebietes . Größter Arbeitgeber der Stadt ist der polnische Nutzfahrzeughersteller Wielton. Die Stadt wurde zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges als erste – einige Minuten vor dem Angriff auf die Westerplatte – bombardiert und durch deutsche Sturzkampfbomber weitgehend zerstört. (de) فيالون هي مدينة تقع في وسط بولندا،في عام 2016 قدر عدد سكانها بحوالي 22،973 نسمة. (ar) Το Βιέλουν (πολωνικά: Wieluń) είναι πόλη της νοτιοανατολικής Πολωνίας. (el) Wieluń estas urbo en vojevodio Lodzio en Pollando. Ĝi apartenas al en distrikto Wieluński. Ĝi havas preskaŭ 26.000 loĝantojn. Apartenis al urboj de la Krono de la Regno de Pollando. La urbo estas konate de la Bombado de Wieluń - serio da aeratakoj de Luftwaffe kontraŭ la pola urbo Wieluń la 1-an de septembro 1939. La atakoj estis farataj de bombaviadiloj Ju 87B. Aviadilatakoj okazis subite, sen deklaro de milito fare de Germanio. Ĝia rezulto estis detruo de konstruaĵoj en 75%, kun malsanulejo kaj antikvaj konstruaĵoj. Tio estas montrata kiel ekzemplo de bruteco kaj senkaŭza teroro de germana aviado. Oni akceptas, ke la bombado de Wieluń estis la unua atako kontraŭ civilaj celoj, kaj la batalo de Westerplatte la unua atako kontraŭ militistaj celoj. Ambaŭ eventoj okazintaj sojle de la invado en Pollandon komencis la Duan Mondmiliton. (eo) Wieluń ( ˈvʲɛluɲ )Poloniako udalerria da, 27.000 biztanle dituena. (eu) Wieluń (prononcé : [ˈvʲɛluɲ]) est une ville du centre de la Pologne, qui comptait 25 500 habitants en 1995. Située dans la voïvodie de Łódź depuis 1999, elle était précédemment dans la voïvodie de Sieradz (1975-1998) (fr) Wieluń (AFI: [ˈvʲɛluɲ] en alemán, Welun) es una ciudad situada en el centro de Polonia . Se encuentra en el voivodato de Łódź desde 1999, ya que entre 1975 y 1998 perteneció al . La ciudad es conocida por ser víctima de un bombardeo de la Luftwaffe a las 04:40 el 1 de septiembre de 1939. (es) Wieluń ialah sebuah kota di sungai di tepi Pyszna di Polandia tengah dengan penduduk 27.000 jiwa (2005). (in) 비엘룬(폴란드어: Wieluń)은 폴란드 중부 우치주에 위치한 도시로, 면적은 16.9km2, 인구는 24,347명(2006년 기준), 인구 밀도는 1,400명/km2이다. 1975년부터 1998년까지는 시에라츠 주에 속해 있었다. * 시기 * 시 문장 (ko) Wieluń [ˈvjɛluɲ] (Latin: Velun) is a town in south-central Poland with 21,624 inhabitants (2021). Situated in the Łódź Voivodeship (since 1999), it was previously in Sieradz Voivodeship (1975–1998). Wieluń has a long and rich history. In the past, it used to be an important urban trade centre of the Kingdom of Poland. Several Polish kings and notables visited the town, but following the catastrophic Swedish Deluge (1655–1660), Wieluń declined and never regained its status. In September 1939, during the invasion of Poland, it was heavily bombed by the Luftwaffe. The Bombing of Wieluń is considered to be the first World War II bombing in Europe. It killed at least 127 civilians, injured hundreds more and destroyed the majority of the town. (en) Wieluń ( [[:media:|ˈvʲɛluɲ]] ([[:image: |
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+48 43 |
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16900000.000000 (xsd:double) |
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dbr:Poland |
dbo:politicalLeader |
dbr:Wieluń__PoliticalFunction__1 |
dbo:populationAsOf |
2021-12-31 (xsd:date) |
dbo:populationTotal |
21624 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger) |
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98–300 |
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dbr:Gmina_Wieluń dbr:Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Wieluń_County |
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19 (xsd:integer) |
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EWI (en) |
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dbr:Polish_car_number_plates |
dbp:caption |
Town Hall (en) St. Joseph Church (en) Corpus Christi Collegiate church (en) King Casimir the Great Square (en) Monument of Witold Pilecki (en) Museum of Wieluń Land (en) |
dbp:captionAlign |
center (en) |
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Sights of Wieluń (en) |
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MuzeumZW.JPG (en) Pl. Kazimierza WielkiegoWieluń2.JPG (en) Wieluń - Kościół p.w. Bożego Ciała .jpg (en) Wieluń - Kościół p.w. św. Józefa.jpg (en) Wieluń. Pomnik Witolda Pileckiego. .jpg (en) Wieluń. Ratusz .jpg (en) |
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Old town in Wieluń (en) |
