Avifauna Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Towards the end of the thirteenth century, the Albuquerque Basin of New Mexico saw a significant increase in population from Puebloan peoples migrating into the valley. By the time of the Coronado expedition in 1541–1542, this area... more
Towards the end of the thirteenth century, the Albuquerque Basin of New
Mexico saw a significant increase in population from Puebloan peoples
migrating into the valley. By the time of the Coronado expedition in 1541–1542, this area contained 12 large pueblos along the roughly 55 km long by 5 km wide Rio Grande floodplain, resulting in one of the densest concentrations of pueblos and agricultural fields in the Eastern Pueblo region. Zooarchaeological analyses of Classic Period faunal assemblages have yielded an abundance and diversity of wild bird remains with an emphasis towards migratory birds that reside in the region during the winter. These avifauna are almost entirely absent from the archaeological record of the preceding Developmental Period. This paper argues that changes in Puebloan farming practices between the two periods had a direct effect on shifting the traditional wintering grounds of these migratory birds northwards into the Albuquerque Basin.
En esta investigación se ensayó la aplicación del método de valoración contingente para la valoración de las aves silvestres de Guatemala, desde el punto de vista del mercado y desde el punto de vista de la valoración in situ. Asimismo,... more
En esta investigación se ensayó la aplicación del método de valoración contingente para la valoración de las aves silvestres de Guatemala, desde el punto de vista del mercado y desde el punto de vista de la valoración in situ. Asimismo, se hizo una comparación entre la valoración a precios de mercado y la disposición a pagar (DAP) establecida en la valoración contingente, con la finalidad de establecer la posibilidad de superar la información que se oculta en las fallas del mercado, lo que permite aportar a la generación de políticas públicas ambientales.
A Cadeia do Espinhaço é um complexo montanhoso que ocorre nos estados de Minas Gerais e Bahia. No coração da porção sul desta longa cadeia de montanhas encontra-se o Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, o qual engloba seis municípios de... more
A Cadeia do Espinhaço é um complexo montanhoso que ocorre nos estados de Minas Gerais e Bahia. No coração da porção sul desta longa cadeia de montanhas encontra-se o Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, o qual engloba seis municípios de Minas Gerais. Entre 1998 e 2002 foram registradas 226 espécies de aves pertencentes a 43 famílias. A maioria das espécies pertence à família dos papa-capins (Emberizidae; 46 espécies), e à família dos papa-moscas (Tyrannidae; 45 espécies). Estima-se, entretanto, que a riqueza local possa chegar a mais de 240 espécies, o que é um número notável para uma região de Cerrado, levando-se em conta ainda que apenas uma fração menor do Parque foi pesquisada. Constam na lista 6 espécies endêmicas do Cerrado e 1 endêmica da Mata Atlântica. Três espécies são consideradas 'quase-ameaçadas' de extinção a nível regional: o urubu-rei Sarcoramphus papa, a bandoleta Cypsnagra hirundinacea, e o mineirinho Charitospiza eucosma. Discute-se a relação de algumas aves com certos ambientes particulares (lagoas, brejos, matas ciliares, cachoeiras e cânions, campos limpos, campos cerrados e campos rupestres).
Abstrakt. Niniejsza praca omawia awifaunę Konińskiego Zagłębia Węgla Brunatnego (KZWB) w latach 994-0. Stwierdzono łącznie 87 gatunków ptaków, w tym 9 gatunki lęgowe i prawdopodobnie lęgowe. Uzyskane dane wskazują na duże znaczenie... more
Abstrakt. Niniejsza praca omawia awifaunę Konińskiego Zagłębia Węgla Brunatnego (KZWB) w latach 994-0. Stwierdzono łącznie 87 gatunków ptaków, w tym 9 gatunki lęgowe i prawdopodobnie lęgowe. Uzyskane dane wskazują na duże znaczenie odkrywek jako lęgowisk dla gatunków ptaków, takich jak sieweczka obrożna Charadrius hiaticula, rybitwa rzeczna Sterna hirundo, rybitwa białoczelna Sternula albifrons i świergotek polny Anthus campestris. Ponadto teren ten stanowi atrakcyjne miejsce postoju dla przelotnych ptaków wodno-błotnych, np. gęgawy Anser anser, cyraneczki Anas crecca i rzepołucha Carduelis flavirostris. Odkrywki są również wykorzystywane przez zimujące ptaki, dotyczy to zwłaszcza gęgawy, cyraneczki, krakwy A. streptera, krzyżówki A. platyrhynchos i siwerniaka A. spinoletta. Biotopy powstałe w odkrywkach mają charakter zbliżony do naturalnego, jednak ich geneza i efemeryczność sprawiają, że należy je traktować jako siedliska zastępcze. Fakt wykorzystywania tego typu siedlisk przez ptaki wskazuje na ich znaczną rolę dla przetrwania lokalnych populacji, zwłaszcza w kontekście zaniku odpowiednich siedlisk lęgowych w pobliskiej dolinie Warty.
O trabalho ora apresentado é uma publicação que proporciona ao leitor valiosa oportunidade de conhecer a riqueza da avifauna da Serra de Martins, interior do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. O saber adquirido pelos autores no decorrer de sua... more
O trabalho ora apresentado é uma publicação que
proporciona ao leitor valiosa oportunidade de conhecer a riqueza
da avifauna da Serra de Martins, interior do Rio Grande do
Norte, Brasil.
O saber adquirido pelos autores no decorrer de sua
pesquisa é compartilhado nessa produção, cuja relevância não se
dá apenas para o município de Martins, mas também para o
estado do Rio Grande do Norte, visto que vem suprir uma
escassez na literatura em relação à biodiversidade na região
Estamos diante de uma valorosa contribuição na
divulgação científica. Ressalto ainda que esta obra é um
verdadeiro presente para a população local, tendo a capacidade
de despertar a curiosidade de amantes da natureza, estudantes,
pesquisadores, profissionais da área de conservação ambiental e
do turismo ecológico. A prática do birdwatching, observação de
aves ou passarinhada, que vem se difundindo cada vez mais no
Brasil como atividade turística, ainda não é explorada no
município de Martins. A paixão pela fotografia, característica marcante dos
autores, aliada à clareza dos textos explicativos resultaram neste
livro com ilustrações de alta qualidade, proporcionando um
cenário que, certamente contagiará o leitor ao folhear cada
página, despertando o interesse e o respeito pelas aves a partir
do aprendizado da vida das mesmas.
