Council of Europe Research Papers (original) (raw)
El pasado 27 de marzo de 2019 el Consejo de Europa aprobó su "Recomendación CM/Rec(2019)1 del Comité de Ministros de los Estados miembros para prevenir y combatir el sexismo". No es una cuestión menor, ya que es la primera vez que se... more
El pasado 27 de marzo de 2019 el Consejo de Europa aprobó su "Recomendación CM/Rec(2019)1 del Comité de Ministros de los Estados miembros para prevenir y combatir el sexismo". No es una cuestión menor, ya que es la primera vez que se propone una definición de sexismo y se establecen ciertas obligaciones para los Estados, toda vez que se ha constatado que, a pesar de la múltiple producción legislativa al respecto, aún persiste una brecha entre las normas y las prácticas así como entre la igualdad de iure y la de facto.
// - - - With link to full text / Abstract in Polish is included below This article explores legal consequences arising from Italy’s European human rights legal commitments in confrontation with the migration crisis. The... more
The objective of the present article is to determine the specific characteristics of the established international legal framework for the application of genetic technologies and to identify general guidelines that influence states'... more
The objective of the present article is to determine the specific characteristics of the established international legal framework for the application of genetic technologies and to identify general guidelines that influence states' policies in this area. Genetic technologies evolve rapidly, raising a number of ethical and legal issues and directly affecting human rights. At the universal level, there is still no international treaty containing uniform rules in this field. At the regional level, the experience of the Council of Europe deserves further study. National approaches to the legal regulation of applying genetic technologies differ since States retain a great deal of discretion in regulating these issues. Though the Council of Europe Member States enjoy a margin of appreciation in regulating the use of genetic technologies, a number of common distinctive features underlying the international legal framework in this area can still be singled out. These are informed consent, prohibition of reproductive human cloning, prohibition of germ line modification with certain exceptions. They arise primarily from the Oviedo Convention, the Protocols thereto and the ECtHR practice. Soft law documents adopted at the UN, UNESCO and the Council of Europe contribute to the process of their formation, too, but to a lesser extent. The efforts undertaken at the European and universal level shape modern international legal regulation in the field and set up the course of action for States to follow.
This position paper presents specific recommendations in ten areas of the work of the Council of Europe where reforms are needed in order to strengthen the organisation’s ability to pursue its mission and restore its credibility after... more
This position paper presents specific recommendations in ten areas of the work of the Council of Europe where reforms are needed in order to strengthen the organisation’s ability to pursue its mission and restore its credibility after several crises negatively affected it in 2014-2019.
A mű szerzői jogilag védett. Minden jog, így különösen a sokszorosítás, terjesztés és fordítás joga fenntartva. A mű a kiadó írásbeli hozzájárulása nélkül részeiben sem reprodukálható, elektronikus rendszerek felhasználásával nem... more
A mű szerzői jogilag védett. Minden jog, így különösen a sokszorosítás, terjesztés és fordítás joga fenntartva. A mű a kiadó írásbeli hozzájárulása nélkül részeiben sem reprodukálható, elektronikus rendszerek felhasználásával nem dolgozható fel, azokban nem tárolható, azokkal nem sokszorosítható és nem terjeszthető.
Media have played an important role in framing the public debate on the “refugee crisis” that peaked in autumn of 2015. This report examines the narratives developed by print media in eight European countries and how they contributed to... more
Media have played an important role in framing the public debate on the “refugee crisis” that peaked in autumn of 2015. This report examines the narratives developed by print media in eight European countries and how they contributed to the public perception of the “crisis”, shifting from careful tolerance over the summer, to an outpouring of solidarity and humanitarianism in September 2015, and to a securitisation of the debate and a narrative of fear in November 2015.
The development of the doctrine of good faith in common law has faced many challenges. This is because the courts have been reluctant at accepting the role of good faith in common law jurisdictions.Directives such as Unfair Contract... more
The development of the doctrine of good faith in common law has faced many challenges. This is because the courts have been reluctant at accepting the role of good faith in common law jurisdictions.Directives such as Unfair Contract Terms, Late Payment in Commercial Transactions and Commercial Agents have forced common law courts to recognise the role of good faith in English and Irish law. This essay, in particular, will consider the doctrine of good faith in commercial agency under Council Directive 86/553/EEC. The Directive 86/653/EEC on the coordination of the laws of the Member States relating to self-employed commercial agents imply an obligation that commercial agents must act dutifully and in good faith.
