Digital Transformation Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This study analyses toy unboxing videos, used in child influencer marketing, as an example of digital transformation in marketing practice. In these videos, the experience of the child while opening the toy box is combined with the... more

This study analyses toy unboxing videos, used in child influencer marketing, as an example of digital transformation in marketing practice. In these videos, the experience of the child while opening the toy box is combined with the promotion of the brand and turns into a persuasive object, an advertisement. The study adopts Çomu's discourse analysis application model in relation to video sharing networks, to analyze unboxing videos of LOL Surprise dolls shared on YouTube by Ecrin Su Çoban, a Turkish kids' influencer. The findings of the research indicated that toy unboxing videos are different from traditional advertising with a more convincing, seemingly genuine structure, and a high interaction power.

En plena revolución del conocimiento, ante el auge y madurez de la transformación digital en las instituciones, el gobierno de datos como programa tiene un desafío común, sin importar el tipo de organización que se analice: el ciclo de... more

En plena revolución del conocimiento, ante el auge y madurez de la transformación digital en las instituciones, el gobierno de datos como programa tiene un desafío común, sin importar el tipo de organización que se analice: el ciclo de vida de los datos y la lógica de negocio no siempre están alineados y siguen la estructura operativa que accione el conseguir aportar el mayor valor. La discrepancia entre la estructura organizacional y el uso de datos puede fácilmente resultar en silos de datos, duplicaciones, responsabilidades poco claras y falta de control de los datos e información durante todas sus etapas. Este libro ofrece una descripción sencilla y general del por qué se necesita un gobierno de datos, cómo planearlo, diseñarlo, iniciarlo, ejecutarlo y mantenerlo operativo. Está enfocado para que cualquier ejecutivo, gerente, profesional de negocios y tecnología, académico o funcionario que necesite comprender o implementar un programa de gobierno de datos lo pueda ejecutar.

İşletmelerde ilk olarak analog verilerin dijitale dönüştürülmesiyle başlayan dijitalleşme süreci, zamanla iş süreçlerinin ve rollerin dijitalleştiği bir aşamadan iş modellerinin kökten değiştiği bir dijital dönüşüm seviyesine ulaşmıştır.... more

The digital transformation of organizations and society has created a set of novel challenges for leaders. To succeed in this new context, “digital leaders” require new competencies: new technological competencies to lead in organizations... more

The digital transformation of organizations and society has created a set of novel challenges for leaders. To succeed in this new context, “digital leaders” require new competencies: new technological competencies to lead in organizations where digital technology is inextricably embedded in everyday activity; new organizational competencies to build and lead teams that can utilize new technologies as well as inspire millennial workers who have grown up in a digitally transformed world; and, finally, new ethical competencies to navigate the ethical dilemmas created by the introduction of digital technologies in their organizations. Developing “digital leaders” is, therefore, a key part of the digital transformation of any firm and a failure to develop digital leadership at all levels will limit the impact of even the best planned and executed efforts at digital transformation.

RESUM: La societat actual està sotmesa a una transformació digital que afecta a tots els seus processos, i les universitats no en són alienes. Per assolir els reptes d’aquest canvi, a la UVic-UCC es posa en marxa el projecte Diversity,... more

RESUM: La societat actual està sotmesa a una transformació digital que afecta a tots els seus processos, i les universitats no en són alienes.
Per assolir els reptes d’aquest canvi, a la UVic-UCC es posa en marxa el projecte Diversity, sent Diversity Acadèmic la seva vessant docent.
Per tal de conèixer la situació actual de la UVic-UCC, s’ha dut a terme una enquesta sobre els usos que es fa de les TIC a la docència. Amb els resultats d’aquesta es descriu, també, el perfil del professorat actual.
ABSTRACT: Digital transformation affects all organisations and processes, and universities are no strangers to it.
To meet the challenges of this change, UVic-UCC has launched the Diversity project, with Diversity Acadèmic as its teaching thread.
In order to assess the current situation at UVic-UCC, we carried out a survey on ICT use in teaching. The results of this survey also give an indication of our current teaching staff profile.

This paper reports on the first stage of an international comparative study for the project “Digital educational architectures: Open learning resources in distributed learning infrastructures–EduArc”, funded by the German Federal Ministry... more

This paper reports on the first stage of an international comparative study for the project “Digital educational architectures: Open learning resources in distributed learning infrastructures–EduArc”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This study reviews the situation of digital educational resources (or (O)ER) framed within the digital transformation of ten different Higher Education (HE) systems (Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Turkey and the United States). Following a comparative case study approach, we investigated issues related to the existence of policies, quality assurance mechanisms and measures for the promotion of change in supporting infrastructure development for (O)ER at the national level in HE in the different countries. The results of this mainly documentary research highlight differences and similarities, which are largely due to variations in these countries’ political structure organisatio...

