Australian Studies Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Gay Conversion Practices in Memoir, Film and Fiction provides an in-depth exploration of the disturbing phenomenon of gay conversion 'therapy' and its fictional and autobiographical representations across a broad range of films and books... more

Gay Conversion Practices in Memoir, Film and Fiction provides an in-depth exploration of the disturbing phenomenon of gay conversion 'therapy' and its fictional and autobiographical representations across a broad range of films and books such as But I'm a Cheerleader! (1999), This is What Love in Action Looks Like (2011) and Boy Erased (2018). In doing so, the volume emphasizes the powerful role the arts and media play in communicating stories around conversion practices. Approaching the timely and urgent subject from an interdisciplinary perspective, contributors utilize film theory, queer theory, literary theory, mental health and social movement theory to discuss the medicalization and pathologizing of queer people, the power of institutions ranging from church, psychiatry and family (sometimes in alliance), and the real and fictional voices of survivors.

Tasmania’s unique combination of geography, deep human history and the particular context of British colonial settlement offers a valuable case study of the spread of European philosophy, literary, scientific and artistic traditions... more

Tasmania’s unique combination of geography, deep human history and the particular context of British colonial settlement offers a valuable case study of the spread of European philosophy, literary, scientific and artistic traditions through British imperial interests in the South Pacific. During the 1820s, in order to facilitate economic and social development, the colonial government of Van Diemen’s Land attempted the effective removal of all ‘wild’ Aborigines from the island. A limited anthropological record prior to this period produced a blank ethnographic canvas that was slowly populated with figures owing more to the European imagination and earlier encounters with Indigenous people elsewhere in the empire than to the existential character of Tasmanian Aborigines, their culture and history. Aborigines were depicted through a range of tropes dominated by romantic notions of noble savagery, settler experiences of conflict, the desire for peace and prosperity, and ultimately, for...

Australia's record as one of the higher performing nations on therecent PISA tests occasioned more interest internationally than domestically. Not with standing this success however, it is argued that its overall national success on... more

Australia's record as one of the higher performing nations on therecent PISA tests occasioned more interest internationally than domestically. Not with standing this success however, it is argued that its overall national success on the PISA tests is something of a myth, masking wide differences between the overall majority, and certain disadvantaged minorities. Disaggregating the performance data reveals the actual situation with respect to indigenous Australians, certain ethnic minorities and the effects of social class, which in each case is complemented with analysis of test performance differentials from PISA and NAPLAN. This examination reveals the reality that Australia is less successful than several other countries in extending high levels of school performance to key minorities. Given this failure, the myth of Australian high performance needs to be re-examined: much more needs to be done to boost the educational success of disadvantaged minorities. Los resultados de A...

This ficto-critical paper presented at the University of London, Australian Studies Centre, looks at how mateship is read historically in political Australia particularly through the dismissal of Gough Whitlam. It performs a contemporary... more

This ficto-critical paper presented at the University of London, Australian Studies Centre, looks at how mateship is read historically in political Australia particularly through the dismissal of Gough Whitlam. It performs a contemporary analysis with the 'order of mates' (John Pilger 1989) in a bus depot in regional NSW, where the main protagonist, a female, is not part of the 'order of mates', and never will be no matter her competence. The later novel in verse Depot Girl (2007) covered this cultural, class and gendered terrain in more detail.

This paper examines a local manifestation of extreme right political mobilisation in Australia from the standpoint of Connell and Messerschmidt's (2005) global hegemonic masculinity. Using Messerschmidt and Rohde's (2018) methods for... more

This paper examines a local manifestation of extreme right political mobilisation in Australia from the standpoint of Connell and Messerschmidt's (2005) global hegemonic masculinity. Using Messerschmidt and Rohde's (2018) methods for analysing violent extremists' public statements, we examine public blog posts by "The Lads [sic] Society" to scrutinise the relationship between local advocacy for a white ethno-state in Australia and global hegemonic masculinities. The analysis finds that localised white nationalism is both a response to, and constituted by, the tensions of global hegemonic masculinity and is, in part, an attempt to reclaim localised white hegemonic masculinity in the face of a multitude of perceived global societal failures. Through the analysis, this paper contributes to Messerschmidt and Rohde's (2018) claim that various global hegemonic masculinities simultaneously coexist and compete, while pointing to how discursive processes continue to redefine masculinities at the local level. The paper also responds to a broader invitation to incorporate gender analysis into the study of extreme political movements, enabling a more critical understandings of the motivations and experiences of those that participate in them.

