New Technologies Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Theatre performances that make use of new and interactive technologies have been getting more and more common. At the same time, funding possibilities (especially European funding possibilities) are also encouraging creators and... more

El artículo presenta la experiencia de la asignatura Física Introductoria en la modalidad semipresencial en la PUCMM/RSTA. La implementación del proyecto piloto tuvo varias fases incluyendo desde la preparación de materiales hasta el... more

El artículo presenta la experiencia de la asignatura Física Introductoria en la modalidad semipresencial en la PUCMM/RSTA. La implementación del proyecto piloto tuvo varias fases incluyendo desde la preparación de materiales hasta el establecimiento de los elementos de la estrategia y la orientación de los estudiantes en la nueva modalidad. Los resultados se evaluaron utilizando diversas herramientas: cuestionarios, encuestas on-line, entrevistas y pruebas de rendimiento. Éstas fueron orientadas a aspectosrelacionados con el estudiante, la asignatura, el profesorado, el contenido, la comunicación y el entorno virtual. Los resultados obtenidos fueron satisfactorios en cada una de las áreas evaluadas, incluida el rendimiento de los estudiantes.

Purpose Blockchain, which was originally created to enable peer-to-peer digital payment systems (bitcoin), is considered to have several benefits for different sectors, such as the real estate one. In a standard European-wide real estate... more

Purpose Blockchain, which was originally created to enable peer-to-peer digital payment systems (bitcoin), is considered to have several benefits for different sectors, such as the real estate one. In a standard European-wide real estate transaction, several intermediaries are involved. As a consequence, these agreements are usually time-consuming and involve extra difficulties to cross-border operations. As blockchain, combined with smart contracts, may have an important role in these transactions, this paper aims to explore its prospective challenges, limitations and opportunities in the real estate sector and discover how the traditional intermediaries have to face a possible implementation of this technology. Design/methodology/approach This paper analyses the current intermediaries in the real estate sector in European Union (EU), their functions and how can blockchain strengthen the security of these transactions while reducing their time. The author uses a legal methodology t...

O presente trabalho busca analisar o impacto das novas tecnologias sobre a produção e a disseminação do conhecimento e para a construção das relações de ensino na contemporaneidade, valendo-se para isso da popular experiência da... more

O presente trabalho busca analisar o impacto das novas tecnologias sobre a produção e a disseminação do conhecimento e para a construção das relações de ensino na contemporaneidade, valendo-se para isso da popular experiência da Wikipédia, a enciclopédia virtual e colaborativa da Internet, trazendo um pouco de sua concepção e dos conceitos que norteiam sua elaboração. Buscamos identificar sua utilização como referência na produção de trabalhos, textos e artigos acadêmicos, e trazemos, ainda, o relato de experiências de instituições de ensino nacionais e estrangeiras onde diferentes experiências têm se desenvolvido ao redor desta temática, procurando confrontar diferentes concepções a essa nova realidade tecnológica presente em nosso cotidiano.

Quantum technology is complicated and scary. But its impact on nuclear policy may not be as drastic as often anticipated, at least not in short to medium term. My new paper tells why it won't make oceans transparent and detecting... more

Quantum technology is complicated and scary. But its impact on nuclear policy may not be as drastic as often anticipated, at least not in short to medium term. My new paper tells why it won't make oceans transparent and detecting submarines easier.

The use of the computer as an effective tool of design in the field of architecture has been subject of discussion for decades. Joint and ordered analysis to establish a proper education, application, research and technological... more

The use of the computer as an effective tool of design in the field of architecture has been subject of discussion for decades. Joint and ordered analysis to establish a proper education, application, research and technological development has given rise to various organizations, as for example the Association for architectural computer-aided design, founded in 1981 and which to date remains one of the most prestigious worldwide institutions.

This article looks to give an overview throughout the geothermal energy technology. Analyzing the origin of its energy and talking about it history in the actual electrical applications. From the first time when geothermal energy was used... more

This article looks to give an overview throughout the geothermal energy technology. Analyzing the origin of its energy and talking about it history in the actual electrical applications. From the first time when geothermal energy was used to generate electricity and its path in The United States until today, where the use of geothermal power plants has been extended around the world. Also, it will be given a brief examination on the future technologies that are under developing in this moment and that will make this type of energy a better competitor against the other renewable energies, as wind and solar power that have taken advantage in the actual sustainable energy market.