In this introductory essay, we build on the articles in this special issue to provide a novel theoretical framework for the understanding of current and future trends in the digitalisation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher... more

In this introductory essay, we build on the articles in this special issue to provide a novel theoretical framework for the understanding of current and future trends in the digitalisation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher education (HE). We highlight three key elements. Context is critical and should be systematically expanded to include not only the immediate context of the virtual and blended classroom, but also the broader organisational and national contexts within which digital learning takes place. The involvement of individual actors, higher education institutions and national policy-making agencies in the development and implementation of digitalisation policy ideas and practices is also shaped by multiple mediations, which include the mediating role of technology itself, but also of other human, organisational and policy actors, ideas and practices. Finally, digitalisation of HE teaching and learning can lead to a variety of gradual or more radical digital transformations, operating at multiple scales and with multiple potential positive or negative effects. This framework helps put into focus the key question of how to go about searching for a flexible set of "Nordic characteristics" that might affect digitalisation of teaching and learning in the Nordic region, albeit in uneven and diverse ways. While it is too early to provide a systematic analysis of the impact of the rapid digitalisation of Nordic HE teaching and learning spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic, we make some preliminary observations that offer this emerging theoretical framework as a way to assess these trends both before and after the pandemic.

Az üzleti szolgáltató szektor az elmúlt 15 év legdinamikusabban fejlődő szektorra volt nem csupán Magyarországon, de az egész közép-kelet európai régióban. A Magyarországon működő mintegy 110 üzleti szolgáltató központ nagyjából 55.000,... more

Az üzleti szolgáltató szektor az elmúlt 15 év legdinamikusabban fejlődő szektorra volt nem csupán Magyarországon, de az egész közép-kelet európai régióban. A Magyarországon működő mintegy 110 üzleti szolgáltató központ nagyjából 55.000, több idegen nyelvet is beszélő, diplomást foglalkoztat közvetlenül, így jelentős hatással van a szolgáltató szektor hazai fejlődésére. Csakúgy, mint a gazdaság más szegmenseiben is, az üzleti szolgáltató szektorban is jelentős fejlesztések indultak el a digitalizáció új hullámával. A kutatás célja annak megértése, hogy a digitalizáció és az automatizáció legújabb trendjei milyen technológiai fejlesztésekkel járulnak hozzá az üzleti szolgáltató szektor működéséhez. Ez a tanulmány egy több éves kutatási program szakirodalom kutatásának rövidített összefoglalását és első empirikus eredményeit ismerteti. A célok érdekében egy kiterjedt kérdőíves és interjús kutatássorozat készült a hazai szolgáltató központok vezetőivel. A kutatás során feltárásra kerültek az üzleti szolgáltató szektor jelenlegi digitális érettségi szintje, azonosításra került, mely új digitális technológiáknak van a legnagyobb szerepe az átalakulásban, milyen e technológiák elterjedtsége, hozzájárulása a szervezeti működéshez és milyen projektmenedzsment kihívásokat jelent ezek bevezetése. A kutatás további eredményeként számos hipotézis fogalmazódott meg, hogy a digitalizáció hogyan hat a szektor jövőjére, milyen átalakulások várhatóak a digitális transzformáció eredményeképpen az üzleti szolgáltató központok alkalmazotti létszámára, nyújtott szolgáltatások hozzáadott értékére, a szolgáltató központok szervezeti hierarchiában és más szervezetekkel való értékláncban való elhelyezkedésére nézve.

The interest of my research is Digital Transformation and Corporate Social Responsibility as an involvement for the Brand. In this way the “product platform” contributes to the improvement of competitive position of the Business Unit and... more

The interest of my research is Digital Transformation and Corporate Social Responsibility as an involvement for the Brand. In this way the “product platform” contributes to the improvement of competitive position of the Business Unit and Branding”, between the marketing process: Customer Relationship Management—Product Development Management—Customer Satisfaction. Weberian vision of ideal type as a concept—ideal limit to illustrate the significant elements of its own empirical content, tends to identify an overcoming from the role of consumer as target to the analysis of the techniques of profiling the humanization of the customer with his needs, fears and aspirations. The research project consists of three parts. In the first a deepening on the wide literature of international scope, above all “made in USA” regarding the market orientation—Industry 4.0—platform: the origin, the internal organization, the management, the communication strategies. In the second part focuses instead o...

I presented my paper on Wittgenstein, Hegel, Arthur Danto, aesthetics and digital transformation at the 9th Annual Conference of Europe's Sciences and Arts Leaders and Scholars: All About People 2021: Digital Transformation in Science,... more

I presented my paper on Wittgenstein, Hegel, Arthur Danto, aesthetics and digital transformation at the 9th Annual Conference of Europe's Sciences and Arts Leaders and Scholars: All About People 2021: Digital Transformation in Science, Education and Arts. The online international conference was held between 12th and 19th March 2021.