Nastanak, organizacija i način rada Savjeta Evropske unije.
Európai nemzetközi szervezetek (Európa Tanács, EBESZ) és európai regionális együttműködések (V4, Északi Tanács)
In the past three decades, there has been increasing research carried out on the role of heritage and its processes in achieving broader sustainable development objectives beyond heritage conservation. As part of this movement,... more
In the past three decades, there has been increasing research carried out on the role of heritage and its processes in achieving broader sustainable development objectives beyond heritage conservation. As part of this movement, people-centered approaches and participation have been widely integrated into international regulations and guidelines on heritage management, stimulating the implementation of case studies-based research worldwide. Despite the wide advocacy of participatory heritage practices’ contributions to more inclusive and culturally sensitive local development in a great variety of projects, there is limited research into the roles these practices can have in addressing sustainability objectives. How are these roles addressed in international heritage regulatory frameworks, and what forms of participation are promoted for their fulfillment? This paper seeks to answer this research question through a content analysis of international declarations, conventions, guidelin...
The thesis presents research which attempts to conceptually comprehend the Council of Europe procedural law based on a wide approach towards understanding the international procedural law. Herewith the author suggests the Council of... more
The thesis presents research which attempts to conceptually comprehend the Council of Europe procedural law based on a wide approach towards understanding the international procedural law. Herewith the author suggests the Council of Europe law to be considered as a special subsystem for the international- legal system. The determination of the place of the Council of Europe Law in the international legal system contributed to the study of the “European Law” concept. It was established that the correct use of the term “European Law” to refer to an independent legal system has not yet found a proper argument. It is proved that the «European law» in the narrow sense – is the system of legal norms, principles and values of the European Union and the Council of Europe, where common principles and values as a basis for its narrow sense. The thesis structure reflects the fulfillment of the general goal and major objectives.
The author creates conceptual fundamentals of the Council of Europe procedural law (the conceptual and categorical apparatus, the system of principles and norms for the Council of Europe procedural law). The research relies on the studies in the field of general theory of law and the theory of international law while distinguishing between general and specific principles of the Council of Europe procedural law. The functional approach is used to systemize the norms of the Council of Europe procedural law.
On the basis of philosophical, broad understanding of procedural law, it has been determined that the Council of Europe procedural law – is the legal integrity, based on a system of legal values and consisting of ordered procedural legal norms and principles governing legal proceedings under the law-making process and realization of Council of Europe law.
It is proved that the understanding of the Council of Europe procedural law narrowly confined to the judicial process. The judicial process of the Council of Europe is a complex of legal procedures that govern the trial of the case before the European Court of Human Rights or the Administrative Tribunal of the Council of Europe. The judicial process of the Council of Europe is aimed at control the implementation by Member States of their obligations under the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms or control the performance of official rules by the Council of Europe, respectively.
The structure of the Council of Europe procedural law has been defined. The notion of “functional structure of the Council of Europe procedural law” is introduced following the functional approach. The main elements of this structure are distinguished and analyzed – the lawmaking and the realization
of law. Derivative elements of the lawmaking include the external and internal lawmaking processes of the Council of Europe. Whereas the constitutive, judicial, monitoring processes, as well as the process of implementation of the Council of Europe law into the Member States’ national legal systems are considered to be derivative elements of the realization of Council of Europe law.
The theoretical and practical aspects of the Council of Europe law implementation in Ukraine have been analyzed. Implementation of international law (the Council of Europe law, in particular) is featured as a kind of realization of law process. The author analyzes the scientific and practical issues on the Council of Europe treaties implementation to the Ukrainian legal system, as well as legal support to the European Court of Human Rights’ case law implementation and execution of judgments. The thesis equally presents the theoretical and practical issues on the Council of Europe procedural law.