Diffusion of innovation: How the use of video games can increase the adoption of new technologies. Sphera Publica, 1 (17), 25-46. RESUMEN This research examines the influence of videogames in the process of adoption of New Technologies in... more

Diffusion of innovation: How the use of video games can increase the adoption of new technologies. Sphera Publica, 1 (17), 25-46. RESUMEN This research examines the influence of videogames in the process of adoption of New Technologies in a sample of individuals from the Region of Murcia, Spain. For this, a quantitative methodology was used, which was based on a personal questionnaire, starting from the theory of Diffusion of Innovations by Everett Rogers. This theory allowed for the identification of the process of adoption of an innovation within a social group in a specific amount of time, identifying the channels through which the flow of information was produced. The behaviour patterns of videogame players and non-videogame players were compared in order to identify the differences and similarities between both groups. The results show the importance that people who play videogames have as drivers of the process of adoption of New Technologies in the social system where they belong to.

The advent of transportation network companies (TNC) — such as Uber and Lyft — has presented the TNCs with tremendous legal issues. These companies face civil actions in numerous jurisdictions across the nation. Most significant are the... more

The advent of transportation network companies (TNC) — such as Uber and Lyft — has presented the TNCs with tremendous legal issues. These companies face civil actions in numerous jurisdictions across the nation. Most significant are the class action suits in California federal courts; these courts have been asked to determine the employment relationship between a TNC and its drivers. TNCs claim the drivers are independent contractors, but drivers allege they are employees and as such are entitled to certain protections accorded by federal and state law. The purpose of this article is to analyze and compare California and Texas case law to predict each respective state’s court or jury’s determination; the implications of such a decision are also discussed. The law of both states would show the relationship between TNCs and their drivers to be that of an employer and employee, but for differing reasons.

This paper considers the phenomenon of bitcoins, the best known cryptocurrency, commonly pre-sented as a means of self regulation, because its circulation does not require the intermediation of central authorities, thanks to the use of... more

This paper considers the phenomenon of bitcoins, the best known cryptocurrency, commonly pre-sented as a means of self regulation, because its circulation does not require the intermediation of central authorities, thanks to the use of the blockchain system. However, due to the enormous costs, concretely the circulation of bitcoins occur off chain, through platforms implemented by relatively few private companies. This means that a regulation does exist, but it is left to the private initiative. Moving from this statement, the paper briefly considers the recent EU regulatory initiative lauched in September 2020, putting in evidence its main contents and also its limits. In particular, the ‘a-territorial’ character of bitcoins questions the efficacy of the attempt to encapsulate their regulation within territorial ambits. The challenge for jurists (legislators, academics, judges) is to catch the new ‘global’ perspective of phenomena like bitcoins requiring to pass across the national legal orders in order to understand (and regulate) them.

This book provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the multidimensional influences of technological development on contemporary international relations. The contributions here are drawn from different disciplines, including... more

This book provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the multidimensional influences of technological development on contemporary international relations. The contributions here are drawn from different disciplines, including political science, international relations, sociology, economy, law, biochemistry and bioethics, as well as from different locations, including Poland, the US, Brazil and Israel. This variety allows the complexity of the issues, challenges and implications of technological changes on the structure, functioning and substantive scope of international relations to be fully presented and explored. This collection represents essential reading for anyone with an interest in the dynamic interplay between modern technologies and the transformation of the contemporary international system, and especially for international relations scholars and students.

ABSTRACT Transparency is one of the key concepts determining democratic governance, where those affected by a certain decision shall be informed about all aspects and background of the decision. Information technologies are more and more... more

ABSTRACT Transparency is one of the key concepts determining democratic governance, where those affected by a certain decision shall be informed about all aspects and background of the decision. Information technologies are more and more used as an important tool to organise our lives and check performance of providers of different goods and services. In the article the coverage of processes within the public institutions is analysed. On the basis of case study it is discovered that a proportion of processes covered by the mass media is extremely small and consequently the picture about the operation of institutions is distorted. From that reason, an alternative/complementary channel of full process disclosure by using internet is proposed. A new media with full access to information could serve as an important element of providing adequate information and increasing transparency and effectiveness of public administration.

