Local Development Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more

This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four countries: Ghana, India, Philippines and Zambia, and across two common sectors: Staple Food and Bus Transport with the support from DFID (UK) and BMZ (Germany) facilitated by GIZ (Germany). The aim of the project was to highlight the relevance of competition reforms for social and economic welfare in developing countries, and motivate other countries, governments and development partners to accord greater attention to the subject of competition reforms. In view of this overall aim of the project, with inputs from the project advisers CUTS designed the final conference of the CREW project on a broader theme to talk about ‘Relevance of Competition & Regulatory Reforms in Pursuing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Developing Countries’. The theme was thought to be both contemporary and relevant in view of the adoption of the SDGs a couple of months before this final conference. In addition to the support it received from DFID (UK), BMZ (Germany) and GIZ (Germany), the conference also received support from the World Bank, G-77 Secretariat and the OECD. CUTS is grateful to all the above organisations for supporting the conference, and indeed also the production of this volume. We acknowledge the support from the members of the Project Advisory Committee of the CREW project, who contributed to make this conference a grand success. Special thanks to Clement Onyango and colleagues at CUTS Nairobi for their support and tireless efforts in the run-up and during the conference. We gratefully acknowledge the hard work and patience of all the paper authors for contributing extremely interesting individual chapters to this volume. We are also thankful to those friends of CUTS who reviewed the draft papers – Eleanor Fox, Tania Begazo/Martha Licetti (World Bank), Rafaelita Aldaba, R S Khemani, Frederic Jenny, Payal Malik, Allan Fels, David Ong’olo, Ashwini Swain, Peter Holmes and John Davies/Lynn Robertson (OECD). We are indebted to Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary General, UNCTAD for writing an encouraging Foreword – and we hope to continue to receive his and UNCTAD’s support. We greatly appreciate the diligence of Madhuri Vasnani and Garima Shrivastava for editing and Mukesh Tyagi for preparing the layout of this report. Special thanks are due to Ashutosh Soni for his excellent coordination of communication with authors and reviewers of papers of this volume. We acknowledge the efforts of all the members of the CREW team, especially Cornelius Dube, Shreya Kaushik and Neha Tomar. Last but not the least, this report would not have seen the light of the day without the skillful direction, and overall guidance of Pradeep S Mehta, Secretary General, CUTS. He took special interest in this volume and went through each and every paper carefully himself. Words alone cannot convey our sincere gratitude to each and every individual who have contributed in every small way towards bringing out this volume. But it is only words that this world thrives on. We express our sincere gratefulness to all such individuals, without whom the publication of this volume would not have been possible.

This paper analyses some of the results of a research project that is being carried out in the Spanish regions (Comunidades Autonomas ) of Catalonia and Galicia. The overall objective of the research project is to complete a map of rural... more

This paper analyses some of the results of a research project that is being carried out in the Spanish regions (Comunidades Autonomas ) of Catalonia and Galicia. The overall objective of the research project is to complete a map of rural tourism at a national level in Spain and to establish quality standards for rural tourism indicators for the entire country. In this instance, the main purpose is to outline the repercussions of rural tourism activities on local development.

This paper aims to capture the importance of demographic dimension in thesustainable development process of the rural space. From a series ofstatistics data we realized an analysis of demographic indicators, which ithelped us to trace the... more

This paper aims to capture the importance of demographic dimension in thesustainable development process of the rural space. From a series ofstatistics data we realized an analysis of demographic indicators, which ithelped us to trace the development trends characteristic for our area ofstudy. To understand the evolution in time and the implications of humanresource in the process of development it was necessary referencing themwith national or local historical events. Demographic dimension analysishighlights the development stage of rural space and help the formulation ofthe future local policies that regard the sustainable development.

We discuss how the outcomes of policy evaluation processes can provide valuable feedback in order to design more effective policy interventions. We address our analysis to policies directed at promoting innovation by fostering generative... more

We discuss how the outcomes of policy evaluation processes can provide valuable feedback in order to design more effective policy interventions. We address our analysis to policies directed at promoting innovation by fostering generative relationships among heterogeneous ...