Key words: the international procedural law, the Council of Europe procedural law, the law-making process, the constitutive process, judicial process, monitoring process, implementation process, Council of Europe treaties, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the European Court of Human Rights.
An issue of efficiency of humane treatment of prisoners and its importance to efficient resocialization of prisoners has been subject to many debates and research analysis. The educational component of the imprisonment which leads to... more
An issue of efficiency of humane treatment of prisoners and its importance to efficient resocialization of prisoners has been subject to many debates and research analysis. The educational component of the imprisonment which leads to successful reintegration of offenders in societies can be achieved in a number of ways. However, efforts of prisons administration will be lost if “the pains of imprisonment” will not be limited. By navigating through an execution of deprivation of liberty from admission of a person to penal institution to his/her release, the Authors focus on “human factor” paying special attention to relations between: prisoners-guards, prisoners-prisoners, and guards-guards. Situations in which imprisonment may be a particular hardship (e.g. owing to overcrowding, lack of sanitary standards, discrimination, unauthorized use of coercive measures or disciplinary sanctions) are also described. However, an important part of the book is dedicated to presentation of methods of increasing efficiency of social rehabilitation: main instruments of social rehabilitation, including with an importance of ensuring prisoners contacts with the outside world, access to education, work, medical treatment, spiritual assistance, as well as treatment programs.
The book offers theoretical and practical insight into Polish and international standards, examining similarities and differences between Polish (e.g. the Code of Penal Execution of 1997) and international (e.g. the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950) hard-laws, as well as soft-laws of the United Nations (the “Mandela Rules” of 2015) and the Council of Europe (“the European Prison Rules” of 2006). Traditional criminal and penitentiary discourse is illustrated with the case-law from Polish courts, as well as the European Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee
This book opens a “penitentiary saga”. The next monographs will be dedicated to “administrative detention” of immigrants, as well as untried prisoners, i.e. detainees pending trial.
More information about the book (including the table of content) can be found at the Publisher’s web page at:
Pace, democrazia, sviluppo economico e sociale costituiscono nel contempo le motivazioni e le finalità del processo di integrazione europea. È quanto si riscontra sia dal punto di vista teorico, come emerge per esempio dagli scritti di... more
Pace, democrazia, sviluppo economico e sociale costituiscono nel contempo le motivazioni e le finalità del processo di integrazione europea. È quanto si riscontra sia dal punto di vista teorico, come emerge per esempio dagli scritti di Lord
Lothian e Luigi Einaudi, dal celebre ‘Manifesto di Ventotene’ firmato da Altiero Spinelli ed Ernesto Rossi, o dalla 'Dichiarazione’ resa pubblica il 9 maggio 1950
dall’allora Ministro francese degli Affari esteri, Robert Schuman, sia sul piano concreto, alla luce dell’attività del Consiglio d’Europa, delle Comunità europee e dell’Unione europea che a quelle è definitivamente subentrata.
Quelle stesse ragioni e quegli stessi obiettivi si trovano altresì, in particolare in Europa, a monte e a valle della tutela delle minoranze, della garanzia dei diritti linguistici e della promozione della diversità linguistica e culturale. Questo
intervento intende affrontare il rapporto tra pluralismo linguistico, tutela e integrazione europea e quindi definire il contesto in cui è stata adottata la Carta europea delle lingue regionali o minoritarie.
L’itinerario proposto unisce documenti ufficiali elaborati in seno al Consiglio d’Europa e alla CSCE-OSCE, iniziative
assunte da parte delle istituzioni comunitarie – risoluzioni approvate dal Parlamento europeo, pareri espressi dal Comitato delle Regioni, progetti finanziati dalla Commissione europea – ed alcune previsioni presenti nei più recenti
Trattati dell’Unione europea, da quello di Maastricht a quello di Lisbona.
