Aquileia Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The symposium “The found Christ” took place in Cervignano del Friuli (Udine) on Saturday, December 3, 2005, within the homonymous multi-year project (coord. scient. S. Blason Scarel and P. Casadio) dedicated to the rediscovery of the... more

The aim of this research is the analysis of mosaic materials and the practice of making in Aquileia, discussing two emblematic case studies from Casa delle Bestie Ferite, a housing context that is being stratigraphically excavated by the... more

The aim of this research is the analysis of mosaic materials and the practice of making in Aquileia, discussing two emblematic case studies from Casa delle Bestie Ferite, a housing context that is being stratigraphically excavated by the University of Padova since 2007. The life of the domus includes three different phases: middle-late 1st century BC / first half of 1st century AD, (construction); 2nd/3rd century AD (minor refurbishments with no substantial plan modifications); 4th century AD (major reconstruction).
For this study we analyzed in detail the two most representative mosaics of the first and third phase, displaying the technical changes involved in their production and discussing different ways of working in two different periods and social contexts. Our methodological approach integrates the visual examination with the archaeometrical characterization (OM, X-RPD, SEM) of bedding mortars and tesserae, in order to consider the constructive processes of the mosaics in all their parts: from the setting of the foundations to the laying of the surface.
The first case study is a fine example of geometric mosaic, with figural elements, datable to the late 1st century BC-early 1st AD. In its production we observed high quality standards. The foundations are made on a thick dump of well selected clays, followed by four distinct bedding layers (statumen, rudus, nucleus, tesserae setting bed). This structure recalls closely the practice described by the passage of Vitruvius on making mosaics (VII, 1, 1-7). The tesserae include mainly local limestones, with some marbles and few glasses in the figural panels, surely the most prestigious parts.
The other case study is a late antique mosaic, commonly named delle Bestie ferite, from the subject represented. This mosaic is characterized by a totally different bedding: a friable, gray lime mortar, measuring only 3 to 6 cm in thickness. Although marble, glass and gold-leaf tesserae were used extensively, their andamento and layout reveals a certain degree of inaccuracy, probably due to the presence of unskilled artisans and a general disorganization of the work.
The analysis of these two mosaics allowed us to discuss issues related to the social organization of decorator teams in Aquileia and to evaluate the concept of quality throughout five centuries of mosaic production.

"Nel Friuli patriarcale Cividale era solo una 'terra', ma la vocazione urbana - già visibile nella 'forma urbis' - era fortissima. Nel corso del Trecento il consiglio del Comune attuò una chiusura oligarchica: 'milites' e 'pedites'... more

"Nel Friuli patriarcale Cividale era solo una 'terra', ma la vocazione urbana - già visibile nella 'forma urbis' - era fortissima. Nel corso del Trecento il consiglio del Comune attuò una chiusura oligarchica: 'milites' e 'pedites' appaiono ormai come etichette prive di valore, ma sono un gruppo coeso, che nei confronti del patriarca Bertrando di Saint-Geniés seglie la via del conflitto, fino al tragico epilogo del 1350.
Nel saggio sono descritte le magistrature cittadine e individuato il gruppo dirigente urbano tra tra 1328-45 (riassunto in due tavole poste in appendice)."

Heilige Gräber sind Nachbauten des Grabes Christi in Jerusalem – kapellenartige Anlagen mit dem leeren Sarkophag des Auferstandenen. Seit der Wiederentdeckung durch Kaiser Konstantin 325/326 ist das Christusgrab in Jerusalem ein Ort... more