Il paper è stato elaborato nell'ambito della ricerca "Nuove forme di governance locale come strumento di sviluppo strategico del territorio. Una ricerca comparata in sei regioni europee (Andalusia, Brandeburgo, Puglia, Sicilia, Toscana,... more

Il paper è stato elaborato nell'ambito della ricerca "Nuove forme di governance locale come strumento di sviluppo strategico del territorio. Una ricerca comparata in sei regioni europee (Andalusia, Brandeburgo, Puglia, Sicilia, Toscana, Veneto)" (PRIN - anno 2009 ). Si tratta di un focus su tre GAL della Sicilia sud-orientale, finalizzato ad evidenziare i rapporti fra la loro evoluzione, l’evoluzione dello spazio geografico e
l’eventuale creazione di spazio territoriale e quindi di “territorio”.
(Presentato alla M.A.S.TER. School (Università di Padova) - Governare il cambiamento Pratiche di governance e strategie di sviluppo sostenibile 20-21-22 settembre 2012 .

The starting point of the present paper is the idea that to define a regional development policy which should effectively respond to the new challenges of the future, in particular to the globalisation of the economy and the acceleration... more

The starting point of the present paper is the idea that to define a regional development policy which should effectively respond to the new challenges of the future, in particular to the globalisation of the economy and the acceleration of technological changes, it is necessary to think about new methods that grant a privilege to the local solution, using to

In the National Strategy for Inner Areas included in the UE-Italy Partnership Agreement 2014-2020, improving accessibility is one of the priority axes of intervention, either as a lever of territorial cohesion, or a driver of economic... more

In the National Strategy for Inner Areas included in the UE-Italy Partnership Agreement 2014-2020, improving accessibility is one of the priority axes of intervention, either as a lever of territorial cohesion, or a driver of economic development. In these areas, a still existing railroad,
even if abandoned or underused, may represent a strategic asset to
activate revitalization processes. On the other hand, innovative complementary services, including community transport, along with the availability of a smart platform to access them easily, may play an
important role in reducing car dependency among the locals and
attracting sustainable tourism. In the paper, the lesson learned from
some Italian and international good practices is put to use to
outline a comprehensive approach to the accessibility of inner areas,
using Garfagnana, in the Tuscan Apennines, as a case study.

In this regard, several opportunities have opened up in the last few years. Calabria belongs to the Regions of Objective 1 of The European Union (regions with development delay), characterised by a PIL value less than 75% of the community... more

In this regard, several opportunities have opened up in the last few years. Calabria belongs to the Regions of Objective 1 of The European Union (regions with development delay), characterised by a PIL value less than 75% of the community average. In order to recuperate the economic and social delay of these areas, the European Union finances development with Structural

Within the current territorial division communes play a very significant role. They are responsible particularly for supporting local development through financing projects aimed at improving quality of life in local environment. To be... more

Within the current territorial division communes play a very significant role. They are responsible particularly for supporting local development through financing projects aimed at improving quality of life in local environment. To be successful communes first of all need to introduce a strategic approach in management
process. Strategy helps to accumulate limited funds around the main expectations of local communities and opens new perspectives for additional financial support. But it is only half of the success to develop a good strategy. Equally important is the implementation process, in which long term objectives defined in a strategy are transformed into activities undertaken by local authorities in a yearly prepared budget. This article describes
main experiences of local strategy usage in management process of communities on the example of Bolesławiec.

Este artículo analiza los procesos de construcción de la identidad de un territorio y como los actores locales consiguen trasladar y aumentar un patrimonio cultural de un pasado migratorio singular desde la esfera privada de familias o de... more

Este artículo analiza los procesos de construcción de la identidad de un territorio y como los actores locales consiguen trasladar y aumentar un patrimonio cultural de un pasado migratorio singular desde la esfera privada de familias o de una comunidad particular a la esfera pública local. Tomamos el caso del presente del pasado inmigratorio francés de la pequeña ciudad de Pigüé (17.000 habitantes), en el partido de Saavedra (Provincia de Buenos Aires). La sociedad tomó conciencia de este pasado como recurso identitario en 1984 con los festejos del centenario de su fundación. Luego, la cooperación cultural con Francia permitió a algunos que lo habían olvidado descubrir o valorizar su pasado familiar y para varios otros, de origen francés o no, crear nuevos vínculos con Francia y con el pasado del territorio. Se realizaron trece entrevistas semi-dirigidas a actores claves de este proceso, movilizando el análisis temático transversal de los relatos. Concluimos que se logró impulsar una construcción de una memoria social local en el presente del pasado francés como recurso territorial más allá de la comunidad de origen. Ese recurso, que se constituye en patrimonio, es susceptible hoy ser aprovechado económicamente para el desarrollo local con menos riesgos de padecer reinterpretaciones comerciales o folklorizantes.

Manual de técnicas para la sensibilización de los derechos de las y los jóvenes en el ámbito local.