A obra enfatiza a localização geográfica do município de
Martins e características naturais singulares da serra; fornece
preciosos dados sobre a riqueza da flora serrana e chama a
atenção para a escassez de áreas de preservação legal. Outro
aspecto abordado é a constatação de um cenário de desequilíbrio
ambiental, do elevado desconhecimento das relações ecológicas
existentes que possibilitam um equilíbrio natural na área e
ausência de estudos relacionados. Nesse sentido, os autores
apontam a promoção do conhecimento no intuito de reduzir os
impactos e destacam as aves como uma classe biológica de
extrema importância ecológica na manutenção das florestas.
Neste livro, os autores objetivam principalmente
preencher a enorme lacuna na literatura norte-rio-grandense no
conhecimento da distribuição e importância ecológica das aves na Serra de Martins, um dos poucos brejos de altitude no
Nordeste do Brasil.
Com clareza na explicitação da metodologia, a
compreensão da classificação das áreas de ocorrência e dos
ambientes habitados pelas aves é facilitada, por meio do
fascinante registro fotográfico, realizado de janeiro de 2010 a
janeiro de 2020, em visitas bimestrais à Serra de Martins.
Os resultados encaminham o leitor a uma imersão ainda
mais profunda e duradoura, ao encantamento com a riqueza das
cores e variedade de características das aves que nos são
apresentadas por ordens, famílias e gêneros. Foram registradas
118 espécies, identificadas por nomenclatura popular e científica,
informações detalhadas de variação morfológica, habitats,
hábitos, alimentação, ninhos, além da chave dicotômica e a
etimologia dos gêneros.
Prefaciar produção tão vasta foi, para mim, prazerosa
tarefa. Eis uma excelente obra, adequada tanto para estudos
teóricos quanto práticos, tanto para a academia quanto para
leigos, como livro-texto ou como excelente guia em aulas de
campo. Mas o livro não é apenas isso, abrange temas variados
que permeiam a vida das aves. O leitor logo perceberá a riqueza de detalhes nas descrições referentes ao clima, ao relevo, à
altitude e à vegetação, entre outros que surgem ao longo da
instigante leitura.
Conhecer para utilizar, proteger e preservar as espécies
em determinado ambiente são os primeiros passos; divulgar é
prosseguir no zelo pelo patrimônio biológico; incentivar a
população a apreciar a biodiversidade local e sensibilizá-la para a
adoção de posturas mais conscientes. Temos em nossas mãos
um grandioso presente, este farto material para aquisição e ou
sedimentação de importantes conhecimentos. Convido você,
leitor, a embarcar nesta maravilhosa viagem.
En esta investigación se ensayó la aplicación del método de valoración contingente para la valoración de las aves silvestres de Guatemala, desde el punto de vista del mercado y desde el punto de vista de la valoración in situ. Asimismo se... more
En esta investigación se ensayó la aplicación del método de valoración contingente para la valoración de las aves silvestres de Guatemala, desde el punto de vista del mercado y desde el punto de vista de la valoración in situ. Asimismo se hizo una comparación entre la valoración a precios de mercado y la disposición a pagar (DAP) establecida en la valoración contingente, con la finalidad de establecer la posibilidad de superar la información que se oculta en las fallas del mercado. La investigación pretende inducir políticas que beneficien la conservación y el manejo sostenible de la avifauna.
As most of the research on birds in Nepal were focused on protected species, this study was conducted to assess the bird species diversity along with their conservation status and their status (resident/migratory) in various land covers... more
As most of the research on birds in Nepal were focused on protected species, this study was
conducted to assess the bird species diversity along with their conservation status and their
status (resident/migratory) in various land covers around Chitwan National Park. Trail transect,
sound recognition and direct observation methods were used to observe and record various bird
species. Five different land covers (forest, farmland, residential areas, grassland, areas near
water resources) were selected and 2 km long trail was followed on each site for 2 days
consequently in dusk and dawn. A total of 63 species of birds of 27 families were observed in
forest, 22 species of birds of 11 families were observed in grassland, 29 species of birds of 23
families were observed in farmland, 24 species of birds of 19 families were observed in
residential areas and 48 species of birds of 18 families were observed near water resources were
observed. Family Accipitridae had the highest number (nine) of species in forest, family
Muscicapidae had the highest number (five) of species on grassland, family Psittaculidae the
highest number (three) of species on farmland and family Ardeidae had the highest number
(five) of species near water sources. The study has shown the number of bird species along with
their conservation status in various land covers. Thus, timely monitoring, proper conservation
and proper land-use planning is necessary for the conservation of various bird species and their
diversity that are present in our environment as different bird species require different habitats
to live and reproduce.
Il volume analizza le chiose manoscritte di carattere ornitologico rinvenute su una copia del “Secondo resoconto dei risultati dell’inchiesta ornitologica in Italia” di E. H. Giglioli (1907). Esse si riferiscono principalmente al... more
Il volume analizza le chiose manoscritte di carattere ornitologico rinvenute su una copia del “Secondo resoconto dei risultati dell’inchiesta ornitologica in Italia” di E. H. Giglioli (1907).
Esse si riferiscono principalmente al Livornese e al Pisano. Le antiche tenute di Tombolo e Coltano, ampi comprensori palustri oggi bonificati, risultavano aree di particolare interesse per l’estensore e rappresentano anche uno dei principali motivi di interesse attuale di questa fonte informativa, stante il mutato assetto territoriale e la scarsezza di dati sull’avifauna ivi presente in passato.
Le annotazioni, scritte fra il 1900 e il 1934, si sono rivelate generalmente esatte e puntuali, testimoniando la buona preparazione ornitologica del loro Autore.
L’antica firma di possesso, la presenza di un Ex-libris e alcuni fogli volanti conservati all’interno del libro permettono con certezza di attribuire le note a Francesco Ott.