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POL Wieluń flag.svg (en) |
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POL_Wieluń_COA.svg (en) |
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Wielun z lotu ptaka.jpg (en) |
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-1 (xsd:integer) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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245.400000 (xsd:double) |
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12 (xsd:integer) |
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17.200000 (xsd:double) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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234.700000 (xsd:double) |
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Paweł Okrasa (en) |
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Mayor (en) |
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Wieluń (en) |
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7.900000 (xsd:double) |
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76.900000 (xsd:double) |
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3.500000 (xsd:double) |
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37 (xsd:integer) |
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69.600000 (xsd:double) |
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31.700000 (xsd:double) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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240.700000 (xsd:double) |
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y (en) |
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Wieluń (en) |
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7.400000 (xsd:double) |
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86.900000 (xsd:double) |
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1.900000 (xsd:double) |
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4.300000 (xsd:double) |
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13.700000 (xsd:double) |
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37.900000 (xsd:double) |
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19.900000 (xsd:double) |
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3.100000 (xsd:double) |
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1.700000 (xsd:double) |
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58 (xsd:integer) |
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13.400000 (xsd:double) |
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82.400000 (xsd:double) |
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5.700000 (xsd:double) |
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9.100000 (xsd:double) |
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13.630000 (xsd:double) |
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42 (xsd:integer) |
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26.300000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:octRecordLowC |
-7.700000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:octSnowDays |
0.300000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:octSnowDepthCm |
0.500000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:octSun |
114.900000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:perrow |
2 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:populationAsOf |
2021-12-31 (xsd:date) |
dbp:populationDensityKm |
auto (en) |
dbp:populationTotal |
21624 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:postalCode |
98 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:postalCodeType |
Postal code (en) |
dbp:precipitationColour |
green (en) |
dbp:pushpinMap |
Łódź Voivodeship#Poland (en) |
dbp:sepHighC |
19.400000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:sepHumidity |
76.600000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:sepLowC |
9.800000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:sepMeanC |
14.200000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:sepPrecipitationDays |
11.830000 (xsd:double) |
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51.200000 (xsd:double) |
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34.800000 (xsd:double) |
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-2.900000 (xsd:double) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:sepSnowDepthCm |
0 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:sepSun |
163.800000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:singleLine |