Die Steuerverwaltung hat ihre Vorreiterrolle bei der Digitalisierung von Verwaltungsleistungen verloren. Die digitale Transformation erfordert mehr als die reine Entwicklung von einheitlicher Steuersoftware im KONSENS-Verbund. Horizontale... more

Die Steuerverwaltung hat ihre Vorreiterrolle bei der Digitalisierung von Verwaltungsleistungen verloren. Die digitale Transformation erfordert mehr als die reine Entwicklung von einheitlicher Steuersoftware im KONSENS-Verbund. Horizontale Kooperationen halten dem Tempo der Privatwirtschaft und ausländischer Verwaltungen nicht Stand. Unter Beibehaltung der dezentralen, föderalen Struktur der deutschen Steuerverwaltung kann eine Bündelung der Digitalkompetenzen auf Bundesebene grundgesetzkonform erreicht werden. Hierzu werden die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen ausführlich dargestellt. Bis zum Jahr 2030 sollten die Finanzämter auf weitgehend digitale Prozesse umgestellt sein. Über Anwendungsbeispiele für digitale Technologien in den einzelnen Bereichen des Finanzamts werden die zukünftigen Herausforderungen für die Steuerverwaltung konkret aufgezeigt. Um spürbare Mehrwerte für die Steuerpflichtigen zu schaffen, sollte zukünftig eine übergreifende, intelligente Smartphone-App sämtliche e- Government-Leistungen der Bundes- und Landessteuerverwaltungen vereinen.

The Customer Experience is a crucial key aspect for the function of companies. It ensures the trust between the customer and the company itself. Moreover it enables the organisation to improve by analyzing the comments from feedback, in... more

The Customer Experience is a crucial key aspect for the function of companies. It ensures the trust between the customer and the company itself. Moreover it enables the organisation to improve by analyzing the comments from feedback, in order to comprehend customers and keep them close to the company or attract further by spreading good rumors to the market. However, these technologies are new and they begin integrating now in the functions of organisations. Hence a lot of studies have recently been conducted for proposing methods to improve different aspects of the organisation with the help of big data analytics. There are a lot of factors which should be considered carefully and put into consideration. Due to the complexity of the problem, different fields of science have to be coordinated e.g. social sciences, maths, software, electronics. In this article, it is presented a review from some papers on Big Data analytics, which emphasize on Customer Experience and they describe the methods to extract data from customers and process them efficiently with automated procedures.

The digital transformation, driven by the third industrial revolution, forces companies to adapt continuously to their surroundings, which requires people not only with technical capabilities but also with soft skills that encourage... more

The digital transformation, driven by the third industrial revolution, forces companies to adapt continuously to their surroundings, which requires people not only with technical capabilities but also with soft skills that encourage continuous improvement. The challenge is to identify the competencies. For that, we are using the following methodology: (1) Mapping agile values to competences, (2) Identify the critical competencies and then prioritize them and (3) Mention different instruments to measure and to train the competences. Thanks to that, we are a goal of making an instrument that allows visualizing the critical competencies, that are measurable and trainable, to make a successful organizational transformation.

South Africa is still confronted with widespread poverty, unemployment and high levels of income inequality along racial lines. To counteract these issues, South Africa implemented an extensive social welfare system. However, both... more

South Africa is still confronted with widespread poverty, unemployment and high levels of income inequality along racial lines. To counteract these issues, South Africa implemented an extensive social welfare system. However, both academics and policymakers have voiced concerns that the social grants may give perverse incentives. This article contributes to the discourse looking at how the largest social grant in South Africa, the Older Persons Grant could be seen as generating perverse incentives.

The fact-paced evolution of digital technologies, termed the 4th industrial revolution (4IR), influence organisations to realise digital technology potential from a holistic point of view. In this context, organisational competitiveness... more

The fact-paced evolution of digital technologies, termed the 4th industrial
revolution (4IR), influence organisations to realise digital technology potential
from a holistic point of view. In this context, organisational competitiveness
rely on whether organisations’ business value-creation capabilities are adaptable
and flexible. Scholars report that traditional business models struggle to keep up
with the demands of this new digital economy and the purpose of this study was
therefore to consider the 4IR key organisational capabilities that organisations
require to ensure sustainability and to create business value. We identified 14 4IR
organisational capabilities and operationalises these capabilities by mapping it to
the dynamic capabilities sensing (strategic leadership, external drivers, data
value), seizing (decision making, technology features, software services and solutions)
and transforming (business model, process optimisation, product efficacy,
organisation, customer) as defined by Teece. Three 4IR organisational capabilities
namely employees, skills and expertise, and communication are relevant
across all 3 dynamic capabilities. By applying the 4IR organisational capabilities,
organisations will be able to consider the end-to-end impact of 4IR on
the organisations and be able to address action plans to sustain value, or to create
new business value.

Digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are changing how we live and do research, for example, the ways in which patient-reported outcomes and phenomics big data are curated and analyzed. Digital... more

Digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are changing how we live and do research, for example, the ways in which patient-reported outcomes and phenomics big data are curated and analyzed. Digital transformation is everywhere and is reshaping data (im)mortality in a wide range of sectors in medicine, engineering, journalism, and beyond. In this context, thanatechnology is a term introduced by Carla Sofka over two decades ago, referring to “any kind of technology that can be used to deal with death, dying, grief, loss, and illness.” The field of thanatechnology has become relevant in the digital age as social media is full of accounts from dead individuals, whereas digital media is often harnessed as a source of data and metadata, and in times of pandemics and normalcy. Emerging macroscale analyses forecast billions of social media user accounts from deceased persons in the current century. What happens to digital remains of persons once they cease to exist physically? Digital death, or its absence in the case of deceased individuals, becomes a challenge for both data availability and veracity, and confound research and public health services. Data (im)mortality and digital death are also relevant for research on past events of significance for public health, for example, to discern the history of pandemics and ecological threats. This article examines and calls for new ways of thinking about digital death and thanatechnology as integral dimensions of digital transformation in medicine, new media studies, and society in the 21st century.

Technological developments and industrial adaptations are leading to a fundamental change in how industries and strategy function in the world today. Disruptive technologies are forcing us to reconsider the way we make decisions, and the... more

Technological developments and industrial adaptations are leading to a fundamental change in how industries and strategy function in the world today. Disruptive technologies are forcing us to reconsider the way we make decisions, and the models that were previously in place for delivering products and services. Blockchain in particular has demonstrated its ability to completely upend industry as we know it. Its main strengths lie in the fact that it is decentralized, unchangeable, anonymous and auditable. In this paper, we present a comparative study on the Big Four accounting firms' approach to Blockchain development and adoption. We first give an overview of the blockchain technology and key characteristics of the blockchain and its applications. Furthermore, we discuss some existing approaches for blockchain development and application in the Big Four accounting firms and highlight the opportunities and future prospects of blockchain technology that can be utilized by the four professional services conglomerates.

Управление музейными проектами в эпоху цифровой трансформации затрагивает не только теоретические вопросы распределения данных в электронных ресурсах. Необходимые для выполнения музейного проекта базовые знания из теории управления и... more

Управление музейными проектами в эпоху цифровой трансформации затрагивает не только теоретические вопросы распределения данных в электронных ресурсах. Необходимые для выполнения музейного проекта базовые знания из теории управления и информатики соотнесены с существующими доступными информационными системами.

O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal a análise das iniciativas de transformação digital e do uso de aplicações de Inteligência Artificial na área do Direito. Serão examinados os impactos da automação de atividades jurídicas, as... more

O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal a análise das iniciativas de transformação digital e do uso de aplicações de Inteligência Artificial na área do Direito. Serão examinados os impactos da automação de atividades jurídicas, as novas oportunidades que surgem para os profissionais da área, e as necessidades de preparação e qualificação para que essas novas oportunidades possam ser aproveitadas. Adicionalmente, como forma de sustentação e exemplificação das ideias e dados mencionados, serão apresentados um panorama comparativo da performance do Sistema Judiciário no Brasil, a experiência de uma prova de conceito realizada no Tribunal Superior do Trabalho para a melhoria de produtividade no julgamento de processos, e o potencial de uso de soluções inteligentes de jurimetria. Por último, aborda-se rapidamente os riscos reais das aplicações de IA.

The last two decades are marked by business transforming technologies such as cloud computing and mobile digital business platforms based on smartphones, notebook computers, and social networks, which aid managers to achieve their... more

The last two decades are marked by business transforming technologies such as cloud computing and mobile digital business platforms based on smartphones, notebook computers, and social networks, which aid managers to achieve their business objectives (Laudon & Laudon, 2012). Due to a continuous change in technology, management, and business processes, retailers are faced with a number of challenges such as creating and capturing value from digital technologies, keeping the
customer experience seamless with a combination of sales channels, i.e, physical store and a digital store, as well as compliance with the strengthening data privacy regulations, especially within the
European Union. We propose managerial steps to navigate into the challenges of digital transformation especially during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Changes in business models and the roadmap of the digital transformation of business models are also discussed. This report is based on data from European retailers and excludes sales from gambling, fast food, vehicle sales and repair, casual dining, banks, and insurance.

Destination Earth (DestinE) is an initiative initiated and coordinated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT) in support of the European Green Deal1 and as... more

Destination Earth (DestinE) is an initiative initiated and coordinated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT) in support of
the European Green Deal1 and as contribution to the establishment of the Green Deal Data Space, one of several data spaces envisaged in the European Strategy for Data (COM2020 66 final).
The overall objective of DestinE is to develop a service infrastructure that:
- serves specific EU needs based on clearly identified EU policy priorities and user needs in relation to e.g. the Green Deal, and
- is at the same time firmly based on European values, such as commitment to quality and transparency in order to build trust in evidence-based policy-making among all stakeholders.
DestinE will include a shared horizontal layer including computer processing, data, software, and infrastructure and some vertical applications, Digital Twins (DTs), in selected thematic areas responding
to priority policy use cases. To identify these priorities, the Joint Research Centre of the European
Commission (JRC) has been tasked by DG CNECT to collect a number of potential use cases for DestinE representing needs of policy DGs in the Commission. This document presents 30 use cases received from
six policy DGs, the JRC and 5 relevant European stakeholders.
The use cases were preliminarily evaluated and clustered according to their assumed maturity level in terms of policy, scientific and anticipatory potential. Following a series of interactions with all stakeholders consulted, JRC identified two initial DTs on:
 Extreme Earth issues (disaster risk management in relation to extreme weather-induced natural disasters);
 Climate change adaptation issues (primarily food and water supply security).
Another DT on digital oceans (around food and energy issues) wasintroduced as a suggestion to DG CNECT to be possibly developed in the second phase of DestinE’s implementation.
Although this report is certainly neither exhaustive nor fully descriptive e.g. in relation to the assumed maturity levels of the mentioned use cases, it served nevertheless as a useful input to DG CNECT’s final
definition of the scope of DTs whose development would be prioritized in the course of the DestinE implementation.

