Mobile games Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Pervasive games are an emerging new game genre, which includes context information as an integral part of the game. These games differ from traditional games in that they expand spatio-temporal and social aspects of gaming. Mobile devices... more

Pervasive games are an emerging new game genre, which includes context information as an integral part of the game. These games differ from traditional games in that they expand spatio-temporal and social aspects of gaming. Mobile devices support this by enabling players to choose when and where a game is played. Designing pervasive games can be a challenging task, since

Camera phones are the pioneers for convergent networked media devices. As such, new practices are being born from eased capabilities of mobile digital media sharing. Furthermore, new opportunities are created through the collaboration of... more

Camera phones are the pioneers for convergent networked media devices. As such, new practices are being born from eased capabilities of mobile digital media sharing. Furthermore, new opportunities are created through the collaboration of existing realms into entirely new ones. Focusing on the intersection of social networking, gaming, and media sharing we believe that new uses for media are possible which incent users to play and have fun, while at the same time ease media sharing and promote reuse. Using simple design structures, users are able to interact easily with both the device world and the real one. As well, by providing flexible frameworks to capture and engage with their worlds, playing with media becomes possible.

Dementia is one major disease associated with ageing, which causes the brain to malfunction. Often its symptoms include loss of memory, confusion, and loss of speech to mention a few. One of the popular forms of dementia is the... more

Dementia is one major disease associated with ageing, which causes the brain to malfunction. Often its symptoms include loss of memory, confusion, and loss of speech to mention a few. One of the popular forms of dementia is the Alzheimer’s disease. It is a disease of the aged and the number of sufferers continues to skyrocket as the population ages. Sufferers of dementia are found in all parts of the world, although more prevalent in the Europe, America and Asia because they have greater ageing population.
However, According to the United Nations (2011), Africa’s population is ageing swiftly at a rate of 2.27% than other parts of the world. More so, United Nations (2007) reported: over 60 years of age accounted for 5.1% of the African population and it is expected that this figure go double or more to 10.4% by 2050.Despite these projections of the number of sufferers in years to come, cases of dementia can be reduced drastically through preventive interventions, improved treatments and care strategies, as well as disease-modifying interventions. Generally, prescription of drugs to patients has been the most common way of managing and treating dementia, yet their efficacies are not satisfactory, especially with their associated side effects.
Recently, medical experts have found that cognitive exercise like Sudoku has been proven to help sufferers of dementia to exercise their brain to stimulate function.Cognitive rehabilitation activities like solving Sudoku puzzles are used for treatment of demented people and also recommended for non-patient for prevention. With health institutions in Africa, Nigeria especially still struggling to cope with bed spaces for patients and low doctor to patient ratio, we therefore propose a preventive intervention and memory care strategy for the management of dementia disease and to help improve patients’ quality of life. Therefore, this work proposes the implementation of a mobile game version of a popular board game known as “Ayo” or “Ayo Olopon” played in most African countries

This study investigated individual traits as predictors of game enjoyment by including learning style, intrinsic motivation, collaboration skills, and computer game attitude as key parts of a model that also included achievement. Results... more

This study investigated individual traits as predictors of game enjoyment by including learning style, intrinsic motivation, collaboration skills, and computer game attitude as key parts of a model that also included achievement. Results of correlation and regression analyses revealed that intrinsic motivation was the only variable to predict game enjoyment. This supports the conceptualization of enjoyment as need satisfaction of intrinsic needs. Enjoyment was also found to be positively correlated with achievement. Other significant relations emerged, particularly how a player's attitude toward games predicted intrinsic motivation. The present study examined children's enjoyment experiences in the mobile version of the Minecraft game. It also highlights the complexity of game enjoyment as it relates to mobile learning games.

Expert evaluation is a widely used method for evaluating the usability of software products. When evaluating games, traditional usability heuristics lack comprehension and cannot be directly applied. In this paper, we introduce... more

Expert evaluation is a widely used method for evaluating the usability of software products. When evaluating games, traditional usability heuristics lack comprehension and cannot be directly applied. In this paper, we introduce playability heuristics that are specifically designed for evaluating mobile games. Heuristics form a core model that can be used in any mobile game evaluation. The model consists of three modules: Game Usability, Mobility, and Gameplay. The mobile context has some unique characteristics, which require special attention during the evaluation. These characteristics are described in mobility heuristics. Mobile devices also set some of their own requirements for general usability and these issues are described along with game usability heuristics. These heuristics have been developed by using an iterative design process of a mobile game. In addition, we have validated the heuristics and evaluated five mobile games by using them with the expert evaluation method.