Heilige Gräber sind Nachbauten des Grabes Christi in Jerusalem – kapellenartige Anlagen mit dem leeren Sarkophag des Auferstandenen. Seit der Wiederentdeckung durch Kaiser Konstantin 325/326 ist das Christusgrab in Jerusalem ein Ort höchster Verehrung. Die rasch einsetzende Pilgertätigkeit sorgte seinerzeit für die Verbreitung der Kenntnisse um das Originalgrab wie auch die Diffusion von Kreuz- und anderen Passionsreliquien in der abendländischen Kultur. Pilgerberichte, zahlreiche Abbildungen auf Elfenbeintafeln und wenig später auf Pilgerabzeichen legen Zeugnis davon ab. Seit dem 10. und besonders im Verlauf des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts sind die überall entstehenden Heiligen Gräber, einhergehend mit den Kreuzzügen und den ständig zunehmenden Wallfahrten ins Heilige Land, aus dem religiösen Bewusstsein nicht mehr wegzudenken. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass über die wenigen noch erhaltenen Nachbauten hinaus eine erheblich höhere Anzahl Heiliger Gräber existiert hat, wie ich durch Quellenfunde belegen konnte. Dieser Sachverhalt lässt die bisherige Betrachtungsweise, frühere Heilige Gräber seien sonderbare Einzelfälle der Kunstgeschichte, fragwürdig erscheinen. Wird die Thematik im Licht der liturgischen Nutzung, aber auch der politischen Hintergründe für die Erbauung und Verehrung der Heiligen Gräber betrachtet, so wird deutlich, dass die Bedeutung dieser Bauten für das Mittelalter bisher unterschätzt wurde. Anhand der Heiligen Gräber in Acquapendente, Aquileia, Bologna, Fruttuaria und Mailand gehe ich im Rahmen meiner Dissertation den Fragen nach, welche Ursachen zu der Stiftung eines Heiligen Grabes führten und welche Einflüsse die Gestalt der Gräber geprägt haben. Die Bedeutung der Bauwerke als Pilgerstätten, Reliquienaufbewahrungsorte und Begräbnisstätten steht dabei im Mittelpunkt – auch um die Thematik als solche stärker ins Bewusstsein der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung zu rücken. Eine umfassende Untersuchung der Heiligen Gräber, die heutigen wissenschaftlichen Ansprüchen gerecht werden könnte, liegt bisher nicht vor. Die ältere Forschung interessierte sich vornehmlich für die Nachbauten, um anhand dieser die verschiedenen Bauphasen am Heiligen Grab in Jerusalem zu rekonstruieren. Diese Methode stößt schnell an ihre Grenzen, wird gleichwohl aber immer wieder aufgegriffen. Bislang wurden Heilige Gräber von der Forschung auf ihre Funktion in der Osterliturgie reduziert. Dagegen zeigt die große Varianz, die innerhalb der Heiligen Gräber – und das auch außerhalb Italiens – zu beobachten ist, die unterschiedlichsten Erbauungsgründe an. Die fünf genannten Beispiele haben alle verschiedene Bauhintergründe, so ist etwa das Heilige Grab in Santo Stefano in Bologna Teil einer Kirchenfamilie, mit der neben dem Christusgrab noch andere Heilige Stätten aus Jerusalem in derselben Ausrichtungen und teilweise denselben Maßen, wie auch im Heiligen Land, sichtbar anwesend gemacht wurden. Es handelt sich um eine in ganz Europa singuläre Anlage. Die Bedeutung und Nutzung aller Heiligen Gräber sind weitaus vielschichtiger anzunehmen und variieren von Fall zu Fall.
Die Ausgangslage, die bis heute die Forschung dominiert, bei den Heiligen Gräbern handele es sich um liturgische Einrichtungen für die Osterfeiertage, konnte ich widerlegen. Während die Liturgie der Heiligen Woche eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt, stehen im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert andere Erbauungsgründe wie Passionsreliquien oder Grabstätten von hochrangigen Klerikern im Vordergrund. Aufstellungsort und Art der Nutzung machen deutlich, dass Heilige Gräber wie Grabmäler von Heiligen angesehen werden müssen und gleichsam zu verehrungswürdigen heiligen Orte wurden. Sie führen den Gläubigen die Auferstehung Christi durch den leeren Sarkophag im Innern unmittelbar vor Augen. Einen wesentlichen Fortschritt stellt meine Arbeit auch für die Datierung und die Motive für die Errichtung Heiliger Gräber dar, da ich zeigen kann, dass diese bedeutend früher und mit wesentlich geringerem Einfluss der Kreuzzüge erbaut wurden, als bisher vermutet.

Magnifici ritorni. Schätze Aquileias aus dem Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien (Rom 2019)
Magnifici ritorni. Treasures of Aquileia from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna (Rome 2019)

Note sui catapan (libri dei legati/obituari) parrocchiali friulani in epoca bassomedioevale-

Vengono ripercorsi la carriera accademica e l'itinerario degli studi medioevali di Flavia De Vitt, in occasione della conclusione del suo rapporto di lavoro con l'Università degli Studi di Udine. Se ne sottolinea la grande coerenza e la... more

Vengono ripercorsi la carriera accademica e l'itinerario degli studi medioevali di Flavia De Vitt, in occasione della conclusione del suo rapporto di lavoro con l'Università degli Studi di Udine. Se ne sottolinea la grande coerenza e la solidità scientifica, che ne fanno un punto di riferimento per la storia della chiesa e della religiosità del Friuli medioevale.

A little study about a money of Antonio II Panciera (mediaeval time).
Italian language

I VENETI IN FRIULI – Dall’antichità alla Serenissima , 2021 Crocevia di culture, centro di circolazione di idee e commerci, la regione friulana già dall’800 a.C. manifestava interessanti collegamenti dei Veneti locali con il Centro... more

I VENETI IN FRIULI – Dall’antichità alla Serenissima , 2021
Crocevia di culture, centro di circolazione di idee e commerci, la regione friulana già dall’800 a.C. manifestava interessanti collegamenti dei Veneti locali con il Centro Europa. Ancora prima, nel 1200 a. C., popolazioni appartenenti alla cultura di Baierdorf-Velatice scendevano dal Centro-Europa nella fascia delle risorgive del Friuli, portando con sé elementi che anticipavano la cultura venetica.

