Armed Forces Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Military is a profession which is mostly dominated by men. Often the words like combat, war and bravery are used for men folk. However, the scenario has changed in last few decades and women have also been commissioned in the forces in... more

Military is a profession which is mostly dominated by men. Often the words like combat, war and bravery are used for men folk. However, the scenario has changed in last few decades and women have also been commissioned in the forces in many countries. Despite the induction of women in forces they are mostly assigned desk jobs and not taken for combat role or command positions. Since their induction, women are having only 15% or less representation in forces worldwide. They continue to strive to achieve professional competence in the field. Women today are excelling in every field but military is a field where their potential has not been recognised yet. The current paper presents a review of relevant studies in order to investigate the root of gender variance in forces and provides an in-depth understanding into the issues and challenges in achieving gender equality in forces. Various psychological theories along with supporting studies have been discussed to critically analyse the pros and cons of employing women in combat role. It is recognized that armed forces need the fittest and finest, irrespective of gender. Hence, a competency based approach in deployment for combat role is recommended as it will give women equal opportunity to prove their competency and serve in combat role.

One of the greatest security challenges confronting the Nigerian state after the Civil War is the current insurgency campaign led by the Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awatiwal-Jihad popularly known as Boko Haram in the North East of Nigeria.... more

One of the greatest security challenges confronting the Nigerian state after the Civil War is the current insurgency campaign led by the Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awatiwal-Jihad popularly known as Boko Haram in the North East of Nigeria. This reign of terror continues to generate tensions and deepen existing mistrust between civilians and the military on the one hand and while on the other hand constituting security threats for security operatives in the region and in Nigeria at large. The situation in the North East is further compounded by other security challenges in other parts of the country involving other non-state armed and unarmed groups. These crises collectively pose threats to the peace and stability of the Nigerian state. Sadly, a common approach by the Federal Government of Nigeria to addressing these security challenges is the deployment of the military and other security agents to internal conflict and conflict-prone areas, which is progressively becoming a norm in Nigeria. The paper highlights the practicalities, opportunities, challenges and lessons learned in implementing a civil military relations project in Nigeria drawing extensively from field experiences. It further examines military approaches to civil military relations in Nigeria. While the challenges of civil military relations in Nigeria is deeply rooted in history, the paper recommends that positive civil military relations as a key approach and strategy to be deployed by all stakeholders particularly the Military in restoring trust amongst crisis affected communities and for improving the overall architecture of national security in Nigeria.

This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more

This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in Ukraine. This paper uses a representative national survey specifically designed for this research project and conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology in 2012. It analyzes the roles of regionalism, political party preferences, ethnicity, language, age, and sex in attitudes toward the Red Army, Soviet partisans, the German Army (Wehrmacht), and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) during the war, as well as toward the wartime leaders of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and the UPA. The analysis of the survey data shows that regional values, political party preferences, ethnicity, language, and age have significant effects on views of the Soviet Army and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army during the war and attitudes toward the wartime activities of Joseph Stalin and Roman Shukhevych. Public perceptions of the German Army and Adolf Hitler in Ukraine do not vary much across regions, political parties, and ethnic, language, age, and sex groups.

In the Asia-Pacific region, submarine forces have continued to grow, though the greatest number are obsolescent diesel-attack submarines based on late-World War II designs posses by China and North Korea (DPRK). About 139 submarines... more

In the Asia-Pacific region, submarine forces have continued to grow, though the greatest number are obsolescent diesel-attack submarines based on late-World War II designs posses by China and North Korea (DPRK). About 139 submarines remain in active service; 109 belong to China (PLAN). The range of submarines includes nuclear-powered and diesel-attack designs, the latter the main focus of Southeast Asian navies.

ABSTRACT: UNASUR and its Defence Council (SADC) were created under a promising scenario of regional cooperation. Almost ten years later, a growing demand for regional cooperation arises, facing, however, low levels of political... more

ABSTRACT: UNASUR and its Defence Council (SADC) were created under a promising scenario of regional cooperation. Almost ten years later, a growing demand for regional cooperation arises, facing, however, low levels of political willingness from local governments. Through the lenses of structural and neoclassical realism, this paper suggests that the lack of support by governments, especially the Brazilian one, due to a change in how domestic ideas are developed, and a transformation in the regional balance of power, have contributed to these institutions’ quick obsolescence.