This book is about the three identities of the videogame, the gamer, and Game Studies. I write that there are no definitive truths but rather discourses and constructions; ideas, actions, beliefs, and practices related to videogames are... more

In vivo exposure has proved its efficacy in the treatment of specific phobias; however, not all patients benefit from it. Communication and information technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have improved... more

In vivo exposure has proved its efficacy in the treatment of specific phobias; however, not all patients benefit from it. Communication and information technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have improved exposure treatment adherence and acceptance. Serious games (SG) could also be used in order to facilitate exposure treatment. A line of research on SG is emerging which focuses on health issues. We have developed a SG for the treatment of cockroach phobia that uses a mobile phone as the application device. This work examines results of an N = 1 study about whether the use of this mobile game can facilitate treatment of this specific phobia preparing her for the AR exposure. A 25-year-old woman with cockroach phobia participated in the study. Results showed that the use of the mobile game reduced her level of fear and avoidance before a ''one-session" AR exposure treatment was applied, following the guidelines by Öst. The participant found very helpful the use of the SG before the AR exposure session and she was willing to use it after the AR exposure session as a homework assignment. Although the results of this study are preliminary, SG appears to be a line of research of high interest in clinical psychology for the treatment of specific phobias.

Game development for mobile devices is usually regarded as a simpler task when compared to games developed for desktop platforms. Indeed, the resources provided by the latter do support more complex applications, therefore, increasing the... more

Game development for mobile devices is usually regarded as a simpler task when compared to games developed for desktop platforms. Indeed, the resources provided by the latter do support more complex applications, therefore, increasing the final product value, and also making ...

We present VBGhost: an accessible, educational smartphone game for people who are blind or low vision. It is based on the word game Ghost, in which players take turns adding letters to a word fragment while attempting to not complete a... more

We present VBGhost: an accessible, educational smartphone game for people who are blind or low vision. It is based on the word game Ghost, in which players take turns adding letters to a word fragment while attempting to not complete a word. VBGhost uses audio and haptic feedback to reinforce Braille concepts. Players enter letters in the game by using Braille dot patterns on a touchscreen interface. Players can raise or lower dots to create Braille characters using taps and audio feedback from the phone. When a "raised" dot is touched on the screen, the phone vibrates. In VBGhost, a player can either play against the computer or against another person. We demonstrate the potential for the development of fun, accessible and educational games.

Mobile games are heavy and consume huge amount of memory (RAM), Storage Space, Data and most importantly Battery. This makes them kill the phone battery and reduce the talk time of the phone which results in smartphones not lasting even... more

Mobile games are heavy and consume huge amount of memory (RAM), Storage Space, Data and most importantly Battery. This makes them kill the phone battery and reduce the talk time of the phone which results in smartphones not lasting even one full day of charge. The light casual and social games are connected to internet all the time and also cause battery drain on phones. In this project we intend to study the smartphone resource consumption by games and come up with the main issues which cause battery drain. Our study identified many issues in Games and showed that some of the popular games today fail to keep in mind some simple things like avoiding wakelocks and closing connections prompty owing to which they end up sucking more power from the phone and more data usage for the user.

Актуальність. Філософське осмислення гри є важливим аспектом її міждисциплінарних досліджень, який сприяє всебічному й ґрунтовному вивченню цього наукового феномену, уможливлює ефективне використання його потенцій у різних сферах... more

