Business Ecosystems Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Resumen Los ecosistemas empresariales han tomado fuerza durante los últimos años debido a las fortalezas que tienen para favorecer el desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor y la creación de nuevas empresas; sin embargo, la literatura sobre... more

PROFITABLE, FAST-GROWING COMPANIES like Microsoƒt and Home Depot are the darlings of Wall Street and the envy of their competitors. But what factors deter- mine their success? And what can managers do to emulate such stellar businesses... more

PROFITABLE, FAST-GROWING COMPANIES like Microsoƒt and Home Depot are the darlings of Wall Street and the envy of their competitors. But what factors deter-
mine their success? And what can managers do to emulate such stellar businesses within their own organizations?
To answer these questions, we screened the 9,450 publicly listed companies on the Compustat database for those that have grown dramatically over the past ten years. We also analyzed individual businesses such as Microsoƒt Windows, Medco’s pharmacy benefits management (PBM) program, Lotus Notes, Apple Newton, Hughes DirecTV, Enron Capital and Trade Resources, and Midland Bank’s First Direct.
We discovered that highly profitable fast growth is not confined to just a couple of firms. Between 1984 and 1993, 41 publicly listed companies focusing on one major line of business managed to increase their revenues and operating income by 20 percent per year. They created over 300,000 jobs and added $110 billion in market value during this period of sustained fast growth. These “tigers” are the swiƒtest, most powerful enterprises in the global marketplace.

Rooted in the territorial approach, this theoretical paper offers a systematic literature review (SLR) of ecosystems based on a selection of 104 articles and books and their archetypes. First, we identify and discuss the four main types... more

Rooted in the territorial approach, this theoretical paper offers a systematic literature review (SLR) of ecosystems based on a selection of 104 articles and books and their archetypes. First, we identify and discuss the four main types of ecosystems – business, innovation, entrepreneurial, and knowledge ecosystems – and indicate the presence of other transversal concepts. Second, we provide an overview of related and well-established theories from the territorial approach that have been largely omitted although they are ecosystem archetypes. Third, we identify the invariants across the four diverging streams from the ecosystem approach and the seven diverging streams from the territorial approach. Finally, we propose a research framework based on the comparison between key invariants from both approaches and discuss their similarities and differences that could serve as a foundation for future empirical research. This study therefore links the ecosystem and territorial approaches under the complex evolutionary system umbrella by creating a theoretical framework that reflects the complex interconnection between models, theories, and emerging concepts.

This paper explains the nature of a platform ecosystem as an evolutionary result of Industry 4.0 with industry and business digitalization along with a business ecosystem providing arguments for positioning it in line with a market, a... more

This paper explains the nature of a platform ecosystem as an evolutionary result of Industry 4.0 with industry and business digitalization along with a business ecosystem providing arguments for positioning it in line with a market, a hierarchy and a network. Specifically, the aim of this work is to show the transition to business ecosystems and the gripping power of one of its actors — platform companies. It also makes a short overview of the latest definitions of
the platform and business ecosystem in the frame of international business, attempts to define ecosystem participants that are differently viewed in the related literature and depicts mechanisms of value creation inside the platform ecosystem.

Работа посвящена анализу феномена бизнес-экосистемы как среды функционирования и развития платформенных компаний, описывает характеристики экосистемы. В статье представлено авторское определение экосистемы и её модель, включающая... more

Работа посвящена анализу феномена бизнес-экосистемы как среды функционирования и развития платформенных компаний, описывает характеристики экосистемы. В статье представлено авторское определение экосистемы и её модель, включающая управляющую фирму, комплементоров и пользователей платформы. В статье также описывается, как компании-платформы, встраиваемые в бизнес-экосистему, создают и повышают совместную ценность вместе с другими участниками экосистемы.

During last decades there has been a trend to build collaboration platforms as enablers for groups of enterprises to jointly provide integrated services and products. As a result, the notion of business ecosystem is getting wider... more

During last decades there has been a trend to build collaboration platforms as enablers for groups of enterprises to jointly provide integrated services and products. As a result, the notion of business ecosystem is getting wider acceptance. However, a critical issue that is still open, despite some efforts in this area, is the identification of adequate performance indicators to measure and motivate sustainable collaboration. This work-in-progress addresses this concern, briefly presenting the state of the art of relevant contributing areas such as, collaborative networks, business ecosystems, enterprise performance indicators, social networks analysis, and supply chains. Complementarily, through an assessment of current gaps, the research challenges are identified and an approach for further development is proposed.

