Adaptation Strategies Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Many scientists invented the evolution of living organisms long time ago. Different theories have been discussed. Some of them are good others not accurate. The study of evolution had led to the study of the life cycle of organisms and... more

Many scientists invented the evolution of living organisms long time ago. Different theories have been discussed. Some of them are good others not accurate. The study of evolution had led to the study of the life cycle of organisms and the survival strategies that organisms follow in the changing environments. It is crucial to study mitosis and cell division processes in the animals and draw a comparison between replication processes in different species. It shows that there are several differences and little similarities in those species. Another an important mechanism that is unique in animal species is the homeostatic mechanism. Another area of interest that we need to discuss is the architectural patterns of the levels of organization of animal. The importance of understanding these patterns in the sentience and survival of organisms. The modern theory of evolution has several implications in several areas. The critical evaluation of these implications can help to understand the impact of this theory on our life. Finally, phenotype and inheritance patterns are influenced by the environmental changes.

The Badobar valley, polarizing 23 villages, is located between the communes of Mangaroungou Santo and Simbandi Brassou. It has a potential for rice cultivation of around 1,500 ha. This rice cultivation is generally rainfed there, as it... more

The Badobar valley, polarizing 23 villages, is located between the communes of Mangaroungou Santo and Simbandi Brassou. It has a potential for rice cultivation of around 1,500 ha. This rice cultivation is generally rainfed there, as it occurs only during the rainy season. However, the dependence on rainfall means that women producers are confronted with social and environmental constraints that reduce productivity. The aim of this article is to analyze the obstacles to lowland rice production and to identify adaptation strategies. The methodology adopted is based on the use of quantitative data from a target population of 13,333. In total, 8 villages representative of rice-growing valleys were selected for the field surveys. The qualitative approach was also based on the collection of life stories from 10 women farmers in the valley. The results reveal that lowland rice cultivation faces (climatic) problems which slow down its development. The most recurring problem mentioned by women rice farmers is salinization (61%). Siltation (30%) and acidification (9%) are also a central problem. In addition, socioeconomic factors are blocking the development of rice cultivation in the valley (95% of women have no sources of finance and 55% cannot get hold of fertilizers such as phytosanitary products). Thus, faced with these difficulties, the peasants implement sustainable adaptation strategies (new varieties of rice) which help to improve yields (700 to 800 kg of paddy rice in a plot of 500 m²), conservation and development of natural resources (water, land). Thus, 66% of women rice farmers use a new variety of rice.

The connection between climatic change and social response is complex because change articulates a number of inter-related factors. Human decisions are filtered by social buffers – including social memory, risk perception and cultural... more

The connection between climatic change and social response is complex because change articulates a number of inter-related factors. Human decisions are filtered by social buffers – including social memory, risk perception and cultural priorities, – and the rate and scale of climate change is usually much larger than the scale of human decision-making. In this article, we provide information on climate change based on precisely dated speleothems with the response evident in archaeological sites that have radiocarbon date ranges within the same time frame. A stalagmite recovered from within the catchment area for aquifer recharge of the Pre-Arawak site of Angostura in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico, shows that a significant wet period occurred between 3.9 and 3.1 ka (primarily centered at 3.5 ka). We investigate the effect that this increase in precipitation had on the earliest occupations on the island in the context of
palaeoenvironmental, geoarchaeological and archaeological records from Angostura, Maruca and Paso del Indio. Our analysis suggests the presence of two different adaptation strategies: settlement relocation and microlandscape modification. Our study concludes that the social response to change cannot be seen as monolithic given that human behavior, even within the same period, addresses the needs of individual groups with different priorities. This multiplicity of responses can indeed enhance resilience as social support can continue through alliances and exchanges, strengthening social bonds that can help buffer catastrophes. The results can help shed light on the range of adaptation strategies to change encompassed within the manifestations of social resilience or vulnerability.