Un accurato elenco di preparati tassidermici effettuati dal medesimo personaggio è aggiunto alle le chiose, per una migliore conoscenza storico-faunistica di importanti ambienti toscani ormai scomparsi.
Birds are distributed worldwide with their diverse ecological functions in different types of ecosystems. The present study was conducted to estimate the avifaunal diversity in one of the urban water reservoirs of Bhavnagar... more
Birds are distributed worldwide with their diverse ecological functions in different types of ecosystems. The present study was conducted to estimate the avifaunal diversity in one of the urban water reservoirs of Bhavnagar city-Gaurishankar Lake, popularly known as Bortalav and its adjoining areas from December 2020 to November 2021. Bortalav and its adjoining areas are situated in the urban landscape of Bhavnagar consisting of various types of habitats that attracts different varieties of avifauna. India has around 1341 species of birds recorded so far, out of which 612 are reported from Gujarat. The present study recorded 235 species (21 Orders, 65 Families and 155 Genera) with maximum diversity of order Passeriformes (84 species). Out of total 235 species, 220 species are under Least concern category, 10 species are Near threatened, 4 species are Vulnerable and a species (Aquila nipalensis) is under Endangered category of IUCN. Among the recorded species, 103 species are Common, 80 species are Uncommon, 41 species are Occasional and 11 species are Rare in the study area. The present study denotes the status of avifaunal diversity of Bortalav provided with its present threats to the habitat and birds which will aid in future research perspective and conservation strategies.
- by Vishal M . Makwana and +1
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- Wetlands, Conservation Biology, Diversity, Ecology
In order to estimate the diversity and status of avian species of Curzon Hall premises, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, a study was conducted from January 2012 to January 2014. A total of 50 species of birds belonging to 30 families... more
In order to estimate the diversity and status of avian species of Curzon Hall premises, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, a study was conducted from January 2012 to January 2014. A total of 50 species of birds belonging to 30 families under 12 orders were recorded of which, regarding the relative abundance, 29 were common and 21 were uncommon. Twenty five species, in total, were identified as breeding residents, 13 as non-breeding residents and 12 as migrants. Of all the species identified from the study site, one was Critically Endangered (Alexandrine Parakeet Psittacula eupatria) and six were new for the campus (Taiga Flycatcher Ficedula albicilla, Indian Silverbill Lonchura malabarica, Ashy Drongo Dicrurus leucophaeus, Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquilla, Pied Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus, Lesser Whistling Duck Dendrocygna javanica). Passerines were the dominating group as represented by 27 species from 16 different families. Species richness was in the highest peak in the late winter and early spring and comparatively less in other seasons.
Presentamos una iniciativa y proponemos una metodología transdis- ciplinaria para cultivar la memoria biocultural, basada en los proce- sos de participación y materialización en comunidades de práctica (educativas). Presentamos el... more
Presentamos una iniciativa y proponemos una metodología transdis- ciplinaria para cultivar la memoria biocultural, basada en los proce- sos de participación y materialización en comunidades de práctica (educativas). Presentamos el proyecto «Escuchando a los abuelos», que buscó facilitar diálogos intergeneracionales en tres escuelas mapuche (~ 90 niños y niñas) en Wallmapu, Chile. «Escuchando a los abuelos» utilizó a las aves como protagonistas de narrativas locales sobre el territorio. Cocreamos un ciclo de cinco pasos para promover la participación y la materialización. Los niños y niñas desarrollaron un ejercicio de abstracción para dar significado a las narrativas que ellos mismos recopilaron para crear memes positivos sobre las aves. Estos memes fueron comunicados dentro y más allá de sus comunidades. Concluimos que la experiencia de los abuelos debe ser honrada para contrarrestar la actual extinción de la experiencia biocultural.
Fascicolo fotografico (con testo) realizzato dal WWF Pigneto Prenestino, sull'attività di monitoraggio e rilevamento della fauna e avifauna del Lago ex Snia e del Parco delle Energie (Roma, V Municipio).
- by Alessandro Fiorillo
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- Avifauna, Ecologia, Ambiente, Fauna
El presente documento provee información sobre la diversidad alfa y beta de la avifauna diurna estudiada en la Zona de Amortiguamiento del Área Natural Protegida Colima, Cuscatlán; en donde las principales actividades que se llevan a cabo... more
El presente documento provee información sobre la diversidad alfa y beta de la avifauna diurna estudiada en la Zona de Amortiguamiento del Área Natural Protegida Colima, Cuscatlán; en donde las principales actividades que se llevan a cabo son en su mayoría agrícolas y ganaderas. Por otro lado, con la finalidad de realzar la importancia del estado de la biodiversidad de la Zona de Amortiguamiento del ANP Colima, con respecto al paisaje se tomó en cuenta la Biología de la Conservación y la Agroforestería las cuales son disciplinas vinculadas para la restauración de paisajes a nivel local, por lo que han sido utilizadas para el análisis de esta investigación.
El estudio fue llevado a cabo en 12 muestreos durante septiembre a diciembre 2013, utilizando el método de conteo por puntos extensivos, los cuales fueron seleccionados de forma dirigida en la Zona de Amortiguamiento y delimitados en tres sectores de la misma con el objeto de tomar en cuenta los diversos ecosistemas presentes en la Zona. Dentro de los resultados más relevantes cabe destacar que se obtuvo un 13% de la avifauna registrada a nivel nacional y entre las especies más representativas por su abundancia y frecuencia se encontraron a Coragyps atratus, Zenaida asiatica, Columbina inca, Cathartes aura. Además, se evidenció que entre los sectores A-B se alcanzó un 84% de las especies registradas que comparten la Zona de Amortiguamiento. Asimismo, con base a los resultados obtenidos de algunos aspectos ecológicos de las especies de avifauna diurna, se demostró que el gremio trófico insectívoro fue el hábito predominante para la zona en estudio y que el 35% de las especies típicas de bosque identificadas en la Zona de Amortiguamiento del Área Natural Protegida Colima representaron la conectividad de los sectores y la importancia de un adecuado manejo y planificación agroforestal para la conservación de la biodiversidad en territorios privados, ya que estos albergan un porcentaje significativo para este tipo de especies.
