Collegia Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (eds.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of... more

The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (eds.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of Raymond Bogaert, Studia Hellenistica 44. Leuven, Peeters, 2008: 231-256. For reviews of the book, see, e.g., Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.05.02.

La ricerca scientifica italiana del XX secolo ha dato un apporto significativo alle tematiche oggetto del workshop. Ciò si spiega non solo per la tradizionale forza degli studi antichistici in Italia e per la concentrazione in questo... more

La ricerca scientifica italiana del XX secolo ha dato un apporto significativo alle tematiche oggetto del workshop. Ciò si spiega non solo per la tradizionale forza degli studi antichistici in Italia e per la concentrazione in questo paese di una parte considerevole della documentazione antica relativa al problema (si pensi in particolare alle fonti archeologiche ed epigrafiche). Una ragione più interessante va cercata nella centralità che il concetto di lavoro ha avuto nel determinare gli assetti sociali, politici e costituzionali dell'Italia nel secolo passato, in diverse fasi. In primo luogo possiamo ricordare la crescita delle organizzazioni dei lavoratori e il sindacalismo nei primi due decenni 1 ; in seguito lo sviluppo del regime corporativo durante la dittatura fascista, con la creazione di organizzazioni, le corporazioni appunto, che riunivano sia i datori di lavoro sia i lavoratori di uno stesso settore, intese al superamento della lotta di classe, che aveva determinato, a parere dei fautori del corporativismo, la crisi sia del modello liberale sia del modello socialista, e finalizzate dunque al conseguimento dei superiori interessi della nazione 2 ; infine, nel secondo dopoguerra, il ruolo essenziale del lavoro come fondamento della nuova Italia repubblicana (come testimoniato dal primo articolo della Costituzione italiana) 3 . Questo clima politico e culturale inevitabilmente ha orientato anche gli interessi degli studiosi di antichistica, determinando una particolare attenzione nei confronti del mondo del lavoro in età romana.

La legislazione romana sul diritto di associazione e sulla costituzione di collegi rappresenta un tema maggiore nella storia del diritto romano e della prassi amministrativa dell’impero. Il problema, la cui impostazione risale al Mommsen,... more

La legislazione romana sul diritto di associazione e sulla costituzione di collegi rappresenta un tema maggiore nella storia del diritto romano e della prassi amministrativa dell’impero. Il problema, la cui impostazione risale al Mommsen, si basa su fonti giuridiche e un ridotto numero di testimonianze epigrafiche. Si ritiene che il fondamento legislativo in materia fosse, in età imperiale, una lex Iulia, che vietava di costituire collegia senza specifica autorizzazione del senato: il rigore della lex Iulia sarebbe stato successivamente mitigato con una sorta di deroga in favore dei tenuiores, cui si concedeva di riunirsi in collegi sostan- zialmente a scopo funerario, provvedimento che dai più veniva datato, sulle orme del De Robertis, in età claudia. L’articolo esamina tre diversi frammenti epigrafici di Ostia, due dei quali pertinenti ad una medesima iscrizione (uno già pubblicato, gli altri inediti), che conservano parzialmente copia di uno stesso testo, contenente una delibera del senato a seguito di una relatio dei consoli in carica nel Maggio-Giugno 121, i quali riferiscono al consesso una proposta imperiale concernente appunto, così sembrerebbe, la costituzione di col- legia a scopo eminentemente funerario. Si tratterebbe dunque di quella disposizione generale, corrispondente alla deroga a favore dei "tenuiores" di cui parla la letteratura giuridica, di cui conosceremmo ora il promotore (l’imperatore Adriano) e la data. Questa ricostruzione consente ormai di contestualizzare e meglio comprendere la lex collegi Diane et Antinoi di Lanuvio, anch’essa di età adrianea, finora l’unico documento epigrafico che sembrava riferibile a quelle disposizioni. Si pubblica infine un ulteriore frammento, pure inedito, con parte del testo della lex costitutiva di un ignoto collegio, contenente disposizioni circa i funerali dei propri membri.

