Flood Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Increased flooding in recent years indicates that most parts of the country are subjected to periodic and destructive flood attacks. Therefore, the identification of high-risk areas with potential runoff production within a watershed area... more

Increased flooding in recent years indicates that most parts of the country are subjected to periodic and destructive flood attacks. Therefore, the identification of high-risk areas with potential runoff production within a watershed area is one of the most important measures in flood control and reduction of the damage caused by it. In this study, the quasi-distributional ModClark method was employed to simulate the hydrograph of flooding, and the unit flood response method was applied to determine the intensity of flooding of different areas of the Tangrah watershed, Iran. For this purpose, the ModClark model was first calibrated and verified. Thereafter, the design of rainfall with 50 and 100-year return periods (T r) was extracted at the Tangrah station and the design flood was calculated with the above-mentioned return periods. By combining the curve number layers, slope, precipitation, and flow distance, homogeneous units were obtained in terms of the flood. The effect of each homogeneous unit on the total watershed output was obtained by the removal of each unit and implementation of the rainfall-runoff model. According to the 100-year return runoff production potential, homogeneous units of 116 with a fi (0.54 m 3 / s. km 2) were identified as the most effective cell in the Tangrah watershed area, which could be explained by the soil type, vegetation, and other physical factors of these units.

The Philippines is a country that is both largely dependent on marine resources for its people's socio-cultural and economic activities, yet also highly vulnerable to extreme weather events caused by climate change. Recognizing this,... more

The Philippines is a country that is both largely dependent on marine resources for its people's socio-cultural and economic activities, yet also highly vulnerable to extreme weather events caused by climate change. Recognizing this, a Climate Change Adaptation Project, with support from the Norwegian Trust Fund, studied three coastal communities in three (3) different provinces in the Bicol region, widely known to lie in the so-called 'Philippine typhoon belt'. The project sought to establish a community-based adaptation strategy in pilot sites by providing guidance on setting appropriate policies, climate proofing livelihoods with adaptation measures, and institutionalizing science-based-decision support systems. The project also sought to develop a replicable template that can be used by and adapted to all other similar sites in the Philippines. The project had four major components: (1) policy and legislation, (2) vulnerability assessment, (3) bio-physical adaptation...

Slit-check dams are widely employed in mountain river control. However an analysis of their performance in the field is still lacking. In the present work a field verification to evaluate the interaction between solid discharge regime and... more

Slit-check dams are widely employed in mountain river control. However an analysis of their performance in the field is still lacking. In the present work a field verification to evaluate the interaction between solid discharge regime and four slit-check dams built in two subcatchments of ...

Le present article developpe deux actions, conduites par le Cemagref pour le compte du ministere de l'Amenagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement (MATE), ayant pour objectif commun la securite d'ouvrages hydrauliques,... more

Le present article developpe deux actions, conduites par le Cemagref pour le compte du ministere de l'Amenagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement (MATE), ayant pour objectif commun la securite d'ouvrages hydrauliques, relevant du regime de l'autorisation et dont la rupture pourrait avoir des consequences graves pour les personnes et les biens. Concernant les barrages autorises, une enquete nationale, menee de 1990 a 1994, avait revele des lacunes dans la surveillance (assuree par proprietaire) et dans le controle (relevant du service d'Etat) des ouvrages interessant la securite publique. La convention triennale passee entre le MATE et le Cemagref a permis d'instaurer un dispositif complet a destination des services de controle, base sur la formation des intervenants, sur des expertises de barrage a l'occasion des visites decennales et sur la constitution de bases de donnees pour structurer l'information disponible. Ces diverses actions prolongent ...

An uncertainty analysis of the unsteady flow component (UNET) of the one-dimensional model HEC-RAS within the generalised likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) is presented. For this, the model performance of runs with different sets... more

An uncertainty analysis of the unsteady flow component (UNET) of the one-dimensional model HEC-RAS within the generalised likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) is presented. For this, the model performance of runs with different sets of Manning roughness coefficients, chosen from a range between 0.001 and 0.9, are compared to inundation data and an outflow hydrograph. The influence of variation in the weighting coefficient of the numerical scheme is also investigated. For the latter, the empirical results show no advantage of using values below 1 and suggest the use of a fully implicit scheme (weighting parameter equals 1). The results of varying the reach scale roughnesses shows that many parameter sets can perform equally well (problem of equifinality) even with extreme values. However, this depends on the model region and boundary conditions. The necessity to distinguish between effective parameters and real physical parameters is emphasised. The study demonstrates that this analysis can be used to produce dynamic probability maps of flooding during an event and can be linked to a stopping criterion for GLUE.