Riparian zone is the area adjoining the river and includes the river bank. This zone has high relevance and plays an important role in the river ecosystem. The present study was undertaken to understand the distribution of the avian... more
Riparian zone is the area adjoining the river and includes the river bank. This zone has high relevance and plays an important role in the river ecosystem. The present study was undertaken to understand the distribution of the avian diversity along the riparian zone and related the same with the landscape. The study was undertaken in river Vishwamitri flowing through the Vadodara city covering a distance of 90 Km before draining into the Arabian Sea. The paper reveals that there are about 69 species distributed all along the lengths of the river and the distribution is governed by the land use pattern like agriculture or urban area. Alteration of the riparian zone by human interventions would disturb the natural habitat and result in decline of diversity.
Understanding the diversity and structure of bird communities is essential to delineate the importance of regional or local landscapes for avian conservation. Birds are very sensitive to environmental changes and are used as a... more
Understanding the diversity and structure of bird communities is essential to delineate the importance of regional or local landscapes for avian conservation. Birds are very sensitive to environmental changes and are used as a “bioindicator.” The study was carried out to explore the diversity and status of avifauna in the Todgarh-Raoli Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan, India, from January 2013 to December 2013. The line transect method was used to cover most of the study area. A total of 142 species of birds belonging to 45 families and 18 orders were recorded. Muscicapidae was the most dominant family with 23 species, and its relative diversity index was also found to be the highest (relative diversity index ¼ 16.19). The analysis of data on residential status revealed that 99 species were residents, six species were winter visitors, three species were summer visitors, and 14 species were passage visitors. The analysis of feeding habits showed that a maximum number of species (44 species) were omnivorous, 42 species were insectivorous, 35 species were carnivorous, 12 species were granivorous, four species were frugivorous, four species were insectivorous-nectivorous, and one species was nectivorous. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 128 species were in the Least Concern category, one species was in the Endangered category, two species were in the Critically Endangered category, six species were in the Near Threatened category, and two species were in the Vulnerable category. Thus, the Todgarh-Raoli Wildlife Sanctuary supports a sound avifaunal diversity. Its proper management will not only improve the situation for its resident species, but will also attract more migratory and vagrant species in the future.
- by Vijay Kumar Koli
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- Avifauna, Birds
99 taxa of avifauna belonging to 43 families has been recorded in successive years (2013 and 2014) in a seasonal survey carried out at Jaldapara National Park located within Himalayan Terai region of North Bengal. The open forest habitat... more
99 taxa of avifauna belonging to 43 families has been recorded in successive years (2013 and 2014) in a seasonal survey carried out at Jaldapara National Park located within Himalayan Terai region of North Bengal. The open forest habitat found out to be the richest in avifauna among the other habitat types. Among the feeding guilds, insectivores dominate in species strength and in the number habitat types represented. Survey shows that the landscape of Jaldapara is frequently visited by 2 Vulnerable (Lesser Adjutant and Pallas's Fish Eagle) and 1 Near Threatened species (River Lapwing). The study documented Kalij Pheasnatwhich is probably new record from this region.
Dans cette synthèse nous mentionnons 187 espèces inventoriées, appartenant à 18 ordres, à 46 familles et à 112 genres différents, où les Passériformes sont les plus représentées avec 90 espèces appartenant à 19 familles. Les consommateurs... more
Dans cette synthèse nous mentionnons 187 espèces inventoriées, appartenant à 18 ordres, à 46 familles et à 112 genres différents, où les Passériformes sont les plus représentées avec 90 espèces appartenant à 19 familles. Les consommateurs d’invertébrés prédominent avec 47,3%, puis viennent les polyphages (22,6%), les granivores (14,5%), les carnivores (9,7 %) ; alors que les piscivores et les charognards ne représentent, respectivement, que 3,2% et 2,7%. Les espèces migratrices (hivernales, estivales ou de passage) représentent 59 % de l’avifaune des Aurès. Les sédentaires sont représentés par 39 %. Les espèces accidentelles, sans statut phénologique évident figurent avec 2%. On compte 47 espèces protégées en Algérie, représentant 44% de l’avifaune algérienne protégée. À l’échelle internationale, 39 espèces sont mentionnées sur les annexes de la convention de Washington (CITES) ; 72 espèces sur celles de la convention de Bonn et 04 sur celles de la convention de Barcelone.
The study on bird diversity and status of Bonai Forest Division of Sundergarh district, Odisha was carried out between January and December 2011. During the study period, a total of 173 species belonging to 55 families were recorded. Of... more
The study on bird diversity and status of Bonai Forest Division of Sundergarh district, Odisha was carried out between January and December 2011. During the study period, a total of 173 species belonging to 55 families were recorded. Of these 82% (n=141) were residents, 13% (n=23) were winter visitors, 3% (n=6) were summer visitors, 2% (n=3) were passage visitors. Based on frequency of sightings, 47.4% (n=82) bird species were common, 31.8% (n=55) were uncommon, 16.8% (n=29) were rare and 4.05% (n=7) were occasional. The avifauna diversity in the study area shows the importance of the area as an ideal bird habitat.
Birds of the Orinoquian region of Colombia: A review on its records. A catalog of bird species recorded in the Orinoquian region of Colombia is presented. Records were compiled from the databases of 36 museums or scientific collections,... more
Birds of the Orinoquian region of Colombia: A review on its records. A catalog of bird species recorded in the Orinoquian region of Colombia is presented. Records were compiled from the databases of 36 museums or scientific collections, acoustic recordings, and online platforms to compile bird sightings. An extensive literature review was also conducted. The compiled list includes about 12,000 specimens of 761 species, 435 genera, 106 families, and 26 orders. Families presenting the largest number of genera and species are Tyrannidae (59 genera/102 species), Thamnophilidae (27/57), Thraupidae (22/53), Furnariidae (24/43), and Trochilidae (25/42). The 20 families presenting the greatest richness account for 72.4% richness at the specific level and 69.1% at the generic level. Genera presenting the largest number of species are Sporophila (11), Tangara (10), Myrmotherula (9), Thamnophilus (9), Euphonia (8), and Phaethornis (8). Thirty-seven species of international conservation interest (Near Threatened, Vulnerable, and Endangered) were recorded, and 14 species recorded as endemic to the Orinoquia were found. The distribution of about 20 species in the Orinoquian region of Colombia was either confirmed or expanded. Long-term studies should be conducted on local and regional avifauna, and those species of conservation interest should be closely monitored. To consolidate the bird inventory for the Orinoquian region of Colombia, further explorations in frontier areas and other little-explored areas are urgently needed.
