Civil Protection Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In questo testo si affronta il percorso storico di un'associazione che ha nelle sue peculiarità l'educazione alla protezione civile fin dalle sue origini. L'opera di ricerca ebbe inizio all'indomani dell’estate 2007, dopo una devastante... more

In questo testo si affronta il percorso storico di un'associazione che ha nelle sue peculiarità l'educazione alla protezione civile fin dalle sue origini. L'opera di ricerca ebbe inizio all'indomani dell’estate 2007, dopo una devastante estate di incendi che nulla avevano di naturale, chiara testimonianza di una regia malavitosa in grado di contrastare
lo Stato, partendo dalla conoscenza dei suoi punti deboli. Nello sdegno
e nella preoccupazione generale, mentre tutti invocavano l’intervento della Protezione
Civile, non veniva compreso che il problema, non avendo un’origine naturale
ma dolosa ed organizzata su ampia scala, doveva essere affrontato in
un’ottica più ampia, vale a dire in un contesto di Difesa Civile.
Il Capo del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, alla fine di una lotta impari
contro il fuoco, affermò che il modo corretto di rapportarsi con l’ambiente e il
territorio, fosse quello degli Scouts. Probabilmente l’affermazione rilasciata ai
giornalisti non fu considerata degna di nota da parte della società e forse, tra
chi vi prestò attenzione, si pensò più ad una battuta o ad un immagine stereotipata
dello scout che va nei boschi a cogliere margherite. In realtà le parole del
Capo Dipartimento miravano ben oltre e avevano un significato profondo.Questo articolo va al fondo della questione nel rapporto tra scautismo protezione e difesa civile, provando a dare risposte a domande come: “perché gli Scouts hanno questa naturale
propensione a svolgere attività di protezione civile? Cosa distingue il servizio
di Protezione Civile scout da quello di altre Associazioni di Volontariato?”
Nel testo, attraverso un'indagine storica e documentale, si è scavato nelle finalità
educative, di difesa civile, ovvero negli intenti di Baden-Powell, fondatore del movimento scout.

Представлены результаты численного и экспериментального моделирования поведения железобетонной предварительно напряженной плиты без сцепления арматуры с бетоном под воздействием стандартного пожара. Определен предел огнестойкости по... more

Представлены результаты численного и экспериментального моделирования поведения железобетонной предварительно напряженной плиты без сцепления арматуры с бетоном под воздействием стандартного пожара. Определен предел огнестойкости по несущей способности. Рассмотрены причины разрушения защитного слоя бетона. Результаты численного моделирования сопоставлены с экспериментальными данными.

Genezy obrony totalnej (total defence) należy szukać u klasyków myśli wojskowej. Carl von Clauzewitz poświęcił uwagę możliwości zaangażowania ludności cywilnej w wojnę prowadzoną przez państwo, odnotowując, że jest to potencjał, który... more

Genezy obrony totalnej (total defence) należy szukać u klasyków myśli wojskowej. Carl von Clauzewitz poświęcił uwagę możliwości zaangażowania ludności cywilnej w wojnę prowadzoną przez państwo, odnotowując, że jest to potencjał, który należy umiejętnie wykorzystać. Kluczowym założeniem koncepcji obrony totalnej jest szybka i powszechna mobilizacja ludności zdolnej do walki w przypadku zaistnienia zagrożenia wojną.

Wie hat sich der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich seit Ende des Kalten Krieges entwickelt? Wer arbeitet heute mit wem zu welchen Gefahren? Basierend auf einer umfassenden und einzigartigen Datenerhebung kartiert dieser Beitrag die Entwicklung... more

Wie hat sich der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich seit Ende des Kalten Krieges entwickelt? Wer arbeitet heute mit wem zu welchen Gefahren? Basierend auf einer umfassenden und einzigartigen Datenerhebung kartiert dieser Beitrag die Entwicklung des gesamtschweizerischen Sicherheitsbereichs. Die Darstellung der praktischen Arbeitsteilungen, inneren und äusseren Kooperationen, beruflichen Profile und Werdegänge schafft einen analytisch differenzierten und empirisch fundierten Beitrag zu anhaltenden Diskussionen über die landesweite sicherheitspolitische Steuerung.