Актуальність. Філософське осмислення гри є важливим аспектом її міждисциплінарних досліджень, який сприяє всебічному й ґрунтовному вивченню цього наукового феномену, уможливлює ефективне використання
його потенцій у різних сферах життєдіяльності людини. Визнання гри глобальним й універсальним явищем, невід’ємною складовою частиною життя означає, що будь-які перетворення та зміни в життєдіяльності кожної людини прямо чи опосередковано співвідносяться з ігровим чинником.
Мета роботи – розкрити основні положення філософського напряму міждисциплінарних досліджень гри. Методи дослідження – аналіз, синтез та узагальнення наукової інформації з проблеми дослідження, навчально-методичної літератури й Інтернет-джерел.
Результати роботи. Логіка пізнання ігрового феномену веде до синтезу наук, котрі його вивчають, формуючи таким чином взаємозв’язаний комплекс наукових уявлень щодо гри як цілісної різноманітної системи. Гра розкриває єдність динамічного зв’язку людини й світу. Вона уможливлює зустріч та осягнення іншого співбуття, через яке відбувається пізнання себе. Унікальність ігрового буття зумовлена здатністю людини осмислювати світ, можливістю надавати певний сенс речам, подіям, явищам. Сутність гри становлять правила й порядок, які утворюють ігровий простір. Головним у грі є не сама ігрова ціль чи завдання, а динамічність цього процесу, що визначає шляхи й способи її реалізації.
Висновки. Гра як міждисциплінарний феномен науки є всеосяжним
інтегративним чинником існування людини та пізнання нею навколишнього світу й самої себе. Філософія розглядає гру світоглядною категорією, за допомогою якої формується розуміння природи світу та людської сутності, здійснюється пошук сенсу життя. Гра виступає фундаментальною характеристикою буття, універсальним механізмом реалізації всього сущого, а ігрова діяльність є дієвим способом поєднання свободи та необхідності, безперервного й дискретного, сталого та перемінного. Синтезуючи минуле й майбутнє, відоме з незнайомим, ігровий феномен дає змогу можливе перетворити в реальне.

Digital games are very popular amongst the digital natives; they use them for entertainment engagement, enjoyment and fun. With the emergence of the internet and mobile apps edutainment and gamification is also becoming increasingly... more

Digital games are very popular amongst the digital natives; they use them for entertainment engagement, enjoyment and fun. With the emergence of the internet and mobile apps edutainment and gamification is also becoming increasingly important in the educational sector. With the rapid development of mobile technologies and applications, games are now entering a new era where their purpose is no longer for entertaining only but also for educating and informing. Games can offer interactive learning activities and tasks that can foster collaboration and creativity. Drawing on the experience of gamification, this explorative paper examines key strategies by which instructors can introduce interactive mobile game elements to the classroom in ways that are simple and engaging.

The mobile games segment currently represents the biggest share of the global game market with the highest year-on-year growth rate. Logically, the importance of mobile game marketing is increasing as well. However, some practices operate... more

The mobile games segment currently represents the biggest share of the global game market with the highest year-on-year growth rate. Logically, the importance of mobile game marketing is increasing as well. However, some practices operate 'on the edge'. Utilizing ads presenting fake gameplay footage, which can mislead potential new gamers and lure them to install such games, has become quite common and tolerated advertising practice (so far). This study examines the design and forms of already implemented fake ads on mobile games, concentrating particularly on the case study of originally fictional 'pull the pin' mechanics devised for this purpose and utilized by several games' promotions. The study aims to investigate how misrepresentations concerning 'pull the pin' fake ads on mobile games influence their overall rating expressed through the gamers' reviews of selected games on Google Play, as well as the impact of fake ads on other aspects of the mobile gaming sector by applying a discursive analysis.

There are not many CEE game producers that tried to enter Chinse mobile game market. Game developers from CEE countries that look for the opportunities of growth in the foreign markets should consider entering Chinese market which has... more

There are not many CEE game producers that tried to enter Chinse mobile game market. Game developers from CEE countries that look for the opportunities of growth in the foreign markets should consider entering Chinese market which has recently become the biggest in the world. Chinese online game market is not yet as developed as European or American, but also not as competitive, and far from saturation, so the perspectives of exporting products to China are very promising.

In the current era of smartphone, mobile games have become really popular. To the high growth rate of mobile media, online games are getting progressively well-known and have been generally played, particularly among teenage-aged... more

In the current era of smartphone, mobile games have become really popular. To the high growth rate of mobile media, online games are getting progressively well-known and have been generally played, particularly among teenage-aged citizens. Our paper is about learning the development process of an ordinary online multiplayer game model and analysis of the complexity for its mobile option by several types of testing using Unity game engine. The emphasis is put on utilizing the inherent Unity segments in a multiplayer game in particular, building up accessory practices to utilize Unity's Scripting API for C# and incorporating outsider segments like the networking engine, 2D models, and molecule frameworks made for use with Unity and accessible through the Unity Asset Store. We choose to lead a convenient testing on the implemented mobile game application. We also make remarks on Unity as a multiplayer game improvement condition and execution engine.