Traducción al español del texto de Saskia Sassen. Este texto examina el tema del futuro del trabajo y la tecnología a través de dos cuestiones. Una es cómo la digitalización puede mejorar la vida laboral de los trabajadores de bajos... more

Traducción al español del texto de Saskia Sassen. Este texto examina el tema del futuro del trabajo y la tecnología a través de dos cuestiones. Una es cómo la digitalización puede mejorar la vida laboral de los trabajadores de bajos ingresos [low-income workers]1 abordando sus necesidades específicas en su área de trabajo y en sus barrios. Los trabajadores de bajos ingresos pueden beneficiarse del desarrollo de aplicaciones [Apps] y herramientas digitalizadas que satisfagan sus necesidades.

In this paper I will introduce central terms from the Cybersemiotic paradigm (Søren Brier, 2008), and show how they can successfully be applied to interpretational readings of technoetic artworks. I wish to extend the idea that user... more

In this paper I will introduce central terms from the Cybersemiotic paradigm (Søren Brier, 2008), and show how they can successfully be applied to interpretational readings of technoetic artworks. I wish to extend the idea that user experience in technoetic artworks is mainly immersive and non-intellectual, and to present new hermeneutical positions that explicitly take ontological and paradigmatic perspectives into account

The main question in Porter article “The capitalism is under siege” is: “How to reinvent capitalism”? Business has fallen and caught in a vicious circle. Government and civil society have often exacerbated the problem by attempting to... more

The main question in Porter article “The capitalism is under siege” is: “How to reinvent capitalism”? Business has fallen and caught in a vicious circle. Government and civil society have often exacerbated the problem by attempting to address social weaknesses at the expense of business. The moment for a new conception of capitalism is now! The solution lies in the principle of shared value, in an outdated approach to value creation which involves creating economic value for society by addressing its needs and challenges, optimizing short-term financial performance and ignoring the broader influences that determine their longer-term success. Corporation must be redefined as creating shared value, not just profit per se. Society’s needs are large and growing, while customers, employees, and a new generation of young people are asking business to step up. Transformative power of shared value require leaders and managers to develop new skills and knowledge, bringing business and society back together, in new model which can emerging wave of innovation and productivity growth in the global economy, which will reshape capitalism and its relationship to society.

The current and forthcoming generations of students in higher education are digital natives, having been born into a world of computing that has provided them with a high level of comfort and wherewithal with social media. Business and... more

The current and forthcoming generations of students in higher education are digital natives, having been born into a world of computing that has provided them with a high level of comfort and wherewithal with social media. Business and other organizations recognize the importance of creative proficiency in social technologies as an important dimension of human capital. This article is an overview of popular social media platforms and their practical use in higher education. Specifically, Facebook, blogs, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, wikis, Meetup, and Second Life are discussed with examples of use in fostering effective management education. The continued lowering of barriers to the creation of richer media, such as video blogs (vlogs), is assessed. Potential difficulties and drawbacks of implementing social media in higher educational contexts are noted. This article updates Wankel's earlier work from 2009.

Romania is classified as a mature hydrocarbon province, but it is still the most important producer in the Central and South-Eastern European countries. Oil production in Romania has steadily declined overtime. Even if the earlier... more

Romania is classified as a mature hydrocarbon province, but it is still the most important producer in the Central and South-Eastern European countries. Oil production in Romania has steadily declined overtime. Even if the earlier discovered fields have a high rate of depletion and the new discoveries do not compensate entirely the consumption, Romanian sedimentary basins have petroleum prospectivity. Thus, significant hydrocarbon potential remains in exploration, near-field opportunity and field rehabilitation. Significant oil exploration potential is still present in Romania. The general trend is near-field opportunity, going deeper and applying new technologies (3D seismic surveys, regional long-offset 2D lines for structurally complex and deep leads/prospects, AVO analysis of shallow targets and 2D/3D structural balancing) and new concepts (subtle traps). There is still an ongoing effort to redevelop mature oilfields in Romania; currently are used technologies as directional drilling, steam injection, water injection, polymer injection, and in-situ combustion. Romanian hydrocarbon basins have still areas with oil and gas resources entrapped in all kind of traps, especially subtle ones, and there is a great chance for new commercial discoveries. Potential new discoveries in Romania of conventional oil and gas fields are connected with foreland plays in little explored deep, subtle traps, deep overthrusted structures and deep offshore area. New oil and/or gas fields could be discovered at shallower depths in traps overlooked as a consequence of poor seismic results or insufficient research. The resource appraisal simulation for petroleum prospects analysis in Romania confirmed that the new prospects are primarily gas prone. The skills and the ability of exploration geoscientists will play an important role in any future success. The current Romanian proved reserves of 600 MMBOE oil and 100 BCM gas could be significant improved in the next years. In the paper we are underlined some future targets in the exploring for oil and gas in the main Romanian hydrocarbon basins.