Un viaggio nel mondo della difesa e della protezione civile, due settori-chiave nei paesi moderni. Ma come funzionano nel nostro Paese ed, in generale nel mondo? Quali sono i modelli organizzativi adottati? Quali sono le attuali fonti di... more

Un viaggio nel mondo della difesa e della protezione civile, due settori-chiave nei paesi moderni. Ma come funzionano nel nostro Paese ed, in generale nel mondo? Quali sono i modelli organizzativi adottati? Quali sono le attuali fonti di minaccia e gli scenari che potranno interessare, in un futuro non molto lontano, il nostro Paese? E, infine, come è strutturata, realmente, la Protezione civile e quali sono i suoi ambiti operativi? Sono alcune delle domande alle quali intende rispondere, in maniera semplice e pragmatica, questo testo che cerca di colmare una lacuna nel panorama informativo del settore. Il libro è diviso in due parti. Nella prima si affronta il tema della Difesa civile, sia per inquadrare il settore, sia per comprendere con maggiore consapevolezza, il comparto della Protezione civile, che sarà interamente trattato nella seconda sezione del volume. Certo tutti conoscono la Protezione Civile, un settore d'attività divenuto ormai popolare. Eppure, si tratta di una struttura che stenta ad essere inquadrata correttamente. Probabilmente le numerose attività facenti capo a questo settore, i numerosi attori coinvolti, possono trarre in inganno sulle sue reali caratteristiche, compiti e finalità. Di qui l'importanza del volume che non solo risponde ai principali quesiti di attualità ma offre uno spaccato sugli scenari possibili, o futuribili che saranno le sfide della futura Protezione Civile.

Længere artikel skrevet sammen med min bror, gymnasielektor Bjørn Schreiber Pedersen.

L'International Search and Rescue Advisory Group ou INSARAG est un réseau international qui dicte la conduite des opérations de secours dans le domaine du sauvetage-déblaiement sous l'égide des Nations. Ces dernières années plusieurs... more

L'International Search and Rescue Advisory Group ou INSARAG est un réseau international qui dicte la conduite des opérations de secours dans le domaine du sauvetage-déblaiement sous l'égide des Nations. Ces dernières années plusieurs équipes françaises ont intégré ce groupe via un processus de certification et d'accréditation bien codifié. Il s'agit à la fois d'équipes civiles, militaires et mixtes civilo-militaires. Ces détachements dont la composition globale correspond à un cahier des charges bien défini sont médicalisés pour répondre à la double mission de soutien sanitaire des équipes de sauveteurs déployées sur les terrains sinistrés et de prise en charge initiale des survivants retrouvés sous les décombres. L'organisation sur le terrain impose ainsi en amont des choix stratégiques logistiques et une réflexion en matière de composition et de fonctionnement d'équipe médicale, de mise en place de procédures, de choix de matériel adapté à un travail en environnement confiné. Les médecins militaires des unités mises à disposition du ministère de l'Intérieur que sont les Unités d'intervention et d'instruction de la sécurité civile, la Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris et le Bataillon des marins-pompiers de Marseille trouvent dans cette mission une opportunité originale de mettre leurs compétences spécifiques à profit.
INSARAG is an international network that dictates the conduct of urban search and rescue operations under the aegis of the UN. In recent years several french teams have joined this group through a well-codified certification and accreditation process. They are civilian, military and mixed/both civil-military teams. These detachments, whose overall composition corresponds to well-defined capabilities, are medicalized to ensure healthcare support for the rescuers deployed on the disaster areas and to provide the emergency medical care of the victims found under the rubble. The organization on the ground thus imposes upstream strategic logistical choices and a reflection on the composition and functioning of medical teams, the setting up of procedures and the choice of equipment adapted to work in confined spaces. Physicians and nurses from the french military health service who serve in units placed under the Ministry of the Interior, as the Civil protection Units, the Paris and Marseille Fire Brigade, find there an original opportunity to put their specific skills to use.

Obrona cywilna (civil defence) to pojęcie zdefiniowane w dokumentach międzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego, tj. w I Protokole dodatkowym z 1977 roku do konwencji genewskich z 12 sierpnia 1949 roku. Celem jest ochrona przede wszystkim... more

Obrona cywilna (civil defence) to pojęcie zdefiniowane w dokumentach międzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego, tj. w I Protokole dodatkowym z 1977 roku do konwencji genewskich z 12 sierpnia 1949 roku. Celem jest ochrona przede wszystkim ludności cywilnej nie tylko w czasie konfliktów zbrojnych, lecz także w przypadku wystąpienia zagrożeń naturalnych (klęsk żywiołowych). Ponadto zwraca się uwagę na usuwanie skutków zagrożeń i pomoc ludności w przetrwaniu.

" Topic: Emergency management as a concept and platform in Kosovo, the Transport and Communications aspect. Case study, Kosovo and the aspirations for quality development and growth Context of treatment, legal-regulatory reviews and... more

" Topic: Emergency management as a concept and platform in Kosovo, the Transport and Communications aspect. Case study, Kosovo and the aspirations for quality development and growth Context of treatment, legal-regulatory reviews and practical application. Level of treatment, initial reviews.