Life insurance is important as it offers protection to mitigate risks for the policyholders. Life insurance industry in Indonesia has a significant contribution in Indonesia financial industry although it experiences phenomena of low... more

Life insurance is important as it offers protection to mitigate risks for the policyholders. Life insurance industry in Indonesia has a significant contribution in Indonesia financial industry although it experiences phenomena of low penetration rate, poor literacy, consumer protection and misselling practices. This study used case study approach through series of deep dive interviews with selected life insurance companies exploring their digital transformation experiences. This study explored the existing conditions of Indonesia life insurance companies in developing their digital based dynamic capabilities as well as the service provisioning transformational capability in creating the digital SCA to survive in Indonesia life insurance industry. This study identified and discussed three key themes consisted of development of the right customer journey, earn trust, and key challenges as key success factor in developing and exercising the said capabilities. The study resulted in three propositions and suggested further explanatory study to examine the propositions.

Se analiza el grado de madurez en la transformación digital de las agencias de Relaciones Públicas y Comunicación españolas asociadas a la Asociación de Directivos de Comunicación (Dircom), mediante el modelo de transformación digital de... more

Se analiza el grado de madurez en la transformación digital de las agencias de Relaciones Públicas y Comunicación españolas asociadas a la Asociación de Directivos de Comunicación (Dircom), mediante el modelo de transformación digital de Westerman; Bonnet; McAfee (2012; 2014), basado en los vectores de liderazgo y capacidad digital. Para este cometido se cursó un cuestionario a los máximos responsables de este tipo de agencias. Los resultados identifican que el 75% de las agencias de Relaciones Públicas y Comunicación participantes están en un momento avanzado de esta transformación, condicionando la demanda de nuevos perfiles, la reorganización del trabajo, la oferta de nuevos servicios y a focalizar las áreas donde cabe una mejora que maximice la prestación de servicios a sus clientes. El 80% de estas agencias tienen una visión integral de la comunicación digital, aunque reconocen que aún deben automatizar muchos de sus procesos.

We combine the concepts of legitimacy, institutional (mis)alignments, strategic responses and organizing visions to develop a conceptual framework to analyze the adoption of innovations that span organizational fields. We apply this... more

We combine the concepts of legitimacy, institutional (mis)alignments, strategic responses and organizing visions to develop a conceptual framework to analyze the adoption of innovations that span organizational fields. We apply this framework to examine a telehealth innovation connecting a public sector hospital-based Eye Clinic with private sector optometry practices. We find that while compromise strategies were successful in encouraging adoption within each field, the innovation ultimately failed because the fields developed different organizing visions that could not be reconciled. The findings suggest that institutional misalignments within and between fields interact to amplify their overall effect on the adoption of hybrid innovations.

Purpose The rapid digital transformation (DX) that airlines experienced during the past decade has been proven to be the driving force of significant benefits for the airlines when it comes to cost reduction, branding and revenue... more

Purpose The rapid digital transformation (DX) that airlines experienced during the past decade has been proven to be the driving force of significant benefits for the airlines when it comes to cost reduction, branding and revenue opportunities when passengers purchase tickets and ancillaries directly from their websites. This paper aims to contribute empirically to the theoretical approaches of DX and revenue management (RM) with the investigation of the Aegean airlines DX progress, focusing on emerging RM practices and digital distribution channels. Design/methodology/approach A content analysis of the airlines’ website and social media performance is used to note the current situation combined with previous and upcoming developments. Evaluation of the company’s digitalization progress is approached by using a combination of two selected DX models, the digital transformation maturity (DTM) concept and the technology acceptance model (TAM). Findings The analysis of qualitative and q...

Digitalization has penetrated air transport industry conquering airlines and airports as well. Air services are now accessible easily and conveniently through user friendly online distribution channels that carriers are continuously... more

Digitalization has penetrated air transport industry conquering airlines and airports as well. Air services are now accessible easily and conveniently through user friendly online distribution channels that carriers are continuously developing. Customer oriented digitalization has been promoted to meet the new patterns in consumption, as well as the demand generated by the profile customization in products and services provided by the airlines. This paper aims to highlight the benefits from the digitalization of air services, focusing on airline distribution channels. Literature review and some business oriented perspective are developed to define the context of the digital transformation process and the potentials that arise for the company itself, for its passengers and its partners, in order to depict the evolution in air services distribution channel strategy, through the rapid digital transformation (DX) that airlines experience during the last decade. Digital transformation ma...