In the landscape of contemporary education, raising environmental awareness is considered a vital goal that lies in the interdependence between humankind and environment not only to encourage conservation of irreplaceable natural... more

In the landscape of contemporary education, raising environmental awareness is considered a vital goal that lies in the interdependence between humankind and environment not only to encourage conservation of irreplaceable natural resources but also to foster a sense of connection to the natural world. As part of the contribution of the proponents to create a medium that can promote environmental education, an action puzzle video game called Trash Attack was developed. Trash Attack is a 2D-based video game with a storyline that revolves around a girl named Julie who is tasked by Heidegger Industries to clean up a community full of waste using her special gun that can teleport trash to waste processing facilities to be recycled or disposed of properly. To help combat the increasing waste disposal and spread environmental awareness, the game mechanics was designed to make players familiar with the idea of waste segregation. Thirty-six respondents assessed the game and the game evaluation has proven the following points: (1) that the game promoted awareness to the environment while being fun and engaging, (2) that the game has performed efficiently while running, showing little or no frame rate issues and have caused minimal inconvenience to the players, and (3) that the game has been successfully ported to mobile devices allowing everyone to play and be educated.

This brief paper provides general context in the emerging mobile game type, affection games. Affection games require players to flirt, hug, or kiss to meet their goals in the game. To date, the largest subset of these games is kissing... more

This brief paper provides general context in the emerging mobile game type, affection games. Affection games require players to flirt, hug, or kiss to meet their goals in the game. To date, the largest subset of these games is kissing games. The paper provides a general analysis of the 10 most widely distributed kissing games in 2013 and 2014, which account for more than 3,000,0000 mobile game installations. To add detail to the overview, two case studies are provided which exemplify physical device kissing and virtual in-game kissing. The download activity, player comments, and history of the games are used to provide a simple overview of affection game characteristics as they relate to human-computer interaction and play. Such analysis provides a peek into the mildly taboo space of affection games and the ways in which mobile developers are effecting the genre.

This article provides a historical overview of the development of urban, location-based, and hybrid-reality mobile games. It investigates the extent to which urban spaces have been used as playful spaces prior to the advent of mobile... more

This article provides a historical overview of the development of urban, location-based, and hybrid-reality mobile games. It investigates the extent to which urban spaces have been used as playful spaces prior to the advent of mobile technologies to show how the concept of play has been enacted in urban spaces through three historical tropes of urbanity: first, the transformation of Baudelaire's flâneur into what Robert Luke (2006) calls the "phoneur"; second, the idea of dérive as used by situationist Guy Débord; and last, the wall subculture called parkour. The authors present a classification of the major types of mobile games to date, addressing how they reenact this older meaning of play apparent within these former tropes of urbanity. With this approach, they hope to address two weaknesses in the current scholarship-namely, differentiating among a range of types of games mediated by mobile technologies and assessing the important effects of playful activities.

Various methods and methods have been developed to increase human intelligence. But due to the increasing demand for mobile applications today, many teaching methods are also preparing for this stage. In particular, programs that sharpen... more

Various methods and methods have been developed to increase human intelligence. But due to the increasing demand for mobile applications today, many teaching methods are also preparing for this stage. In particular, programs that sharpen human thinking have been developed, and from this mobile application are considered the main source. In the course of the study, we can say that it is possible to determine the quantum of perception not only by tests, but also using mobile games, where it is possible to pinpoint the activity of the human brain.

Various methods and methods have been developed to increase human intelligence. But due to the increasing demand for mobile applications today, many teaching methods are also preparing for this stage. In particular, programs that sharpen... more

Various methods and methods have been developed to increase human intelligence. But due to the increasing demand for mobile applications today, many teaching methods are also preparing for this stage. In particular, programs that sharpen human thinking have been developed, and from this mobile application are considered the main source. In the course of the study, we can say that it is possible to determine the quantum of perception not only by tests, but also using mobile games, where it is possible to pinpoint the activity of the human brain.

