DC Power Supply Research Papers (original) (raw)

This research presents a study, modelling and simulation of the piezoelectric material work as filters (piezoelectric filter) used to eliminate the harmonics in power electronic circuits, high order harmonics are generating due to the... more

This research presents a study, modelling and simulation of the piezoelectric material work as filters (piezoelectric filter) used to eliminate the harmonics in power electronic circuits, high order harmonics are generating due to the high switching frequencies and circuit equipment, detailed simulation is achieved for the piezoelectric filter tested in full-bridge DC/DC converter circuit with resistive load works as dc power supply (12 to 48 volt). As a result, the uses of piezoelectric filters have a great impact on harmonics elimination, which leads to reduce the overall total harmonic distortion leads to increase the efficiency, as well as the output voltage from the dc power supply remain constant by varying the load resistance over a wide range. The dc power supply circuit including the piezoelectric filter has been simulated using PSIM (V9.1) power electronic circuit simulation software.

This research presents a study, modelling and simulation of the piezoelectric material work as filters (piezoelectric filter) used to eliminate the harmonics in power electronic circuits, high order harmonics are generating due to the... more

This research presents a study, modelling and simulation of the piezoelectric material work as filters (piezoelectric filter) used to eliminate the harmonics in power electronic circuits, high order harmonics are generating due to the high switching frequencies and circuit equipment, detailed simulation is achieved for the piezoelectric filter tested in full-bridge DC/DC converter circuit with resistive load works as dc power supply (12 to 48 volt). As a result, the uses of piezoelectric filters have a great impact on harmonics elimination, which leads to reduce the overall total harmonic distortion leads to increase the efficiency, as well as the output voltage from the dc power supply remain constant by varying the load resistance over a wide range. The dc power supply circuit including the piezoelectric filter has been simulated using PSIM (V9.1) power electronic circuit simulation software.

The main role of maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is to adapt the optimal resistance RMPP , corresponding to the maximum power point (MPP) of the photovoltaic generator (GPV), to the impedance of the load for maximum power transfer.... more

The main role of maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is to adapt the optimal resistance RMPP , corresponding to the maximum power point (MPP) of the photovoltaic generator (GPV), to the impedance of the load for maximum power transfer. This is accomplished through the tuning of the duty cycle D to an optimum value DMPP , that controls a DC-DC converter applied between the GPV and the load Rload . This paper proposes a system that is applicable to any load and enables rapid and precise tracking under variable weather circumstances. The suggested scheme allows simple and direct computation of the control signal DMPP from the values of Rload and RMPP . Rload is computed using two voltage and current sensors, while RMPP is estimated using an artificial neural network (ANN) that employs the solar irradiance, temperature and the GPV internal current-voltage characteristics. Using MATLAB environment, the obtained simulation results reveal better and more effective tracking with nearly no os...

We have presented in the current work a novel idea for simulating the irradiation behaviors of the nuclear fuel pellets in nuclear reactors by using a one-dimensional defective phononic crystal (1D-DPnC) design was presented. The... more

We have presented in the current work a novel idea for simulating the irradiation behaviors of the nuclear fuel pellets in nuclear reactors by using a one-dimensional defective phononic crystal (1D-DPnC) design was presented. The transmission spectra of the incident mechanical waves were considered basic data for expressing the characteristics of different nuclear fuel-pellets. Herein, the density, sound speed, and Young’s modulus of the fuel-pellets represent the key parameters that are influenced by the irradiation behaviors of these pallets. Mixed plutonium–uranium oxide (MOX) nuclear fuel is considered the main fuel in the present study. In addition, a comparison is performed for this fuel with other types of nuclear fuels. Moreover, the mechanical properties of these MOX-pellets are dependent on the porosity, the ratio of oxygen-to-metal (O/M), and the plutonium (Pu-content). The theoretical treatments depend on the transfers matrix method to compute the transmission spectra th...