STRESZCZENIE Zdaniem autora konieczna jest ściślejsza integracja systemu zarządzania kryzysowego z systemem obronnym państwa. Warto rozważyć stworzenie na poszczególnych poziomach administracji publicznej jednego, kompleksowego planu... more

STRESZCZENIE Zdaniem autora konieczna jest ściślejsza integracja systemu zarządzania kryzysowego z systemem obronnym państwa. Warto rozważyć stworzenie na poszczególnych poziomach administracji publicznej jednego, kompleksowego planu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem (odpowiednio dla każdego z poziomów, od krajowego do gminnego). Dokument taki powinien zawierać treści zawarte w aktualnie funkcjonujących planach i obowiązywałby w czasie pokoju, kryzysu i wojny. Rozważyć należy także, czy w przypadku takiego zintegrowania systemów pod względem planistycznym, właściwym jest tworzenie na wszystkich poziomach administracji publicznej odrębnych zespołów na czas pokoju, kryzysu i wojny – realizujących zadania " kryzysowe " i obronne-w praktyce wymienione zadania i tak realizowane są najczęściej przez tych samych pracowników. ABSTRACT A denser system integration of the crisis management is necessary with the defensive system of the state. It is worthwhile considering creating the civil service on individual levels one, of comprehensive plan of the safety management (appropriately for each of levels, than domestic to commune). Such a document should contain contents included in currently functioning plansand would be in force during the room, the crisis and the war. To consider he also belongs, whether in case of such integrating systems under the account creating the room, the crisis and the war on all levels of the civil service of separate teams on time is planning, due-performing tasks "critical" and defensive-objectives in practice exchanged still are most often carried out by the same employees. Słowa kluczowe: zarządzanie kryzysowe, obronność, administracja WPROWADZENIE Coraz częściej akcentowana jest potrzeba posiadania uniwersalnego systemu, który zdolny byłby do obniżenia ryzyka związanego z istniejącymi zagrożeniami i powstaniem sytuacji kryzysowej oraz wytworzenia sprawnych mechanizmów przejmowania nad nimi kontroli w drodze racjonalnie zaplanowanych działań. W Polsce rola taka jest spełniana przez system zarządzania kryzysowego, którego głównym założeniem jest zapobieganie powstawaniu sytuacji kryzysowych, przygotowanie do przejmowania nad nimi kontroli w drodze zaplanowanych działań i sprawne reagowanie w razie ich wystąpienia oraz odbudowa i przywrócenie równowagi funkcjonowania państwa i społeczeństwa.



Viaggio nel mondo della difesa e della protezione civile, due settori chiave nei paesi moderni. Come funzionano nel nostro Paese e nel mondo? Quali modelli organizzativi sono adottati?Quali scenari potranno interessare l'Italia in un... more

Viaggio nel mondo della difesa e della protezione civile, due settori chiave nei paesi moderni. Come funzionano nel nostro Paese e nel mondo? Quali modelli organizzativi sono adottati?Quali scenari potranno interessare l'Italia in un futuro non troppo lontano? Com'è struttura la protezione civile in Italia, quali caratteristiche e differenze con la difesa civile?

Obiectivul strategic al protecției civile constă în asigurarea continuității exercitării de către statul român a funcțiilor sale constituționale, prin creșterea rezilienței naționale în contextul producerii unor situații de protecție... more

Obiectivul strategic al protecției civile constă în asigurarea continuității exercitării de către statul român a funcțiilor sale constituționale, prin creșterea rezilienței naționale în contextul producerii unor situații de protecție civilă. Obiectivul strategic se realizează prin integrarea măsurilor și acțiunilor largii majorități a instituțiilor publice centrale dar și a autorităților locale, operatorilor economici și populația.
Însușirea abordărilor conceptuale în domeniul protecției civile privite prin prisma conceptelor strategice ale NATO, UE și ONU în domeniul urgențelor civile asigură cadrul normativ necesar pentru a asigura actualul cadru legislativ privind asigurarea managementului strategic al protecției civile.
Implementarea legislației protecției civile poate constitui unul dintre elementele de analiză și cuantificare a bunei guvernanțe a țării

Responsabilitatea sistemului protecției civile în contextul implementării măsurilor NATO de răspuns la criză trebuie privită și înțeleasă ca un element fundamental al funcționării statului. Implicarea structurilor statului în acest... more

Responsabilitatea sistemului protecției civile în contextul implementării măsurilor NATO de răspuns la criză trebuie privită și înțeleasă ca un element fundamental al funcționării statului. Implicarea structurilor statului în acest domeniu indică nivelul de stabilitate/instabilitate a mediului de securitate național și regional.Într-un context geopolitic complex pentru România corecta abordare a problematicii protecției civile care, în ansamblu, vizează protecția populației în situații de urgență, criză sau război dar și sprijin acordat structurilor militare implicate în acțiuni militare sau de asigurare a responsabilităților Suportului Națiunii Gazdă trebuie să reprezinte o preocupare majoră a decidenților politici de cel mai înalt nivel, respectiv a forului legislativ suprem care este Parlamentul României.