This study explored factors that may trigger players' enjoyment of mobile games on smart devices. Gender differences and the psychological benefits of mobile gameplay were further assessed. A laboratory experiment was conducted. Results... more

This study explored factors that may trigger players' enjoyment of mobile games on smart devices. Gender differences and the psychological benefits of mobile gameplay were further assessed. A laboratory experiment was conducted. Results revealed that there was a significant interaction effect of game challenge and past mobile game experience on game enjoyment. A significant gender difference was found, with males performing games better, and enjoying them more than females. The indirect effect of game rewards on self-esteem through enjoyment suggested that game enjoyment may be considered an important mechanism connecting satisfying gaming performance with psychological health.

Many teachers and students in Nigerian institutions of learning find teaching and learning a herculean task and very boring because of the obsolete methods of teaching and learning in this sector of the Nigerian economy. New innovative... more

Many teachers and students in Nigerian institutions of learning find teaching and learning a herculean task and very boring because of the obsolete methods of teaching and learning in this sector of the Nigerian economy. New innovative and IT-driven approach will be used in this research to help improve the quality of teaching and learning in Nigerian schools. This research will try to find a solution to this problem, where both students and teachers will enjoy teaching and learning respectively in an environment where effective teaching and learning is the target objective.

การวิจัยนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลต่อพฤติกรรมการเติมเงินออนไลน์บนมือถือเพื่อซื้อกาชาในเกมของผู้บริโภคโดยการศึกษาครั้งนี้เป็นการศึกษาวิจัยเชิงปริมาณ (Quantitative Research) ด้วยวิธีการสุ่มแบบ... more

การวิจัยนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลต่อพฤติกรรมการเติมเงินออนไลน์บนมือถือเพื่อซื้อกาชาในเกมของผู้บริโภคโดยการศึกษาครั้งนี้เป็นการศึกษาวิจัยเชิงปริมาณ (Quantitative Research) ด้วยวิธีการสุ่มแบบ เลือกกลุ่มตัวอย่างแบบอาศัยความสะดวก (Convenience Sampling) โดยเครื่องมือที่ใช้ในการเก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลคือแบบสอบถาม (Questionnaire) จำนวนกลุ่มตัวอย่าง 411 ตัวอย่างซึ่งการวิจัยครั้งนี้ได้เก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลจากกลุ่มตัวอย่างเพียงครั้งเดียว (Cross-sectional design) จากผลการวิจัยสรุปได้ว่า 1) กลุ่มผู้บริโภคที่มีเพศ, อายุ, ระดับการศึกษา และรายได้ที่แตกต่างกันมีความตั้งใจที่จะซื้อกาชาในเกมแตกต่างกัน 2) กลุ่มผู้บริโภคที่มีอายุ, ระดับการศึกษา, อาชีพ และรายได้ที่แตกต่างกันมีความต่อเนื่องในการใช้งานแตกต่างกัน 3) กลุ่มผู้บริโภคที่มีอายุ และระดับการศึกษาที่แตกต่างกันมีความจงรักภักดีต่อเกมออนไลน์บนมือถือที่มีกาชาแตกต่างกัน 4) ปัจจัยด้านอารมณ์, ปัจจัยด้านความตื่นเต้น, ปัจจัยด้านความน่าเชื่อถือ, ปัจจัยด้านการหลบหนี และปัจจัยด้านความหลงใหลมีความสัมพันธ์กับความตั้งใจที่จะซื้อกาชาในเกม 5) ปัจจัยด้านอารมณ์, ปัจจัยด้านความน่าเชื่อถือ, ปัจจัยด้านการหลบหนี และปัจจัยด้านความหลงใหลมีความสัมพันธ์กับความต่อเนื่องในการใช้งาน 6) ปัจจัยด้านความน่าเชื่อถือ และปัจจัยด้านความหลงใหลมีความสัมพันธ์กับความจงรักภักดีต่อเกมออนไลน์บนมือถือที่มีกาชา 7) ปัจจัยด้านความหลงใหลมีความสัมพันธ์กับความตั้งใจที่จะซื้อกาชาในเกมออนไลน์บนมือถือโดยที่มีปัจจัยด้านความคุ้มค่าเป็นตัวแปรกำกับความสัมพันธ์ 8) ปัจจัยด้านการหลบหนีมีความสัมพันธ์กับความต่อเนื่องในการเล่นเกมออนไลน์บนมือถือโดยมีปัจจัยด้านความคุ้มค่าเป็นตัวแปรกำกับความสัมพันธ์ 9) ปัจจัยด้านคุณภาพและบริการมีความสัมพันธ์กับความจงรักภักดีต่อเกมออนไลน์บนมือถือที่มีกาชาโดยมีปัจจัยด้านความคุ้มค่าเป็นตัวแปรกำกับ 10) ปัจจัยด้านความหลงใหลมีความสัมพันธ์กับความจงรักภักดีต่อเกมออนไลน์บนมือถือที่มีกาชาโดยมีปัจจัยด้านความคุ้มค่าเป็นตัวแปรกำกับความสัมพันธ์ 11) ปัจจัยด้านคุณภาพและบริการมีความสัมพันธ์กับความจงรักภักดีต่อเกมออนไลน์บนมือถือที่มีกาชาโดยมีปัจจัยด้านรางวัลที่ได้รับเป็นตัวแปรกำกับความสัมพันธ์