The main role of maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is to adapt the optimal resistance RMPP , corresponding to the maximum power point (MPP) of the photovoltaic generator (GPV), to the impedance of the load for maximum power transfer.... more

The main role of maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is to adapt the optimal resistance RMPP , corresponding to the maximum power point (MPP) of the photovoltaic generator (GPV), to the impedance of the load for maximum power transfer. This is accomplished through the tuning of the duty cycle D to an optimum value DMPP , that controls a DC-DC converter applied between the GPV and the load Rload . This paper proposes a system that is applicable to any load and enables rapid and precise tracking under variable weather circumstances. The suggested scheme allows simple and direct computation of the control signal DMPP from the values of Rload and RMPP . Rload is computed using two voltage and current sensors, while RMPP is estimated using an artificial neural network (ANN) that employs the solar irradiance, temperature and the GPV internal current-voltage characteristics. Using MATLAB environment, the obtained simulation results reveal better and more effective tracking with nearly no os...

The main role of maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is to adapt the optimal resistance RMPP , corresponding to the maximum power point (MPP) of the photovoltaic generator (GPV), to the impedance of the load for maximum power transfer.... more

The main role of maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is to adapt the optimal resistance RMPP , corresponding to the maximum power point (MPP) of the photovoltaic generator (GPV), to the impedance of the load for maximum power transfer. This is accomplished through the tuning of the duty cycle D to an optimum value DMPP , that controls a DC-DC converter applied between the GPV and the load Rload . This paper proposes a system that is applicable to any load and enables rapid and precise tracking under variable weather circumstances. The suggested scheme allows simple and direct computation of the control signal DMPP from the values of Rload and RMPP . Rload is computed using two voltage and current sensors, while RMPP is estimated using an artificial neural network (ANN) that employs the solar irradiance, temperature and the GPV internal current-voltage characteristics. Using MATLAB environment, the obtained simulation results reveal better and more effective tracking with nearly no os...

In persuit of a quantitative method of comparing accident tolerant fuel concepts to traditional fuel behaviors, a method of applying failure probabilities in an existing fuel assessment framework is proposed. To demonstrate this process,... more

In persuit of a quantitative method of comparing accident tolerant fuel concepts to traditional fuel behaviors, a method of applying failure probabilities in an existing fuel assessment framework is proposed. To demonstrate this process, an example case is undertaken by utilizing coupled multiphysics codes to investigate uranium silicide and uranium oxide fuel behaviors during a postulated reactivity insertion accident. An upper limit on each fuel system’s surface cladding temperature is used to classify pass and fail cases on perturbed simulations. Sensitivity analysis reduces the dimensionality of the problem and a global geometric classification method predicts the limit surface separating pass and fail cases in the hyperspace made up of sensitive input variables. Numerically integrating this surface yields the probability of failure of the fuel concepts. Results demonstrate the method’s viability as a fuel evaluation technique, but ongoing work will allow for quantification of p...

Bu calismanin amaci, mikro sertlik testi kullanilarak re-sinter UO 2 yakit peletlerinin mekanik ozelliklerinin incelenmesidir. UO 2 yakit peletleri toz metalurjisi yolu ile uretilmistir. Ar +% 5 H 2 atmosferinde 4 saat sinterleme ile... more

Bu calismanin amaci, mikro sertlik testi kullanilarak re-sinter UO 2 yakit peletlerinin mekanik ozelliklerinin incelenmesidir. UO 2 yakit peletleri toz metalurjisi yolu ile uretilmistir. Ar +% 5 H 2 atmosferinde 4 saat sinterleme ile uretilen UO 2 peletleri, termal kararlilik testi icin Ar +% 5 H 2 atmosferinde 24 saat boyunca 1700 0 C'de yeniden sinterlemeye tabi tutulmustur. Termal kararlilik testinin UO 2 peletlerinin mekanik ve mikroyapi ozelliklerine etkisi tartisilmistir.

A variety of normal operation and accident scenarios can generate thermal stresses large enough to cause cracking in light-water reactor (LWR) fuel pellets. Cracking of fuel pellets can lead to reduced heat removal, larger centerline... more

A variety of normal operation and accident scenarios can generate thermal stresses large enough to cause cracking in light-water reactor (LWR) fuel pellets. Cracking of fuel pellets can lead to reduced heat removal, larger centerline temperatures, and localized stress in cladding, all of which impact fuel performance. It is important to understand the temperature profile on the pellet before and after cracking to improve cracking models in fuel performance codes such as BISON. However, in reactor observation and measurement of cracking is very challenging owing to the harsh environment and design of fuel rods. Recently, a state-of-the-art experimental pellet cracking test stand was developed for separate effects testing of normal operations and accident temperature conditions, using thermal imaging to capture the pellet surface temperature for evaluation of thermal stresses and optical imaging to capture the evolution of cracking in real time. Induction heating was done using copper...