Il patrimonio culturale rappresenta un elemento rilevante ed imprescindibile del contesto di ogni Paese europeo e ne costituisce non soltanto un importante elemento identitario, ma anche un fattore fondamentale di sviluppo economico e... more

Il patrimonio culturale rappresenta un elemento rilevante ed
imprescindibile del contesto di ogni Paese europeo e ne costituisce non soltanto un importante elemento identitario, ma anche un fattore fondamentale di sviluppo economico e sociale. Questo dato ha da tempo stimolato una rifl essione su come ntervenire nel caso in cui i beni appartenenti a tale categoria, defi niti beni di valore storico, artistico e culturale o spesso semplicemente Beni Culturali e caratterizzati da una varietà estrema sia in termini di valore che di caratteri costitutivi, vengano messi in pericolo dal verifi carsi di un fenomeno calamitoso di origine naturale o antropica

Abordarea sistemică a managementului situaţiilor de urgenţă la nivel naţional este o caracteristică exclusivă a actualei concepţii privind prevenirea şi gestionarea situaţiilor de urgenţă. Inspectoratul General pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă,... more

Abordarea sistemică a managementului situaţiilor de urgenţă la nivel naţional este o caracteristică exclusivă a actualei concepţii privind prevenirea şi gestionarea situaţiilor de urgenţă. Inspectoratul General pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă, ca organ de specialitate din subordinea Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor, asigură coordonarea unitară şi permanentă a activităţilor de prevenire şi gestionare a situaţiilor de urgenţă precum şi, potrivit competenţelor legale, cooperarea şi reprezentarea la nivel naţional în domeniile protecţiei civile, apărării împotriva incendiilor şi gestionării situaţiilor de urgenţă. Obligaţiile şi acţiunile internaţionale privind integrarea euroatlantică, protecţia civilă, apărarea împotriva incendiilor şi gestionarea situaţiilor de urgenţă sunt asumate de către inspectoratul general, care îndeplineşte totodată şi funcţia de punct de contact naţional în relaţia cu organizaţiile internaţionale de profil. Totodată, inspectoratul general asigură planificarea şi mobilizarea resurselor proprii la instituirea măsurilor excepţionale prevăzute de lege, precum şi la declararea stărilor de mobilizare şi război. The systemic approach of the emergency management at national level is an exclusive feature of the current concepts regarding prevention and emergency management. The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations as a specialized body subordinated to the Ministry of Administration and Interior, ensure a permanent and unitarian coordination of the all activity regarding prevention and emergency management and according to his legal competence cooperation and representation at national level of the civil protection, defence against fire and emergency management.

An on-line course by Agust Gudmundsson starting 14 March 2022 Agust Gudmundsson answers specific questions raised by participants, provides step-by-step solutions to numerous volcanological problems, and discusses further volcanological... more

An on-line course by Agust Gudmundsson starting 14 March 2022 Agust Gudmundsson answers specific questions raised by participants, provides step-by-step solutions to numerous volcanological problems, and discusses further volcanological topics of special interests to the participants such as related to their own projects.

Nella gestione dei disastri collegati ad eventi naturali estremi possiamo individuare il coinvolgimento di tre ambiti: scientifico, tecnico e politico. Questi, pur avendo linguaggi e tempi d’azione differenti, devono necessariamente... more

Nella gestione dei disastri collegati ad eventi naturali estremi possiamo individuare il coinvolgimento di tre ambiti: scientifico, tecnico e politico. Questi, pur avendo linguaggi e tempi d’azione differenti, devono necessariamente rispondere in maniera sinergica al problema della gestione, mitigazione e comunicazione dei rischi e dei disastri, operando in un settore stretto tra l’esigenza del rigore scientifico, le necessità tecniche, una corretta gestione del territorio, la percezione del rischio e infine un’imprescindibile informazione-comunicazione con i cittadini. Nell’equilibrio tra questi tre ambiti è possibile individuare il cuore della complessità di gestione di un disastro e, allo stesso tempo, la possibile chiave d’equilibrio, in grado di attuare una efficace strategia di riduzione dei disastri. Oltre alla necessità di essere chiamati a operare insieme, l’elemento delicato che più accomuna i tre ambiti è senza dubbio il concetto di informazione-comunicazione. Sarà infatti questo, nella sua complessità, a rivestire una funzione strategica nei rapporti tra territorio, ambiente e comunità.