« Il n’y a pas d’oranges fascistes. Il n’y a que des oranges » : cette phrase du ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Georges Bidault, prononcée devant l’Assemblée nationale française, en 1948, lors d’un débat sur l’Espagne... more
« Il n’y a pas d’oranges fascistes. Il n’y a que des oranges » : cette phrase du ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Georges Bidault, prononcée devant l’Assemblée nationale française, en 1948, lors d’un débat sur l’Espagne franquiste, résume à elle seule les relations établies par les Etats fondateurs des Communautés européennes avec les dictatures d’Europe du sud au cours des trois décennies qui suivent la seconde guerre mondiale. Les discours commémoratifs contemporains évoquent une intégration européenne axée dès l’origine sur la défense des droits de l’Homme. L’« Europe des droits de l’Homme » et l’« Europe économique » empruntèrent pourtant des voies séparées, l’une, sous la forme d’un Conseil de l’Europe consacré pour l’essentiel à la protection des droits de l’Homme mais dépourvu de force de dissuasion et l’autre, au travers de Communautés européennes dotées de pouvoirs réels mais peu réceptives aux préoccupations non économiques. Ce livre retrace le processus de convergence de ces deux pans majeurs de la construction européenne à travers l’évolution des relations entretenues par ces organisations internationales avec les dictatures méditerranéennes. Si la démocratie et les droits de l’Homme devinrent, avec le temps, des composantes essentielles du processus d’intégration européenne, ils le durent en grande partie aux réseaux de solidarité internationale et à l’activisme d’acteurs politiques déterminés à prouver qu’il existait bien des « oranges fascistes ».
The primary aim of the article is to provide an in-depth analysis of the Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs, which was opened for signature in March 2015, and to examine Polish criminal legislation in this... more
The primary aim of the article is to provide an in-depth analysis of the Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs, which was opened for signature in March 2015, and to examine Polish criminal legislation in this respect. Additionally, the article outlines the scale and main causes of the global problem of illegal transplants. It also presents the Convention from an international law perspective. The analysis performed makes it possible to conclude that the Convention filled in a gap in international standards, however its practical impact and effectiveness will probably be limited. Regarding Polish legislation, in the authors’ opinion, it is generally compatible with the Convention’s aims and provisions, albeit some changes would be required to apply it properly.
The publication presents key youth policy developments in Eastern Partnership countries and in the Russian Federation. It also focuses on challenges that young people and youth organisations from the region face, and presents selected... more
The publication presents key youth policy developments in Eastern Partnership countries and in the Russian Federation. It also focuses on challenges that young people and youth organisations from the region face, and presents selected foreign mechanisms of youth policy support.
What makes up a capital city? In this first comprehensive look at the architectural and urban visions for a European capital, Hein examines how these visions compare to the reality of the three headquarter cities for the European Union:... more
What makes up a capital city? In this first comprehensive look at the architectural and urban visions for a European capital, Hein examines how these visions compare to the reality of the three headquarter cities for the European Union: Strasbourg, Luxembourg, and Brussels. Tracing the history of the EU and its creation of the new political entity of the polycentric capital, Hein explores the impact that European unification has on visionary projects and the transformation of EU member cities. Widely researched, the book also brings in architectural projects that have remained largely unknown until now. Using architectural and urban history as a lens, Hein examines the past five decades of European unification. Also analyzed for the first time are the debates, plans, projects, and constructions-both realized and failed-that accompanied this process. Looking to the future, Hein asserts that the task of these three capital cities is to balance the needs of a collective Europe with national, local, and-increasingly-regional demands.
In April 1967, a group of colonels seized power in Greece. Since Greece was a member-state of the Council of Europe and held an association agreement with the European Community, both organizations had to define their positions vis-à-vis... more
In April 1967, a group of colonels seized power in Greece. Since Greece was a member-state of the Council of Europe and held an association agreement with the European Community, both organizations had to define their positions vis-à-vis the new military regime. Very soon, politicians in the parliamentary assemblies of both organizations started to cooperate with the aim of imposing sanctions on Greece. This article examines the inter-organizational dynamics between the European Community and the Council of Europe on Greece during the colonels’ regime. It argues that the European Community imported concrete policy positions and even normative ideas which had first emerged in the Council of Europe. In so doing, the Community prepared the ground for its future human-rights policies.
