Balkan History Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Горан Давидовић, Милош Тимотијевић, Затамњена прошлост : историја равногораца чачанског краја. Књ. 3, Агонија и слом : ратне 1944. и 1945. године (Чачак : Међуопштински историјски архив ; Краљево : Народни музеј, 2004 (Чачак : Графика... more

החל מראשית המאה ה-19 נחוג בקרב הקהילה היהודית בעיר וידין אשר בצפון-מערב בולגריה, בכל ד' באדר חג פורים שני שכונה "פורים דה וידין". חג פורים שני זה נחגג לציון הינצלותם של בני הקהילה היהודית מפוגרום שתכננו לערוך בהם נאמניו של מושל וידין... more

החל מראשית המאה ה-19 נחוג בקרב הקהילה היהודית בעיר וידין אשר בצפון-מערב בולגריה, בכל ד' באדר חג פורים שני שכונה "פורים דה וידין". חג פורים שני זה נחגג לציון הינצלותם של בני הקהילה היהודית מפוגרום שתכננו לערוך בהם נאמניו של מושל וידין אוסמאן פאזוואנטאולו אשר מרד בעות'מאנים. רקע על הקהילה היהודית בווידין ועל מקורו של החג בהקשר הגאו-פוליטי והקהילתי, במאמר הבא

This study concerns itself with the first Imperial Envoy Gerard Veltwijck (ca. 1500—1555), who negotiated with the Ottoman Sultan Süleymān. Using newly discovered as well as recently published sources, it will focus on the part this... more

This study concerns itself with the first Imperial Envoy Gerard Veltwijck (ca. 1500—1555), who negotiated with the Ottoman Sultan Süleymān. Using newly discovered as well as recently published sources, it will focus on the part this diplomat of Charles V played in the negotiations with the Sublime Porte and on the considerable problems the French King and his representatives in Istanbul experienced during the talks. The Most Christian King thus became a victim of his ambivalent foreign policy while his alliance with the Sultan experienced a severe crisis. Finally, this study tries to demonstrate the impact of a diplomatic sojourn in the Levant for the envoy, as such a mission was very often followed by a considerable and far from only financial reward.

Прва историографска синтеза о Смедереву и смедеревском крају у Првом светском рату. Књига је заснована на вишегодишњим научним истраживањима архивске, музеолошке и друге изворне грађе, као и до сада непознате стране и домаће старије... more

Прва историографска синтеза о Смедереву и смедеревском крају у Првом светском рату. Књига је заснована на вишегодишњим научним истраживањима архивске, музеолошке и друге изворне грађе, као и до сада непознате стране и домаће старије мемоаристике. У креирању књиге, у великој мери коришћени су новији историографски резултати савремене домаће, али и стране науке. Узимајући све у обзир, ова књига, по количини обрађене грађе, темама које су у њој обухваћене, као и методолошким приступом, представља значајан искорак у досадашњем проучавању Првог светског рата Смедерева и околине. Књига коју представљамо јесте прегледна, на научним основама заснована монографија у којој ће како стручна, тако и шира јавност наћи одговоре на многа питања из домена завичајне историје Првог светског рата.

A day-by-day account, full of details and information.

A Military History of the Ottomans isimli kitabın genişletilmiş Türkçe tercümesi

Exile in the Ottoman society was among the punishment and obliged settlement methods. In the early days, the practices that dominated the settlement were mostly within the scope of mass and forced migrations. The places where communities... more

Exile in the Ottoman society was among the punishment and obliged settlement methods. In the early days, the practices that dominated the settlement were mostly within the scope of mass and forced migrations. The places where communities live have been changed due to security, social and economic reasons. The Ottoman Empire thought of obtaining social and economic benefits through forced and mass migrations. As a matter of fact, the population structure of the places conquered in this way changed in favor of the Ottoman Empire. Exile, had been preferred over time as an individual punishment method. The crimes and inappropriate behaviors of the individuals were the reasons for exile. Thus, they were exiled away from where they lived. The scope of the crime determined the duration of the sentence. The penalty for temporary exile was ending with the end of the period. The punishment of lifelong exiles ended with their deaths. In general, exiles that can be defined in this way can be seen in many centers of the Ottoman Empire as well as in the province of Ioannina. In the province, especially those who caused public order and security problems were exiled. There were also religious leaders among them. In addition, exiles were made to different county-sanjak centers of the province of Ioannina. These could be exiles sent from outside the province and within the province. So, Ioannina was also a place of exile. In this study, it was aimed to determine how exile is applied in Ioannina as a punishment method with examples. As a method, the exiles to and from Ioannina were determined in the archive documents and these were discussed.

