Romanisation Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Der vorliegende Band ist das Resultat einer Tagung in Iaşi, die unter dem gleichen Titel zwischen dem 24. und 27. September 2014 stattfand. Die Konferenz wurde gemeinsam von der Universität Konstanz, der Alexandru-Ioan-Cuza-Universität... more
Der vorliegende Band ist das Resultat einer Tagung in Iaşi, die unter dem gleichen Titel zwischen dem 24. und 27. September 2014 stattfand. Die Konferenz wurde gemeinsam von der Universität Konstanz, der Alexandru-Ioan-Cuza-Universität Iaşi und dem Archäologischen Institut der Rumänischen Akademie in Iaşi organisiert. Zentrale in diesem Band behandelte Fragen betreffen dabei die Integrationsleistung des römischen Reiches, die Fragen des Bürgerrechts und seiner Verleihungsmodalitäten, Fragen nach Identitäten und ihrer Manifestationen innerhalb und außerhalb des Imperiums. Besonders geht es aber auch um die Rolle der so genannten „Barbaren“, die mit dem griechischen Begriff nur unzureichend – auch im römischen Kontext – erfasst werden. Der Austausch mit ihnen und ihren Traditionen, die bei allem Romanisierungsdruck manifest blieben, hat auch Rom und sein Reich beeinflusst. Entsprechend stellt sich der Zugang, den die hier zusammengestellten Beiträge mit einem Fokus auf die römischen Donauprovinzen und deren benachbarte Gebiete suchen, kontextuell folgendermaßen dar
In the past decade, Latinised Arabic (LA), a popular form of writing spoken Arabic online, has made the transition from online applications such as internet chat and text messaging to offline mediums. No longer exclusive to computer... more
In the past decade, Latinised Arabic (LA), a popular form of writing spoken Arabic online, has made the transition from online applications such as internet chat and text messaging to offline mediums. No longer exclusive to computer mediated communication, the diffusion of LA into everyday life has been reported across the Arab world. Today, LA is a popular form of graffiti and can be found in handwritten notes and advertisements. However, the most interesting development in the career of LA has perhaps been in Egypt, where this form has appeared in a number of edited, printed magazines. Some of these have emerged in the wake of the recent boom in the Egyptian publishing industry; while others had already been on the market for longer. In an attempt to investigate the implications of this trend and the motivation behind it, four magazines were singled out and interviewed on the basis of the quantity and consistency of LA use. All of the magazines used LA alongside English, and identified themselves either as English or mainly English magazines. The applications of LA varied from one magazine to another, as did the importance of LA to the magazine’s market identity. Overall, the findings from the interviews reveal the increasing commercial and symbolic value of LA, and indicate its growing popularity and acceptability.
لقد م ثل البحر في الحوض المتوسط اهم عامل في التبادل التجاري والاختلاط الثقافي والديني، كما م ثل كذلك أهم الطرق في الغزوات واستعمار الشعوب. هذا البحر، الذي تم كن من ركوبه البحارة القدماء، سمح للعديد من الحضارات بالوصول الى الأراضي، عن... more
لقد م ثل البحر في الحوض المتوسط اهم عامل في التبادل التجاري والاختلاط الثقافي والديني،
كما م ثل كذلك أهم الطرق في الغزوات واستعمار الشعوب. هذا البحر، الذي تم كن من ركوبه
البحارة القدماء، سمح للعديد من الحضارات بالوصول الى الأراضي، عن طريق المرافئ
والموانئ. هاته المنشآت مثلت الأبواب التي سمحت بدخول الشعوب الى العديد من الاراضي و
خروج البعض منها، باحثين عن مواطن و اراضي جديدة.
سنقوم، من خلال هاته الدراسة، بالتطرق الى احدى المحطات التي كان لها دور بارز في مختلف
فترات الزمن الا وهي محطة تيبازة، قبل ان تصبح ميناء روماني، فقد كانت مرفئ بونيقي عرف
ازدهارا مرموقا منذ بداية التبادلات مع الفينيقيين حتى مرحلة توسع المدينة في الفترة الرومانية.