Opisan je proces izrade izmjenjivača. Od izrade tiskane pločice, do lemljenja komponenti na tiskanu pločicu. Navedene su promjene koje su se izvodile, u odnosu na prethodnu verziju izmjenjivača i zašto su bile potrebne. Izvedena je... more

Opisan je proces izrade izmjenjivača. Od izrade tiskane pločice, do lemljenja komponenti na tiskanu pločicu. Navedene su promjene koje su se izvodile, u odnosu na prethodnu verziju izmjenjivača i zašto su bile potrebne. Izvedena je teorijska analiza rada izmjenjivača, kako bi se rezultati testiranja mogli usporediti sa teorijskom analizom. Navedeni je proces testiranja izmjenjivača pri djelatno-induktivnom opterećenju, te svrha tog testiranja. Izvedena je harmonijska analiza kako bi se dokazalo postojanje viših harmonika u valnim oblicima struje i napona trošila. Objašnjeni su neki od utjecaja viših harmonika na djelatno-induktivno trošilo. Izvedeni su proračuni pojedinih veličina, čiji rezultati ukazuju na ispravnost i kakvoću rada sklopaIn this final project making proces of inverter is described. From making a printed circuit board, to soldering components. Changes that are made, acording to previous version of inverter are listed. Theoretical analysis was made, in order to compa...

One of the major challenges of all nations today is to find new energy sources to meet the needs for continued growth in Energy Term. The conversion of sunlight into electricity via photovoltaic solar cells is becoming a necessity in... more

One of the major challenges of all nations today is to find new energy sources to meet the needs for continued growth in Energy Term. The conversion of sunlight into electricity via photovoltaic solar cells is becoming a necessity in particular through the observation of a global evolution in clean energy that respects the environment. The main challenge is to optimize as much as possible the cost / energy ($/watt) ratio thus boosting both energy performance and at the same time take full advantage of the sun's rays throughout the day.In this context the sun trackers are such devices for efficiency improvement

The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovoltaic (PV) systems is still a big challenge for researchers working in this field. Often, they use simulation tools to assess the performance of... more

The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovoltaic (PV) systems is still a big challenge for researchers working in this field. Often, they use simulation tools to assess the performance of their MPPT algorithms before actual implementation. In this context, this paper aims to propose a trusted simulation of a PV system designed under Proteus software. The proposed PV simulator can be used to verify and evaluate the performance of MPPT algorithms with a closer approximation to the real implementation. The main advantage of this model that it contains a real microcontroller, as can be found in reality, so that same code for the MPPT algorithm used in the simulation will be used in real implementation. In contrast, when using (Powersim Software) PSIM or Matlab/Simulink, the code of the algorithm must be rewritten once the real experiment begins, because these tools don’t provide a microcontroller or an electronic board in which our algo...

Za završni rad bilo je potrebno izraditi izvor istosmjernog napajanja na način da se napajanje iz računala koristi kao varijabilni laboratorijski izvor napajanja. Kao ulaz istosmjernom napajanju služi induktivni pretvarač koji omogućuje... more

Za završni rad bilo je potrebno izraditi izvor istosmjernog napajanja na način da se napajanje iz računala koristi kao varijabilni laboratorijski izvor napajanja. Kao ulaz istosmjernom napajanju služi induktivni pretvarač koji omogućuje povećanje, odnosno sniženje izlaznog napona. Koristi se sklop mosnog spoja za omogućavanje promjene toka energije. Upravljanje brzine motora postiže se koristeći pulsno širinsku modulaciju putem Arduina. Nakon izrade potrebnih sklopovlja provela se analiza rada četverokvadrantnog pretvarača zajedno sa analitičkim proračunom očekivanih karakterističnih valnih oblika. Nakon teorijske analize provedena su potrebna mjerenja u laboratoriju i snimljeni su karakteristični valni oblici upravljačkih ventila, zajedno sa valnim oblicima napona i struje trošila. Rezultati mjerenja su uspoređeni za motorski režim rada u I i III kvadrantu − ravnine.For the undergraduate thesis it was necessary to convert a computer power supply into a regulated DC power supply. Th...

