Paolo Di Lazzaro | ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (original) (raw)

Conference Presentations by Paolo Di Lazzaro

Research paper thumbnail of "Sulle spalle dei giganti” In ricordo di Barrie Schwortz (1946–2024)

Convegno "Sulle spalle dei giganti" APRA, Roma, 2024

Immagini, lavori, e miei ricordi personali di Barrie Schwortz, fotografo STuRP, studioso della Si... more Immagini, lavori, e miei ricordi personali di Barrie Schwortz, fotografo STuRP, studioso della Sindone, fondatore del sito, impareggiabile divulgatore, persona saggia e grande Amico.

Research paper thumbnail of Can the body image of the Shroud be reproduced by ultraviolet light pulses?

Research paper thumbnail of Presentación en congreso: El hombre de la Sábana Santa. Certezas y líneas de investigación

Presentación por invitación en el IV Congreso Internacional de Hermandades y Cofradías, Malaga, S... more Presentación por invitación en el IV Congreso Internacional de Hermandades y Cofradías, Malaga, Septiembre 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Studio della sindone di Arquata: analogie e connessioni aiutano a spiegare alcuni quesiti sulla Sindone di Torino

Lo studio della copia della Sindone di Arquata offre interessanti analogie e stimola riflessioni ... more Lo studio della copia della Sindone di Arquata offre interessanti analogie e stimola riflessioni utili a comprendere meglio alcuni aspetti poco considerati della Sindone di Torino.

Research paper thumbnail of Linen Coloration by Pulsed Radiation. A Review.

Slides of the talk presented at the International Conference on the Shroud of Turin, Pasco (USA) July 2017, 2017

In 2010, the first laboratory demonstration of a Shroud-like coloration at the microscopic level ... more In 2010, the first laboratory demonstration of a Shroud-like coloration at the microscopic level by using very short and intense bursts of Vacuum Ultraviolet radiation attracted a worldwide attention from media. It is time to rewind the tape and put those experimental results in their proper context: namely, the motivations of the work, the search for the optimum (but difficult to achieve) working point, the photo-chemistry clues, the reliability of the results, the scaling up from coloration to image production, what our results have really shown from a strictly scientific point of view, what are the implications in other areas such as philosophy, religion and metaphysics, what journalists (and some scientists too) have misunderstood.
In this frame, the talk proposes a fascinating trip in 10 years of experimental efforts, intuitions, insights, accomplishments, disappointments, controversies. In three words, “the scientific method” …applied to a metaphysics question.

Research paper thumbnail of The 'other images' on the Shroud

Slides of the talk presentated at the ICST 2017 Conference in Pasco (USA) July 2017, 2017

Photographs made with different techniques and setup disagree each other because of the different... more Photographs made with different techniques and setup disagree each other because of the different illumination sources and different resolution. This is evident comparing Shroud of Turin body images by Enrie (1931) Schwortz (1978) Miller (1978) Durante (1997 and 2002) and Haltadefinizione (2008). To make the faint body images more visible, it is necessary increasing the contrast, e.g., by image elaboration software. When increasing the contrast, it is easy creating false image pixels, that is, pixels originally having an intermediate grey level that do not contribute to the image, which are arbitrarily transformed to black or white pixels.
Human perception can elaborate and join ensembles of false image pixels to seek a similar image in our memory, finally giving them a meaning possibly coherent with our expectations.
In this talk we will present a study of the 'other images' on the Shroud (coins, flowers, anatomic details, a face on the back side of the cloth) that are invisible at naked eye but emerge after a deep image processing of photographs of the Shroud. We will discuss the probability they are on the cloth or rather are a clever figment of our mind.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Color of the Blood on the Shroud of Turin

Slides of the talk presentated at the ICST 2017 Conference in Pasco (USA) July 2017

One of the most puzzling scientific problems of the Turin Shroud (TS) is the reddish color of the... more One of the most puzzling scientific problems of the Turin Shroud (TS) is the reddish color of the bloodstains, despite they are on the linen cloth since several centuries ago, to say the least.
We do not know any other old bloodstain on cloths that is still reddish in hue. This simple observation rules out “physiological” explanations and opens two different hypotheses: the bloodstains contain a mix of blood (as found by Baima Bollone and independently by Heller and Adler) and a reddish paint (as found by McCrone), or, in alternative, the blood marks on the TS were exposed to a unique factor that changed the blood chemistry.
As an example, Goldoni et al. proposed the hypothesis that the high concentration of bilirubin in the bloodstains on the TS could be responsible for the unusual color of the bloodstains after an irradiation of ultraviolet (UV) light suitable to activate photo-chemistry reactions of bilirubin. Bollone et al. proposed another hypothesis related to the presence of carboxyhemoglobin.
In this presentation we will detail two experimental results that test both hypotheses, to some extent.
In the first experiment we have irradiated fresh human bloodstains on linen by short UV laser pulses having the same intensity and laser parameters that allow a Shroud-like coloration and latent coloration of linen, and by continuous wave UV blacklamp with intensity below threshold for linen coloration. The blood had very high endogenous bilirubin level, about 8 times larger than the normal range. We have measured the RGB values of bloodstains immediately before and after UV irradiation, and 42 months after irradiation, to check long term effects, if any. This experiment allowed to test the strenght of the Goldoni’s hypothesis.
In the second study we have found tiny spectroscopic clues comparing the reflectance spectrum of the blood on the TS measured in 2015 just before the Shroud exhibition with the absorbance spectrum of carboxihemoglobin and methemoglobin. This comparison allowed to assess the strength of the hypothesis by Bollone.

Research paper thumbnail of La Fisica e la Sindone

Presentazione su invito al Convegno-dibattito "Sindone, una nuova 'luce' dalla Scienza" all'Ambr... more Presentazione su invito al Convegno-dibattito "Sindone, una nuova 'luce' dalla Scienza" all'Ambrosiana di Milano, 19 Marzo 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Multidisciplinary study of the Shroud of Arquata, “extractum ab originali”

Post deadline presentation at the international workshop ATSI, Bari 5 September 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Shroud-like coloration, conservation measures and image processing

Presented at the international workshop ATSI, Bari 5 September 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Could a burst of radiation create a Shroud-like coloration? Summary of 5-years experiments at ENEA Frascati

Proceedings of the I Congreso Internacional sobre la Sabana Santa en España, Valencia 28-30 Abril 2012, 2012

Slides of the invited presentation at the Congress on the Shroud of Turin in Valencia, April 28, ... more Slides of the invited presentation at the Congress on the Shroud of Turin in Valencia, April 28, 2012.

Solar compass/Bussola solare by Paolo Di Lazzaro


Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2024/19/ENEA, 2024

Una bussola solare elettro-ottica in grado di misurare la direzione geografica del Polo Nord con ... more Una bussola solare elettro-ottica in grado di misurare la direzione geografica del Polo Nord con elevata precisione (migliore di un centesimo di grado), sviluppata presso il Centro Ricerche ENEA di Frascati, è stata usata durante la campagna antartica estiva del dicembre 2017 condotta dall'INGV, allo scopo di misurare la presunta deriva della banchisa antartica su cui si trova la base Concordia, che era stata evidenziata da diverse misurazioni tramite GPS differenziale. I risultati delle misure con la bussola solare ENEA mostrano che tale deriva non c’è stata. Questo falso allarme ha permesso di capire che alle latitudini elevate i risultati delle misure di orientamento effettuate con la bussola solare sono molto più affidabili di quelli ottenuti con i sensori GPS.

Research paper thumbnail of Calcolo analitico della posizione del sole per l’allineamento di impianti solari ed altre applicazioni

Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2012/24/ENEA, 2012

Descriviamo un metodo di calcolo analitico, basato su una soluzione approssimata delle leggi di K... more Descriviamo un metodo di calcolo analitico, basato su una soluzione approssimata delle leggi di Keplero, che consente in modo semplice e sintetico di calcolare la posizione del sole in qualunque data/ora e in qualunque luogo della terra con una precisione di 1 primo di grado. La procedura di calcolo è facilmente implementabile in economici microprocessori, così da rendere possibile guidare con elevata precisione l’orientamento verso il sole di qualunque dispositivo di inseguimento per impianti solari a concentrazione senza l’ausilio di componenti ottici. Vengono inoltre approfonditi due metodi per la corretta installazione di tracker per inseguimento solare.

Research paper thumbnail of Dalle meridiane ad una bussola solare di alta precisione per impianti solari termodinamici ed altre applicazioni

Storia e attualità del solare termodinamico con il contributo italiano, incontro organizzato dal Gruppo per la storia dell’energia solare (GSES)

La sinergia di competenze in vari campi del Laboratorio Sorgenti di Radiazione dell’ENEA di Fras... more La sinergia di competenze in vari campi del Laboratorio Sorgenti di Radiazione
dell’ENEA di Frascati (ottica, matematica, progettazione di meridiane, ecc.) unita alla presenza in ENEA di gruppi di ricerca operanti nel settore dell’energia solare sia di tipo termodinamico (Unità Tecnica Fonti Rinnovabili, UTRINN) che di tipo fotovoltaico a concentrazione (Unità Tecnica Tecnologie Portici, UTTP), ha portato allo sviluppo di una bussola solare elettronica di elevata accuratezza (fino ad un minuto d’arco), in grado di funzionare ovunque nel mondo e senza la presenza di un operatore 1. I due prototipi finora realizzati ne hanno confermato sia la prevista accuratezza che la versatilità d’uso.

Research paper thumbnail of Bussola solare di alta precisione: un utile strumento per l’archeoastronomia

Atti del 21mo seminario di archeoastronomia, 2019

Presso i Laboratori del Centro Ricerche ENEA di Frascati sono stati realizzati diversi prototipi ... more Presso i Laboratori del Centro Ricerche ENEA di Frascati sono stati realizzati diversi prototipi di bussola solare compatta e in grado di fornire la direzione del Nord geografico in qualunque luogo del pianeta con elevata accuratezza (0.01°).
Inizialmente progettata per impianti solari a concentrazione, la bussola solare ENEA è applicabile a qualsiasi strumento di rilevamento, come teodoliti, stazioni totali, laser scanner, ecc. Il suo basso costo, piccolo ingombro ed il completo automatismo elettronico rendono questo dispositivo uno strumento accessibile e di facile impiego per qualsiasi utilizzatore, sia a livello professionale che amatoriale.
In particolare, essa può essere utilizzata in archeoastronomia laddove la tipica precisione delle bussole magnetiche risulti insufficiente, specialmente in un periodo come questo che vede un deciso aumento dello spostamento casuale del Polo Nord magnetico.
Oltre allo strumento professionale, presentiamo anche una App in grado di trasformare qualsiasi telefono di tipo smartphone in una precisa bussola solare.

Research paper thumbnail of Una bussola solare per la determinazione precisa e veloce del Nord geografico

Convegno Nazionale IAGA Roma, Febbraio 2018, 2018

In questo lavoro sono illustrati i risultati ottenuti congiuntamente da ENEA e INGV in occasione ... more In questo lavoro sono illustrati i risultati ottenuti congiuntamente da ENEA e INGV in occasione dell'ultima spedizione antartica (2017-2018), durante la quale la bussola solare ENEA ha verificato l'allineamento del traguardo collocato presso la base antartica Concordia che è utilizzato per la misura della declinazione ed inclinazione magnetica.

Research paper thumbnail of An accurate solar compass for geomagnetic measurements

Proceedings of the 20th Italian National Conference on Photonic Technologies , 2018

An electro-optical solar compass, designed and developed at the Frascati Research Centre of the I... more An electro-optical solar compass, designed and developed at the Frascati Research Centre of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
(ENEA), has been tested for geomagnetic measurement at the Concordia Station polar observatory. This device, compact, not expensive, fast and very accurate, is able to measure the Sun direction and, consequently, the North Pole direction, within 1/100 of degree.
It is extremely more accurate and reliable than a magnetic compass and its performance is comparable with that of the expensive modern GPS and gyroscopic systems, without the drawback of long measuring time and/or latitude-dependency.
The ENEA compass provides the direction of the true (geographic) North and can be used to determine the exact orientation of solar concentrating power plants as well as to calibrate other compasses or for topographic surveying and, finally, for geomagnetic measurements.
The ENEA compass has been used during the last Antarctic campaign, in December 2017, carried out by the italian ‘Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia’ (INGV)and aimed at magnetic declination measurements. The results show that at a very high latitude the measurements done with the solar compass are much more reliable than those obtained with GPS sensors.

Research paper thumbnail of Electronic Solar Compass for High Precision Orientation on Any Planet

Journal of Instrumentation , 2016

A compact, fully automatic electronic solar compass has been developed at the ENEA Frascati Labor... more A compact, fully automatic electronic solar compass has been developed at the ENEA Frascati Laboratories. The compass is inspired to “camera obscura” sundials like those inside churches. Sun ephemerides are calculated using an approximate but effective analytical solution of Kepler’s laws, where the main parameters of Earth (or other planets) orbit are introduced. The instrument is light, cheap and it has an accuracy better than 1 arcmin. Some examples of application of the device as well as the possibility to use it on Mars are presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Electro-optical sun compass with a very high degree of accuracy

Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 15, pp. 3619-3622 (2015) doi: 10.1364/OL.40.003619. Received 30 Apr 2015; Accepted 13 Jul 2015; Posted 14 Jul 2015

We present a novel electronic solar compass which is able to determine the true North direction w... more We present a novel electronic solar compass which is able to determine the true North direction with an accuracy better than 1/100 of degree, superior to that of any other magnetic or electronic compass which do not resort to differential GPS. The compass has an electronic sensor to determine the line of sight of the Sun and a simple but effective algorithm to calculate the position of the Sun. The excellent results obtained during the experimental tests demonstrate the advantages of this compass, which is also compact and not expensive.

Research paper thumbnail of Accurate and low-cost ENEA solar compass for precision metrology of true azimuth: instrumental and smart versions

Proceedings SPIE , 2020

The structure and operating principles of a solar compass conceived and realised at the ENEA Labo... more The structure and operating principles of a solar compass conceived and realised at the ENEA Laboratories in Frascati are presented. The optical design, the underlying software and the calibration procedure make this instrument a reliable, stand-alone tool with an unprecedented combination of accuracy and cost-effectiveness. In-field operation gives evidence of azimuth determination capability with an accuracy of 0.01°. Exploitation of built-in sensors of smartphones (e.g. GPS, camera, accelerometer) allowed us to move this technology to popular level, providing everybody with a cheap tool of orienteering, far superior to any magnetic compass, despite a reduced accuracy with respect to the original instrument.

Research paper thumbnail of "Sulle spalle dei giganti” In ricordo di Barrie Schwortz (1946–2024)

Convegno "Sulle spalle dei giganti" APRA, Roma, 2024

Immagini, lavori, e miei ricordi personali di Barrie Schwortz, fotografo STuRP, studioso della Si... more Immagini, lavori, e miei ricordi personali di Barrie Schwortz, fotografo STuRP, studioso della Sindone, fondatore del sito, impareggiabile divulgatore, persona saggia e grande Amico.

Research paper thumbnail of Can the body image of the Shroud be reproduced by ultraviolet light pulses?

Research paper thumbnail of Presentación en congreso: El hombre de la Sábana Santa. Certezas y líneas de investigación

Presentación por invitación en el IV Congreso Internacional de Hermandades y Cofradías, Malaga, S... more Presentación por invitación en el IV Congreso Internacional de Hermandades y Cofradías, Malaga, Septiembre 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Studio della sindone di Arquata: analogie e connessioni aiutano a spiegare alcuni quesiti sulla Sindone di Torino

Lo studio della copia della Sindone di Arquata offre interessanti analogie e stimola riflessioni ... more Lo studio della copia della Sindone di Arquata offre interessanti analogie e stimola riflessioni utili a comprendere meglio alcuni aspetti poco considerati della Sindone di Torino.

Research paper thumbnail of Linen Coloration by Pulsed Radiation. A Review.

Slides of the talk presented at the International Conference on the Shroud of Turin, Pasco (USA) July 2017, 2017

In 2010, the first laboratory demonstration of a Shroud-like coloration at the microscopic level ... more In 2010, the first laboratory demonstration of a Shroud-like coloration at the microscopic level by using very short and intense bursts of Vacuum Ultraviolet radiation attracted a worldwide attention from media. It is time to rewind the tape and put those experimental results in their proper context: namely, the motivations of the work, the search for the optimum (but difficult to achieve) working point, the photo-chemistry clues, the reliability of the results, the scaling up from coloration to image production, what our results have really shown from a strictly scientific point of view, what are the implications in other areas such as philosophy, religion and metaphysics, what journalists (and some scientists too) have misunderstood.
In this frame, the talk proposes a fascinating trip in 10 years of experimental efforts, intuitions, insights, accomplishments, disappointments, controversies. In three words, “the scientific method” …applied to a metaphysics question.

Research paper thumbnail of The 'other images' on the Shroud

Slides of the talk presentated at the ICST 2017 Conference in Pasco (USA) July 2017, 2017

Photographs made with different techniques and setup disagree each other because of the different... more Photographs made with different techniques and setup disagree each other because of the different illumination sources and different resolution. This is evident comparing Shroud of Turin body images by Enrie (1931) Schwortz (1978) Miller (1978) Durante (1997 and 2002) and Haltadefinizione (2008). To make the faint body images more visible, it is necessary increasing the contrast, e.g., by image elaboration software. When increasing the contrast, it is easy creating false image pixels, that is, pixels originally having an intermediate grey level that do not contribute to the image, which are arbitrarily transformed to black or white pixels.
Human perception can elaborate and join ensembles of false image pixels to seek a similar image in our memory, finally giving them a meaning possibly coherent with our expectations.
In this talk we will present a study of the 'other images' on the Shroud (coins, flowers, anatomic details, a face on the back side of the cloth) that are invisible at naked eye but emerge after a deep image processing of photographs of the Shroud. We will discuss the probability they are on the cloth or rather are a clever figment of our mind.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Color of the Blood on the Shroud of Turin

Slides of the talk presentated at the ICST 2017 Conference in Pasco (USA) July 2017

One of the most puzzling scientific problems of the Turin Shroud (TS) is the reddish color of the... more One of the most puzzling scientific problems of the Turin Shroud (TS) is the reddish color of the bloodstains, despite they are on the linen cloth since several centuries ago, to say the least.
We do not know any other old bloodstain on cloths that is still reddish in hue. This simple observation rules out “physiological” explanations and opens two different hypotheses: the bloodstains contain a mix of blood (as found by Baima Bollone and independently by Heller and Adler) and a reddish paint (as found by McCrone), or, in alternative, the blood marks on the TS were exposed to a unique factor that changed the blood chemistry.
As an example, Goldoni et al. proposed the hypothesis that the high concentration of bilirubin in the bloodstains on the TS could be responsible for the unusual color of the bloodstains after an irradiation of ultraviolet (UV) light suitable to activate photo-chemistry reactions of bilirubin. Bollone et al. proposed another hypothesis related to the presence of carboxyhemoglobin.
In this presentation we will detail two experimental results that test both hypotheses, to some extent.
In the first experiment we have irradiated fresh human bloodstains on linen by short UV laser pulses having the same intensity and laser parameters that allow a Shroud-like coloration and latent coloration of linen, and by continuous wave UV blacklamp with intensity below threshold for linen coloration. The blood had very high endogenous bilirubin level, about 8 times larger than the normal range. We have measured the RGB values of bloodstains immediately before and after UV irradiation, and 42 months after irradiation, to check long term effects, if any. This experiment allowed to test the strenght of the Goldoni’s hypothesis.
In the second study we have found tiny spectroscopic clues comparing the reflectance spectrum of the blood on the TS measured in 2015 just before the Shroud exhibition with the absorbance spectrum of carboxihemoglobin and methemoglobin. This comparison allowed to assess the strength of the hypothesis by Bollone.

Research paper thumbnail of La Fisica e la Sindone

Presentazione su invito al Convegno-dibattito "Sindone, una nuova 'luce' dalla Scienza" all'Ambr... more Presentazione su invito al Convegno-dibattito "Sindone, una nuova 'luce' dalla Scienza" all'Ambrosiana di Milano, 19 Marzo 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Multidisciplinary study of the Shroud of Arquata, “extractum ab originali”

Post deadline presentation at the international workshop ATSI, Bari 5 September 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Shroud-like coloration, conservation measures and image processing

Presented at the international workshop ATSI, Bari 5 September 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Could a burst of radiation create a Shroud-like coloration? Summary of 5-years experiments at ENEA Frascati

Proceedings of the I Congreso Internacional sobre la Sabana Santa en España, Valencia 28-30 Abril 2012, 2012

Slides of the invited presentation at the Congress on the Shroud of Turin in Valencia, April 28, ... more Slides of the invited presentation at the Congress on the Shroud of Turin in Valencia, April 28, 2012.


Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2024/19/ENEA, 2024

Una bussola solare elettro-ottica in grado di misurare la direzione geografica del Polo Nord con ... more Una bussola solare elettro-ottica in grado di misurare la direzione geografica del Polo Nord con elevata precisione (migliore di un centesimo di grado), sviluppata presso il Centro Ricerche ENEA di Frascati, è stata usata durante la campagna antartica estiva del dicembre 2017 condotta dall'INGV, allo scopo di misurare la presunta deriva della banchisa antartica su cui si trova la base Concordia, che era stata evidenziata da diverse misurazioni tramite GPS differenziale. I risultati delle misure con la bussola solare ENEA mostrano che tale deriva non c’è stata. Questo falso allarme ha permesso di capire che alle latitudini elevate i risultati delle misure di orientamento effettuate con la bussola solare sono molto più affidabili di quelli ottenuti con i sensori GPS.

Research paper thumbnail of Calcolo analitico della posizione del sole per l’allineamento di impianti solari ed altre applicazioni

Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2012/24/ENEA, 2012

Descriviamo un metodo di calcolo analitico, basato su una soluzione approssimata delle leggi di K... more Descriviamo un metodo di calcolo analitico, basato su una soluzione approssimata delle leggi di Keplero, che consente in modo semplice e sintetico di calcolare la posizione del sole in qualunque data/ora e in qualunque luogo della terra con una precisione di 1 primo di grado. La procedura di calcolo è facilmente implementabile in economici microprocessori, così da rendere possibile guidare con elevata precisione l’orientamento verso il sole di qualunque dispositivo di inseguimento per impianti solari a concentrazione senza l’ausilio di componenti ottici. Vengono inoltre approfonditi due metodi per la corretta installazione di tracker per inseguimento solare.

Research paper thumbnail of Dalle meridiane ad una bussola solare di alta precisione per impianti solari termodinamici ed altre applicazioni

Storia e attualità del solare termodinamico con il contributo italiano, incontro organizzato dal Gruppo per la storia dell’energia solare (GSES)

La sinergia di competenze in vari campi del Laboratorio Sorgenti di Radiazione dell’ENEA di Fras... more La sinergia di competenze in vari campi del Laboratorio Sorgenti di Radiazione
dell’ENEA di Frascati (ottica, matematica, progettazione di meridiane, ecc.) unita alla presenza in ENEA di gruppi di ricerca operanti nel settore dell’energia solare sia di tipo termodinamico (Unità Tecnica Fonti Rinnovabili, UTRINN) che di tipo fotovoltaico a concentrazione (Unità Tecnica Tecnologie Portici, UTTP), ha portato allo sviluppo di una bussola solare elettronica di elevata accuratezza (fino ad un minuto d’arco), in grado di funzionare ovunque nel mondo e senza la presenza di un operatore 1. I due prototipi finora realizzati ne hanno confermato sia la prevista accuratezza che la versatilità d’uso.

Research paper thumbnail of Bussola solare di alta precisione: un utile strumento per l’archeoastronomia

Atti del 21mo seminario di archeoastronomia, 2019

Presso i Laboratori del Centro Ricerche ENEA di Frascati sono stati realizzati diversi prototipi ... more Presso i Laboratori del Centro Ricerche ENEA di Frascati sono stati realizzati diversi prototipi di bussola solare compatta e in grado di fornire la direzione del Nord geografico in qualunque luogo del pianeta con elevata accuratezza (0.01°).
Inizialmente progettata per impianti solari a concentrazione, la bussola solare ENEA è applicabile a qualsiasi strumento di rilevamento, come teodoliti, stazioni totali, laser scanner, ecc. Il suo basso costo, piccolo ingombro ed il completo automatismo elettronico rendono questo dispositivo uno strumento accessibile e di facile impiego per qualsiasi utilizzatore, sia a livello professionale che amatoriale.
In particolare, essa può essere utilizzata in archeoastronomia laddove la tipica precisione delle bussole magnetiche risulti insufficiente, specialmente in un periodo come questo che vede un deciso aumento dello spostamento casuale del Polo Nord magnetico.
Oltre allo strumento professionale, presentiamo anche una App in grado di trasformare qualsiasi telefono di tipo smartphone in una precisa bussola solare.

Research paper thumbnail of Una bussola solare per la determinazione precisa e veloce del Nord geografico

Convegno Nazionale IAGA Roma, Febbraio 2018, 2018

In questo lavoro sono illustrati i risultati ottenuti congiuntamente da ENEA e INGV in occasione ... more In questo lavoro sono illustrati i risultati ottenuti congiuntamente da ENEA e INGV in occasione dell'ultima spedizione antartica (2017-2018), durante la quale la bussola solare ENEA ha verificato l'allineamento del traguardo collocato presso la base antartica Concordia che è utilizzato per la misura della declinazione ed inclinazione magnetica.