- by Stefania Negri and +1
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- Criminal Law, International Law, Human Rights, Human Trafficking
"Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe" in the book of "Main Directions of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1991-2016)", published by Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku,... more
"Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe" in the book of "Main Directions of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1991-2016)", published by Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, 2017, pp. 569-594,
Dit rapport is een eerste analyse van het Papiaments als een historisch in het Europees deel van Nederland gesproken taal, geschreven in het kader van het bezoek van het comité van experts van het Europees Handvest voor regionale talen of... more
Dit rapport is een eerste analyse van het Papiaments als een historisch in het Europees deel van Nederland gesproken taal, geschreven in het kader van het bezoek van het comité van experts van het Europees Handvest voor regionale talen of talen van minderheden van de Raad van Europa aan Nederland ter beoordeling van de inspanningen van Nederland als lidstaat bij het Handvest in het najaar van 2019. Doel is de vraag te beantwoorden of het Papiaments in het deel van Nederland waarvoor het handvest geratificeerd is een "regional or minority language" is.
U sklopu Pilot projekta lokalnog razvoja (PPLR) iniciranog od strane Vijeća Europe, a koordiniranog od strane Ministarstva kulture RH, pokrenuta je eksperimentalna studija krajobraza otoka Cresa. Ideja studije bila je potaknuti suradnju... more
U sklopu Pilot projekta lokalnog razvoja (PPLR)
iniciranog od strane Vijeća Europe, a koordiniranog
od strane Ministarstva kulture RH, pokrenuta
je eksperimentalna studija krajobraza otoka
Cresa. Ideja studije bila je potaknuti suradnju
različitih stručnjaka i zainteresiranih strana u
razmatranju creskih krajobraza, ali i sagledati
planiranje, zaštitu i upravljanje krajobrazom
općenito, s obzirom da se radi o tematici koja
u Hrvatskoj nema institucionalno uporište. Zajedničkim
snagama koordinacijskog tima (stručnjaci
iz različitih institucija i privatnih biroa te
konzultant Vijeća Europe) te izvršnog radnog
tima (studenti i diplomirani krajobrazni arhitekti
vođenih interdisciplinarnim mentorskim timom),
provedeno je jednogodišnje istraživanje po modelu
koji je objedinio pristupe francuske i hrvatske
škole krajobrazne arhitekture, te pristupe
geografske, arhitektonske i etnografske struke u
analizi i vrednovanju krajobraza.
En ce début de XXI e siècle, la pauvreté, la précarité et les inégalités aff ectent un nombre croissant de personnes sur le continent européen. Ces phénomènes fragilisent non seulement la cohésion sociale des sociétés européennes mais... more
En ce début de XXI e siècle, la pauvreté, la précarité et les inégalités aff ectent un nombre croissant de personnes sur le continent européen. Ces phénomènes fragilisent non seulement la cohésion sociale des sociétés européennes mais violent les droits humains, aussi bien les droits sociaux que civils et politiques, et questionnent le fonctionnement de la démocratie. En eff et, comment les personnes en situation de pauvreté peuvent-elles faire entendre leurs voix dans des sociétés polarisées, où plus de 40 % du patrimoine et 25 % des revenus sont détenus par 10 % de la population ? Ce guide est le fruit de deux années de travail collectif mené dans le cadre du projet « Les droits humains des personnes en situation de pauvreté ». Il a été préparé avec le concours de nombreuses personnes et organisations, dont des personnes en situation de pauvreté, des chercheurs, des associations et des représentants des autorités publiques. Outre qu'il off re une étude critique de la situation actuelle, en analysant les inégalités et la pauvreté par le prisme des droits humains, de la démocratie et des politiques de redistribution, ce guide invite également le lecteur à explorer les pistes d'une stratégie renouvelée de lutte contre la pauvreté permettant de rétablir le sens de la justice sociale. Il avance des propositions qui visent à dépasser la stigmatisation et la catégorisation, en ouvrant des voies d'apprentissage pour bâtir des biens communs par le partage, en évitant le gaspillage et en renforçant dans la conscience publique le principe de respect de la dignité humaine en tant que droit de tous. Le Conseil de l'Europe regroupe aujourd'hui 47 Etats membres, soit la quasi-totalité des pays du continent euro-péen. Son objectif est de créer un espace démocratique et juridique commun, organisé autour de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme et d'autres textes de référence sur la protection de l'individu. Créé en 1949, au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale, le Conseil de l'Europe est le symbole historique de la réconciliation.