Gija people in the East Kimberley community of Warmun (Western Australia) negotiate their engagement with pastoralism with varying degrees of primacy. Through ethnography and oral histories, I explore how Gija people manage pastoralism... more

Gija people in the East Kimberley community of Warmun (Western Australia) negotiate their engagement with pastoralism with varying degrees of primacy. Through ethnography and oral histories, I explore how Gija people manage pastoralism and its effects through acts of accommodation, adoption, refusal and innovation. I begin by outlining the development of the colonial pastoral industry in Western Australia, state and federal legislation that withheld and underpaid wages to Aboriginal pastoral workers and cattle-killing practices and protective measures. I use ‘Kila’, the bovine species killed for local consumption, as an entry point to explore intercultural relations and Gija relative autonomy within this context. Analysing Kila etymologically and through an ethnographic case study involving its procurement, dissection, and distribution, I find that cooperation is implemented to enable the Kila event. Kila emerges as both a nexus for intercultural mutuality and as a facilitator of distinct opportunities for Gija social and cultural maintenance and recreation.

In 2002 Raewyn Connell and Julian Wood produced an article in the Journal of Sociology called, “Globalization and scientific labour: patterns in a life-history study of intellectual workers in the periphery.” The theme of my article is a... more

In 2002 Raewyn Connell and Julian Wood produced an article in the Journal of Sociology called, “Globalization and scientific labour: patterns in a life-history study of intellectual workers in the periphery.” The theme of my article is a critical question of why the role of the intellectual in the Australian economy is ignored or minimised. There have been many articles in the Journal of Sociology which have skirted around the question, but Connell returned to the question in 2006. The answer can be comprehensively answered by examining the cultural criticisms made by Donald Horne in the 1960s and by examining the sociology of philosophies from Randall Collins in the 1990s. The Australian academy has not come to grips with understanding the answer to the question why the role of the intellectual in the Australian economy is ignored or minimised. If it were the case of such change, Australian universities would be in total revolt against current higher education policies.

1. Marriage migration has gained increasing attention across the many disciplines of social science in recent years. Within the discipline of demography, the rising volume of Asian cross-border marriage migrations has sparked a growing... more

1. Marriage migration has gained increasing attention across the many disciplines of social science in recent years. Within the discipline of demography, the rising volume of Asian cross-border marriage migrations has sparked a growing scholarship on this topic since the mid-2000s. Social demographers have much to gain from the wealth of anthropological literature on marriage migration. Insights on how the intersections of race, class and gender affect the lives of marriage migrants are often difficult to canvass from population surveys and census data—the primary tools of analysis in our field. With this intention of exploring the study of marriage migration beyond the discipline of demography, I read Monika Winarnita's ethnographic work on a group of Indonesian migrant women dancers in Perth, Australia.

Writing about fascism and aviation has stressed the role technology played in Mussolini's ambitions to cultivate fascist ideals in Italy and amongst the Italian diaspora. In this article we examine Francesco De Pinedo's account of... more

Writing about fascism and aviation has stressed the role technology played in Mussolini's ambitions to cultivate fascist ideals in Italy and amongst the Italian diaspora. In this article we examine Francesco De Pinedo's account of the Australian section of his record-breaking 1925 flight from Rome to Tokyo. Our analysis of De Pinedo's reception as a modern Italian in a British Australia, and his response to that reception, suggests that this Italian aviator was relatively unconcerned with promoting Fascist greatness in Australia. De Pinedo was interested in Australian claims to the forms of modernity he had witnessed in the United States and which the Fascists were attempting to incorporate into a new vision of Italian destiny. Flight provided him with a geographical imagination which understood modernity as an international exchange of progressive peoples. His Australian reception revealed a nation anxious about preserving its British identity in a globalising world con...