Understanding climate change and its impacts is needed to help decide coping, adaptation and mitigation measures, actions, and policies, and or their appropriate combinations. This baseline study was done to conduct knowledge, attitude... more

Understanding climate change and its impacts is needed to help decide coping, adaptation
and mitigation measures, actions, and policies, and or their appropriate combinations. This baseline study was
done to conduct knowledge, attitude and best practices survey on climate change adaptation and mitigation
among the different community members in Pangasinan in terms of their ability to describe adverse impacts of
climate change and identify appropriate adaptation as well as mitigation measures. The results of the survey
showed revealed that there is a moderate level of understanding about climate change, climate change
adaptation and mitigation, climate variability, weather and climate. Climate change experienced through
extreme weather variability such as more frequent and strong typhoons and flood occurrence demands
corresponding adaptation and mitigation strategies. The identified best adaptation practice along agriculture is
to practice organic and or sustainable farming. The best practices for mitigation include proper waste
management, reforestation or re-greening of forest or denuded areas. Alongside with these is the conduct of
networking and information and education campaign on climate change and its impacts. These best practices
could be recommended for policy implementation and information and education campaign. These data on best
practices could be recommended for implementation as climate change and mitigation strategies.

Water resources management is a nontrivial process requiring a holistic understanding of the factors driving the dynamics of human-water systems. Policy-induced or autonomous behavioral changes in human systems may affect water and land... more

Water resources management is a nontrivial process requiring a holistic understanding of the factors driving the dynamics of human-water systems. Policy-induced or autonomous behavioral changes in human systems may affect water and land management, which may affect water systems and feedback to human systems, further impacting water and land management. Currently, hydro-economic models lack the ability to describe such dynamics either because they do not account for the multifactor/multioutput nature of these systems and/or are not designed to operate at a river basin scale. This paper presents a flexible and replicable methodological framework for integrating a microeconomic multifactor/multioutput Positive Multi-Attribute Utility Programming (PMAUP) model with an eco-hydrologic model, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The connection between the models occurs in a sequential modular approach through a common spatial unit, the "hydrologic-economic representative units" (HERUs), derived from the boundaries of decision-making entities and hydrologic responsive units. The resulting SWAT-PMAUP model aims to provide the means for exploring the dynamics between the behavior of socioeconomic agents and their connection with the water system through water and land management. The integrated model is illustrated by simulating the impacts of irrigation restriction policies on the Río Mundo subbasin in southeastern Spain. The results suggest that agents' adaptation strategies in response to the irrigation restrictions have broad economic impacts and subsequent consequences on surface and groundwater hydrology. We suggest that the integrated modeling framework can be a valuable tool to support decision-making in water resources management across a wide range of scales.

The paper describes the distribution and variation of the use of bones as fuel on the basis of a study of Middle and Late Upper Paleolithic sites of the Russian Plain. These practices are compared with ethnographic data. The results of... more

The paper describes the distribution and variation of the use of bones as fuel on the basis of a study of Middle and Late Upper Paleolithic sites of the Russian Plain. These practices are compared with ethnographic data. The results of previous experiments to establish household characteristics of bone fuel are summarized. It was established that only bones with preserved bone marrow, which were fired with wood, could be used as fuel. The extraction and use of such bones was one of the mechanisms of human adaptation to cold climatic conditions in the absence of sufficient amounts of wood. The conclusions are supplemented and verified by conducting own experiments.

Rainfall variability is a global phenomenon. Its impact on agricultural activities in the developing countries has been increasing. Higher temperature and decreasing precipitation depress crop yields. This is particularly true in... more

Rainfall variability is a global phenomenon. Its impact on agricultural activities in the developing countries has been increasing. Higher temperature and decreasing precipitation depress crop yields. This is particularly true in low-income countries where adaptive capacities are perceived to be low. The vulnerability of poor countries could be due to weak institutional capacity, limited engagement in environmental and adaptation issues, and lack of validation of local knowledge. A better understanding of the local dimensions of vulnerability is therefore essential to develop appropriate adaptation measures that can mitigate these adverse consequences. The main aim of this study was to identify the determinants of smallholder farmers' choice of adaptation strategies and identify and analyse the adaptation strategies used by smallholder farmers in response to rainfall variability in Kirfi Local Government Area. Both primary and secondary data sources were used for this study. The results from the regression analysis showed that access to climate information, years of farming experience, respondents' perceptions on changing climate, level of education have significant and positive impact on rainfall variability adaptation strategies. The study was concluded with recommendation that policies aimed at promoting farm-level adaptation need to emphasize on the crucial role of providing information on better production techniques and enhancing farmers' awareness on rainfall variability to enable farmers adapt to impact of rainfall variability.