The present study discusses the probability of a major accident in a nuclear power plant and, by simulation of such an accident, it evaluates the harm to people. It aims at characterizing the health effects of ionizing radiation, and it... more

The present study discusses the probability of a major accident in a nuclear power plant and, by simulation of such an accident, it evaluates the harm to people. It aims at characterizing the health effects of ionizing radiation, and it assesses the number of people impacted by a radioactive cloud, and by the deposition of radioactive material on the ground. It further evaluates the number of people in need of a resettlement. It also analyses the size of the area lost for agriculture due to radio-contamination. More specifically, the Western European nuclear power plants (NPPs) under scrutiny are Beznau, Gösgen, Leibstadt and Mühleberg in Switzerland and Bugey in France. The study models a major nuclear accident using meteorological files, one for each day during the year 2017 with help of the trajectory and dispersion model Hysplit. The source terms of the simulated accidents are specific to each of the five NPPs. They represent an amount situated between the Fukushima and Chernobyl releases, according to available literature. Demographic data were treated by a geographical information system GIS software called QGIS. Conversion of radiation from Becquerel to Sievert was established according to the literature. Health effects were estimated from the committed collective effective dose (CCED), and used in connection with three risk models for different issues: cancer, cardiovascular and other non-cancer diseases, genetic and other reproductive detriments. The main results are as follows: Between 16.4 and 24 million European inhabitants on average would be affected by a large radio-contamination. We found between 20,000 and nearly 50,000 radio-induced cancer cases, depending on the specific NPP. Additionally, between 7,500 and 18,500 radio-induced cardiovascular cases (myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease) are estimated as late effects of ionizing radiation. Stringent weather dependency of the numbers of victims were demonstrated with 4-fold and 20-fold differences for the highest and lowest deciles, and centiles respectively. The huge number of other radio-induced diseases, such as genetic and other reproductive effects could only be estimated semi-quantitatively due to lack of established risk factors. Furthermore, the number of people who should be evacuated and resettled could, on average, reach 250,000 for the smaller NPP (Beznau) and up to 500,000 for Leibstadt. In addition, the mean size of radio-contaminated crop and grazing land could amount to between 16,000 and 37,000 km 2. The impact of such an accident may heavily affect the population and economic activity of the concerned countries as well as creating a case of transboundary pollution.

The extreme natural phenomena do not necessarily become risks to individuals and social systems. This only happens when their manifestation threatens stability of a society or of its development resources. In fact, societies may, in their... more

The extreme natural phenomena do not necessarily become risks to individuals and social systems. This only happens when their manifestation threatens stability of a society or of its development resources. In fact, societies may, in their activities in the territory, interfere with the magnitude of risks and their impacts. Through the interaction between the biophysical environment and social structures, processes and sociocultural frameworks of human action, the risks may emerge and manifest themselves as disasters.
In order to ensure that citizens join the collective responsibility it is essential to make them aware about the need to take an active role in reducing the number of occurrences in the municipality and, consequently, in reducing the exposure to risks.
This article brings forward an overview of the importance of raising awareness about reducing disaster risk in Portuguese schools, as well as the results obtained in this area in the municipality of Amadora.

Η πανδημία του κορωνοϊού συνοδεύτηκε από μια πανδημία θεωριών συνωμοσίας, παραπληροφόρησης και εσφαλμένης πληροφόρησης. Σε καταστάσεις κρίσεων - όπως είναι και οι πανδημικές κρίσεις - όπου επικρατεί ο φόβος και η αγωνία και οι άνθρωποι... more