This article scrutinizes the synagogue category and explores what value might be gained if it were to become inclusive of polytheistic occupational guilds comprising of Judeans and members from other ethnicities. It is argued that the... more

This article scrutinizes the synagogue category and explores what value might be gained if it were to become inclusive of polytheistic occupational guilds comprising of Judeans and members from other ethnicities. It is argued that the traditional, narrow, understanding of ancient synagogues as ethnic-based groups functions to preserve the notion of a fixed and bounded practice of Judaism in antiquity, housed in synagogues. If this synagogue concept is allowed to persist, the insights gained from critical theory for understanding the fluidity and heterogeneity of Judean identity, ethnicity, and cult practice will be counteracted. The thirty other synagogues analyzed in this study are craft guilds that are often neglected in scholarship or classified as craft guilds rather than synagogues. The act of excluding these guilds from the modern synagogue category falls outside of ancient linguistic practices and is at odds with the increasing insistence that synagogues from antiquity should be classified under the association genus.

At the end of the first Millennium A.D., trade in Constantinople was administrated and disciplined, specifically regarding: strategic sectors of the economy; essential services in daily life; and finally goods with a symbolic value, among... more

At the end of the first Millennium A.D., trade in Constantinople was administrated and disciplined, specifically regarding: strategic sectors of the economy; essential services in daily life; and finally goods with a symbolic value, among which purple-coloured silk.
The production chain of the latter, even if belonging to a particular segment of the market, as a luxury item, was widely and stringently regulated in a normative text: the so-called Book of the Eparch, which outlined the tasks of the highest imperial official, responsible for the supervision of the Guilds; at the same time revealing some of the political and economic dynamics of the Byzantine Empire with their consequences on Private Law.

La cappella dei convittori del seicentesco Collegio dei Nobili o di San Carlo a Modena è episodio centrale nella cultura figurativa cittadina di metà Ottocento. Ultimata nel 1852, fu realizzata su progetto di Cesare Costa, che vi dispiega... more

La cappella dei convittori del seicentesco Collegio dei Nobili o di San Carlo a Modena è episodio centrale nella cultura figurativa cittadina di metà Ottocento. Ultimata nel 1852, fu realizzata su progetto di Cesare Costa, che vi dispiega un dettato architettonico di classica raffinatezza, con il commento decorativo degli stucchi di Gaetano Venturi, titolare di un'alacre bottega che recuperava l'antica tecnica della scagliola. Nella volta, entro gli stucchi di Venturi, impreziositi da dorature, Ferdinando Manzini dipinge quattro medaglioni con le Virtù Cardinali, mentre sulle pareti il celebre caposcuola Adeodato Malatesta compone una sorta di fregio con otto dipinti, raffiguranti Angioletti con simboli mariani e cristologici, ciclo completato ormai nel 1878. Dipinto in un arco almeno ventennale, il ciclo senz’altro accrebbe il prestigio culturale del collegio: anche le opere dell'autorevole Malatesta contribuivano, nel clima di generale laicizzazione di quei difficili anni settanta, a fare del San Carlo un punto di riferimento per la società modenese colta e liberal-moderata di cui lo stesso maestro era esponente. Sull'altare fu posta la Presentazione della Vergine al tempio, settecentesca tela ovale di Antonio Consetti, espressiva di un classicismo dal tono “recitato” e aulico, plasmato sugli esempi bolognesi di Gian Gioseffo Dal Sole e, ancor più, di Donato Creti, maestri dell'autore.

Das primäre Ziel meines Aufsatzes ist die ungarische Veröffentlichung der Vereinssatzung des von Gottheiten Aesculapius und Hygia benannten Privatvereins aus Rom. Die lateinische inschriftliche Quelle aus der Zeit des Antoninus Pius ist... more

Das primäre Ziel meines Aufsatzes ist die ungarische Veröffentlichung der Vereinssatzung des von Gottheiten Aesculapius und Hygia benannten Privatvereins aus Rom. Die lateinische inschriftliche Quelle aus der Zeit des Antoninus Pius ist eine der wenigen vollständig verbliebenen leges collegiorum.

Alice Sz. Burger’s study on the collegial stonemasonry workshops from Aquincum (Collegiumi kőfaragóműhelyek Aquincumban) appeared on the pages of Budapest Régiségei exactly 60 years ago. The monuments that appeared, together with the new... more

Alice Sz. Burger’s study on the collegial stonemasonry workshops from Aquincum (Collegiumi kőfaragóműhelyek Aquincumban) appeared on the pages of Budapest Régiségei exactly 60 years ago. The monuments that appeared, together with the new information accumulated since then make a revision of some of her remarks necessary. In the present study we will look from a new perspective on a group of funerary stelae from Aquincum and its vicinity, which clearly belong together, but cannot be integrated into Burger’s typology without contradictions.