The digital transformation of biopharmaceutical manufacturing is continuing at a rapid pace as companies attempt to mine the sources of data available. Innovations include predictive analytics, big data analytics, and creating the digital... more

The digital transformation of biopharmaceutical manufacturing is continuing at a rapid pace as companies attempt to mine the sources of data available. Innovations include predictive analytics, big data analytics, and creating the digital plant. Digital transformation offers a mechanism to revise its business model, to improve production processes, to design new drugs faster by using artificial intelligence to screen compounds and to increase responsiveness to customers. Furthermore, the volume of data processed by pharmaceutical firms shows no sign of slowing down. This means pharmaceutical companies must act quickly in terms of building core internal digital capabilities and moving beyond their traditional IT functions to all areas of the business.

This research focuses on providing insights for a solution for collecting, storing, analyzing and visualizing data from customer energy consumption patterns. The data analysis part of our research provides the models for knowledge... more

This research focuses on providing insights for a solution for collecting, storing, analyzing and visualizing data from customer energy consumption patterns. The data analysis part of our research provides the models for knowledge discovery that can be used to improve energy efficiency at both producer and consumer ends. Τhe study sets a new analytical framework for assessing the role of behavioral knowledge in energy efficiency using a wide range of Case Studies, Experiments, Research, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in combination with the most modern econometric methods and large analytical data taking into account the characteristics of the study participants (household energy customers).

Industry 4.0 trend affected the skills and knowledge expected from human capital. In order to keep up with this trend and raise qualified human resources, universities need to change and transform to University 4.0. In this study, an... more

Industry 4.0 trend affected the skills and knowledge expected from human capital. In order to keep up with this trend and raise qualified human resources, universities need to change and transform to University 4.0. In this study, an 8-tier model is proposed to help the digital transformation process of universities in Turkey. The flow of the elements in this model is logically determined to form a basis for the whole transformation process. The elements in the model consists of human resources management, hardware resources management, big data management, software development process management, learning management system (LMS) management, material design management, e-learning process management and support services management. This study contributes to the literature by introducing a road map to the researchers in this field and to all employees who will endeavor in this transformation process. Having such a road map is important for universities to keep up with the changing conditions of today. Keywords: industry 4.0, education 4.0, learning management system, digital transformation ÜNİVERSİTE 4.0 İÇİN DİJİTAL DÖNÜŞÜM MODEL ÖNERİSİ Özet: Endüstri 4.0 eğilimi, insan sermayesinden beklenen bilgi ve becerileri etkilemiştir. Bu eğilime ayak uydurabilmek ve nitelikli insan kaynağını yetiştirmek için üniversitelerin değişmesi ve Üniversite 4.0'a dönüşmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki üniversitelerin dijital dönüşüm sürecine yardımcı olmak için 8 aşamalı bir model önerilmiştir. Bu modeldeki unsurların akışı tüm dönüşüm süreci için bir temel oluşturacak şekilde mantıksal olarak belirlenmiştir. Modeldeki unsurlar, insan kaynakları yönetimi, donanım kaynakları yönetimi, büyük veri yönetimi, yazılım geliştirme süreç yönetimi, öğrenme yönetim sistemi (LMS) yönetimi, malzeme tasarım yönetimi, e-öğrenme süreç yönetimi ve destek hizmetleri yönetiminden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışma, bu alandaki araştırmacılara ve bu dönüşüm sürecinde çalışacak tüm çalışanlara bir yol haritası getirerek literatüre katkıda bulunmaktadır. Böyle bir yol haritasına sahip olmak üniversitelerin bugünün değişen koşullarına ayak uydurabilmesi için önemlidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: endüstri 4.0, eğitim 4.0, öğrenme yönetim sistemleri, dijital dönüşüm

The study aims to outline the framework and the main challenges for planning in SMEs in the context of digitalisation. The object of research is SMEs in Bulgaria, subject-the planning function and its digitization. Through a comparative,... more

The study aims to outline the framework and the main challenges for planning in SMEs in the context of digitalisation. The object of research is SMEs in Bulgaria, subject-the planning function and its digitization. Through a comparative, critical analysis, the picture in SMEs and the challenges of digital transformation are outlined. An empirical study of the state of planned activities in SMEs and the readiness for digital transformation are conducted, the data are processed by statistical analysis methods. Through deduction, induction and traduction, criteria for self-assessment of the digitalisation of the planned activity in SMEs are derived. The emphasis is on interventions to improve the digital competence of enterprises.