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the value proposition and structure of the business ecosystem of peer-to-peer electricity trading through a future oriented approach. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study follows a qualitative... more

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the value proposition and structure of the business ecosystem of peer-to-peer electricity trading through a future oriented approach. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study follows a qualitative approach. It conducts conceptual analyses by utilizing previously validated tools in similar contexts. First, different views on business ecosystems are introduced and an argument is made to justify an ecosystem perspective for peerto-peer electricity trading. Second, the value proposition of the peer-to-peer electricity trading ecosystem is identified by utilising a meta-model which consists of four elements: end customer value, business value (shareholder value), collaborative value (business value to the supply chain) and societal value (value creation in the supply chain and control of negative externalities). Third, based on the structural view of business ecosystems, the study identifies actors, positions, links, and activities in the traditional electricity trading. And last, (structural) changes of the ecosystem for peer-to-peer electricity trading are discussed. Findings: This paper elaborates the business ecosystem of peer-to-peer electricity trading and highlights the structural changes it imposes to the status quo. Practical and social implications: The ecosystem construct adds insights into actors' ecosystem strategy regarding their business models for peer-to-peer electricity trading as well as into the governance of this type of trading. It provides a comprehensive view for policy makers. It enhances the research designs in detailed aspects of the peer-to-peer electricity trading by providing a wide lense. Originality/Value: The identified business ecosystem of peer-to-peer electricity trading provides a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder perspective to incorporate complexities and include externalities.

This paper disaggregates two social business models for development, namely Base of the Pyramid models and Inclusive Business models, with particular attention to the extent of theoretical differences and similarities between the two. It... more

This paper disaggregates two social business models for development, namely Base of the Pyramid models and Inclusive Business models, with particular attention to the extent of
theoretical differences and similarities between the two. It also explores how the two social business models’ theoretical variances in state and market regulation, development and value
offer affect approaches to interacting with low income segments of populations and poverty reduction. To do this, the work uses secondary scholarly sources and grey literature to conduct a theoretical understanding of each approach. Through theoretical exploration, Base of the Pyramid and Inclusive Business models are different to the extent they support different concepts of state/market regulation, different theories of development, and different approaches to offering value to the low-income segments of a population. They are similar to the extent they both require creation of “ecosystems” with government, multilateral
organisations, non-governmental organisations, local grassroots organisations, development organisations and academia to operate in emerging markets. I posit this similarity is due to
the nature of institutional voids in the emerging markets in which both types of social businesses operate. It then uses publicly available secondary sources and primary research conducted via interviews and online surveys to examine six typological case studies: three firms with Base of the Pyramid models (Ajinomoto Inc., Provive and Water Health India) and three firms with Inclusive Business models (Botanica Natural Products, Ltd., Corporación
Favorita and Taze&Kuru Foods Inc). The case studies highlight some unexpected variations from theoretical understandings of the two approaches, and generally confirm the need for
semantic, theoretical and practical distinctions between Base of the Pyramid and Inclusive Business models.

In 1995, the future of home computing was in the balance. The dominant technology, the PC, was threatened by the entry of a potentially disruptive technology, the Network Computer (NC). Yet in 2005 almost 200 million PCs were sold... more

In 1995, the future of home computing was in the balance. The dominant technology, the PC, was threatened by the entry of a potentially disruptive technology, the Network Computer (NC). Yet in 2005 almost 200 million PCs were sold globally and the pioneering NC was ...

This Conference Proceedings volume contains the written versions of most of the contributions presented during the Second International Conference on Fostering Resilient Business Ecosystems and Economic Growth: Towards the Next Normal.... more

This Conference Proceedings volume contains the written versions of most of the contributions presented during the Second International Conference on Fostering Resilient Business Ecosystems and Economic Growth: Towards the Next Normal. Like in the previous year, it took place online from April 27-29, 2022. The Conference provided a setting for discussing recent developments in various topics, including Marketing, OB & HRM, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Economics, Public Policy, Business Analytics, International Business, Finance, and Accounting. The Conference has been a good opportunity for participants from 100s of Institutes from India and abroad. The inclusion of Keynote speeches in every track presentation has been highly appreciated, even for the speakers' efforts to present the ideas and methods in a lively and accessible way. We want to thank all participants for their contributions to the Conference program and their contributions to these Proceedings. Many thanks go to Soetomo University, Indonesia and AIMS, in collaboration with whom we have organized the International Conference for the second time in a row.

The entrepreneurial ecosystem stream of research is relatively new, yet it has started to attract the attention of scholars across a range of disciplines including international business and international entrepreneurship. Review studies... more

The entrepreneurial ecosystem stream of research is relatively new, yet it has started to attract the attention of scholars across a range of disciplines including international business and international entrepreneurship. Review studies are needed to consolidate the research and to illustrate the status quo and present visions for research going forward. This study aims to do so by applying bibliometric process technique. The present study summarizes the key countries and institutions, source journals, scholars and publications, and key themes encompassing the domain of entrepreneurial ecosystem research up to 2019. The findings illustrate an exponential growth of research covering a wide array of disciplines and top journals, observe several influential scholars and their collaboration networks, and find that the studies remain distinctly practitioner focused. In addition, six themes within the research domain are identified. The multilevel analysis gives a comprehensive overview ...