Research paper thumbnail of An accurate solar compass for geomagnetic measurements

Proceedings of the 20th Italian National Conference on Photonic Technologies , 2018

An electro-optical solar compass, designed and developed at the Frascati Research Centre of the I... more An electro-optical solar compass, designed and developed at the Frascati Research Centre of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
(ENEA), has been tested for geomagnetic measurement at the Concordia Station polar observatory. This device, compact, not expensive, fast and very accurate, is able to measure the Sun direction and, consequently, the North Pole direction, within 1/100 of degree.
It is extremely more accurate and reliable than a magnetic compass and its performance is comparable with that of the expensive modern GPS and gyroscopic systems, without the drawback of long measuring time and/or latitude-dependency.
The ENEA compass provides the direction of the true (geographic) North and can be used to determine the exact orientation of solar concentrating power plants as well as to calibrate other compasses or for topographic surveying and, finally, for geomagnetic measurements.
The ENEA compass has been used during the last Antarctic campaign, in December 2017, carried out by the italian ‘Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia’ (INGV)and aimed at magnetic declination measurements. The results show that at a very high latitude the measurements done with the solar compass are much more reliable than those obtained with GPS sensors.

Research paper thumbnail of Electronic Solar Compass for High Precision Orientation on Any Planet

Journal of Instrumentation , 2016

A compact, fully automatic electronic solar compass has been developed at the ENEA Frascati Labor... more A compact, fully automatic electronic solar compass has been developed at the ENEA Frascati Laboratories. The compass is inspired to “camera obscura” sundials like those inside churches. Sun ephemerides are calculated using an approximate but effective analytical solution of Kepler’s laws, where the main parameters of Earth (or other planets) orbit are introduced. The instrument is light, cheap and it has an accuracy better than 1 arcmin. Some examples of application of the device as well as the possibility to use it on Mars are presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Electro-optical sun compass with a very high degree of accuracy

Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 15, pp. 3619-3622 (2015) doi: 10.1364/OL.40.003619. Received 30 Apr 2015; Accepted 13 Jul 2015; Posted 14 Jul 2015

We present a novel electronic solar compass which is able to determine the true North direction w... more We present a novel electronic solar compass which is able to determine the true North direction with an accuracy better than 1/100 of degree, superior to that of any other magnetic or electronic compass which do not resort to differential GPS. The compass has an electronic sensor to determine the line of sight of the Sun and a simple but effective algorithm to calculate the position of the Sun. The excellent results obtained during the experimental tests demonstrate the advantages of this compass, which is also compact and not expensive.

Research paper thumbnail of Accurate and low-cost ENEA solar compass for precision metrology of true azimuth: instrumental and smart versions

Proceedings SPIE , 2020

The structure and operating principles of a solar compass conceived and realised at the ENEA Labo... more The structure and operating principles of a solar compass conceived and realised at the ENEA Laboratories in Frascati are presented. The optical design, the underlying software and the calibration procedure make this instrument a reliable, stand-alone tool with an unprecedented combination of accuracy and cost-effectiveness. In-field operation gives evidence of azimuth determination capability with an accuracy of 0.01°. Exploitation of built-in sensors of smartphones (e.g. GPS, camera, accelerometer) allowed us to move this technology to popular level, providing everybody with a cheap tool of orienteering, far superior to any magnetic compass, despite a reduced accuracy with respect to the original instrument.

Research paper thumbnail of High-accuracy orientation survey in the Tiberius' Cave near Sperlonga

Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2022

We exploit a very accurate electronic solar compass used for the first time in archaeology, to me... more We exploit a very accurate electronic solar compass used for the first time in archaeology, to measure the orientation of structures at the Tiberius' Cave, which is adjacent to the Villa of the Roman emperor Tiberius located nearby the National Archaeological Museum in Sperlonga, Italy.
The measures are aimed at verifying whether Tiberius' Cave artifacts were aligned to specific astronomical events, connected to the apparent motion of the Sun. The experimental results suggest the intentional alignment of two niches to provide an accurate reference during the sunset on the day of the winter solstice at the time of Tiberius.

Research paper thumbnail of Bussola solare per trovare il Nord geografico con elevata accuratezza

Convegno nazionale Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, 2019

ENEA ha progettato, realizzato e brevettato una bussola solare, basata su un dispositivo elettro-... more ENEA ha progettato, realizzato e brevettato una bussola solare, basata su un dispositivo elettro-ottico (composto da una fenditura e da un sensore amatrice di pixel) e su un algoritmo per il calcolo delle effemeridi appositamente sviluppato, in grado di determinare la direzione del Nord geograficocon un’accuratezza migliore di 1/100 di grado.
Tra le applicazioni di tale bussola vi sono l’ingegneria civile, la topografia, l’installazione di sistemi dienergia solare a concentrazione, l’installazione di radar aeroportuali, la costruzione di tunnel, la misura della declinazione magnetica, la taratura dialtri dispositivi per la misura di azimut.

Research paper thumbnail of La bussola solare ENEA in archeoastronomia: rilievi di orientamento nella Grotta di Tiberio a Sperlonga

RT/2021/1/ENEA, 2021

La bussola solare elettronica brevettata da ENEA è uno strumento compatto, automatico, accurato (... more La bussola solare elettronica brevettata da ENEA è uno strumento compatto, automatico, accurato (risoluzione migliore di un primo d’arco, pari a 0,016 gradi) e veloce (fornisce l’orientamento in pochi secondi). La bussola ENEA è stata già usata con successo per rilevamenti di orientamento in Antartide (in collaborazione con INGV), per il controllo della movimentazione e dell’orientamento dell’asse di rotazione degli specchi delle centrali solari a concentrazione (in collaborazione con D.D. s.r.l.), e per la progettazione di meridiane.
In questo rapporto presentiamo l’uso della bussola ENEA nelle misure di orientamento di alcune strutture della Grotta di Tiberio adiacente alla Villa appartenuta nel I secolo d.C. all'imperatore romano Tiberio, presso l’area annessa al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Sperlonga, in provincia di Latina. Le misure di orientamento sono finalizzate a verificare se tali strutture presentino una direzione privilegiata rispetto a particolari eventi astronomici, collegati al moto apparente del Sole.

The Electronic solar compass, patented by ENEA, is compact, automatic, accurate (the orientation/azimuth is determined with a resolution better than 0.016°), and fast (it provides the orientation in few seconds). The ENEA compass has been successfully used for orientation measurements in Antarctica (in collaboration with INGV), for handling the movement and checking the rotation axis orientation of the mirrors in the concentrated solar power plants (in collaboration with D.D. srl,), and for the design of sundials.
In this report, we exploit the ENEA solar compass in archeoastronomy, specifically in orientation measurements of some structures at the Grotta di Tiberio, a cave adjacent to the Villa of the emperor Tiberius (1st century AD) located in the archaeological site nearby the National Archaeological Museum of Sperlonga, in the province of Latina. The measures are aimed at verifying whether these structures provide references to particular astronomical events, connected to the apparent motion of the Sun.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulatore solare e stampe 3D: una nuova tecnica per l’analisi astronomica di siti archeologici

Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2023/16/ENEA , 2023

Le moderne tecnologie di acquisizione di immagini tridimensionali (3D) tramite droni, unite alla ... more Le moderne tecnologie di acquisizione di immagini tridimensionali (3D) tramite droni, unite alla disponibilità di stampanti 3D commerciali accurate e di ampie dimensioni, aprono nuove frontiere nello sviluppo di plastici in scala che possono riprodurre fedelmente strutture architettoniche e paesaggi naturali. In questo lavoro si dimostra come il plastico di un sito archeologico, se illuminato con un simulatore solare, permette di ottenere una dettagliata analisi archeo-astronomica del sito stesso, difficilmente realizzabile in loco.
Modern three-dimensional (3D) imaging technologies using drones, combined with the availability of accurate and large-scale commercial 3D printers, have opened new frontiers to the development of scaled models that can faithfully reproduce architectural structures and natural landscapes. In this paper, we demonstrate how any model of archaeological sites illuminated with a solar simulator allows for a detailed archaeo-astronomical analysis, which is difficult to achieve in situ.


Rapporto Tecnico RT/2015/24/ENEA, Dec 2, 2015

La bussola solare brevettata da ENEA si caratterizza per la capacità di misurare la direzione del... more La bussola solare brevettata da ENEA si caratterizza per la capacità di misurare la direzione del Nord geografico con un livello di accuratezza di 0.01 gradi, nettamente migliore della precisione delle migliori bussole magnetiche ed elettroniche sinora realizzate.
Ovviamente, la bussola ENEA è stata progettata per poter funzionare in condizioni di Sole pieno, ma cosa accade quando il disco solare è parzialmente oscurato, ad esempio da una nuvola? Per rispondere accuratamente a questa domanda abbiamo misurato le prestazioni della bussola solare ENEA prima durante e dopo l’eclisse parziale di Sole del 20 Marzo 2015.
I risultati delle misure, riassunti in questo rapporto tecnico, dimostrano che quando il disco solare è coperto per una frazione pari al 35%, in modo asimmetrico, la bussola presenta uno scostamento di 0.08 gradi (pari a circa 5’) rispetto alla misura con disco solare pieno. Questo valore resta ancora migliore rispetto agli errori introdotti da bussole magnetiche (circa 1 grado) e dalle bussole elettroniche (circa 0.1 grado).

Research paper thumbnail of Esperimento di Conversione dei Solstizi

Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2023/1/ENEA , 2023

In questo Rapporto presentiamo il progetto e il primo test sperimentale del Convertitore dei Sols... more In questo Rapporto presentiamo il progetto e il primo test sperimentale del Convertitore dei Solstizi, un innovativo strumento ottico in grado di riflettere i raggi del sole nella stessa direzione di quelli emessi nel giorno in cui il sole ha declinazione opposta. Ad esempio, al solstizio estivo (21 giugno) i raggi solari riflessi dal Convertitore sono diretti nella stessa direzione dei raggi solari al solstizio invernale (21 dicembre) in qualunque istante della giornata. Al solstizio estivo il Convertitore simula i raggi del sole al solstizio invernale, quindi un oggetto illuminato dalla luce riflessa dal Convertitore proietta la propria ombra nella stessa direzione che si osserva al solstizio invernale alla stessa ora solare.
Il Convertitore è stato sperimentato con successo nelle misure di allineamento archeo-astronomico presso la Grotta di Tiberio, a Sperlonga, descritte in questo Rapporto.
In this technical report we present the design and first experimental test of the Solstice Converter, a novel optical instrument capable of reflecting the sun's rays in the same direction as those emitted in the day when the sun has opposite declination. For example, at the summer solstice (June 21), the rays reflected by the Converter are directed in the same direction as the sun's rays at the winter solstice (Dec. 21), at any instant of the day. At the summer solstice, therefore, the Converter simulates the sun's rays at the winter solstice, thus an object illuminated by light reflected from the Converter would cast its shadow in the same direction observed at the winter solstice.
The Converter has been successfully tested in archaeo-astronomical measurements at the Cave of emperor Tiberius, in Sperlonga, described in this report.

Research paper thumbnail of Misure di orientamento ad alta precisione con bussola solare ENEA nell’Area archeologica della Grotta di Tiberio a Sperlonga

22° Seminario di Archeoastronomia Edizioni ALSSA, 2020

Risultati delle misurazioni eseguite con un prototipo sperimentale di bussola solare ad alta prec... more Risultati delle misurazioni eseguite con un prototipo sperimentale di bussola solare ad alta precisione concepita dall'ENEA (l’Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile) sul sito archeologico della Grotta di Tiberio a Sperlonga. Le misurazioni sono state effettuate nell'ambito di un accordo stipulato tra ENEA (Dipartimento Fusione e Tecnologie per la Sicurezza Nucleare del Centro Ricerche ENEA di Frascati, Roma) e l'Osservatorio Astronomico di Genova.

Research paper thumbnail of A Solar Compass for Enhancing the Efficiency of Concentrating Solar Power Plants

OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2020, L. Caspani, A. Tauke-Pedretti, F. Leo, and B. Yang, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), 2020

A solar compass is presented, which determines the true North direction with an accuracy of 0.01°... more A solar compass is presented, which determines the true North direction with an accuracy of 0.01°. It is compact, fast and low-cost, and it can drive a solar panel for continuously aiming at the Sun

Research paper thumbnail of Converting a smartphone into an accurate solar compass

Applied Optics , 2022

We have developed an app, named Sunpass, able to convert every smartphone into a solar compass. S... more We have developed an app, named Sunpass, able to convert every smartphone into a solar compass. Sunpass uses input data from the smartphone sensors, calculates the Sun position, and elaborates data to give the desired information.
The azimuth values measured by a smartphone equipped with Sunpass show a typical accuracy of 0.5°, which is limited by camera aberrations and misalignment of both accelerometer and CCD camera of the smartphone.
In this paper, we show that both accuracy and reliability in azimuth measurements can be improved by a specific calibration procedure and a dedicated mechanical tool. We obtained a remarkable accuracy better than 0.06° on the single azimuth measurements, which improves to 0.03° on the average of eight measurements.

Research paper thumbnail of High accuracy azimuth measurements: the ENEA solar compass in its instrumental and smart version

Il Nuovo Cimento C vol. 44, issue 4-5, 116 , Sep 2021

The accurate assessment of the azimuth of a given direction as, e. g., the geographic North, is o... more The accurate assessment of the azimuth of a given direction as, e. g., the geographic North, is of utmost importance in many fields. The electronic solar compass patented by ENEA achieves an accuracy of 0.01°, it is up to 100 times cheaper than instruments having similar accuracy (GPS, gyros, ...), and it is also very fast in answering (few seconds). It is based on a simple but effective optical system to capture the Sun direction, and on an analytical algorithm to provide the Sun position.
The ENEA solar compass has been tested and used in many circumstances, e. g. for mapping surveys, to align concentrating solar mirrors, and for orientation measurements of structures on archaeological sites. We obtained notable results, together with INGV, in magnetic declination measurements in Antarctica.
Finally, we moved the ENEA solar compass algorithm to smartphones, enabling their use as orienteering devices.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of an electro-optical solar compass in partially-obscured Sun conditions

Applied Optics, Optical Society of America, vol. 55, pp. 3126-3130 , 2016

Solar compasses are designed to accurately find the true North in sunny days. However, no data on... more Solar compasses are designed to accurately find the true North in sunny days. However, no data on their performance are available when sunlight is partially blocked, e.g., by a cloud. We have measured for the first time the performance of one of the most accurate electro-optic solar compasses (accuracy better than 0.01 degrees) as a function of the solar disk obscuration during the Sun eclipse occurred on March 20, 2015. The measurements show that the accuracy level is mainly dependent on the asymmetry of the obscuration with respect to the main axis of the optical detection system, and to a lesser extent by the percentage of solar disk covered. In particular, the azimuth measurement suffered of a maximum deviation of 0.08 degrees when 35% of the solar disk was asymmetrically obscured. The deviation was smaller when 46% of the solar disk was more symmetrically obscured. This experiment demonstrates that, even in case of partially obscured Sun, the electro-optical solar compass maintains an accuracy better than magnetic and electronic compasses.


Il Nuovo Cimento D, Vol. 11, Issue 12, pp 1733-1749 (1989) and ENEA Technical Report ENEA-RT-TIB ; 87-49, 1987

The small signal gain and absorption coefficients of a high uniformity, X-ray preionized XeCl las... more The small signal gain and absorption coefficients of a high uniformity, X-ray preionized XeCl laser have been measured. Their time evolution and wavelength dependence have been simultaneously detected with high resolution. Two distinct estimates of the saturation intensity were obtained by means of a Rigrod-type analysis of the intracavity intensity and by using saturated gain measurements.


Applied Physics B 47, 1-6 (1988); and ENEA Technical report ENEA-RT-TIB ; 87-51 (1987), 1987

"""A direct measurement of the electron density time evolution in the active medium of a self-sus... more """A direct measurement of the electron density time evolution in the active medium of a self-sustained XeCI laser discharge has been performed by means of the holographic interferometry technique. The time and space resolved behaviour of the discharge seems to confirm that the halogen depletion instability and the hot spots
developing in the cathode region are the basic mechanisms which determine the premature termination of the output laser pulse."""

Research paper thumbnail of Repetition-rate influence on the beam quality of a XeCl excimer laser

Optics Communications vol. 167, pp. 291-298 (1999), 1999

The results of beam quality measurements of a XeCl (λ=0.308 μm) laser, equipped with a generalise... more The results of beam quality measurements of a XeCl (λ=0.308 μm) laser, equipped with a generalised self-filtering unstable resonator (GSFUR), while operating in the burst mode at repetition rates of up to 50 Hz are presented. In particular, the behaviour of the laser-energy distribution (both in the near- and far-field) and of the beam-angular stability vs. the repetition rate was measured. The time evolution of the divergence within the single laser pulse was also measured. The GSFUR showed its remarkable ability to achieve a nearly diffraction-limited divergence since the beginning of the laser pulse, and, most importantly, to maintain the values of the times diffraction-limit (TDL) number, of the M2 parameter and of the beam angular stability (BAS) independent of the repetition rate. The BAS resulted in fluctuations smaller than one third of the beam divergence.

Research paper thumbnail of TUTTI I "COLORI" DELL’ENEA

Luce dall'ENEA: Ieri, Oggi e Domani. DOI 10.12910/EAI2015-092 pagg. 38-54, Dec 2015

A partire dai pioneristici studi sui sistemi laser applicati alla diagnostica dei plasmi del grup... more A partire dai pioneristici studi sui sistemi laser applicati alla diagnostica dei plasmi del gruppo di Ascoli Bartoli nei primissimi anni ’60 a Frascati, i laboratori del CNEN poi l’ENEA hanno sviluppato e mantenuto nei decenni competenze di assoluto livello internazionale nello sviluppo e nelle applicazioni di sistemi laser e più in generale di sorgenti di luce sia coerenti, sia incoerenti. Oggi, la compresenza nello stesso Centro di diverse sorgenti di luce che coprono una larghissima parte dello spettro delle onde elettromagnetiche (tutti ‘i colori’ a cui fa riferimento il titolo), dal THz ai raggi X duri, costituisce un caso unico in Italia di cui si parla poco ma che è una realtà scientifica e tecnologica acclarata da decenni. In questo articolo presentiamo un riassunto di alcune sorgenti di luce progettate e realizzate nel Centro ENEA di Frascati, e delle loro applicazioni in diversi campi scientifici e tecnologici.

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial distribution of the light emitted by an excimer lamp used for UV-B phototeraphy: Experiment and modeling

Review Scientific Instruments vol. 75, pp. 1332 - 1336 (2004) ;

The availability of excimer lamps, which emit ultraviolet ~UV! noncoherent but narrow-bandwidth r... more The availability of excimer lamps, which emit ultraviolet ~UV! noncoherent but narrow-bandwidth radiation, allowed a drastic reduction of the costs of the UV photo-therapy that has so far been accomplished by using excimer lasers. The main goal of this work is the measurement of the spatial distribution of the radiation intensity emitted by a commercial excimer lamp, to check the uniformity of the dose delivered to the target when changing either the distance from the lamp or the surface to be irradiated. The results show that a good uniformity of the delivered dose is achieved within a limited area and that when changing by only 1 cm the distance between the lamp and the target, the dose delivered to the target noticeably changes its value. The experimental data are in good agreement with the analytical results achieved by approximating the lamp by a uniform two-dimensional source.

Research paper thumbnail of Hercules: an XeCl excimer laser facility for high-intensity irradiation experiments

Proc. SPIE 3423, Second GR-I International Conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications, 35 (July 14, 1998); doi:10.1117/12.316586, 1998

Hercules is a XeCl excimer laser designed and constructed about ten years ago at the Laboratorie... more Hercules is a XeCl excimer laser designed and constructed about ten years ago at the Laboratories of ENEA Frascati. It can deliver up to 10 J output energy at a repetition rate of 10Hz. Since 1992, Hercules is a laser facility available to check the feasibility of processes and/or the effects occurring to materials irradiated with ultraviolet radiation at very high energy fluence or at high intensity level or over a large area. Here we present a summary of the main mechanical, electrical and optical characteristics of Hercules, together with a selected list of irradiation experiments, including the generation of soft x-rays and re-crystallization of amorphous silicon.

Research paper thumbnail of Laser eccimero industriale “Hercules L” e omogeneizzatore trasfocale di fascio

"40 Anni di LASER", Collana Quaderni di Ottica e Fotonica vol. 7, a cura di C. Righini e M. A. Forastiere (CTE 2001) pp. 113 - 117., 2001

Presentiamo gli elementi di progetto e i risultati sperimentali sia del primo prototipo laser ecc... more Presentiamo gli elementi di progetto e i risultati sperimentali sia del primo prototipo laser eccimero industriale italiano di elevata energia, denominato “Hercules-L”, sia dell’omogeneizzatore trasfocale di fascio laser. Quest’ultimo è in grado di ridurre la deviazione standard delle fluttuazioni spaziali dell’intensità laser al di sotto del 2%, e al tempo stesso di ottenere una intensità laser variabile con continuità nell’ambito di svariati ordini di grandezza.

Research paper thumbnail of Design, Realization, and Test of Ultraviolet-C LED Arrays Suitable for Long-Lasting Irradiation of Biological Samples

Machines vol. 11, pp. 792-804 (2023) , 2023

We present the electrical and optical design, assembling, and thorough experimental characterizat... more We present the electrical and optical design, assembling, and thorough experimental characterization of two compact arrays of short-wavelength ultraviolet (UV-C) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) suitable for near-field irradiation. Through a combination of technical expedients, we have achieved effective thermal management such that long-lasting irradiations are possible without appreciable deterioration of UV-C emission. We successfully used these compact UV-C LED arrays for long lasting irradiation tests aimed at generating the biosynthesis of defensive metabolites that enhance the resistance of plants and fruits to pathogen attacks. Finally, we comment on the possibility of implementing these compact UV-C sources on robotic systems to make an automated device suitable to reduce pesticide use in agricultural crops.

Research paper thumbnail of UV-C LED sources design and characterization

Proceedings of the Italian Conference on Optics and Photonics (2022) IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2022

Ultraviolet C-band (UV-C) sources based on LED arrays, for near-field irradiation purposes, have ... more Ultraviolet C-band (UV-C) sources based on LED arrays, for near-field irradiation purposes, have been designed, realized, and thoroughly characterized both from an optical and a thermal point of view. Here we report the main theoretical and experimental results and discuss the preliminary applications of these sources.

Research paper thumbnail of XeCl excimer laser with a continuously tunable output pulsewidth

Optics Communications 95, 336-344 (1993), 1993

The first self-injected excimer laser is described. A continously variable output pulse duration ... more The first self-injected excimer laser is described. A continously variable output pulse duration between 2 and 100 ns has been achieved by an opportune intracavity loss modulation. The output laser radiation consists of a train of pulses or of a single dumped pulse. In thee latter case, output pulses with peak power up to 2 MW have been obtained, with remarkable stability and reproductivity characteristics.

Research paper thumbnail of Discharge medium uniformity influence on XeCl excimer laser beam quality

Il Nuovo Cimento D 14, 41-48 (1992), 1992

Starting with the geometrical optics approximation, the influence of the discharge and of the gas... more Starting with the geometrical optics approximation, the influence of the discharge and of the gas flow nonuniformities on the excimer laser beam propagation quality is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Some design limitations for large-aperture high-energy per pulse excimer lasers

Il Nuovo Cimento D , 1992

Some limitation problems for gas discharge excimer lasers, when scaled to a high pulsed energy ou... more Some limitation problems for gas discharge excimer lasers, when scaled to a high pulsed energy output with high repetition rate are discussed. As an example, we present some experimental results obtained with an X-ray preionized (10×10×100) cm^3 active volume, low-repetition-rate-operated gas discharge XeCl laser system.

Research paper thumbnail of Operation of a ten litre discharge XeCl laser

Excimer lasers and applications II, edited by T. Letardi, Proc. SPIE vol. 1278 (1990) pp. 17 – 24. doi:10.1117/12.20599

A ten-liter volume, X-ray preionized XeCl laser has been operated with both a conventional spark-... more A ten-liter volume, X-ray preionized XeCl laser has been operated with both a conventional spark-gap switched discharge and an X-ray triggered discharge. In the latter case, 45W average output power was obtained. A simple model has been developed to study the minimum preionization to drive a uniform switchless discharge.

Research paper thumbnail of Progettazione, realizzazione e test sperimentali di un illuminatore a LED UV-C

Technical Report ENEA RT/2023/3/ENEA , 2023

Le lunghezze d’onda comprese tra 200 e 280 nanometri, intervallo spettrale denominato UV-C, sono ... more Le lunghezze d’onda comprese tra 200 e 280 nanometri, intervallo spettrale denominato UV-C, sono particolarmente adatte a debellare batteri e virus in quanto tale radiazione spezza i legami proteici e può danneggiare in modo irreversibile le catene del DNA o dell’RNA.
Sino a poco tempo fa, le sorgenti UV-C disponibili in commercio erano lampade a gas, tipicamente deuterio, xenon o vapori di mercurio, oppure lampade ad eccimeri. Queste lampade funzionano a tensioni piuttosto elevate, sono fragili e hanno tempi di accensione di diversi minuti prima di arrivare a regime ed emettere la potenza nominale.
La disponibilità di LED (Light Emitting Diodes), dispositivi a stato solido che emettono radiazione nell’intervallo dell’UV-C, consente oggi di realizzare una “lampada”, basata su una matrice di tali sorgenti, che utilizza un alimentatore a bassa tensione, può essere disegnata in configurazioni geometriche adattabili ad ogni esigenza, si accende istantaneamente ed è meccanicamente molto robusta.
In questo Rapporto Tecnico sono illustrati il progetto, la realizzazione e la caratterizzazione di una lampada a LED UV-C e del relativo alimentatore. È inoltre brevemente descritto un esperimento, a scopo fitosanitario, in cui tale lampada è stata utilizzata.