Gaseous exhausts from various industries pollute the environment with flyash generally filtered by electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) before being released to the atmosphere. This paper presents the development of a controller for ESP... more

Gaseous exhausts from various industries pollute the environment with flyash generally filtered by electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) before being released to the atmosphere. This paper presents the development of a controller for ESP power supply. The controller maintains the voltage applied to ESP at its maximum average value by duty cycle control that results in an improvement in dust collection-efficiency. The limiting factor for the output voltage is the breakdown of gas (spark/arc) in the electrode gap of ESP. During a spark/arc condition, the duty cycle limit imposed by the controller causes a reduction in output voltage that leads to the prevention of spark/arc. The present design has a response faster than line frequency power supply controllers. The control circuit is simpler, easy to implement and uses a standard PWM controller IC. The design of power stage uses a flyback current-fed push-pull DC-DC converter with multiple secondary circuits, which has the advantages of instantaneous current limit and less voltage stress on rectifier-diodes. Simulation is performed to obtain a 1 kV, 100 W output from a 24VDC source. The results are compared with experimental values to validate the controller's ability to achieve good load regulation during normal operation and a reduction in output voltage during spark/arc condition.

With increasing solar photovoltaic-based power generation, a photovoltaic emulator (PVE) is necessary to experimentally validate new control strategies without the influence of external factors such as irradiance and temperature. However,... more

With increasing solar photovoltaic-based power generation, a photovoltaic emulator (PVE) is necessary to experimentally validate new control strategies without the influence of external factors such as irradiance and temperature. However, two significant challenges with PVEs are (i) solving the nonlinear equation of photovoltaic (PV) panel and (ii) oscillations in constant current (voltage) region with voltage (current) control. Thus, in this paper, a PVE with the ability to mimic both uniformly irradiated and partially shaded PV panels is proposed by employing artificial neural network (ANN) and piecewise-linearization technique. Based on the input operating conditions (irradiance, temperature, and partial shading), the ANN breaks the nonlinear I-V curve into piecewise-linear segments and outputs their boundary points. Then, with these boundary points, piecewise-linear equations of the segments relating PVE’s voltage and current are formed. Subsequently, using these piecewise-linea...

The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovoltaic (PV) systems is still a big challenge for researchers working in this field. Often, they use simulation tools to assess the performance of... more

The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovoltaic (PV) systems is still a big challenge for researchers working in this field. Often, they use simulation tools to assess the performance of their MPPT algorithms before actual implementation. In this context, this paper aims to propose a trusted simulation of a PV system designed under Proteus software. The proposed PV simulator can be used to verify and evaluate the performance of MPPT algorithms with a closer approximation to the real implementation. The main advantage of this model that it contains a real microcontroller, as can be found in reality, so that same code for the MPPT algorithm used in the simulation will be used in real implementation. In contrast, when using (Powersim Software) PSIM or Matlab/Simulink, the code of the algorithm must be rewritten once the real experiment begins, because these tools don’t provide a microcontroller or an electronic board in which our algo...

This study aims to design a prototype of portable measuring instrument to measure the emission concentration of air pollution index and to easily access data from the portable measuring devices in real time. The model of this tool is... more

This study aims to design a prototype of portable measuring instrument to measure the emission concentration of air pollution index and to easily access data from the portable measuring devices in real time. The model of this tool is compact using five sensors. The operating system of the sensor started from the power supply giving each voltage of 5 volts to the microcontroller, the sensor reads the concentration value of emissions in the air and the analogue data processed by a microcontroller converted into digital data. Microcontroller dispatch to digital data as output displayed on SD Card, TV, and LCD displays. The results of this study is the prototype of a practical emission measuring portable device with a small dimensions of 8 cm × 15 cm and low power usage. The emission concentrations displayed are PM10, SO2, CO, O3, and NO2 via internet-based smartphones or laptops in real time.