Today i-business (platform-based) firms are boosting their capitalization compared to traditional linear businesses due to joint value creation together with other participants forming a business ecosystem, namely complementors,... more

Today i-business (platform-based) firms are boosting their capitalization compared to traditional linear businesses due to joint value creation together with other participants forming a business ecosystem, namely complementors, supply-side and demand-side users. The paper reveals the participants and components of value creation of platform products or services and covers the issue of the platform value chain. The main purpose of the article is to analyze platform-based firms’ integration in the GVCs. It results in providing the model of i-business (platform-based) firms’ value creation and the model of contemporary GVCs with i-business firms embedded in them.

The entrepreneurial ecosystem stream of research is relatively new, yet it has started to attract the attention of scholars across a range of disciplines including international business and international entrepreneurship. Review studies... more

The entrepreneurial ecosystem stream of research is relatively new, yet it has started to attract the attention of scholars across a range of disciplines including international business and international entrepreneurship. Review studies are needed to consolidate the research and to illustrate the status quo and present visions for research going forward. This study aims to do so by applying bibliometric process technique. The present study summarizes the key countries and institutions, source journals, scholars and publications, and key themes encompassing the domain of entrepreneurial ecosystem research up to 2019. The findings illustrate an exponential growth of research covering a wide array of disciplines and top journals, observe several influential scholars and their collaboration networks, and find that the studies remain distinctly practitioner focused. In addition, six themes within the research domain are identified. The multilevel analysis gives a comprehensive overview ...

Today’s COVID-19 crisis drives various socioeconomic systems to a profound readjustment and restructuring. This presentation aims to examine the need to reinforce the resilience of business ecosystems, suggesting future research avenues... more

Today’s COVID-19 crisis drives various socioeconomic systems to a profound readjustment and restructuring. This presentation aims to examine the need to reinforce the resilience of business ecosystems, suggesting future research avenues mainly at the regional level. In terms of design, a synthesis of the resilience and business ecosystems’ concepts is approached, followed by introducing essential elements concerning the European Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The conclusions are twofold. First, the resilience of business ecosystems is a significant development pillar for the post-COVID-19 era, even though the RRF does not include provisions for regional development (the national authorities are responsible). Second, the resilience of local and regional authorities is significant, especially in areas where small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) rely on activities affected by the pandemic, such as tourism and transport. Further research could focus on the relationship between SME innovation and critical infrastructure.

James Moore coined the term business ecosystem, where businesses are considered as components of an ecosystem in which they collaborate, satisfying consumers and integrating innovation. A business ecosystem is an economic community... more

James Moore coined the term business ecosystem, where businesses are considered as components of an ecosystem in which they collaborate, satisfying consumers and integrating innovation. A business ecosystem is an economic community supported by a structure of interacting organizations-businesses and individuals producing goods and services for consumers. The business strategy in a regional and local innovation ecosystem faces various challenges, such as a possible conflict with the great forces of the ecosystem and the creation of a healthy partnership for the development of new products-services.
The business strategy developed in these ecosystems takes the form of
new companies that use technological change to introduce new products or new business models through new competitive scenarios and the reciprocal relationships developed in this context. However, most businesses, especially in remote and underdeveloped regional and local business ecosystems, are facing many challenges; as such they require a different support framework for their innovation system. This system should work a way that it will enable organizations to develop their innovations based on their business partnerships, being able at the same time to balance their cognitive asymmetries. In the present research study, through the literature review of scientific research in the field of regional innovation systems and less developed business ecosystems, the central analytical dimensions and strategies (Stra.Tech. Man innovation theory) are identified and analyzed to determine how they could contribute to achieve effective business innovation and long-term stable growth and development.

In platform ecosystems, the proper modification of goods provided could promote innovation and fulfill the need for diversity among consumers. However, most platforms in the service industry currently serve merely as intermediaries for... more

In platform ecosystems, the proper modification of goods provided could promote innovation and fulfill the need for diversity among consumers. However, most platforms in the service industry currently serve merely as intermediaries for existing services. This study aims to clarify how the function of a platform, which brings a modification of the content of services, contributes to the development of the platform ecosystem in service industries. The results of an agent-based simulation that imitates platform-based markets of a service industry reveal that the facilitation of changing the content of services could have negative effects for the platform ecosystem if there are no supportive functions. The authors demonstrate that two supportive platform functions contribute to successful modifications in service content the facilitation of customer involvement improves the sustainability of the ecosystem by increasing profits of platform users, and the support for capturing latent need...