Purpose –Digital transformation planned, underway or even a reality for many businesses. Quality management, as an organizational activity or function, should be also transformed and quality managers should be aware of the new... more

Purpose –Digital transformation planned, underway or even a reality for many businesses. Quality management, as an organizational activity or function, should be also transformed and quality managers should be aware of the new possibilities.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper is completely exploratory and focused on presenting the scenario and make a list of suggestions to be discussed.
Findings – A set of seven general proposals in the form of advices to quality managers looking at the digital transformation.
Practical implications - This paper is structured around a series of propositions for quality managers to take advantage of the new technological possibilities that could heavily impact their areas in the new coming years.
Originality/value – The intention is to provoke debate and call to reflection and action to quality managers on how to transform their activities.

This research makes a major contribution to the current body of digital transformation knowledge. Firstly, develop a comprehensive understanding of the required distributions and barriers that have prevented the successful digital... more

This research makes a major contribution to the current body of digital transformation knowledge. Firstly, develop a comprehensive understanding of the required distributions and barriers that have prevented the successful digital transformation projects. Secondly, illustrates how digital metrics knowledge can be used to benefit the whole digital transformation process.

The purpose of the present contribution is to explore the potential of the digital transformation through the lens of social sustainability, an aspect of sustainable finance that often remains in the shadow of the political and academic... more

The purpose of the present contribution is to explore the potential of the digital transformation through the lens of social sustainability, an aspect of sustainable finance that often remains in the shadow of the political and academic debate on environmental sustainability. This chapter analyses some of the main regulatory concerns and market barriers that arise from the digital transformation of the financial services industry. Focus is on how some developing and emerging market countries are confronting the challenges to achieving financial inclusion and, ultimately, at putting forward policy recommendations to make sure that new technologies create equal opportunities for all, while minimizing the unintended risks and consequences.

The relationship between digital transformation and strategy formulation in the context of new digital technologies is emerging as a research area which is ripe for investigation. Recently, information system researchers have focused... more

The relationship between digital transformation and strategy formulation in the context of new digital technologies is emerging as a research area which is ripe for investigation. Recently, information system researchers have focused their attention on exploring this relationship in the context of cloud computing-based digital transformation. However, while extant research has explored this relationship from an adopter perspective, there is a dearth of research which has used an information and communications technology (ICT) service provision viewpoint. Taking the perspective of fifteen ICT service providers, this comparative case study elucidates how cloud-based digital transformation has impacted these organisations'strategy formulation processes. This paper provides the following insights. First, cloud-based digital transformation can positively impact the realisation of strategic objectives in terms of deliberate strategies such as agility and competitive positioning. Second, we present a process model which delineates how ICT service providers'strategy formulation was observed to be an emergent process, encompassing recursive cycles of business model experimentation and iteration, organisational learning and organisational adaptation, primarily as a result of the profound disruptive and innovative impact of cloud-based digital transformation. " We are the blind people and strategy formation is our elephant. Since no one has had the vision to see the entire beast, everyone has grabbed hold of some part or other and railed on in utter ignorance about the rest. " (Mintzberg et al. 2005)

A two-tier model for CBDC would empower public-private partnerships and enable Digital Cash to be designed by central banks but distributed by commercial FI’s. Digital currencies, denominated in the domestic unit of account, would be... more

A two-tier model for CBDC would empower public-private partnerships and enable Digital Cash to be designed by central banks but distributed by commercial FI’s. Digital currencies, denominated in the domestic unit of account, would be privately issued and managed, although fully backed with central bank reserves and monitored centrally

Digital Twins have been around for decades, especially in industrial processes. However, with the recent advent of transformative digital technologies (i.e. IoT, AI, ML, Big Data analytics, and ubiquitous connectivity) Digital Twins are... more

Digital Twins have been around for decades, especially in industrial processes. However, with the recent advent of transformative digital technologies (i.e. IoT, AI, ML, Big Data analytics, and ubiquitous connectivity) Digital Twins are changing most of the society sectors, providing the most advance pattern to make the physical and the digital worlds interact. Naturally, this is also true for the scientific sector, and in particular those disciplines that are engaged in understanding and addressing the Global Change effects. Thanks to the Digital Twins growing development, for the first time, it is possible to envision a digital replica of important natural and social phenomena and processes, trying to anticipate their behaviour. There exist diverse definitions of Digital Twins, reflecting the diverse concerns of the industrial, scientific, and standardization sectors (in particular IEEE and ISO/IEC), which have been working on their description and realization. The main interaction features characterizing a Digital Twin are: - Interoperability; - Information Model; - Data Exchange; - Administration; - Synchronization; - Push mode (Publish Subscribe). According the scientific research, there is still the need to address the following challenges to push Digital Twins implementation and effective use: - Unify data and model standards; - Share data and models; - Innovate on services; - Establish forums. In industry, Digital Twins are well used in “vertical” sectors/application areas, including: manufacturing, energy, smart cities, farming, building, healthcare. For the applied scientific and research areas, this preliminary study recognized several areas.

