Maritime Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Thesis Title: Careers and Labour Market Flexibility in Global Industries: The Case of Seafarers The flexibilisation of labour in the global labour market has been a bone of contention among scholars from different disciplines over the... more

Thesis Title: Careers and Labour Market Flexibility in Global Industries: The Case of Seafarers
The flexibilisation of labour in the global labour market has been a bone of contention among scholars from different disciplines over the past four decades. On the one hand, such employment is seen as a detrimental practice to employees, who might lose their occupational identity as well as constantly experience job insecurity and uncertainty. On the other hand, flexible employment is perceived as the pillar of freedom, enabling individuals to fulfil their potential through increasing labour market opportunities. In an attempt to assess these competing views within the context of a global industry where flexible employment is commonplace, the shipping industry has been chosen as the basis of an investigation to answer the following research questions:
1. To what extent are flexible employment arrangements perceived as beneficial to employers?
2. What are the perceived implications of flexible employment arrangements for employees?
3. What is the relationship between the flexibility of employment and the occupational identities of seafarers?
To answer these research questions, qualitative research methods were used to speak to over 70 participants. The methods included mostly semi-structured in-depth interviews and informal conversations conducted aboard a cargo ship.
The findings of the thesis can be largely divided into three main aspects. First, the thesis sheds light on the complexities of flexible employment in the shipping industry (i.e. the perceived negative and positive implications of such employment) for employers and employees. Secondly, using the shipping industry as an example, the thesis challenges current widespread views about the benefits of flexible employment to employers. Thirdly, the thesis presents the idea of a ‘double occupational identity’ to describe the often-complex occupational identity of seafarers related to differences in perceived labour market power.
Several strengths, limitations, and recommendations for policy and also for major stakeholders in the shipping industry are raised at the end of the thesis.
Key words: Career; Employment; Flexible Labour; Global Labour Market; In-Depth Interviews; Job; Occupational Identity; Precarious Work; Qualitative Research Methods; Seafarers; Seafaring Career; Shipping; Work.

NEW BOOK SERIES: Maritime Literature and Culture offers alternative rubrics for literary and cultural studies to those of nation, continent and area, which inter-articulate with current debates on comparative and world literatures,... more

NEW BOOK SERIES: Maritime Literature and Culture offers alternative rubrics for literary and cultural studies to those of nation, continent and area, which inter-articulate with current debates on comparative and world literatures, globalization and planetary or Anthropocene thought in illuminating ways. The humanities have paid increasing attention to oceans, islands and shores as sites of cultural production, while the maritime imagination in contemporary literatures and other cultural forms has presented ways of responding to human migration, global neoliberalism and climate change. This series provides a forum for discussion of these and other maritime expressions, including enquiries that engage maritime and coastal zones as spaces that enable reflection on labour and leisure; racial terror and performances of freedom; environmental wonder and degradation; metaphor and materiality; and the various implications of globe, world and planet.

Countries may utilize a long coastline in relation to their landmass as a resource to develop their maritime economy. This paper argues that ASEAN countries differ in utilizing their maritime potential. As a basis for further comparative... more

Countries may utilize a long coastline in relation to their landmass as a resource to develop their maritime economy. This paper argues that ASEAN countries differ in utilizing their maritime potential. As a basis for further comparative studies the Center for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS) in Penang developed a set of indicators to measure the maritime potential of nations, the state of their maritime industries, and the degree to which the maritime potential has actually been utilized.

A modern maritime container terminal must provide services within its area or in the nearby logistics centers. What is more,so as to adjust to changing market conditions marine ter-minals have to provide service... more

A modern maritime container terminal must provide services within its area or in the nearby logistics centers. What is more,so as to adjust to changing market conditions marine ter-minals have to provide service packages for cargos (retail and distribution, handling, transportation and transshipment), vessels (supply, repair, towing, mooring or industrial and other auxiliary ser-vices) and a crew (social, health, hotel or information services). Since ports are forced to widen the range of their services to stay competitive in the global economy, in the article the role of maritimecontainer terminals will be described in the provision of logistics services.

Shipping companies have to take several strategic decisions about the vessels that perform transportation activities. The most important of these strategic decisions is " Flag Choice ". This decision given by the company is shaped under... more