Relevant literature suggests that today's children possess digital skills and competences that set them apart from the previous generations. This may be due to their continuous exposure to ubiquitous media and digital games. Therefore,... more

Relevant literature suggests that today's children possess digital skills and competences that set them apart from the previous generations. This may be due to their continuous exposure to ubiquitous media and digital games. Therefore, this research uses valid measures from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior, and from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to investigate the primary school students' attitudes and normative pressures toward playing educational games, at home and at school. The study was carried out amongst year-3 students in a small European state. The findings reported that there were strong correlations between the students' attitudes and their intention to play the school's games. The respondents indicated that they considered the educational games as useful and relevant for their learning. However, the results have shown that there was no significant relationship between the perceived ease of gameplay and the children's enjoyment in engaging with the school's digital games. These findings are consistent with the extant academic literature on the digital natives. To the best of our knowledge, there is no other study in academia that has explored the technology acceptance of digital games in primary education. Therefore, this contribution opens future research avenues as this study can be replicated in other contexts.

The researchers established conclusions wherein interpret the findings they got in collected data through survey. The researchers concluded that more than half of students engaged in mobile games. They also concluded that although... more

The researchers established conclusions wherein interpret the findings they got in collected data through survey. The researchers concluded that more than half of students engaged in mobile games. They also concluded that although students engaged to mobile games, do not spend much in recreational as they allocate and prioritize more on studies. In conducting survey, the ideal sample size is larger group of respondents including other strands to be able to get more accurate results.

This paper examines the recent trend in relation to the rise of e-sports in China. Firstly, the rise of the industry from past to present is explored, assessing how factors such as certain government policies and technology greatly shaped... more

This paper examines the recent trend in relation to the rise of e-sports in China. Firstly, the rise of the industry from past to present is explored, assessing how factors such as certain government policies and technology greatly shaped the industry. A Macro-micro approach underpins the main theoretical framework of this paper. Secondly, the paper, includes primary research through an online survey featuring 10 questions with a target sample of 50 random people. This is done in combination with data and statistics from secondary research to compare and contrast and to identify similar patterns of Chinese e-sports fans (micro-analysis). <br><br>Having explored the history of the rise of e-sports in China, this research highlights how on the macro level (political economy) – government policies, social, cultural and economic factors greatly contributed to the establishment of the e-sport industry in China. In addition, on the micro level, the results from 75 respondents of the online survey, combined with secondary data and statistics, reveal eight similar patterns amongst Chinese esports fans. These include their behaviour, experiences and their engagement in e-sports activity. They are evidence of general aspects about how and why the e-sports industry is currently thriving in China both locally and nationally. <br>

Social, casual and mobile games, played on devices such as smartphones, tablets, or PCs and accessed through online social networks, have become extremely popular, and are changing the ways in which games are designed, understood, and... more

Social, casual and mobile games, played on devices such as smartphones, tablets, or PCs and accessed through online social networks, have become extremely popular, and are changing the ways in which games are designed, understood, and played. These games have sparked a revolution as more people from a broader demographic than ever play games, shifting the stereotype of gaming away from that of hardcore, dedicated play to that of activities that fit into everyday life.