The article examines how new planning concepts and methods advanced by the RAND Corporation and adopted by the Pentagon during the 1990s served to inflate defense requirements. A version appeared in the March/April 1998 Bulletin of the... more

The article examines how new planning concepts and methods advanced by the RAND Corporation and adopted by the Pentagon during the 1990s served to inflate defense requirements. A version appeared in the March/April 1998 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists as “Inventing Threats.”

Student motivation is an essential component of all educational and learning processes. Without motivation, students lack cognitive presence resulting in little, if any, learning. In the traditional classroom setting, it’s up to the... more

Student motivation is an essential component of all educational and learning processes. Without motivation, students lack cognitive presence resulting in little, if any, learning. In the traditional classroom setting, it’s up to the teacher to facilitate and maintain student motivation. In an e-learning course however, there is less teacher or facilitator presence and the learner is left alone to interact with the instruction mostly alone. E-learning designers and developers must integrate appropriate motivational elements to ensure the learner sustains his/her motivation throughout the entire instruction to maximize the learning outcome. Over the past few years the Norwegian Armed Forces (NoAF) has incorporated motivational design elements focused on promoting and sustaining motivation into our e-learning courses based on John Keller's ARCS Model of Motivational Design. This paper outlines the rationale, methodology, and resulting implementation.

An analysis of the plan of the German General Staff in the context of the military-political situation in Europe in the years before the outbreak of the Second World War and the aggression of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, shows that... more

An analysis of the plan of the German General Staff in the context of the military-political situation in Europe in the years before the outbreak of the Second World War and the aggression of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, shows that anti-Russian attacks today are based on a misreading of activities of military and political leadership of the USSR in the interwar period and the pre-war years.

The article describes the problems of polish military forces in the context of a relatively new type of threat, commonly described as "hybrid warfare". The first step of the analysis is a description of such threat, based on data gathered... more

The article describes the problems of polish military forces in the context of a relatively new type of threat, commonly described as "hybrid warfare". The first step of the analysis is a description of such threat, based on data gathered by polish and foreign analytical centers. The next step is a presentation of the current state of polish military forces-in terms of doctrine, organization, training and materiel (e .g. equipment). This kind of data analysis offers relevant information about defense capabilities that the polish armed forces have and those which they lack. These capabilities are then compared to the challenges posed by hybrid warfare, thus providing insights on potential new capabilities which should be acquired as well as those which are unnecessary in the context of hybrid war .

"Participación militar argentina en misiones de paz. Desafíos para la política de defensa e influencia en la organización y funcionamiento en las Fuerzas Armadas. 1990-2013”. Co-autoría Guillermo Lafferriere y Germán Soprano. Relaciones... more

"Participación militar argentina en misiones de paz. Desafíos para la política de defensa e influencia en la organización y funcionamiento en las Fuerzas Armadas. 1990-2013”. Co-autoría Guillermo Lafferriere y Germán Soprano. Relaciones Internacionales Nº50. Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La Plata. 2016. pp.255-280. ISSN:1515-3371.

PDA Briefing Memo #30, 26 September 2003. Examines how air power helped bring about the rapid collapse of the Iraqi Republican Guard and regular army in the 2003 war. The memo focuses specifically on the role of battlefield air... more

PDA Briefing Memo #30, 26 September 2003. Examines how air power helped bring about the rapid collapse of the Iraqi Republican Guard and regular army in the 2003 war. The memo focuses specifically on the role of battlefield air interdiction. (The author distinguishes air interdiction and close air support missions by arguing that the latter help decide the immediate battle, while air interdiction shapes the battlefield and helps determine upcoming battles.) An outstanding feature of the analysis is a comparison of the air campaigns of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Desert Storm (1990-1991). The memo also estimates combatant casualties due to air interdiction in the 2003 war.

Wie hat sich der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich seit Ende des Kalten Krieges entwickelt? Wer arbeitet heute mit wem zu welchen Gefahren? Basierend auf einer umfassenden und einzigartigen Datenerhebung kartiert dieser Beitrag die Entwicklung... more

Wie hat sich der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich seit Ende des Kalten Krieges entwickelt? Wer arbeitet heute mit wem zu welchen Gefahren? Basierend auf einer umfassenden und einzigartigen Datenerhebung kartiert dieser Beitrag die Entwicklung des gesamtschweizerischen Sicherheitsbereichs. Die Darstellung der praktischen Arbeitsteilungen, inneren und äusseren Kooperationen, beruflichen Profile und Werdegänge schafft einen analytisch differenzierten und empirisch fundierten Beitrag zu anhaltenden Diskussionen über die landesweite sicherheitspolitische Steuerung.