The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovoltaic (PV) systems is still a big challenge for researchers working in this field. Often, they use simulation tools to assess the performance of... more

The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovoltaic (PV) systems is still a big challenge for researchers working in this field. Often, they use simulation tools to assess the performance of their MPPT algorithms before actual implementation. In this context, this paper aims to propose a trusted simulation of a PV system designed under Proteus software. The proposed PV simulator can be used to verify and evaluate the performance of MPPT algorithms with a closer approximation to the real implementation. The main advantage of this model that it contains a real microcontroller, as can be found in reality, so that same code for the MPPT algorithm used in the simulation will be used in real implementation. In contrast, when using (Powersim Software) PSIM or Matlab/Simulink, the code of the algorithm must be rewritten once the real experiment begins, because these tools don’t provide a microcontroller or an electronic board in which our algo...

With the growing interest in renewable energy resources, a various number of studies and development for photovoltaic (PV) systems have investigated to satisfy global needs in energy. The larger interest in PV resources has increased... more

With the growing interest in renewable energy resources, a various number of studies and development for photovoltaic (PV) systems have investigated to satisfy global needs in energy. The larger interest in PV resources has increased request for suitable apparatus with which to test PV systems. This paper deals with the design of an indoor PV source emulator using an actual PV panel to facilitate PV system testing under real environment conditions. A low-cost Arduino Mega256 microcontroller-based data acquisition system (DAQ) approach has been developed to collect the data in term of voltage, power and current based on different levels of light intensity and temperature as well as under partial shading conditions. Hence, the proposed system is not just a solar emulator but it’s a complete solar emulator-DAQ system that can emulate the sunlight and monitor the PV parameters and then collect and store the data for further research investigation. The proposed monitoring system provides real time update of the solar panel characteristics at any time in the year without relying on the weather changes. This data acquisition system will be of superior interest for undergraduate and graduate students as it is both open-source and flexible. The details design of the proposed PV solar emulator and data logger and its implementation are described.

The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovoltaic (PV) systems is still a big challenge for researchers working in this field. Often, they use simulation tools to assess the performance of... more

The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovoltaic (PV) systems is still a big challenge for researchers working in this field. Often, they use simulation tools to assess the performance of their MPPT algorithms before actual implementation. In this context, this paper aims to propose a trusted simulation of a PV system designed under Proteus software. The proposed PV simulator can be used to verify and evaluate the performance of MPPT algorithms with a closer approximation to the real implementation. The main advantage of this model that it contains a real microcontroller, as can be found in reality, so that same code for the MPPT algorithm used in the simulation will be used in real implementation. In contrast, when using (Powersim Software) PSIM or Matlab/Simulink, the code of the algorithm must be rewritten once the real experiment begins, because these tools don't provide a microcontroller or an electronic board in which our algorithm can be implemented and tested in the same way as the real experiment. After this section, a modified Hill-Climbing (HC) algorithm is introduced. The proposed algorithm can avoid the drift problem posed by conventional HC under a fast variation in insolation. The simulation results show that this method presents good performance in terms of efficiency (99.21%) and response time (10 ms), which improved by 1.2% and 70 ms respectively compared to the conventional HC algorithm.

This paper presented a Variable DC power supply system The presented DC power supply system provides the input current with low current distortion on the ac input side and the stable output dc voltage with low ripple voltage on the dc... more

This paper presented a Variable DC power supply system The presented DC power supply system provides the input current with low current distortion on the ac input side and the stable output dc voltage with low ripple voltage on the dc output side

Radio frequency (RF) energy transfer and harvesting techniques have recently become alternative methods to power the next generation wireless networks. The RF energy harvesting system was designed to convert the RF energy available in the... more

Radio frequency (RF) energy transfer and harvesting techniques have recently become alternative methods to power the next generation wireless networks. The RF energy harvesting system was designed to convert the RF energy available in the atmosphere into useful electrical energy which can be used to charge a battery of capacity 50 uAh. This battery requires a voltage in the range of 4-4.2V to get itself charged. In this paper we have designed and simulated a Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting circuit which utilized available RF energy with the voltage boosting circuit. Simulation results represents that by using matching network of high-Q, output voltage of harvesting circuit increases and it becomes more sensitive with respect to input signal frequency and value of elements used.

