Carlo Veronesi | Università di Verona (original) (raw)
I am currently Expert of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Verona. I taught Epistemology and History of Mathematics in post-graduate courses for teachers at the University of Pavia and the University of Parma. I also taught Mathematics and Physics in upper secundary schools.
Papers by Carlo Veronesi, Dec 21, 2016
In a BBC radio programme Popper acknowledged his debt to Einstein saying that Einstein’s influe... more In a BBC radio programme Popper acknowledged his debt to Einstein saying that Einstein’s influence on his thinking was immense and that he mainly made explicit certain points that were implicit in the work of Einstein. In fact, in various writings Einstein presents his critical attitude toward any scientific theory: of particular interest is Einstein’s article «Induktion und Deduktion in der Physik» (1919) that can be considered a concentrate of Popper’s views of science. In the second part of the paper are presented the views of Popper on quantum mechanics and his defense of objectivity and realism. Popper opposes the idea, which he associates with the Copenhagen interpretation, that the theories describing quantum phenomena are about the subjective states of the human observers. Following the lead of Einstein, Popper emphasizes that scientific theories should be interpreted as attempts to describe a mind-independent reality.
Lettera Matematica International Edition, 2014
A scientific theory must be falsifiable, and scientific knowledge is always tentative, or conject... more A scientific theory must be falsifiable, and scientific knowledge is always tentative, or conjectural. These are the main ideas of Popper’s Logic of Scientific Discovery. Since 1960 his writings contain some essential developments of these views and make some steps towards epistemological optimism. Although we cannot justify any claim that a scientific theory is true, the aim of science is the search of truth and we have no reason to be sceptical about the notion of getting nearer to the truth. Our knowledge can grow, and science can progress. Nevertheless, Popper’s theory of approximation to the truth is problematic and is still the subject of studies and discussions.
Lettera matematica Pristem, 2011
Lettera matematica Pristem, 2013
PRISMA. Matematica, giochi, idee sul mondo, 2024
Il disco cifrante di Leon Battista Alberti. Viaggio nella storia della crittografia, 2023
Leon Battista Alberti ha lasciato la sua impronta quasi in ogni campo del sapere; fu architetto ... more Leon Battista Alberti ha lasciato la sua impronta quasi in ogni campo del sapere; fu architetto e teorico delle arti, latinista e filosofo, cultore di musica e di matematica. Ma si deve ricordare anche il suo fondamentale contributo in un campo meno noto, quello della crittografia, cioè dell'arte di nascondere i messaggi. L'Alberti inventò un metodo per generare messaggi criptati, con l'aiuto di un disco cifrante, che ha segnato una svolta rispetto ai metodi di cifratura in uso ai suoi tempi e che è stato un punto di riferimento per la crittografia dei secoli a venire, fino quasi ai nostri giorni., Dec 21, 2016
In a BBC radio programme Popper acknowledged his debt to Einstein saying that Einstein’s influe... more In a BBC radio programme Popper acknowledged his debt to Einstein saying that Einstein’s influence on his thinking was immense and that he mainly made explicit certain points that were implicit in the work of Einstein. In fact, in various writings Einstein presents his critical attitude toward any scientific theory: of particular interest is Einstein’s article «Induktion und Deduktion in der Physik» (1919) that can be considered a concentrate of Popper’s views of science. In the second part of the paper are presented the views of Popper on quantum mechanics and his defense of objectivity and realism. Popper opposes the idea, which he associates with the Copenhagen interpretation, that the theories describing quantum phenomena are about the subjective states of the human observers. Following the lead of Einstein, Popper emphasizes that scientific theories should be interpreted as attempts to describe a mind-independent reality.
Lettera Matematica International Edition, 2014
A scientific theory must be falsifiable, and scientific knowledge is always tentative, or conject... more A scientific theory must be falsifiable, and scientific knowledge is always tentative, or conjectural. These are the main ideas of Popper’s Logic of Scientific Discovery. Since 1960 his writings contain some essential developments of these views and make some steps towards epistemological optimism. Although we cannot justify any claim that a scientific theory is true, the aim of science is the search of truth and we have no reason to be sceptical about the notion of getting nearer to the truth. Our knowledge can grow, and science can progress. Nevertheless, Popper’s theory of approximation to the truth is problematic and is still the subject of studies and discussions.
Lettera matematica Pristem, 2011
Lettera matematica Pristem, 2013
PRISMA. Matematica, giochi, idee sul mondo, 2024
Il disco cifrante di Leon Battista Alberti. Viaggio nella storia della crittografia, 2023
Leon Battista Alberti ha lasciato la sua impronta quasi in ogni campo del sapere; fu architetto ... more Leon Battista Alberti ha lasciato la sua impronta quasi in ogni campo del sapere; fu architetto e teorico delle arti, latinista e filosofo, cultore di musica e di matematica. Ma si deve ricordare anche il suo fondamentale contributo in un campo meno noto, quello della crittografia, cioè dell'arte di nascondere i messaggi. L'Alberti inventò un metodo per generare messaggi criptati, con l'aiuto di un disco cifrante, che ha segnato una svolta rispetto ai metodi di cifratura in uso ai suoi tempi e che è stato un punto di riferimento per la crittografia dei secoli a venire, fino quasi ai nostri giorni.
Centro Eleusi, Università Bocconi Milano, 2007
Nuova Civiltà delle Macchine, 2002
According to Popper, mathematical objets are human creations: once created, they have properties ... more According to Popper, mathematical objets are human creations: once created, they have properties which we have great difficulty in discovering and which are possessed indipendently of our knowledge of them. In this way, Popper overcomes the traditional dichotomy betweeen discovery and creation in mathematical experience. Mereover, Popper answers another question: how mathematics, which is our creation, so often turns out to be useful in describing aspects of the physical world.
Cmss, Università Luiss, 2001
In this paper we analyse the philosophy of mathematics developed by Imre Lakatos. In his view mat... more In this paper we analyse the philosophy of mathematics developed by Imre Lakatos. In his view mathematics is fallible and its products, including concepts and proofs, can never be considered final or perfect, but may require adjustments when standards of rigour change, or new meanings emerge. The logic of mathematical discovery involves the method of conjectures, proofs and refutations. Moreover, final attempts of refutations may be starting points of mathematical research programmes. At the end of the paper we present Lakatos' view that the most interesting analysis of Greek geometry were pre-Euclidean and their role was to generate Euclid's axiomatic system.
L'insegnamento della matematica e delle scienze integrate, 2002
in V. Fano, M. Stanzione, G. Barozzi (eds.), Prospettive della logica e della filosofia della scienza, Rubbettino, Catanzaro 2001
La Fisica nella Scuola, 1999
In this paper the author describes Enriques' ideas on the concept of space and on the relations b... more In this paper the author describes Enriques' ideas on the concept of space and on the relations between geometry and physics. Enriques criticized the views of Kant and Poincaré, considered geometry as an empirical science and anticipated some aspects of recent epistemology
La matematica e la sua didattica, 1999
An interesting article by Gila Hanna summarizes the recent debate on the value of proof. The aut... more An interesting article by Gila Hanna summarizes the recent debate on the value of proof. The author of this paper remarks that an analogous discussion arose in Italy after the pubblication of Morris Kline's work: "Mathematics. The Loss of Certianty". In the second part of the paper are considered the views of Popper and Lakatos on the explanatory power of mathematical proofs and are presented some reflections about the teaching in the classroom.
Lettera matematica Pristem, 1999
La matematica e la sua didattica, n. 3, 1992
La matematica e la sua didattica, 1991
La Fisica nella Scuola, 2000