Terrorism today is on the agenda worldwide. Its political nature has prevented consensus among the different actors within international organizations, hindering a solution that enjoys global acceptance, hence in the field of security... more

Terrorism today is on the agenda worldwide. Its political nature has prevented consensus among the
different actors within international organizations, hindering a solution that enjoys global acceptance,
hence in the field of security poses a threat to states. South America was influenced by the Cuban revolution
in 1959, with a wave of armed groups appearing in the 60s, which acted according to regional and global
trends. This article links these groups using David Rappoport´s classification of Terrorism and aims to show
the existence of two periods within the "third wave" of this classification. A first period of subversion that
had more characteristics of rural insurgency, and a second period, known as the urban insurgency, with
more features of terrorism. This work begins with a conceptual analysis of terrorism, followed by a study of
the performance of groups framed within the non-governmental terrorism in South America and finally
analyzes the performance of the group Alfaro Vive Carajo in Ecuador and the actions taken in their period of

L'auteur montre dans cet article, l'apport que peut avoir la sociologie militaire pour l'analyse du changement politique. La juridicisation de la question militaire, notamment pour apprécier le sort des "putschistes", constitue un moment... more

L'auteur montre dans cet article, l'apport que peut avoir la sociologie militaire pour l'analyse du changement politique. La juridicisation de la question militaire, notamment pour apprécier le sort des "putschistes", constitue un moment fort pour apprécier la redéfinition du rôle des forces armées au sein de la société espagnole. L'armée rentre alors dans le rang. Par la suite, les réformes institutionnelles, telles que la création d'un ministère de la Défense ou encore la suppression de la mili (service militaire), constitue alors les symboles du changement amorcé. Dans un même mouvement, la mise en œuvre d'une politique de professionnalisation des armées devient quelque chose de possible.

This article addresses an underreported aspect of contemporary warring in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): the experiences of women soldiers and officers in the Congolese national armed forces (Forces Armées de la République... more

This article addresses an underreported aspect of contemporary warring in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): the experiences of women soldiers and officers in the Congolese national armed forces (Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo [FARDC]). It thus addresses an empirical gap in scholarly and policy knowledge about female soldiers in national armies on the African continent, and the DRC in particular. Based on original interviews, the article explores the way female soldiers in the FARDC understand their identities as “women soldiers” and offers new insight into women soldiers’ role and responsibilities in the widespread violence committed against civilians in the DRC. Moreover, it explores how their understanding of themselves as “women soldiers” both challenges and confirms familiar notions of the army as a masculine sphere. Such insight is important for better understanding the gendered makeup of the military and for contributing to a knowledge base for Security Sector Reform in this violent (post)conflict setting.

This thesis is an investigation of the factors relating to the translation of United Kingdom strategic direction into military capability. Concentrating on decisions taken below the political level, by the military officers and civil... more

This thesis is an investigation of the factors relating to the translation of United Kingdom strategic direction into military capability. Concentrating on decisions taken below the political level, by the military officers and civil servants in the most senior positions within the Ministry of Defence and at the very top of the armed forces, it answers the question ‘why does the United Kingdom have the military that it has?’ In doing so, this thesis has identified the factors that have shaped capability choices and determined why those choices have had the effect that they have. Its analysis has drawn on historical trends and contemporary elite interviews to assess whether the nation’s current methodology to link strategic direction and the development and maintenance of military capability will fare any better than its predecessors.

Archaeologist Joel Klenck conducted an archaeological identification project for prehistoric and historic properties covering approximately 70 acres on Breakers Point, for the American Samoa Historic Preservation Office, in compliance... more

Archaeologist Joel Klenck conducted an archaeological identification project for prehistoric and historic properties covering approximately 70 acres on Breakers Point, for the American Samoa Historic Preservation Office, in compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (“NHPA”), as amended. The project resulted in the identification and recordation of two sites: World War II defensive fortification complex (AS-23-64) and a precontact site (AS-23-65) that comprised 77 features and more sub-features (loci) and artifacts. There are 62 World War II features belonging to AS-23-64 and 23 precontact features ascribed to AS-23-65. A nomination for the U.S. National Register of Historic Places will be submitted for sites AS-23-64 and AS-23-65.

