Coastlines Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In this paper, the authors present results from a study of climate change and community adaptation, focusing on two African American communities on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay. These two communities are representative of... more

In this paper, the authors present results from a study of climate change and community adaptation, focusing on two African American communities on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay. These two communities are representative of small, resource-poor communities that are particularly prone to increased flooding, storms, and erosion accompanying climate change. The authors frame their research within a focus on distributive and procedural justice, including considerations of the role of adaptation capacity and vulnerability. They use methods from cognitive–environmental anthropology and psychometrics to ground a participatory and multidisciplinary approach that emphasizes community participation and the sharing of scientific and program information on climate change and adaptation. Their results suggest that community members have a holistic understanding of climate change, recognize a wide range of potential community and individual impacts, face specific vulnerabilities, and are...

Restoration of river deltas involves diverting sediment and water from major channels into adjoining drowned areas, where the sediment can build new land and provide a platform for regenerating wetland ecosystems. Except for local... more

Restoration of river deltas involves diverting sediment and water from major channels into adjoining drowned areas, where the sediment can build new land and provide a platform for regenerating wetland ecosystems. Except for local engineered structures at the points of diversion, restoration mainly relies on natural delta-building processes. Present understanding of such processes is sufficient to provide a basis for determining the feasibility of restoration projects through quantitative estimates of land-building rates and sustainable wetland area under different scenarios of sediment supply, subsidence, and sea-level rise. We are not yet to the point of being able to predict the evolution of a restored delta in detail. Predictions of delta evolution are based on field studies of active deltas, deltas in mine-tailings ponds, experimental deltas, and countless natural experiments contained in the stratigraphic record. These studies provide input for a variety of mechanistic delta models, ranging from radially averaged formulations to more detailed models that can resolve channels, topography, and ecosystem processes. Especially exciting areas for future research include understanding the mechanisms by which deltaic channel networks self-organize, grow, and distribute sediment and nutrients over the delta surface and coupling these to ecosystem processes, especially the interplay of topography, network geometry, and ecosystem dynamics.

In Portugal, the coastline’s human occupation – whose urban expression, located in a land-sea transition, is designated as coastal area – derives from its ecological condition (considering ecology in its broader sense), that is, from the... more

In Portugal, the coastline’s human occupation – whose urban expression, located in a land-sea transition, is designated as coastal area – derives from its ecological condition (considering ecology in its broader sense), that is, from the interdependence between the human need for a cultural and biological appropriation of available resources, and those resources’ suitability to such demands. From a sustainable viewpoint, the mode of production and products’ consumption in a given economic context must be considered: what was initially exploited in an integrated way, was later submitted to mechanical processes, whose exploitation rhythm surpassed its local scope. Through a categorization process of Setúbal case study’s urban occupation, expressed in a certain Sea Architecture, this paper intends to describe an interpretation methodology of the coastal areas, that considers its ecological condition.

Coastline movement due to erosion and deposition is a major concern for coastal zone management. Very dynamic coastlines, such as sections of the Nile Delta coast, pose considerable hazards to human use and development, and rapid,... more

Coastline movement due to erosion and deposition is a major concern for coastal zone management. Very dynamic coastlines, such as sections of the Nile Delta coast, pose considerable hazards to human use and development, and rapid, replicable techniques are required to ...

Investigaciones realizadas en los últimos años han advertido sobre los efectos que generan los cambios en línea de costa sobre el espacio costero en el caribe sur de Costa Rica. El objetivo de la presente investigación es evaluar este... more