Shipping companies have to take several strategic decisions about the vessels that perform transportation activities. The most important of these strategic decisions is " Flag Choice ". This decision given by the company is shaped under the light of external and internal factors. In this paper, initially, the factors which affect flag choice decision of shipping companies and ship owners who play an important role to handle Turkish merchant fleet are determined. Then, the relation and association status of the factors which have significant impacts on this decision are displayed with data mining application. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) application is realized with the obtained outputs and a model is proposed for flag selection decision. It is expected that the results of the study provides certain outcomes and guidelines for related organizations dealing with shipping operations as well as suggestions for effective and efficient coordination among the relevant institutions. Türk Deniz Ticaret Filosundaki Bayrak Seçim Davranışları: Yapay Sinir Ağı Yaklaşımı ile Bir Model Önerisi Öz Gemi yönetim firmaları, işlettiği gemiler ile ilgili çeşitli stratejik kararlar almaktadır. Bu stratejik kararların en önemlisi "Bayrak Seçim" kararıdır. İşletme tarafından verilen bu karar, iç ve dış faktörlerin ışığı altında şekillenmektedir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle Türk deniz ticaret filosunun işleyişinde önemli rol oynayan gemi sahiplerinin bayrak seçim kararını etkileyen faktörler belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra, bu karar üzerinde önemli etkileri olan faktörlerin ilişki ve birliktelik düzeyleri veri madenciliği uygulaması ile tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen çıktılar Yapay Sinir Ağları (YSA) uygulaması ile bayrak seçimi kararı için bir model üretilmesinde kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın sonuçlarının, denizyolu taşımacılığında söz sahibi olan gemi sahipleri ve gemi yönetim firmalarının bayrak seçme kararı açısından bir kılavuz oluşturması ayrıca konuya ilişkin diğer kurum ve kuruluşlar açısından da koordinasyona katkı sağlaması hedeflenmektedir.

Multi-touch interaction, in particular multi-touch gesture interaction, is widely believed to give a more natural interaction style. We investigated the utility of multi-touch interaction in the safety critical domain of maritime dynamic... more

Multi-touch interaction, in particular multi-touch gesture interaction, is widely believed to give a more natural interaction style. We investigated the utility of multi-touch interaction in the safety critical domain of maritime dynamic positioning (DP) vessels. We conducted initial paper prototyping with domain experts to gain an insight into natural gestures; we then conducted observational studies aboard a DP vessel during operational duties and two rounds of formal evaluation of prototypes - the second on a motion platform ship simulator. Despite following a careful user-centred design process, the final results show that traditional touch-screen button and menu interaction was quicker and less erroneous than gestures. Furthermore, the moving environment accentuated this difference and we observed initial use problems and handedness asymmetries on some multi-touch gestures. On the positive side, our results showed that users were able to suspend gestural interaction more naturally, thus improving situational awareness.

This article discusses the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) theme for 2013, namely, “Sustainable Development: IMO’s Contribution beyond Rio+20.” The theme will serve for the World Maritime Day, coinciding on 26 September 2013.... more

This article discusses the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) theme for 2013, namely, “Sustainable Development: IMO’s Contribution beyond Rio+20.” The theme will serve for the World Maritime Day, coinciding on 26 September 2013. The article highlights some of IMO's more salient achievements in its 55 years of existence in the quest for sustainability. Challenges and limitations in IMO's governance paradigms are also emphasised, pointing to measured expectations.

This essay makes a case for the categories of littoral literature and coastal form through which it aims to take up the expansive possibilities of the maritime turn while keeping both the materiality of the ocean and the locality of the... more

This essay makes a case for the categories of littoral literature and coastal form through which it aims to take up the expansive possibilities of the maritime turn while keeping both the materiality of the ocean and the locality of the shore in sight. It elaborates the notion of coastal form through a focus on the African Indian Ocean littoral and with reference to the oeuvres of Mia Couto and Abdulrazak Gurnah. Both are shown to muddle the inside-outside binary that delineates nations and continents, and which has been particularly stark in framing Africa in both imperial and nativist thought. At the same time, coastal form is found to decenter, extend and thicken constructions of world literature, while opening to a planetary perspective sensible to the prodigious and implacable forces of the Anthropocene.

For many reasons, going from the environmental to the maritime safety, it is required a marine traffic control able to track in real time vessels approaching or moving away from the coasts. The innovation of this Automatic Identification... more

For many reasons, going from the environmental to the maritime safety, it is required a marine traffic control able to track in real time vessels approaching or moving away from the coasts. The innovation of this Automatic Identification System of vessels - with regard to some others already existing – is that this one is not a satellite system and it is not limited to a certain coverage distance, as happens with the AIS. But it is not a system that excludes the latter either, since in some exceptional circumstances it is based on it. This paper deals with the System technical approach for future implementation in certain sea routes with given traffic density

This paper aims to determine power plant vessels market potential, and to discuss how to improve market potential of power plant vessels with carrying out SWOT analysis. Power plant vessel means a barge or a self-propelled ship that... more

This paper aims to determine power plant vessels market potential, and to discuss how to improve market potential of power plant vessels with carrying out SWOT analysis. Power plant vessel means a barge or a self-propelled ship that generates electricity to supply a city, a project or even a country.
The study consists of five parts including the introduction and conclusion parts. Introduction is about a brief history on vessels that used as a power plant. Second part continues with determining market potential with comparing electricity production and consumption of 172 countries that has shore on sea, lake or ocean all over the world. Moreover, electricity imports and exports figures of these countries to be discussed.
On the third part, this study aims to carry out SWOT analysis on power plant vessels. Determining strength, weakness, opportunities and threats is important to develop any product better for market. SWOT analysis on power plant vessels carried out by considering existing vessels in all over the world.
Fourth part mostly like a bridge between market potential and SWOT analysis of power plant vessels. This part aims to use power plant vessel SWOT analysis to increase market potential and discuss limitations. This part has an essential role on developing a better power plant vessel for electricity market. Weakness and threat of the power plant vessel requires a diversification on vessel and energy type.
As a conclusion, this study underlines power plant vessels’ strategic importance on electricity production, capabilities and limitations with market potential perspective. Although power plant vessels are being used as short – midterm electricity shortages, with combination of well engineering, vessels become better option instead of setting a power plant on shore.