Pulau Geleang dan Pulau Burung termasuk dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis, membandingkan tingkat kesamaan jenis, dan penyebaran burung berdasarkan stratifikasi tajuk... more
Pulau Geleang dan Pulau Burung termasuk dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis, membandingkan tingkat kesamaan jenis, dan penyebaran burung berdasarkan stratifikasi tajuk vegetasi di Pulau Geleang dan Pulau Burung. Penelitian dilakukan selama tiga periode yaitu Juni 2006, November 2006 dan Juni 2007. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode Indeks Point Abundance (IPA). Hasil penelitian menemukan sebanyak 18 jenis burung di P. Geleang dan 15 jenis burung di P. Burung. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis burung di P. Geleang tergolong rendah dengan sebaran populasi tidak merata. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman jenis berkisar antara 1,37 hingga 1,77 sedangkan nilai kemerataan berkisar antara 0,4 sampai 0,75. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis burung di P. Burung tergolong tinggi dengan sebaran populasi cukup merata. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman berkisar antara 1,58 hingga 1,91 sedangkan nilai kemerataan berkisar antara 0,76 sampai 0,83. Burung yang paling dominan pada kedua pulau adalah Zosterops chloris. Indeks similaritas diantara kedua pulau sebesar 50%, dengan 11 jenis burung yang menghuni keduanya. Penggunaan ruang habitat secara vertikal pada stratifikasi tajuk vegetasi selalu berubah berdasarkan manfaat vegetasi bagi burung (mencari makan, istirahat, bersarang atau berlindung). Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa di P. Geleang burung lebih banyak menggunakan tajuk atas, sedangkan di P. Burung vegetasi tumbuhan bawah atau tanah lebih banyak digunakan.
The present study is the first preliminary checklist of Birds from Jodhpur Jhal Wetland, Mathura (Uttar Pradesh), India. The area is located in Farah Block of District Mathura’s Koah village Panchayat close to NH-2 (Agra-Mathura National... more
The present study is the first preliminary checklist of Birds from Jodhpur Jhal Wetland, Mathura (Uttar Pradesh), India. The area is located in Farah Block of District Mathura’s Koah village Panchayat close to NH-2 (Agra-Mathura National Highway) Uttar Pradesh, India. The survey was carried out between 2019 to 2021. A total number of 181 bird species were observed and most of them were photographed as well. The identification was done using field guides, relevant literature, expert suggestions, and online bird data depositories. The observed 181 species belong to 57 orders of the class Aves and the highest number of birds were observed belong to the order Passeriformes. Out of the 181 species recorded from the observation period, 169 species recorded were among Least Concern (LC) category followed by 3 species in Vulnerable (VU) category, 1 species in Endangered (EN) category and 8 species in Nearly Threatened (NT) category. Among the total observed species, the highest number of the species observed were Residents (136), followed by Migratory species (33) and Residents Migrants (12) respectively. The present study is the first documentation of the avifauna from the region and the study was aimed for support in the conservation of the endangered and threatened bird species and for safeguarding the habitat of the resident as well as for the migratory bird species of the area.
- by Angshuman Raha and +1
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- Avifauna
The Karachi Western Backwaters lie behind the sandy stretch of the Sandspit and Hawkes Bay beaches. Sea water enters the lagoon via Manora Channel, while the Lyari River falls on the eastern-northeastern side of the lagoon. Mangrove... more
The Karachi Western Backwaters lie behind the sandy stretch of the Sandspit and Hawkes Bay beaches. Sea water enters the lagoon
via Manora Channel, while the Lyari River falls on the eastern-northeastern side of the lagoon. Mangrove forest exists on 400 to 500
hectares of the swamps in the lagoon, traversed by a main channel and its branches. This forest is an important wintering ground for a
large number of migratory birds coming from Siberia, Central Asia, Europe, and Pakistan’s own high altitude cold areas.
A thorough study of the flora, vegetation, and the Avifauna associated with this mangrove forest was done for the first time. Complete
inventories of plant species and bird species were prepared, while the bird populations were monthly monitored for six years from
2005 to 2010. A total of 58 plant species were recorded that were present in four types of microhabitats, ranging from the coastal wet
and saline soil to the intertidal zone in the mangrove swamps (including the sole mangrove species Avicennia marina) to somewhat
higher dry sandy and rocky land around the mangrove ecosystem. The total recorded bird species were 96, out of which 58 were
migratory and 38 were resident species. Over the study years both the number of bird species and total number of individuals
continued to decrease. By the end of the study, 14 migratory birds totally disappeared. These were in addition to those 25 migratory
species that were not found altogether in the present study but were reported in a previous work shortly before the commencement of
the present study. This trend indicates that this area is fast becoming unfavourable for the migratory bird species. The possible causes
include pollution, continually increasing anthropogenic disturbances and increasing human presence in the area. This important
ecosystem is in dire need of immediate conservation measures.
- by Surayya Khatoon and +1
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- Avifauna, Mangrove forest, Backwaters
Much has been written both in global and local level on paddy culture, rice production and associated problems, the impact of land use changes, biodiversity in rice fields. However, an area that has received little attention in the Sri... more
Much has been written both in global and local level on paddy culture, rice production and associated problems, the impact of land use changes, biodiversity in rice fields. However, an area that has received little attention in the Sri Lankan context is the value of rice fields for avifaunal species. There are plenty of studies carried out in rice fields located in temperate, arid and Mediterranean climatic zones while only South America, eastern Asia and India are identified among the tropical countries. Being the 'Granary of the east' and one of the biodiversity hotspots, considerable studies carried out to emphasize the importance of rice fields for avifauna are fewer in Sri Lanka. Thus, this is a comparative appraisal to identify the variations of the utilization of rice fields by avifaunal species in the world, prior to applying the study for the Sri Lankan context.
