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The method is to simply preserve bulbs of lilies (Lilium, Allium and Tulipa) in a dark and sterile condition for a long time by tissue culture at a high temperature which is higher than the germination temperature and 1-2°C lower than the lethal temperature while enhancing the concentration of a medium to be remarkably higher than that of the usual one. - 特許庁


As well as Sachio ITO, Banri HIRANO, Bin UEDA, and Nobutsuna SASAKI, Hakushu KITAHARA, Isamu YOSHII, Takuboku ISHIKAWA and Mokutaro KINOSHITA from the 'Shinshisha' school and the new poets from 'Negishi' School such as Mokichi SAITO and Chikashi KOIZUMI also took park (twenty-two people in total including Akiko YOSANO). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The apparatus for quarrying out soil is used for transplanting the soil including plants and the like and is constituted by installing a quarrying frame 2 the top and bottom surfaces of which are open and formed in a squarely cylindrical form and a root cut unit 3 installed to be slidable along the lower open section 22 of the quarrying frame 2. - 特許庁


After a differential settlement preventing foundation of a pipe or the like is constructed in a slightly wider excavation excavated trench when a strip footing form is removed in foundation work of a detached house 2, the excavated trench is back filled after an outdoor drain pipe 106 and a pit 10 is installed. - 特許庁



To provide a low-cost working machine for harvesting long root vegetables such as white Welsh onion by continuously performing a series of harvesting operations from the digging to the transportation to reduce the load on the worker and improve the work efficiency in contrast to a large-sized expensive machine difficult to use by ordinary farmers owing to its high cost. - 特許庁



Japan has advantages in that it has a wide variety of small and medium-size enterprises, having technologies, and parts related technologies essential for final products, in addition to the world’s top-ranked number of patents and the world’s leading environment and energy-saving technologies for implementing a low carbon society. It is therefore necessary to actively promote these investment advantages to overseas investors. - 経済産業省


To provide a Welsh onion product in a new form such that complicatedness of a production process is eradicated by commercialization sticking to a "roasting treatment" which may be called even primitive as a food processing treatment and consumers can willingly possess the product in hands thereof to eat the product with a sense close to that of a principal food material, and to provide a new method for producing the same. - 特許庁


Isami KONDO, Toshizo HIJIKATA, Kamo SERIZAWA and others objected to this (Kyuo UDONO requested two members of the Roshigumi, Yoshio TONOUCHI and Tsuguo IESATO, to coordinate those who desired to remain in Kyoto; Yuzan NEGISHI, Kamo SERIZAWA and Isami KONDO and others remained in Kyoto to take a path separate from that of Hachiro, and they became Mibu warriors who later developed into Shinsengumi.) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the leaf part Ab of the Welsh onion A is drawn near or opposed to a suction port 40a of a recovering tank 40, the secreting fluid Ac secreted in the interior of the leaf part Ab and dripping down from an end on the cut side of the leaf part Ab is forcedly sucked and recovered with a suction device 41. - 特許庁



Before excavating the slope for the construction, a plurality of bearing piles 20a-20d are driven deep underground with the pile top parts projected upward from the ground surface and a tower crane 18 is erected on the top of them with the bearing piles set to crane bearing legs. - 特許庁



The reversed placing method is so constituted that an earth retaining wall 5 is constructed around the building, a buttress 6 at approximately right angles to the inside of part of the earth retaining wall 5 is constructed, the basement is excavated after the first floor has been constructed after the first floor has been constructed and that the earth retaining wall 5 is supported by the buttress to construct an underground skeleton. - 特許庁


The alliin fatty acid conjugate is obtained by adding natto bacteria to the crushed material of Allium vicrorialis, onion, garlic, edible fish or soybean, fermenting, alkaline-reducing and collecting an oil soluble portion separated by using soybean oil containing persimmon leaf extract. - 特許庁


As compared with the conventional laminectomy for the lumbar vertebra, the structure of a bone cutting wire is optimized, and this instrument is provided with right and left guide pipes, whereby a large improvement effect is obtained in respect of operability and safety as compared with the convention operation instrument kit for excising an ostegenetic vertebral arch. - 特許庁


Regarding the responsibility of Olympus' creditor banks, if we say they should bear responsibility, it appears to be too harsh a judgment, and yet if we say they have no responsibility, it would imply that their management is very careless. Yesterday, Chairman Nagayasu of the Japanese Bankers Association admitted to the creditor banks' social and moral responsibility. - 金融庁


Endless grooves opposite in phase to each other are provided in the outer periphery of a rotating second shaft, and a counterweight, the rotation of which is regulated by a weight guide, puts back rotatable steel balls provided in the two grooves substantially opposite in phase to the reciprocation of the plunger taking the second shaft as a track shaft to reciprocate. - 特許庁

第九十四条 再生手続に参加しようとする再生債権者は、第三十四条第一項の規定により定められた再生債権の届出をすべき期間(以下「債権届出期間」という。)内に、各債権について、その内容及び原因、約定劣後再生債権であるときはその旨、議決権の額その他最高裁判所規則で定める事項を裁判所に届け出なければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 94 (1) A rehabilitation creditor who intends to participate in rehabilitation proceedings shall file a proof to the court, within a period during which proofs of rehabilitation claims should be filed as specified pursuant to the provisions of Article 34(1) (hereinafter referred to as a "period for filing proofs claims"), with regard to the amount and cause of each rehabilitation claim, if the claim in question is a consensually-subordinated rehabilitation claim, a statement to that effect, the amount of the voting right, and any other matters specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