Adaptation strategies to reduce smallholder farmers’ vulnerability to climate variability and seasonality are needed given the frequency of extreme weather events predicted to increase during the next decades in sub-saharan Africa,... more

Adaptation strategies to reduce smallholder farmers’ vulnerability to climate variability and seasonality are needed given the frequency of extreme weather events
predicted to increase during the next decades in sub-saharan Africa, particularly in West Africa. We explored the linkages between selected agricultural adaptation strategies (crop diversity, soil and water conservation, trees on farm, small ruminants, improved crop varieties, fertilizers), food security, farm household characteristics and farm productivity in three contrasting agro-ecological sites in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Ghana and Senegal). Differences in land area per capita and land productivity largely explained the variation in food security across sites. Based on land size and market orientation, four household types were distinguished (subsistence, diversified, extensive, intensified),
with contrasting levels of food security and agricultural
adaptation strategies. Income increased steadily with
land size, and both income and land productivity increased with degree of market orientation. The adoption of agricultural adaptation strategies was widespread, although the intensity of practice varied across household types. Adaptation strategies improve the food security status of some households, but not all. Some strategies had a significant positive impact on land productivity, while others reduced vulnerability resulting in a more stable cash flow throughout the year. Our results show that for different household types, different adaptation strategies may be ‘climate-smart’. The typology developed in this study gives
a good entry point to analyse which practices should be
targeted to which type of smallholder farmers, and quantifies the effect of adaptation options on household food security. Subsequently, it will be crucial to empower
farmers to access, test and modify these adaptation options, if they were to achieve higher levels of food security.

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap dampak lingkungan dari pabrik, (2) mengetahui permasalahan yang terjadi di masyarakat, (3) mengetahui strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan masyarakat. Metode... more

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap dampak lingkungan dari pabrik, (2) mengetahui permasalahan yang terjadi di masyarakat, (3) mengetahui strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan studi kasus dan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 11 orang yang terdiri dari 9 masyarakat sekitar pabrik kulit PT Kasin, Lurah Kelurahan Ciptomulyo dan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup. Analisis data yang digunakan dengan mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara, mereduksi data dengan cara mengelompokan ke dalam tabel, menyajikan data dan menarik kesimpulan. Peneliti mengambil fokus di kawasan pabrik kulit PT Kasin. Hasil penelitian yaitu (1) dilihat dari pola stimulus dan kognitif, maka memunculkan persepsi negatif masyarakat terhadap dampak lingkungan yang ditimbulkan oleh pabrik, (2) permasalahan yang terjadi pada masyarakat meliputi permasalahan uap kimia pabrik, kebocoran limbah, polusi udara dan pencemaran sungai, (3) masyarakat melakukan strategi aktif sedangkan pemerintah melakukan stategi jaringan. Abstract This study aims to (1) determine the community's perception of the environmental impact of the factory, (2) find out the problems that occur in the community, (3) find out the adaptation strategies carried out by the community. The method used in this research is a case study approach and uses qualitative research types. There were 11 informants in this study consisting of 9 communities around the PT Kasin leather factory, Ciptomulyo Urban Village and the Environment Agency. Analysis of the data used by collecting data through interviews, reducing data by grouping into tables, presenting data and drawing conclusions. Researchers took focus in the PT Kasin leather factory area. The results of the study are (1) seen from the stimulus and cognitive patterns, it gives rise to negative public perceptions of the environmental impacts caused by the factory, (2) problems that occur in the community include problems of factory chemical vapors, waste leakage, air pollution and river pollution, (3) the community carries out an active strategy while the government carries out a network strategy.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching social and economic consequences. They are visible particularly in the functioning of local labour markets, affecting less privileged groups such as migrant workers, in a specific way. Here, our... more

The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching social and economic consequences. They are visible particularly in the functioning of local labour markets, affecting less privileged groups such as migrant workers, in a specific way. Here, our analysis aims to identify the strategies of adaptation of Ukrainian economic migrants to the changing situation in the local labour market in the Poznań agglomeration during the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis relies on the results from quantitative research on changes in the demand for labour and adjustment of competence of immigrants to the Poznań agglomeration labour market throughout the pandemic and in the perspective of the nearest future, as well as on qualitative research conducted using the IDI (in-depth interviews) technique, carried out via the purposive sampling of 30 economically active Ukrainian migrant workers. The identified adaptation strategies are organised according to the assumptions of Pierre Bourdieu's concept of capital(s). The capital of the researched group with respect to the labour market is treated as both the potential and resources the immigrants offer, produce, apply, and mutually convert in the implementation of their own adaptation strategies to the changing situation of the labour market. We extracted eight types of migrant adaptation strategies with respect to the labour market. These strategies differ in terms of objectives, resources, time perspectives, and other factors considered to be important from migrants' perspectives. On the basis of interviews, we were able to assess the robustness of these strategies in view of economic shocks and identify the process of capital conversion and exchange.