Η πανδημία του κορωνοϊού συνοδεύτηκε από μια πανδημία θεωριών συνωμοσίας, παραπληροφόρησης και εσφαλμένης πληροφόρησης. Σε καταστάσεις κρίσεων - όπως είναι και οι πανδημικές κρίσεις - όπου επικρατεί ο φόβος και η αγωνία και οι άνθρωποι αναζητούν γρήγορες ή/και εύκολες εξηγήσεις, αντίστοιχα φαινόμενα ήταν συχνά παρόντα. Η μελέτη αυτή εξερεύνησε τα αίτια εμφάνισης, τους παράγοντες ενίσχυσης, τα μέσα διάδοσης και τις πηγές προέλευσης τους, καθώς και τους κινδύνους ασφάλειας που απορρέουν από αυτές, ενώ αναζήτησε και τρόπους απόκρισης. Η μελέτη εστίασε ιδιαίτερα στην περίπτωση της Ελλάδας – η οποία, δεν είχε διερευνηθεί ακόμα αρκετά – εξετάζοντας την κατάσταση μέσα από πρωτογενή έρευνα - που συνδύασε ημιδομημένες συνεντεύξεις με εκπροσώπους και στελέχη θεσμικών φορέων και υπηρεσιών πρώτης γραμμής, εκπροσώπους και ειδικούς-ές εμπειρογνώμονες από τον ακαδημαϊκό-ερευνητικό χώρο και την κοινωνία των πολιτών (ποιοτική έρευνα) με διαδικτυακή έρευνα (ποσοτική έρευνα - ερωτηματολόγιο αυτόματης συμπλήρωσης) – και συγκρίνοντας την με την κατάσταση σε άλλες χώρες. Συγκεκριμένα χαρακτηριστικά, προϋπάρχουσες πεποιθήσεις και συνθήκες καθιστούν ορισμένους ανθρώπους ιδιαίτερα ευάλωτους απέναντι σε θεωρίες συνωμοσίας, παραπληροφόρηση ή εσφαλμένη πληροφόρηση για τον κορωνοϊό, ειδικότερα δε εντός μιας κατάστασης κρίσης. Συγκεκριμένοι πολιτικοί-ιδεολογικοί χώροι, εγκληματικά κυκλώματα, κυβερνήσεις και κρατικές υπηρεσίες, ΜΜΕ – και ειδικά όσον αφορά την Ελλάδα – ομάδες αρνητών του κορωνοϊού και κατά των περιοριστικών μέτρων, χρήστες και ομάδες στο διαδίκτυο και στα κοινωνικά δίκτυα, Εκκλησία αλλά και η επιστημονική κοινότητα, παίζουν βασικό ρόλο στην ανά-παραγωγή του φαινομένου. Κοινωνικά δίκτυα, ΜΜΕ στο διαδίκτυο αλλά και διαπροσωπικές επαφές είναι στην Ελλάδα τα βασικά μέσα διάδοσης. Ποικίλοι-ες κίνδυνοι και απειλές για την δημόσια υγεία, την εσωτερική και την εξωτερική/διεθνή ασφάλεια συνδέονται με ανά-παραγωγή αυτών των θεωριών, των εσφαλμένων ή των ψευδών/παραπλανητικών πληροφορίων ή ειδήσεων. Η κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα είναι μάλλον ανησυχητική και σε παρόμοια επίπεδα με άλλες χώρες του δυτικού κόσμου, εντούτοις είναι καλύτερη σε ορισμένους τομείς όπως για παράδειγμα σε επίπεδο καταναλωτικών απατών για «θαυματουργές θεραπείες» ή οργανωμένων συγκεντρώσεων αρνητών του κορωνοϊού. Η ανάγκη λήψης συγκεκριμένων μέτρων σε διάφορα επίπεδα και τομείς είναι επιτακτική.

Report from a scoping review of existing research and disaster management policies and practices relating to children and young people in Europe. This is a public deliverable from CUIDAR H2020 Project: "Cultures of Disaster Resilience... more

Report from a scoping review of existing research and disaster management policies and practices relating to children and young people in Europe. This is a public deliverable from CUIDAR H2020 Project: "Cultures of Disaster Resilience among Children and Young People".

THE EMERGENCY ENTITIES ACTION IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS THE PREVENTION AND EFFECTS COUNTERING IN CASE OF OUTSTANDING EVENTS From the beginnings of time, the social development was augmented by those individuals that have always asked questions... more

Civil Protection is an emergent activity for emergency management operating in the management cycle composed by prevention, preparation, response and recovery phases in sequence of collective risks manifestations ou probability of... more

Civil Protection is an emergent activity for emergency management operating in the management cycle composed by prevention, preparation, response and recovery phases in sequence of collective risks manifestations ou probability of ocorrence due to natural or technological hazards, with low representativity of risks by intentional treaths (external/internal). This recognition is detected in the National Risk Assessment developed by Portuguese National Civil Protection Authority in 2014. In a growing complexed and polycentric society, with dispersion of western powers, internationally projected by a dissipative hegemony of the United States of America, and the resurgence of power from the continental potency, materialized by the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russian Federation, can a small state like Portugal (Almeida, 2012), in the face of need to forge internationally alliances, disregard the risks posed by intentional threats of internal and/or external sources, materialized or difused by means and regular or irregular forms? And what if in the framework of international alliances, our international partners fell equaly constrained in their capacity for mutual support? Wich are the security pillars whose competences raises permanent needs for prospective efforts and maintainance of dissuasive capacity.
The present investigation, regarding the new National Authority for Civil Protection attributions, newly extended to Civil Emergency Planning, conducts a research with revision of literature, complemented by exploratory interviews under the interpretivist paradigm recurring to the inductive method, characterizing a new security paradigm that if not attended can act has generator of collective risks with derivative potential upon state security (sovereignty, geographical space and population) and civil protection activity, considered has a sectorial area of internal security, proposing a strategic prospective model, a process for strategic planning framed by its own theoric matrix, suggesting the adoption of a Global National Risk Assessment for reflection of a large spectrum of risks and treaths pending upon the Portuguese State, allowing in that sequence, the production of operational scenarios for the institutional players composing the National Security Pilars.