Abstract: New technologies in the healthcare sector have profoundly impacted the doctrine of informed consent, creating the need for a detailed investigation on the contours and dynamics of this new model of the patient to consent to any... more

Abstract: New technologies in the healthcare sector have profoundly impacted the doctrine of informed consent, creating the need for a detailed investigation on the contours and dynamics of this new model of the patient to consent to any treatments or medical interventions. The digital transformation in healthcare was a paramount factor in making it possible to implement artificial intelligence in support of clinical decision and in the efficiency of medical diagnoses, especially in the early detection of diseases, in view of their ability to process and analyze quickly—and in an efficient and effective way—large amounts of data. In recent years, there has been a significant expansion of artificial intelligence combined with robotics, creating a reality of care robots for use in care and nursing environments, or to support independent living for the elderly and those with disabilities. In view of all the current panorama of digitalized medicine and new technologies in the healthcare sector—robotic medicine and artificial intelligence—we were able to conclude, throughout the present work, that the informed consent of the patient acquires certain peculiarities, considering the diverse random factors and risks inherent to artificial intelligence. The physician needs to disclose to patients that even the best healthcare technologies come with some risks of unpredictable events, inaccuracies, cyberattacks, systematic bias, and a particular type of mismatch between AI’s implicit assumptions and an individual patient’s background situation. Furthermore, we show that there are three different semantic dimensions of algorithmic opacity which are particularly relevant to medicine: lack of disclosure, epistemic opacity, and explanatory opacity. Reasonable communication between patient and doctor could mitigate this effect, be a precondition for objecting to fully automated processing, and for requiring some form of human involvement in those activities. This would foster ideals of shared decision-making in medicine. In conclusion, we found that the modern dogmatic of informed consent encompasses the idea of an informed choice, since the patient must be in possession of all the information and possible elements for his understanding. In other words, more than a right to information, the patient has a right to explanation and justification, in order to consent in a free, informed and clarified manner.

Le nuove tecnologie stanno tracciando la strada verso l’estensione delle facoltà umane dando vita ad una nuova interazione uomo-macchina sempre più naturale e simbiotica, volta ad espandere le facoltà ricettive dei sensi. Corpo e macchine... more

Le nuove tecnologie stanno tracciando la strada verso l’estensione delle facoltà umane dando vita ad una nuova interazione uomo-macchina sempre più naturale e simbiotica, volta ad espandere le facoltà ricettive dei sensi. Corpo e macchine si avvicinano sempre di più, annullando le distanze e rendendo più semplice l’accesso alle loro funzioni. Il volto è indubbiamente fonte di individualità, unicità e parte più sensibile del corpo umano in quanto segnato da un flusso continuo di espressioni, sede dell’identità personale e di per sé incisivo strumento di comunicazione. Ora più che mai il volto si assicura un ruolo fondamentale, diventando artefice e protagonista di queste nuove trasformazioni tecnologiche.
L’obiettivo dello studio che ho esposto nella mia tesi di laurea è stato quello di analizzare alcuni aspetti della Computer Vision (C.V.) finora riservati a professionalità specialistiche inerenti il settore dell’ingegneria e dell’informatica, ponendo l’attenzione sulle molteplici potenzialità di queste tecnologie nella società contemporanea. Esaminando, in questo modo, i processi che nel futuro porteranno a nuovi modi di concepire l’audiovisivo, alle nuove modalità di fruizione, interazione e comunicazione, e ponendo l’accento sui vantaggi che da esse possono derivare.
La C.V. studia i modelli e metodi per abilitare le macchine all’interpretazione delle informazioni visuali esplicitando i dati peculiari dell’immagine. È grazie a questi sistemi che gli occhi delle macchine (fotocamere digitali o occhi cibernetici) non sono più sguardi passivi, ma imparano a guardare, contestualizzare e interpretare tutto ciò che gli si pone davanti. A partire dalla definizione di Linda G. Shapiro e George Stockman, che per C.V. intendono il campo dove informazioni significative devono essere ricavate/estratte automaticamente dalle immagini con l’obiettivo di prendere decisioni utili riguardanti oggetti fisici reali e scene basate sulle immagini percepite, ho analizzato il campo di studio per approfondire i processi di comprensione e interpretazione delle immagini da parte delle macchine [...]