President Donald Trump suggested creating a new military branch dedicated to space warfare in California on March 14 2018. Today spatial domain is crucial to protect domestic security and expeditionary Armed Forces. Russian Federation... more

President Donald Trump suggested creating a new military branch dedicated to space warfare in California on March 14 2018. Today spatial domain is crucial to protect domestic security and expeditionary Armed Forces. Russian Federation approved in 2014 an extraordinary budget to modernize and expand its spatial capabilities in 2020. And China is the third spatial power that is giving very cheap satellite launch services to other countries. Intelligence reports are suggesting that Russia and China are trying to develop lasers that could blast satellites out.

Al conmemorarse una década desde que el ex presidente Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) declaró la Guerra contra el narcotráfico en México, este trabajo analiza la pertinencia de clasificar aquel enfrentamiento como un conflicto armado interno... more

Al conmemorarse una década desde que el ex presidente Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) declaró la Guerra contra el narcotráfico en México, este trabajo analiza la pertinencia de clasificar aquel enfrentamiento como un conflicto armado interno bajo los estándares de la legislación internacional. Se plantea como hipótesis que la confrontación desarrollada en territorio mexicano no cubre los parámetros establecidos para la existencia de un conflicto armado no internacional conforme al Derecho Internacional Humanitario, calificando más bien como ‘Otra Situación de Violencia’ conforme a la terminología propuesta por el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, escenario que no se encuentra contemplado en la jurisdicción internacional.

Considering that Latin America presents itself as one of the most violent regions in the planet and that the increase of violence seems to be closely related to the advance of criminality, the present article tends to define as closely as... more

Considering that Latin America presents itself as one of the most violent regions in the planet and that the increase of violence seems to be closely related to the advance of criminality, the present article tends to define as closely as possible, what organized crime is. It also seeks to analyze its manifestations in the region, with a major emphasis on the role of drug trafficking as an enhancer of other illicit activities. Finally, we work on a little-known dimension of criminality: the costs that their existence brings to the societies that suffer.

Artykuł porusza problem odrębności stanu wojennego od pozostałych stanów nadzwyczajnych. Zawiera on charakterystykę przesłanek zastosowania stanu wojennego i wyjątkowego oraz środków nadzwyczajnych dotyczących sił zbrojnych. W artykule... more

Artykuł porusza problem odrębności stanu wojennego od pozostałych stanów nadzwyczajnych. Zawiera on charakterystykę przesłanek zastosowania stanu wojennego i wyjątkowego oraz środków nadzwyczajnych dotyczących sił zbrojnych. W artykule potwierdzono sformułowaną we wstępie hipotezę, zgodnie z którą to nie rodzaj zagrożenia przesądza o odrębności stanu wojennego tylko uprawnienia sił zbrojnych, w szczególności wobec władz cywilnych.

The article analyses state security as harmonious functioning of the constitutional system without interference of any outside forces, protection of territorial integrity and undisturbed functioning of a state in all public spheres. The... more

The article analyses state security as harmonious functioning of the constitutional system without interference of any outside forces, protection of territorial integrity and undisturbed functioning of a state in all public spheres. The state security in the broadest sense is strengthened by the factors of foreign and home policy. The security is based not only on strong, well trained armed forces, equipped with modern guns but also on the entire potential of a state: the approval of citizens for armament and the willingness to defend the country; economic stability, functioning of democratic principles, positive contribution of national communities into the welfare of the society, harmonious agreement of national communities, loyalty to the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and the competence of the Department of State Security to neutralise the forces willing to harm the consolidation of the State; they penetrate into the governmental institutions, instigate slanderous moods against the leaders or institutions of the state via mass media. The history reminds us that the West often used to betray nations; thus the question may arise whether the NATO will succeed in defending the Baltic countries according to the binding provision of Article 5 that obligates the parties for collective defence. Therefore, Lithuania urgently needs an augmented distribution of NATO toops in the Baltics. Further strategy requires insightful diplomatic steps in oreder to preserve peace and establish friendly alliances, e. g. a stronger military cooperation with Scandinavian states, brotherhood with Latvians and Estonians and approval of the dispositions of the Polish President to create a union “from the sea to the sea”. Conclusive thoughts are based on the arguments of serious political observers, sociological research, official statistics and verified data. The aim of this article is to describe the strategy of Lithuanian Republic in the field of security in the beginning of the 21st century. The object of the article is the analysis of the ways and measures for preservation of Lithuanian statehood. The author referred to the most recent media and provided political analysis of geopolitical and historical context.