Research paper thumbnail of Industrial large aperture XeCl laser for surface processing

in High-Power Lasers in Manufacturing, edited by X. Cheng, T. Fujioka, A. Matsunawa, Proc. SPIE vol. 3888 pp. 587 – 597, 2000

In the frame of a project on new materials technologies for photovoltaic and microelectronic appl... more In the frame of a project on new materials technologies for photovoltaic and microelectronic applications (FOTO), the process of amorphous silicon transformation into poly-crystalline silicon by means of laser irradiation has been tested with a long-pulse (160 ns), 8 J/p XeCl source. Following the positive results, a laser source, having design parameters of 10 J/p, 120 ns, 10 Hz, has been designed and built, with the aim of realizing a laboratory line for the production of thin film transistors devices.

Research paper thumbnail of Excimer lamp pumped by a triggered longitudinal discharge

IEEE Transaction Plasma Science vol. 27, pp. 211-218 (1999), 1999

The ultraviolet (UV) radiation performance of an XeCl excimer lamp is measured as a function of t... more The ultraviolet (UV) radiation performance of an XeCl excimer lamp is measured as a function of the gas mixture composition (with and without neon as buffer gas) and pumping condition (longitudinal discharge with and without trigger). Both spatial distribution and spectral content of the emitted UV radiations are carefully determined including the contribution of the XeCl (B-X), XeCl (C-A), and Xe continuum emissions. A peak power density of up to 3 kW/cm^2 and an average power density of up to 0.2 W/cm^2 can be achieved when using a simple cylindrical aluminum reflector

Research paper thumbnail of Lampada eccimero per fototerapia UV-B: distribuzione spaziale dell’intensità di radiazione emessa

Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2003/39/FIS , 2003

La recente disponibilità sul mercato di lampade eccimero, che emettono radiazione ultravioletta (... more La recente disponibilità sul mercato di lampade eccimero, che emettono radiazione ultravioletta (UV) quasi-monocromatica non coerente, ha permesso di abbattere drasticamente i costi dei trattamenti di fototerapia UV sinora effettuati con sistemi laser eccimero. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è misurare la distribuzione spaziale dell’intensità della radiazione emessa da una lampada eccimero commerciale, per verificare la effettiva uniformità della dose di radiazione UV sulla cute irraggiata al variare sia della distanza dalla lampada, sia della superficie irraggiata. I dati sperimentali sono confrontati con i risultati ottenuti da una simulazione semi-analitica che approssima la lampada ad una sorgente uniforme bidimensionale.

Research paper thumbnail of Ianus, the three-electrode excimer laser

Applied Physics B 66, 401-406 (1998), 1998

"We present the results of the mechanical, electrical, and optical characterisation work done on ... more "We present the results of the mechanical, electrical, and optical characterisation work done on Ianus, a 1 : 1 laser-head prototype of the XeCl (308 nm) laser (1-kW output power) developed in the frame of the Eureka EU 213 program. The three-electrode configuration of Ianus consists of two laser discharges electrically in series, with the same current flowing through the two gaps, but geometrically in parallel. We have experimentally tested and optimised the behaviour of this unconventional laser head with
regard to single-shot laser output energy, overall efficiency and spatial discharge uniformity, as well as to repetition-rate performance versus a newly defined volumetric flush factor.
The peculiar three-electrode concept makes Ianus suitable for spiker–sustainer excitation and compact oscillator–amplifier configurations."

Research paper thumbnail of Study of self-preionized XeCl * electron-avalanched discharges

Il Nuovo Cimento D13, 1387 (1991), 1991

Some performances of an excimer discharge at the formative stage are calculated and compared to t... more Some performances of an excimer discharge at the formative stage are calculated and compared to the experimental results obtained in a XeCl* laser device with a pin cathode without external preionization. We present a simplified discharge model for exploring the process of the preionization generated by the coronas in the cathode pin region.

Research paper thumbnail of LEDs arrays as versatile, medium-power UV-C sources for relevant applications in biology and health care

Proceedings of OPAL 2024, 2024

We present the electrical and optical design, assembly, and experimental characterization of comp... more We present the electrical and optical design, assembly, and experimental characterization of compact arrays of short-wavelength ultraviolet (UV-C) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) suitable for near-field irradiation. By an appropriate combination of technical arrangements, we have achieved effective thermal management of the LEDs such that long-lasting irradiations are possible without appreciable degradation of UV-C emission. We have successfully used these compact UV-C LED arrays in several applications, two of which are: a) fast inactivation of viruses, including SARS-CoV-2; and b) long-lasting irradiation of plants and fruits, aimed at generating biosynthesis of defensive metabolites that increase their resistance to pathogen attacks.

Research paper thumbnail of LA SINDONE DI TORINO - Stagione 2: Le analisi dell'Enea

Docuserie sulla Sindone di Officina della comunicazione , 2024

Link: Intervista di Omar Pesenti a Paolo Di Lazzaro ... more Link:
Intervista di Omar Pesenti a Paolo Di Lazzaro e Gian Maria Zaccone su alcuni aspetti del pluriennale lavoro dell'Enea riguardo la Sindone di Torino.

Research paper thumbnail of Agricoltura, meno chimica

Research paper thumbnail of Luci ultraviolette per ridurre l'uso di pesticidi nocivi

Il Messaggero, 2023

Intervista di Paolo Travisi a Paolo Di Lazzaro, Il Messaggero 30 Ottobre 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pesticidi? No, luce ultravioletta

Intervista Italia Oggi, 2023

Linea di ricerca e progetto UV ORMESI per la riduzione della quantità di pesticidi usata in agric... more Linea di ricerca e progetto UV ORMESI per la riduzione della quantità di pesticidi usata in agricoltura.

Research paper thumbnail of Sindone, sangue di un torturato, ma il corpo sfida la nostra intelligenza

La nuova bussola quotidiana, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of L'uomo della Sindone è Gesù?

Research paper thumbnail of Sulla Sindone il sangue vero di una persona torturata

Research paper thumbnail of Dubbi sull’età della Sindone. Gli esperti riaprono il caso.

Research paper thumbnail of “The Shroud’s fake blood stains”. But the new research raises many doubts

Research paper thumbnail of “Sindone, macchie false”. Ma la nuova ricerca solleva molti dubbi

Research paper thumbnail of Why Shroud of Turin's Secrets Continue to Elude Science

National Geographic, Apr 17, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Sindone, l'immagine impossibile secondo l'ENEA

Research paper thumbnail of A forger would have needed a miracle

The Catholic Herald, Feb 17, 2012

Interview by Rory Fitzgerald, The Catholic Herald.

Research paper thumbnail of The Shroud of Turin: forgery or divine? A scientist writes

Unfortunately, the link to the interview by Tom Chivers is no longer available at The Telegraph w... more Unfortunately, the link to the interview by Tom Chivers is no longer available at The Telegraph website. An excerpt of the interview can be found at
You may email to Telegraph asking for a copy of this interview by Chivers, it was published online on 30 December 2011 at the Telegraph website.

Research paper thumbnail of Ultraviolet-C Light Effects in Actinidia spp. Infected by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae

Horticulturae vol. 10, pp. 944-959 , 2024

Several studies have demonstrated that ultraviolet-band-C (UV-C) irradiation can en-hance plants’... more Several studies have demonstrated that ultraviolet-band-C (UV-C) irradiation can en-hance plants’ natural resistance to pathogens and diseases. A suitable dose of UV-C radiation in-duces the production of metabolites that strengthen plant defenses , an effect known as "hormesis". Hormesis presents a promising alternative to supplement and reduce the use of pesticides, which pose risks to the environment and human health. This paper investigates the effects of UV-C radiation emitted by an array of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) in generating a hormetic response in three kiwifruit species, namely A. chinensis var. deliciosa cv. Hayward, A. chinensis var. chinensis cv. Soreli® and A. arguta plantlets, grown in vitro and in pot, exposed to the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) either before or after UV-C irradiation. Analyses of morpho-physiological parameter and spectrophotometric assays were conducted to evaluate changes in chlorophyll a and b content, carotenoids, total phenols, and antioxidant activity as a function of the UV-C irradiation. Results indicate partial protection against Psa infection and increased levels of chlorophylls, carotenoids, polyphenols and antioxidant activity. The optimal UV-C dose was determined to be 2.2 kJ/m2 for in vitro shoots and 1.3 kJ/m2 ,for ex vitro plants.


Trattamenti e Finiture vol. 6, pp. 66-71 Tecniche Nuove Editore (2006), 2006

La tecnologia laser ad eccimeri può essere utilizzata per la rimozione, preliminarmente necessari... more La tecnologia laser ad eccimeri può essere utilizzata per la rimozione, preliminarmente necessaria all’operazione di verniciatura, di scorie e strati di ossidi superficiali da substrato di alluminio, in alternativa ai processi tradizionali di tipo meccanico. Il presente lavoro descrive il procedimento messo a punto e fornisce i dettagli sulle modalità operative, sull’apparato sperimentale utilizzato e sui risultati ottenuti.

Research paper thumbnail of Point Defects in Lithium Fluoride by EUV and Soft X-Rays Exposure for X-Ray Microscopy and Optical Applications


The extreme ultraviolet radiation emitted by a laser-plasma source or by a capillary discharge la... more The extreme ultraviolet radiation emitted by a laser-plasma source or by a capillary discharge laser is applied to the generation of luminescent patterns in lithium fluoride.This novel technique is able to produce colored patterns with high spatial resolution on large (more than 10 cm^2 ) areas in ashort exposure time compared with other irradiation methods like the electron beam writing. The potentials of this technique forapplications in photonics are commented. This paper reviews the activity performed during the past four years at the ENEA Fras-cati Center and at L’Aquila University, Italy. Preliminary images of micro radiography or X-ray contact microscopy using lithiumfluoride as an imaging detector are presented. The advantagesof this new detector compared with photographic films or with photoresists are discussed

Research paper thumbnail of Soft x-ray submicron imaging detector based on point defects in LiF

REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS vol. 76 , 113104 (2005), 2005

The use of lithium fluoride (LiF) crystals and films as imaging detectors for EUV and soft-X-ray ra... more The use of lithium fluoride (LiF) crystals and films as imaging detectors for EUV and soft-X-ray radiation is discussed. The EUV or soft-x-ray radiation can generate stable color centers, emitting in the visible spectral range an intense fluorescence from the exposed areas. The high dynamic response of the material to the received dose and the atomic scale of the color centers make this detector extremely interesting for imaging at a spatial resolution which can be much smaller than the light wavelength. Experimental results of contact microscopy imaging of test meshes demonstrate a resolution of the order of 400 nm. This high spatial resolution has been obtained in a wide field of view, up to several mm^2. Images obtained on different biological samples, as well as an investigation of a soft x-ray laser beam are presented. The behavior of the generated color centers density as a function of the deposited X-ray dose and the advantages of this new diagnostic technique for both coherent and non coherent EUV sources, compared with CCDs detectors, photographic films and photo-resists are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Microelettronica gigante

Energia, Ambiente Innovazione vol. 4, pp. 52-63 (1999), 1999

La microelettronica gigante che è alla base della tecnologia degli schermi piatti, rappresenta un... more La microelettronica gigante che è alla base della tecnologia degli schermi piatti, rappresenta un esempio di proficua interazione di tecnologie evolutesi indipendentemente, e mostra in tutta evidenza la necessità di un approccio interdisciplinare nella innovazione microelettronica.

Research paper thumbnail of Rimozione di graffiti mediante tecnologia laser

Trattamenti e Finiture vol. 2, pp. 70-77, Tecniche Nuove Editore (2006), 2006

In questo lavoro viene descritta la rimozione di graffiti da vari materiali (metallici, pietrosi,... more In questo lavoro viene descritta la rimozione di graffiti da vari materiali (metallici, pietrosi, gomma, vetro) mediante irraggiamento di luce ultravioletta emessa da un laser ad eccimeri. Questa tecnica può essere un'interessante alternativa ai tradizionali processi meccanici e chimici di rimozione.

Research paper thumbnail of Surface ablation by excimer laser irradiation of Ti and Ti6Al4V alloy

Applied Physics A 63, 385-389 (1996), 1996

This paper presents the surface microstructure of Ti and Ti6Al4V alloy irradiated with a high out... more This paper presents the surface microstructure of Ti and Ti6Al4V alloy irradiated with a high output energy XeCl (λ = 308 nm) excimer laser. The treatments are carried out on both materials at two beam fluences and the effects of single- and multiple-pulse irradiation are compared. The results of the scanning electron microscopy and of the X-ray diffraction techniques suggest the possible influence of both time-behaviour and energy fluence of the laser pulse on the relative weight of the ablation rate and of the reaction product deposition rate at the sample surface.


Il macro-obiettivo del Progetto FOTO è la realizzazione di una camera pulita per lo sviluppo di p... more Il macro-obiettivo del Progetto FOTO è la realizzazione di una camera pulita per lo sviluppo di processi atti a fabbricare matrici attive per schermi piatti a cristalli liquidi (AMLCD, Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display). Uno dei primi passi del processo consiste nel creare transistori a film sottile (TFT, Thin Film Transistor). A tal fine, è necessario ottenere strati sottili di Silicio policristallino irraggiando films di silicio amorfo con luce laser ultravioletta.
In questo rapporto, presentiamo i risultati degli irraggiamenti di film sottili di silicio amorfo tramite la laser-facility Hercules (eccimero XeCl, lambda = 308 nm) effettuati presso il C.R. ENEA di Frascati. La trasformazione di silicio amorfo in silicio policristallino così ottenuta è commentata al variare delle caratteristiche spazio-temporali dell’impulso laser, della geometria dell’irraggiamento e delle caratteristiche del film di silicio amorfo irraggiato.

Research paper thumbnail of Observation of super lateral growth in long pulse (170 ns) excimer laser crystallization of a-Si films

Thin Solid Films 427 (2003) 319–323, 2003

"The analysis of the grain size (GS) vs. energy density of silicon films irradiated with long pul... more "The analysis of the grain size (GS) vs. energy density of silicon films irradiated with long pulse (LP) (150–200 ns) excimer
laser has revealed that the maximum GS achievable is limited to 250–350 nm. In general, maximum GS occurs when the so called
super lateral growth (SLG) mechanism is triggered (almost complete melting) and in short-pulse (30 ns) irradiated films
the maximum GS can be well above 1 mm. In order to clarify this discrepancy between the SLG regimes observed with short
and LP irradiations, we performed an experiment with a LP (170 ns) excimer laser (HERCULES), having opportunely profiled
the energy density to a ‘ramp’ distribution. In this way it was possible to have a continuous energy distribution and by analysing the structural (SEM) and topographical (AFM) properties it was possible to produce an accurate picture of their dependence upon the laser energy density. We were able to identify the SLG regime, with GS up to 1.5 mm and energy window DE/E = 0.002, pointing out the difficulties in observing SLG in LP irradiations."

Research paper thumbnail of Test di substrati per telescopi spaziali: irraggiamenti nell’ultravioletto di film poliimmide in aria, vuoto e atmosfera controllata

RT/2017/9/ENEA, Apr 20, 2017

Presentiamo le tematiche scientifiche e tecnologiche affrontate durante l’irraggiamento di film p... more Presentiamo le tematiche scientifiche e tecnologiche affrontate durante l’irraggiamento di film poliimmide nano-ibridi con una dose di radiazione ultravioletta (UV) pari a 3.000 ore equivalenti di irraggiamento solare fuori dall’atmosfera terrestre, nell’ambito di un test per selezionare il materiale più adatto all’uso come substrato dei second surface mirrors nei telescopi spaziali. In particolare, discutiamo i dettagli relativi al calcolo della dose UV solare, alla taratura dei rivelatori, alla distribuzione spaziale dell’emissione UV della sorgente, all’effetto di ‘guida d’onda’ della camera da vuoto, alla dissipazione del calore in aria, in vuoto e in atmosfera controllata, al controllo remoto continuo (24 ore al giorno) sia della temperatura dei campioni, sia della radiazione della lampada.
In the frame of a Project aiming at selecting substrates for second surface mirrors of space-telescopes, we present the scientific and technological issues addressed during irradiations of nano-hybrid polyimide films deposited on quartz with a ultraviolet (UV) dose of 3,000 space-equivalent Sun hours. In particular, we detail the calculation of the UV dose delivered by Sun, the calibration of the detectors, the spatial distribution of the UV radiation on samples, the remote control 24/24, 7/7 of both samples’ temperature and lamp radiation, the 'equivalent waveguide' effect of the vacuum chamber, the heat dissipation in air, in vacuum and in a helium atmosphere.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental results on silicon annealing by a long-pulse, high-power XeCl laser system

ALT ’99, Int. Conf. on Advanced Laser Technologies, edited by V. Pustovoy, V. Konov, Proc. SPIE vol. 4070 (2000) pp. 345 – 350, 2000

The XeCl laser facility Hercules, delivering a maximum energy of 8 J in 160 ns FWHM, has been use... more The XeCl laser facility Hercules, delivering a maximum energy of 8 J in 160 ns FWHM, has been used to irradiate amorphous silicon (a-Si) films on glass substrate. We designed an optical homogeneizer to reshape the large cross-section of the laser beam (10 x 5) cm², in order to reach a fluence up to 0.5 J/cm² over a (13 x 1) cm² area. The beam resulted spatially homogenous within 10% (referred to peak-to-peak fluctuations). We obtained poly-silicon films with grain size ranging from 0.1 to 2 µm, depending on the laser energy density. These preliminary results show that the grain size is critically fluence-dependent when the so-called super-lateral-growth regime is approached (approximately at 0.42 J/cm² for a 50 nm-thick a-Si film), with a maximum slope of the grain size vs. energy density greater than 0.5 µm/(mJ/cm²).


Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2024/1/ENEA , 2024

Studi scientifici hanno dimostrato che l'irradiazione con raggi ultravioletti UV-C può aumentare ... more Studi scientifici hanno dimostrato che l'irradiazione con raggi ultravioletti UV-C può aumentare la resistenza naturale delle piante ai patogeni e alle malattie, sia prima che dopo la raccolta. Una dose appropriata di raggi UV-C induce la produzione di metaboliti che rafforzano le difese naturali delle piante, un effetto noto come "ormesi".
L’ormesi è un'alternativa promettente ai fitofarmaci sintetici, che sono dannosi per l'ambiente e la salute umana. Questo Rapporto nasce dalla collaborazione tra ENEA (Centri di Frascati e Casaccia) e CREA (Centro di Ricerca per l’Olivicoltura, la Frutticoltura e l’Agrumicoltura di Roma); esso descrive gli effetti dei raggi UV-C emessi da matrici di Light Emitting Diodes (LED), atti a generare una risposta ormetica in piante di kiwi (Actinidia spp.) esposte al patogeno Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae prima o dopo irraggiamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Trattamento di superfici tessili mediante laser ad eccimeri

Energia Ambiente Innovazione (1995) , Dec 1995

Risultati sperimentali relativi all'irraggiamento di tessuti sia naturali che sintetici mediante ... more Risultati sperimentali relativi all'irraggiamento di tessuti sia naturali che sintetici mediante il laser eccimero XeCl realizzato dall'ENEA presso il Centro Ricerche di Frascati.

Research paper thumbnail of Testing of substrates for flexible optical solar reflectors: irradiations of nano-hybrid coatings of polyimide films with 20 keV electrons and with 200-400 nm ultraviolet radiation

Journal of Instrumentation, 2019

In the frame of a project aimed at developing a new type of optical solar reflectors we present t... more In the frame of a project aimed at developing a new type of optical solar reflectors we present the scientific and technological issues addressed during irradiations of nano-hybrid polyimide films deposited on quartz by using 20 keV electron beam from a modified use of Scanning Electron Microscope and with ultraviolet (UV) dose equal to 300 space-equivalent Sun hours.

Research paper thumbnail of Surface modifications on Fe-40 at.-%Al intermetallic alloy by excimer laser melting treatment

Material Science Technology 13, 526-532 (1997), 1997

"A target of Fe-40 at.-%Al intermetallic alloy with ordered B2 structure was subjected to laser m... more "A target of Fe-40 at.-%Al intermetallic alloy with ordered B2 structure was subjected to laser melting processing by a high energy XeCI excimer pulse (wavelength 308 nm, pulse length 120 ns) in low pressure air. The total thickness of the laser affected zone (LAZ) was ∼ 150 nm. The modified surface showed an increased roughness and the presence of cracking. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements revealed a strong enrichment in the aluminium concentration within the LAZ, as well as relatively high contents of oxygen and nitrogen incorporated in the near surface region. Both angle resolved and depth profile XPS analyses suggested that oxides, nitrides, and oxynitrides were mainly present within the LAZ as discrete particles in the metallic matrix rather than as surface layers. Significant surface hardness reduction was observed after laser treatment, which has been interpreted to be due to partial suppression of B2 lattice ordering. Electrochemical measurements in borate buffer solution showed a reduced anodic activity of the laser processed aluminide in the potential range between the open circuit potential and 0.1 V saturated calomel electrode, whereas at higher anodic overpotentials no substantial differences in behaviour were observed with respect to the untreated Fe–40Al surfaces. Such consequences of the excimer laser treatment may be explained by mechanisms involving aluminium enrichment and nitride formation processes inside the LAZ."


RT 2021/11/ENEA, 2021

Sono riportati in letteratura risultati di irraggiamenti di specie vegetali con radiazione ‘ultra... more Sono riportati in letteratura risultati di irraggiamenti di specie vegetali con radiazione ‘ultravioletta C’ (UV-C), che evidenziano una drastica riduzione della presenza di patogeni e di malattie pre- e post-raccolta delle colture. Si tratta di una promettente tecnologia alternativa ai pesticidi, l’uso dei quali deve essere ridotto perché contribuisce all’inquinamento di suolo, acqua, aria, e rappresenta un rischio per la salute di operatori e consumatori. I migliori effetti germicidi UV-C sono stati ottenuti usando lampade a mercurio a bassa pressione, che emettono radiazione alla lunghezza d’onda di 254 nm. Viceversa, i tentativi di ottenere effetti di ormesi usando lo stesso tipo di lampade hanno prodotto risultati incerti. Per ormesi intendiamo la stimolazione -tramite radiazione UV-C- di metaboliti in grado di aumentare le difese immunitarie naturali delle piante e quindi la resistenza ai patogeni.
In questo Rapporto si descrive l'efficacia dei raggi UV-C alla lunghezza d’onda di 277 nm, emessi da matrici di Light Emitting Diodes (LED), per generare una risposta ormetica in piante di basilico, frutti di mele, fragole e limoni dopo irraggiamento ed esposizione ai patogeni fungini Botrytis cinerea e Pennicillium digitatum. I LED sono sorgenti di radiazione a stato solido che offrono diversi vantaggi rispetto alle lampade: sono più compatti, hanno maggiore resistenza agli urti, tempo di accensione immediato, possibilità di scegliere la lunghezza d’onda della radiazione UV-C tale da accordarsi sullo spettro di assorbimento dei patogeni senza
generare ozono, ed un’alimentazione elettrica più semplice, a basso voltaggio.

Excellent results have been reported on ultraviolet C (UV-C) radiation to limit pre- and post-harvest diseases of fruit and vegetable crops. UV-C radiation appears a promising and sustainable technological substitute for pesticides, the use of which must be reduced because it damages the environment, and the health of operators and consumers. The best germicidal effects have been obtained using lowpressure mercury lamps, which emit radiation at a wavelength of 254 nm. Conversely, attempts to obtain hormesis effects using mercury lamps have produced uncertain results. Here for hormesis we mean a stimulation -through UV-C electromagnetic radiation- designed to increase the natural immune defenses, and therefore, resistance to pathogens. We have explored the effectiveness of a different UV-C wavelength (277 nm) emitted by Light Emitting Diodes (LED) to stimulate hormesis in basil plants, apples, strawberries, and lemons, after irradiation and exposure to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea and Pennicillium digitatum. The LED are solid-state UV-C radiation sources that offer several advantages vs. the lamps: LED are much more compact, have greater resistance to shocks, shorter ignition time, a simpler electrical circuitry with a lower working voltage.

Research paper thumbnail of Orientation of xanthene adsorbate molecules at dielectric interfaces

Chemical Physics Letters 114, 103-108 (1985), 1985

The polarization dependence of the second harmonic signal from monolayers of xanthene dyes allows... more The polarization dependence of the second harmonic signal from monolayers of xanthene dyes allows us to develop a model for the orientation of the adsorbates and to locate the group responsible for adsorption. Possible extension of this method to other dyes of biological and medical interest is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Finissaggio di tessuti sintetici con luce ultravioletta

Innovare (Confapi editore), 2001

La luce ultravioletta interagisce col tessuto in modo selettivo, producendo un effetto netto e pu... more La luce ultravioletta interagisce col tessuto in modo selettivo, producendo un effetto netto e pulito a livello macroscopico.
L'articolo fa il punto sulle sorgenti di radiazione ultravioletta disponibili sul mercato, sui loro costi e sulle nuove tecniche ottiche per rendere spazialmente uniforme la luce ultravioletta.

Research paper thumbnail of Il laboratorio “Eccimeri” per test sui materiali spaziali

Energia Ambiente Innovazione, 2021

Il laboratorio “Eccimeri” del Centro di Ricerche ENEA di Frascati ha sviluppato sin dal 1980 comp... more Il laboratorio “Eccimeri” del Centro di Ricerche ENEA di Frascati ha sviluppato sin dal 1980 competenze nella realizzazione, sviluppo e caratterizzazione di sorgenti di radiazione ultravioletta (UV) e nell’estremo ultravioletto, sia coerenti (Laser) sia non coerenti. In quest’ambito, di recente è stato progettato e realizzato un apparato di irraggiamento UV, già sperimentato con successo per test di resistenza alle radiazioni solari fuori dall’atmosfera terrestre su materiali da usare anche in applicazioni spaziali.