During the four centuries of Ottoman rule, the Franciscan Province of Bosna Srebrena was the only institutional structure of the Catholic Church permanently present there. According to tradition, their legal status and security were... more

During the four centuries of Ottoman rule, the Franciscan Province of Bosna Srebrena was the only institutional structure of the Catholic Church permanently present there. According to tradition, their legal status and security were guaranteed by a document issued by Sultan Mehmed II in 1463, known as the Fojnica Ahdname. Franciscan sources show that they had been constantly using documents of Ottoman provenance to resolve their legal and economic issues since at least the seventeenth century and continued this practise even when Bosnia came under the Austro-Hungarian administration in 1878. In the twentieth century, this led to an overemphasis on the importance of the Ahdname and its placement in an anachronistic framework that corresponded to the image of a “better past.” The paper aims to show the historical context in which this narrative pattern developed in the Franciscan sources. The findings suggest that the Bosnian Franciscans also used their incorporation into the Ottoman legal system for relations with the Catholic West.

We could not know that she was a poetess par excellene, it is through Welsh journal and its issues we have come to know of her, how she wrote when she was a younger student at college!

Janette Turner Hospital is the author of eight novels, four collections of short stories, a novella published only in French, and a crime thriller under the pseudonym Alex Juniper. Her work has been published in 20 countries, and in 12... more

Janette Turner Hospital is the author of eight novels, four collections of short stories, a novella published only in French, and a crime thriller under the pseudonym Alex Juniper. Her work has been published in 20 countries, and in 12 languages other than English. She is the recipient of a number of overseas literary awards, and both Griffith University (in 1996) and the University of Queensland (in 2003) have conferred honorary doctorates upon her. In 2003 she won the Queensland Premier's Literary Award for Best Fiction Book for her most recent novel, Due Preparations for the Plague, and the Patrick White Award for Lifetime Literary Achievement.

Irelands religious problems are well known but generally these troubles have not spilled over into Australian society. This article looks at a bare-knuckle encounter between protagonist representing the Irish Catholics and Irish... more

Irelands religious problems are well known but generally these troubles have not spilled over into Australian society. This article looks at a bare-knuckle encounter between protagonist representing the Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants in March 1871 on the banks of the Georges River in southern Sydney.

This is a book which has been needed for a long time. Silence has been neglected in the mainstream literature on second language acquisition and on the methodology of teaching a second or foreign language. If you look for silence in the... more

This is a book which has been needed for a long time. Silence has been neglected in the mainstream literature on second language acquisition and on the methodology of teaching a second or foreign language. If you look for silence in the index of a book on second language acquisition you might find reference to ‘the silent period’ but you are highly unlikely to find reference to ‘silence’. If you search an index for a book on methodology you might find reference to ‘the silent way’ but not to ‘silence’. As a result of this neglect teachers in training have not been educated to understand and appreciate the role of silence in language learning and teachers in the classroom have misin- terpreted learner silence as a signal of laziness, or face saving or ignorance, or of reticence to participate. In other words they have treated silence as a negative phenomenon and have been unaware of how it can contribute positively to language acquisition.

This review article is a response to Bill Denheld’s critique of my book, 'Ned Kelly and the myth of a Republic of North-Eastern Victoria' (2018), in his 'Ned Kelly - Australian Iron Icon: A Certain Truth' (2024). There are three core... more

This review article is a response to Bill Denheld’s critique of my book,
'Ned Kelly and the myth of a Republic of North-Eastern Victoria' (2018), in his 'Ned Kelly - Australian Iron Icon: A Certain Truth' (2024). There are three core topics upon which Bill and I disagree, that demanded this book review due to his devoting his chapter 12 to a critique of my Republic Myth book. The first concerns Constable Fitzpatrick, where the disagreement is about what happened in the Fitzpatrick incident. Secondly, the Kelly republic myth remains demolished as an elaborate mid-twentieth century fiction. Indeed, Bill accepts that; and despite his best endeavours to identify a proto-republican movement among Kelly sympathisers, it remains a myth. Third, Bill suggested (as have others, including Graham Fricke, Q.C.), that moving Kelly’s trial to Melbourne was an unscrupulous manoeuvre by the government with the connivance of Judge Barry to ensure Ned’s conviction. This too is wrong and requires a response. This review article was published as a series of online posts between late June and mid-August 2024 and is presented here as a revised and consolidated mini-book.