As we all know that demand of energy is increasing day by day. We all are surrounded by the Radio Frequency waves, so the harvesting of radio waves for our energy requirements could be the alternative source of energy. Rectenna is a... more

As we all know that demand of energy is increasing day by day. We all are surrounded by the Radio Frequency waves, so the harvesting of radio waves for our energy requirements could be the alternative source of energy. Rectenna is a device that is used to convert RF Energy into DC power. Rectenna is designed using triangular micro strip patch antenna TMPA. The main motive behind this is to have battery free devices. This thing will also help us to protect our nature from harmful chemicals like cadmium, mercury etc. that are used in batteries This paper is concerned with the study design, analysis and fabrication of multi band Rectenna so that it can be used at various frequencies. We have used the blank box optimization technique in order to get enhanced bandwidth, gain, Return Loss and efficiency.

A simple voltage/current regulator can be made from a resistor in series with a diode (or series of diodes). Due to the logarithmic shape of diode V-I curves, the voltage across the diode changes only slightly due to changes in current... more

A simple voltage/current regulator can be made from a resistor in series with a diode (or series of diodes). Due to the logarithmic shape of diode V-I curves, the voltage across the diode changes only slightly due to changes in current drawn or changes in the input. When precise voltage control and efficiency are not important, this design may be fine. Since the forward voltage of a diode is small, this kind of voltage regulator is only suitable for low voltage regulated output. When higher voltage output is needed, a zener diode or series of zener diodes may be employed. Zener diode regulators make use of the zener diode's fixed reverse voltage, which can be quite large. Feedback voltage regulators operate by comparing the actual output voltage to some fixed reference voltage. Any difference is amplified and used to control the regulation element in such a way as to reduce the voltage error. This forms a negative feedback control loop; increasing the open-loop gain tends to increase regulation accuracy but reduce stability. (Stability is avoidance of oscillation, or ringing, during step changes.) There will also be a trade-off between stability and the speed of the response to changes. If the output voltage is too low (perhaps due to input voltage reducing or load current increasing), the regulation element is commanded, up to a point, to produce a higher output voltage-by dropping less of the input voltage (for linear series regulators and buck switching regulators), or to draw input current for longer periods (boost-type switching regulators); if the output voltage is too high, the regulation element will normally be commanded to produce a lower voltage. However, many regulators have over-current protection, so that they will entirely stop sourcing current (or limit the current in some way) if the output current is too high, and some regulators may also shut down if the input voltage is outside a given range (see also: crowbar circuits).

Transient response of three level buck converter depends on the slew rate of filter inductance. The slew rate of filter inductor can be increased either by decreasing the inductance magnitude or by increasing the voltage across the... more

Transient response of three level buck converter depends on the slew rate of filter inductance. The slew rate of filter inductor can be increased either by decreasing the inductance magnitude or by increasing the voltage across the inductor. Decreasing the inductance magnitude results in higher losses in the converter due to increase of inductor current ripples. In a three level buck converter, the voltage across the inductor during step up load transient is 0.5Vin-Vout, while during step down load transient is –Vout. For smaller duty cycle applications, three level buck converter offers slow step up and step down load transient response because of limited magnitude of voltage across the inductor. In this paper a new three level buck converter topology is proposed, which will increase the magnitude of voltage across the inductor during load transients and thus will improve the transient response. After load transient, the converter will recover to normal steady state condition and will behave just like a three level converter in steady state. Theoretical and simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of
proposed topology in terms of settling time for step up and step down load transient response. Keywords-Slew rate, 3-level converter, switching stresses, Settling time, Voltage overshoot and undershoot

Keywords: Embedded software Validation and verification MPPT Model-based design Software in the loop Processor-in-the-loop A B S T R A C T This paper presents the design and verification process of the Maximum Power Point Tracking... more

Keywords: Embedded software Validation and verification MPPT Model-based design Software in the loop Processor-in-the-loop A B S T R A C T This paper presents the design and verification process of the Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller in accordance with the automotive development process standards, which could be used in Photovoltaic charging stations or in on-board chargers of electric vehicles. Considered as an automotive embedded software, the designed MPPT controller follows a sequence of three tests of the Model-based design MBD Approach to be verified and validated. The ultimate aim is to present a road map to design, test and validate an embedded software of the MPPT algorithm in vehicle based software. We design a modified Perturb and Observe P&O algorithm, then we generate optimized C code for a 32 bit ARM cortex microcontroller. Next, the algorithm is simulated through Model-in-the loop MIL, Software-in-the loop SIL, and finally co-simulated through Processor-in-the-loop PIL technique in the low cost STM32F429 discovery development board. During all the different tests, the designed embedded software shows a high accordance with MPPT requirement and high performances.