Research paper thumbnail of Pathogen Growth Inhibition in Ocimum Basilicum (L.), Malus Domestica (Borkh.), and Citrus Limon (L.) by Low-Dose UV-C LED Exposure

Annals of Agricultural & Crop Sciences, 9(1) 1144 , 2024

To stimulate hormesis in basil, apple and lemon we used Ultraviolet C-band (UV-C) radiation emitt... more To stimulate hormesis in basil, apple and lemon we used Ultraviolet C-band (UV-C) radiation emitted by an array of Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) at low irradiation doses followed by inoculation of the pathogens Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium digitatum. The LEDs are preferable to conventional mercury lamps when robustness and portability are required. Hormetic doses lower than those reported in the literature were used, in order to achieve short irradiation times and thus rapid treatment of crops. The results show that a dose of just 0.3 kJ m-2 released in a time interval of 3 to 14 seconds generates metabolites that inhibit, or dramatically slow, pathogen growth. After 75 days from irradiation immediately followed by inoculation, the fungal development on basil plants affected less than 30% of the epigeal part, compared to 90% in the unirradiated control. In addition, we obtained preliminary results of low-dose hormetic irradiation of lemons and apples. No fungal growth was observed in 75% of irradiated apples 15 days after irradiation and inoculation. Irradiated lemons showed complete inhibition of P. Digitatum growth. One can then infer that preventive irradiation by LED is beneficial to limit crop diseases in both pre-harvest and post-harvest without harming the plant or the environment, as a sustainable alternative to pesticides.

Research paper thumbnail of Raman spectral mapping reveal molecular changes in cellulose aging induced by ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet radiation

Cellulose, 2023

In the framework of a study on the aging phenomena of textiles we used Raman spectral mapping to ... more In the framework of a study on the aging phenomena of textiles we used Raman spectral mapping to analyze changes in the chemical bonds of cellulose of flax fabrics exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in air, and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation in vacuum.
Our results show that both UV and EUV produce photolysis of cellulose bonds, which in turn triggers photochemical oxidation and dehydration, in a kind of "accelerated aging" and oxidative degradation of flax. In particular, we detected the formation of a large number of carboxyl and carbonyl groups, which, when conjugated, act as chromophores and give flax a yellowish hue.
Remarkably, the mapping of Raman spectra makes it possible to identify the relative weights of molecular reactions responsible for the generation of oxidized groups and aging of cellulose. In particular, the comparison of spatially-resolved Raman spectra after irradiations UV in air and EUV in vacuum provides direct and quantitative evidence of the role of oxygen in the molecular changes leading to flax aging due to UV illumination. As an example, we found that atmospheric oxygen does not affect the change of the degree of polymerization of cellulose nor the formation of carboxyl and carboxyl groups. These results may help to assess the possible benefit, if any, of preserving and exposing ancient cellulosic cloths in an inert, oxygen-free atmosphere.

Research paper thumbnail of El Hombre de la Sábana Santa.

Semana santa y religiosidad popular, a cura di P. Saborido Sànchez (Sal Terrae editorial, 2023) pagg. 186-201. ISBN 978-84-293-3184-4, 2023

San Juan Pablo II describió la Sábana Santa como "El Espejo del Evangelio" . De hecho, la impront... more San Juan Pablo II describió la Sábana Santa como "El Espejo del Evangelio" . De hecho, la impronta en la Sábana Santa de un hombre con barba y pelo largo que fue azotado, golpeado, crucificado, se asocia de forma natural con la imagen de Jesús en la cruz, tal y como se describe en los Evangelios. Esta asociación emocional une a todos: creyentes, ateos y agnósticos. La diferencia está en la interpretación. El creyente encuentra el parecido tan sorprendente que implica una alta probabilidad de que la Sábana Santa sea la tela funeraria de Jesús. El ateo también piensa que la similitud es obvia, quizá demasiado obvia, y por tanto deduce que se trata de una imagen creada por un artesano medieval en una época en la que florecía el mercado de reliquias falsas. El agnóstico, por definición, suspende el juicio a la espera de pruebas sólidas.
¿Puede la ciencia ayudarnos a determinar si la Sábana Santa es el sudario funerario de Jesús?


Rapporto Tecnico RT 2023/9/ENEA, 2023

Nell’ambito dello studio dei fenomeni di invecchiamento di carta e tessuti, in questo lavoro usia... more Nell’ambito dello studio dei fenomeni di invecchiamento di carta e tessuti, in questo lavoro usiamo la spettroscopia Raman per investigare le modifiche dei legami chimici della cellulosa di tessuti di lino indotte dall’irraggiamento impulsato con radiazione ultravioletta alla lunghezza d’onda di 249 nm in aria, e con radiazione nell’estremo ultravioletto (lunghezze d'onda da 10 a 18 nm) in vuoto. I risultati ottenuti aiutano a identificare alcuni cambiamenti molecolari alla base dell’invecchiamento della cellulosa indotto da luce ultravioletta, e il ruolo dell’ossigeno atmosferico.

Research paper thumbnail of Il messaggio della Sindone, tra scienza, fede e autenticità. The message of the Shroud, between science, faith and authenticity.

Sindon , 2020

San Giovanni Paolo II ha definito la Sindone di Torino “Specchio del Vangelo”. L’impronta sulla S... more San Giovanni Paolo II ha definito la Sindone di Torino “Specchio del Vangelo”. L’impronta sulla Sindone di un uomo con barba e capelli lunghi che è stato flagellato, percosso, crocefisso, è naturalmente associata con l’immagine del Gesù Nazareno sulla croce come descritto nei Vangeli. Questa associazione emotiva accomuna tutti: credenti e atei. La differenza è interpretativa. Il credente/autenticista trova la similitudine talmente evidente da fornire un’elevata probabilità che la Sindone sia il lenzuolo funerario di Gesù. Anche l’ateo pensa che la somiglianza sia evidente, forse troppo evidente, e quindi deduce che si tratta di un’immagine creata da un artigiano medievale, in un periodo storico in cui il mercato delle false reliquie era fiorente. Due valutazioni, e due diverse risposte alla stessa domanda: la Sindone ha avvolto il corpo di Gesù? Proviamo a ragionare, dati scientifici alla mano, se è possibile confrontare le due interpretazioni ed elaborare una sintesi, e se questa analisi aiuta o meno ad avvicinarci al messaggio più profondo della Sindone.
St. John Paul II called the Shroud of Turin a "Mirror of the Gospel." The imprint on the Shroud of a man with a beard and long hair who was scourged, beaten, crucified, is naturally associated with the image of the Nazarene Jesus on the cross as described in the Gospels. This emotional association unites everyone: believers and atheists. The difference is interpretive. The believer/authenticist finds the similarity so striking that it provides a high probability that the Shroud is the burial cloth of Jesus. The atheist also thinks the resemblance is obvious, perhaps too obvious, and therefore deduces that it is an image created by a medieval craftsman, at a time in history when the market for fake relics was flourishing. Two assessments, and two different answers to the same question: did the Shroud wrap Jesus' body? Let us try to reason, scientific data in hand, whether it is possible to compare the two interpretations and work out a synthesis, and whether or not this analysis helps us to get closer to the deeper message of the Shroud.

Research paper thumbnail of L’ impronta umana sulla Sindone di Torino è di Gesù?

Imago Christi, scienza e fede in dialogo (Aracne Editrice, Roma 2020) pagg. 221-248. ISBN: 978-88-255-3217-3, 2020

San Giovanni Paolo II ha definito la Sindone di Torino Specchio del Vangelo. Di fatto, l’impronta... more San Giovanni Paolo II ha definito la Sindone di Torino Specchio del Vangelo. Di fatto, l’impronta sulla Sindone di un uomo con barba e capelli lunghi che è stato flagellato, percosso, crocefisso, è naturalmente associata con l’immagine del Gesù Nazareno sulla croce come descritto nei Vangeli. Questa associazione emotiva accomuna tutti: credenti, atei e agnostici. La differenza è interpretativa. Il credente trova la similitudine talmente evidente da implicare un’elevata probabilità che la Sindone sia
il lenzuolo funerario di Gesù. Anche l’ateo pensa che la somiglianza sia evidente, forse troppo evidente, e quindi deduce che si tratta di un’immagine creata da un artigiano medievale, in un periodo storico in cui il mercato delle false reliquie era fiorente. L’agnostico, per definizione, sospende il giudizio in attesa di prove certe.
La domanda che affrontiamo in questo articolo è la seguente: la scienza può stabilire chi ha maggiori probabilità di avere ragione, tra i sostenitori e i negazionisti dell’autenticità della Sindone come lenzuolo funerario di Gesù?
Si tratta di una domanda impegnativa, che richiede una risposta articolata e un’attenta analisi dell’enigma scientifico posto dalla Sindone. In primis, è necessario descrivere la Sindone. Poi, comprendere la portata e le conseguenze dei risultati delle due più importanti indagini scientifiche sulla Sindone: le misure interdisciplinari del 1978 e la misura di datazione del 1988. Infine, è utile riepilogare i risultati dei principali tentativi di riprodurre l’impronta sindonica su lino dai primi anni del Novecento ai giorni nostri. Per ultimo, possiamo ragionare sui dati presentati e tentare di formulare l’agognata risposta alla domanda: l’uomo della Sindone è Gesù?

Research paper thumbnail of «Let no one who is not a mathematician read my principles» -Scientific notes on the book 'The Shroud of Turin: the history and legends of the world's most famous relic

- Sindon n. 2 pp. 65-75 , 2021

We present a critical review of scientific claims made in historian Andrea Nicolotti's book The S... more We present a critical review of scientific claims made in historian Andrea Nicolotti's book The Shroud of Turin: the history and legends of the world's most famous relic (Baylor University Press, 2020).

Research paper thumbnail of «Non mi legga chi non è matematico nelli mia principi» Appunti scientifici sul libro dello storico Andrea Nicolotti 'Sindone. Storia e leggende di una reliquia controversa'

Sindon n. 2, pagg. 54-64 , 2021

Presentiamo una revisione critica di alcuni concetti e affermazioni scientifiche nel capitolo 5 d... more Presentiamo una revisione critica di alcuni concetti e affermazioni scientifiche nel capitolo 5 del libro dello storico Andrea Nicolotti 'Sindone. Storia e leggende di una reliquia controversa' e della relativa traduzione inglese pubblicata nel 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of Statistical and Proactive Analysis of an Inter-Laboratory Comparison: The Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin

Entropy, 2020

We review the sampling and results of the radiocarbon dating of the archaeological cloth known as... more We review the sampling and results of the radiocarbon dating of the archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin, in the light of recent statistical analyses of both published and raw data. The statistical analyses highlight an inter-laboratory heterogeneity of the means and a monotone spatial variation of the ages of subsamples that suggest the presence of contaminants unevenly removed by the cleaning pretreatments. We consider the significance and overall impact of the statistical analyses on assessing the reliability of the dating results and the design of correct sampling. These analyses suggest that the 1988 radiocarbon dating does not match the current accuracy requirements. Should this be the case, it would be interesting to know the accurate age of the Shroud of Turin. Taking into account the whole body of scientific data, we discuss whether it makes sense to date the Shroud again.

Research paper thumbnail of Revisione propositiva dei risultati di radio-datazione della Sindone di Torino

Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2020/2/ENEA, 2020

In questo rapporto passiamo in rassegna la storia, il campionamento e i risultati della datazione... more In questo rapporto passiamo in rassegna la storia, il campionamento e i risultati della datazione al radiocarbonio del tessuto archeologico noto come la ‘Sindone di Torino’, alla luce delle recenti analisi statistiche ‘robuste’ dei dati pubblicati e dei dati grezzi, questi ultimi resi disponibili solo nel 2017 dopo una richiesta legale europea nell'ambito della Legge sulla libertà di accesso agli atti amministrativi.
Le analisi statistiche evidenziano la mancata datazione di lembi di tessuto sindonico consegnati ai tre laboratori per essere datati, e anche una dipendenza, inattesa e anomala, tra l'età radiocarbonica e la posizione dei sottocampioni datati. Questo effetto sistematico è probabilmente dovuto a una contaminazione che non è stata interamente rimossa dal procedimento chimico di pulizia preliminare dei campioni prelevati.
La presenza di legami chimici anomali nei fili del campione usato per la radio-datazione è stata confermata a posteriori da analisi spettroscopiche nell’infrarosso. Non è semplice stimare l’effetto quantitativo di tali contaminanti sulla datazione al radiocarbonio.
In generale, esaminiamo il contributo delle analisi statistiche per valutare l'affidabilità dei risultati di radio-datazione della Sindone, e per progettare la corretta procedura di campionamento.
In particolare, esaminiamo se i risultati acquisiti sulla misura di radio-datazione della Sindone nel 1988 insieme ai dati statistici e spettroscopici, alla fluorescenza indotta da illuminazione ultravioletta e alle immagini al microscopio, permettono di rispondere alla domanda cruciale: ha senso datare di nuovo la Sindone? E in caso di risposta affermativa, è possibile determinare sperimentalmente se e fino a che punto l'età radiocarbonica della Sindone può essere tradotta in età da calendario, tenendo conto dell'influenza dei contaminanti?
Una ricca bibliografia di lavori originali citata nelle referenze consente al lettore di approfondire i principali elementi del puzzle scientifico posto dalla misura dell’età della Sindone, e di farsi una propria idea a riguardo.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of an archaeological linen cloth: the shroud of Arquata

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2019

The linen cloth of the shroud of Arquata, a precious copy of the Shroud of Turin which dates back... more The linen cloth of the shroud of Arquata, a precious copy of the Shroud of Turin which dates back to 1653, was discovered in 1980 during the restoration works of the St. Francis church in Arquata del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno, Italy). Following the strong earthquake that hit central Italy in August 2016, the church was seriously damaged and it was, therefore, necessary to secure the shroud in the Cathedral of Ascoli Piceno. A multidisciplinary approach was required in order to evaluate the correct intervention methods that will be performed in the next future: although several investigation techniques were performed on the Arquata shroud, this paper focuses on the combination of two different techniques, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy microanalysis (SEM-EDS). Few samples of fibrils of the linen cloth of the Arquata shroud were analysed, achieving information about their morphology, the surface characteristics, the chemical composition and the possible deterioration phenomena.
Light microscopic analyses showed some typical features of the single elementary flax fibre: lumen, dislocations and cross markings. SEM-EDS analysis also revealed interesting morphological features of the flax fibrils and the presence of encrustations on their surface, while the microanalysis preformed on the encrustations revealed the presence of calcium, silicon, magnesium, aluminium, sodium, and potassium, due to dust deposits. Moreover, the absence of biological attacks by microorganisms, parasites, moulds or fungi was highlighted. Finally, numerous defects of the surface that could characterise the linen cloth as antique were identified (cross cuts).
These results suggested some actions useful for the conservation of the shroud, thus avoiding the use of more invasive methods which could impact the integrity of this precious object of veneration.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of ultraviolet radiation on the color of blood stains embedded in the archaeological textile known as the Shroud of Turin

SPIE Proceedings HPLS&A, 2019

The archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin is a controversial object for both scientif... more The archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin is a controversial object for both scientific and religious reasons. After a brief introduction on the scientific data about the age of the cloth and the microscopic complexity of the images embedded on it, we discuss the unique reddish color of blood stains on the Shroud, which caught the attention of several scholars in the last decades. Various hypotheses were proposed to explain the blood stains reddish color, and the experimental tests produced uncertain results because data were not sufficient or were obtained in vitro. We have tested the strength of two hypotheses, namely, the long term influence of ultraviolet (UV) light on high-bilirubin blood and the presence of carboxyhemoglobin, respectively by RGB color analyses of high-bilirubin blood after irradiation by ns excimer laser pulses and UV lamp and by the study of the spectral reflectance of the blood stains on the Shroud.

Research paper thumbnail of Lighting the Shroud of Turin for Exhibition in 2015

Studies in Conservation vol. 63 sup.1, pp. 127-131 (2018), Sep 11, 2018

Lighting a cultural heritage artifact requires balancing visual perception with preventive conser... more Lighting a cultural heritage artifact requires balancing visual perception with preventive conservation, by providing the best lighting (in terms of spectral distribution and quantity) to enable the viewer to appreciate details and color, while limiting photo-induced degradation.
The paper outlines the methodology applied by a multi-disciplinary team while lighting the Shroud of Turin at its last public exhibition in 2015. The methodology considered the special requirements of the Shroud, including exposure to ultraviolet light, while providing appropriate display conditions that would meet audience expectations. The desired appearance (readability of the body image and color) was defined with the help of Shroud researchers and confirmed by subjective tests, while appropriate light levels for preservation were set in agreement with standard requirements and using knowledge of the degradation of linen in visible and UV light.
The installation provided a controlled environment and a managed visitor route to the Shroud, assuring excellent perception of both details and color, with the lowest illuminance level about 15 lx.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the color of the blood stains on archaeological cloths: the case of the Shroud of Turin

Applied Optics vol. 57, pp. 6626-6631 , 2018

The unique reddish blood stains on the archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin caught t... more The unique reddish blood stains on the archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin caught the attention of several scholars, who proposed different hypotheses to explain the unusual blood color. To date, just few hypotheses have been tested experimentally, and the results are debatable.
In this paper we test the strength of two hypotheses (namely, the presence of carboxyhemoglobin and the long term influence of ultraviolet light on high-bilirubin blood) by the spectral reflectance of the blood stain regions on the Shroud and by color analyses of ultraviolet irradiated high-bilirubin blood stains on linen.
The relevance of these simple methods to the study of stained textiles is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of LE IMMAGINI SULLA SINDONE

” 21mo Secolo, Scienza e Tecnologia n. 4, pagg. 3-11 (21mo Secolo s.a.s. Milano), 2018

In questo articolo sono sviluppati i principali concetti, immagini e risultati illustrati durante... more In questo articolo sono sviluppati i principali concetti, immagini e risultati illustrati durante l’omonima presentazione al convegno internazionale ‘Vide e credette’, il 14 Dicembre 2016 presso l’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum (video disponibile alla pagina web: a partire dal momento 2:04:40). Il fil rouge delle riflessioni sulle multiformi immagini presenti sul telo della Sindone di Torino si articola in 4 punti principali: la percezione delle immagini sulla Sindone, le caratteristiche dell’immagine corporea, i tentativi di riproduzione, le ‘altre immagini’ sotto forma di scritte, monete, dettagli anatomici, volti sul retro. Un paragrafo finale sarà dedicato alla riflessione sui molti interrogativi ancora senza risposta e alle poche certezze fornite dalle attuali conoscenze scientifiche sulla Sindone.


Dopo una introduzione elementare alla generazione e decadimento dell'isotopo C-14, commentiamo al... more Dopo una introduzione elementare alla generazione e decadimento dell'isotopo C-14, commentiamo alcune ragioni per cui la radio-datazione tramite conteggio di C-14 di un tessuto di cui non si conosce la storia né le condizioni in cui è stato conservato e manipolato comporta un elevato rischio di ottenere una età sbagliata.
Cerchiamo inoltre di valutare l'affidabilità delle misure di radio-datazione della Sindone di Torino del 1988 alla luce di alcuni recenti risultati di analisi statistica robusta, i quali hanno evidenziato sia un gradiente spaziale monotono di età (forse dovuto alla presenza di un contaminante) sia la mancata datazione di uno dei lembi dati al laboratorio di Tucson, che è stata tenuta segreta per 22 anni, rivelando una importante inesattezza nell'articolo di Nature del 1989. Queste osservazioni gettano un'ombra sull'affidabilità della misura, e sull'etica scientifica di almeno uno dei tre laboratori che hanno effettuato la misura di radio-datazione della Sindone.

Research paper thumbnail of Coloration similaire à celle du Suaire d’un tissu de lin par un rayonnement ultraviolet

Revue Internationale du Linceul de Turin n. 39, pp. 32-43, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of A Ray of Light on the Shroud of Turin

Proceedings of the Conference “FIAT LUX – Let there be Light”, E. Fazio and R. Pascual, eds., Nova Science Publishers (Hauppauge, NY).

The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the front and back body images of what appears to be... more The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the front and back body images of what appears to be a crucified man. Although it is considered one of the archaeological objects most studied in history, nobody has been able to replicate the microscopic complexity of the chemical and physical characteristics of its faint images. After countless attempts, the inability to replicate the image on the Shroud prevents formulating a reliable hypothesis on the process of the image formation.
In this paper we summarize the state-of-the art of the scientific research on the Shroud, from the multidisciplinary STuRP analyses (1978) to the radiocarbon dating (1988), from biological clues to the linen irradiation experiments at the ENEA, till the illusory perception of low contrast stains on the Shroud.
As detailed in this paper, despite huge scientific efforts, the Shroud is still “a challenge to our intelligence”, a remarkable object whose scientific analyses lead to many clues, but any proof.

Research paper thumbnail of Non invasive analyses of low-contrast images on ancient textiles: the case of the shroud of Arquata

Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 17, pp. 14-19 (2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2015.07.008

We present the results of the first in-depth measurements of the linen cloth of the shroud of Arq... more We present the results of the first in-depth measurements of the linen cloth of the shroud of Arquata, a precious copy of the Shroud of Turin which dates back to 1653. The measurements aimed at finding the nature of the faint and low-contrast body impressions on the linen cloth, which are not produced by drawings or paintings as in the other copies of the Shroud of Turin. In general, the optical analysis and the imaging of low-contrast stains on ancient textiles is a complex task, due to the irregular surface and the influence of spectrum, position and uniformity of the illuminating source on colour accuracy and rendition. A correct evaluation requires a multidisciplinary approach. We used non-invasive technologies, including Imaging Topological Radar, Laser Induced Fluorescence, absolute diffused reflectance and absorption spectra, which were previously used to study frescoes, paintings, antique papers, but were never exploited on ancient textiles. The combined results of our measurements and data elaboration allowed identifying the origins of the body impressions, of the stains simulating blood and of the other marks embedded on the linen cloth. Our results can be used to plan the proper long-term conservation of the linen cloth and of marks on it.

Research paper thumbnail of Shroud like coloration of linen, conservation measures and perception of patterns onto the Shroud of Turin

SHS web of conference, vol. 15, 00005 (2015) edited by B. Barberis, F. Lattarulo, P. Di Lazzaro, D. Petri., 2015

We present new experimental results on ultraviolet laser processing of linen fabrics that complet... more We present new experimental results on ultraviolet laser processing of linen fabrics that complete and update the previous studies at the ENEA Research Centre of Frascati seeking a coloration mechanism able to reproduce the microscopic complexity of the body images embedded onto the Shroud of Turin. The achievement of a Shroud-like coloration of linens by using vacuum ultraviolet light pulses allowed to recognize the main photochemical reactions possibly involved in the coloration process. The identification of these reactions offered hints for long-term conservation measures of the body images on the Shroud of Turin. Finally, we discuss how image processing of photographs of the Shroud may cause misleading effects, which led some researchers to perceive, e.g., inscriptions and a second face on the backside of the cloth, which are unlikely to be on the Shroud, confirming that there is a narrow boundary between image enhancement and manipulation.

Research paper thumbnail of Colorazione di tessuti di lino tramite radiazione ultravioletta

Incontro Centri di Sindonologia per la festa liturgica della Sindone
Torino, 2 Maggio 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Paolo Di Lazzaro, Elenco pubblicazioni, List of published papers

Paolo Di Lazzaro: Elenco delle pubblicazioni, List of published papers

Research paper thumbnail of Propagation of doughnut-shaped super-Gaussian beams, convolution theorem and Hankel transform

Journal of Modern Optics, vol. 52, no. 4, 551–561, 2005

The most direct and simple method to calculate analytically the propagation in the far field of ... more The most direct and simple method to calculate analytically the
propagation in the far field of a coherent beam with a rectangular symmetry and a super-Gaussian-like irradiance profile involves the use of the convolution theorem. In this paper we extend this method to a circularly symmetric beam, and hence from the Fourier transform to the zero-order Hankel transform.
Then, we examine the more complex case of super-Gaussian-like beam irradiance shapes with an axial shadow, as those emitted by unstable resonators with diffraction output coupling or with a variable-reflectivity mirror. The analytical results obtained by approximating the super-Gaussian-like beam with a convolution function and applying the Hankel transform are in excellent agreement with those obtained by numerical simulations.

Research paper thumbnail of How many times is a laser beam diffraction-limited?

Optics Communication vol. 134, pp 503-513 (1997), 1997

We present an approach to the definition and estimation of the “times diffraction limit” (TDL) of... more We present an approach to the definition and estimation of the “times diffraction limit” (TDL) of highly diffracted laser beams that takes into account the near- and far-field energy distribution of the real beam instead of an ideal Gaussian beam. We have used it to find the TDL factor of two hard-edge-unstable-resonator laser beams having different quality and spatial energy distributions. The results are compared with the widely used beam quality parameter M’. The discrepancy between our ‘I’DL and the M2 coefficient becomes significant when the near-field energy distribution of a spatially coherent beam deviates from the pure Gaussian shape.