y (en) |
dbp:source |
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (en) Meteomodel.pl (en) |
dbp:subdivisionName |
dbr:Gmina_Wieluń dbr:Wieluń_County |
dbp:subdivisionType |
dbr:List_of_sovereign_states dbr:Voivodeships_of_Poland dbr:Powiat dbr:Gmina |
dbp:timezone |
dbr:Central_European_Time |
dbp:timezoneDst |
dbr:Central_European_Summer_Time |
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350 (xsd:integer) |
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0.1 |
dbp:unitSnowDays |
0.0 |
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+1 (en) |
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+2 (en) |
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http://www.wielun.eu/ |
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dbp:yearHighC |
13.600000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:yearHumidity |
76.100000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:yearLowC |
5.200000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:yearMeanC |
9.100000 (xsd:double) |
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166.880000 (xsd:double) |
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587.600000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:yearRecordHighC |
37.100000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:yearRecordLowC |
-29 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:yearSnowDays |
48.500000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:yearSun |
1766.200000 (xsd:double) |
dcterms:subject |
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rdfs:comment |
Wieluń ([ˈvʲɛluɲ]IPA, ve starší češtině Věluň, hebrejsky ויילון, latinsky Velun) je okresní město v Lodžském vojvodství v Polsku. Nachází se asi 100 km jižně od Lodže na řece Pyszna. Město má 24 122 obyvatel. Rozloha města činí 16,9 km². Bylo založeno v roce 1283. Centrum města Wieluń zničené po německém bombardování dne 1. 9. 1939 Město bylo na samém počátku 2. světové války těžce bombardováno letectvem německé armády. (cs) Wieluń és una ciutat al centre de Polònia al Voivodat de Łódź. El 2006 tenia una població de 26.628 habitants. L'1 de setembre de 1939, la ciutat va ser bombardejada per la Luftwaffe alemanya en la primera acció de la Segona Guerra Mundial (a part de l'incident del 25/26 d'agost). Els bombarders alemanys van destruir la major part del centre de la ciutat, incloent-hi un hospital, clarament marcat, i la històrica església gòtica, i van matar gairebé 1.300 civils. Tres quartes parts de la ciutat van ser destruïdes. La taxa de baixes va dues vegades més alta que la de Guernica. No hi havia unitats militars poloneses a la ciutat en aquell moment. (ca) Wieluń [ˈvʲɛluɲ] (deutsch Welun, älter auch Vielin) ist eine Stadt in Polen. Sie ist Sitz des Powiat Wieluń und der gleichnamigen Stadt-und-Land-Gemeinde in der Woiwodschaft Łódź. Sie liegt am Rande des Karstgebietes . Größter Arbeitgeber der Stadt ist der polnische Nutzfahrzeughersteller Wielton. Die Stadt wurde zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges als erste – einige Minuten vor dem Angriff auf die Westerplatte – bombardiert und durch deutsche Sturzkampfbomber weitgehend zerstört. (de) فيالون هي مدينة تقع في وسط بولندا،في عام 2016 قدر عدد سكانها بحوالي 22،973 نسمة. (ar) Το Βιέλουν (πολωνικά: Wieluń) είναι πόλη της νοτιοανατολικής Πολωνίας. (el) Wieluń ( ˈvʲɛluɲ )Poloniako udalerria da, 27.000 biztanle dituena. (eu) Wieluń (prononcé : [ˈvʲɛluɲ]) est une ville du centre de la Pologne, qui comptait 25 500 habitants en 1995. Située dans la voïvodie de Łódź depuis 1999, elle était précédemment dans la voïvodie de Sieradz (1975-1998) (fr) Wieluń (AFI: [ˈvʲɛluɲ] en alemán, Welun) es una ciudad situada en el centro de Polonia . Se encuentra en el voivodato de Łódź desde 1999, ya que entre 1975 y 1998 perteneció al . La ciudad es conocida por ser víctima de un bombardeo de la Luftwaffe a las 04:40 el 1 de septiembre de 1939. (es) Wieluń ialah sebuah kota di sungai di tepi Pyszna di Polandia tengah dengan penduduk 27.000 jiwa (2005). (in) 비엘룬(폴란드어: Wieluń)은 폴란드 중부 우치주에 위치한 도시로, 면적은 16.9km2, 인구는 24,347명(2006년 기준), 인구 밀도는 1,400명/km2이다. 1975년부터 1998년까지는 시에라츠 주에 속해 있었다. * 시기 * 시 문장 (ko) Wieluń [ˈvjɛluɲ] (Latin: Velun) is a town in south-central Poland with 21,624 inhabitants (2021). Situated in the Łódź Voivodeship (since 1999), it was previously in Sieradz Voivodeship (1975–1998). Wieluń has a long and rich history. In the past, it used to be an important urban trade centre of the Kingdom of Poland. Several Polish kings and notables visited the town, but following the catastrophic Swedish Deluge (1655–1660), Wieluń declined and never regained its status. In September 1939, during the invasion of Poland, it was heavily bombed by the Luftwaffe. The Bombing of Wieluń is considered to be the first World War II bombing in Europe. It killed at least 127 civilians, injured hundreds more and destroyed the majority of the town. (en) Wieluń ( [[:media:|ˈvʲɛluɲ]] ([[:image: |