The protection of fundamental human rights across Europe reminds the issue of the European Union (EU) accession to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The analysis of the interaction between the Court of Justice of the... more
The protection of fundamental human rights across Europe reminds the issue of the European Union (EU)
accession to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The analysis of the interaction between the Court
of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) is essential for a better
understanding of the multi-layered human rights architecture in Europe.
With reference to multi-level components, this study focus on the following issues in order to find out whether the CJEU and ECtHR consist two sides of the same coin - meaning that they adjudicate human rights in the same way - or if they constitute different currencies – meaning that they have different impacts in human rights protection. An overall appraisal of the cohabitation of these two judicial powerhouses will be made by reference
to the state of human rights protection within the regional mechanisms and their impact at national level.
Україна зробила свій цивілізаційний вибір на користь європейських цінностей та ідеалів – демократії, верховенства права, поваги до прав і свобод людини. Попереду багато завдань, що маємо виконати на шляху реформ. Інтеграція в європейський... more
Україна зробила свій цивілізаційний вибір на користь європейських цінностей та ідеалів – демократії, верховенства права, поваги до прав і свобод людини. Попереду багато завдань, що маємо виконати на шляху реформ. Інтеграція в європейський інформаційний простір – одне з цих
завдань. Одночасно, це й виклик на спроможність української нації – усіх
громадян нашої держави здолати перешкоди на цьому шляху. Впевнені, об’єднавши зусилля та не покладаючи рук, з цим викликом ми впораємося.
Авторський колектив
The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion encompasses a wide range of religious and non-religious beliefs as well as philosophical and ethical convictions. The legal recognition of the right to freedom of thought,... more
The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion encompasses a wide range of religious and non-religious beliefs as well as philosophical and ethical convictions. The legal recognition of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, which is protected under Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) is often met with scepticism by religious traditionalists, in fear that it can undermine the role of religion by recognising pluralism and equating religious with other beliefs. The more liberal have displayed similar doubts as to the implications of embracing religious freedom in secular European societies. The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is perhaps one of the most controversial rights in international human rights law and has divided scholars and practitioners alike for years. This article does not delve into the depths of scholarly debate on the controversial aspects of Article 9 ECHR, but it rather aims to outline the current position of the European Court of Human Rights, the Council of Europe's primary judicial organ, that has explored through its jurisprudence some of the most provocative social issues that relate to thought, conscience and religion.
Scopo di questo progetto di ricerca è lo studio dei mutamenti in atto nel continente europeo al cospetto delle politiche linguistico – educative sviluppate dal Consiglio d’Europa (CoE) negli ultimi decenni, per analizzarne l’impatto sui... more
Scopo di questo progetto di ricerca è lo studio dei mutamenti in atto nel continente europeo al cospetto delle politiche linguistico – educative sviluppate dal Consiglio d’Europa (CoE) negli ultimi decenni, per analizzarne l’impatto sui sistemi d’istruzione e verificare la coerenza dei grandi principi e valori su cui esse si fondano rispetto all’ideologia dominante, che si ispira ai precetti del neoliberismo e della globalizzazione dei saperi e delle conoscenze, nonché alle dinamiche omologanti insite nei sistemi economici, politici e sociali della società occidentale.
- by Jackie Jones and +1
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- Gender Studies, International Law, Human Rights, Gender and Sexuality
The organisation of the European continent is still influenced by the history of countless old preferential zones of cooperation. This history shapes the European Union (EU) but also other international organizations such as the NATO or... more
The organisation of the European continent is still influenced by the history of countless old preferential zones of cooperation.
This history shapes the European Union (EU) but also other international organizations such as the NATO or the Council of Europe. Inside the EU, such legacies are visible in the so-called “Core Europe”, as well as in the perennial temptation to develop a “variable geometry” Europe. Those orientations contrast with those who wish to reduce European integration to a mere free-trade area, much like the British project discussed in 1956-8. The issue for the post-Brexit EU is to manage diversity by overcoming those old preferential zone of cooperation, all the while without ignoring them.