By using 70th round National Sample Survey Organisation unit level data, the study examines the role of planned adaptation strategies in the agriculture to deal with climate variability. The yield gap was calculated in technically... more

By using 70th round National Sample Survey Organisation unit level data, the study examines the role of planned adaptation strategies in the agriculture to deal with climate variability. The yield gap was calculated in technically advanced and backward farms across the agro climatic zones in India. The calculated yield gap results show that there is a higher potential to increase farm productivity up to 195 quintals per hectare in irrigated farmers in the Eastern Plateau and Hills Region. The study also found that only 12.32 & 14.63 percent landless and marginal farmers have taken the technical advice to increase farm productivity in the Western Dry zone and Islands zone. Therefore, the study recommended that these zones need special policy intervention to moderate degree of adverse impact of climate variability

Agriculture in Bundelkhand region is highly vulnerable to risks and uncertainties. Marginal and small farmers among all farm groups are most vulnerable to the effects of climatic variability. The impact of extreme weather events and... more

Agriculture in Bundelkhand region is highly vulnerable to risks and uncertainties. Marginal and small farmers among all farm groups are most vulnerable to the effects of climatic variability. The impact of extreme weather events and natural resources on which farmers are dependent aggravates their vulnerability. The present study uses field surveyed data and IPCC-vulnerability approach, to assess the livelihood vulnerability status of two districts of Bundelkhand region, India. Data was collected using a multistage sampling technique including 200 households. The study concluded that 90% of farmers perceived (exposed) that Kharif season remained hotter and frequencies of droughts have increased over the last five years. Sample households were also highly sensitive due to lack of basic amenities. The lower adaptive capacity due to agriculture as a sole income source, lack of non-farm employment opportunities, monoculture and income diversification and illiteracy are responsible for livelihood vulnerability in the region. From the policy perspective, water conservation through rainwater harvesting, construction of new ponds and check dams would be a possible solution to the present water crisis in the region.

In recent years, repeated droughts have had negative impacts on agricultural products. Farmers can reduce the effects of droughts by using adaptive strategies. The aim of this study was to investigate farmers' strategies in response to... more

In recent years, repeated droughts have had negative impacts on agricultural products. Farmers can reduce the effects of droughts by using adaptive strategies. The aim of this study was to investigate farmers' strategies in response to drought consequences and to examine the factors affecting the use of these strategies. In terms of purpose, the study is an applied one, and the method is descriptive-analytical. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire and interviews. The statistical population of the research consisted of the rural households in Roshtkhar County (N = 13716). Using the Cochran formula, 373 farmers were selected as the sample. For data analysis, the unlimited exploratory uncertainty test and the binary logistic model (LM-Newton-Marcard-Raphson method) were used. The results showed that decreased water resources (0.882), reduced crop area (0.735) and increased living expenses (0.698) were the most important consequences of drought. Drought-tolerant plants such as saffron, irrigation, and non-agricultural jobs were the most important strategies adopted by the farmers in response to drought consequences. Variables such as age, sex, indigenous knowledge, labor force, income, farmers' experience, and farm size were significantly associated with the application of strategies. The results of the research can be used for more adaptation of farmers to drought consequences in the villages of the county.

Agricultural production in Ethiopia is vulnerable to climate change. Adaptation is one of the options to abate the negative impact of climate changes. This study has analyzed factors influencing different climate change adaptation choices... more

Agricultural production in Ethiopia is vulnerable to climate change. Adaptation is one of the options to abate the negative impact of climate changes. This study has analyzed factors influencing different climate change adaptation choices by farm households in eastern Ethiopia. The st from 330 household heads randomly and proportionately sampled from two agroecologies in Eastern Hararghe zone of Oromiya Region and Dire Dawa Administration regression model to identify factors affecting the choice of adaptation strategies to climate change where changing planting date, irrigation water use, soil and water conservation, and crop variety selection. The result indicated that factors determining choi education status of household head, agroecology, distance to market, cultivated land, credit access, decreasing precipitation and change of temperature. Policy thrust should focus on access and social participation as well as creates awareness to climate change.