Research paper thumbnail of Conventional and modified Schwarzschild objective for EUV lithography: design relations

Applied Physics B vol. 85, pp. 603-610 , 2006

The design criteria of a Schwarzschild-type optical system are reviewed in relation to its use as... more The design criteria of a Schwarzschild-type optical system are reviewed in relation to its use as an imaging system in an extreme ultraviolet lithography setup. Both the conventional and the modified reductor imaging configurations are considered, and the respective performances, as far as the geometrical resolution in the image plane is concerned, are compared. In this connection, a formal relation defining the modified configuration is elaborated, refining a rather naıve definition presented in an earlier work. The dependence of the geometrical resolution on the image-space numerical aperture for a given magnification is investigated in detail for both configurations.
So, the advantages of the modified configuration with respect to the conventional one are clearly evidenced. The results of a semi-analytical procedure are compared with those obtained from a numerical simulation performed by an optical design program. The Schwarzschild objective based system under implementation at the ENEA Frascati Center within the context of the Italian FIRB project for EUV lithography has been used as a model. Best-fit functions accounting for the behaviour of the system parameters vs. the numerical aperture are reported; they can be a useful guide for the design of Schwarzschild objective type optical systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of a zoom homogenizer for reshaping coherent laser beams

Optics Communication vol. 264, pp. 174-179, 2006

We have reshaped the TEM00 beam emitted by a diode-pumped Nd-Yag laser by means of an optical hom... more We have reshaped the TEM00 beam emitted by a diode-pumped Nd-Yag laser by means of an optical homogenizer with zoom. The laser beam, first enlarged up to a size of (100 × 37.5) mm^2, is homogenized and resized to a final dimension continuously adjustable from (130 × 4.5) mm^2 up to (130 × 52) mm^2. We measured the plateau uniformity, the root mean square fluctuation and the edge steepness of the beam according to the ISO standard definitions, showing a poor reliability of the above parameter values due to the definitions themselves, and propose an amendment to overcome this problem. We obtained a very sharp edge steepness, but the spatial coherence of the laser beam put a lower limit to the high-frequency intensity fluctuations on the plateau region of the homogenized beam. Finally, we discuss the optimum homogenizer design for spatially coherent laser beams, including the depth of focus issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Homogenizing the ISO 13694

Instruments and Standard Test Procedures for Laser Beam and Optics Characterization, CHOCLAB II, edited by D. Nickel (VDI-Technology Center, 2003) pp. 161 – 167, 2003

We present preliminary experimental results of making homogeneous the raw pulsed beam emitted by ... more We present preliminary experimental results of making homogeneous the raw pulsed beam emitted by a large-aperture (10cm x 5cm) excimer laser. To this end, we use a novel optical system which is able to make homogeneous “bad beams” having strong local intensity spikes, and to modulate almost continuously the spot size of the homogenized beam along one or both axes in a fixed target plane. We have evaluated the results using the standard parameters described in the ISO 13694:2000. We found that the reliability of the results is dependent on a number of factors. In particular, we propose an amendment of the definitions of the edge steepness and plateau uniformity that could improve the reliability of these parameters.

Research paper thumbnail of Edge steepness and plateau uniformity of a nearly flat-top-shaped laser beam

Applied Physics B 78, pp. 195-198, 2004

We present experimental results of reshaping and making uniform the spatial energy distribution o... more We present experimental results of reshaping and making uniform the spatial energy distribution of a raw beam emitted by a large-aperture (10 cm×5 cm) excimer laser. To this end, we use an optical system that is able to homogenize “bad beams” having strong local intensity spikes, and to modulate almost continuously the spot size of the homogenized beam along one or both axes in a fixed target plane. We evaluate the results using the standard parameters described in the ISO 13694:2000 document of the International Organization for Standardization. We find that the reliability of the results is dependent both on the experimental setup and on the definition of the edge steepness and plateau uniformity of the quoted ISO document. Here we propose an amendment to the definition of these standard parameters that could improve their reliability.

Research paper thumbnail of Laser beam homogenization: modeling and comparison with experimental results

Optics Communication 264, 187-192 (2006), 2006

Beam shaping and homogenization techniques are essential to optimize a large number of laser-mate... more Beam shaping and homogenization techniques are essential to optimize a large number of laser-material processing applications and laser-material interaction studies. In this paper, we present an innovative approach for modeling laser beam homogenization by means of the integration method. The numerical results are compared with experimental data, and the influence of the measurement technique is discussed. The enhancement of the homogenization capability using an asymmetric divider is also presented and discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of More about the light beam shaping by the integration method

The European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol. 28, pp.179-186 , 2004

"The spatial shaping of light beams is the process of redistributing the irradiance of a light be... more "The spatial shaping of light beams is the process of redistributing the irradiance of a light beam. A correct beam shaping is essential to optimize a large number of laser-material processing applications and laser-material interaction studies. In this paper, after introducing the basic equations of the classical beam
integration method to reshape and homogenize laser beams, we detail the design elements, the experimental performance and the main parameters of a novel transfocal homogenizer that is able to homogenize and reshape any light beam. Then we discuss the reliability of existing international standard parameters to evaluate the “goodness” of nearly flat-top shaped laser beams. Finally, we present examples of successful applications of this new homogenizer technology to ultraviolet irradiation experiments."

Research paper thumbnail of Analytical propagation of supergaussian-like beams in the  far-field

Optics Communications 138, 35–39 (1997), 1997

The analytic propagation of coherent supergaussian (SG)-like beams was calculated after F. Gori [... more The analytic propagation of coherent supergaussian (SG)-like beams was calculated after F. Gori [Optics Comm. 107 (1994) 335] by introducing a linear superposition of Laguerre-Gauss functions called “flattened gaussian beam”. Here we propose a new family of SG-like beams, written as the convolution of a gaussian with a rectangle function; then, the well known convolution theorem allows a straightforward and simple analytical calculation of the beam profile in the focal plane of an arbitrary focusing system. In addition, this method can be successfully applied to more complex cases, as the SG-like beams commonly emitted by hard-edged unstable resonators (beam energy distribution with a hole).

Research paper thumbnail of Time-resolved divergence measurement of an excimer laser beam by the knife-edge technique

Optics Communications, Volume 136, Pages 247-252 (1997), Mar 1997

We present a simple method to measure the time-evolution of the divergence of pulsed laser beams,... more We present a simple method to measure the time-evolution of the divergence of pulsed laser beams, joining the time-resolution capability of photodetectors and the space-resolved information of the knife-edge technique. We measured the time-integrated and the time-resolved divergence of a long pulsewidth, high output energy XeCl laser (λ = 308 nm), equipped with positive branch unstable resonators having either magnification factor M = 5 or M = 9. In both cases, the time-resolved beam divergence was smaller than the time-integrated one for most of the 100 ns full-width-at-half-maximum laser pulse duration. A minimum divergence of (40 × 23) μrad^2 at 86.5% energy content and a peak radiance of 9 × 10^14 W/cm2/ster were achieved a few ns before the peak of the laser pulse, for the case of M = 9. The corresponding time-integrated values were (56 × 38) μrad^2 and 5 × 10^14 W/cm^2/ster, respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Manipolare impulsi di luce nello spazio-tempo

Luce dall'ENEA: Ieri, Oggi e Domani. DOI 10.12910/EAI2015-096 pagg. 84-92, Dec 2015

Presentiamo un breve riassunto di alcune tecniche originali sviluppate nel Centro ENEA di Frascat... more Presentiamo un breve riassunto di alcune tecniche originali sviluppate nel Centro ENEA di Frascati che permettono di modulare in modo ‘estremo’ le caratteristiche spaziali e temporali della luce emessa dai sistemi laser, rispettivamente per raggiungere il limite di diffrazione e per ottenere impulsi con durata di appena un miliardesimo di secondo. In particolare, descriviamo i risultati sperimentali ottenuti applicando queste tecniche ai sistemi laser Eccimeri che emettono impulsi di luce ultravioletta. Queste tecniche hanno suscitato grande interesse e attenzione da parte di diversi Laboratori internazionali, e alcune di esse sono state brevettate.

Research paper thumbnail of Light beam shaping: the integration methods

Free and guided optical beams, S. Martellucci and M. Santarsiero editors, (World Scientific Publishing Co. 2004) pp. 143 - 153., 2004

The light beam shaping problem consists of an optical system operating upon an input light beam t... more The light beam shaping problem consists of an optical system operating upon an input light beam to modify its spatial shape. There are two categories of shaping techniques acting on the spatial beam distribution: Field Mapping and Beam Integration. The first method is applied to honest beams, having well defined modes. The latter method is convenient when the beam is only partially coherent and has an irregular intensity distribution. As the authors have a fatal attraction to bad laser beams, only beam integration methods will be discussed in the following.

Research paper thumbnail of Mask tilt effects counteracted by wafer tilts in a Schwarzschild objective based EUV lithography setup

Optical Design and Engineering II,Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5962, 59622Y (2005) , 2005

The results of a numerical simulation of a conventional and a modified Schwarzschild objective ar... more The results of a numerical simulation of a conventional and a modified Schwarzschild objective are illustrated in relation with their use as imaging systems in an extreme ultraviolet lithography setup. It is demonstrated that the degradation of the resolution on the wafer due to the unavoidable tilt of the mask to the axis can fairly be vanished by a counter tilt of the wafer. In particular, it has been analysed the Schwarzschild objective setup under implementation at the ENEA Frascati Center within the context of the Italian FIRB project for EUV lithography.

Research paper thumbnail of Limiti e criticità della tecnica “knife edge” per la misura della dimensione di uno spot luminoso micrometrico

Atti del 9° Convegno nazionale “Strumentazione e metodi di misura elettroottici” AEIT Editore (2006) pp. 285 – 288., 2006

Presentiamo uno studio della tecnica knife edge per la misura di fasci di luce micrometrici.e pro... more Presentiamo uno studio della tecnica knife edge per la misura di fasci di luce micrometrici.e proponiamo una nuova procedura per valutare apriori l'errore introdotto dalle irregolarità della lama.

Research paper thumbnail of New technique for aberration diagnostics and alignment of an extreme ultraviolet Schwarzschild objective

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 720, 168–172 (2013), 2013

Schwarzschild objectives are widely used in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV)/soft X-ray spectral reg... more Schwarzschild objectives are widely used in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV)/soft X-ray spectral region both as reduction and magnification optics, e.g. for small-field projection lithography and microscopy, respectively. When using a Schwarzschild objective as a micro-exposure tool (MET) at high spatial resolution (half-pitch≤0.1 μm), in addition to the tight requirements on the design and surface figure for the single optics, also an accurate alignment between the two mirrors is needed to reach the planned spatial imaging detail. Ideally, at-wavelength alignment should be done in order to overcome limitations due to diffractive effects. While this can be easily performed on synchrotron beam lines, it becomes time expensive (and components consuming) on low-power laboratory plasma sources. In this work we propose and test a new technique to align a EUV Schwarzschild objective by means of ultraviolet light. The aligned objective allowed the attainment of lithographic patterning with edge response of 90 nm, as part of the laboratory-scale MET for EUV projection lithography realized at the ENEA Frascati Research Centre.

Research paper thumbnail of Operator methods in optics: paraxial propagation in inhomogeneous media, an exact treatment

Optics Letters, 12, pp. 763-765 (1987), 1987

We use an already suggested operator method to treat paraxial-wave propagation in an inhomogeneou... more We use an already suggested operator method to treat paraxial-wave propagation in an inhomogeneous medium.
The conditions under which exact solutions can be found are discussed. A possible effect of this method on the study of pulse propagation in a nonlinear-index medium is also described.

Research paper thumbnail of Further comparisons between the conventional and the modified Schwarzschild objectives

Applied Physics B vol. 91, 127-137 (2008), 2008

The performance of the modified Schwarzschild objective configuration in comparison with the ordi... more The performance of the modified Schwarzschild objective configuration in comparison with the ordinary configuration is further investigated, completing the analysis presented
in a previous work, which was concerned with the trend of the image-plane resolution against the numerical aperture.
Here, we compare the third-order aberration coefficients in both configurations, illustrating the dependence of each coefficient on both the on-axis object position and the numerical aperture.
This conveys the tolerances of the two configurations to lateral and mirrors’ axial misalignments. Also, the nonconcentric mirror configuration is considered and the relative performance confronted with that of the modified configuration.

Research paper thumbnail of New light beam homogenizer technology

SPIE Proceedings Vol. 5131 Third GR-I International Conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications, A. Carabelas; G. Baldacchini; P. Di Lazzaro; D. Zevgolis, Editors, pp.102-107, 2003

We present an optical system which simultaneously makes homogeneous the spatial energy distributi... more We present an optical system which simultaneously makes homogeneous the spatial energy distribution and varies the spot size of any light beam, including beams having asymmetric intensity spikes, without replacement of lenses and without changing the total length of the optical system. This homogenizer technology (patent pending) includes a software to design the optimum optical system to achieve the wished output beam performance, as well as to know how the beam shape changes when changing the position of each optical element. In this paper, we illustrate the principle of the new homogenizer, the design software performance and the experimental results achieved applying our technology to a large volume excimer laser.

Research paper thumbnail of About the definition and measurement of the times-diffraction-limit number of high-power laser beams

Proc. SPIE vol. 3423, Second GR-I International Conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications, pp. 145-150 (1998); doi:10.1117/12.316570, Jul 1998

A novel definition of the times-diffraction-limit (TDL) number of a laser beam is given. A compar... more A novel definition of the times-diffraction-limit (TDL) number of a laser beam is given. A comparison is made with the commonly used beam-propagation parameter M2, which is unreliable for hard-edge beams, like those produced by unstable resonators with diffraction output coupling. The new suggested TDL number definition doesn't rely on the real beam comparison to a Gaussian beam, but on the comparison of the far-field performances of the real beam with respect to those of a uniphase beam with the same amplitude profile in the near field. A practical method is also given for the estimation of the TDL number of real beams. Finally, this procedure is applied to the high-peak-power laser beams generated by two excimer laser systems developed in ENEA.

Research paper thumbnail of A spinor approach to the propagation in self-focusing fibers

Il Nuovo Cimento B 105, 165-178 (1990), 1990

The Helmholtz equation for the propagation of an e.m. wave in a self-focusing fiber is reduced to... more The Helmholtz equation for the propagation of an e.m. wave in a self-focusing fiber is reduced to a Pauli-type two-component equation in the paraxial approximation. The fiber spinor components are then shown to be related to the ray height and reduced slope. Finally, comments on the meaning of the paraxial approximation are presented.
In questo lavoro si dimostra come sia possibile ridurre l’equazione di Helmholtz in approssimazione parassiale e per una fibra autofocheggiante, ad un’equazione a due componenti di tipo Pauli. Si dimostra inoltre che le componenti dello spinore di fibra sono l’altezza parassiale e la cosiddettapendenza ridotta. Infine si discute una possibile estensione relativistica della teoria sviluppata.
Уравхение Гельмгольца для распространения электромагнитной волны в самофокусирующей нити сводится к двух-компонентному уравнению типа Паули в параксиальном проиближении. Эатем показывается, что волоконно-спинорные компоненты связаны с амплитудой луча и приведенным наклоном. Обсуждается Физический смысл парсиального приближения.

Research paper thumbnail of Anamorfosi nell’arte: l’affresco di San Francesco Di Paola a Trinità dei Monti, Roma

San Francesco Di Paola. Un uomo, un calabrese, un santo nell'arte, nel cinema e nella letteratura. A cura di A. Batinti, A. Lamanna (Laruffa Editore, 2015) Cap. 3. ISBN 978-88-7221-728-3, 2015

Sulla parete di un lungo corridoio del convento della chiesa di Trinità dei Monti, nel centro di ... more Sulla parete di un lungo corridoio del convento della chiesa di Trinità dei Monti, nel centro di Roma, si trova un affresco di Emmanuel Maignan che si estende per diversi metri. Camminando lungo il corridoio, si riconosce la raffigurazione di un semplice panorama costiero, con piccole barche a vela, qualche casa in lontananza e, sullo sfondo, colline e nuvole dalle forme morbide e bizzarre. Sembrerebbe un dipinto a cui dare poco rilievo, ma, se osservato al termine del corridoio, lo stesso affresco assume una notevole importanza per la storia dell’Arte. Ponendosi in un particolare punto di osservazione distante una decina di metri dall’affresco, infatti, il panorama costiero si trasforma e si ricompone sorprendentemente nella figura di S. Francesco di Paola, inginocchiato in preghiera.
Si tratta di uno straordinario esempio di anamorfosi, parola che deriva dal greco ναμόρϕωσις, un neologismo del XVII secolo che significa “dare nuova forma”. L’anamorfismo è un procedimento grafico tramite il quale si disegna una figura in modo che appaia distorta ad un osservatore posto davanti ad essa, ma che si trasforma e ricompone in un soggetto perfettamente riconoscibile se osservata da un particolare punto di vista, detto “prospettico”.
In questo breve saggio raccontiamo l’emozione nella lettura dell’affresco di S. Francesco di Paola, un viaggio nella prospettiva inversa e anamorfismo, nella sorprendente interazione di prospettiva geometrica, arte figurativa e psicologia della percezione in un periodo storico in cui gli studi prospettici hanno influenzato i maggiori artisti del Rinascimento e del Barocco.

Research paper thumbnail of ANAMORFOSI


Rapporto Tecnico RT/2013/5/ENEA, 2013

L’anamorfosi è un piccolo ma affascinante capitolo della prospettiva, ovvero la miscela di geomet... more L’anamorfosi è un piccolo ma affascinante capitolo della prospettiva, ovvero la miscela di geometria e psicologia della
percezione usata dagli artisti per rappresentare il mondo che ci circonda. In questo rapporto proponiamo l’emozione della lettura dell’anamorfosi e della prospettiva inversa, nel periodo storico in cui gli studi prospettici hanno influenzato i maggiori artisti del Rinascimento e del Barocco. Questa lettura arriva fino al giorno d’oggi, dove ritroviamo le tecniche anamorfiche nelle ardite opere d’arte prospettica su strada, e nella psicologia della percezione, per la quale “la sola realtà che cogliamo è quella percepita dal cervello".

Research paper thumbnail of Le immagini anamorfiche  in un viaggio interdisciplinare  tra arte, storia, geometria e attualità\_viaggio-interdisciplinare.pdf, 2019

L’anamorfosi è la tecnica di disegnare un’immagine deforme, incomprensibile se vista frontalmente... more L’anamorfosi è la tecnica di disegnare un’immagine deforme, incomprensibile se vista frontalmente, che appare ben proporzionata da un punto di vista eccentrico, oppure osservando il suo riflesso da un opportuno specchio curvo. In questo saggio proponiamo un affascinante viaggio fra immagini virtuali, metafore visive e inganni prospettici, riassumendo l’origine, i protagonisti e le tecniche per costruire diversi tipi di anamorfosi. Incontreremo quesiti di psicologia della percezione, di geometria, di storia dell’arte, di prospettiva e di fisiologia della visione. Gli appassionati di matematica potranno soffermarsi sui calcoli analitici della mappatura dei disegni anamorfici prospettici e catottrici conici e della posizione del punto di osservazione delle anamorfosi prospettiche. Infine, presenteremo alcune tecniche anamorfiche applicate alla crittografia, all’antiterrorismo, alla pubblicità, alla paesaggistica, all’arte di strada e alla didattica.
Questo saggio presenta un approccio multidisciplinare al tema dell’anamorfismo, evidenziando una sorprendente interazione tra argomenti apparentemente distanti, come la geometria e la psicologia, l’ottica e la prospettiva, l’arte di strada e la fisiologia della visione.
Lo studio interdisciplinare delle anamorfosi, oltre ad essere facilmente adattabile a scopi didattici e divulgativi, può rappresentare un ponte tra le culture umanistica e scientifica, in un raro esempio di Cultura Totale.


Energia Ambiente Innovazione vol.1-2, pp. 42-51 (2013) , 2013

Perspective is a mix of geometry and psychology of perception used by artists to construct images... more Perspective is a mix of geometry and psychology of perception used by artists to construct images of the world. Inverse perspective, or anamorphosis, is a geometric procedure for drawing an image that appears distorted and indecipherable when seen frontally, the image becoming intelligible only from an eccentric viewpoint and/or when reflected by a curved mirror. This procedure involves a dazzling interplay of geometry, figurative art, perspective and psychology of visual perception. In this paper we present a review of inverse perspective and anamorphosis, starting from Renaissance and Baroque till the present days, when anamorphic techniques are applied to the “3-D street art”, to advertisements and to the psychology of perception, for which “the only reality we experience is brain reality”.

Research paper thumbnail of CALCOLO ANALITICO DEL PUNTO DI OSSERVAZIONE NELLE ANAMORFOSI PROSPETTICHE: Dimostrazione dell'assioma di Niceron

Presentiamo il calcolo analitico esatto che porta alla dimostrazione rigorosa dell’assioma di Nic... more Presentiamo il calcolo analitico esatto che porta alla dimostrazione rigorosa dell’assioma di Niceron sulla posizione del punto di osservazione per la ricostruzione di disegni deformati tramite anamorfosi prospettiche. Mostriamo inoltre i risultati di una forma originale di arte anamorfica moderna realizzata senza pitture e discutiamo l’applicazione pratica delle anamorfosi in ambito artistico, crittografico, antiterrorismo, pubblicitario e nello studio e comprensione del condizionamento delle forme ambientali sulla nostra percezione visiva.

Research paper thumbnail of Immagine virtuale di specchi conici per anamorfosi: calcolo analitico ed esperimenti

Rapporto Tecnico ENEA RT/2013/23/ENEA, 2013

Presentiamo il calcolo analitico esatto, validato da risultati sperimentali, dell'immagine virtua... more Presentiamo il calcolo analitico esatto, validato da risultati sperimentali, dell'immagine virtuale prodotta da specchi conici solidi utilizzati per visualizzare immagini giacenti sul piano della base del cono, come nel caso della ricostruzione e imaging di anamorfosi catottriche. I nostri risultati provano che l'immagine virtuale di specchi conici giace su una superficie 3-D non intuitiva, mostrando come la trattazione geometrica sinora usata sia inadeguata a trovare la corretta posizione dell'immagine virtuale. Un commento è dedicato ai processi di percezione visiva che portano a percepire l’immagine virtuale dell’anamorfosi conica su una superficie 2-D assai diversa da quella misurata in questo lavoro. La possibile estensione del nostro metodo analitico a specchi conici utilizzati come strumenti di imaging panoramico per visione artificiale viene commentata.

Research paper thumbnail of The interdisciplinary nature of anamorphic images in a journey through Art, History and Geometry

Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, 2019

Anamorphosis is a procedure for drawing an image that appears distorted and indecipherable when s... more Anamorphosis is a procedure for drawing an image that appears distorted and indecipherable when seen frontally, the image becoming intelligible only from an eccentric viewpoint or when reflected by a properly designed mirror. In this paper we propose a journey through figurative art, history, psycho-perception and geometry, including a mathematical proof regarding the position of the observation point of anamorphoses. Finally, we discuss applications of anamorphic techniques in encryption, counterterrorism, street art and advertising.
Most matter proposed in this paper is suitable for arts educators and offers an interdisciplinary approach to anamorphoses by a creative interaction between different topics, like psychology and figurative arts, geometry and advertising, street art and mathematics.

Research paper thumbnail of Breve nota tecnica sull'anamorfosi e suo uso in crittografia e in apparati antiterrorismo

Nota tecnica di integrazione al Rapporto Tecnico ENEA "L'anamorfosi tra arte, percezione visiva e... more Nota tecnica di integrazione al Rapporto Tecnico ENEA "L'anamorfosi tra arte, percezione visiva e prospettive bizzarre" RT/2013/5/ENEA

Research paper thumbnail of Analytical treatment and experiments of the virtual image of cone mirrors

Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics vol. 117 pp. 145 - 150 (Springer, 2014), 2014

We present the analytic calculation, validated by experiments, of the virtual image of solid cone... more We present the analytic calculation, validated by experiments, of the virtual image of solid cone mirrors used to decipher hidden pictures and/or writings on the plane of the cone’s base. Our results demonstrate that the virtual image of solid cone mirrors lies on a not intuitive 3-D surface, thus showing how the commonly used geometric treatment is inadequate to find the correct position of the virtual image. The extension of our analysis to cone mirrors used as panoramic imaging tools for machine vision is discussed.


Short Wavelength Laboratory Sources : Principles and Practices , 2015

The laboratory-scale Micro-Exposure Tool (MET) for Extreme Ultraviolet projection Lithography (EU... more The laboratory-scale Micro-Exposure Tool (MET) for Extreme Ultraviolet projection Lithography (EUVL), realised at the Frascati ENEA Centre within the context of a National Project, was successfully operated in 2008 by achieving a 160-nm resolution imaging of mask patterns onto a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) photoresist through 14.4-nm radiation (EPL 84, 58003 (2008)).
The MET uses a laser-produced plasma as EUV radiation source, a couple of twin ellipsoidal mirrors as collecting optics to gather the 14.4-nm radiation from the source to the mask, an efficient combination of ambient gas and mechanical device as Debris Mitigation System and flnally a low-cost Schwarzschild objective as projection optics to image the patterned mask onto the wafer.
The paper gives details of the ENEA MET components and of the aforementioned successful operation along with subsequent related investigations.