سنقوم كذلك بتبيان إمكانية وجود المرفأ في الفترات النوميدية. سنوضح كذلك كيف قام الرومان
بتهيئة وتحسين مُنشآت ميناء تيبازة وذلك لتطوير استعماله ولخدمة سياسة الرومنة المنتزهة آنذاك
في شمال افريقيا.
Estudio epigráfico de las inscripciones honoríficas y religiosas promovidas en la Tarraconense por los magistrados senatoriales, especialmente por el gobernador. Se puede comprobar cómo la administración romana trató de modo desigual a... more
Estudio epigráfico de las inscripciones honoríficas y religiosas promovidas en la Tarraconense por los magistrados senatoriales, especialmente por el gobernador. Se puede comprobar cómo la administración romana trató de modo desigual a los habitantes de la costa mediterránea que a los del norte y noroeste peninsular.
This article provides a summary of the research carried out in recent years at the archaeological site of Santa Comba (Covas, Ferrol, NW Iberian Peninsula). Located on three small islands that originally made up a peninsula, the main... more
This article provides a summary of the research carried out in recent years at the archaeological site of Santa Comba (Covas, Ferrol, NW Iberian Peninsula). Located on three small islands that originally made up a peninsula, the main occupation phase belongs to a hillfort that can be dated to between the 3rd century BC and the beginning of the Roman period. There is a nearby open-pit gold mine, probably Roman, and it is likely that the occupants of the hillfort, together with those of other nearby sites, worked in there. After the abandonment of the hillfort, the site shows a hiatus in its occupation until the founding of a Christian church with a cemetery; the oldest written source that can be linked to the church dates it to the year 868.
Two brief excavation campaigns were carried out at the site in 2001 and 2006. Our archaeological investigation, begun in 2010, has included geophysical surveys, a geomorphological study of the site and its immediate surroundings, new topography of the main island using GPS, and the representation of the site and the gold mine using LiDAR data.
The combination of these techniques has provided us with a better understanding of the characteristics of the site and has been the basis for building a new summation of it. The hillfort is located to the north of the port of Brigantium and the Artabre Gulf, at the beginning of a steep stretch of coastline with few places for ships to shelter. Although this area is an unavoidable crossing point en route to the northernmost areas of the Atlantic, there are still major gaps in our knowledge of its settlement patterns during protohistoric and Roman times. This paper contributes to remedying this situation.
Encyclopedia of the Illyrians, their history, culture, art, way of life, religion.
- by Salmedin Mesihović and +2
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- Religion, History, Ancient History, Archaeology
- by Bertrand Bonaventure and +4
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- Romanisation, Oppida, Oppidum
This is corpus of epigraphic monument in Bosnia from roman time. It included list of almost 800 persons who lived in that time in Bosnia. "Knjiga ANTIQVI HOMINES BOSNAE je posvećena analizi antičke epigrafske i onomastičke baštine na... more
This is corpus of epigraphic monument in Bosnia from roman time. It included list of almost 800 persons who lived in that time in Bosnia.