Hannes Grandits, Xavier Bougarel, Nathalie Clayer, Fabio Giomi, “Patriarchal and Heroic Re- and Deconstructions. A Tribute to and Critical Reflections on Four Books of Karl Kaser”, in From the Highlands to Hollywood. Multidisciplinary... more

Hannes Grandits, Xavier Bougarel, Nathalie Clayer, Fabio Giomi, “Patriarchal and Heroic Re- and Deconstructions. A Tribute to and Critical Reflections on Four Books of Karl Kaser”, in From the Highlands to Hollywood. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Southeastern Europe / Festschrift for Karl Kaser and SEEHA,
Siegfried Gruber, Dominik Gutmeyr, Sabine Jesner, Elife Krasniqi, Robert Pichler, Christian Promitzer (eds.), LIT Zürich, 2020, p. 65-85.

Велике силе и модернизација армија балканских земаља почетком XX века.

...The purpose of this study is not to provide a detailed and complete picture of the life of Kosovo Serbs in the first post-war decade, but to point out the main political trends which allowed for systematic discrimination, forced... more

...The purpose of this study is not to provide a detailed and complete picture of the life of Kosovo Serbs in the first post-war decade, but to point out the main political trends which allowed for systematic discrimination, forced expulsions and violation of their basic human rights. All of this is an unacceptable political practice, apparently in sharp contrast with the basic European values and universal human rights. Furthermore, there is a particular empha-sis on the unprecedented destruction of Serb patrimonial sites by the Kosovo Albanian extremists ― churches and monasteries which have been and still are an important component of European and world culture, as verified by UNESCO, which enlisted four Serbian medieval monasteries in the UN-administered Kosovo on the list of World Heritage Sites.
Serbian monasteries in Kosovo, which have been guarded from the hostile Albanian environment for more than a decade by KFOR-troops, are the only European cultural monuments which are still being protected from immediate destruction by strong international military forces.

Der Fotograf Franz Thiard de Laforest (1838-1911) und sein Reiseführer zu den Buchten von Kotor

The purpose of this study is to examine the depth of the expansion of popular Islam in Dobruja, a region previously inhabited by mostly Christian folk, during the second half of the thirteenth century. The reason behind this investigation... more

The purpose of this study is to examine the depth of the expansion of popular Islam in Dobruja, a region previously inhabited by mostly Christian folk, during the second half of the thirteenth century. The reason behind this investigation resides in the question why did the Muslim Turcopouloi (initially colonized by Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaeologos in 1264 and led by the dervish Sarı Saltık of the Rifa’iyya order) convert to Christianity in 1305, after a staying in the partly-Islamized Golden Horde? After a brief explanation of what popular Islam is, and how it is connected with Sufism and our discussion, we presented an interpretation of an almost untouched primary source, called Tufāh al-Arwāh, which dates from 1315. It was written by a Rifâ’iyya member, called Kamaludd Muhammad al-Saraj al-Rifa, who described various miracles performed by Sarı Saltık, during his staying in the Cuman steppe. It seemed obvious to analyze the strategy used by the dervish to convert the non-Muslim people living south of Danube, by using this source.
The conclusions of the study are indeed, remarkable. The inhabitants of Dobruja were adherents of Shamanic beliefs or Christians of Nestorian, Catholic, and Eastern denominations. The Rifâ’iyya used the main traditional elements that characterize the popular facet of the system of beliefs from each religious group, and created analogies with the specific traits of popular Islam. The main problem was however, the presence of a strong local Christian cult of saints, that of Cosma and Damian (the Asian version), which existed before the arrival of the Muslim order, by the Church. Furthermore, the Byzantine state was supporting the latter, by enticing the Turcopouloi with material benefits and the promise of
preserving their communal identity. In the end, it seems that the winners were the Byzantines, while the Rifâ’iyya disappeared gradually, after the death of Sarı Saltık.