Mobile phones are often carried in the pocket making them available for gaming any time. Mobile games typically rely on the joystick for input, but quality of the joystick is very different in the different devices. This paper presents... more

Mobile phones are often carried in the pocket making them available for gaming any time. Mobile games typically rely on the joystick for input, but quality of the joystick is very different in the different devices. This paper presents Ancient Runes, a multiplayer mobile game that uses text input as the primary method for interacting with the game and other players. The players are required to type in the spells, such as "Quicksand" in order to cast the spells. We have evaluated the game with twenty players, and the results of our qualitative research suggest the game mechanism is very suitable for mobile gaming, and that the female audience might like this kind of a game.

Remix games are like remix videos, remix music, or remix images in that they are primarily comprised of sampled content. As a working definition, for the purposes of this chapter, remix games may be understood as games that are composed... more

Remix games are like remix videos, remix music, or remix images in that they are primarily comprised of sampled content. As a working definition, for the purposes of this chapter, remix games may be understood as games that are composed of previously published media elements, which have been appropriated, repurposed, and reconfigured in the creation of a new work that communicates different messages and meanings than the source material. This chapter has shown, the adoption of games as tools in digital humanities scholarship has been gradually increasing over the past decade, to the point where games have almost become an accepted form of academic publication in their own right. Finally, through a sample of global examples, this chapter highlights how remix games can be used to support existing practices within digital humanities scholarship, such as visualization, digital archiving, innovative pedagogy, and virtual simulation, while potentially enabling a range of new ones.

Analysis (α = 0.10) mula sa IBM SPSS. Tinanggal ang dalawang di-mahalagang tugon gamit ang Mahalanobis distance (e.v. > 9.3). Ipinakita sa resulta ang negatibong kaugnayan sa di-malayang baryabol (OT) ng SM (r = -0.240), MG (r = -0.128),... more

Analysis (α = 0.10) mula sa IBM SPSS. Tinanggal ang dalawang di-mahalagang tugon gamit ang Mahalanobis distance (e.v. > 9.3). Ipinakita sa resulta ang negatibong kaugnayan sa di-malayang baryabol (OT) ng SM (r = -0.240), MG (r = -0.128), at OC (r = -0.235). Ang SM (p = 0.077) at OC (p = 0.075) lamang ang mayroong makabuluhang epekto sa OT. Walang impluwensiya ang MG sa OT (p = 0.254).

Many methodologies are being used in software development, not only software can follow the process, but now games could follow the cycle of processes. Starting from the traditional waterfall model to agile methodology, many game... more

Many methodologies are being used in software development, not only software can follow the process, but now games could follow the cycle of processes. Starting from the traditional waterfall model to agile methodology, many game developers are trying on finding the methodologies that could solve their problem in game development. In this paper, type of methodologies will be shown on current game development. Also, this paper would suggest agile methodologies especially scrum over others in game development, and the reason behind that will be explained. Besides that, there are proposed game development methodologies that could solve the problem of game development by involving three phases, including pre-production phase, production phase, and post-production phase. In the production phase, the sub steps will have four sub-steps such as design, development, testing and review and the sub steps will cycle as long as a result are unsatisfied.

Religion is a part of a fundamental human right to serve and worship their God according to their religion and belief. Mobile game application along with the development of mobile phone technology such as a smartphone, tablet, and laptop,... more

Religion is a part of a fundamental human right to serve and worship their God according to their religion and belief. Mobile game application along with the development of mobile phone technology such as a smartphone, tablet, and laptop, can be used to increase the player or user interest to engage with religion thing. Using mobile game application in mobile gadget will expand quickly to install and use for religion engagement. The player can learn religion thing with fun and entertain ways, where the player does not realize that they do something serious in an unserious way. This paper will explain the model system design for mobile game application for learning Catholicism in fun and entertaining way and for the first development was limited to only three Catholic catechisms such as bible learning, church lesson, and liturgy celebration. For the early development, three type of games were developed such as True or False game, Scramble words game, and multiple choices game. The mobile game model was designed with use case diagram, storyboard, and class diagram, where for the current implementation the mobile game application was implemented using ten tables database.