An automatic keyword extraction device comprises a first extraction means 19 for extracting keywords from content title information with the use of a first keyword dictionary registering character strings representing subgenres, and a second extraction means 19 for extracting keywords with the use of a second keyword dictionary registering personal names and extracting keywords with the use of character type separation both from content detailed information. - 特許庁


The instrument 1 is suited particularly to an oral surgery procedure such as be bone sampling, bouton excision, the odontectomy of the third molar, the formation of an alveolar spot, boring of a hole at a maxillary sinus, raising of the maxillary sinus by a bar path, orthopedic operation procedure such as osteoplasty, osteotomy, ostectomy, and neurosurgical operation procedure. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing a health supplementary food using as the raw material thin coat of onions, having high content of quercetin of a sulfur compound said to have an effect on hypertension prevention through an action of decomposing thrombus and neutral lipid and conventionally thrown out in many cases, intended for contributing to prevention of geriatric diseases such as hypertension and bearing an aid in creating a healthy society. - 特許庁


To the head of Ko, '(unidentified) KOSHI NO KIMI,' the following persons were recorded: Two considered to be sons named 'Negira KOSHI NO KIMI' (age unknown) and 'Akimaro KOSHI NO KIMI' (seitei [age classification referring to a man from 21 to 60 years old]), and four women considered to be a wife, a mother, or father's wife named 'Koyame (unidentified) KIMI' (teijo [age classification referring to a woman from 21 to 60 years old:), 'Tsubuiratsume OHASSEBE' (52 years old, teijo), 'Tojime KUWABARA' (68 years old, old woman) and 'Yana something (unidentified) HATA' (age unknown). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This method comprises treating with treatment water a raw food material which is obtained by preparing an alliaceous plant for the purpose of cooking to extract and remove the pungency component inherently found in the food material; wherein alkaline water produced by electrolysis is used as the treatment water to promote extracting and removing allysine as the pungency component. - 特許庁


This food decolorant is obtained by using as active ingredient(s) one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of a dimethyl sulfide compound and a diallyl sulfide compound, or by using a Welsh onion extract containing the above one or more compounds. - 特許庁


But now, since the argument has thus far prevailed, the only question which remains to be considered is, whether we shall do rightly either in escaping or in suffering others to aid in our escape and paying them in money and thanks, or whether in reality we shall not do rightly; and if the latter, then death or any other calamity which may ensue on my remaining here must not be allowed to enter into the calculation. - Plato『クリトン』


To provide a ridge-forming machine suitable for forming high ridges for bringing quality of farm products in cultivating the farm product such as Welsh onion and the like to certainly whitening sheath by reducing the size of a press force transmission mechanism for transmitting a forming plate drive, and preventing collapse of the upper side of the ridge with efficiently using the power of the forming plate drive. - 特許庁


A profiling disc 134 and a fixing member 133 for mounting the cutting blade 132 are fixed and guide rollers 139a, 139a are arranged below the front and the rear of the rotary track of the cutting blade 132 in the onion-conveying direction, while guides 142 are arranged below both of left and right sides of the rotary track of the cutting blade 132. - 特許庁

第二百三十九条 第二百十九条第一項の免許を受けようとする特定法人及び当該特定法人の引受社員に係る総代理店になろうとする者は、当該免許の申請時までに、その旨、業務の内容、引受社員の日本に所在する財産の管理の方法その他の内閣府令で定める事項を内閣総理大臣に届け出なければならない。届け出た事項に変更があったときも、同様とする。例文帳に追加

Article 239 A person who intends to act as General Agent for a Specified Juridical Person that intends to obtain the license set forth in Article 219, paragraph (1) or the Underwriting Members of the Specified Juridical Person shall, by the time of application for such license, shall notify the Prime Minister of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, such as the relevant fact, the contents of its business and the method of managing the property of the Underwriting Members in Japan. The same shall apply to any change in the matters thus notified. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide an energy saving technique of a molding machine in which heat energy discharged to a temperature conditioning coolant through a mold is converted into electric energy to be recovered and reused when a molten resin or molten aluminum is cooled after being injected into the mold in an injection molding machine or a die-casting machine. - 特許庁


An issuer would have reason to believe representations were true if a processing facility received a “conflict-freedesignation by a recognized industry group that requires an independent private sector audit of the smelter, or an individual processing facility, while it may not be part of the industry group’s “conflict-freedesignation process, obtained an independent private sector audit that is made publicly available. - 経済産業省


I have a question relating to the capital adequacy requirement for banks. At your press conferences and on other occasions, including at a press conference that was held the other day, you said that it was not necessary to apply strict regulations to financial institutions that do not operate internationally but concentrate on domestic operations and that a (temporary) drop below the required capital level would not become an issue to fuss about. While the minimum capital adequacy ratio is set at 8% under the Basel accord, Japan applies a minimum ratio of 4% to financial institutions concentrating on domestic operations instead of strictly applying the 8% requirement to them. Am I correct in understanding that what you meant was that such financial institutions' capital adequacy ratio may drop even below 4%? - 金融庁



He also pointed out clearly that since Japan and China together make up 17 percent of the global GDP, economic interactions between Japan and China in a mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests are now taking place on a private-sector level. The leading role in any economic interaction is played by companies, which could not operate well without sound and robust financial institutions. In that and other senses, a variety of points were made at the Japan-China High-Level Economic Dialogue, including the fact that the Chinese economy is extremely strong in the current global context and that an increasing number of Japanese companies operating in China excel particularly in the field of technology, including those with highly advanced anti-pollution, global environmental, or energy saving technology. - 金融庁

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