Investigaciones realizadas en los últimos años han advertido sobre los efectos que generan los cambios en línea de costa sobre el espacio costero en el caribe sur de Costa Rica. El objetivo de la presente investigación es evaluar este efecto sobre las coberturas de la tierra en la costa del caribe sur de Costa Rica. La metodología empleada consiste en el levantamiento y comparación de las coberturas de la tierra en los años 2005 y 2016 (con verificación en campo para el año 2017) en una franja costera de 200 m de ancho a partir de fotografías aéreas de gran escala por medio de algebra de mapas en ArcGis. Adicionalmente se establecen las coberturas afectadas por erosión costera determinada para los años 2005-2010 y 2010-2016, por medio de superposición de estas con las coberturas de uso de la tierra del año 2005, permitiendo identificar qué áreas pasaron de ser playa a otro tipo de uso en los sectores de Cieneguita –Aeropuerto, Westfalia, Bananito, Cahuita– Puerto Vargas, Manzanillo y Sixaola. Los resultados obtenidos indican que en los segmentos Cieneguita –Aeropuerto, Westfalia, Bananito, Manzanillo y Sixaola– el principal cambio en las coberturas fue de playa por mar, con reajustes en otros tipos de coberturas, mientras que en Cahuita – Puerto Vargas el principal cambio fue de bosque a mar. En el segmento Cieneguita-Aeropuerto se presenta un aumento en la cobertura urbana, que eleva el riesgo por erosión costera, además de un aumento en la exposición de bienes de índole público. Se concluye que los efectos de la erosión costera ocurrida en puntos críticos en el Caribe Sur han inducido a cambios en las coberturas de la tierra, en su mayoría las playas, pasto y vegetación costera son los más afectados al ser cambiados por superficies ocupadas por el mar, con excepción del Parque Nacional Cahuita donde de bosque de alta y baja densidad está retrocediendo frente al mar.

Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że zaproponowany algorytm pozwala na wyznaczenie punktów stałych obiektu w sposób automatyczny. Algorytm przedstawiony w postaci pseudo kodu może być zapisany w postaci procedur w dowolnym języku lub z... more

Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że zaproponowany algorytm pozwala na
wyznaczenie punktów stałych obiektu w sposób automatyczny. Algorytm przedstawiony w postaci pseudo kodu może być zapisany w postaci procedur w dowolnym języku lub z wykorzystaniem narzędzi wspomagania projektowania modeli analiz przestrzennych (ModelBuilder). W wyniku prac nad algorytmem oraz pierwszych prób jego użycia można z pewnością określić wyznaczanie punktów stałych obiektów (o dużym skomplikowaniu) jako jedyną drogę do uzyskania jednoznacznej klasyfikacji. Pozytywny wpływ punktów stałych objawia się między innymi poprzez zwiększenie podobieństwa łamanej uproszczonej do pierwotnej, dowodem jest zmniejszenie się błędu średniego. Zastosowanie punktów stałych ułatwia także aktualizację obiektów w bazach typu MRDB. Przeprowadzone testy wykazały możliwość wyznaczenia punktów stałych dla obiektów liniowych i powierzchniowych, antropogenicznych lub o charakterze naturalnym.

A theory for the exchange between a rotating, buoyancy-forced marginal sea and an ocean is developed and tested numerically. Cooling over the marginal sea leads to sinking and sets up a two-layer exchange flow, with a warm surface layer... more

A theory for the exchange between a rotating, buoyancy-forced marginal sea and an ocean is developed and tested numerically. Cooling over the marginal sea leads to sinking and sets up a two-layer exchange flow, with a warm surface layer entering from the ocean and a cool layer exiting at depth. The connecting strait is sufficiently narrow and shallow to cause the exchange flow to be hydraulically controlled. The incoming surface layer forms a baroclinically unstable boundary current that circles the marginal sea in a cyclonic sense and feeds heat to the interior by way of eddies. Consistent with the overall heat and volume balances for the marginal sea, there is a continuous family of hydraulically controlled states with critical flow at the most constricted section of the strait. Included in this family is a limiting “maximal-exchange” solution with two sections of hydraulic control in the strait and with fixed layer depths at the most constricted section. The state of exchange for...

This paper extends A. Bracco and J. Pedlosky’s investigation of the eddy-formation mechanism in the eastern Labrador Sea by including a more realistic depiction of the boundary current. The quasigeostrophic model consists of a meridional,... more

This paper extends A. Bracco and J. Pedlosky’s investigation of the eddy-formation mechanism in the eastern Labrador Sea by including a more realistic depiction of the boundary current. The quasigeostrophic model consists of a meridional, coastally trapped current with three vertical layers. The current configuration and topographic domain are chosen to match, as closely as possible, the observations of the boundary current and the varying topographic slope along the West Greenland coast. The role played by the bottom-intensified component of the boundary current on the formation of the Labrador Sea Irminger Rings is explored. Consistent with the earlier study, a short, localized bottom-trapped wave is responsible for most of the perturbation energy growth. However, for the instability to occur in the three-layer model, the deepest component of the boundary current must be sufficiently strong, highlighting the importance of the near-bottom flow. The model is able to reproduce import...