19th Century Universal Exhibitions were essential opportunities for newly emerged countries to define a cultural identity. I explore in more depth here the architectural display of Greece, Serbia and Romania at 1889 Universal Exhibition... more

19th Century Universal Exhibitions were essential opportunities for newly emerged countries to define a cultural identity. I explore in more depth here the architectural display of Greece, Serbia and Romania at 1889 Universal Exhibition in Paris.

С този текст ще се опитаме да очертаем основните моменти от историята на историографията за съединението на Източна Румелия с Княжество България, провъзгласено на 6 септември 1885 г. Причините да се занимаваме специално и именно с... more

С този текст ще се опитаме да очертаем основните моменти от историята на историографията за съединението на Източна Румелия с Княжество България, провъзгласено на 6 септември 1885 г. Причините да се занимаваме специално и именно с писаната история на Съединението са най-малко две. Преди всичко това е убеждението ни, че историята на историографията би могла да бъде неутралният терен, върху който да се разискват множество важни за историческата наука въпроси: за релацията между историческите факти и историческите извори; за избора на изследователските методи и подходи, за различните тълкувания на т.нар. историческа истина и пр. Не по-малко мотивиращо обстоятелство, с отдавна доказана познавателна стойност, е, че проследяването на развитието и/или промяната на възгледите за дадено минало събитие (явление) дава възможност да се открои връзката между историческите наративи и обществената парадигма.

U članku je izložen komparativni pregled osnovnih karakteristika agrarnih reformi sprovedenih u Kraljevini SHS, Rumuniji, Grčkoj i Bugarskoj nakon Prvog svetskog rata. Analizirana je u zakonodavnom okviru, obim eksproprijacije i efekati... more

U članku je izložen komparativni pregled osnovnih karakteristika agrarnih reformi sprovedenih u Kraljevini SHS, Rumuniji, Grčkoj i Bugarskoj nakon Prvog svetskog rata. Analizirana je u zakonodavnom okviru, obim eksproprijacije i efekati reforme kako bi se istakle sličnosti i razlike i doprineli boljem sagledavanju i razumevanju ovog pitanja u okviru balkanske istorije. Politički, socijalno i ekonomski uslovljene agrarne reforme sa svojim kompleksnim uticajima odigrale su važnu ulogu ne samo u poljoprivrednom sektoru već i u čitavom društvu.
The article presents a comparative overview of basic characteristics of agrarian reforms implemented in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and in Romania, Greece and Bulgaria after the World War I. Its legislative frame was analyzed, through its basic principles and the extent of expropriation and effects of the reform, with the aim to point out the similarities and differences and to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of this question within the Balkan history.Agrarian reforms were more a part of social and political needs than an integral part of the economic development. When making conclusions about agrarian reforms it is im-portant to separate the context of social justice and development of successful agriculture. In social context agrarian reforms were more successful that in economic one. There were more problems, such as inability to create economic development or sustainable agriculture; small properties offered insufficient quantities for the owners, and for capital accumulation. Agrarian reforms only partly influenced progress and sustainable agriculture, while effects on economic production were twofold. In the long term, reduction of progressive and large properties caused inevitable fall of production, and unabled development of the sustainable agricultural sector, growth of capital, investments and technical and technological innovations. On the other side, short-term effects on the economic condition of the agricultural population and their existence were positive, because they enabled short-scale production and consumption

Gavrilo Princip je prošao put od "zločinca" pa "heroja" do "celebrity ličnosti" Dana 28. 06. 1914. godine Gavrilo Princip izvršio je atentat na austrougarskog prijestolonasljednika Franza Ferdinanda. O samom događaju, njegovim učesnicima... more