"Knjiga ANTIQVI HOMINES BOSNAE je posvećena analizi antičke epigrafske i onomastičke baštine na prostoru današnje Bosne. Zahvaljujući podacima sa epigrafskih spomenika i iz literarnih vrela knjiga pruža na uvid javnosti više od 800 osoba koje su živjele na prostorima današnje Bosne u skoro šest stoljeća antičkog, historijskog razvitka. I pored oskudnosti podataka iz izvorne građe, u određenom broju slučajeva detektiranje osobnosti je rezultiralo i sadržajnijim osvrtom. Zahvaljujući tome, uspjelo se proniknuti i u određene aspekte individualnih života. Interesantno je da je najveći broj tih podataka koji govore o životima pojedinaca ustvari rezultat njihove smrti. Bez pogrebnih natpisa naše poznavanje života običnih ljudi u vremenima antike na području Bosne bi bilo u značajnom mjeri osiromašeno. Tako bi ostali uskraćeni za sigurno većinu osobnih i gentilnih imena, a teško bi se razumio i proces romanizacije, odnosno brzina i stupnjevi njenog odvijanja. Na osnovi podataka crpljenih iz literarnih, i posebice epigrafskih vrela mogu se vrlo jasno dati osnovne konture antičkog razvitka u unutrašnjosti Ilirika. Dok literarni podaci više odražavaju patrijahalnost i patrilinearnost tadašnjeg ilirskog i rimskog društva, epigrafski podaci pružaju i kakvu – takvu sliku rodnih odnosa.
Sadržaj knjige je podijeljen na osnovi zemljopisnih odrednica, ali uz i poštivanje historijske geografije. Zemljopisne regije su oblikovane kako bi mogle održavati i određenu sliku rasprostriranja peregrinskih civitates i jedinica municipalne organizacije. Činjenica je da je svaka od tih jedinica lokalne autonomije i uprave u okvirima provincijskog sustava Rimske države imala svoje određene specifičnosti, koje su se održavale i u životima ljudi koji su živjeli u njima. I upravo se te specifičnosti primjećuju i na literarnim i epigrafskim zapisima koji se obrađuju u knjizi.
RESUMEN: Se conocen muchos asentamientos de época ibérica y romana en el Monte Horquera, e incluso esta región ha sido la precursora de la investigación arqueológica en algunos temas como el de los “recintos fortificados”. Sin embargo,... more
RESUMEN: Se conocen muchos asentamientos de época ibérica y romana en el Monte Horquera, e incluso esta región ha sido la precursora de la investigación arqueológica en algunos temas como el de los “recintos fortificados”. Sin embargo, los trabajos que se han realizado al respecto son demasiado antiguos, y en ningún caso han buscado ofrecer una perspectiva global de la Historia Antigua de la zona, sino que han consistido en estudios sobre yacimientos o elementos arqueológicos concretos. Nosotros pretendemos aquí sintetizar todo el conocimiento disponible sobre esta región de la campiña de Córdoba en época antigua.
As part of the VIDI 'Cultural innovation in a globalising society: Egypt in the Roman world', this PhD thesis explores manifestations of Egypt in the material culture of Augustan Rome. This period was a crucial turning point for the urban... more
As part of the VIDI 'Cultural innovation in a globalising society: Egypt in the Roman world', this PhD thesis explores manifestations of Egypt in the material culture of Augustan Rome. This period was a crucial turning point for the urban landscape of Rome, which was characterised by cultural diversity. Previous studies focus primarily on Greek influences on the development of Augustan material culture, while Egypt remains neglected or simply categorised as exoticism or Egyptomania. This research, in contrast, set out to investigate whether or not ‘Egypt’ constituted an integral part of Augustan material culture during this period. By comprising for the first time a comprehensive and interpretative overview of manifestations of Egypt in Augustan Rome –including public monuments, paintings, and architectural elements as well as pottery, gems, and jewellery from private contexts– a wide variety of case studies could be conducted, among which object reappraisals as well as new finds and contextual analyses were featured. By focusing on the archaeological data, this study demonstrates that Egypt was not an exotic Outsider in Rome, but constituted a remarkably diverse part of Roman material culture and the Augustan urban landscape, and was integrally part of the inherently flexible Augustan material culture repertoire.
Through the sunken-featured buildings documented often in the Late Iron Age and Early Roman villages, the paper examines the possible survival of this feature and the settlements. The transformation of the La Tène D-villages to Roman Vici... more
Through the sunken-featured buildings documented often in the Late Iron Age and Early Roman villages, the paper examines the possible survival of this feature and the settlements. The transformation of the La Tène D-villages to Roman Vici was multifactor, which offers examples of investigating the Romanisation process.