There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has... more

There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has seen the privileging of composite indices in the analysis of deprivation which have been criticised for fostering a common perception that deprived neighbourhoods are homogeneous in terms of their compositions and underlying structures. Such indices have also been criticised for being ineffective at capturing temporal change, providing only static snapshots of deprivation at particular points in time. This paper focuses on patterns of deprived neighbourhood change in the Greater Manchester city-region between 2001 and 2007. It develops a typology of neighbourhood change that is triangulated with three complementary typologies capturing the socioeconomic and demographic compositions of deprived neighbourhoods; the functional roles played by deprived neighbourhoods in redistributing population through migration; and the spatial contexts in which deprived neighbourhoods are located. The analysis reveals that an over reliance on static indices to measure deprivation has long-served to conceal complexities in the way that deprived neighbourhoods change, owing to their variable structures and contexts. It illustrates the danger that lies in treating all deprived neighbourhoods in the same way.

In the last few decades, tourism has become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, with an increasing economic, social and environmental role. It has been recognised as a strategic driver, able not only to heighten... more

In the last few decades, tourism has become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, with an increasing economic, social and environmental role. It has been recognised as a strategic driver, able not only to heighten economic growth, employment, and enhancement of cultural values, diversity and heritage, but also to help countries transition towards more inclusive and resilient economies. In this framework, slow tourism has been playing an important role, compliant with the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its different forms - i.e. ecotourism, rural and village tourism, as well as religious routes - can improve social inclusiveness, poverty reduction, and environmental protection while empowering host communities, generating trade opportunities, and fostering peace and intercultural understanding.
The pilgrimage on religious routes is an ancient practice, largely rooted in many confessions as an expression of a mainly religious experience. Nevertheless, more recently, this kind of religious tourism has gained new values for both people and territories hosting destinations: its target groups of travellers have enlarged to those looking for spiritual holidays (individuals and groups) as well as well-being and integrated experiences combining religious sites, cultural heritage, landscape and nature, traditions and crafts, food, wine,and local events (shared with local people to feel part of the local community). Such experiences respond to the sustainability challenge as an opportunity for local development in depopulated areas but yet rich in history, nature, art and traditions.
On this basis, this paper tries to evaluate the recent experiences of some religious tourist routes in Sicily (South Italy), focusing on: a) their relevance in relation to emerging strategies and policies (i.e. cultural ecclesial parks, regional development plans, etc.); b) and their aptitude to generate sustainable and innovative local development. In particular it addresses the recent experiences in progress on the Itinerarium Rosaliae in Sicily as opportunities for sustainable and local development.

Participation of local community in decision-making is vital for building sustainable development. The Polish-Ukrainian project “Look Twice!” presented in the article aims at building and developing civil society and making contribution... more

Participation of local community in decision-making is vital for building sustainable development. The Polish-Ukrainian project “Look Twice!” presented in the article aims at building and developing civil society and making contribution to long term development of Walbrzych in Poland and Uzgorod in Ukraine. The project has been realised from February to December 2008 by Foundation of European Education (Poland), German Michael Tiffernus Institute and Transcarpathian Professional Women-Educators’ Association “Perspektyva” from Uzgorod in Ukraine.

W niniejszym artykule została podjęta próba wskazania wybranych, odnoszących się do marketingu miejsc tendencji, które wydają się istotne z punktu widzenia promocji i rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego jednostek terytorialnych. W tym ujęciu... more

W niniejszym artykule została podjęta próba wskazania wybranych, odnoszących się do marketingu miejsc tendencji, które wydają się istotne z punktu widzenia promocji i rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego jednostek terytorialnych. W tym ujęciu marketing miejsc można rozumieć jako odpowiedź na zapotrzebowanie w obszarze profesjonalnego zarządzania jednostkami terytorialnymi. Na wstępie zostały przedstawione teoretyczne aspekty marketingu miejsc, w dalszej części scharakteryzowano poszczególne tendencje, wśród których przykładowo można wymienić markowe produkty turystyczne, promocję miejsca poprzez sport, spa&wellness, turystykę konferencyjną, zintensyfikowaną promocję gospodarczą. W ramach podsumowania zaprezentowano wybrane korzyści wynikające ze stosowania rozwiązań wpisujących się w marketing miejsc.