Bridges are very important and costly structures lot of birr is spending for the construction hence hydrological investigations are highly recommended for the proper design and durability of bridge. The proposed study area is located at... more

Bridges are very important and costly structures lot of birr is spending for the construction hence hydrological investigations are highly recommended for the proper design and durability of bridge. The proposed study area is located at main Degan Town with Rassa Keble and Argoba Woreda Chelka river Ethiopia.The main objective of this study is to carry out hydrological and hydraulics investigations of the Chelka river, to determine its different return floods values in order to find the proposed bridge opening to provide bridge design parameters such as size and location of the bridge and exploring details like geomorphology, soil and land use or land cover, analysis of rainfall intensity. The mean annual rainfall ranges between 400mm-799mm. The mean annual moderate warm temperature is 120oc to 350oc, altitude from 1300-3000m. HEC-RAS (Version-4) software model has been used for determination of proposed bridge layout and the water surface profile. The hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of Catchments delineation is done by GIS Environment by using GIS Software’s like Arc View

Floods are probably the most recurring, widespread, disastrous and frequent natural hazards of the world. However, human activities in many circumstances change flood behavior. Kewet District is one of the most severely flood affected... more

Floods are probably the most recurring, widespread, disastrous and frequent natural hazards of the world. However, human activities in many circumstances change flood behavior. Kewet District is one of the most severely flood affected areas in Southeast Amhara region in general and Robit Catchment in particular. Hence, in order to manage such problem, a complete understanding of hazard identification and risk assessment is very crucial. Therefore, the present study was carried out to assess the flood risk in Kewet District with the application of Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE) technique in GIS environment. To do this causative factors were developed in the GIS and Remote Sensing environment. The findings of the study revealed that 37.62% of the District is under high and very high (extreme) flood risk. Thus, the study will help the concerned authorities to formulate their development strategies according to the available flood risk to the area.

A term papert on Flood Risk Management in Ghana: A Case Study in Accra

Development of flood early warning technology has grown rapidly. The technology has led to improvements in terms of communication and information technology. The use of the Internet of Things model (IOTs) has provided significant... more

Development of flood early warning technology has grown rapidly. The technology has led to improvements in terms of communication and information technology. The use of the Internet of Things model (IOTs) has provided significant development to the development of early warning information systems. In this article is the development of a prototype model of flood monitoring information systems using Android has been designed by combining ultrasonic sensors as a water level detector, rain sensor, temperature sensor and moisture sensor. Arduino Uno Microcontroller Module used as sensor data processor, U-Blox Neo 6m GPS module as location detection and Ethernet module as sender of sensor data to station of flood early warning information system. The design of the prototype produces information on flood elevation, rain conditions, ambient temperature and soil moisture along with its location based on Google Maps interface on mobile android.

The problem of bank erosion by the river is becoming very serious day by day. The state of Assam in India is such a flood affected region which bears the brunt of bank erosion by the mighty river Brahmaputra and its tributaries in every... more

The problem of bank erosion by the river is becoming very serious day by day. The state of Assam in India is such a flood affected region which bears the brunt of bank erosion by the mighty river Brahmaputra and its tributaries in every rainy season. The flood and bank erosion by the river Jia Bharali, a right bank tributary of the Brahmaputra, have been creating havoc in the Panchmile area of Tezpur town for the last few decades. Due to its increasing erosive intensity day by day the Panchmie area is now under severe threat of erosion and the river start to shift towards northwest, if it’s shifting continues then it will be a thinkable matter for the people of Tezpur town in near future. Keeping this in mind, an attempt to study about the bank erosion problem of Panchmile area and its consequent impact in details with the help of geo-spatial tools is made.

River flooding causes several human and financial casualties. It is necessary to perform research studies and implement subsequent actions consistent with the nature of the river. In order to reduce flood damage, floodplain zoning maps... more

River flooding causes several human and financial casualties. It is necessary to perform research studies and implement subsequent actions consistent with the nature of the river. In order to reduce flood damage, floodplain zoning maps and river cross-sectional boundaries are important to nonstructural measures in planning and optimizing utilization of the areas around the river. Due to the complex behavior of the rivers during floods, computer modeling is the most efficient tool with the least possible cost to study and simulate the behavior of the rivers. In this study, one-dimensional model Hydrologic Engineering Centers—River Analysis System and two-dimensional model CCHE2D were used to simulate the flood zoning in the Sungai Maka district in Kelantan state, Malaysia. The results of these two models in most sections approximately match. Most differences in the results were in the shape of the river.