Research paper thumbnail of Excimer-Laser-Driven EUV Plasma Source for Single-Shot Projection Lithography

IEEE Transactions of Plasma Science 37, 475-480 (2009), 2009

We present a low-cost microexposure tool for projection lithography at 14.4 nm we have designed a... more We present a low-cost microexposure tool for projection lithography at 14.4 nm we have designed and operatedat the ENEA Research Centre, Frascati. It is a laboratory-scale system based on a Schwarzschild-type projection optics which uses a laser-plasma soft X-ray source, equipped with a patented debris mitigation system in order to preserve the collector optics. As a preliminary result, we achieved a 90-nm optical resolution patterning on commercial resist. A sharp improvement in resolution size is expected when operating this tool by a large-output energy excimer laser in order to obtain a single-shot patterning

Research paper thumbnail of Progress report on a 14.4-nm Micro-Exposure Tool based on a laser-produced- plasma: debris mitigation system results and other issues

Conference on Ultrafast X-Ray Sources and Detectors, Proceedings SPIE vol. 6703 (2007) pp. 670308 – 670315, 2007

Within a National Project on nanotechnologies, a Micro-Exposure Tool (MET) for projection lithogr... more Within a National Project on nanotechnologies, a Micro-Exposure Tool (MET) for projection lithography at 14.4 nm, based on a laser-produced plasma source, is being developed at the Frascati ENEA Center. The choice of this “exotic” wavelength is due to the higher efficiency of a Debris Mitigation System (DMS) working in the interval of
approximately 14 nm < λ < 15 nm. It has to be noted that Mo/Si multilayer mirrors (MLM) can still have a high reflectivity also at these wavelengths.
The solid-tape-target laser-generated plasma is driven by a XeCl excimer laser, with an optimized intensity of about 3⋅1010 W/cm2, generating an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source with a diameter of about 0.2 mm. Clearly, this kind of source emits a lot of debris (both atomic and particulate types) and the 7-cm-far collector mirror must be protected against them.
The paper is mostly devoted to the accurate and systematic study of these debris and to their reduction. The results of mitigation efficiency obtained with a DMS prototype are very encouraging and lead to the design and patenting of its improved version.

Research paper thumbnail of Laser-Produced Plasmas for Bio-Photonics

Biophotonics: Spectroscopy, Imaging, Sensing, and Manipulation NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics 2011, pp 305-319, 2011

Laser-produced plasmas (LPP) are laboratory-scale, table-top and high-brightness sources of parti... more Laser-produced plasmas (LPP) are laboratory-scale, table-top and high-brightness sources of partially coherent radiation that can be tuned between the extreme ultraviolet and the hard X-rays. A few LPP emission wavelengths find important applications in bio-photonics. As an example, LPP emitting in the so called “water window” (spectral range λ= 4.4 nm – 2.3 nm) allowed the world first X-ray scanning microscopy and contact microscopy, the latter being able to perform in vivo molecules imaging with 50-nm spatial resolution.

Research paper thumbnail of Inner shell satellite transitions in dense short pulse plasmas

Journal of Quantum Spectroscopy and Radiation Transfer 58, 859 (1997), 1997

Soft x-ray spectra originating from dense plasmas, generated by a laser irradiating a solid targe... more Soft x-ray spectra originating from dense plasmas, generated by a laser irradiating a solid target with ns- and fs- laser pulses, have been obtained with simultaneous high spectral (View the MathML source) and spatial resolution (δx ≈ 10 μm). Interesting structure of the He-like resonance line together with strong emission of the Li-like n = 2 satellites have been observed very close to the target surface. We show here that the resonance line structure is strongly influenced by higher order satellites of the type 1s2n1'-1s21n' which overlap for n > 2. For plasmas created with short pulse duration lasers there are high density and low temperature regions near the target that give rise to three body recombination into Rydberg satellite levels leading to substantial intensity at the position of the resonance transition. Atomic data necessary for spectra simulations have been calculated with inclusion of configuration interaction and relativistic effects and these results are cross-checked with other calculational methods. Time-dependent simulations of the spectra including the effects of optical thickness, energetic electrons and numerous high order Rydberg satellites (up to n = 7) are found to be in good agreement with experimental data.


Short Wavelength Laboratory Sources, Principles and Practices, 2015

Laser produced plasmas are widely used as extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray radiation sour... more Laser produced plasmas are widely used as extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray radiation sources in many different fields. Lithography is one of the most challenging
applications of the EUV spectral region (5-50 nm). The worldwide importance of EUV lithography (EUVL) is basically due to its potential to extend optical projection lithography to higher resolution in integrated circuit manufacturing, thanks to the shorter wavelength and to the availability of high reflectivity normal incidence mirrors. In addition to the huge technological and financial effort carried out by international consortia to raise EUVL at the industrial level, less expensive laboratory-scale facilities have been built up to perform component testing and metrology. Within a national project on nanotechnologies at the ENEA Research Centre in Frascati a micro exposure tool (MET) has been designed and developed for projection lithography, exploiting the facility
EGERIA (extreme ultraviolet radiation generation for experimental research and industrial applications). EGERIA is a EUV/soft X-ray laser produced plasma source equipped with a high efficiency debris mitigation system (DMS).

Research paper thumbnail of A novel portable, high-luminosity monochromatically tunable X-ray microscope

Applications of X-Rays Generated from Lasers and Other Bright Sources II, edited by G. Kyrala, J.C. Gauthier, Proc. SPIE vol. 4504 (2001) pp. 240 – 252.

A novel experimental setup for transmission x-ray microscopy is presented. It is based on the use... more A novel experimental setup for transmission x-ray microscopy is presented. It is based on the use of a point isotrope X-ray
source and a single spherical crystal. The x-ray beam intensity is modulated by the object attenuation, then monochromatized
and enlarged using a spherical crystal and, lastly, imaged using a detector downstream of the crystal. We demonstrate by ray
tracing technique and experimental testing that this system allows microscopy studies with image resolution better than the dimensions of the source, high magnification ratios, and great field of view. Microscopes using this model can be easily built using different micro x-ray sources, like conventional x-ray tube generators, x-rays emitted by laser generated plasmas or
synchrotron radiation. Utilization of spherically bent crystals to obtain high-resolution, large field, monochromatic images in
a wide range of Bragg angles (20°<Q<45°) is demonstrated for the first time. High quality monochromatic (dl/l~10E-5-10E-3)
images with high magnification about 15-35 times and spatial resolution (<10 mm) over a large field of view (few mm2) were
obtained. Some possible applications and preliminary experimental verification of the feasibility of the setup are also

Research paper thumbnail of Propagazione di Onde Elettromagnetiche nei Plasmi da Scariche Gassose: il caso dei LASER Eccimeri

Rapporto tecnico. RT/2020/10/ENEA , 2020

La rifrattività è il principale parametro che governa la propagazione di un’onda elettromagnetica... more La rifrattività è il principale parametro che governa la propagazione di un’onda elettromagnetica nel mezzo. In questo lavoro verifichiamo in modo analitico la validità della formula approssimata della rifrattività dei plasmi che si formano in una miscela di gas a pressione P > 3 bar sottoposta a scarica elettrica pulsata. Questo caso è di particolare rilevanza nei LASER a gas, in cui l’inversione di popolazione è ottenuta nei plasmi gassosi generati da scariche elettriche, ad esempio i LASER eccimeri e ad anidride carbonica. L’analisi quantitativa della rifrattività è propedeutica alla stima dei problemi causati dalle disomogeneità della scarica elettrica e del flusso di gas, che limitano la qualità ottica (e quindi la focalizzabilità e la massima intensità ottenibile) degli impulsi di luce LASER.

Research paper thumbnail of Space- and time-resolved diagnostics of the ENEA EUV discharge-produced-plasma source used for metrology and other applications

A Discharge-Produced-Plasma (DPP) source emitting in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) spectral regio... more A Discharge-Produced-Plasma (DPP) source emitting in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) spectral region is running at the ENEA Frascati Research Centre. The plasma is generated in low-pressure xenon gas and efficiently emits 100-ns-time-duration radiation pulses in the 10-20 nm-wavelength range, with an energy of 20 mJ/shot/sr at a 10-Hz repetition rate. The complex discharge evolution is controlled by electrical tools, while a ns-gated CCD camera allows observation of the discharge development in the visible, detecting the time-resolved plasma-column pinching, and permitting to optimize the preionization timing. Accurately calibrated Zr-filtered PIN diodes are used to monitor the EUV pulses temporal behaviour and energy emission, while the calibration of a dosimetric film allows a quantitative imaging of the emitted radiation. This comprehensive plasma diagnostics has allowed adjusting the source configuration for several applications, like, e.g., exposures of photonic materials and innovative photoresists.


Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series 158, 230-241 (2005), 2005

Iron spectra have been recorded from plasmas created at three different laser plasma facilities: ... more Iron spectra have been recorded from plasmas created at three different laser plasma facilities: the Tor Vergata University laser in Rome (Italy), the Hercules laser at ENEA in Frascati (Italy), and the Compact Multipulse Terawatt (COMET) laser at LLNL in California (USA). The measurements provide a means of identifying dielectronic satellite lines from Fe xvi and Fe xv in the vicinity of the strong 2p ! 3d transitions of Fe xvii. About 80n  1 lines of Fe xv (Mg-like) to Fe xix (O-like) were recorded between 13.8 and 17.1 8 with a high spectral resolution (k/k  4000); about 30 of these lines are from Fe xvi and Fe xv. The laser-produced plasmas had electron temperatures between 100 and 500 eV and electron densities between 10^20 and 10^22 cm3. The Hebrew University Lawrence Livermore Atomic Code (HULLAC) was used to calculate the atomic structure and atomic rates for Fe xv–xix. HULLAC was used to calculate synthetic line intensities at Te ¼ 200 eV and ne ¼ 1021 cm3 for three different conditions to illustrate the role of opacity: optically thin plasmas with no excitation-autoionization/dielectronic recombination (EA/DR) contributions to the line intensities, optically thin plasmas that included EA/DR contributions to the line intensities, and optically thick plasmas (optical depth 200 m) that included EA/DR contributions to the line intensities. The optically thick simulation best reproduced the recorded spectrum from the Hercules laser. However, some discrepancies between the modeling and the recorded spectra remain.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of high-n dielectronic Rydberg satellites in the spectra of Na-like Zn XX and Mg-like Zn XIX

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70, 016406-1 - 016406-15 (2004), 2004

We have observed spectra from highly charged zinc ions in a variety of laser-produced plasmas. Sp... more We have observed spectra from highly charged zinc ions in a variety of laser-produced plasmas. Spectral features that are Na- and Mg-like satellites to high-n Rydberg transitions in the Ne-like Zn XXI spectrum are analyzed and modeled. Identifications and analysis are made by comparison with highly accurate atomic structure calculations and steady state collisional-radiative models. Each observed Zn XX and Zn XIX feature comprises up to <2 dozen individual transitions, these transitions are excited principally by dielectronic recombination through autoionizing levels in Na- and Mg-like Zn19+ and Zn18+. We find these satellites to be ubiquitous in laser-produced plasmas formed by lasers with pulse lengths that span four orders of magnitude, from 1 ps to <10 ns. The diagnostic potential of these Rydberg satellite lines is demonstrated.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification and precise measurements of the wavelengths of high- n transitions in N-, O-, and F-like Zn ions

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2003

We have observed spectra of highly charged zinc ions from a variety of laser-produced plasmas. Hi... more We have observed spectra of highly charged zinc ions from a variety of laser-produced plasmas. High-precision measurements of transition wavelengths have been made in the range 6.7–8.6 Å, with accuracies of ≈ 1 mÅ. Line identifications for high-n transitions(n = 7) in the N-, O-, and F-like spectra of Zn XXIV, XXIII, XXII, respectively, are made by comparison with steady-state collisional–radiative models.

Research paper thumbnail of EUV lithography based on laser-plasma sources and debris mitigation:

34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, ECA Vol.31F, P-2.072 (2007)

Ωιτηιν α Νατιοναλ Προϕεχτ ον νανοτεχηνολογιεσ (ΕΥςΛ−ΦΙΡΒ), αιµεδ ατ δεϖελοπινγ τηε Ιταλιαν κνοω−η... more Ωιτηιν α Νατιοναλ Προϕεχτ ον νανοτεχηνολογιεσ (ΕΥςΛ−ΦΙΡΒ), αιµεδ ατ δεϖελοπινγ τηε Ιταλιαν κνοω−ηοω ιν αλλ ασπεχτσ οφ ΕΥς λιτηογραπηψ, τηρουγη τηε ρεαλιζατιον ατ τηε Φρασχατι ΕΝΕΑ Χεντερ οφ α Μιχρο−Εξποσυρε Τοολ (ΜΕΤ) φορ ΕΥςΛ ωιτη α <100νµ ρεσολυτιον, αν ΕΥς−Σοφτ Ξ−ραψ λασερ πλασµα σουρχε ηασ βεεν ρεαλιζεδ ανδ α χοµποσιτε ∆εβρισ Μιτιγατιον Σψστεµ (∆ΜΣ) ηασ βεεν δεσιγνεδ ανδ παρτλψ ιµπλεµεντεδ. Βοτη τηε σουρχε ανδ τηε ∆ΜΣ αρε σηορτλψ δεσχριβεδ.

Research paper thumbnail of High-efficiency clean EUV plasma source at 10–30 nm, driven by a long-pulse-width excimer laser

Applied Physics B 76, 277-285 (2003), 2003

A long-pulse-width high-output energy (120 ns FWHM, 7 J) XeCl laser has been focused on thin tape... more A long-pulse-width high-output energy (120 ns FWHM, 7 J) XeCl laser has been focused on thin tape targets (Cu and Ta) to generate more than 100-ns-long (FWHM) EUV pulses in the 10–30 nm spectral region, suitable for projection microlithography. The conversion efficiency was more than 20% over a 2π solid angle. We observed debris emission using a gated CCD camera, and measured the debris speed for different irradiation conditions.We found irradiation conditions such that the measured velocities were low enough that simple mechanical devices combined with krypton at low-pressure could efficiently stop both ionic debris and cluster debris. Our results show that a suitable combination of driving-laser characteristics, target material and thickness, environment gas and mechanical choppers can make clean and increase the power of EUV solid-target laser-plasma sources.

Research paper thumbnail of Soft X-ray plasma source for atmospheric pressure microscopy, radiobiology and other applications

Il Nuovo Cimento D 20, 1685-1702 (1998)

A large-volume non-conventional XeCl excimer laser (Hercules) emitting long pulses (from 10 ns up... more A large-volume non-conventional XeCl excimer laser (Hercules) emitting long pulses (from 10 ns up to 120 ns at a wavelength of 308 nm) has been used to drive a soft X-ray plasma source. The X-rays pulse duration and the energy conversion efficiency in different spectral regions have been measured; X-rays emission lasting up to 100 ns has been obtained in the 70 eV region. The dependence of X-ray pulse duration on the size of the laser spot is discussed. The X-ray source can be operated both in vacuum and in helium at atmospheric pressure. This allows irradiating over a large area both for contact microscopy of living specimens (up to 1 mm^2 windows) and for radiobiology (up to few cm^2 windows). The experimental results obtained for these two applications as well as for radiographic images of living insects are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The ENEA discharge produced plasma extreme ultraviolet source and its patterning applications

Proceedings XXII Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications, 2019

The main characteristics of the ENEA Discharge Produced Plasma (DPP) Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) so... more The main characteristics of the ENEA Discharge Produced Plasma (DPP) Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) source are presented together with results of irradiations of various materials. The DPP EUV source, based on a Xe-plasma heated up to a temperature of 30 - 40 eV, emits more than 30 mJ/sr/shot at 10 Hz rep. rate in the 10 - 18 nm wavelength range. The DPP is equipped with a debris mitigation system to protect
particularly delicate components needed for patterning applications. The ENEA source has been successfully utilized for sub-micrometer pattern generation on photonic materials and on speci ally designed chemically-ampli ed resists. Details down to 100 nm have been replicated on such photoresists by our laboratory-scale apparatus for contact EUV lithography. Preliminary EUV irradiations of a graphene film aimed at modifying its properties have been also performed.

Research paper thumbnail of Mitigation of ion and particulate emission from laser-produced plasmas used for extreme ultraviolet lithography

Applied Surface Science 272 (2013) 13–18, 2013

While developing a laboratory-scale micro-exposure tool for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) projection ... more While developing a laboratory-scale micro-exposure tool for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) projection lithography which uses a laser-produced plasma emitting EUV pulsed radiation, we faced the problem of suppressing the various debris (ions, neutrals, particulate, clusters, droplets) emitted by the plasma target. The suppression of debris is a crucial task in the frame of EUV projection lithography, mainly because debris seriously limit both lifetime and performance of the expensive optics and filters put close to the plasma source.
In this paper we present the experimental measurements of main debris characteristics (velocity, size, charge, momentum, spectral energy, spatial distribution). Then, we present the operating results of a patented debris mitigation system (DMS) specifically designed to suppress debris with the measured characteristics. We achieved reduction factors ∼ 800 for atoms and nm-size clusters, and ∼ 1600 for particles larger than 500 nm. These results are at the forefront in this field.
The excellent performance of our DMS was a breakthrough to achieve a 90-nm patterning on commercial resists by our micro-exposure tool EUV projection lithography.

Research paper thumbnail of Features of plasma produced by excimer laser at low intensities

Physica Scripta 55, 483-490 (1997), 1997

A plasma, created at interaction of short-wavelength excimer laser radiation with flat targets wa... more A plasma, created at interaction of short-wavelength excimer laser radiation with flat targets was investigated (T = 12 ns, λ = 0.308 μm, I = (4 – 8) × 10^12 W/cm2) with the help of various x-ray spectroscopic methods. The comparison of shapes and intensities of some observable spectral lines of H-, He and Li-like ions of Na, Mg and Al with results of model calculations has allowed to determine space distributions of laser plasma parameters up to distances of 0.4 mm from the target surface. Comparison of obtained results with theoretical models of absorption of short-wavelength radiation in a plasma shows, that the absorption of short-wavelength laser radiation in a plasma (at considered values of laser flux density) is executed due to inverse bremsstrahlung process in the areas with Ne < Ne, crit..

Research paper thumbnail of Discussion for plasma evolution on laser target

Starting from the experimental results of generation of ions from plasmas driven by the laser-fac... more Starting from the experimental results of generation of ions from plasmas driven by the laser-facilityHercules at ENEA Frascati, we present some basic equations that account for the main physical phenomena occurring during the plasma expansion from the laser target, including the cluster expansion dynamics.

Research paper thumbnail of The ENEA Discharge Produced Plasma EUV Source: Description and Applications

Proceedings FOTONICA 2016, 2016

After a brief description of the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation peculiarities, the main char... more After a brief description of the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation peculiarities, the main characteristics of the ENEA Discharge Produced Plasma (DPP) EUV source are described. An efficient debris mitigation system has been developed and tested on the DPP source, to protect delicate objects from plasma emitted debris bombardment. The DPP source has been successfully utilized for pattern generation by EUV irradiation of photonic materials like lithium fluoride crystals and various innovative photoresists. A simple contact EUV lithography technique has been demonstrated to be effective for sub–micrometric resolution patterning on the above mentioned materials. Examples of obtained patterns are presented and discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Documentario "Dentro la Sindone"

Research paper thumbnail of La mente inganna l'occhio

Link RAI Scuola, SorprendenteMente:[ more ](;)Link RAI Scuola, SorprendenteMente:
A partire dal minuto 8:14 (Daniele) e dal minuto 21:26 (Paolo).
Credete davvero in ciò che vedete? In questa nuova puntata di Sorprendente-Mente, il programma dedicato ai segreti, i trucchi e gli inganni della nostra mente, si parlerà della relazione tra vista e cervello e di quante volte siamo vittime di illusioni.
A spiegare alcuni fenomeni che sembrano sovvertire le leggi della fisica Paolo di Lazzaro e Daniele Murra, responsabile e primo ricercatore del Laboratorio Laser a Eccimeri dell’ENEA di Frascati.
Conduce Marco Castellazzi.

Research paper thumbnail of ILLUSIONI ANAMORFICHE

Research paper thumbnail of Misure ENEA sulla Sindone di Arquata

Research paper thumbnail of La Sindone di Arquata, extractum ab originali

Research paper thumbnail of Anamorfosi e percezione

Research paper thumbnail of La Sindone non è opera di un falsario

RAI 1 Uno mattina , Dec 25, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of  ILLUSIONI OTTICHE come i nostri occhi vedono il mondo

Research paper thumbnail of ILLUSIONI OTTICHE tra scienza e meraviglia

RAI 3 GEO SCIENZA, Feb 20, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of LASER, SINDONE e PERCEZIONE

GEO Scienza, Jan 3, 2012\_3-COSE\_DELLALTRO\_GEO\_1555-175825001a.ASF Rubrica "Geo Scie... more
Rubrica "Geo Scienza". -Ultimi studi ENEA sulla Sacra Sindone. Dimostrazioni pratiche in studio. Ospiti: Paolo Di Lazzaro, dirigente di ricerca ENEA; Daniele Murra, primo ricercatore ENEA; Antonino Santoni, primo ricercatore ENEA.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of unstable cavity optical component aberrations on laser beam divergence

Optical and Quantum Electronics 26, 957-967 (1994), 1994

Based on the geometrical optics approximation, the influences of some optical component aberratio... more Based on the geometrical optics approximation, the influences of some optical component aberrations of confocal unstable resonators on the laser beam divergence are discussed. The explicit dependence of the laser beam divergence on the cavity magnification, the structure of the mirror defects, the mirror curvature radii and the tilting angle of intracavity windows are given for both positive- and negative-branch resonator configurations.

Research paper thumbnail of Improved beam quality excimer lasers: a filtering resonator study

Chapter 5 in Filtering Resonators, S.K. Dixit Editor (Huntington, N.Y. Nova Science Publisher, 2001), 2001

Soon after Gobbi and Reali published the proposal of the Self-Filtering-Unstable-Resonator (SFUR)... more Soon after Gobbi and Reali published the proposal of the Self-Filtering-Unstable-Resonator (SFUR) [1] the Excimer Laser Laboratory at the ENEA Frascati Centre started an experimental and theoretical activity to check the feasibility of a XeCl excimer laser (emission wavelength 308 nm) equipped with a SFUR. It was immediately clear, in fact, that the rapid development of a single transverse mode inherent to the SFUR design was especially attractive for high-gain lasers having few round trips available to select the transverse mode, like excimer lasers.
Following a numerical simulation work [2] and an analytical study [3], the first experimental excimer laser results [4] confirmed the capability of the SFUR to achieve an almost diffraction limited excimer laser beam in less than two round-trip-time. Behind these early results, many papers were published [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] which confirmed the peculiar properties of excimer SFUR beams, e.g., nearly diffraction-limited divergence, improvement of the misalignment insensitivity with respect to Positive-Branch-Unstable-Resonators (PBUR), fast convergence of the transverse mode of oscillation to the fundamental one, improved immunity to degradation by active medium aberration.
However, two drawbacks clearly emerged from [4, 5, 7], which were related to the “stiff” design properties of SFUR when applied to lasers emitting a short wavelength: namely, the small energy extraction efficiency (the filling factor is proportional to the wavelength) and the long resonator length (which is inversely proportional to the wavelength). Indeed, it was a hard work aligning, e.g., the excimer SFUR of Reference [4] which had a resonator length L = 5.5 m and a diameter of the intracavity spatial filter 2a = 0.6 mm! In a more general fashion, Siegman pointed out [10] that in order to obtain a single-mode operation with full energy extraction from a SFUR, the output coupling (i.e. the resonator losses) becomes unacceptably large for “tube Fresnel numbers” NT = Ma)2(La larger than 20. Here, M is the magnification factor of the resonator and La is the length of the active medium Clearly, operating a laser with NT < 20 is not a problem for infrared wavelength (i.e., Nd-YAG, CO2), whereas it may be a serious problem for ultraviolet wavelength.
A solution to this problem was given by a non-confocal SFUR design, first analysed by Di Lazzaro, Hermsen and Zheng [11] developing an idea of Gobbi, Reali and Malvicini [12]. Starting with the Fresnel principle, Reference [11] shows that when moving the curvature radius of the collimating SFUR mirror out of the confocal condition, it is possible either to reduce substantially the resonator length L leaving the magnification factor M unaltered with respect to the confocal case, or to increase the |M| value (that is, the mode volume and the filling factor) without changing L. Obviously, in this way the resonator is no longer confocal and the output mode wavefront is curved. A suitable lens outside the resonator can collimate the output beam, when required. On the other hand, Reference [11] shows that in the case, e.g., of a not confocal SFUR with a flat mirror, when |M| > 3 the size of the filtering aperture remains almost the same and its position is only slightly shifted with respect to the confocal SFUR case. Once fixed M, the losses remain the same and the main SFUR properties are not affected by this change.
The non-confocal SFUR was called “generalised SFUR” (GSFUR) [11]. The first experimental results of the GSFUR applied to an excimer laser [13] confirmed the theoretical findings and showed that the GSFUR maintains the peculiar properties of SFUR but using a shorter resonator length and exploiting a larger mode volume. Later, the successful operation of different gas laser systems equipped with a GSFUR (including copper vapour [14], XeCl [9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], CO2 [20] and N2 [21]) proved the flexibility of the GSFUR design.
In the true history of SFUR and GSFUR, the experimental results have usually preceded the modelling. Nevertheless, many theoretical papers were published which provided a satisfactory answer to the “how and why it works” questions on SFUR [2, 3, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26] and GSFUR [11, 20, 27].
In this chapter, we present a review of the experimental works done on SFUR and GSFUR applied to excimer lasers, as well as some approximated analytical results for SFUR and GSFUR with |M| >> 1 allowing a proper design of self-filtering resonators for lasers with a high-gain active medium.

Research paper thumbnail of A generalization of the self-filtering unstable resonator

IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (ISSN 0018-9197), vol. 24, Aug. 1988, p. 1543-1547, 1988

Calculations on a generalization of the self-filtering unstable resonator (SFUR) are presented. T... more Calculations on a generalization of the self-filtering unstable resonator (SFUR) are presented. The resonator is no longer confocal, and in principle, may have a shorter cavity length, while the other properties remain almost the same.