Dornbach Mária - Lénárt András (szerk.): Segítség! Gyermekrablás-, kereskedelem és átnevelés a 20-21. században. Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, 2024.... more

Dornbach Mária - Lénárt András (szerk.): Segítség! Gyermekrablás-, kereskedelem és átnevelés a 20-21. században. Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, 2024.
Book in Hungarian on child abduction, trafficking and re-education in the 20th-21st centuries (the book is not available online due to copyright reasons).
Libro en húngaro sobre el secuestro, la trata y la reeducación de niños en los siglos XX y XXI (el libro no está disponible en línea por motivos de derechos de autor).
Absztrakt: Nincs védtelenebb ember a saját sorsuk fölött nem rendelkezhető gyerekeknél, akik a világ számos országában ma is a legkönnyebben megszerezhető és manipulálható prédák. Kihasználásukat, bandákba szerveződésüket, a drogkartellek harcában való részvételüket elsősorban az adott társadalmat sújtó tömeges szegénység, a tudatlanság, a konfliktus-övezeteket (fegyveres konfliktusok, kábítószerkereskedelem) jellemző instabil politikai-gazdasági helyzet, a kiszolgáltatottság magyarázza. A gyerekkatonaság, a bűnbandákba szerveződés, a kiskorú lányokat érintő szexrabszolgaság, a tömeges gyerekmunka a világ számos régiójában napjainkban is meglévő jelenség. A konfliktus-övezetekben tömegesen képeznek ki és alkalmaznak gyermekkatonákat, akiket a társadalom peremén élő szegény családoktól vásárolnak vagy rabolnak el, illetve utcagyerekekből, menekülttáborokból toboroznak. Az erőszakos átnevelés, ami minden esetben a gyerekek családjukból történő kiragadásával jár, a gyarmatosítás következtében a társadalom peremére szorult őslakosok leszármazottjait fenyegeti tömegesen. Kötetünk a 20. század második felére koncentrálva vizsgálja a gyermekek elleni erőszakot. A tanulmányok az öt kontinenst bejárva górcső alá vesznek mélységükben kevésbé feltárt példákat. Egyik-másikról talán van felszínes tudásunk, de nem mindig ismerjük társadalmi, ideológiai hátterüket. Pedig ezek a jelenségek napjainkban is velünk vannak, és a megoldásra nincs egyetemesen elfogadott és megfogalmazott eszközünk, hathatós nemzetközi jogvédelem.

Krzysztof Loska Avant-Garde Theater and the Japanese New Wave—The Terayama Case The turn of the 50s in Japan is marked by a debut of a young generation of film and theater directors. Their artistic undertakings voiced an objection to an... more

Krzysztof Loska Avant-Garde Theater and the Japanese New Wave—The Terayama Case The turn of the 50s in Japan is marked by a debut of a young generation of film and theater directors. Their artistic undertakings voiced an objection to an aesthetic tradition. Stage artists successfully cooperated with film makers as they shared a similar worldview, leftist sensitivity and their stance expressed the protest against political situation in the country. Film, like theatre, was used as a method of dealing with recent past, previous epoch’s militarism, and as a reflective tool, enabling contemplation over individual and national identity. In such a historical context a new kind of theater, called post-shingeki or Small Theaters Movement, rose to the surface. The purpose of this article, however, is not to discuss general characteristics of the then-current stage avant-garde but an analysis of a particular case, i.e. the works of Shūji Terayama whose most famous plays were staged at European...

Exploring Gastronomic Trends: The Evolution of Culinary Art in the 21st Century offers a comprehensive and insightful examination of the dynamic and ever-evolving world of modern gastronomy. This book delves into the key trends and... more