This paper analyses how knowledge-based practices adopted by innovation intermediaries enable them to generate value for themselves when collaborating with their clients. While the literature focuses on value creation for their client... more

This paper analyses how knowledge-based practices adopted by innovation intermediaries enable them to generate value for themselves when collaborating with their clients. While the literature focuses on value creation for their client organisations, little is known about how innovation intermediaries create internal value even though this is essential for ensuring their long-term survival and sustaining their key facilitating role in the innovation system. This understudied issue is explored using empirical evidence from a sub-set of innovation intermediaries, Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs). The results indicate that by capitalising on existing knowledge vested in employees and collaborators as well as understanding and shaping the knowledge base of the innovation ecosystem, innovation intermediaries generate internal value from their involvement in collaborative innovation, which range from different financial to non-financial types of value. Implications for intermediaries, their collaborators and for policymakers are then discussed.

De nombreuses personnalités s'accordent pour considérer que nos organisations sociales, économiques, voire politiques sont à l'aube d'une mutation majeure sous l'effet conjugué de plusieurs facteurs simultanés, au premier rang desquels la... more

De nombreuses personnalités s'accordent pour considérer que nos organisations sociales, économiques, voire politiques sont à l'aube d'une mutation majeure sous l'effet conjugué de plusieurs facteurs simultanés, au premier rang desquels la transformation numérique. Si une telle révolution, parfois baptisée "uberisation", devait s'opérer, il ne fait pas de doute que l'ensemble des secteurs de nos sociétés en seraient affectés.
Ce rapport s’attache dans un premier temps à caractériser les notions de numérisation et d’uberisation. Au-delà des définitions, il s'agit de mettre en évidence l’impact de la révolution digitale, en particulier sur le secteur industriel, et d'analyser les racines et les caractéristiques du développement de l’uberisation. Nous chercherons à déterminer si ce phénomène correspond à un "effet de mode", ou s’il peut conduire à un changement profond de modèle économique susceptible de trouver un ancrage durable au sein de nos sociétés…

Les nouvelles technologies font l'objet aussi bien de discours technophobes que de discours technophiles. L'humanité serait sur le point de connaître soit sa destruction, soit sa transformation transhumaniste. Malgré leur opposition, leur... more

Les nouvelles technologies font l'objet aussi bien de discours technophobes que de discours technophiles. L'humanité serait sur le point de connaître soit sa destruction, soit sa transformation transhumaniste. Malgré leur opposition, leur point commun est leur résonance théologique, d'inspiration millénariste. Dominique Lecourt a souligné combien ces discours procèdent par confusion entre technologie et technique, et entre science et technique. Ils reposent également sur l'idée de nature humaine.
A partir des éclairages et des pistes de renouvellement conceptuels de Dominique Lecourt, je propose de sortir de ces visions prophétiques pour demander si les nouvelles technologies appliquées au domaine de la sexualité, considérée comme intrinsèque à la condition humaine, engagent une révolution anthropologique, ou plus modestement des possibilités créatives de l'être humain, en utilisant notamment les concepts de techniques du corps de Marcel Mauss et de techniques de soi de Michel Foucault.