This report focuses on understanding how civil protection organizations learn from direct or indirect experiences(events), and planned learning processes (exercises). The work is based on information gained from desktop analysis and... more

This report focuses on understanding how civil protection organizations learn from direct or indirect experiences(events), and planned learning processes (exercises). The work is based on information gained from desktop analysis and interviews with civil protection representatives or researchers from the case study countries concerning international events and exercises. We examined how these events were reported, evaluated, and then (if at all) acted on organizationally, and how the information was used to inform adaptive processes in the context of the national civil protection system. An implicit assumption of the authors was that civil protection organizations should be learning organizations that document and respond to operational, coordination, and planning issues if and when they are recognized. By exploring a range of international cases, this study seeks to provide recommendations on good practice, reporting and evaluation, and provide insights into how international civil protection organizations have responded to challenging events or informative exercises.

This booklet was prepared in the frames of the SEE project It is a report on best practices identified from existing educational projects or actions at European level on disasters’ risk awareness, prevention and... more

This booklet was prepared in the frames of the SEE project It is a report on best practices identified from existing educational projects or actions at European level on disasters’ risk awareness, prevention and preparedness measures for emergencies and self protection. Based on
knowledge, expertise and innovation it aims to build a culture of safety and resilience for education.
The selection of these elements of excellence was realized by a SWOT matrix analysis and will form the basis of the decision-making process for the establishment of a teaching program for disasters.

"Society is reliant on infrastructure services, such as information and communication technology, energy, water, and food supply, but also on governmental, cultural, and search and rescue organizations. The goal of project Kritis-... more

"Society is reliant on infrastructure services, such
as information and communication technology, energy, water,
and food supply, but also on governmental, cultural, and
search and rescue organizations. The goal of project Kritis-
KAT at the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster
Assistance in Germany is the development of generic criteria
for the identification and evaluation of infrastructures regarded
as “critical” for society. Acknowledging that full protection
against all threats and cascading effects is not possible, the
approach focuses on the impacts rather than the prevention
of threats. The development of generic criteria requires the
prioritization of infrastructures and identification of their key
characteristics for civil protection purposes, risk management
activities, and strategic proactive planning. For this purpose,
the development of a national critical infrastructure priority
inventory is based on a thorough examination of the range of
criteria typically used in similar approaches. The specific focus
of this paper is to identify and simplify essential characteristics
of infrastructure criticality. The main outcome of this study is
the development of common criteria generally applicable to a
variety of infrastructures."

Objective: This paper attempts to prove that an effective model of protecting civilians from consequences of hazards ensuing from natural events considered as natural disasters, as well as risks arising from civilisational development in... more

Objective: This paper attempts to prove that an effective model of protecting civilians from consequences of hazards ensuing from natural events considered as natural disasters, as well as risks arising from civilisational development in the reality of a global world, is the civil security engineering system based on achievements of many scientific disciplines related to the humanities, social sciences and technical sciences. This objective is justified by the thesis that stipulates that civil security engineering is an interdisciplinary measure of numerous entities in a modern state, the task of which is ensuring security for the society as regards the protection of life and health, property and the environment as fundamental conditions for the existence of the nation.
Introduction: The contemporary reality, in which the 21st century society is functioning, creates diverse hazards for human life and health, property and the environment. Hence it is the obligation of the state to seek new effective methods that would allow combatting the consequences of such hazards. Many of those methods and tools are comprised by security engineering with civil protection engineering distinguished as a specialist discipline, which comprises means, methods and ways of organising effective protection of the society, human life and health as well as civilisational and cultural
achievements of the society. Methodology: The basic method adopted in preparing this article was a review of source materials related to hazards to the society resulting from natural phenomena and industrial environment, followed by preparing conclusions and a presentation of the complete reasoning in relation to the subject of the present article.
Conclusions: Civil protection is one of the most crucial challenges for the state security system in the context of all-encompassing globalisation, which is conducive to the generation of new hazards, especially those that result from the development of modern technologies. But also in the sphere of natural hazards we are faced with new events, i.a., due to climate change, such as extreme weather conditions, changes to annual precipitation, melting of icebergs,
rise of the water level in seas and oceans, or the recent spread of epidemic hazards, which may be caused by diverse viruses, such as the current coronavirus outbreak. To be effective, the civil protection system has to be organised in a way that ensures it is capable of coping with all challenges; it needs to be able to use knowledge from many scientific fields and domains, and furthermore it also has to be an interdisciplinary system characterised not only by social knowledge, but in the first place technical know-how, and that is why we can speak of civil protection engineering. Key words: civil protection, natural and technical hazards, rules for civil protection, safety engineering, civil security engineering, civil protection engineering Type of article: review article

This report compares and contrasts national approaches to addressing three important challenges to modern civil protection: the interdependency of modern threats/risks; austerity and the need for economic efficiency; and the changing... more

This report compares and contrasts national approaches to addressing three important challenges to modern civil protection: the interdependency of modern threats/risks; austerity and the need for economic efficiency; and the changing nature of communication. Each challenge is examined in the context of an organizational response, and explored from the perspective of two countries where the challenge has been institutionally recognized. The work identified three principle results from these national comparisons of approaches to key challenges: there are no ‘best’ practices high-impact events drive system adaptations; system adaptations coincide with political and economic windows of opportunity.