Research paper thumbnail of More about the self-filtering unstable resonators

Optics Communications vol. 209, pp. 383-389 (2002)

We present a comparison between the Self-Filtering Unstable Resonator (SFUR) and the Generalised ... more We present a comparison between the Self-Filtering Unstable Resonator (SFUR) and the Generalised Self Filtering Unstable Resonator (GSFUR) based on some unpublished relationships among GSFUR parameters. Calculations show that, when the resonator magnification M is less than 14, depending on some geometrical parameters, the SFUR may give a larger mode volume (and then a larger output energy) than GSFUR, independently of the cavity length. This unexpected result can help to choose the ‘‘best’’ resonator between SFUR and GSFUR in order to exploit as much as possible the active medium with a rapid steady-state establishment of the transverse mode structure

Research paper thumbnail of Considerations about self-filtering unstable resonators

Proc. SPIE vol. 5131, 3th GR-I International Conference on New Lasers, Technologies and Applications, edited by A. Carabelas, G. Baldacchini, P. Di Lazzaro, D. Zevgolis, pp. 289 – 294, 2003

New analytical expressions have been found for the mode volume, the output beam waist and radius ... more New analytical expressions have been found for the mode volume, the output beam waist and radius of curvature of the Generalised Self-Filtering Unstable Resonator (GSFUR), in terms of the cavity parameters. This permits an easy comparison with the confocal SFUR, in order to choose the most appropriate resonator for a given active medium. Contrary to the general feeling, the SFUR choice results the best in term of mode volume for low (<14) absolute magnification values.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of a self-injected unstable cavity Nd:YAG laser

Applied Physics B 39, 131-134 (1986), 1986

A detailed analysis of a self-injected Nd: YAG laser with an unstable cavity is presented. With r... more A detailed analysis of a self-injected Nd: YAG laser with an unstable cavity is presented. With respect to the normal Q-switched laser-mode operation the pulse peak power is increased by a factor of eight with a pulse length of about 1 ns. Moreover single transverse mode operation is achieved, with divergence near the diffraction limit. An evaluation of the most significant parameters useful for the design of an unstable resonator for self-injection applications is also presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Self-filtering unstable resonator operation of XeCl excimer laser

IEEE Journal Quantum Electronics QE-23, 1241-1244 (1987), 1987

A diffraction-limited laser beam with a pulse energy of 120 mJ and brightness up to a magnitude o... more A diffraction-limited laser beam with a pulse energy of 120 mJ and brightness up to a magnitude order of 10^14W . cm^-2. Sr^-1 has been achieved in an X-ray preionized discharge XeCl laser by using a self-filtering unstable resonator. The near- and far-field laser properties have been examined.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental study of a generalized self-filtering unstable resonator applied to an XeCl laser

IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (ISSN 0018-9197), vol. 24, Nov. 1988, p. 2284-2287., 1988

A diffraction-limited laser beam of 3.5 mJ with a pulse width of 11 ns and a brightness of 4.8 x ... more A diffraction-limited laser beam of 3.5 mJ with a pulse width of 11 ns and a brightness of 4.8 x 10^13 W/sq cm/Sr has been obtained by applying a generalized self-filtering unstable resonator (SFUR) scheme to a short-pulse XeCl laser. In accordance with the theory, the generalized SFUR maintains the excellent properties of the SFUR, such as high transverse-mode discrimination, fast establishment of steady-state condition, and diffraction-limited output beam, but offers the possibility of having higher magnification and higher mode volumes with shorter resonator lengths. It is possible to demonstrate that with the generalized SFUR, one can increase, by a factor more than two, the mode volume with respect to the confocal case by leaving the cavity length unaltered. These properties make the nonfocal SFUR particularly suitable for short-pulse excimer lasers.

Research paper thumbnail of Self-injected Nd-YAG laser with an unstable cavity

Applied Physics Letters 41, 213 (1982), 1982

The first ’’self‐injected’’ unstable resonator laser is reported. 1‐ns, high peak power, single‐m... more The first ’’self‐injected’’ unstable resonator laser is reported. 1‐ns, high peak power, single‐mode pulses are generated with neodymium‐yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd‐YAG) laser made with the same relevant optical components of the commercial DCR1 Quanta Ray oscillator.

Research paper thumbnail of Self-filtering unstable resonator: An approximate analytical model with comparison to computed and XeCl laser experimental results

Optics Communications 61, 393–396 (1987), 1987

Approximate analytical solutions for the lowest-order transverse mode of empty self-filtering uns... more Approximate analytical solutions for the lowest-order transverse mode of empty self-filtering unstable resonator have been deduced for magnification M ≫ 1, and compared with some experimental measurements on an X-ray preionized XeCl discharge laser.

Research paper thumbnail of SPIE Proceedings Volume 11042, XXII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH POWER LASER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS | 9-12 October 2018. Editor: Paolo Di Lazzaro

SPIE Proceedings Volume 11042, 2019

9-12 October 2018
Frascati, Italy

Research paper thumbnail of SHS Web of Conferences  Vol. 15	(2015). Workshop on Advances in the Turin Shroud Investigation (ATSI 2014)

Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers: High Power Laser Systems and Applications On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we extend a warm and cordial welcome ... more

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we extend a warm and cordial welcome to you to be part of 22th Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications, held conjointly with eminent researchers and scholars from all around the globe during October 9 - 12, 2018 in the amazing venue of Villa Mondragone, Frascati, near Rome, Italy.
You can be a part of this event by participating as a speaker by giving oral presentation or you can give poster presentation in your area of expertise.
Selected papers will be published in the Proceedings published by SPIE.
The conference will also provide delegates with the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of the latest scientific advancements on laser systems and their applications.

Welcome in Frascati!


Link "The International Workshop on... more Link
"The International Workshop on the Scientific approach to the Acheiropoietos Images (IWSAI) was held at the ENEA Research Centre of Frascati, Italy, May 4 through May 6, 2010.
The IWSAI was aimed at promoting a scientific discussion on physical, chemical, biological, forensic and historical aspects of the Turin Shroud, the Tilma of Guadalupe and the Veil of Manoppello, in order to gain a deeper insight into these controversial images. They are controversial, indeed, mainly because, according to tradition, they are acheiropoietos images, that is, "not made by hands" and Science is still not able to fully explain their origin.
There were forty-three presentations by thirty-five speakers from Austria, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Spain and USA. Forty papers were submitted for publication and thirty-five were accepted for publication in this volume after a rigorous peer-review process. The selected papers published in this Proceedings volume offer a multidisciplinary approach to the acheiropoietos images: in fact they face almost all the relevant topics, from the formation of the images to the Shroud dating; from image processing to textile properties; from archaeology and history to iconography; from philosophy to forensic medicine.
The IWSAI has been a peculiar (if not unique) event, from many points of view. It was the first time that the Turin Shroud, the Tilma of Guadalupe, and the Veil of Manoppello were discussed together, in an unprecedented attempt at cross-fertilization of the up-to-date knowledge of them. It was the first time that a top-level Research Centre was the venue of a congress concerned with acheiropoietos images. It was the first time that a genuine fiber of the Shroud was observed and analyzed through the microscope, in person, directly in front of the audience of the Workshop. And it is the first time as well that a Proceedings volume devoted to acheiropoietos images contains only peer-reviewed papers."

Research paper thumbnail of Draft PROGRAM of the XXII International Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications.

Detailed program of the HPLS&A conference, Proceedings will be published by SPIE

Research paper thumbnail of Third GR-I International Conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications.  Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5131

Research paper thumbnail of Second GR-I International Conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications. Proceedings of the  SPIE, Volume 3423

Research paper thumbnail of Curiosità scientifiche: uno sguardo alla Fisica di tutti i giorni

Rapporto Tecnico RT/2014/3/ENEA, 2014

"Presentiamo una raccolta di dodici articoli di divulgazione scientifica pubblicati sulla rivista... more "Presentiamo una raccolta di dodici articoli di divulgazione scientifica pubblicati sulla rivista mensile Controluce, qui riveduti e corretti.
Lo scopo degli articoli era di osservare le esperienze quotidiane attraverso l’occhio di un Fisico, per capire il funzionamento di alcuni oggetti che usiamo quotidianamente, e comprendere i meccanismi di alcuni fenomeni comuni.
Come funzionano la pentola a pressione e la macchinetta del caffè? Perché la pellicola trasparente per alimenti aderisce alle pareti dei recipienti? Perché gli sci scivolano sulla neve e noi scivoliamo sul ghiaccio? Perché si genera una scintilla tra la chiave e la portiera dell’automobile? Perché il cielo è blu? Perché l’acqua è trasparente e incolore, mentre la neve, che è fatta della stessa acqua, è opaca e bianca? Perché fa più caldo in estate che in inverno? Qual è la differenza tra suono e rumore? Come funziona il processo visivo? Che differenza c’è tra visione e percezione? Perché le illusioni ottiche ci ingannano? Chi è stato il primo a misurare la velocità della luce, e come ha fatto? L’esperienza degli autori nelle varie iniziative di divulgazione scientifica cui l’ENEA ha attivamente partecipato negli ultimi anni (Seminari per le scuole, Settimane scientifiche, Notti della Ricerca, Frascati Scienza, trasmissioni televisive) ha permesso di apportare alcuni miglioramenti rispetto agli articoli originali, pur mantenendo un taglio divulgativo. Di fatto, la lettura di questo Rapporto non richiede che il lettore sia in possesso di particolari nozioni di fisica e matematica. Questa scelta permette ad una vasta platea di lettori di soddisfare alcune curiosità, e consente ai docenti l’adattamento dei singoli articoli alle attività didattiche delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado."

Research paper thumbnail of Un secondo sguardo alla Fisica di tutti i giorni: Curiosità e aneddoti scientifici

Rapporto Tecnico RT/2018/3/ENEA , Mar 23, 2018

Presentiamo una raccolta di 14 articoli di divulgazione scientifica, che fa da seguito alla prima... more Presentiamo una raccolta di 14 articoli di divulgazione scientifica, che fa da seguito alla prima raccolta intitolata Curiosità Scientifiche, uno sguardo alla Fisica di tutti i giorni, pubblicata nel 2014, la quale è stata finalista al Premio Nazionale di Divulgazione Scientifica organizzato dall’Associazione Italiana del Libro e dal CNR, e in 3 anni ha registrato più di 5.000 contatti sul sito
Lo scopo della raccolta è di osservare le esperienze quotidiane attraverso l’occhio di un Fisico, per capire il funzionamento di oggetti che usiamo quotidianamente, e provare il sottile piacere di conoscere i meccanismi nascosti dietro gli eventi della vita di tutti i giorni, la cui comprensione permette di prevedere le conseguenze di alcune azioni e di valutare meglio le nostre scelte.
Il lettore troverà curiosi aneddoti su Meucci, Galilei e Archimede, potrà stupirsi degli arcobaleni lunari, di come percepiamo i colori, e della nostra straordinaria capacità di mescolare le informazioni provenienti dai 5 sensi. E proveremo a rispondere ad alcune domande. Come è possibile oscillare sull’altalena senza ricevere nessuna spinta? Come funziona il nastro adesivo e perché si chiama scotch? Possiamo proteggerci dai rumori dei vicini di casa? Come funziona il CD? Perché la centrifuga separa e schiaccia contemporaneamente? Quale lampadina illumina meglio e permette di risparmiare sulla bolletta? Cosa hanno in comune porte, forbici, scope, schiaccianoci e carriole? Perché i freni delle automobili sono moltiplicatori di forza?
Il fil rouge che collega gli articoli è il piacere della scoperta di come funziona un oggetto, la sorpresa del perché un fenomeno accade, ma ciascun articolo è indipendente dagli altri, quindi questa raccolta può essere consultata di volta in volta su un argomento specifico, oppure letta d’un fiato.

Research paper thumbnail of Luce, visione, percezione: un sorprendente viaggio tra i colori e le illusioni dell’arte figurativa

Argomenti: La luce: cosa è, come si genera. Diffusione e assorbimento: i colori di cielo, nuv... more Argomenti:
La luce: cosa è, come si genera.
Diffusione e assorbimento: i colori di cielo, nuvole, tramonto, spazio.
La fisiologia della visione.
La percezione è diversa dalla visione: forme e colori ingannevoli.
Arte figurativa percettiva: le anamorfosi

Research paper thumbnail of Suono e rumore, una differenza ‘spettrale’

Energia, Ambiente Innovazione, n. 3, pp. 73-78 (2015)

In questo articolo divulgativo proponiamo un viaggio nell’ affascinante mondo dei suoni, dalla ge... more In questo articolo divulgativo proponiamo un viaggio nell’ affascinante mondo dei suoni, dalla generazione alla percezione, ai parametri che permettono di distinguere un suono da un rumore. Esaminiamo i motivi per cui lo stesso suono viene percepito in modo diverso se ascoltato all’aperto, in una piccola stanza o in un grande salone, dai quali si ricavano le caratteristiche ottimali dei materiali da usare per realizzare un teatro e una sala da concerto. Infine, spieghiamo perché le onde sonore si propagano con diverse velocità e diverse intensità in aria, nei liquidi o nei materiali solidi, e come possiamo ottenere una stima quantitativa del rumore proveniente dalla stanza attigua alla nostra.

Research paper thumbnail of La 'grande bellezza' dei numeri figurati

Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione vol. 6, pp. 58-63 (2014), Dec 2014

Partendo da un aneddoto giovanile del “Principe dei Matematici” Gauss, proponiamo un sorprendente... more Partendo da un aneddoto giovanile del “Principe dei Matematici” Gauss, proponiamo un sorprendente viaggio nel mondo dei “numeri figurativi”, le cui insolite proprietà consentono di trovare eleganti soluzioni ad alcuni problemi di calcolo numerico e combinatorio, passando per la probabilità di vincita nei giochi d’azzardo e per i “numeri perfetti”, fino ad arrivare al controverso concetto di infinito e alla diversa cardinalità degli insiemi infiniti.
La trattazione è divulgativa ma rigorosa, introduce i vari argomenti in modo elementare e non richiede al lettore conoscenze approfondite di matematica. Sullo sfondo delle applicazioni pratiche, risalta la bellezza estetica e l’eleganza delle proprietà dei numeri figurativi.

Research paper thumbnail of Perché la percezione è diversa dalla visione?  Forme e colori nell’arte e nelle reliquie.

Lezione su visione e percezione per il Master in Scienza e Fede, Università Pontificia Regina Apo... more Lezione su visione e percezione per il Master in Scienza e Fede, Università Pontificia Regina Apostolorum

Research paper thumbnail of Curiosità e stravaganze nel mondo dei numeri

In questo seminario proponiamo un sorprendente viaggio tra i sassi di Pitagora e le intuizioni di... more In questo seminario proponiamo un sorprendente viaggio tra i sassi di Pitagora e le intuizioni di Gauss, tra poligoni e probabilità di vincita nei giochi d'azzardo, tra eventi casuali (ma non troppo) e paradossi dell'infinitamente grande e dell'infinitamente piccolo. Sullo sfondo, in una veste insolita e curiosa, i Numeri: triangolari, piramidali, a 4 dimensioni, perfetti, anomali... La Matematica che affascina, seduce e rende consapevoli.

Research paper thumbnail of Luce e visione

Energia Ambiente, Innovazione vol. 4, pp.58-63 (2014), 2014

In questo articolo viene presentato in modo elementare lo straordinario meccanismo della visione ... more In questo articolo viene presentato in modo elementare lo straordinario meccanismo della visione umana, insieme ad alcuni processi percettivi ancora in parte sconosciuti nei loro più intimi dettagli, come il riconoscimento di forme e colori. La nostra prodigiosa capacità di riconoscere le distanze tra gli oggetti e di interpretare tratti e lineamenti
può essere ingannata da alcuni disegni e situazioni particolari, le cosiddette illusioni ottiche, che tuttavia possono fornire informazioni utili a medici e studiosi per la comprensione del complesso funzionamento del nostro sistema occhio-cervello, e in definitiva ad apprezzare la notevole differenza tra visione e percezione, i cui significati non devono essere sovrapposti o confusi tra loro.
La trattazione è volutamente elementare e introduttiva, ma viene fornita una bibliografia adatta ad un primo approfondimento.

Research paper thumbnail of ENEA porta l'Open Day della Ricerca tra la popolazione colpita dal terremoto di Arquata del Tronto

1 Ottobre 2017, Open Day della Ricerca ad Arquata del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno) uno dei paesi maggi... more 1 Ottobre 2017, Open Day della Ricerca ad Arquata del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno) uno dei paesi maggiormente colpiti dal terremoto di Agosto 2016.

Research paper thumbnail of Seminario "9 e 99, curiosità e stravaganze nel mondo dei numeri", 12 Gennaio 2017 ore 11, ENEA Casaccia, via Anguillarese 301 (Anguillara, Rm)

In questo seminario proponiamo un inconsueto viaggio nel tempo tra alcune curiosità nascoste nel ... more In questo seminario proponiamo un inconsueto viaggio nel tempo tra alcune curiosità nascoste nel mondo dei numeri, dai sassi di Pitagora alle intuizioni di Gauss, dalla genialità di Archimede alle sottigliezze Hilbertiane, ai racconti di Buzzati, passando per Aristotele e Sant’Agostino. Parleremo di numeri piramidali, numeri perfetti e numeri anomali, di probabilità e casualità, verificheremo in termini quantitativi l’iniquità dei giochi d’azzardo e finiremo in bellezza addentrandoci negli sconcertanti paradossi del concetto di infinito.
Il fil rouge del seminario seguirà l’indice del libro ‘9 e 99’ il cui titolo è legato ad una poco conosciuta legge matematica sulla persistenza inaspettata di alcuni numeri, che sarà illustrata con alcuni esempi basati sulle cifre tratte dalle pagine del sito ‘Amministrazione trasparente’ dell’ENEA.
Il seminario è rivolto sia agli appassionati di matematica ricreativa, sia a coloro che non riescono ad apprezzare la ‘grande bellezza’ della Matematica. Di sicuro, nessuno avrà modo di annoiarsi!

Research paper thumbnail of Extreme ultraviolet marking system for anti-counterfeiting tags with adjustable security level

Proc. SPIE vol. 8677, 86770T (2013); doi: 10.1117/12.2010400, Jan 2013

We present a recently patented apparatus which consists of an extreme ultraviolet radiation sourc... more We present a recently patented apparatus which consists of an extreme ultraviolet radiation source writing invisible patterns on thin tags of alkali halides. The tags patterned using this method are almost impossible to counterfeit, and offer a much better protection against fakes than available anti-counterfeiting techniques. We will discuss if this novel technology is ready for industrial production of anti-counterfeiting tags

Research paper thumbnail of A new anticounterfeiting marking system

Nanotec IT Newsletter 12, 19-21 (2011), 2011

Counterfeiting is a global problem that can have major social and economic consequences. The spr... more Counterfeiting is a global problem that can have major social and economic consequences. The spread, number and kind of counterfeit goods has greatly increased in recent years: according to the study of Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau (CIB) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), counterfeit Goods make up 5 to 7% of World Trade. In a recent update OECD has estimated in $250 billion in 2007 the worldwide value of international trade in counterfeit and pirated goods.
As a consequence, there is a urge in developing and adopting innovative anti-counterfeiting technologies able to ensure a real protection and/or traceability of a number of items, including, e.g., forensic documents, dan-gerous waste, strategic components (like microprocessors in automo-tive/aerospace fields, both civilian and military), pharmaceutical products, currency notes, identity/credit/debit cards, quality control, commercial/artistic objects.
Our Laboratory in ENEA has recently developed a new method to fight counterfeiting and to trace critical goods, based on our know-how in the fields of optics, laser, plasma and radiation-matter interaction. Our technology allows to vary the protection level in relation to the desired extent by properly increasing the complexity of the marking procedure. On the other side, the specific reading technique is straightforward using a dedicated apparatus.

Research paper thumbnail of Marking and tracking radioactive materials: A possible hi-tech solution

EAI Special issue on ENEA Technologies for security, pp. 108-113 (2014), 2014

We describe the technique and apparatus to write invisible patterns on thin tags of alkali halide... more We describe the technique and apparatus to write invisible patterns on thin tags of alkali halides by using an extreme ultraviolet radiation source. We have experimentally demonstrated that lithium fluoride thin-films tags written using this method are almost impossible to counterfeit, and offer a much better protection than the available anti-counterfeiting techniques. The results of preliminary tests of exposure to γ-,x- and β-radiation emitted by several radio-nuclides, like Co-60, Cs-137, Na-22, and Ba-133 are promising for the use of these tags to track radioactive materials, in order to fight phenomena impacting security, like the illicit disposal and traffic in radioactive waste.

Research paper thumbnail of Is this artwork original or is it a copy? The answer by a new anti-counterfeiting tag

Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, special issue on Knowledge, Diagnostics and Preservation of Cultural Heritage pp. 162-168 (2012), 2012

We present a patented apparatus which consists of an extreme ultraviolet radiation source writing... more We present a patented apparatus which consists of an extreme ultraviolet radiation source writing invisible patterns on thin tags of alkali halides. The tags written using this method are almost impossible to counterfeit, and offer a much better protection against fakes than the available anti-counterfeiting techniques.
So far, we have used this invisible marking to tag electrical components, credit cards and containers of radioactive wastes. However, the protection level, the cost and the production yield associated with our technique suggest that the ideal field of application is the traceability and the protection of artworks against fakes""

Research paper thumbnail of Trattamenti per l’agroalimentare

Trattamenti e finiture 10, 34-38 (2011), 2011


Research paper thumbnail of Invisible Marking System by Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation: the New Frontier for Anti-counterfeiting Tags

We present a marking technology which uses extreme ultraviolet radiation to write invisible patte... more We present a marking technology which uses extreme ultraviolet radiation to write invisible patterns on tags based on alkali fluoride thin films. The shape of the pattern is pre-determined by a mask (in the case of contact lithography) or by a suitable mirror (projection lithography). Tags marked using this method offer a much better protection against fakes than currently available anti-counterfeiting techniques. The complexity and cost of this technology can be tailored to the value of the good to be protected, leaving, on the other hand, the specific reading technique straightforward. So far, we have exploited our invisible marking to tag artworks, identity cards, electrical components, and containers of radioactive wastes. Advantages and limits of this technology are discussed in comparison with the anti-counterfeiting systems available in the market.

Research paper thumbnail of Invisible writing technology for anti-counterfeiting purpose

ENEA has developed an invisible writing method that can be used for anti-counterfeiting and/or tr... more ENEA has developed an invisible writing method that can be used for anti-counterfeiting and/or tracking purposes, based on a lithographic technique which is capable of creating invisible marks on luminescent films, with an inherently higher protection potential and counterfeiting difficulty with respect to the existing technologies.

Research paper thumbnail of 9 e 99 - Curiosità e stravaganze nel mondo dei numeri

9 e 99 - Curiosità e stravaganze nel mondo dei numeri, Sep 6, 2016

Che legame c’è tra i triangoli e le probabilità di vincere al Lotto? Come è possibile calcolare a... more Che legame c’è tra i triangoli e le probabilità di vincere al Lotto? Come è possibile calcolare a mente in meno di un secondo la somma di tutti i numeri naturali fino ad un milione? Come si può scoprire se una dichiarazione dei redditi nasconde una manipolazione? Le risposte vengono da alcune insolite proprietà dei numeri naturali che in questo libro sono illustrate in modo semplice ma con il giusto rigore matematico. Numeri triangolari e numeri perfetti, probabilità e caso, giochi d’azzardo e paradossi del concetto di infinito sono gli ingredienti che condiscono le pagine di ‘9 e 99’ il cui titolo è legato ad una legge matematica curiosa ma poco conosciuta.
Accanto alla Matematica divertente e intuitiva, non mancano apposite appendici in cui dettagliate dimostrazioni soddisferanno i lettori più esigenti.
Da Pitagora a Gauss, da Archimede ad Hilbert, da Eulero a Buzzati (passando per Aristotele e Sant’Agostino), il libro propone un inconsueto viaggio nel tempo tra le curiosità nascoste nel mondo dei numeri, mostrando che la Matematica non è una fredda materia scolastica da cui liberarsi il prima possibile, ma una disciplina dai risvolti piacevoli ed affascinanti.

Research paper thumbnail of Luce dall'ENEA: Ieri, Oggi, Domani

Luce dall'ENEA: Ieri, Oggi, Domani., 2015

Research paper thumbnail of ENEA Technologies for Security

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge, Diagnostics and Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Research paper thumbnail of Accurate electronic solar compass

, 2013

"We have invented an electronic solar compass that can be used to determine with remarkable accur... more "We have invented an electronic solar compass that can be used to determine with remarkable accuracy the direction of an observed point with respect to the true geographic North. This solar compass is patent pending RM2012A000664 (filed on 27th December, 2012).
The electronic solar compass is composed of an electro-optic sensor that detects the position of the sun, a GPS device that provides the Greenwich time and the coordinates of the compass, an optical pointer, a goniometer for measuring angles and a microprocessor, which elaborates the data and provides the angle of observation with respect to true North in real time. An innovative algorithm based on Kepler's laws allows determining the sun ephemeris and the North-South direction by knowing the local time and its geographic coordinates."

Research paper thumbnail of Bussola Solare Elettronica ad Alta Precisione.