NOTE: corrected Fig. 3. at the end of the text!!!!
ISBN: 9781841718057 The present study concentrates on the question whether the time around the birth of Christ was a period of change for ancient Germania. In order to approach this question the extensive find material (including fibulae... more
ISBN: 9781841718057
The present study concentrates on the question whether the time around the birth of Christ was a period of change for ancient Germania. In order to approach this question the extensive find material (including fibulae forms) was structured chronologically by means of selected cemeteries and individual graves. It becomes clear that, at least in continental Europe, the change of the material culture occurred in comparable periods and thus the formation of horizons of more than just regional validity is possible. The material remains of the period around the birth of Christ were divided into five horizons, starting with the horizon of bent fibulae before the mid 1st cent. B.C. and ending after the mid 1st cent. A.D. In German with an English summary.
- by Gabriele Rasbach and +2
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- Romanisation, Roman Germany, Barbaricum, Roman Brooches
Settlement evidence has long been an under-studied category of finds in examining the cultural changes which occurred in northern central Europe in the final centuries BC. These changes have been widely associated with the process of... more
Settlement evidence has long been an under-studied category of finds in
examining the cultural changes which occurred in northern central Europe
in the final centuries BC. These changes have been widely associated with
the process of latènisation which affected most of the communities in the
North European Plain in the Iron Age. This book addresses the central
question of the mechanism and agency behind these changes, by examining
material culture patterns. The study uses data from 89 systematically
selected settlement sites located in the Oder River area, including places
of production. The data is contextualised against the evidence from other
central and northern European sites of similar chronology and against other
categories of finds from the study area. The book also contains systematic
catalogues of the examined sites, of their buildings, and of settlement
features of other kinds.
""The finding of a memorial stone, made of local limestone, has given occasion to re-examine the San Lucido area which corresponds to that of Clampetia in the Bruttian age. In this municipal area there is a considerable number of sites... more
""The finding of a memorial stone, made of local limestone, has given occasion
to re-examine the San Lucido area which corresponds to that of Clampetia
in the Bruttian age. In this municipal area there is a considerable number of
sites that may date back to between the proto-historic and Roman eras. In this
research we preliminarily present the results of excavations carried out on the
Roman villa site that has been discovered in the San Cono locality and that
may be dated back to a time between the first century B.C. and the second century
- by Roberto Goffredo and +2
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- Landscape Archaeology, Roman Villae, Romanisation, Daunia
Seit der Mittellatènezeit wurden in den Mühlsteinbrüchen um Mayen Handdrehmühlen hergestellt, deren Untersteine eine gewölbte Mahlfläche, und deren Läufer einen bikonkaven Querschnitt hatten. Der obere Rand der Läufer ist schmal und nicht... more
Seit der Mittellatènezeit wurden in den Mühlsteinbrüchen um Mayen Handdrehmühlen hergestellt, deren Untersteine eine gewölbte Mahlfläche, und deren Läufer einen bikonkaven Querschnitt hatten. Der obere Rand der Läufer ist schmal und nicht abgesetzt. Solche Mühlsteine ‘keltischen Typs’ erreichten schon früh das Rhein-Maas-Delta, in den Niederlanden kennt man sie unter der Bezeichnung „Typ Brillerij“. In der Spätlatènezeit sind Mühlsteine dieses Typs aus Basaltlava in oppida in Hessen, im Elsass und Belgien nachgewiesen.
Auch nachdem seit augusteischer Zeit die typischen „Legionärsmühlen“ das standardmäßig hergestellte Markenprodukt der Mayener Mühlsteinbrüche geworden waren, wurde der alte Mühlsteintyp für einen traditionsbewussten Käuferkreis zunächst weiterhin angefertigt. Ab Beginn der Kaiserzeit wurde das Verbreitungsgebiet dieser Mühlen zunächst nach Norden, Osten und Westen hin ausgedehnt. Nach dem Bataver-Aufstand scheint ihre Produktion aufgegeben worden zu sein.