A satisfação do passageiro é tema de importância para a operação de um aeroporto, visto que se relaciona de forma direta à qualidade e à eficiência dos serviços oferecidos nos terminais aeroportuários. Nesse contexto, tem-se às... more

A satisfação do passageiro é tema de importância para a operação de um aeroporto, visto que se relaciona de forma direta à qualidade e à eficiência dos serviços oferecidos nos terminais aeroportuários. Nesse contexto, tem-se às tecnologias aeroportuárias, que vem sendo inseridas nos aeroportos a fim de proporcionar ao passageiro um processamento mais rápido, mais seguro e eficiente. Identificou-se alguns estudos frente a avaliação da satisfação dos passageiros diante de tecnologias em um terminal aeroportuário. Porém, nenhum avaliou a satisfação em termos de percepção do passageiro, comparando o serviço tradicional aos serviços tecnológicos, ou de autoatendimento, da mesma forma não foi analisado se o passageiro apresenta uma propensão ao uso de tecnologias, em fase de estudo, a serem inseridas em um terminal de passageiros aeroportuários. Assim, observa-se uma lacuna na literatura no que diz respeito aos estudos que relacionam padrão de nível de serviço percebido do passageiro com as tecnologias, como: totens, e propensão ao uso, por passageiros, de tecnologias em fase de estudo, como: biometria, equipamentos robotizados, entre outros. Para a primeira parte do estudo é aplicada a regressão log-lin, a fim de encontrar a ponderação dos atributos e verificar a satisfação dos passageiros em um comparativo entre as tecnologias presentes no terminal com os procedimentos tradicionais. Posteriormente, é aplicado um modelo de escolha discreta, mais precisamente o logit binomial para encontrar a probabilidade de uso da tecnologia biométrica no procedimento de check-in, tecnologia não existente nos aeroportos brasileiros analisados. As pesquisas foram aplicadas em importantes aeroportos brasileiros, a saber: (i) no Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo/Guarulhos, (ii) Aeroporto Internacional de Viracopos/Campinas e (iii) no Aeroporto de São Paulo/Congonhas. Os primeiros resultados estabelecem que as tecnologias existentes no terminal aeroportuário, representadas pelo totem de autoatendimento neste estudo, para o serviço de check-in, tem uma influência positiva e significativa no tempo de fila avaliado pelos passageiros. Em termos da probabilidade de uso da tecnologia biométrica, os resultados apontam que 82,94% dos passageiros utilizariam a tecnologia. A partir desse estudo pode-se entender a satisfação do passageiro em virtude da diferenciação do serviço tradicional à tecnologia, além de analisar a propensão de utilização pelos passageiros ao uso de tecnologias inexistentes em um terminal aeroportuário. Com isso, este trabalho busca preencher a lacuna na inserção acadêmica, além de poder contribuir ao operador aeroportuário.

During the year 1952 E. Ripoll and A. L. López were given permission from the Patronato de las Cuevas Prehistóricas de Santander to study the cueva de Las Monedas in Puente Viesgo (Cantabria). While they performed these works they had... more

During the year 1952 E. Ripoll and A. L. López were given permission from the Patronato de las Cuevas Prehistóricas de Santander to study the cueva de Las Monedas in Puente Viesgo (Cantabria). While they performed these works they had opportunity to visit the cave on several occasions and compare it with the information published by H. Breuil, in Les Cavernes de la Région Cantabrique. Throughout his explorations they could see that many of the published images did not correspond with reality and they found numerous unpublished representations. In 1953, E. Ripoll and A. L. López decided to carry out the review of the representations described. The work was done in several campaigns and carried out the discovery of almost 250 new figures. E. Ripoll have never published the results of their investigations and told me many years later that it was because the change of methodology that was imposed in the 1960s. A few weeks before the death of my father in the year 2006, gave me a great portfolio that kept all the documentation of the Castillo, and told me: publish it! Since the beginning of our analysis we have raised the chronological problems of the different representations.

Banking and Financial Law are radically changing thanks to new technologies. In this paper, I try to offer a definition of blockchain and smart contracts, looking at the main features of these new tools and analyzing the recent action by... more

Banking and Financial Law are radically changing thanks to new technologies. In this paper, I try to offer a definition of blockchain and smart contracts, looking at the main features of these new tools and analyzing the recent action by the Italian legislator in order to define and regulate these new technologies, in the European context of reference.