The Russian intervention in Syria, as well as the associated deployment of electronic warfare systems, generated alarm among NATO members linked to the possibility that a strengthening of electronic warfare capabilities by Russia could... more

The Russian intervention in Syria, as well as the associated deployment of electronic warfare systems, generated alarm among NATO members linked to the possibility that a strengthening of electronic warfare capabilities by Russia could reduce the current technological asymmetry in favor of NATO. Such reduction would come from the use of electronic warfare systems to hamper the command and control capacity of attack and defense systems. This paper analyses the Russian intervention in Syria in order to define whether it can be understood that there is an increasing risk to Euro-Atlantic security stemming from Russian advances in electronic warfare.

Obrona cywilna (civil defence) to pojęcie zdefiniowane w dokumentach międzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego, tj. w I Protokole dodatkowym z 1977 roku do konwencji genewskich z 12 sierpnia 1949 roku. Celem jest ochrona przede wszystkim... more

Obrona cywilna (civil defence) to pojęcie zdefiniowane w dokumentach międzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego, tj. w I Protokole dodatkowym z 1977 roku do konwencji genewskich z 12 sierpnia 1949 roku. Celem jest ochrona przede wszystkim ludności cywilnej nie tylko w czasie konfliktów zbrojnych, lecz także w przypadku wystąpienia zagrożeń naturalnych (klęsk żywiołowych). Ponadto zwraca się uwagę na usuwanie skutków zagrożeń i pomoc ludności w przetrwaniu.

Traditionally, security is conceptualized within the context of the ability and capacity of the government to ensure the protection of their countries from internal insurrection or external aggression of any kind through adequate... more

Traditionally, security is conceptualized within the context of the ability and capacity of the government to ensure the protection of their countries from internal insurrection or external aggression of any kind through adequate preparedness of the military to ensure intelligence gathering, secrecy and the protection of resources and rights considered critical to the existence of states. In this vein, the study examines the extent to which logistics supports from the Nigerian government to the Nigerian Armed Forces impacts the national security of the nation. The study delves to analyze the violent insurgencies and insecurity issues in the Niger Delta and the Boko Haram terrorism in the northeast, and how they have undermined Nigeria's national security. The paper adopts the Structural Functional theory to analyze the issues that facilitate the persistence of the insurgent groups in Nigeria. The study argues that in fighting insecurity in Nigeria the military personnel do not r...

ÖZET Bu tez özel operasyonların neden başarı sağladığını incelemektedir. Bu teori başarılı özel operasyonlar konvansiyonel yöntemleri kullanmadığı için önemlidir. Özel operasyon kuvvetleri genellikle sayı olarak düşman kuvvetlerinin... more

ÖZET Bu tez özel operasyonların neden başarı sağladığını incelemektedir. Bu teori başarılı özel operasyonlar konvansiyonel yöntemleri kullanmadığı için önemlidir. Özel operasyon kuvvetleri genellikle sayı olarak düşman kuvvetlerinin aşağısındadır ve genellikle bu kuvvetler iyi savunulan hedeflere taarruz etmektedir. Carl Von Clausewitz'e göre her iki faktör de zaferi getirmelidir ama defalarca bu görevler başarıya ulaşmıştır. Bu tez sekiz tarihi olayı incelemekte ve özel operasyonun kendine özgü prensipleriyle nispi üstünlüğü başarmak için nasıl birleştirilebileceğini göstermektedir. Nispi üstünlük küçük bir kuvvetin büyük ya da çok iyi savunulan bir kuvvete karşı mutlak faydayı başarmasıyla ortaya çıkar. Temel olarak özel operasyon birlikleri bu faydayı basit bir plan, dikkatli gizleme, gerçekçi prova ve icrada baskın, sürat ve amaç prensipleriyle kazanırlar. Bu fayda hassas olmakla birlikte savaşın uyumsuzluklarına da maruz kalabilir. Nispi üstünlük grafiğinin kullanımı sonucunda, bu tez tarihsel olarak bu faydanın nasıl sağlandığını göstermekte ve sonuçta savaşın uyumsuzluklarının azaltmak ve nispi üstünlüğü başarmak için "profiller" önermektedir.