In numerose applicazioni operative è fondamentale conoscere con elevata accuratezza l'orientament... more In numerose applicazioni operative è fondamentale conoscere con elevata accuratezza l'orientamento di un punto osservato rispetto alla direzione Nord. Un dispositivo che consente di aumentare notevolmente l’accuratezza della misura del Nord geografico è rappresentato dalle bussole solari, cioè dispositivi basati nell’utilizzo della posizione del sole rispetto all’osservatore. Oggetto della presente invenzione è una bussola solare elettronica compatta ed automatica, in grado di funzionare in ogni luogo della Terra, ed anche su altri pianeti, e di fornire la direzione Nord-Sud con una precisione migluore di 1/60 di grado. Il dispositivo è costituito dai seguenti principali componenti: - un contenitore in cui è collocato un sensore CCD chiuso da un coperchio su cui è praticata una apertura di dimensioni opportune e a distanza opportuna dal sensore CCD, in grado di ruotare intorno ad un asse verticale; - un puntatore ottico cannocchiale eventualmente abbinato ad un puntatore laser, in grado di ruotare intorno ad un asse verticale; - un goniometro preferibilmente, ma non necessariamente, digitale che misura la rotazione del contenitore con il sensore rispetto al puntatore; - un rilevatore GPS che acquisisce le coordinate locali e l’ora di Greenwich; - un microprocessore che riceve in input i dati del sensore, del GPS e del goniometro, li elabora attraverso un opportuno software e fornisce la direzione su un display di puntamento del cannocchiale; - un piccolo pannello fotovoltaico per alimentare l’elettronica del dispositivo. Le principali caratteristiche innovative dell'invenzione sono le seguenti: - una maggiore precisione della misura, dovuta prevalentemente all'ingegnerizzazione ottica del dispositivo; - la determinazione della posizione del sole calcolata per via elettronica nel tempo reale della misura con un algoritmo innovativo, con risoluzione quindi analitica istantanea delle leggi di Keplero.

Research paper thumbnail of PROFONDO... NORD

Energia Ambiente Innovazione vol. 6, pp. 70-72 (2014), Dec 2014

Numerose applicazioni richiedono di conoscere l’orientamento di una linea di vista o di un piano... more Numerose applicazioni richiedono di conoscere l’orientamento di una linea di vista o di un piano di riferimento di un oggetto rispetto alla direzione del Nord geografico con elevata accuratezza. La bussola brevettata è in grado di assicurare una precisione molto più elevata dei modelli sul mercato.


Rapporto Tecnico Interno ENEA, 2012

L’OCSE in un rapporto del 2007 ha stimato un volume di beni contraffatti nel mercato internaziona... more L’OCSE in un rapporto del 2007 ha stimato un volume di beni contraffatti nel mercato internazionale del valore di circa 200 miliardi di dollari (vedi C’è quindi la necessità di sviluppare ed adottare tecnologie innovative per l’anticontraffazione, capaci di garantire una protezione e/o una tracciabilità sicure per svariati tipi di oggetti, tra cui articoli commerciali o artistici,
documenti forensi, componentistica strategica (come microprocessori in campo automobilistico/aeronautico, civile e militare), prodotti farmaceutici, banconote, carte di identità/credito/debito, rifiuti speciali, Beni Culturali.
ENEA1 ha sviluppato un nuovo metodo di scrittura invisibile tramite litografia su materiale otticamente attivo. Si tratta di una tecnica innovativa, che può essere utilizzata da sola oppure ad integrazione dei sistemi anticontraffazione disponibili sul mercato. Il sistema brevettato da ENEA realizza marcature con coefficiente di sicurezza scalabile secondo le esigenze del cliente, fino ad etichette praticamente impossibili da imitare.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodo di Scrittura Invisibile Basato su Litografia di Materiali Luminescenti, Relativo Metodo di Lettura e Sistema di Marchiatura Anti-Contraffazione.

Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi, n. 0001388826, registrato il 30 Maggio 2011, 2011

L'invenzione concerne un metodo di scrittura invisibile basato su litografia di materiali lumines... more L'invenzione concerne un metodo di scrittura invisibile basato su litografia di materiali luminescenti, caratterizzato dal fatto di irraggiare un materiale luminescente, ovvero a luminescenza fotostimolabile, tramite radiazione ionizzante in modo tale da formare sul materiale un tracciato di centri di colore corrispondente ad un'immagine predeterminata, l'irraggiamento avvenendo con una densità di energia radiante compresa tra 0,01 J/cm2 e 10 J/cm2 e tale da ottenere una densità di centri di colore sufficientemente bassa da corrispondere ad una immagine predeterminata latente, ovvero non visibile ad occhio nudo, ma sufficientemente alta affinché detti centri di colore, investiti da radiazione luminosa di eccitazione nella relativa banda di assorbimento, emettano luce visibile in sé percepibile ad occhio nudo. L'invenzione riguarda altresì un relativo metodo di lettura di litografie di materiali luminescenti ed un relativo sistema di marchiatura anti-contraffazione.

Research paper thumbnail of Optical system for homogenization of light beams, with variable cross-section output

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema Ottico per la Omogeneizzazione Spaziale di Fasci di Luce, con Uscita a Sezione Variabile.

Patent European 1150156; BREVETTO Italiano 1.316.395, 2003

L'invenzione concerne un sistema ottico in grado di trasformare la sezione trasversa di un fascio... more L'invenzione concerne un sistema ottico in grado di trasformare la sezione trasversa di un fascio di luce in un’altra di dimensioni variabili, rendendone uniforme la distribuzione spaziale della densità di energia, ovvero di potenza. Questo sistema può essere utilizzato in tutti i processi che richiedono una limitata fluttuazione dell’intensità luminosa su di un’area determinata, ovvero all’interno di una superficie di dimensioni variabili. Tipicamente, si tratta delle numerose applicazioni industriali in cui si utilizzano fasci luminosi d’elevata intensità, ad esempio radiazione laser usata per il trattamento termico e/o ablativo di superfici. Rispetto ai sistemi ottici esistenti, il presente trovato è innovativo per la sua flessibilità, in quanto consente di poter variare le dimensioni del fascio luminoso entro un’ampia scala di valori, in modo da poter essere utilizzato in applicazioni che richiedono fasci di luce spazialmente omogenei, di dimensioni variabili o con una densità di energia, ovvero di potenza, variabile. In questo modo si ottengono alcuni vantaggi, tra i quali: - diverse applicazioni di fasci di luce con distribuzione uniforme di intensità, che richiedono diverse densità di energia ovvero di potenza, non necessitano di un diverso sistema ottico dedicato, essendo possibile variare la densità di energia luminosa con lo stesso sistema ottico; - si semplifica sostanzialmente, in termini economici e di tempo, la ricerca del punto di lavoro ottimale, qualora non si conosca a priori la densità di energia, ovvero di potenza luminosa che ottimizza il processo.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema per l’Abbattimento e/o la Selezione dei Detriti Prodotti da una Sorgente da Plasma, e Apparato per la Generazione di Radiazione o la Deposizione di Materiale Utilizzante Tale Sistema.

Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi, n. 0001372004, registrato il 22 Marzo 2010, 2010

L'invenzione consiste in un dispositivo in grado di abbattere o ridurre sensibilmente, la quantit... more L'invenzione consiste in un dispositivo in grado di abbattere o ridurre sensibilmente, la quantità di detriti (ioni, atomi neutri, particolato) emessi da una sorgente di radiazione al plasma che possano danneggiare ottiche e/o altri oggetti posti nelle vicinanze della sorgente stessa. Il dispositivo sfrutta l'effetto combinato di un gas trasparente alla radiazione di interesse, che rallenta le particelle più piccole (ioni e atomi neutri), e di una girante dotata di alette radiali che fermano i detriti pur consentendo alla radiazione di passare. La girante, messa in rotazione ad elevata velocità (alcune decine di migliaia di giri al minuto), fa sì che i detriti, mentre stanno percorrendo lo spazio tra una aletta e l'altra, vengano raggiunti ed assorbiti (o deflessi) dalle alette che ruotano in direzione perpendicolare al loro moto. La necessità di avere sorgenti di radiazione al plasma che siano pulite dai detriti è dettata dall'industria della microelettronica, in quanto queste sorgenti verranno utilizzate nel prossimo futuro per la microlitografia nell'estremo ultravioletto. L'industria richiede una sorgente pulita in quanto i detriti emessi dalla sorgente possono sporcare e rendere rapidamente inutilizzabili le ottiche di rimando della radiazione. Nell'invenzione sono considerate diverse tipologie di girante in grado di abbattere efficacemente i detriti.
Un'altra applicazione di interesse industriale di questo trovato è la selezione di particelle in funzione della loro velocità. Infatti, al variare della velocità di rotazione della girante e della distanza tra sorgente di particelle e girante, è possibile fermare le particelle più lente di una velocità predeterminata, lasciando passare quelle più veloci.

Research paper thumbnail of Cavità instabile confocale per laser ad azoto

Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi, n. 0001231482, registrato il 7 Dicembre 1991, 1991


Review Scientific Instruments 72, 3983-3987 (2001), 2001

""We have designed and tested a one-meter long X-ray diode based on innovative plasma-cathodes, w... more ""We have designed and tested a one-meter long X-ray diode based on innovative plasma-cathodes, which exploit commercial spark-plugs as electron emitters. Based on the results of a numerical study, we optimized both diode geometry (e.g., the angle between anode and cathode surfaces, the thickness of Al window) and electrical circuitry (e.g., the capacitance in series to each spark-plug, the peak voltage of the anode) of our X-ray generator. The overall result is a simple and efficient circuitry, giving a total diode current in excess of 2.1 kA with a breakdown voltage of 70 kV, which generates a 50-ns-risetime X-ray pulse with a spatially averaged dosage of up to 6 10-4 Gy when using a Pb-wrapped anode. The double-diode X-ray generator was operated for 1.5  106 shots at a repetition rate of up to 30 Hz, and the lifetime test was interrupted without any fault. During the lifetime test, it was not necessary to adjust any working parameter. At the end of the lifetime test, the X-ray emission uniformity was better than 80% along the longitudinal axis.
This X-ray generator has a lifetime, reliability and cost fitting the requirements of industrial users. Among the broad range of potential applications, this X-ray generator is particularly suitable to ionize discharge pumped gas lasers, like TEA CO2 and excimer lasers, including those operated by X-ray triggered discharges.""


Rapporto Tecnico Interno ENEA, Mar 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Pulsed X-ray diode with a long-lifetime plasma cathode

Applied Physics B 68, 683-688 (1999), 1999

We have tested an X-ray diode working in reflection geometry, which uses commercial spark-plugs a... more We have tested an X-ray diode working in reflection geometry, which uses commercial spark-plugs as plasma cathode. The results of the characterisation work confirm that the spark-plug plasma cathode is a reliable and long-lifetime electron source for X-ray diodes. After more than 10^6 shots, the X-ray dose, uniformity, and ionisation rate values guarantee an effective preionisation of excimer laser discharges. Owing to both the long lifetime and the substantial absence of maintenance, this X-ray diode seems suitable to preionise commercial gas lasers, such as excimer and TEA CO2 lasers.

Research paper thumbnail of Large area X-ray preionizer for electric discharge lasers

Applied Physics B 48, 55-58 (1989), 1989

A pulsed X-ray source with a pulse duration of 250 ns (FWHM) which uses plasma cathodes to supply... more A pulsed X-ray source with a pulse duration of 250 ns (FWHM) which uses plasma cathodes to supply sufficient electrons for emission is described. It is simple to construct and requires low energy input. Less than 14 J of energy can produce up to 10^7 electron-ion pairs/cm^3 in a 10 liter volume of neon at 1 atm.

Research paper thumbnail of Parametric study of an X-ray preionizer with plasma cathode

Review Scientific Instruments vol. 65, pp. 315-322 (1994)

The construction characteristics and the performances of an x‐ray diode working at 200 Hz are des... more The construction characteristics and the performances of an x‐ray diode working at 200 Hz are described. The temporal behavior of both the plasma cathode emission and the diode discharge has been studied, including the measurements of vacuum effects on the repetition rate and lifetime capability, preionization versus electrical features, and ionization density versus dosage. This simple and low‐cost x‐ray diode has been used to uniformly preionize a half‐liter XeCl laser, delivering an output laser energy of 800 mJ/shot at a 100 Hz repetition rate.

Research paper thumbnail of A NOTE FOR X-RAY PREIONIZER DESIGN

Technical Report ENEA RT/INN/99/12 (1999), Oct 1999

Some parameters, used for designing X-ray diodes in X-ray preionised XeCl discharge lasers, are g... more Some parameters, used for designing X-ray diodes in X-ray preionised XeCl discharge lasers, are given in this note.

Research paper thumbnail of High repetition rate X-ray preionizer for discharge pumped lasers

Proceedings of the International Conference on Lasers '88, R. Sze, F. Duarte editors (STS Press Mc Lean, VA 1989) pp. 141 – 146, 1989

The construction characteristics and the performance of an X-ray generator working at 200 Hz are ... more The construction characteristics and the performance of an X-ray generator working at 200 Hz are described. The possibility to scale this system up to 1 kHz for the preionization of high-average power gas lasers is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Studio multidisciplinare della Sindone di Arquata del Tronto "extractum ab originali

In questo Rapporto riassumiamo i principali risultati della prima campagna di misure in loco dell... more In questo Rapporto riassumiamo i principali risultati della prima campagna di misure in loco della Sindone di Arquata, una copia in scala 1:1 della Sindone di Torino risalente al 1653 la cui peculiarita e una doppia impronta umana frontale e dorsale non prodotta tramite un evidente disegno o pittura come nelle altre copie della Sindone. Le misure sono state effettuate utilizzando sofisticate tecnologie ottiche e spettroscopiche non invasive particolarmente adatte allo studio dei Beni Culturali, nell’ambito di un accordo tra il Comune di Arquata, l’Unita Tecnica Applicazione delle Radiazioni del Centro ENEA di Frascati e l’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi del CNR. Le misure sperimentali hanno permesso di ottenere dati scientifici di assoluto interesse, atti a individuare la possibile origine sia della doppia impronta, sia delle macchie simulanti sangue e rattoppi presenti sulla Sindone di Arquata. Questi risultati sperimentali permettono anche di elaborare un piano per la corretta cons...

Research paper thumbnail of Switchless discharge excimer system: modeling and large volume XeCl laser experimental results

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of large-volume x-ray preionized discharge XeCl lasers

Uses of excimer lasers have stimulated much interest in scaling the laser discharge systems to la... more Uses of excimer lasers have stimulated much interest in scaling the laser discharge systems to large volumes. We have built a large-volume x-ray preionized discharge XeCl* laser system.

Research paper thumbnail of Trattamento di superfici tessili con laser ad eccimeri

Research paper thumbnail of Soft X-Ray Plasma Source for Atmospheric-Pressure Microscopy, Radiobiologyand Other Applications

A large-volume non-conventional XeCl excimer laser (Hercules) emitting long pulses (from 10 ns up... more A large-volume non-conventional XeCl excimer laser (Hercules) emitting long pulses (from 10 ns up to 120 ns at a wavelength of 308 nm) has been used to drive a soft X-ray plasma source. The X-rays pulse duration and the energy conversion efficiency in different spectral regions have been measured; X-rays emission lasting up to 100 ns has been obtained in the 70 eV region. The dependence of X-ray pulse duration on the size of the laser spot is discussed. The X-ray source can be operated both in vacuum and in helium at atmospheric pressure. This allows irradiating over a large area both for contact microscopy of living specimens (up to 1 mm^2 windows) and for radiobiology (up to few cm^2 windows). The experimental results obtained for these two applications as well as for radiographic images of living insects are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Description and Possible Applications of a Tabletop Laser System

Sensors and Microsystems - Proceedings of the 10th Italian Conference, 2008

Tabletop pulsed laser systems have been demonstrated to be of great relevance in many application... more Tabletop pulsed laser systems have been demonstrated to be of great relevance in many applications and studies. They have been widely used in several fields. Among them one can mention: generation of plasma on solid, liquid or gaseous targets; spectroscopic X rays analyses; imaging; microlithography; microscopy; radiographies (in particular of biological samples); conversion efficiency studies (laser to X or UV radiation); radiation matter interaction studies; plasma parameter determination; astrophysical studies, and so on. In this article it is reported a description, characterization and performance study of our Nd:YAG/Glass ultraintense tabletop pulsed laser system. It is located at University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and it used to produce X and UV rays by means of laser induced plasma.

Research paper thumbnail of Calcolo Analitico Della Posizione Del Sole Per L’Allineamento DI Impianti Solari Ed Altre Applicazioni

ABSTRACT An analytical method, based on an approximated solution of Keplero’s equations, is here ... more ABSTRACT An analytical method, based on an approximated solution of Keplero’s equations, is here proposed. This method allows, in a simple and fast way, to calculate the sun position at any time and everywhere in the world at an angular accuracy of 1 minute. The algorithm can easily be implemented in economic microprocessors so that any sun tracking device for concentrating solar installations could be guided toward the sun at high accuracy without the need of optical components. Two methods for a correct trackers installation are finally described.

Research paper thumbnail of Using spherically bent crystals for obtaining high-resolution, large-field, monochromatic X-ray backlighting imaging for wide range of Bragg angles

Summary form only given, as follows. The new advantages of well-known combination of a laser-prod... more Summary form only given, as follows. The new advantages of well-known combination of a laser-produced X-ray plasma source and spherically bent crystal for the soft X-ray region backlighting scheme were experimentally demonstrated and theoretically modelling by ray-tracing package SHADOW. The X-ray source was produced by heating radiation of Ti:sapphire laser (120 fs, 3-5 mJ, laser flux density 10 13 W/cm2)

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental and Theoretical Results of High Optical Quality Excimer Laser Beams

High Power Lasers — Science and Engineering, 1996

High optical quality and high brightness excimer lasers beams are required in many applications. ... more High optical quality and high brightness excimer lasers beams are required in many applications. In the frame of the excimer lasers development program at the ENEA Frascati Centre, several x-ray preionised, discharge pumped XeC1 laser systems have been realised [1,2]. In particular, two of them have been used to achieve a near diffraction-limited ultraviolet (λ=308 nm) laser beams.

Research paper thumbnail of Shroud-like coloration of linen by nanosecond laser pulses

We present a survey on five-years experiments of excimer laser irradiation of linen fabrics, seek... more We present a survey on five-years experiments of excimer laser irradiation of linen fabrics, seeking for a coloration mechanism able to reproduce the microscopic complexity of the body image embedded onto the Shroud of Turin. We achieved a superficial Shroud-like coloration in a narrow range of irradiation parameters. We also obtained latent coloration that appears after artificial or natural aging of linen following laser irradiations that at first did not generate any visible effect. Most importantly, we have recognized distinct photo-chemical processes that account for both coloration and latent coloration. These processes may have played a role in the generation of the body image on the Shroud of Turin.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling of the he-like magnesium spectral lines radiation from the plasma created by xecl and nd-glass lasers

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 1997

Resonant and intercombination spectral lines formation of He-like magnesium is analyzed both expe... more Resonant and intercombination spectral lines formation of He-like magnesium is analyzed both experimentally and numerically. It is shown that in plasma created by XeCl laser at flux density 8.1012 W/cm2 the peak of electron temperature is placed downstream from the critical surface at density significantly smaller than critical, and radiation in both resonant and recombination lines is also produced by the plasma region with density below critical. Simulations also show significant line radiation at large distances (1-2 mm) from the target as it was observed in experiments. This secondary peak is produced by a compression wave forming near the plasma front. As opposite, radiation in these lines in plasma created by Nd-glass laser at flux density 5.1013 W/cm2 comes from the plasma region placed deeper than the critical surface and has no tail at large distances.

Research paper thumbnail of X-ray spectromicroscopy investigations of fast ions and hot electrons in plasmas, heated by nanosecond laser radiation with different wavelengths

Summary form only given. By means of space resolved X-ray spectroscopy we have investigated the g... more Summary form only given. By means of space resolved X-ray spectroscopy we have investigated the generation of fast (up to MeV) ions for various laser installations with different flux densities (10 12-1014 W/cm2) and laser wavelengths (λ=308 nm, 800 nm, 1.06 μm, 10.6 μm). The implementation of our spectroscopically determined data into the generally accepted scaling relation diagrams with the axes qλ2 and Eion, where q is the laser flux density, λ the laser wavelength and Eion the fast ion energy showed a large scatter by orders of magnitude. The simultaneous use of mass spectrometry showed reasonable agreement for both methods of measurements. Non-Maxwellian X-ray spectroscopy enabled us for the first time to investigate the generation of fast ions and hot electrons by means of space resolved spectroscopy in plasma areas, where the interaction with the laser beam takes place

Research paper thumbnail of Recent results of laser-driven EUV and soft x-rays plasma source at ENEA Frascati

The XeCl excimer laser Hercules at ENEA Frascati, thanks to its peculiar features, is a unique la... more The XeCl excimer laser Hercules at ENEA Frascati, thanks to its peculiar features, is a unique laser-facility for many irradiation experiments. Among these applications, most machine-time is devoted to drive a laser-plasma source. This laser-plasma source is used for high-resolution atomic spectroscopy, in vivo contact microscopy of biological samples, induced DNA damage, micro-radiography, generation of sub-micron luminescent pattern on Lithium Fluoride films for miniaturized active optical devices. Recently, we equipped the Hercules-driven laser plasma source with a novel Debris Mitigation System to drastically reduce the amount of hot debris emitted by the solid target (potentially dangerous for optics, filters and detectors put near the plasma). Here we will discuss the challenging attempt of stopping debris emitted by our solid-target laser plasma, in order to achieve a clean and efficient EUV source.

Research paper thumbnail of X-ray contact microscopy using an excimer laser plasma source with different target materials and laser pulse durations

Journal of Microscopy-oxford, 1997

... Cotton, R., Bollanti, S., Di Lazzaro, P., Flora, F., Letardi, T., Lisi, N., Palladino, L., Re... more ... Cotton, R., Bollanti, S., Di Lazzaro, P., Flora, F., Letardi, T., Lisi, N., Palladino, L., Reale, A., Batani, D., Conti, A., Mauri, A., Moret, M., Reale, L., Albertano, P. & Grilli, A. (1995) X-ray contact microscopy ... Schmall, G., Rudolph, D., Niemann, B., Guttmann, P., Thieme, J., ...

Research paper thumbnail of Development and characterisation of an XeCl excimer laser-generated soft-X-ray plasma source and its applications

Il Nuovo Cimento D, 1996

Summary A large-aperture, long-pulse XeCl excimer laser has been used to generate a soft-X-ray p... more Summary A large-aperture, long-pulse XeCl excimer laser has been used to generate a soft-X-ray plasma source. Several laser optical configurations have been employed to optimise X-ray emission, including positive-branch unstable resonators and injection by seeding the gain region of the laser with a small commercial excimer laser, resulting in power densities in the range 1012–1014 W cm−2. The characteristics of the

Research paper thumbnail of Study of a 10-liter active volume, x-ray preionized XeCl* discharge laser system

Society of Photo- …, 1989

Title: Study of a 10-liter active volume, x-ray preionized XeCl* discharge laser system. Authors:... more Title: Study of a 10-liter active volume, x-ray preionized XeCl* discharge laser system. Authors: Letardi, Tommaso; Bollanti, Sarah; di Lazzaro, Paolo; Flora, Francesco; Giordano, Gualtiero; Hermsen, T.; Zheng, Cheng-En. Affiliation: AA(ENEA). Publication: Proc. SPIE Vol. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Line formation of high-intensity-Rydberg dielectronic satellites in dense laser-produced plasmas

Journal of Physics B: …, 1998

... 2–7, l = 0–6, 1s3lnl , n = 3–6, l = 0–5. Detailed quantum mechanical cross ... The main reaso... more ... 2–7, l = 0–6, 1s3lnl , n = 3–6, l = 0–5. Detailed quantum mechanical cross ... The main reason is opacity broadening in optically thick plasmas, because Stark broadening would essentially yield a ... via electron collisions to levels with low autoionizing rates (eg 1s2s [3S ] 3p 2S level ...

Research paper thumbnail of Long-Duration Soft X-Ray Pulses by XeCl Laser Driven Plasmas and Applications

Journal of X-ray Science and Technology, 1995

We report the characterization of a soft x-ray plasma source generated by a long-pulse XeCl excim... more We report the characterization of a soft x-ray plasma source generated by a long-pulse XeCl excimer laser system. The output energy is 4 J at a wavelength of 308 nm in a 100-ns pulse. The intensity of radiation on target is estimated to be 4 1 10 12 W cm 02 . X-ray emission spectra of the plasma have been recorded using a double focusing spatial resolution spectrometer with a spherical mica crystal. From these measurements, the plasma temperature and electron density have been estimated. Various applications of such a plasma source have been investigated. First images of whole intact living cells from our system, imaged using the technique of soft x-ray contact microscopy, utilizing x rays in the ''water window'' region (280-530 eV), are shown. The suitability of the source for other applications, for example, x-ray lithography and radiation damage studies, to living cells are discussed. Possible improvements to the x-ray source for the various applications are proposed. ᭧

Research paper thumbnail of Coloring linens with excimer lasers to simulate the body image of the Turin Shroud

Applied Optics, 2008

The body image of the Turin Shroud has not yet been explained by traditional science; so a great ... more The body image of the Turin Shroud has not yet been explained by traditional science; so a great interest in a possible mechanism of image formation still exists. We present preliminary results of excimer laser irradiation (wavelength of 308 nm) of a raw linen fabric and of a linen cloth. The permanent coloration of both linens is a threshold effect of the laser beam intensity, and it can be achieved only in a narrow range of irradiation parameters, which are strongly dependent on the pulse width and time sequence of laser shots. We also obtained the first direct evidence of latent images impressed on linen that appear in a relatively long period (one year) after laser irradiation that at first did not generate a clear image.

Research paper thumbnail of Superficial and Shroud-like coloration of linen by short laser pulses in the vacuum ultraviolet

Applied Optics, 2012

We present a survey on five years of experiments of excimer laser irradiation of linen fabrics, s... more We present a survey on five years of experiments of excimer laser irradiation of linen fabrics, seeking a coloration mechanism able to reproduce the microscopic complexity of the body image embedded onto the Shroud of Turin. We achieved a superficial, Shroud-like coloration in a narrow range of irradiation parameters. We also obtained latent coloration that appears after artificial or natural aging of linen following laser irradiations that, at first, did not generate any visible effect. Most importantly, we have recognized photochemical processes that account for both coloration and latent coloration.