Il paper esamina - con aggiornamento al 2007 - i fenomeni di cooperazione portuale o di coopetition in atto. Successivamente l'autore è stato coinvolto - anche dal punto di vista operativo - nella costituzione del NAPA (North Adriatic... more

Il paper esamina - con aggiornamento al 2007 - i fenomeni di cooperazione portuale o di coopetition in atto. Successivamente l'autore è stato coinvolto - anche dal punto di vista operativo - nella costituzione del NAPA (North Adriatic Ports Association)

This paper attempts to look at the history of ASEAN transformation and regional cooperation in the transport sector in particular. It also attempts to look into the future of ASEAN transport cooperation as it attempts to transform itself... more

This paper attempts to look at the history of ASEAN transformation and regional cooperation in the transport sector in particular. It also attempts to look into the future of ASEAN transport cooperation as it attempts to transform itself into a progressive evolution of the transportation systems in the region. This paper aims to address the following research questions: 1. How did it start as a perspective on formulating transport action plan in the context of ASEAN regionalism? 2. How does it benefit the countries of ASEAN in terms of regional cooperation, multilateral agreements, and other protocols? The methodology employed in this paper borrows from Carol Weiss‘s Theory-based Evaluation (TBE). On that account, there is a need to review the current status and outcome with regards to past practices, current implementation, and future roadmap of ASEAN transport cooperation to move forward and to carry out its mission and service to its people today and tomorrow.

The place of Sub-Saharan as a global trade route cannot be overemphasized. Coastal states thrive within this region with attendant positive effects on their economies. Meanwhile, the region is been beset with a myriad of criminal... more

The place of Sub-Saharan as a global trade route cannot be overemphasized. Coastal states thrive within this region with attendant positive effects on their economies. Meanwhile, the region is been beset with a myriad of criminal activities which has recently made it unattractive to investors. Some of the popular and most reported of the criminal activities include armed robbery and piracy. There is no gainsaying the fact that the proliferation of these activities have in recent times, and according to statistics, negatively affected the economies of the various states within this sensitive region. It is believed that a review of the activities will pave way for interventions by relevant stakeholders.

Container shipping plays an important role for many supply chain systems through its ability to add spatial value to the cargo. Embedded within the container shipping system are competitive elements as well as complementary aspects in... more

Container shipping plays an important role for many supply chain systems through its ability to add spatial value to the cargo. Embedded within the container shipping system are competitive elements as well as complementary aspects in inter-container port relationships. The ...

Maritime transport is the world's most important means of logistics distribution. Most of this distribution passes through the Straits of Malacca making it the busiest in the world and about 80 percent of its waters are in the territory... more

Maritime transport is the world's most important means of logistics distribution. Most of this distribution passes through the Straits of Malacca making it the busiest in the world and about 80 percent of its waters are in the territory of Indonesia. However, there are several problems in this region, including security and safety issues, which disrupt the smooth business operations. Furthermore, the efforts to maintain security and safety in the area burden the Government with enormous costs. This study, therefore aims to formulate a strategy in dealing with the maritime transportation system to achieve a balance between economic efficiency for business actors, as well as the effectiveness of government agencies in order to maintain shipping security in the Strait of Malacca. This is a problem-solving based research, which adopted the SSM (Soft System Methodology) method. Based on the result, a recommendation was prepared in the form of an Integrated Piloting Strategy. Consequently, the ships crossing the Strait of Malacca are advised to use Integrated Piloting, that is, Deep Sea Pilot unified with the Government security forces who are also on board as they cross the region. This guarantees security and safety, ensure the achievement of business benefits, and the realization of economic efficiency for all parties involved.

This article attempts to answer a much doubted question through a Graduate perspective. Here, considerations made by other technological premonitory personnel, who have predicted that marine transportation as a whole will be completely... more

This article attempts to answer a much doubted question through a Graduate perspective. Here, considerations made by other technological premonitory personnel, who have predicted that marine transportation as a whole will be completely automated is reviewed, and also their reasoning is taken forward for a prediction.

As the world's largest producer of wild catch, China's fishing activities have a significant impact on the sustainability of not only domestic but also global fish stocks. China also provides substantial subsidies to its fishing... more

As the world's largest producer of wild catch, China's fishing activities have a significant impact on the sustainability of not only domestic but also global fish stocks. China also provides substantial subsidies to its fishing operations. In 2013, the Chinese central government spent RMB 40.383 billion (or $6.5 billion) on fisheries subsidies. Most of this amount—94 percent—was in the form of fuel subsidies. This study asked whether China's subsidies policies align with the country's stated goals in fisheries management by examining China's fisheries policy coherence, and found that about 95 percent of Chinese fisheries subsidies were harmful to sustainability.