Media is everywhere and we live immerse “in” it (Deuze, 2012). Interface design is working on diluting boundaries between human and machines (HCI), incorporating the devices in our daily life by ful lling our motivations and, at the same... more

Media is everywhere and we live immerse “in” it (Deuze, 2012). Interface design is working on diluting boundaries between human and machines (HCI), incorporating the devices in our daily life by ful lling our motivations and, at the same time, generating interactions to arise them.
Wonder, love, hate, desire, joy, and sadness; the six primary passions of the soul described by Descartes (1649) are increasingly incorporated in the mobile interface design and construction of messages, altering the way our brain, and speci cally our memory, deals with general content and personal data.
It has already been proven the connection between emotions and health, being our brain the technology that links both (MIT). Also it has been recently demonstrated the relation between memories and place – process of episodic memory formation - (Meyer, 2014). Then, we have wearable technologies and media life, o ering constant motivations to our desires and feelings. Therefore, as much as they could ful ll them, we would incorporate them too in our routine. Thus, emotion and motivation seem to be key elements and technologies should work as our brain to stablish the proper connection between users and interfaces.

Game is a very old phenomenon and one of the factors that shape society and culture. In his book Homo Ludens, Johan Huizinga (1949) states that the game is actually older than the culture and games are indispensable for... more

Game is a very old phenomenon and one of the factors that shape society and culture. In his book Homo Ludens, Johan Huizinga (1949) states that the game is actually older than the culture and games are indispensable for societies. According toComenius (1592-1671), “the game is a very important learning tool in the development of the child” (Koçyiğit, Tuğluk & Kök, 2007).In fact, terms such as gaming have been in our lives for a long time but Nick Pelling was defined “gamification” as a term in 2002. Gamification refers to adding game elements into non-game environments to engage and increase motivation for people to achieve their goals. This approach is a huge trend in various areas globally such as education, marketing, tourism and etc. The rising trend of gamification lays on increasing interaction levels by using game dynamics for non-game cases. For that reason, gamification is used when creating a new product or marketing a product such as corporations using for engagement and participation (Kavaliova et al., 2016). Gamification is also a form of learning; it is only slightly different from classical forms of learning. According to Ibáñez et al. (2014), employing gamification into learning activities dramatically improve the performance oftest scores and the learning outcomes for undergraduate computer science students. This research suggests using gamification to increase park visits and improve the experience of park users during their visits by employing the analog and digital methods.For that purpose, this research reviews the literature for case studies and applications on using gamification for engagement purposes in landscape architecture and related disciplines in terms of narration, role-playing, treasure hunting or geo-caching, immersion, loyalty, and awarding systems. As, this rese an outcome, this research aims to present a gamification concept by employing social media, which takes a critical role on engagement of public.

The paper presents a Riverbed simulator implementation with both routing and medium access control (MAC) protocols for mobile ad-hoc network wireless networks with multi-beam smart antennas (MBSAs). As one of the latest promising antenna... more

The paper presents a Riverbed simulator implementation with both routing and medium access control (MAC) protocols for mobile ad-hoc network wireless networks with multi-beam smart antennas (MBSAs). As one of the latest promising antenna techniques, MBSAs can achieve concurrent transmissions / receptions in multiple directions/beams. Thus it can significantly improve the network throughput. However, so far there is still no accurate network simulator that can measure the MBSA-based routing/MAC protocol performance. In this paper, we describe the simulation models with the implementation of MBSA antenna model in physical layer, MAC layer, and routing layer protocols, all in Riverbed Modeler. We will compare two routing scenarios, i.e., multi-hop diamond routing scenario and multi-path pipe routing. We will analyze the network performance for those two scenarios and illustrate the advantages of using MBSAs in wireless networks. INDEX TERMS Multi-beam Smart Antennas (MBSAs), Medium Access Control (MAC), Multi-path routing, Riverbed Modeler.

This study theorizes and empirically analyzes the difference between heavy and light users in terms of anteceding mechanisms impacting their intention to use three different but most popular smartphone apps: SNS, game and music.... more

This study theorizes and empirically analyzes the difference between heavy and light users in terms of anteceding mechanisms impacting their intention to use three different but most popular smartphone apps: SNS, game and music. Traditional technology acceptance model is adapted for this study by adding perceived enjoyment as a critical mediator. The research model is empirically tested against data collected via a survey. A survey instrument was developed from previous literature. Comparative partial least square analyses revealed large differences across different applications as well as across different groups of heavy and light users of these apps. Interestingly, it seems that the effect of social norm attenuates in heavy user group compared to light users. Also, the path along perceived usefulness seems to be much weaker in heavy users, compared to the path along the perceived enjoyment. Implications and further studies are discussed following detail analyses.