Heatwave is now becoming an alarming climate-induced shock in Bangladesh. Several investigations mainly focus on the impacts of heatwave and mitigation strategies on megacity and urban heat islands. However, understanding adaptation... more

Heatwave is now becoming an alarming climate-induced shock in Bangladesh. Several investigations mainly focus on the impacts of heatwave and mitigation strategies on megacity and urban heat islands. However, understanding adaptation strategies for livable habitat to the heatwave in a medium-sized city like Rajshahi, located northwestern region of Bangladesh, are not well articulated. Therefore, how city dwellers can be adapted to the heatwave in a medium-sized city is crucial to academia, GO's, and NGO's policymakers. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the household adaptation strategies for livable habitat to the heatwave in Rajshahi city corporation (RCC) areas where the overall livelihood of the city dwellers has been severely affected due to heatwave. The findings are based on empirical data collected through field observation, household surveys, and key informant interviews (KII) with a semi-structured questionnaire in RCC. A pre-tested questionnaire was developed to collect primary data from 300 respondents in Rajshahi. Sample sizes were chosen by using the purposive sampling technique. The study found three types of adaptation strategies: 1) structural: designed cooling facilities, uses of air conditioner and cooler; 2) non-structural: drinking plenty of water, staying indoors, taking a bath, sitting beside water bodies; and (3) community innovations based: sitting under big tree and riverside, keeping water reservoir in the room, opening multiple windows, roof and courtyard gardening, wall painting by white color. The community innovation-based adaptation strategies have shown high effectiveness among all types of adaptation strategies for making livable habitats for the heatwave at the household level. Therefore, it can be a significant component of adopting a policy to address the adverse impacts of the heatwave in the medium-sized city of Bangladesh besides structural and non-structural adaptation strategies.

The Corona crisis offers the window of opportunity to accelerate digitization processes in food retailing. Village shops and rural consumers are traditionally not considered to be digitization pioneers. The research question is: How do... more

The Corona crisis offers the window of opportunity to accelerate digitization processes in food retailing. Village shops and rural consumers are traditionally not considered to be digitization pioneers. The research question is: How do the Corona pandemic and digital transformation affect village shops andtheir customers? For answering this question, we present findings of a two-wave household survey in six case study areas as well as results from qualitative interviews with operators of twelve village shops and ten experts. The experiences in theCorona crisis demonstrate the high resilience of the village shops due to increased local demand and flexible adaptation strategies. The contribution of digitization remains limited, even though this transformation is taking place evolutionary in the village shops using trial and error. One danger for village shops is that consumers tend to buy more online due to Corona. Purchasing power outflows in online retail make shop closings more lik...

Northwestern part of Bangladesh plays an important role to supply rice for national food security. However, wet season (WS) rice cultivation in the area is highly vulnerable to moisture stress and severe pest infestation. Therefore, it is... more

Northwestern part of Bangladesh plays an important role to supply rice for national food security. However, wet season (WS) rice cultivation in the area is highly vulnerable to moisture stress and severe pest infestation. Therefore, it is very much important to evaluate the adoption situation of wet season rice cultivars and their drivers and drawbacks of adoption in order to delineate the possible ways of rapid dissemination of modern rice varieties to cope with the existing vulnerability and minimize yield gap. Two important wet season rice-growing districts, namely Rangpur and Dinajpur were selected purposively for the study. Focus group discussion (FGD) and key informant interview (KII) were conducted using semi-structured questionnaire to gather qualitative and quantitative data for the study. In addition, structured questionnaire was used in the FGD for generating data on input use patterns, outputs and seasonal variability of yield and price of different rice cultivars for es...

Abstrak A fishing community is a community that lives and grows and develops in a coastal area, namely a transitional area that connects the sea and land areas. Patron-client is an unequal (but not territorial) relationship between... more

Abstrak A fishing community is a community that lives and grows and develops in a coastal area, namely a transitional area that connects the sea and land areas. Patron-client is an unequal (but not territorial) relationship between superiors (patron or leader) and a number of subordinates (clients or servants or followers) based on asymmetrical exchange of servants where in fact the patron depends on clients who provide services for free which may include economic obligations, paid or unpaid duties as soldiers of war, political support and other services offset by the role of the patron to be a leader figure for all clients and the provision of assistance including loan money and protection provided by the patron if needed. One of the adaptation strategies undertaken by fishermen in overcoming the economic problems they face is through social relations. The relationship in question is a patron-client relationship. This relationship will affect 2 aspects, namely relationships that are economic in nature and relationships that are non-economic in nature. key word : Patron-client, The adaptation strategy, namely economic relations and non-economic relationships.