This study presents the results of field research conducted at the households of Metsovo, one of the most important mountain settlements of Greece. The main objective is to highlight the distinct role of the settlement’s traditional... more

This study presents the results of field research conducted at the households of Metsovo, one of the most important mountain settlements of Greece. The main objective is to highlight the distinct role of the settlement’s traditional architecture, as a cultural good, at the existing pattern of development in the region. More specifically, the aim of the study is to evaluate the economic value of settlement’s traditional architecture, using the environmental economics theoretical background and analytical techniques. For the above purpose, the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is applied. The method is based on the construction of a hypothetical market, in order to measure respondents’ willingness to pay or to accept compensation (Willingness To Pay - WTP or Willingness To Accept - WTA) for changes in the quality and / or quantity of non-tradable goods and services using appropriately structured questionnaires
In this particular case, the CVM analysis involved a hypothetical scenario of founding an institution for the protection of the vernacular architecture of Metsovo. Respondents were asked if they were willing to pay an annual voluntary contribution to the institution for supporting its purpose. The survey involved a random sample of 263 residents of Metsovo. The campaign took place in June and July 2009 and the response rate was about 50%. The results of the study show that vernacular architecture holds a significant economic value, which is reflected to the voluntary payment of Metsovo households. Using parametric and non-parametric models the annual voluntary contribution was estimated at 90,000 €. Finally, the paper concludes with some interesting remarks concerning the general characteristics and the importance of vernacular architecture preservation.

Apparemment, la France est très urbanisée avec plus des trois quarts de ses habitants qui vivent en ville. Toutefois, les dernières données font apparaître une stagnation de l’urbanisation et masquent sans doute une régression. En outre,... more

Apparemment, la France est très urbanisée avec plus des trois quarts de ses habitants qui vivent en ville. Toutefois, les dernières données font apparaître une stagnation de l’urbanisation et masquent sans doute une régression. En outre, d’autres analyses laissent penser que l’urbanisation de la France est surévaluée.
[Apparently, France is highly urbanized with more than three quarters of its inhabitants living in cities. However, the latest data show a stagnation of urbanization and mask probably a regression. In addition, further analysis suggests that the urbanization of France is overvalued.]

This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more

This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four countries: Ghana, India, Philippines and Zambia, and across two common sectors: Staple Food and Bus Transport with the support from DFID (UK) and BMZ (Germany) facilitated by GIZ (Germany). The aim of the project was to highlight the relevance of competition reforms for social and economic welfare in developing countries, and motivate other countries, governments and development partners to accord greater attention to the subject of competition reforms. In view of this overall aim of the project, with inputs from the project advisers CUTS designed the final conference of the CREW project on a broader theme to talk about ‘Relevance of Competition & Regulatory Reforms in Pursuing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Developing Countries’. The theme w...

This paper provides a review of recent themes in the investigation of small towns in South Africa. The paper is divided into two main sections of review and analysis. The first section furnishes an overview of the different types of... more

This paper provides a review of recent themes in the investigation of small towns in South Africa. The paper is divided into two main sections of review and analysis. The first section furnishes an overview of the different types of research themes that have been engaged. It is argued that a narrow set of issues, mainly concerning economic expansion and change have formed the key vantage point from which to view small town South Africa. The second section outlines a range of research questions that require attention. It is argued that there is a need to more closely consider how small town knowledge production takes place and that research themes need to move beyond mere issues of economic development.

Absztrakt: A foglalkoztatási és jövedelemszerzési lehetőségek javítása napjaink egyik legnagyobb kihívása a vidéki térségekben. Ennek orvoslásában fontos szerepet tölthetnek be a szociális szövetkezetek, amelyek képesek integrálni a... more

Absztrakt: A foglalkoztatási és jövedelemszerzési lehetőségek javítása napjaink egyik legnagyobb kihívása a vidéki térségekben. Ennek orvoslásában fontos szerepet tölthetnek be a szociális szövetkezetek, amelyek képesek integrálni a gazdasági, társadalmi és szociokulturális célokat. Működésükkel jelentős mértékben hozzájárulhatnak a foglalkoztatási és szociális problémák enyhítéséhez, a vidéki térségek gazdaságának stabilizálásához, valamint a társadalmi kohézió és társadalmi integráció előmozdításához. Tanulmányunkban a Bergendóc Szociális Szövetkezet működését és eredményeit vizsgáljuk. Esettanulmányunk rámutat arra, hogy a szövetkezet többféle, főként szociális, kulturális, valamint közösségszervező tevékenységet végzett 2013-as megalakulását követően, miközben nem volt képes kialakítani fenntartható működésének gazdasági bázisát. Az üzleti tevékenységből származó eredmények elmaradása, más anyagi források híján, finanszírozhatatlanná tette a működést, aminek következményeként a szövetkezet válságba került, tevékenységeit jórészt szünetelteti, ma inkább csak vegetál. Abstract: The greatest challenges facing rural areas today are to improve the employment and income opportunities. Remedying this situation, social cooperatives that are able to integrate the economic, societal and socio-cultural goals can play an important role. Their operation can significantly contribute to alleviate employment and social problems, to stabilize the rural economy and to promote social cohesion and social inclusion in rural areas. In our study, we examine the operation and results of the Bergendóc Szociális Szövetkezet (Bergendóc Social Cooperative). Our case study points out that the cooperative implemented various, especially social, cultural and community organizing activities, since its formation in 2013; while it has not been able to develop a sustainable economic basement for its operation. The lack of results from business activities, in the absence of other financial resources, caused financial crisis in the operation and as a consequence of that, the cooperative largely ceased its activities, and actually it just vegetates today.