Thinning is a silvicultural technique used extensively throughout Australia's production forests. The longer-term effects of thinning on forest biota are not well understood. This study provides an insight into the effects of thinning on... more
Thinning is a silvicultural technique used extensively throughout Australia's production forests. The longer-term effects of thinning on forest biota are not well understood. This study provides an insight into the effects of thinning on avifauna and vegetation, 5-10 y after a thinning operation. A paired-site experimental design was used to compare bird density and species richness at thinned and unthinned sites in a mixed eucalypt production forest in Gippsland, Victoria. The 2006-2007 fires across Gippsland directly affected eight of twelve sites in this study, providing an opportunity to investigate the immediate effects of wildfire on birds.
"The Monpa tribe living in the higher altitude of Arunachal Pradesh practices age old transhumance practices and livestock till date remain the major source of income for these people. Transhumance in this part of the world is seasonal... more
"The Monpa tribe living in the higher altitude of Arunachal Pradesh practices age old transhumance practices and livestock till date remain the major source of income for these people. Transhumance in this part of the world is seasonal instead of nomadic and they mostly return to their respective villages during winter. During this period of time these livestock herders tend to hunt avifauna along with other faunal species. This paper documented more than 60 species of avifauna mostly hunted during transhumance along with the conservation priorities and traditional belief associated with some species."
""Le Mésolithique de l’extrême sud-ouest de la France est aujourd’hui encore mal connu puisque que peu de gisements ont fourni des données fiables entre le sud des Landes et la frontière espagnole. La grotte de Bourrouilla à Arancou... more
""Le Mésolithique de l’extrême sud-ouest de la France est aujourd’hui encore mal connu puisque que peu de gisements ont fourni des données fiables entre le sud des Landes et la frontière espagnole. La grotte de Bourrouilla à Arancou (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) apporte de précieuses données grâce à la découverte de témoins d'occupations associant vestiges lithiques et faune (mammifères, poissons et oiseaux).
Trois locus, offrant des degrés de conservation différents, documentent inégalement un Premier Mésolithique avancé, un Second Mésolithique à trapèzes et un Néolithique ancien à segments du Bétey. Les études archéozoologiques permettent de percevoir l'exploitation de deux biotopes : la forêt et les cours d'eau. Le spectre de la faune chassée est dominé par le cerf, le chevreuil et le sanglier, auxquels sont associés le blaireau, la martre et la buse variable tandis que l'ichtyofaune est surtout représentée par les cyprinidés. Les données de saisonnalité convergent vers des occupations au début/milieu de la bonne saison. En outre, deux datations radiocarbone contribuent au débat sur la transition entre Premier et Second Mésolithique.""
Birds occupy many levels of trophic webs and play an important role in the ecosystem. Around 1335 species of birds are recorded from India out of which 574 species are recorded from Gujarat. It has been found that educational and defence... more
Birds occupy many levels of trophic webs and play an important role in the ecosystem. Around 1335 species of birds are recorded from India out of which 574 species are recorded from Gujarat. It has been found that educational and defence premises provide a suitable habitat for birds and therefore can be considered as urban biodiversity hotspots. The present study was carried out from September 2018 to February 2020 to estimate the diversity of avifauna of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University campus. The University is situated in Patan city of north Gujarat which is a semi-arid region. The campus is spread in 212.50 acres area having diverse type indigenous and exotic oral species which attracts a variety of avian species. Total 70 species (13 orders, 38 families and 63 genera) were recorded with maximum diversity recorded from the order Passeriformes and least form Strigiformes. Out of total 70 species, 68 species belong to least concern while Threskiornis melanocephalus falls under near threatened and Neophron percnopterus under endangered category. The present study is carried out for the rst time in the University and will provide a baseline information of the diversity and status of avifauna of the campus for future research perspective and conservation plans.
- by Dhaval Bhatt
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- Zoology, Ornithology, Diversity, Avifauna
Devido à intensa modificação dos ambientes naturais e sua transformação em ambientes urbanos, muitas espécies da fauna silvestre têm perdido ambientes adequados à sua sobrevivência e reprodução. Algumas espécies de aves têm conseguido,... more
Devido à intensa modificação dos ambientes naturais e sua transformação em ambientes urbanos, muitas espécies da fauna silvestre têm perdido ambientes adequados à sua sobrevivência e reprodução. Algumas espécies de aves têm conseguido, entretanto, se adaptar a parques e praças urbanos, encontrando locais para reprodução, alimentação e abrigo. Este estudo avalia o uso dos parques Tarquínio Joslin dos Santos, Danilo Galafassi, Paulo Gorski e Bosque Elias Lopuch, em Cascavel – PR por aves, e busca compreender como se dá essa utilização por diferentes espécies. A primeira atividade realizada foi o levantamento das espécies de aves nos parques. A coleta dos dados foi feita através de reconhecimento visual e auditivo. Foi observado um total de 93 espécies: 64 espécies no Parque Tarquínio Joslin dos Santos, 50 espécies no Parque Danilo Galafassi, 67 espécies no Parque Municipal Paulo Gorski e 32 espécies no Bosque Elias Lopuch. As observações permitiram inferir que os parques urbanos estudados podem ser importantes espaços para as aves e utilizados como parte de estratégias para sua conservação.
In the eastern Himalaya, the proposal of Tsangyang Gyatso biosphere reserve in the western part of Arunachal Pradesh can be considered as the increased effort of brining more areas under the umbrella of protected area network in high... more
In the eastern Himalaya, the proposal of Tsangyang Gyatso biosphere reserve in the western part of Arunachal Pradesh can be considered as the increased effort of brining more areas under the umbrella of protected area network in high altitude zones as most of them are confined to low and mid-elevation region of the state. There are few efforts to document the avifaunal diversity from this region, but information from the higher altitude areas of western Arunachal Pradesh is relatively sporadic. With the
discovery of new avifaunal species e.g. Bugun Liocichla (Liocichla bugunorum) and new distributional record of Rusty-tailed flycatcher (Muscicapa ruficauda), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) etc. denote the richness and diversity of avifauna in the proposed reserve. A comprehensive documentation of birds of the proposed biosphere reserve was carried out during the course of this study recording a total of 207 species of birds belong to 48 families.