This paper used binary logistic regression model to analyze factors that affect the choice of climate change adaptation strategies of farmers in Northern Ghana. Using semi-structured questionnaires, 155 farmers were randomly sampled from... more

This paper used binary logistic regression model to analyze factors that affect the choice of climate change adaptation strategies of farmers in Northern Ghana. Using semi-structured questionnaires, 155 farmers were randomly sampled from purposively selected three Northern Regions in Ghana. The empirical results of the binary logistic regression models revealed different effects of the factors on farmer’s choice of adaptation strategies. Farming experience, farm income, access to phones, mixed farming, farmers ’ perception on reduction in rainfall amount and access to weather information significantly and positively affects the choice of at least five climate change adaptation strategies. Following the findings of this study, agricultural extension service should be intensified through organization of adult education programmes or field schools for farmers to educate them on some climate change adaptation strategies. Agro climatic information centers should be established at vantage...

This study aims to explore how English as a Second Language ESL Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) employ adaptation strategies in response to the surrounding constraining context to develop their professional identities. The research question... more

This study aims to explore how English as a Second Language ESL Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) employ adaptation strategies in response to the surrounding constraining context to develop their professional identities. The research question is "How do pre-service teachers (PSTs) employ adaptation strategies to develop their professional identity (PI) during their simulated teaching class and practicum?". Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews and classroom observation from PSTs in a Malaysian university and public secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur. Findings showed that the positive notions of belonging to a Community of Practice (CoP) proved to be applicable in the simulated teaching class context, so PSTs used their adaptation process of observation-experimentation and evaluation to attempt different teaching practices. Nonetheless, the positive notions of the CoP were inapplicable in the teaching practicum context. Hence, PSTs struggled to construct their Professional Identity (PI) and had to alter their adaptation strategies to negotiate PI construction. The study concludes with some recommendations for further use. Program designers need to consider social interaction and integration within the professional context. That could enable adaptation processes to enhance PSTs' PI development.

Water scarcity and management of this problem are increasingly acknowledged in development policies as well as in adaptation and migration discourse. In South Mediterranean countries, insufficient water supplies in oases are the biggest... more

Water scarcity and management of this problem are increasingly acknowledged in development policies as well as in adaptation and migration discourse. In South Mediterranean countries, insufficient water supplies in oases are the biggest limitation on yields of sufficient quantity and quality and increase in arable land, in short, the development of agriculture. Insufficient income from agriculture, when it is the main source of revenue, can push people to migrate. However, migration does not have to be the measure of last resort. Proper adaption to this limitation, including proactive migration, can reduce forced movements from this region in the future. The main aim of this paper is to identify and analyse household strategies, including migration, to cope with and adapt to the impact of environmental changes and limitations on agricultural development in the South Mediterranean. This paper is based on field research carried out in the El Faouar oasis area in Tunisia using a mixed-method approach. The results show that the inhabitants of El Faouar must cope with unforeseen crop destruction limiting their daily expenses by selling livestock or, in years of drought, migrating to look for additional sources of income. The results also show that local households try to increase their resistance to climate change, environmental limitations, and permanent migration by developing their agricultural capacity, provided they have additional resources from such endeavours as work outside El Faouar or remittances. Moreover, migration has become part of a wider process of socioeconomic transformation in which people leave in order to cope with or adapt to environmental changes.

В статье рассказывается о значительных социальных и экономических переменах в национальном поселке Хулимсунт Березовского района Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры после прокладки газопровода и строительства компрессорной станции... more