Gavrilo Princip je prošao put od "zločinca" pa "heroja" do "celebrity ličnosti" Dana 28. 06. 1914. godine Gavrilo Princip izvršio je atentat na austrougarskog prijestolonasljednika Franza Ferdinanda. O samom događaju, njegovim učesnicima i različitim percepcijama istog, razgovarali smo sa profesorom na Filozofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu doc. dr. Amirom Duranovićem. Intelektualno: Ono što većina zna jeste da je 28. juna 1914. godine Gavrilo Princip u Sarajevu ubio austrougarskog prijestolonasljednika Franza Ferdinanda i njegovu suprugu Sofiju. Međutim, koji je motiv kod Gavrila Principa za jedan ovakav čin, šta ga je to potaklo da izvrši ubistvo ? Da li možemo tražiti poveznicu sa ovim događajem u njegovom najranijem periodu života ? Duranović: Motivi su višestruki i višedimenzionalni. Kontekst, uži i širi, odlučujuće je djelovao na ideološko i društveno stasavanje mladog Principa. "Ideja oslobođenja" kako je govorio sam Princip, bila je jedna od pokretačkih snaga i motiva za njegovo djelovanje. Tu, dakako, treba imati na umu da je pojam "oslobođenja" i "slobode" uvijek moguće tumačiti iz barem dvije perspektive, koje u ovom slučaju, imaju veoma značajnu poziciju u razumijevanju ukupnosti samoga događaja, ali i svega vezanog uz narativ(e) o ovom dijelu prošlosti. U historiografiji i publicistici jeste bilo pokušaja da se čin atentata poveže s njegovim najranijim periodom života, njegovim seoskim i socijalnim porijeklom, ali to je samo dio priče. Pri navedenom treba propitati i šta bi u njegovom slučaju bio "najraniji period života" budući da je kao atentator, kasnije i osuđenik, bio zapravo veoma mlad čovjek. A to dalje znači da bi vrijedilo revalorizirati i iznova kritički čitati to koliko su njegovi stavovi "stvarno njegovi", koliko su "racionalni" i koliko su "valjano promišljeni". Intelektualno: Da li je sarajevski atentat povod ili uzrok Prvom svjetskom ratu ? Duranović: Uz atentat se uvijek, u historiografiji, publicistici i udžbenicima jasno naglašavalo da se radi o "povodu", a da su uzroci bili mnogo dublji, složeniji i da nisu bio nužno vezani za Bosnu i Hercegovinu ili region, iako su i Bosna i Heregovina i cijeli regionalni kontekst početka 20. stoljeća bili dio mnogo složenije slike i generalno gledano, dio su velike konstelacije odnosa koje bismo mogli navesti na listi uzroka Prvome svjetskom ratu. Takvo je tumačenje uglavnom zadržano i danas, s tim što valja imati na umu kako povod i za ovaj razgovor, na primjer, ne biste mogli realizirati na nekom drugom mjestu u svijetu, kao što je to slučaj u našem kontekstu. Drugim riječima kazano, baš u ovoj "jubilarnoj godini" negdje drugdje bi se fokus javnosti zasigurno iskazao usmjeravanjem na druge teme iz prošlosti...

The Balkan Women during the Transition to Democracy

By the late 14 th century, the Ottoman army had already crossed the Bosnian border. Having said that, the military campaign itself lasted for 60 years, up until 1463, when Bosnia eventually got conquered. During the first 200 years of the... more

By the late 14 th century, the Ottoman army had already crossed the Bosnian border. Having said that, the military campaign itself lasted for 60 years, up until 1463, when Bosnia eventually got conquered. During the first 200 years of the Ottoman expansion, the time of prosperity, power, trade and wealth in Bosnia was noticeable. It can be argued that the time of prosperity sized to exist at the time of the Vienna war, from 1683 to 1699. After the battle, the Bosnian principality lost most of its human resources and wealth, while becoming the last Ottoman province in the West. The year 1732 is known as the start of a new desperate episode for the Bosnian folk. That was the year when the plague first ravaged the cities and quickly moved to the countryside and villages. Although the plague first spread amongst the Bosnian Catholics, it showed no mercy to other religious groups; they all equally suffered the loss of human life. The extent of the plague was seen on a large scale in the city of Jajce, where the death of 5,000 people was recorded in one day. The number of deceased was so large that Christians, Jews, and Muslims were, at times, even buried together. The radical measures introduced by the central government, manged to weaken the plague's effects in 1736. The last case of plague was reported in 1739, which is also considered to be the last day of Bosnia's affliction. Officials in the Bosnian principality during the great plague had a set of unique regulations on how to behave in and during the pandemic. Additionally, some settling rules and criteria in cities and counties were rewritten. However, all the taken measures together with the help received from Austrian, Ottoman and independent provinces, were not enough to stop the plague. This study explores what measures were introduced to fight the plague outbreak in 1 2

Na Čast Bošnjaci; Bosansko-Hercegovacka Pjesadijska Regimenta Br. 2 u Svjetskom Ratu od 1914. do 1918. Godine