A great number of birds are killed each year through electrocutions and collisions with power lines and windmills globally. Windmills and associated power lines located near some important wetlands (Important Bird Area) of Porbandar... more
A great number of birds are killed each year through electrocutions and collisions with power lines and windmills globally. Windmills and associated power lines located near some important wetlands (Important Bird Area) of Porbandar taluka, Gujarat state is surveyed from May 2016 to January 2017. During present study, total 111 species of birds belong to 42 families, which include 11 IUCN threatened species (4 VU, 7 NT). Of all birds 73 species (66%) represent aquatic and 39 species (35%) migratory, this indicates the ecological importance of the landscape. The results show that collision and electrocution of birds by power lines and windmills is of conservation concern in Porbandar with Pelicans, Storks, Cranes, Pea-fowls and Raptors as the most affected species. Preliminary findings of this study confirm the possible impact of wind turbines and Power lines on birds in Porbandar Taluka.
- by Akshit Suthar and +1
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- Conservation Biology, Avifauna, Wetland Conservation
The present study recorded 61 species of birds belonging to 27 family in a preliminary assessment of avifauna diversity in and around Ansupa lake, Odisha, India, between June 2011 and May 2013. The findings of the present study underline... more
The present study recorded 61 species of birds belonging to 27 family in a preliminary assessment of avifauna diversity in and around Ansupa lake, Odisha, India, between June 2011 and May 2013. The findings of the present study underline the importance of Ansupa lake as a preferred habitat for birds and provided baseline data about avifauna diversity of the lake to orient future research and management policies.
En este boletín sobre las especies de aves encontradas en siete localidades cafeteras del Huila, inicialmente describimos los métodos usados para estudiarlas, las localidades en donde se realizaron los estudios y las comunidades que... more
En este boletín sobre las especies de aves encontradas
en siete localidades cafeteras del Huila, inicialmente
describimos los métodos usados para estudiarlas, las
localidades en donde se realizaron los estudios y las
comunidades que participaron en ellos. En la sección
de resultados, presentamos una tabla con la lista de
especies registradas, indicando en qué localidades se
encontró cada una de ellas. También se muestran dos
tablas con las especies de aves migratorias y las especies
en la lista roja de aves de Colombia. Para cada una de
las localidades describimos los resultados, haciendo
observaciones relacionadas con las particularidades
de cada lugar. Finalmente, hacemos un análisis de la
trascendencia de estos resultados y proponemos algunas
medidas para asegurar la conservación de las aves en
las zonas cafeteras del Huila.
- by Andrés López and +1
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- Avifauna, Neotropical ornithology, Coffee Culture
This study was carried out in forest fragments located in the Atlantic Rainforest, in the town of Anchieta, south of Espírito Santo State, Brazil (located at latitude 20 o 40'S to 20 o 48'S, longitude 40 o 34'W to 40 o 42'W), along the... more
This study was carried out in forest fragments located in the Atlantic Rainforest, in the town of Anchieta, south of Espírito Santo State, Brazil (located at latitude 20 o 40'S to 20 o 48'S, longitude 40 o 34'W to 40 o 42'W), along the seasons of 2008. The main objective of the study was to analyze the groups of birds that were affected by the forest fragmentation and the degree of isolation of these areas. The method used to register the avifauna specimens was the technique of observation per fixed point. Thus, the Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H'=4.18) was calculated, showing a significant abundance in the studied areas, and Equitability (E=0.81), suggesting that the number of species registered at the site represented the maximum capacity the areas were able to shelter. The Index of Point Abundance (IPA) was also calculated for each species. The IPA varied from 0.0042 (one contact) to 0.9500 (228 contacts), with a large number of species with low IPA and a few species with intermediate or high IPA. Taking into account 80 hours of observations, it was possible to register a total of 168 species of birds, distributed over a range of 45 families, 20 orders, and grouped in eight trophic guilds. Omnivores and insectivores were the most abundant, with 58 and 52 species respectively. The species most affected by the forest fragmentation were the great frugivores and understorey insectivorous birds.
The Knuckles Mountain Forest Range (KMFR) has a complex mosaic of natural and human modified habitats and the contribution of these habitats to the biological and functional diversities has not been deeply studied. Present study... more
The Knuckles Mountain Forest Range (KMFR) has a complex mosaic of natural and human modified habitats and the contribution of these habitats to the biological and functional diversities has not been deeply studied. Present study investigated both of these diversities in five habitat types (two natural habitats: Sub-montane forest and Pitawala Patana grassland; three modified habitats: cardamom, pinus and abandoned tea plantations) in Northern Flank of KMFR using birds as the indicator group. Bird communities were surveyed using point count method. A total of 1,150 individuals belonging to 56 species were observed. The highest species richness was reported from the cardamom plantation where as sub-montane forest had the highest feeding guild diversity in terms of Shannon Weiner index. The abandoned tea plantation and the Pitawala Patana grasslands with fairly open habitats, showed relatively lower levels of feeding guild diversities. It is clear that the structurally complex habitats contribute more to the area’s biological and functional diversities and need to be taken into consideration when developing conservation plans.