Cet article s’intéresse à l’impact de l’introduction des nouvelles technologies sur la division sexuelle du travail dans le secteur des entrepôts logistiques. Il s’agit de montrer que dans un monde structuré par le fantasme de l’usine... more

Cet article s’intéresse à l’impact de l’introduction des nouvelles technologies sur la division sexuelle du travail dans le secteur des entrepôts logistiques. Il s’agit de montrer que dans un monde structuré par le fantasme de l’usine du futur, l’introduction des nouvelles technologies a joué un rôle majeur dans le maintien d’une hégémonie masculine. Au-delà de la répartition genrée des métiers, l’introduction de ces nouvelles technologies a également participé d’une redéfinition des hiérarchies masculines. Pour autant, la croissance des effectifs féminins dans l’encadrement intermédiaire n’a pas été sans effet sur la manière d’appréhender les outils technologiques et ainsi, de redéfinir la place des femmes au travail.

In questo capitolo verranno presi anzitutto in considerazione gli aspetti che intercorrono a definire e delimitare i diritti della personalità e le loro esplicazioni ed interrelazione, per poi muovere verso una disamina del sistema... more

In questo capitolo verranno presi anzitutto in considerazione gli aspetti che intercorrono a definire e delimitare i diritti della personalità e le loro esplicazioni ed interrelazione, per poi muovere verso una disamina del sistema Internet e di come tali diritti impattano sulla Rete e sulle tecnologie che da essa derivano ed ad essa si riconnettono. Specificatamente, nell'alveo dei diritti della personalità, si valuteranno le relazioni fra i vari aspetti della riservatezza, della tutela dell'immagine, del nome, della personalità e alle varie sfumature che la giurisprudenza e l'esperienza normativa hanno via via qualificato, quali onore, reputazione, dignità, identità e decoro. Si valuterà quindi il diritto alla protezione dei dati come autonomo rispetto alla mera riservatezza e si verificheranno i rapporti, le analogie ed i conflitti con la disciplina del diritto d'autore. Si avrà dunque modo di analizzare nel dettaglio i temperamenti e le deroghe a tali diritti ed i conflitti nascenti nella loro contrapposizione al diritto di cronaca, quale esplicazione della libertà di stampa e di manifestazione del pensiero, valutando peraltro le numerose deroghe al principio consensualistico dei diritti della personalità. Ampio spazio verrà dato ai conflitti fra protezione dei dati e diritto d'autore, specie in materia di metadati, per poi introdurre la commistione fra questi due ambiti nelle applicazioni pratiche di Internet. Si avrà così modo di analizzare compiutamente due casi di scuola che hanno introdotto tematiche quale la responsabilità degli access provider ed il diritto all'oblio. Si muoverà poi verso un'analisi del panorama di Internet, di come sia costituito e degli attori che vi operano, nonché delle prospettive future di sviluppo e di come esse impatteranno sui diritti alla protezione dei dati. Partendo dunque da un'analisi storica della Rete e della sua formazione, si giungerà a valutare quali siano le attuali tecnologie che la sfruttano e come l'uso di queste possa interferire con i diritti della personalità e le tutele ad essi connessi. Verranno dunque passate in rassegna le attività di profilazione e le relazioni fra Cloud, Big Data, Internet degli Oggetti e Intelligenza Artificiale, avendo cura di valutare i problemi relativi al trattamento dei dati sensibili, biometrici ed alle questioni relative alla cancellazione dei dati personali dai supporti tecnologici. Ampio spazio verrà infine dato all'analisi della tecnologia retrostante agli Assistenti Virtuali ed ai rischi derivanti per le comunicazioni, nonché alla crescente importanza del dato vocale. Infine verranno valutate le implicazioni derivanti dal mondo dell'IoT e delle App, analizzando due opposte soluzioni socio-giuridiche alle questioni affrontate.