rdfs:label |
Wieluń (en) فيالون (ar) Wieluń (ca) Wieluń (cs) Wieluń (de) Βιέλουν (el) Wieluń (eo) Wieluń (es) Wieluń (eu) Wieluń (in) Wieluń (fr) 비엘룬 (ko) ヴィエルニ (ja) Wieluń (nl) Wieluń (pl) Wieluń (pt) Wieluń (sv) Велюнь (город) (ru) 维隆 (zh) Велюнь (uk) |
rdfs:seeAlso |
dbr:Poland dbr:Sister_cities dbr:List_of_twin_towns |
owl:sameAs |
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Wieluń (en) |
is dbo:birthPlace of |
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dbr:National_road_43_(Poland) |
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dbr:1220 dbr:1246 dbr:1788_Polish-Lithuanian_legislative_election dbr:Maręże dbr:Masłowice,_Wieluń_County dbr:Mała_Wieś,_Wieluń_County dbr:Małyszyn dbr:Rychłocice dbr:Rychłowice dbr:Sabinów,_Wieluń_County dbr:National_roads_in_Poland dbr:United_Nations_Peace_Messenger_Cities dbr:Timeline_of_World_War_II_(1939) dbr:Timeline_of_the_invasion_of_Poland dbr:Chorzyna dbr:Chotów,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Cieśle,_Wieluń_County dbr:Clan_Ostoja_(Moscics) dbr:Edward_Bernard_Raczyński dbr:Emanuelina dbr:Enter_Nowhere dbr:Gabrielów dbr:Gaszyn dbr:Gligi dbr:Gmina_Biała,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Gmina_Czarnożyły dbr:Gmina_Konopnica,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Gmina_Mokrsko dbr:Gmina_Osjaków dbr:Gmina_Ostrówek,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Gmina_Pątnów dbr:Gmina_Skomlin dbr:Gmina_Wieluń dbr:Gmina_Wierzchlas dbr:Grabowa,_Wieluń_County dbr:Greater_Poland_uprising_(1806) dbr:Mokrsko dbr:Motyl,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Mątewki dbr:Młynisko,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Order_of_precedence_in_the_Polish–Lithuanian_Commonwealth dbr:1957_Polish_legislative_election dbr:2010–11_PGE_Skra_Bełchatów_season dbr:Andrzej_Łaskarz dbr:Anielin,_Wieluń_County dbr:Antoni_Czortek dbr:Armorial_of_Poland dbr:Leniszki dbr:Lipie,_Wieluń_County dbr:Luftwaffe dbr:Lututów dbr:Malinówka,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Bobak_(Slavic_demon) dbr:Sieniec dbr:Sieradz_Voivodeship_(1339–1793) dbr:Simon_Horontchik dbr:Skomlin dbr:Skrzynno,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Smugi,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Stanisław_Koniecpolski dbr:Stanisław_Masłowski dbr:Starzenice dbr:Staw,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Stawek,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Stefan_Korboński dbr:Strategic_bombing_during_World_War_II dbr:Strobin dbr:Strugi,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Commemorative_coins_of_Poland:_2009 dbr:Zadole,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Załęcze_Małe dbr:Załęcze_Wielkie dbr:Zborowski_(Jastrzębiec) dbr:Zbęk dbr:Zmyślona,_Wieluń_County dbr:Zofia,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Złoczew dbr:Łagiewniki,_Wieluń_County dbr:Łaszew dbr:Łaszew_Rządowy dbr:Łyskornia dbr:Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Śmiecheń dbr:Krakowskie_Przedmieście dbr:Kraków-Częstochowa_Upland dbr:Kraków_Army dbr:Piotr_Myszkowski_(hetman) dbr:Broników,_Wieluń_County dbr:Brzeziny,_Gmina_Mokrsko dbr:Brzeziny,_Gmina_Skomlin dbr:Brzoza,_Wieluń_County dbr:Budziaki,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Bukowce,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Bębnów,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Catherine_of_Austria,_Queen_of_Poland dbr:Toplin dbr:Toporów,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Troniny,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Turów,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Walenczyzna dbr:Walków dbr:Walther_Dahl dbr:Wichernik dbr:Widoradz dbr:Wielgie,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Wieluń_County dbr:Wieluń_District,_Duchy_of_Wieluń dbr:Wierzchlas,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Wiktorów,_Wieluń_County