This paper will focus on the offerings made within some collegia of Ostia. Considering both the content and the layout of inscriptions recording offerings, I will examine whether they reveal any features distinguishing a guild identity... more

This paper will focus on the offerings made within some collegia of Ostia. Considering both the content and the layout of inscriptions recording offerings, I will examine whether they reveal any features distinguishing a guild identity and how such features were expressed. In short, my research aims first to elucidate the connections between the given object, the text recording the offering, the group within which the gift was made and the honoured gods or emperors. Ultimately, I will try to assess to what extent these offerings recorded by a text reflect a ‘group style’. Did they contribute to establish, display and strengthen a group identity?

This paper offers a new edition and a study of the inscription CIL XIV, 4548 from Ostia. An unpublished fragment enables a reappraisal of the text, which contains wording very similar to those of the kaput ex senatus consulto known by the... more

This paper offers a new edition and a study of the inscription CIL XIV, 4548 from Ostia. An unpublished fragment enables a reappraisal of the text, which contains wording very similar to those of the kaput ex senatus consulto known by the lex collegii Dianae et Antinoi at Lanuvium (CIL XIV, 2112). The first part records a decision taken by the Senate of Rome under the impulsion of Hadrian in may-june 121 and granting the right for an unspecified association to gather, with particular concern to funerary purposes. As this measure seems to be qualified as an innovation due to the emperor himself, its si- gnificance as well as its relationship with the s.-c. of Lanuvium are discussed within the general framework of Roman law of collegia in the imperial period and its modern reconstructions.

L'articolo è dedicato allo studio del raro gentilizio Purpurarius, noto dalla metà degli anni '80 del secolo scorso e attestato finora solo a Mutina. Il presente contributo rappresenta anche l'occasione per confermare, a partire dalle... more

L'articolo è dedicato allo studio del raro gentilizio Purpurarius, noto dalla metà degli anni '80 del secolo scorso e attestato finora solo a Mutina. Il presente contributo rappresenta anche l'occasione per confermare, a partire dalle indicazioni di Albino Garzetti, l'origine modenese della stele di Ti. Purpurarius Saturninus, che fu segnalata per la prima volta a Ossimo Inferiore ed è oggi conservata nel Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cividate Camuno.

Social historians are becoming increasingly aware that voluntary associations provide the ‘missing link’ between the civic elites and the ‘lower classes’. This raises an important question: how did the Roman collegia contribute to the... more

Social historians are becoming increasingly aware that voluntary associations provide the ‘missing link’ between the civic elites and the ‘lower classes’. This raises an important question: how did the Roman collegia contribute to the Romanisation of the (Western) provinces ? Romanisation is the outcome of a confrontation between cultures. There are major differences between provinces in how Romanisation took place.
I argue that status-achievement through collegia was markedly more significant in the Gallic and German provinces than in the Spanish provinces. The associations in the Gallic and German provinces were a major factor in the integration of local elites and
business men into the ‘New Roman Order’. They do not seem to have had this prime importance in the Spanish provinces.

Besondres informative Quellen der Erforschung der römischen privaten Kollegien sind die leges collegiorum, denn sie erlauben – im Gegenteil zu anderen Zeugnisse – eine relativ tiefgründige Einsicht ins Vereinsleben. Unter diesen... more

Besondres informative Quellen der Erforschung der römischen privaten Kollegien sind die leges collegiorum, denn sie erlauben – im Gegenteil zu anderen Zeugnisse – eine relativ tiefgründige Einsicht ins Vereinsleben. Unter diesen Vereinsstatuten hat eine herausragende Bedeutung – trotz der fragmentarischen Befindlichkeit – der lex collegii negotiantium citriariorum et eborariorum von Rom, der einzige verbleibende lex collegii aus der Kaiserzeit, der einem Berufsverein bezogen ist. Das primäre Ziel meines Aufsatzes ist die Mitteilung der ungarischen Übersetzung der Inschrift vom Kollegium der Citrusholz- und Elfenbeinhändler.