Since the Middle La Tène period, in the millstone quarries around Mayen, querns were produced whose lower stones had a domed grinding surface and whose runners had a biconcave cross-section. The upper edge of the runners is narrow and not stepped. Such querns of 'celtic type' reached the Rhine-Meuse delta very early, in the Netherlands they are known as "type Brillerij". In the late La Tène period, querns of this type made of basaltic lava have been found in oppida in Hesse, Alsace and Belgium. Even after the typical "legionary hand mills" had become the standard brand product of the Mayen millstone quarries since Augustan times, the old quern type was initially still produced for a tradition-conscious group of buyers. From the beginning of the imperial era, the area of distribution of these querns was extended to the north, east and west. Their production seems to have been abandoned after the revolt of the Batavi.
Depuis La Tène moyenne, les carrières de meules autour de Mayen ont produit des meules à main dont les meules dormantes avaient une surface active convexe et dont les meules tournantes avaient une section biconcave. Le bord supérieur des catilli est étroit et non étagé. Ces meules de 'type celtique' ont très tôt atteint le delta Rhin-Meuse, aux Pays-Bas elles sont connues sous le nom de "type Brillerij". Pendant La Tène finale des meules de ce type en lave basaltique ont été exportées à oppida en Hesse, en Alsace et en Belgique. Même après que les 'meules des légionnaires' typiques soient devenus le produit de marque standard des meulières de Mayen depuis l'époque d'Auguste, l'ancien type de meules était encore produit au départ pour un groupe d'acheteurs conscients de la tradition. Dès le début de l'ère impériale, la zone de distribution de ces meules s'est d'abord étendue au nord, à l'est et à l'ouest. Leur production semble avoir été abandonnée après le révolte des Bataves.
This study evolves around water cults in the regions of Macedonia and Thrace. Particularly, it examines the presence and significance of River Gods in these regions during the roman period as detected through archaeological material and... more
This study evolves around water cults in the regions of Macedonia and Thrace. Particularly, it examines the presence and significance of River Gods in these regions during the roman period as detected through archaeological material and art representations.The worship of river deities reflects the important role of water for the provincial towns of roman Macedonia and Thrace, and the need of the local communities to address those deities who supported their life sustainability. Water is comprehended not only as a natural element defining human space and activities, but also as a carrier of a wide range of connotations and symbolisms and as a highly influential factor shaping environments, common identities and human behaviour.
La scoperta di un santuario edificato in età repubblicana a Modena lungo la via Emilia, in località Cittanova, ha fornito nuovi elementi sulle dinamiche della romanizzazione in Cisalpina. Le indagini condotte all'intersezione della via... more
La scoperta di un santuario edificato in età repubblicana a Modena lungo la via Emilia, in località Cittanova, ha fornito nuovi elementi sulle dinamiche della romanizzazione in Cisalpina. Le indagini condotte all'intersezione della via Emilia con la sponda orientale del fiume Secchia, a partire dal 2020 e tuttora in corso, hanno consentito di mettere in luce una vasta area attrezzata collegabile alla presenza di questo luogo di culto. Durante la giornata di studio si presenteranno i dati preliminari degli scavi archeologici a Cittanova e un confronto con altri casi santuariali attestati nell'Italia settentrionale e nell'area centro-italica.