The present work deals with the Roman cistophori kept in the coin cabinet of the National Museum in Aquileia. Even if no data concerning the find spot are available, these coins could reflect part of the contents of one or more hoards of... more

The present work deals with the Roman cistophori kept in the coin cabinet of the National Museum in Aquileia. Even if no data concerning the find spot are available, these coins could reflect part of the contents of one or more hoards of denarii formerly uncovered in the area of the ancient city but disassembled in the aftermath. Given the very restricted circulation of cistophorus limited to the province of Asia, finds from Aquileia constitute the largest assemblage of this kind in the entire Western Mediterranean. The reason for such an anomalous presence is to be found in the close commercial ties between Aquileia and the western Asia Minor, well defined by archaeological and epigraphical sources.

European Academy of Religion Annual Conference, Bologna, Italy, March 2018.

The excavations carried out on the area of the formar Cossar property at Aquileia, held by the Padua University, reported significant ammount of ceramics oginated from the so-called “Levantine” zones: from Cyprus, Cilicia and from the... more

The excavations carried out on the area of the formar Cossar property at Aquileia, held by the Padua University, reported significant ammount of ceramics oginated from the so-called “Levantine” zones: from Cyprus, Cilicia and from the Sirian and Palestinian area. The examined shards refered mainly to amphorae but some vessels in Eastern terra sigillata
(ETS) and Levantine Cooking Ware (LCW) are also documented. As a whole these products are attested with a lower percentage compared to the many pottery finds coming from other Eastern Mediterranean regions. Nevertheless, we will attempt detailed analysis of these materials in order to testify size and nature of trade transformations which involved Aquileia and the Near East from Late Repubblican period to the 6th century AD.

The survey discusses wall- and vault mosaics (Centcelles, Rotunda Thessaloniki), floor mosaics (Aquileia, Madaba, Petra), paintings, textiles, sculpture, sumptuary arts (silver, ivory), iconographical themes (martyrs, Christ, baptism,... more

The survey discusses wall- and vault mosaics (Centcelles, Rotunda Thessaloniki), floor mosaics (Aquileia, Madaba, Petra), paintings, textiles, sculpture, sumptuary arts (silver, ivory), iconographical themes (martyrs, Christ, baptism, crucifixion), etc.

The article presents the first results of the survey on the manuscript tradition of the sermons by Chromatius of Aquileia. After some introductory remarks about the bishop's work and a status quaestionis, the study concerns the Bavarian... more

The article presents the first results of the survey on the manuscript tradition of the
sermons by Chromatius of Aquileia. After some introductory remarks about the bishop's work and a status quaestionis, the study concerns the Bavarian homiliaries, Carolingian collections that enabled scholars to (re)discover the sermons by Chromatius, and the particular tradition of the sermo 40 (in the Gelasian Sacramentary). Even if at a preliminary stage, the collected data allow to broaden the perspective and parameters of this research.

La Guerra de Troya permanece en nuestro imaginario colectivo desde que Homero la inmortalizara, pero no fue el único, multitud de autores posteriores se inspiraron en las hazañas de los héroes griegos y troyanos, de manera que se acabaron... more

La Guerra de Troya permanece en nuestro imaginario colectivo desde que Homero la inmortalizara, pero no fue el único, multitud de autores posteriores se inspiraron en las hazañas de los héroes griegos y troyanos, de manera que se acabaron convirtiendo en símbolos imperecederos. Durante siglos, las élites utilizaron el paisaje troyano, plagado de referencias heroicas, para sus intereses, convirtiendo las tumbas de los héroes caídos en verdaderos santuarios de propaganda. Este breve trabajo incidirá en este comportamiento analizando las tumbas de cuatro de los grandes héroes del ciclo troyano: Aquiles, Patroclo, Áyax y Héctor.

The fluvial harbour of Aquileia (Italy), one of the most important Roman trading centres in the Mediterranean, was abandoned after the city's destruction in 452 AD. The deserted harbour evolved into a swamp surrounded by a floodplain that... more

The fluvial harbour of Aquileia (Italy), one of the most important Roman trading centres in the Mediterranean, was abandoned after the city's destruction in 452 AD. The deserted harbour evolved into a swamp surrounded by a floodplain that has recorded the anthropogenic, environmental and climatic pressures that have occurred during the last 1500 years in the northern Adriatic. Focusing on the period since 500 AD, we here reconstruct the area's long-term ecosystem dynamics. We show that ecosystem dynamics mainly mirror the climate phases of the pre-industrial era. After the Roman era, anthropogenic activities (agriculture, pasture and fire activity) declined in scope and amplitude and are chronologically limited (from the late 7th to the early 13th centuries AD), acting as a background pressure on ecosystems. The main non-human impacts recorded by ecosystems correspond to the Late Antique Little Ice Age and the Pre-industrial Little Ice Age. The temperatures reconstructed for the Medieval Climate Anomaly are close to those recorded for the 20th century AD but they differ from the 21st century AD. Aquileia shows that ancient harbours are key areas to understand how climate and human societies have shaped northern Adriatic environments since the post-Roman period.