Everyone knows the story of Noach, who saved all animals from the Great Flood with his Ark.The myth of the Flood sounds familiar to us all. In the West we know it from its appearance in the Old Testament, more specifically in the Book of... more

Everyone knows the story of Noach, who saved all animals from the Great Flood with his Ark.The myth of the Flood sounds familiar to us all. In the West we know it from its appearance in the Old Testament, more specifically in the Book of Genesis, where the origins of humanity and its early history is described. The story about the Flood is not only known in the West, but in several cultures all over the world. Therefor we shouldn't think of it only as a myth, but as a global event.

This paper aims at establishing changes in land use and land cover in Igbokoda municipality using Geographic Information System and remote sensing techniques. Three satellite images for three different epochs 1986, 1999 and 2013 were used... more

This paper aims at establishing changes in land use and land cover in Igbokoda municipality using Geographic Information System and remote sensing techniques. Three satellite images for three different epochs 1986, 1999 and 2013 were used to produce a land use/land cover map classification for Igbokoda. In determining the extent of land use/land cover changes in the township from 1986 through 1999 to 2013, Landsat images of the town were downloaded from the United State Geological Survey online archive. The images were analyzed using change detection technique (NDVI differencing) along with SRTM 90m DEM of the study area to generate the extent of the changes that have occurred. Ground trotting was carried out to ascertain the accuracy of data and the major changes in the land use/land cover. Results show that vegetation has decreased from 75.04% in 1986 to 46.81% in 2013 which was due to increase in population and rapid urbanization. In 1996 the Built-up area covers 19.6321 km2 of the study area but has increased rapidly to 39.1505 km2 in the year 1999 with an average annual increment of 2.025Km2/year. By the year 2013, the built-up area has increased to 64.1520Km2. Also in the same vein, the bare surface area which was 13.28029km2 in 1986 was increased to 39.6053 and 50.240Km2 in 1999 and 2013 respectively. On the contrary, the vegetated area of Igbokoda reduced from 196.3046Km2 in 1999 to 122.4680Km2 in 2013. This study has demonstrated that remotely sensed data and GIS based approach is timely and cost effective than the conventional method of analysis, classification of land use pattern effective for planning and management. It further shows that If the rapid change in land use is not properly manage, the situation poses a serious threat to Igbokoda town by increasing surface runoff and susceptibility to flooding.

History records multitude cases of flood and its devastating damages all over the world. Most likely than not, these floods always lead to loss of life, and damages to properties such as residential, businesses, and infrastructures, among... more

History records multitude cases of flood and its devastating damages all over the world. Most likely than not, these floods always lead to loss of life, and damages to properties such as residential, businesses, and infrastructures, among others. Sadly, hearing stories of traumatic experiences of the affected communities has already become a cliché for everyone. Aiming to improve the quality of life, countless researchers have made attempts to study and improve one’s safety from natural disasters. Gaps on disaster preparedness were identified as self-awareness, discipline and deep understanding on the importance of safety. In connection with this, the researchers of Grade 12 STEM B from Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College would like to support the advocacy on disaster preparedness and resiliency by educating the community and improving the response and evacuation time, as necessary. The main goal of the research study entitled “ULTRASONIC FLOOD SENSOR: A PROPOSED ALARM DEVICE TO FLOOD-PRONE AREAS” is to ensure safety among the affected communities by making them equipped, responsible and accountable during natural disasters, especially floods. The proposed SMS ultrasonic flood alarm system is a real-time monitoring system that detects the flood alarm in the flood-prone areas. The embedded systems used to develop the said monitoring tool are Arduino Uno and SMS Ultrasonic Sensor. Its key feature is the ability to send messages to the residents living in and nearby low-lying lands where the device was installed, once the flood reaches the programmed alarm height. To validate the system’s effectivity, a series of evaluation was held by the research team. Results showed that the system was highly responsive during the field validation activities, including experiments, conducted in Barangay Apolonio Samson, Quezon City. Thus, the proposed alarm device has demonstrated positive impact to the community and is anticipated to be beneficial during actual floods. In conclusion, self-awareness and safety are always the utmost priorities of the community. After all, human resource is one of its greatest assets. The ultrasonic flood sensor proposed by the research team is envisioned to significantly contribute on strengthening the local communities’ disaster preparedness and resiliency yielding to stronger nation.