В статье рассказывается о значительных социальных и экономических переменах в национальном поселке Хулимсунт Березовского района Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры после прокладки газопровода и строительства компрессорной станции в 1978-1979 гг. Работа в промышленности оказала сильное воздействие на культуру местных манси, произошла адаптация к индустриальному труду. Рутинная деятельность по обслуживанию механических агрегатов пришла на смену природным циклам активности. Традиционные формы занятости (охота, рыболовство) перестали быть жизненно важными, оставаясь, однако, частью повседневных практик. Жизнь хулимсунтских манси сегодня не зависит от состояния местных природных ресурсов, а зависит от транзита газа, что ставит их в жесткую зависимость от индустриальной экономики. Благосостояние стало привычным стандартом жизни, работа в Газпроме – залогом житейского благополучия. Ценностные ориентации выделили Хулимсунт на фоне других национальных поселков Северной Сосьвы, где уровень жизни существенно ниже, а безработица является центральной проблемой. Местным сообществом не обсуждается факт того, что экономический бум, связанный с добычей газа, конечен, а Хулимсунт в скором времени вынужден будет приспосабливаться к жизни «без Трубы». Пришлое население покинет Хулимсунт, в то время как манси в массе своей останутся верны земле и вынуждены будут вернуться к промыслам предков.

Temperatures have a major effect on potato crop growth and yield attributes during the crop growing season. In this study, the SUBSTOR-Potato model was used to simulate the potato crop growth and yield in a subtropical region of West... more

Temperatures have a major effect on potato crop growth and yield attributes during the crop growing season. In this study, the SUBSTOR-Potato model was used to simulate the potato crop growth and yield in a subtropical region of West Bengal comprising of three districts, namely West Medinipur, Bankura and Birbhum in India. Also, the effect of temperature and planting dates scenario on potato crop growth was evaluated by using 30 years historical weather data of the aforesaid districts. Field experiments were conducted on potato crops of cultivar Kufri Jyoti under two planting dates (10th and 25th of December) and different fertilizer treatments in the years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, respectively. The statistical results showed the satisfactory performance of the model with an R 2 of 0.82 to 0.98 and d-stat of 0.94 to 0.98 for the year 2013-2014 and an R 2 of 0.89 to 0.98 and d-stat of 0.97 to 0.98 for the year 2014-2015. Evaluation of planting dates with past 30 years historical data showed planting dates 20th and 30th of November resulted in average higher yield than planting dates 10th, 25th and 30th of December, respectively, in current climate scenario. Furthermore, the study suggests that amending the planting dates is an effective climate change adaptation strategy for reducing the effect of temperature on the yield of a potato crop in the near future.

The paper describes the distribution and variation of the use of bones as fuel on the basis of a study of Middle and Late Upper Paleolithic sites of the Russian Plain. These practices are compared with ethnographic data. The results of... more

The paper describes the distribution and variation of the use of bones as fuel on the basis of a study of Middle and Late Upper Paleolithic sites of the Russian Plain. These practices are compared with ethnographic data. The results of previous experiments to establish household characteristics of bone fuel are summarized. It was established that only bones with preserved bone marrow, which were fi red with wood, could be used as fuel. The extraction and use of such bones was one of the mechanisms of human adaptation to cold climatic conditions in the absence of suffi cient amounts of wood. The conclusions are supplemented and verifi ed by conducting own experiments.

Northwestern part of Bangladesh plays an important role to supply rice for national food security. However, wet season (WS) rice cultivation in the area is highly vulnerable to moisture stress and severe pest infestation. Therefore, it is... more

Northwestern part of Bangladesh plays an important role to supply rice for national food security. However, wet season (WS) rice cultivation in the area is highly vulnerable to moisture stress and severe pest infestation. Therefore, it is very much important to evaluate the adoption situation of wet season rice cultivars and their drivers and drawbacks of adoption in order to delineate the possible ways of rapid dissemination of modern rice varieties to cope with the existing vulnerability and minimize yield gap. Two important wet season rice-growing districts, namely Rangpur and Dinajpur were selected purposively for the study. Focus group discussion (FGD) and key informant interview (KII) were conducted using semi-structured questionnaire to gather qualitative and quantitative data for the study. In addition, structured questionnaire was used in the FGD for generating data on input use patterns, outputs and seasonal variability of yield and price of different rice cultivars for estimating costs and returns. The findings of the study reveal that farmers mainly adopted exotic WS rice cultivars to reduce unexpected yield loss due to abiotic and biotic stresses. Diffusion status of exotic cultivars was ranged between 76-85% of total WS rice area in the study locations. The drivers of widespread diffusion of exotic cultivars are stability in yield performance, compatibility to fit into local cropping systems, potentiality to recover from biotic and abiotic stresses and ensured market demand. However, farmers are dreaming for higher yield potential and more stress tolerant cultivars for fitting into two and three crops-based systems in the areas. Rice breeders may use the findings of this study to develop and disseminate suitable rice cultivars for the northwestern part of the country.