The high cost of commercial PV emulators requires finding new solutions for building low-cost system having similar behavior of PV panel. In this work, we present a low-cost emulator using a variable DC supply with a series variable... more

The high cost of commercial PV emulators requires finding new solutions for building
low-cost system having similar behavior of PV panel. In this work, we present a low-cost
emulator using a variable DC supply with a series variable resistor; based the maximum power transfer theorem. On the other hands, a study of the behavior of this emulator is done. The results of experiments test are shown that our PV emulator can provide a simple, efficient and a lowcost way for researchers to test and verify their MPPT algorithms in a laboratory environment.

This paper presents a study of a low-cost photovoltaic (PV) emulator to test the real implementation of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm. This PV emulator is composed of a variable DC supply in series with a variable... more

This paper presents a study of a low-cost photovoltaic (PV) emulator to test the real implementation of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm. This PV emulator is composed of a variable DC supply in series with a variable resistor; it is based on the maximum power transfer theorem in order to provide a curve that exhibits a peak which can be tracked by an MPPT algorithm. Moreover, this emulator can be used to test the performance of the MPPT algorithm under fast variation of the solar irradiance and temperature. For this reason, the P&O MPPT algorithm with a boost DC-DC converter is used in order to validate the functionality of the PV emulator. Finally, the experimental results show that our PV emulator can provide a simple, efficient and low-cost way for users (researchers, engineers, students, etc.) to test and validate their MPPT algorithms.

This paper describes a virtual instrument based on a low-cost embedded board to monitor and plot the PV panel characteristics under real operation condition. The system design is based on a low-cost Arduino acquisition board in which the... more

This paper describes a virtual instrument based on a low-cost embedded board to monitor and plot the PV panel characteristics under real operation condition. The system design is based on a low-cost Arduino acquisition board in which the ATMega328 microcontroller is integrated. The acquisition is made through a low-cost current and voltage sensors and the data are transmitted in LabVIEW by using LIFA Interface for Arduino. Hence, the I-V (current-voltage) and P-V (power-voltage) characteristics for PV panel, which processed under actual conditions, can be obtained and plotted directly on a monitoring platform in LabVIEW. The proposed instrument can be used for educational or research purposes using a low-cost and easily hardware without having extensive knowledge about electronic engineering. The present instrumentation technique provides easy access to the collected data for further analysis. 1. Introduction The increasing demand for energy in line with the world's challenge to reduce the use of fossil fuels, which pollute the environment, has greatly increased interest in renewable energy sources (RES) [1], [2]. PV solar power is one of the RES for electricity generation and it is the most popular in the world because of the continuous evolution of PV technology and lower prices [3]. As a result of the popularity of PV solar power, many researchers around the world are working in this field of science to contribute to the current knowledge about this technology and improve its cost-effectiveness. Therefore, they must have scientific instruments to conduct the required experiments. Tracing of PV characteristics (current-voltage (I-V) and power-voltage (P-V) curves) of a PV device is the most important and basic experiment test, that should be performed by any researcher or anyone interested in PV technology, to obtain information about its behavior and performance [4]. Different traditional instruments are used in order to acquire the PV panel characteristics such as Multimeters. Nevertheless, by using this kind of instrument, there is a high probability that the characteristics obtained and traced manually do not give enough information about the PV device state because it can not be taken directly in real-time [5]. In addition, the experiments test are tiring and require a lot of time. On the other hand, different commercial data loggers are available for purchase on the internet for virtual instrumentation of PV panel characteristics [6], [7], such as the DAQPro 5300 [8] and the CAMPBELL Scientific CR800 [9]. Generally, the most data loggers are too expensive and demand to be coupled with special software, which increased cost and requiring additional specific skills. In addition, they have many disadvantages that make them customized for specific applications, limited in terms of the input voltage and the number of input/ output channels, inadequate input channels for the connection of some sensors. For these reasons, we must design and developed new data instruments that