Vulnerability and resilience are concepts, which help to better understand emergencies, crises and disasters. But what has already been found out where, how and from whom? The pilot version of “Atlas of Vulnerability and Resilience” takes... more

Vulnerability and resilience are concepts, which
help to better understand emergencies, crises and
disasters. But what has already been found out
where, how and from whom?
The pilot version of “Atlas of Vulnerability and
Resilience” takes the reader on an expedition to
different areas of research and application of vulnerability
and resilience. The atlas serves not only
as a knowledge platform for those interested, but
also as a mediator between science and practice
in civil protection.
It is conceptualised so that information and
are immediately available to a heterogeneous
audience. Because it is often not that information
and knowledge are missing – but access
to them.

Disaster risk information is spatial in nature and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) play an important key role by the services they provide to society. In this context, to risk management and governance, in... more

Disaster risk information is spatial in nature and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) play an important key role by the services they provide to society. In this context, to risk management and governance, in general, and to civil protection, specifically (termed differently in many countries, and includes, for instance: civil contingencies in the UK, homeland security in the USA, disaster risk reduction at the UN level). The main impetus of this article is to summarize key contributions and challenges in utilizing and accepting GIS and RS methods and data for disaster risk governance, which includes public bodies, but also risk managers in industry and practitioners in search and rescue organizations. The article analyzes certain method developments, such as vulnerability indicators, crowdsourcing, and emerging concepts, such as Volunteered Geographic Information, but also investigates the potential of the topic Critical Infrastructure as it could be applied on spatial assets and GIS and RS itself. Intended to stimulate research on new and emerging fields, this article’s main contribution is to move spatial research toward a more reflective stance where opportunities and challenges are equally and transparently addressed in order to gain more scientific quality. As a conclusion, GIS and RS can play a pivotal role not just in delivering data but also in connecting and analyzing data in a more integrative, holistic way.

Due to Zimbabwe's vulnerability to extreme weather disasters caused by climate change the study sought to analyse the disaster response and management system in Zimbabwe on the occurrence of such disasters. The objectives of the study... more

Due to Zimbabwe's vulnerability to extreme weather disasters caused by climate change the study sought to analyse the disaster response and management system in Zimbabwe on the occurrence of such disasters. The objectives of the study were to explore the effectiveness of the Zimbabwe Civil Protection Unit (ZCPU) disaster response and management systems against climate change in Zimbabwe; to identify the mechanisms in place for disaster

insegnanti sono consapevoli del fatto che, in termini generali, gli studenti accrescono l'apprendimento se hanno modo di riscontrare visivamente l'importanza dei contenuti esposti in classe. In particolare, il loro interesse viene... more

insegnanti sono consapevoli del fatto che, in termini generali, gli studenti accrescono
l'apprendimento se hanno modo di riscontrare visivamente l'importanza dei contenuti esposti in
classe. In particolare, il loro interesse viene stimolato nel momento in cui essi ne comprendono la
relazione diretta con la realtà della vita quotidiana. Al fine di raggiungere come massimo
obbiettivo l'acquisizione delle conoscenze da parte dello studente è importante adottare una
combinazione di metodi di insegnamento e creare un ambiente scolastico che sia il più possibile
stimolante ed interattivo. Gli studenti apprendono in molti modi differenti, alcuni prediligendo
l'aspetto visivo come video, tabelle, grafici ed immagini mentre altri si focalizzano su quello
uditivo o cinestetico. Gli insegnanti pertanto dovranno saper organizzare attività che si conformino
a tale differenti stili e che permettano a tutti gli studenti delle loro classi di ottenere i mgliori

The paper examines the new Civil Protection Code, introduced by the legislative decree 1/2018, analyzing, from a constitutional point of view, the main changes and focusing mainly on orders, directives, commissioners and on the problem of... more

The paper examines the new Civil Protection Code, introduced by the legislative decree 1/2018, analyzing, from a constitutional point of view, the main changes and focusing mainly on orders, directives, commissioners and on the problem of the transition from extraordinary to ordinary administration. Particular attention is therefore paid to the issue of responsibility for the adoption of the these measures and for the special administration itself, also in reference to the emergency concerning the novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Lo scritto esamina il nuovo Codice di protezione civile, introdotto con il d.lg. 1/2018, analizzandone, nell’ottica costituzionale, le principali novità e soffermandosi soprattutto sulle ordinanze, sulle direttive, sui commissari e sul problema del passaggio dall’amministrazione straordinaria a quella ordinaria. Particolare attenzione viene dunque dedicata al tema della responsabilità per l’adozione dei provvedimenti e per la stessa gestione speciale, anche in riferimento all’emergenza del Covid-19.