Exploring Gastronomic Trends: The Evolution of Culinary Art in the 21st Century offers a comprehensive and insightful examination of the dynamic and ever-evolving world of modern gastronomy. This book delves into the key trends and innovations that are shaping the culinary landscape today, providing a deep dive into how these developments are transforming the way we cook, eat, and experience food.
In these pages, you will find an exploration of the following themes:
Technological Advancements: Discover how cutting-edge technologies, from smart appliances to food tech innovations like 3D food printing and lab-grown meat, are revolutionizing the kitchen and food production processes.
Sustainable Practices: Understand the growing emphasis on sustainability within the food industry, including the rise of regenerative agriculture, zero-waste initiatives, and ethical sourcing practices that aim to create a more resilient and equitable food system.
Cultural Influences and Globalization: Learn how globalization and cultural exchange are influencing culinary traditions and leading to the emergence of innovative fusion cuisines and cross-cultural collaborations.
Consumer Trends: Explore the shifting preferences of modern consumers, including the demand for personalized nutrition, health-conscious eating, and the impact of food technology on consumer engagement.
Future Predictions: Gain insights into the future of global gastronomy, with predictions on how personalization, sustainability, and technological advancements will continue to shape the culinary world.
Each chapter of this book is designed to provide a detailed analysis of these trends, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the current and future state of gastronomy. Using
A blend of theoretical insights and practical examples, this book aims to inspire and inform anyone with an interest in the culinary arts.
Whether you are a culinary professional, a food enthusiast, or simply curious about the future of food, Exploring Gastronomic Trends will guide you through the transformative changes shaping the culinary landscape of the 21st century.

Shortly after the ’Hungarian Question’ had been taken off of the agenda of the United Nations in 1963, certain members of the Hungarian émigré community, especially those who had departed in the late 1940s endeavoured to visit their... more

Shortly after the ’Hungarian Question’ had been taken off of the
agenda of the United Nations in 1963, certain members of the Hungarian
émigré community, especially those who had departed in the late 1940s
endeavoured to visit their relatives still living in the motherland. One
of them was grammar school teacher Endre Gyuranyi who was taking
refuge in Australia following his short detainment by the State Protection
Authority in 1949. The London Residency of the III/I. Directorate
of the Ministry of the Interior contemplated his recruitment based on
the certain degree of understanding he displayed toward the Kadar
regime. However, Gyuranyi insisted on the democratic principles he had
internalised during the liquidated democratic attempt of 1945–1947.

Contemporary religious movements includes array of spiritual practices and beliefs that have emerged in recent times, reflecting the dynamic nature of faith in the modern world. These movements often arise in response to societal changes,... more

Contemporary religious movements includes array of spiritual practices and beliefs that have emerged in recent times, reflecting the dynamic nature of faith in the modern world. These movements often arise in response to societal changes, cultural shifts, and the quest for personal meaning, leading to the formation of new sects, denominations, or spiritual communities. They draw inspiration from traditional religions while also incorporating innovative ideas and practices that resonate with contemporary values and lifestyles. As such, modern religious movements are both a continuation of historical religious traditions and a reflection of the evolving spiritual landscape, characterized by a search for authenticity, community, and relevance in an increasingly complex global society.

There are multiple levels of translation, from one language to another, from the present to the past and back again and from the private and personal to the public. There are also translations from the written and spoken word to... more

There are multiple levels of translation, from one language to another, from the present to the past and back again and from the private and personal to the public. There are also translations from the written and spoken word to performance in theatre and mime and in psychoanalytic terms from trauma and unconscious experience into symptoms and dreams. In this paper I explore the crossover not from one language to another but from the private to the public with particular emphasis on the process of empathy whereby this occurs. I am interested in the ways in which information once held inside a person’s mind and body shifts and changes when it is cast outside the self, whether in the form of autobiography, biography or imaginative writing, whether self declared or through another’s perspective. The task of all translation is ‘to bridge the gap between “them” and “us”.’ This takes empathy.

Fairness is integral to the effective operation of a tax system. However, Australia's judicial interpretation of income has been criticised for departing from the measure of accrued income and, thus, lacking fairness. This article... more

Fairness is integral to the effective operation of a tax system. However, Australia's judicial interpretation of income has been criticised for departing from the measure of accrued income and, thus, lacking fairness. This article revisits the judicial meaning of "income", assuming that judges reflect a social justice mentality. It examines cases dealing with bonus shares, which can be viewed as having applied the concept of "flows", as well as cases that deal with welfare payments, income from hobbies, windfalls, gifts and business income. The article finds that the court has confined the definition of income to what people expect to receive and depend on to live; however, business income is examined to identify actual profit. It concludes that accrued income need not be the only way for income tax to appeal to fairness.