In un periodo di rinascita dell’economia urbana, legata all’innovazione e all’economia della conoscenza, il concetto di “distretto produttivo” viene recuperato e reinterpretato a livello internazionale per l’integrazione economia-società... more

In un periodo di rinascita dell’economia urbana, legata all’innovazione e all’economia della conoscenza, il concetto di
“distretto produttivo” viene recuperato e reinterpretato a livello internazionale per l’integrazione economia-società o
sotto forma di “cluster tecnologico”, mentre in Italia ci si interroga sulla capacità di tenuta di questo modello
organizzativo in un panorama economico mondiale profondamente mutato.
Lo studio dell’evoluzione dei “distretti produttivi”, nel tempo e nello spazio, sembra intercettare alcune questioni
rilevanti per la disciplina urbanistica. Da un lato, l’osservazione dei territori della manifattura consente di leggere la
“metamorfosi” delle imprese – che diventano sempre più grandi, innovative e internazionalizzate – e degli spazi della
produzione, il cui uso plurale va dalla dismissione alla riqualificazione. Dall’altro, l’economia dei flussi impone una
riflessione sull’ibridazione di manifattura e servizi e sul conseguente avvicinamento di attività, spazi e stili di vita
urbani e “periferici” nella nozione di “sistema metropolitano”.

Tourism has traditionally been considered as the activity that allows people to live non-usual experiences in non-usual places through mobility. Nowadays, when landscape is understood as every place perceived as it by a community, when... more

Tourism has traditionally been considered as the activity that allows people to live non-usual experiences in non-usual places through mobility. Nowadays, when landscape is understood as every place perceived as it by a community, when the globalization of information makes easier the knowledge of further places than usual ones, and when sustainability is the new politics framework, also in tourism, a tourist offer to closer and, at the same time, unknown places seems relevant in order to beat tourism’ seasonal constraints and increase the value of usual environments. This last goal is an essential step forward to a development from local scale and, for this reason, this paper tries to study how endogen resources appreciation from a tourist activity can encourage an integrative and participative development process.

Martin O'Neill talks to Matthew Brown about community wealth-building and alternative economic strategies in Preston.

Gambaran mengenai kondisi infrastruktur jalan dan orientasi kebijakan jalan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia

Quali sono le relazioni tra il sistema produttivo e la pianificazione urbana e territoriale? Quanta attenzione pone, oggi, la pianificazione urbana e territoriale agli ecosistemi dell'innovazione e agli incubatori d'impresa, che... more

Quali sono le relazioni tra il sistema produttivo e la pianificazione urbana e territoriale? Quanta attenzione pone, oggi, la pianificazione urbana e territoriale agli ecosistemi dell'innovazione e agli incubatori d'impresa, che polarizzano dei network di imprese (soprattutto start up innovative)? La prima istanza pone l'attenzione su un cambiamento all'interno della disciplina che parte delle teorie e dagli strumenti e va a considerare anche gli approcci, rivalutando tanto l'innovazione tecnologica alla base delle Smart City, approccio spesso ancora metaforico e troppo settoriale, quanto le modalità di rigenerazione territoriale a partire dall'innovazione istituzionale, se non proprio una strana intersezione di entrambi gli aspetti. La seconda istanza richiede, invece, un ripensamento più radicale delle pratiche della disciplina e va ad impattare anche su ulteriori questioni che legano in generale la governance alla co-pianificazione (in chiave di Tripla Elica) o, nel dettaglio, i quadri conoscitivi con la capacità analitica ed interpretativa per un più efficace supporto alle decisioni, oltre ad altri contributi provenienti da questa nuova integrazione 4.0. Il paper partendo da alcune riflessioni di G. Astengo (1953), dalla letteratura scientifica e da uno studio preliminare, condotto su 75 incubatori di imprese riconsidera il ruolo, le competenze e le risorse di questi nuovi attori nel quadro generale del sistema della pianificazione urbana e territoriale e delle policies ad esso connesse.