Major river valleys (e.g. Ganga, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Godavari, Kosi etc.) of India have remained as cradles of human livelihood and achievements throughout the course of human history. In the same way, contributing with floods the... more

Major river valleys (e.g. Ganga, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Godavari, Kosi etc.) of India have remained as cradles of human livelihood and achievements throughout the course of human history. In the same way, contributing with floods the Damodar valley of eastern India is nurturing its civilization in different phases through almost 3,500 year. Documented history of ruinous extreme floods is more than 347 years old (1665 – 2012) in the Damodar River. It is true that when this river is in the extreme phase, none can withstand against its power. Still we are not now fully capable to manage the adamant nature of river particularly in the monsoon period. Simultaneously the uncertain event, e.g. cloud burst, heavy monsoon rainfall and cyclones etc., and resultant flash floods are not forecast accurately. As the catchment of Damodar has good physiographic and hydro-meteorological potentiality of floods, it is imperative to know the current status of flood probability and risk. So here an attempt is made to investigate the temporal variation (i.e. natural phase – without dams and controlled phase – with dams) of annual peak flows understanding the dam induced flood hydrological changes in the Damodar River. Using the quantitative techniques, viz., Flood Potential Index (FPI), Flash Flood Magnitude Index (FFMI) and Flood Frequency Analysis (FFA), the magnitude of flash floods and channel dimensions are analyzed to derive significant explanation and prediction about the flood risk in the lower segment of Damodar River.

Rapid urbanization has greatly increased the volume of runoff generated in many developed areas and subsequently resulting in flooding. This study evaluated the flood prone area of Igbokoda town in Ondo State and developed a flood risk... more

Rapid urbanization has greatly increased the volume of runoff generated in many developed areas and subsequently resulting in flooding. This study evaluated the flood prone area of Igbokoda town in Ondo State and developed a flood risk map to facilitate proper planning and future flood mitigation. Scientific technique of GIS was used to identify flood risk areas within the study area. The Landsat 5 (TM), Landsat 7 (ETM+) and Landsat 8 (LC) images for 1986, 1999 and 2013 coupled with STRM 90 m DEM data of the area were used to identify three categorized risk zones. A total of 339 basins were delineated and stream network on the landscape of this area were carved. Hydrological and vegetation cover analyses were conducted using the satellite imageries obtained from United States Geological Surveys Archive online over the study area for three different epochs 1986, 1999 and 2013. There was a sharp decrease in area of vegetation cover from 1986 (19,630 ha) to 1999 (16,527.36 ha) and in 2013 (12,246.80 ha). The hydrological analysis results revealed that a major part of the residential area within the largest basin delineated was associated with low elevation and high slope angle. The combined stream network and slope of the area were used in developing flood risk zones. Three zones were specified: high, medium, and low flood risk zones. The total area covered by the high risk zone was 28.5615 km 2 while the area of the medium and small risk zones were 15.94759 km 2 and 31.3619 km 2 respectively. It is recommended that an increased awareness on flood risk zone should be created among the populace of Igbokoda to guide them in further development.

Floods are natural risk with a very high frequency, which causes to environmental, social, economic and human losses. The floods in the town happen mainly due to human made activities about the blockage of natural drainage, haphazard... more

Floods are natural risk with a very high frequency, which causes to environmental, social, economic and human losses. The floods in the town happen mainly due to human made activities about the blockage of natural drainage, haphazard construction of roads, building, and high rainfall intensity. Detailed maps showing flood vulnerability areas are helpful in management of flood hazards. Therefore, present research focused on identifying flood vulnerability zones in the Pune City using multi-criteria decision-making approach in Geographical Information System (GIS) and inputs from remotely sensed imageries. Other input data considered for preparing base maps are census details, City maps, and fieldworks. The Pune City classified into four flood vulnerability classes essential for flood risk management. About 5 per cent area shows high vulnerability for floods in localities namely Wakdewadi, some part of the Shivajinagar, Sangamwadi, Aundh, and Baner with high risk.