A new big roman road from Rome to Aquileia, 153 B.C.

The article examines the life, death and vicissitudes of the body of Giorgio Reiss Romoli (1888-1917), a young doctor from Trieste, Jew and pro-Italy, who died at Doberdò del Lago, quota 208 Sud, to save his brother Guglielmo seriously... more

The article examines the life, death and vicissitudes of the body of Giorgio Reiss Romoli (1888-1917), a young doctor from Trieste, Jew and pro-Italy, who died at Doberdò del Lago, quota 208 Sud, to save his brother Guglielmo seriously injured: in fact, they can be taken as an example of the moral and political concerns that characterized the territories of the former Austrian Littoral (Küstenland) in the period between 1919 and 1924, year of the Italian annexation of Fiume (Rijeka). Not by chance in 1923, under the Mussolinian vision of the First World War, it was for Trieste the year of the collective return of the bodies of irredent men who had defected to fight, during the Great War, under the flag of the Kingdom of Italy: Giorgio, buried twice (in the war cemetery of Case Bonetti and then, shortly before the route of Caporetto, in that of Aquileia, a simbolic place), was definitively transferred to Trieste in 1924 and brought to the Jewish cemetery, where he lies next to his family and his wife Annie.

Views and maps of Aquileia are known from the late Seventeenth century. These are important evidences for historical topography of the town, but not a few inaccurate or wrong data, sometimes seriously mislead-ing, circulate in the... more

Views and maps of Aquileia are known from the late Seventeenth century. These are important evidences for historical topography of the town, but not a few inaccurate or wrong data, sometimes seriously mislead-ing, circulate in the scholarship, even up-to-date. This paper retraces the story of Aquileia’s oldest azimuth-al map, usually dated around 1740 and attributed to the canon and antiquarian Giandomenico Bertoli (1676-1763). Author’s analysis of the surviving copies demostrated it was actually designed before 1727 by Giovanni Antonio Gironcoli (1670-1729), an amateur mathematician and surveyor who served as mansionario (a sort of deacon) in the patriarchal church of Aquileia. Bertoli’s intervention, not later than 1746, consisted prob-ably in some topographic and toponomastic improvements and in a consistent upgrade of the archaeological records

Some facts in opposition of recently opinions about the construction date of the Torcello cathedral. The renewal of the Aquileian cathedral as answer to the rise of Venice in the first half of the XIth century. PROVIDED FOR... more

Some facts in opposition of recently opinions about the construction date of the Torcello cathedral.
The renewal of the Aquileian cathedral as answer to the rise of Venice in the first half of the XIth century.

L'antichissima Chiesa Subapostolica e Patriarcale di Aquileia, caratterizzata dal Rito Proprio Patriarchino o Aquileiese, ha prodotto un’antica serie di Litanie Mariane che sono attestate da un manoscritto del XII secolo, comprendente... more

L'antichissima Chiesa Subapostolica e Patriarcale di Aquileia, caratterizzata dal Rito Proprio Patriarchino o Aquileiese, ha prodotto un’antica serie di Litanie Mariane che sono attestate da un manoscritto del XII secolo, comprendente quarantadue invocazioni. Nel corso dei secoli tale formulario si diffuse in tutta la vastissima area di influenza metropolitica della Chiesa Aquileiese, originariamente estesa dall'Italia nord-orientale fino alla Slovenia e alla Croazia e all'Ungheria, dalla Baviera alla Carinzia, e si arricchì di nuove invocazioni, raggiungendo l’imponente numero di novantadue nel Seicento. Caratteristica di tali invocazioni sono l’espressione Santa Maria con la quale tutte le litanie iniziano, la ricorrenza dei temi della luce e della gioia, la particolare risposta dell’assemblea: vieni in nostro aiuto. Si tratta di un grande tesoro molto antico di spiritualità mariana, caratterizzato da una grande ricchezza liturgica e profondità teologica, che celebra tutte le Principali Verità Cattoliche, Cristologiche, Trinitarie, Mariologiche, Ecclesiologiche. Le Litanie Mariane Aquileiesi sono antichissime ma sempre attualissime. Leggere per credere.