Prvenstveni cilj ovog istraživanja je ustanoviti mogućnosti koje pružaju imenski obrasci za upoznavanje osobnih statusa, prije svega onoga građanskoga, a zatim i ispitati postoji li ikakva korelacija između društvenog i građansko-pravnog... more
Prvenstveni cilj ovog istraživanja je ustanoviti mogućnosti koje pružaju imenski obrasci za upoznavanje osobnih statusa, prije svega onoga građanskoga, a zatim i ispitati postoji li ikakva korelacija između društvenog i građansko-pravnog statusa, etničke pripadnosti te imovnog stanja osoba i imenskih obrazaca koje upotrebljavaju. Među temeljne rezultate ovoga rada svakako pripadaju:
- Katalog natpisa i Katalog osoba koji prvi put na jednome mjestu okupljaju sve poznate natpise i na njima potvrđene osobe rimskodobne Liburnije;
- zaključak da u pravilu imenski obrazac sam po sebi ne može služiti kao nedvosmislen pokazatelj društvenog položaja ili etničke pripadnosti nositelja te da uopće nema obavijesne moći o gospodarskom položaju nositelja;
- identificiranje latinskog statusa nekih liburnskih gradova na osnovi epigrafskih potvrda;
- dokazivanje samostalnog razvoja domaćeg imenskog obrasca, sastavljenog od osobnog i kolektivnog imena (tj. imena srodnog rimskom gentiliciju, ali nerimskoga, domaćega porijekla), s patronimikom ili bez njega, a koji je razvijen zahvaljujući specifičnim potrebama društava organiziranih kao trajni savezi (federacije/konfederacije) gradova;
- razvijanje metode procjene vrijednosti istraživanih spomenika na osnovi kojih se može razmatrati gospodarski status njihovih postavljača;
- dokazivanje da je postavljanje spomenika bilo gospodarski dostupno i osobama slabijega imovnoga stanja, a ne samo pripadnicima viših i srednjih slojeva, iako je iz raznih razloga (socioloških, kulturoloških i dr.) bilo uglavnom ograničeno na gradsko stanovništvo, ili - ako se promatra samo domaće stanovništvo Liburnije - na pripadnike domaće aristokracije u ranim fazama romanizacije, a tek u kasnijim razdobljima (okvirno od 2. stoljeća nadalje) i kod drugih slojeva domaćeg stanovništva;
- tumačenje primjene istih imenskih obrazaca za imenovanje žena i muškaraca kao odraza domaće društvene strukture Liburna, kod kojih, uz patrilinerani način računanja srodstva, određenu vrijednost ima i matrlinearni način, odnosno, kao odraz društva u kojemu položaj žene nije potisnut na bezimenu individuu unutar agnatske familiae kao u rimskom društvu;
- dokazivanje postojanja statusne endogamije u višim slojevima Liburnije - i to po svemu sudeći, još u predrimsko doba - na osnovi odnosa među nekim natpisno potvrđenim pojedincima i njihovim obiteljima;
- istraživanje etničke strukture stanovništva Liburnije tijekom prva tri stoljeća po Kr. pokazalo je da već od ranog Principata Italici čine jednu od dvije glavne etničke komponenete natpisno poznatoga stanovništva. Drugu glavnu komponentu čine sami Liburni, no njihov udio u ukupnoj populaciji prividno naglo opada od kraja ranog Principata, što je posljedica gotovo sasvim dovršene romanizacije domaćeg stanovništva svih društvenih slojeva, koja se odražava i u napuštanju prepoznatljivih starih domaćih imena a prihvaćanju etnički neprozirnih, latinskih.
Nije suvišno naglasiti da se svi zaključci do kojih se došlo u ovom radu prije svega odnose na natpisno potvrđene osobe i obitelji. No dopušteno je pretpostaviti da oni s velikom vjerojatnošću odražavaju i odnose koji su postojali kod ukupnog - napose gradskog - stanovništva, osobito ako se uzme u obzir da natpisi nisu bili samo privilegij imućnih i društveno povlaštenih osoba.
La découverte dans un puits sur le site de Beuille (Allier) d’un seau de la fin du second Âge du Fer fut l’occasion de faire le point sur ce type de découverte. Le présent article propose une étude des seaux de La Tène finale et du début... more
La découverte dans un puits sur le site de Beuille (Allier) d’un seau de la fin du second Âge du Fer fut l’occasion de faire le point sur ce type de découverte. Le présent article propose une étude des seaux de La Tène finale et du début de l’époque romaine, approfondissant certains aspects techniques et posant les bases d’une éventuelle typologie.