dbr:Duchy_of_Głogówek_and_Prudnik dbr:Joanna_Żubr dbr:Jörg_Friedrich_(author) dbr:Kasper_Doenhoff dbr:Land_(administrative_unit_of_Poland) dbr:World_War_II_casualties_of_Poland dbr:2016–17_PGE_Skra_Bełchatów_season dbr:A1_autostrada_(Poland) dbr:Adelebsen dbr:Albrycht_Stanisław_Radziwiłł dbr:28th_Infantry_Division_(Poland) dbr:Czarnożyły dbr:Czernice,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Częstochowa dbr:Daleszyce dbr:Daniel_Neufeld dbr:Dariusz_Żuraw dbr:Drobnice dbr:Duchy_of_Wieluń dbr:Dymek dbr:Działy,_Wieluń_County dbr:Dzietrzniki dbr:Dąbrowa,_Wieluń_County dbr:Dębina,_Wieluń_County dbr:Eagles'_Nests_Landscape_Park dbr:Felinów,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Franciszek_Gajowniczek dbr:Niemierzyn,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Nietuszyna dbr:Nowa_Wieś,_Wieluń_County dbr:Nowy_Świat,_Wieluń_County dbr:Osjaków dbr:Osterburg_(Altmark) dbr:Ostrówek,_Wieluń_County dbr:Ożarów,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Pajęczno dbr:Edward_Józef_Kiedos dbr:Gothic_architecture_in_modern_Poland dbr:Hans_Wilhelm_Hammerbacher dbr:History_of_the_Jews_in_Wieluń dbr:Kalisz_Region dbr:Kiedrzynski_family_with_Ostoja_coat_of_arms dbr:Gromadzice,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Grębień dbr:Gwizdałki dbr:Głuchów,_Wieluń_County dbr:Henry_II_the_Pious dbr:Henryk_IV_Probus dbr:Isabella_Jagiellon dbr:Jackowskie dbr:Jadwiga_Janus dbr:Jajczaki dbr:Jan_Szyszko dbr:Janów,_Wieluń_County dbr:Jasień,_Wieluń_County dbr:Jasna_Góra,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Teresa_Janina_Kierocińska dbr:Westerplatte dbr:Aerial_bombing_of_cities dbr:Jeziorko,_Wieluń_County dbr:Jodłowiec dbr:Józefina,_Wieluń_County dbr:Józefów,_Wieluń_County dbr:Kadłub,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Kamion,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Kamionka,_Wieluń_County dbr:Kamyk,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Karpiński_family dbr:Kałuże dbr:Kąty,_Wieluń_County dbr:Kłobuck dbr:Biel_family_with_Ostoja_coat_of_arms dbr:Szynkielów dbr:Słupsko,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Edict_of_Wieluń dbr:Thracian_language dbr:Wielun dbr:Dolina_Czernicka dbr:Augustinus_Rotundus dbr:Mariusz_Wlazły dbr:Bolesław_Masłowski dbr:Bolko_I_of_Opole dbr:Bolko_V_the_Hussite dbr:Piaski,_Gmina_Konopnica dbr:Piotr_Paweł_Morta dbr:Piskornik dbr:Platoń dbr:Popowice,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Poręby,_Wieluń_County dbr:South_Prussia dbr:Srebrnica,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Civilian_casualties_of_strategic_bombing dbr:Grzegorz_Gerwazy_Gorczycki dbr:IV_liga_Łódź dbr:Kiryat_Shaul_Cemetery dbr:Klasak_Duży dbr:Kluski,_Wieluń_County dbr:Kochlew dbr:Kolonia_Raducka dbr:Komorniki,_Wieluń_County dbr:Konopnica,_Wieluń_County dbr:Kopiec,_Wieluń_County dbr:Kopydłów dbr:Kraszkowice dbr:Kruszyna,_Silesian_Voivodeship dbr:Krzeczów,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Krzepice dbr:Krzyworzeka,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Krzętle dbr:Kurów,_Wieluń_County dbr:Kuźnica,_Wieluń_County dbr:Kuźnica_Strobińska dbr:Kuźnica_Ługowska dbr:Mierzyce dbr:Mieszko_II_the_Fat dbr:Mikhail_Puteiko dbr:Milejów,_Wieluń_County dbr:Naramice dbr:National_road_8_(Poland) dbr:Nazi_crimes_against_the_Polish_nation dbr:Ogroble dbr:Okalew,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Olewin,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Oleśnica,_Wieluń_County dbr:Olga_Sosnovska dbr:Olszowa,_Greater_Poland_Voivodeship dbr:Olszowa,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Opatów,_Silesian_Voivodeship dbr:Opojowice dbr:Orzechowiec dbr:Castellans_of_the_Polish–Lithuanian_Commonwealth dbr:Raczyn,_Łódź_Voivodeship dbr:Raducki_Folwark dbr:Raduczyce dbr:Rafał_Ruta dbr:Sejm_of_the_Polish–Lithuanian_Commonwealth dbr:Senj dbr:Wola_Rudlicka dbr:Wrońsko dbr:Wróblew,_Wieluń_County dbr:Wydrzyn,_Wieluń_County dbr:Wygoda,_Wieluń_County dbr:Władysław_Opolski dbr:Royal_city_in_Polish–Lithuanian_Commonwealth dbr:Mieczysław_Marcin_Łuczak dbr:Sieradz_National_Defence_Brigade dbr:Sieradz_Voivodeship dbr:Trail_of_the_Eagle's_Nests dbr:Euphemia_of_Greater_Poland dbr:Expulsion_of_Poles_by_Nazi_Germany dbr:Pinchas_Menachem_Justman dbr:Lutheran_Diocese_of_Warsaw |
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dbr:National_road_43_(Poland) |
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wikipedia-en:Wieluń |