The required skills and knowledge expected from human capital is affected by Industry 4.0. In order to keep up with this movement and graduate qualified human resources, universities need to update themselves and transform to University... more

The required skills and knowledge expected from human capital is affected by Industry 4.0. In order to keep up with this movement and graduate qualified human resources, universities need to update themselves and transform to University 4.0. In this study, research was conducted on the sample selected from large and small universities with different characteristics. In this research, first, the structural characteristics of the universities and the information management systems used which concern all the stakeholders in that institution were examined. Also, a roadmap is proposed to help the digital transformation process of universities. The flow of the elements in this model is logically determined to form a basis for the whole transformation process. This study contributes to the literature by introducing a new model to the researchers in this field and to all employees who will endeavor in this transformation process. Üniversite 4.0'a Dijital Dönüşüm: Bir Yol Haritası Öz: Beşeri sermayeden beklenen gerekli bilgi ve beceriler Endüstri 4.0'dan etkilenmiştir. Bu harekete ayak uydurabilmek ve nitelikli insan kaynaklarını mezun edebilmek için üniversitelerin kendilerini güncellemeleri ve Üniversite 4.0'a geçmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, farklı özelliklere sahip büyük ve küçük üniversitelerden seçilen örneklem üzerinde bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmada ilk olarak üniversitelerin yapısal özellikleri ve bu kurumdaki tüm paydaşları ilgilendiren bilgi yönetim sistemleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, üniversitelerin dijital dönüşüm sürecine yardımcı olacak bir yol haritası önerilmiştir. Bu modeldeki elemanların akışı, tüm dönüşüm süreci için bir temel oluşturmak üzere mantıksal olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, bu alandaki araştırmacılara ve bu dönüşüm sürecinde çalışacak tüm çalışanlara yeni bir model getirerek literatüre katkıda bulunmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Endüstri 4.0, Eğitim 4.0, Öğrenme yönetim sistemi, Dijital dönüşüm

Das Buch beschreibt die Erfolgsfaktoren von innovations- und veränderungsfähigen Unternehmen und liefert wissenschaftlich fundierte wie praxiserprobte Tools und Fragebögen für die eigene Standortbestimmung. Anhand anschaulicher... more

Das Buch beschreibt die Erfolgsfaktoren von innovations- und veränderungsfähigen Unternehmen und liefert wissenschaftlich fundierte wie praxiserprobte Tools und Fragebögen für die eigene Standortbestimmung. Anhand anschaulicher Praxisfälle erfährt der Leser, wie er notwendige Fähigkeiten für strategische Erneuerung, Innovation und Wachstum gezielt stärken kann. Er erhält praxiserprobte Werkzeuge zur Diagnose und Stärkung von Veränderungs- und Innovationskompetenzen auf Ebene des einzelnen Mitarbeiters, der Führungskraft und der Organisation.
Zeigt, was agile, anpassungsfähige und innovative Unternehmen und Menschen auszeichnet, die sich erfolgreich in einem volatilen Umfeld bewegen. Bietet Checklisten für eine realistische Standortanalyse, die zeigen, wie fit das eigene Unternehmen und die Mitarbeiter bzw. Führungskräfte für ein erfolgreiches Bestehen in dynamischen Märkten und für Innovation und Wachstum sind. Vermittelt, wie man sein Unternehmen zukunftsfähig macht und die dynamischen Fähigkeiten der Organisation und Mitarbeiter konkret stärken kann Das Buch beschreibt die Erfolgsfaktoren von innovations-und veränderungsfähigen agilen Unternehmen und Menschen und liefert wissenschaftlich fundierte wie praxiserprobte Tools und Fragebögen für die eigene Standortbestimmung.
Der Inhalt:
- Die radikal neuen Anforderungen unserer Zeit mit ihren Paradigmenwechseln und Konsequenzen für Veränderungsarbeit
- Mit strategischer Innovation die Wachstumsfähigkeit erneuern und die digitale Transformation meistern
- Unternehmertum in der Organisation stärken, Corporate Entrepreneurship: Der angestellte Unternehmer und sein Team
- Die Organisation verändern, Muster aufbrechen
- Persönliche Veränderungskompetenz und persönliche Agilität stärken
- Agiler Führen, agil organisieren in Projekt und Linie
- Innovativer und kreativer mit Design Thinking
- Schlüsselkompetenz Kommunikation: Pulsschlag der Veränderung
- Generationenübergang in Familienunternehmen meistern
- Kompetenzen und Erfolgsfaktoren internationaler Veränderungsarbeit
Die Herausgeber
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Guido Baltes verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in der Leitung von Transformations-und Innovationsprozessen in der Industrie. Heute liegt sein Fokus als Direktor des Instituts für Strategische Innovation und Technologiemanagement in Forschung, Lehre und Beratung auf dynamischen Fähigkeiten und Corporate Entrepreneurship als Voraussetzung für Innovation und Wachstum in Unternehmen.
Antje Freyth ist als geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin der Veränderungsintelligenz® GmbH Expertin für Tools zur Diagnose und Konzepte zur Stärkung von Veränderungsfähigkeiten und Agilität sowie Innovationskompetenzen. Die Herausgeber werden von ausgewählten Autoren unterstützt, die jeweils Experten in Ihrem Fachgebiet sind.