U radu se tumače uticaji digitalne kulture na društvo u celini, sa posebnim osvrtom na potrošačko društvo i neke od savremenih strategija marketinga. U uvodnom delu predstavljene su izvesne predikcije u sferi razvoja novih tehnologija u... more

U radu se tumače uticaji digitalne kulture na društvo
u celini, sa posebnim osvrtom na potrošačko društvo i
neke od savremenih strategija marketinga. U uvodnom delu
predstavljene su izvesne predikcije u sferi razvoja novih tehnologija u narednim decenijama i ukazano je na neke pronalaske iz prošlosti koji su direktno i indirektno uticali na
nastanak i razvoj savremenih tehnologija i medija. Dalje u
radu, kroz objašnjenje promena na polju komunikacijske paradigme, autorke objašnjavaju i promenu u sferi distribucije
informacija i konstituisanja znanja. Takođe je objašnjen i
pojam digitalne kulture kao i njen razvoj, koji se pak odvija
paralelno sa razvojem novih tehnologija i medija. Potom je
kroz objašnjenje konzumerizma, koji je kao koncept prisutan
u svakodnevici sve češće, istaknuto kako ovaj trend ima zna-
čajnih reperkusija i kad je u pitanju kulturni habitat, donoseći
demokratizaciju i dostupnosti kulturnih sadržaja i kako, u
skladu sa navedenim, neminovno dolazi do pluralizacije ali i
trivijalizacije istih. U završnom delu rada predstavljena je relativno nova tehnologija QR kodova, objašnjen je njen nastanak
i rasprostranjenost kao i nesumnjive prednosti, ali i mane.
Ukazano je i na činjenicu da je besplatna za korišćenje, čime
najviše pogoduje razvoju novih marketinških strategija. U
skladu sa ovim i objašnjena je povezanost QR kodova sa
savremenim marketingom kroz nekoliko opisanih projekata.
/ The paper interprets the impact of the digital culture on society as a whole, with special focus on consumer society and
a number of modern marketing strategies. The introduction
presents some predictions regarding the development of
new technologies in the forthcoming decades, and points to
certain past inventions that directly or indirectly influenced
the emergence and development of modern technologies
and media. From the explanation of communication paradigm the authors proceed to the explanation of the changes
in the information distribution and knowledge constitution.
They also define the concept of digital culture and its development which, for its part, is parallel to the development of
new technologies and media. Their explanation of consumerism as an almost omnipresent concept in everyday life underlines the important impact this trend has for the cultural
habitat, for the democratization and accessibility of cultural
contents it brings about go hand in hand with their inevitable pluralization and trivialization. In the concluding part of
the paper the authors discuss a relatively new technology of
QR codes, its emergence and scope, its advantages and disadvantages. Its free use is highlighted as the most favorable for the further development of new marketing strategies. A description of some projects in this context facilitate
the authors to provide for a more detailed explanation of
the QR codes links with modern marketing.

The number of oil spills from tankers has decreased dramatically over the last 25 years although seaborne oil trade increased significantly. However recovery and cleaning rates of oil pollution did not show a marked improvement through... more

The number of oil spills from tankers has decreased dramatically over the last 25 years although seaborne oil trade increased significantly. However recovery and cleaning rates of oil pollution did not show a marked improvement through this period. The effectiveness of response operations which has a close relationship with technology, infrastructure, and personnel are only measured with quantity of oil recovered and the area cleaned. There are so many response techniques have proven their success in laboratory and controlled field experiments in marine conditions. There is wide range of challenges encountered when recovering of oil such as old technology, distance, lack of infrastructure, and moderate environmental conditions in marine environment. Equipment, vessels and personnel would need to be mobilized over potentially vast distances to overcome these challenges. Time is one of the most important variables which have direct effect on the response operation. Reducing risk and time losses can be provided with new technologic infrastructure. In this study the limitations of the various response techniques are summarized. Then the factors that determine the seriousness of marine oil spills and the fundamental technical difficulties of combating them at-sea are discussed. Within this scope the relationship between technological developments of infrastructure and effectiveness of oil spill response operations are mentioned.

Schools remain notorious for co-opting digital technologies to Ğbusiness as usualğ approaches to teaching new literacies. DIY Media addresses this issue head-on, and describes expansive and creative practices of digital literacy that are... more

Schools remain notorious for co-opting digital technologies to Ğbusiness as usualğ approaches to teaching new literacies. DIY Media addresses this issue head-on, and describes expansive and creative practices of digital literacy that are increasingly influential and popular in contexts beyond the school, and whose educational potential is not yet being tapped to any significant degree in classrooms. This book is very much concerned with engaging students in do-it-yourself digitally mediated meaning-making practices. As such, ...