It seems that the past paradigm of regional analysis gives its place progressively to the approach of the dynamics of local development since the evolving localities constitute the development motor behind innovation and the overall... more

It seems that the past paradigm of regional analysis gives its place progressively to the approach of the dynamics of local development since the evolving localities constitute the development motor behind innovation and the overall national competitiveness. This study aims to analyze recent theoretical perspectives of clusters and business ecosystems and their relation to policies promoting local entrepreneurship and innovation. The “Local Development and Innovation Institutes” are a business ecosystem policy that aims to enhance the “Stra.Tech.Man physiology” and, thus, the potential of innovation for the entire socio-economic system. The Stra.Tech.Man approach suggests that every socio-economic organization articulates its competitive survival by the way it manages to synthesize the inner spheres of strategy, technology, and management.

Growing evidence suggests entrepreneurial ecosystems are a potent engine for economic and community development. Prior research has identified an ecosystem’s culture as serving a critical role in its creation and functioning. However, it... more

Growing evidence suggests entrepreneurial ecosystems are a potent engine for economic and community development. Prior research has identified an ecosystem’s culture as serving a critical role in its creation and functioning. However, it is not clear how the cultural forces in entrepreneurial ecosystems develop and are shaped by individuals, organizational actors, and ecosystem-level institutions. Drawing from institutional theory and theories of multiple logic organizations (i.e., hybrids), this paper combines entrepreneurship and management research to argue that entrepreneurial ecosystems are influenced by two dominant institutional logics: entrepreneurial-market and community. By combining both logics, hybrid support organizations, such as incubators, accelerators, and small business development centers, play a unique role in entrepreneurial ecosystems by exposing participants to the two guiding logics. Furthermore, it is argued that intra-ecosystem variation among hybrid support organizations in the dominance of entrepreneurial-market and community logics, will result in a diversity of entrepreneurship within an ecosystem. This theorizing contributes to the understanding of entrepreneurial ecosystems by shedding light on the role institutional logics and hybrid support organizations play in ecosystem formation, structuring, and function and by explaining the genesis of the cultural values that guide ecosystem participants.

During the last 5 years, we have witnessed extraordinary development in the mobile market. Apple’s launch of the iOS platform and associated App Store marketplace turned the market around, and Apple became the leading company in the... more

During the last 5 years, we have witnessed extraordinary development in the mobile market. Apple’s launch of the iOS platform and associated App Store marketplace turned the market around, and Apple became the leading company in the business. This development caused existing players, such as Nokia, to renew their business and attracted new players, such as Google and Microsoft, to enter the market and introduce their own mobile platforms. To understand this development, we suggest that a generic abstracted model of the ecosystem around mobile platforms should be developed describing how the actors, including users, individual app developers, companies, and digital services, are connected and interact. In this work, we propose that competition and collaboration in this kind of abstracted ecosystem can be modeled and analyzed using network analysis. In our research, we derived weighted competition and collaboration networks for each mobile platform from an expert survey, and by calculating companies’ degree centrality in their networks at different times we were able to illustrate how companies’ strategies to build and maintain an ecosystem differ and develop over time. We believe that this kind of analysis is useful both for companies that build ecosystems and also for companies that plan to do business in them. The former can use it to compare their strategy with existing competitors and also evaluate emerging new ecosystems and the latter to compare and choose between possible ecosystems with which to do business.

Abstract Over the recent years there has been increasing interest in the evolution of supply networks and, given their inherent inter-dependences, some scholars have likened these networks to 'ecosystems'. This paper explores... more

Abstract Over the recent years there has been increasing interest in the evolution of supply networks and, given their inherent inter-dependences, some scholars have likened these networks to 'ecosystems'. This paper explores the role that social network analysis (SNA) might play in exploring the evolution and impact of both positional and structural characteristics of such networks on member strategy and network performance. We adopt a relational model that captures vertical, horizontal and diagonal linkages evident in these ...

Although primarily studied in the context of product lines, vari-ability is a key fact about most systems and therefore a concern for the architectures of those systems. Thus it is essential for the Archi-tect to have suitable tools for... more

Although primarily studied in the context of product lines, vari-ability is a key fact about most systems and therefore a concern for the architectures of those systems. Thus it is essential for the Archi-tect to have suitable tools for representing, managing and reasoning about variation. Most work on product line variation has focused on the variability of components and their connectors within an archi-tecture. Meanwhile, Architects today often use multiple viewpoints to frame diverse stakeholders ’ concerns for an architecture. How can variation be expressed within the representational paradigm of multiple viewpoints? This paper uses a simplified model of vari-ation reflecting current practice and explores the consequences of that model for the representation of variation as a part of archi-tecture description, using the conceptual foundation of ISO/IEC 42010 (the revision of IEEE 1471:2000) and poses a number of questions for discussion at the VARI-ARCH workshop.