In this paper, I will discuss the art of John Reid in the context of social justice and reform. I will juxtapose Reid's artwork with writings from Jacques Rancière’s “The Time After” and “Family Stories” from Béla Tarr the Time After,... more

In this paper, I will discuss the art of John Reid in the context of social justice and reform. I will juxtapose Reid's artwork with writings from Jacques Rancière’s “The Time After” and “Family Stories” from Béla Tarr the Time After, John Cage’s “Experimental Music” from Silence Lectures and Writings, and Giorgio Agamben’s “Dim Stockings” from The Coming Community to collaborate this discussion.

STAC advises the ISKO membership and the ISKO Board of Directors on ongoing developments in KO research and technology and on areas where more research and development is needed. STAC is concerned with the pervasive subject of Knowledge... more

My application for a long term National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship at the American Antiquarian Society, funded for 9 months in 2024-2025, to support completion of my monograph project, Music's Long Anthropocene: The Climate... more

My application for a long term National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship at the American Antiquarian Society, funded for 9 months in 2024-2025, to support completion of my monograph project, Music's Long Anthropocene: The Climate of Empire and the Sound of Ecological Disaster.

Bill Harney's Cook Book first published in 1960 is unique among Australian cookery books on two counts. First, it deals almost exclusively with recipes for cooking native animals and plants. Second, it incorporates Northern Australian... more

Bill Harney's Cook Book first published in 1960 is unique among Australian cookery books on two counts. First, it deals almost exclusively with recipes for cooking native animals and plants. Second, it incorporates Northern Australian Indigenous food knowledge and practice. That it is in the genre of bush cooking recipes takes nothing away from its achievement. This article reappraises the Cook Book.

Este livro representa um espaço de confronto e relação entre os diferentes olhares através dos quais são observadas as intervenções culturais e literárias portuguesa em diferentes contextos contemporâneos.O objectivo é proporcionar um... more

Este livro representa um espaço de confronto e relação entre os diferentes olhares através dos quais são observadas as intervenções culturais e literárias portuguesa em diferentes contextos contemporâneos.O objectivo é proporcionar um diálogo entre académicos e investigadores que se situam em localizações geográficas heterogéneas e diferenciadas, e cujo trabalho se debruça na aérea das culturas e das literaturas de língua portuguesa.A reflexão teórica e epistemológica que este volume pretende proporcionar prende-se com um contraponto tão útil quanto necessário entre propostas teóricas pós-coloniais e intervenções culturais e literárias da contemporaneidade.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia(FCT) COMPETE QREN Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regiona

This paper deals with Atwood's perspective of regaining the lost harmony between human beings and nature, adopting an ecofeminist approach to see how far woman and nature are related to each other, and how they are treated in a... more

This paper deals with Atwood's perspective of regaining the lost harmony between human beings and nature, adopting an ecofeminist approach to see how far woman and nature are related to each other, and how they are treated in a male-oriented society. The paper aims at shedding intensive light on the relationship between humans and nature, and how it can be promoted. Some questions about this relationship are raised in the introduction to be answered through analyzing a number of significant poems from Atwood's The Animals in That Country, and the conclusion comes with the replies to these questions: Firstly, nature is a living whole of which we are an indivisible part. In modern society, nature is excessively exploited and terrifyingly endangered because of the use of destructive technology and harmful pollutants. Secondly, animals are part and parcel of nature and, consequently, they are negatively affected by man's irresponsible behaviour towards it. They are so massively killed and driven out of their habitat that many species have died out and others are on their way to extinction. Thirdly, a woman's relationship with nature is so close and organic that each of them affects and is affected by the other. In a patriarchal society, women, like nature and animals, are oppressed and devalued. Fourthly, Atwood asserts that in order to regain harmony with nature, human beings must make a return to it to reconnect with their roots because alienation from nature is crippling. Atwood believes that the cause of all kinds of oppression is the colonial patriarchal ideology of treating woman as innately inferior to man, and nature to culture. Therefore, the whole patriarchal system should be demolished to have a fairer society to women and nature, and to regain that lost harmony with nature.