- by Magali Garcia and +1
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- Archaeology, Typology, Late Iron Age (Archaeology), Romanisation
Eleven Augustan cremation graves were found in two groups adjacent to the northern wall of Roman Emona (Ljubljana, Slovenia). These are the earliest known Roman graves from the Ljubljana basin. Amongst these, there are two military... more
Eleven Augustan cremation graves were found in two groups adjacent to the northern wall of Roman Emona (Ljubljana, Slovenia). These are the earliest known Roman graves from the Ljubljana basin. Amongst these, there are two military graves. These findings raise in- triguing questions about the origins of the deceased and the relationship between Early Roman graves and the prehistor- ic tumulus necropolis, as well as Roman military and civil finds dating to approximately the same period, and from the central Ljubljana area
Résumé : Ce corpus documentaire interactif, appelé référentiel, accompagne gratuitement l’ouvrage : Barrier 2014 : BARRIER (S.) — La romanisation en question. Vaisselle céramique et processus d’acculturation à la fin de l’âge du Fer en... more
Résumé : Ce corpus documentaire interactif, appelé référentiel, accompagne gratuitement l’ouvrage : Barrier 2014 : BARRIER (S.) — La romanisation en question. Vaisselle céramique et processus d’acculturation à la fin de l’âge du Fer en Gaule interne. Glux-en-Glenne: Bibracte, 2014, 318 p., 182 ill., 1 annexe. (Bibracte ; 25). Les répertoires constituant ce Référentiel intègrent des cartes interactives qui permettent d'atteindre les différentes sections de données. Les cartes en vignette en haut de page permettent le retour à la première page du répertoire en cours. Fruit d’une thèse de doctorat, cet ouvrage se propose de comparer les rythmes et les modalités de l’acculturation des populations de Gaule interne, de la première moitié du IIe s. av. J.-C. au début du Ier siècle de notre ère au moyen de l’étude de la céramique fine, dont le répertoire évolue très rapidement pendant la période. Basée sur les données d’une vingtaine de sites urbains (oppida, capitales de cité, vici) répartis en trois aires géographiques (Centre, Est et Centre-Ouest), cette étude propose une présentation céramologique classique, mais aussi des modes d’analyse nouveaux comme le calcul d’un indice de romanisation pour évaluer et comparer le degré d’acculturation des ensembles retenus. Différentes méthodes statistiques, comme des sériations graphiques ou des analyses factorielles des correspondances, sont par ailleurs employées pour mettre en évidence les aspects qualitatifs du phénomène d’acculturation et décomposer son processus en trois niveaux principaux. Illustrés par des tableaux synoptiques et par des cartes, les résultats des calculs d’indices de romanisation permettent d’identifier différents facteurs favorisant de manière évidente la romanisation de la vaisselle dite de table, comme la proximité de la Provincia, une localisation sur un axe majeur (Rhône/Saône, Loire) ou le dynamisme de grands centres d’échanges fréquentés par les mercatores romains (l’oppidum de Bibracte, notamment). Ces traitements statistiques permettent également de mettre en évidence des retards dans l’acculturation de certains peuples qui pourraient s’expliquer par leur hostilité envers Rome. Le phénomène est notamment illustré par les Helvètes, voisins de la Transalpina depuis 120 av. J.-C., dont la vaisselle fine est très peu romanisée avant l’intégration de ce peuple dans l’Empire, puis atteint rapidement après cet événement des niveaux particulièrement élevés. L’auteur propose enfin des réflexions sur la portée réelle des phénomènes observés en termes de romanisation de la vie quotidienne, une mutation technique et stylistique des récipients n’impliquant pas forcément l’adoption de nouvelles pratiques alimentaires.