We present the results of a five-month survey of the birds of Paragominas, Pará, a municipality in eastern Brazilian Amazonia that lies within the Belém center of endemism. We recorded 440 species, sampling habitats across a gradient of... more
We present the results of a five-month survey of the birds of Paragominas, Pará, a municipality in eastern Brazilian Amazonia that lies within the Belém center of endemism. We recorded 440 species, sampling habitats across a gradient of disturbance, ranging from 'undisturbed' primary forest, through logged and burnt forest, patches of varyingly aged secondary forest, cattle pastures and intensive mechanized agriculture. Given the potential for species miss-identifications in avian inventories, we paid special attention to obtaining voucher documentation (photographs and sound recordings) and here provide a unique collection of publically-accessible digital vouchers for 418 species recorded (95% of the total). Many of the species reported here are poorlyknown or represent notable range-extensions, and we present data on their status and distribution, both within the municipality and elsewhere in the Belém center of endemism. Notable amongst these include the first records for Pará and Amazonia of Spotted Piculet (Picumnus pygmaeus), trans-Tocantins range-extensions for Large-headed Flatbill (Ramphotrigon megacephalum) and Yellowshouldered Grosbeak (Parkerthraustes humeralis) and multiple observations of the threatened paraensis subspecies of Cinnamonthroated Woodcreeper (Dendrexetastes rufigula).
The study was conducted to understand the role of Antidesma ghaesembilla Gaertn in enhancing the avifaunal diversity in Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel dominated grassland patches and to realize the influence of adjacent vegetations on... more
The study was conducted to understand the role of Antidesma ghaesembilla Gaertn in enhancing the avifaunal diversity in Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel dominated grassland patches and to realize the influence of adjacent vegetations on the assemblage of birds that feed on the fruit of this tree. An avifaunal survey was conducted on "Cogon" dominated grassland patches adjacent to selected vegetations such as primary forest, secondary forest and upland agricultural area. A total of 250 birds belonging to 19 species representing ten families were found feeding on the fruits of Antidesma ghaesembilla. The site adjacent to secondary forest has the highest species richness, abundance and diversity index values. This accentuates the combined influence of the open and forest dwelling bird species thriving in the secondary forest. The sites adjacent to the primary forest and to the agricultural area have the same species richness but differ in species composition as reflected by the low similarity index. More forest dwelling bird species were recorded near the forest while more open dwelling bird species were recorded near the agricultural area. This highlights the spillover effect of the adjacent vegetations on the feeding bird assemblage. The presence of several endemic and conservation priority bird species that feed on the fruits of Antidesma ghaesembilla unfolds its important role in avifaunal conservation. Finally, the wide collection of fruit eating bird species attracted to it emphasized its importance in improving the overall avifaunal diversity in Imperata cylindrica dominated grassland patches within the swidden vegetation matrix.
Relatório Técnico da caracterização da avifauna e Lista de espécies de aves da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Feliciano Miguel Abdala, Minas Gerais, Brasil, inserido dentro do Plano de Manejo Reserva Particular do Patrimônio... more
Relatório Técnico da caracterização da avifauna e Lista de espécies de aves da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Feliciano Miguel Abdala, Minas Gerais, Brasil, inserido dentro do Plano de Manejo Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Feliciano Miguel Abdala de 2012.
A Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Feliciano Miguel Abdala (RPPN FMA) representa uma importante área fonte para a manutenção da riqueza das espécies de aves e de outros táxons na região da bacia do Rio Doce, leste mineiro. Em 1995, Machado estudando o padrão de fragmentação da Mata Atlântica e suas conseqüências para a avifauna, listou 204 espécies cadastradas para a RPPN FMA. Recentemente identificou-se mais 12 espécies, elas foram acrescentadas a partir de registros feitos por Lopes et al. (2005) e Slomp (obs.pess., 2009), chegando a um número final de 216 espécies de aves, das quais 44 são endêmicas do bioma Mata Atlântica e 23 constam em alguma das listas vermelhas de espécies ameaçadas de extinção regional, nacional ou mundial. A ordem com maior representatividade é a dos Passeriformes com 121 espécies registradas e incluídas nessa ordem estão as famílias mais representativas na RPPN FMA: a família Tyrannidae, com 28 espécies, a Thraupidae (15) e a Thamnophilidae (13). É importante ressaltar que outras duas famílias, de diferentes ordens, também encontram-se bem representadas dentro da reserva, são elas a Trochilidae e a Psittacidae cada uma com dez espécies registradas. Ressalva-se que metade das espécies de Psittacidae, da RPPN FMA, apresentam algum grau de ameaça (Primolius maracana, Pyrrhura cruentata, Pyrrhura leucotis, Amazona farinosa, Amazona vinacea). Com base nesses dados podemos observar que, dentro dos seus 957 ha de área, a reserva comporta cerca de 10% da diversidade de aves do Brasil, um quarto das espécies endêmicas da Mata Atlântica e aproximadamente 30% das espécies registradas para todo o estado de Minas Gerais.
North-east India is part of Indo-Burma hotspot and among the richest bird zones in India. Tripura lies in the border of Indo-Burma global biodiversity hotspot area but very poorly covered by ornithological works. Avifauna of Tripura state... more
North-east India is part of Indo-Burma hotspot and among the richest bird zones in India. Tripura lies in the border of Indo-Burma global biodiversity hotspot area but very poorly covered by ornithological works. Avifauna of Tripura state is known by 277 species but there is lack of information about their distribution, particularly in and around Agartala city, which is the capital of Tripura state and is a tourist destination along the border of Bangladesh for its natural landscapes, inland water species, and strong presence of green flora with a view to enhance its value for tourist attraction and naturalists. A study was conducted to record the species of birds that occur in and around the City. In the present study 73 bird species were recorded from Agartala city and its adjacent areas belonging to 41 families and 14 orders.
- by Dipten Laskar and +1
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- Diversity, Avifauna, Tripura, Urban areas
The study was conducted to identify the occurrence and status of Avifauna in National Botanical Garden, Bangladesh (NBGB), by direct field observation from September 2011 to February 2012. A total of 65 species... more
The study was conducted to identify the occurrence and status of Avifauna in National Botanical
Garden, Bangladesh (NBGB), by direct field observation from September 2011 to February 2012. A
total of 65 species of birds belonging to 11 orders, 28 families and 53 genera were observed. Majority
of the birds were resident (56 spp.) and very few were migratory (9 spp.) in nature. Among the
identified birds, 34 species were passerine of which 29 species were resident and 31 species were
non-passerine of which 30 species were resident. Identified birds were categorized into five groups
(rare, few, fairly common, common and very common) based on their abundances where, more than
half of the birds were found to be very common.
- by Hassan Al-Razi and +2
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- Bangladesh, Avifauna