In this study, the instruction of craftsmen during the Roman imperial period through the presentation of concrete sources is examined. The aim was to provide an overview of professional training as far as the means and circumstances of... more

In this study, the instruction of craftsmen during the Roman imperial period through the presentation of concrete sources is examined. The aim was to provide an overview of professional training as far as the means and circumstances of transferring professional knowledge are concerned. Professional training refers to the system of instruction with regard to manual labour of which the attainment of handcrafts is an integral part, however, training in terms of intellectual work falls outside the scope of this study. Firstly, the determination and characterization of sources that may be included in the framework of this study (including literary, legal, epigraphical and papyrological evidence) was sought. Afterwards, the setting of professional training, its system, the actors of instruction in addition to the ambiguity of relevant terminology is discussed in detail. The question of institutionalization will be examined. An attempt is also made to solve the dilemma concerning whether the private professional associations of the imperial era were involved in the transfer of professional knowledge. With the aid of primary sources, the content, methodology of professional training as well as the results and advantages attainable through it are outlined. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of Pannonian sources, in fact all sources related to the topic are introduced and analysed in detail.

Inscribed on three sides of a statue base, AE 1998, 282 preserves a series of correspondence in 227–228 CE pertaining to the establishment of a perpetual endowment of HS 20,000, of which the primary beneficiary would be the collegium... more

Inscribed on three sides of a statue base, AE 1998, 282 preserves a series of correspondence in 227–228 CE pertaining to the establishment of a perpetual endowment of HS 20,000, of which the primary beneficiary would be the collegium dendrophorum of Lavinium. The donor was a Gaius Servilius Diodorus, an otherwise unknown eques of African origin (I.9: domo Girba ex Africa and a member of the priestly college of the Laurentes. What is remarkable about this dossier is that it provides a rare glimpse into the (re)actions of the various interested parties (the donor, the city, a senator, the designated recipients, and the donor’s peers) in the establishment of the gift, which makes it particularly valuable for a better understanding of the politics of munificence in the Roman cities. This paper attempts to suggest some ways of interpreting this dossier, based on a close examination of the language of the correspondence - translation of the entire dossier is provided - and the chronological sequence of events. Diodorus’ dossier seems to betray an outsider trying, with some frustrations, to enter the local network. It provides further testimony to euergetism as a site that showcased tensions, negotiations, compromises, and surprising twists and turns of events. This dossier, then, brings to light the many shades of public benefaction in the Roman cities. It serves as a reminder that most of the honorific inscriptions only recorded the end results of what may have been long processes, and tended to give a misleadingly rosy picture of private and public munificence. Pdf available upon request.

J.Linderski, Suetons Bericht über die Vereinsgesetzgebung unter Caesar und Augustus, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stifting für Rechtsgeschichte 79, 1962, 322-328 = RQ 1995, 217-223 + addenda 649-650.

Festivals of ancient Roman associations were characterized by two fundamental features: on the one hand, members could experience a strong feeling of community and develop a ‘corporate identity’ by celebrating together on different... more

Festivals of ancient Roman associations were characterized by two fundamental features: on the one hand, members could experience a strong feeling of community and develop a ‘corporate identity’ by celebrating together on different occasions. On the other hand, festivals provided an opportunity for individuals to present themselves in public and to claim and reaffirm prestige. This paper discusses the festivals celebrated by the association of the tradesmen of ivory and citrus wood of Rome, as described in their lex collegia eborariorum et citriariorum (CIL 6, 33885), and shows how members could establish a sense of community, and claim or ascribe prestige in their festivals. By comparing these festivals with those of other Roman associations, the scope of these two basic elements, i.e. community formation and distinction, is explored. On another level, the members had to develop procedures for the negotiation of prestige. By reaching a consensus how this could be done, they could again experience themselves as a coherent group. Therefore, the negotiation of prestige could also contribute to processes of social formation in the Roman world, and can be seen as a form of ‘Prestigekohärenz’.

The collegia centonariorum have often been seen as the municipal fire-brigades or status groups of sorts in the Roman cities. Through a close investigation of the chronological development and geographical distribution of the collegia... more

The collegia centonariorum have often been seen as the municipal fire-brigades or status groups of sorts in the Roman cities. Through a close investigation of the chronological development and geographical distribution of the collegia centonariorum, their legal privileges, and the prosopographical data of members and patrons, this volume reveals a much more complex picture of their origins, characters and compositions in various regions from the first century BC to the fourth century AD. Intricately connected with the textile economy, the collegia centonariorum illustrate how elements as diverse as material demand from the military and the city of Rome, legal infrastructure, urban development, and organizations of urban-based craftsmen and tradesmen may have interfaced with each other in the Roman world. For reviews, see, e.g., Classical Review 62.2 (2012): 602-604,